adenes-archive - ꧁A꧂

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551 posts

Bruh Imagine Having To Explain The Shiggy That You Werent Checking That Guy Out He Had A Shirt On With

Bruh imagine having to explain the shiggy that you weren’t checking that guy out he had a shirt on with words on the back and a funny picture while you’re in public

Sad Shig needs reasurance from his GF

Bruh Imagine Having To Explain The Shiggy That You Werent Checking That Guy Out He Had A Shirt On With

Here's the sad part, he will think you were no matter what you say. This poor baby thinks he is ugly, doesn't belive a girl like you, or anybody, could really love him. His face is covered in unsightly scars. His lips are unkissably dry, why would anyone want to press their soft lips to his.

He feels his heart clench seeing you look at the guy, instantly he just knows you are checking them out. Out of the corner of your eye you see him lower his head, his pale blue hair falling in front of his face, hiding his heartbroken look. His hand releasing yours as he stuffs it in his Hoodie pocket. His stride is now sluggish and unsure, like he wants to shrink from existence. Immediately you realized what he must be thinking.

You hated that he thought so low of himself. That he found it hard to believe you were attracted to him. Looking at him you gently call his name. "What" he grumbles, his voice cracking. The sound is like a dagger piercing your heart.

You step in front if him forcing him to stop, yet he still doesn't look at you. "Shiggy" you say softly, your hands pushing his long locks out if his face. What you saw made a pain stab your heart. One single tear was sliding down his face.

He tried to turn away but you leaned forward placing your lips to his in a chaste kiss. "Babe I love you, I want you, ONLY YOU," you stressed. But he looks better, everyone looks better than me" he huffed, shaking his head. "No he doesn't. You. Are. Gorgeous. To me. Why don't you understand that. I love you, your the only one i want. I was just looking at their shirt, I was reading it, that's all my love" you gazed up at him with so much love in your eyes.

"But my scars" he begun before you stopped him. "Are beautiful, just like you Tomura." His eyes scanned your face, the love radiated off you. "I don't deserve you angel" he breathed, taking you in his arms. "No Tomura, I don't deserve you babe" you said, wrapping your arms around his waist and kissing him once again.

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More Posts from Adenes-archive

4 years ago

imagine todoroki getting changed in the locker room and the boys see the red scratch marks down his back and they start teasing him but he’s just there like ??? “do your partners not leave scratches down your back? i’m told the scratches are a good thing.”

a : *screaming without the s*

warnings: slight s&m themes


> poor boy would be so confused honestly

> everyone else would just be like.... "shouto?!?!"

shouto pulls his sweaty shirt off his head after a long day of forcing himself to use both his ice and fire side at once. the strong muscles in his arms and back ripple as he does so.

"oh my god... are you okay?" he hears midoriya ask, voice littered with genuine concern.

then he feels a calloused hand over the muscles in his back followed by tiny painful stings that course through him. he turns around in confusion and midoriya's hand contracts.

"holy shit - todoroki." kaminari adds, a little laugh in his voice as he steps over the bench between the lockers to get a better look at the red welts that are scraped down shouto's shoulders and back, "dude is that from... y/n?"

"um... yeah" he says, still very confused on the surprise they're showing.

"damn man, i didn't know your dick was that good!" sero hurdles the little bench the same as denki then gives shouto a slap on the shoulder.

shouto's brows just furrow further together in confusion.

'was this not normal for them?'

but then he realizes that he never has seen similar scratches on his friends backs... even though he is one of the few with a girlfriend he knew that the others were still getting some.

"that's so dope... you gotta teach me." kirishima exclaims from a few lockers down

"do your partners not scratch up your back?" shouto asks, taking the shirt of his uniform from his locker and fitting his arms through the sleeves

"not like that!" a few of them say

"is... is it bad?"

"physically yes." kaminari says, passing shouto once more but this time with his shirt on, "but game wise...?"

"nuh uh." sero laughs.

