here i store my favorite memes ; ENG/PT-BR ; if you're the creator of one of these pictures, please contact me so i can give you credits :)
843 posts
"waving Is So Fun It's Literally Like Hiiii I Exist And So Do You Ok Byeeee"

"waving is so fun it's literally like hiiii i exist and so do you ok byeeee"
thilosopher liked this · 6 months ago
rockman-x liked this · 6 months ago
More Posts from Acervo-de-memes
it makes me so fucking angry. Why do palestinians trying to escape genocide have to ask how you are. Why do they have to apologize for sending asks. Why must every message stast with saying they wish the reader well, they they hope you're doing okay, that they're so sorry to bother you. Do these people have to act nice and sweet for anyone to care? Do they have to make sure you're doing well before they have the right to ask for anything? Its horrific.

"homosexualitè communisme et chocolatine"
translation: homosexuality communism and chocolate bread

"cachorro entra em petshop pega petisco e sai correndo"

alucard can you stop fucking around