here i store my favorite memes ; ENG/PT-BR ; if you're the creator of one of these pictures, please contact me so i can give you credits :)
843 posts
"ayo I Am Quite Astonished And Intrigued And Request To Be Informed As To What Strange, Bizarre, Peculiar,

"ayo i am quite astonished and intrigued and request to be informed as to what strange, bizarre, peculiar, questionabley interesting and mundane action this domesticated creature known as 'dog' or a domesticated descendant of the wolf species, wich is nowadays primarily seen as a common household pet is currently using energy to execute at this current point in time" (ayo what the dog doin)
More Posts from Acervo-de-memes

via @/nuitsamedi no twitter
— o sr aceita algo pra beber?
— uma coca
— lata?
— au au

"mulher morre após ser atacada por 7 cães de pequeno porte nos EUA
cães eram mescla de dachshunds (salsichas) e terriers, segundo a polícia"
coisa linda eles de casaquinho"
"gente o que que ta acontecendo voces nao se amam?"
via @/acervoisabelaboscov no tiktok