here i store my favorite memes ; ENG/PT-BR ; if you're the creator of one of these pictures, please contact me so i can give you credits :)
843 posts
Acervo-de-memes - Viado That Was Close. - Tumblr Blog
"gente o que que ta acontecendo voces nao se amam?"
via @/acervoisabelaboscov no tiktok

dj ramemes assexual yo i never fucked i never fucked on my life man fucks sake

"cachorro entra em petshop pega petisco e sai correndo"

via @/nuitsamedi no twitter
— o sr aceita algo pra beber?
— uma coca
— lata?
— au au


"como conversar com seu cachorro sobre homossexualidade e comunismo"

"homosexualitè communisme et chocolatine"
translation: homosexuality communism and chocolate bread
The Cost of Your Silence !!!

Your silence is allowing these atrocities and massacres in Palestine to continue. The bloody violence against innocent people persists because of it. Ten months have passed—YES, TEN MONTHS—and the genocide continues, as does the silence. Enough is enough! Enough silence, enough genocide, and enough killing. Gaza deserves better. We deserve a better life, and you deserve to be heard.
Every krone brings us closer to safety. Every share and every reblog helps us reach someone new who might be able to support us. If you’re unable to donate, please consider sharing our story with your followers and online communities. Your voice matters, and together, we can make a difference.
You may not be able to protect us directly, but you can amplify our message and RESCUE us from death by donating and spreading our story. If you know of any forums, groups, or networks that could help, please share our story with them.
To everyone who has already shared or donated, thank you. Even the smallest contribution can make a significant impact. Our story is your story. Please continue to donate and share, and help us reach those who can make a difference.
VETTED and shared by 90-ghost, also as no. 282 in The Vetted Gaza Evacuation Fundraiser Spreadsheet compiled by el-shab-hussein and nabulsi and shared in the masterpost. My family's case has even been documented by Al Jazeera News.
Important note: Donation value:
** 105 Swedish krona is just 10$
** 1050 SEK is just 100$
** 10500 SEK is just 1000 $

@nabulsi @el-shab-hussein @sar-soor @90-ghost @timogsilangan
@fading-event-608 @buttercuparry @determinate-negation @transmutationisms @appsa
@prierepaiienne @pcktknife @feluka @just-browsing1222 @interact-if
@solidarityisnotaslogan-blog-blog @unified-multiversal-theory @feministacansada @feministactionsupportnetwork @globalvoices
@save-the-world-but-lose-her @save-the-world-one-day-at-a-time @save-the-world-tonight @wip-wednesday @allthingswordy
@writerscorner-blog @fictionfood @wordsthat-speak @writerscunts-blog @storyshots-blog
@wordsnstories-blog @writeblr @thewritingcaddy @fictionwriting2 @inkstay
@creativepromptsforwriting @humansofnewyork @intersectional-feminist @intersectional-feminists @intersectional-feminism
@intersectional-feminist-killjoy @thepeoplesrecord @socialjusticekitten-blog @socialgoodmoms @nowthisnews
@socialgoofy @fightforhumanity-rpg-blog @fightforhumanity-rp @queerandpresentdanger

a: tony hawks moving castle
a: i cant remember the name of it fucj
b: howl??
a: aaaauuuuuuuu???
a: oh

cachorro vira lata caramelo sorrindo imagem de baixa qualidade estranho esquisito smile dog brasileiro
caramelo dog smiling weird creepy image brazillian smile dog creepypasta

"mulher morre após ser atacada por 7 cães de pequeno porte nos EUA
cães eram mescla de dachshunds (salsichas) e terriers, segundo a polícia"
coisa linda eles de casaquinho"

"novo funcionario da loja do meu pai a profissao dele eh matador de rato mas ele ainda nao matou nenhum pq eh menor q os rato"
via @/_anaeulalia no twitter
i'll keep this brief to spare your dash:
27 person family, trapped in gaza
injured and sick members, young kids, and elderly
displaced 8 times, currently separated & sleeping on the streets
less than $1k USD to reach their next goal
verified / donate here
art raffle by @horreurscopes (physical prints!)

it makes me so fucking angry. Why do palestinians trying to escape genocide have to ask how you are. Why do they have to apologize for sending asks. Why must every message stast with saying they wish the reader well, they they hope you're doing okay, that they're so sorry to bother you. Do these people have to act nice and sweet for anyone to care? Do they have to make sure you're doing well before they have the right to ask for anything? Its horrific.
"minha irmã tirando tarô pra calopsita"

via @/itscynderela no twitter

alucard can you stop fucking around

"a ariana grande foi vestida de vagabunda básica como sempre. e com o mesmo penteado"

"ayo i am quite astonished and intrigued and request to be informed as to what strange, bizarre, peculiar, questionabley interesting and mundane action this domesticated creature known as 'dog' or a domesticated descendant of the wolf species, wich is nowadays primarily seen as a common household pet is currently using energy to execute at this current point in time" (ayo what the dog doin)

a: o que é isso?
b: um inseto
a: de que tipo?
b: um verde
a: sim, mas qual é seu nome?
b: jaquelino

a: btw that's you.
b: really?
then can i confess smthing
a: yea, sure
b: i like you
a: i like you too
b: really?
so what r we now?
a: likers.
b: okay

"waving is so fun it's literally like hiiii i exist and so do you ok byeeee"

"meu pai é foda e eu sou fodinha
ele tem autismo nao diagnosticado e eu tambem"