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4 years ago

some *physical affection and Bakugou* thoughts:

Some *physical Affection And Bakugou* Thoughts:

- alright,, first things first, this is about teenage katsuki- bc i fully fully believe he would be a vEry different partner as an experienced adult,, but for fluff’s sake lets say this is like first-relationship stuff during U.A

-alright okay moving on

-to begin,, just how touch starved is lil katsuki?? at this point, well, the answer is simple. on a scale from 1-10 ?? bakugou is loudly-sobbing-if-you-even-look-like-u-might-pet-his-hair/10. so very. very touch starved.

- bc of this he will not ask you to touch him in early relationship,, but mostly bc he just doesn’t know how to ask. he’s been touch-starved for so long that he doesn’t even realize what it is he wants. pooR BABY

- start slow. if y’all date during U.A. u gotta start really simple or he flusters and gets mad bc he’s embarrassed. this means:

you doing a lot of pinkie swears so he gets used to you touching him

pretending to pick lint off of him until he stops going red every single time

letting your hands brush his every time you hand him something/vice versa

-once he’s used to u though??? once he realizes that showing physical affection is so much easier than having to say embarrassing words?? man’s is aLL physical “affection” and quite literally nothing else

-will 100% kiss u to get u to stop talking. or to get ur attention. or to just be annoying. any time really- he’ll just lean in and plant one whether ur prepared for it or not

-not necessarily clingy,, but just constant?? he’s not smothering with like hugs or full on cuddling, but if ur in the same room as him ?? then he’s sitting right next to u and poking and prodding and being annoying until ur tearing ur hair out- man’s just likes to watch the world burn okay, and if ur his world than nothing is hotter to him than when u get mad soz ur prob gonna be mad a lot

-likes to lift u up when he passes by you. tbh it’s 100% an ego thing- he has muscles, okay, and he works hard for them so obviously he’s gonna use them to annoy u. he sorta feels like it’s his god-given gift to be irritating almost as much as his quirk is

-if ur ticklish than oh my god run,, his hands are always gonna be at ur sides,, and if just u keep laughing?? just keep crying out and begging him for mercy?? baby he’s a sadist ruN

-mans is a biG fan of back scratches. if you have nails, of quite literally any length, he just turns into an absolute puddle. just melts into the floor or bed or wherever he’s laying and cannot help himself

-likes when you touch his hands. since they’re where all his power comes from, Bakugou is super proud of them and likes when you’re proud of them too. only kiss them if ur rlly prepared for an event tho (it’s the surest way to get him going 0 to 60 in 3.5)

-likes if you place a hand on his shoulder while you pass him. it’s pretty much the only pda he can stand without getting super flustered about it, but he likes it bc it shows you’re there for him and paying attention to him without making him look soft

-will absolutely go soft for hand holding in private tho. just like,, if you’re sitting and doing homework ??? grab his hand. just do it. mans will complain that you’re clingy and won’t make eye contact ,, but will also rub his thumb over the back of ur hand the entire time. this little bitch i sweaR

-will untie ur shoes,, just to be irritating and bc he thinks it’s funny when u glare at him

-bakugou’s ego straight swells if you cuddle into him while you’re asleep. man’s head’ll get so biG bc ur at ur most vulnerable and still choosing him for protection. will 100% give u shit for it in the morning though. bc he’s an asshole obvi

-doesn’t say ‘i love u’ out loud much bc words=hard,, but he 100% will trace it into ur skin if he thinks ur asleep.

-when you’re away and he misses u he’ll cuddle the pillow that you use close to his chest. for this reason u are ~not allowed~ to come back from ur trips at night so u can’t find out about what he thinks is an embarrassing behavior. u still find out anyway.

-if you’re wearing a hoodie, he likes to drop pencils or slips of paper or anything into your hood when u walk by. doesn’t matter how many times u pass him or tell him to stop either,, little asshole’ll just keep doing it, a shit-eating grin plastered on his face the entire time. he does this shit so that a few hours later, when u somehow still have something in ur hood, he can pull it out,, his hand ghosting across ur neck just enough to make u jump, and then he’ll look at u and smirk and “jesus, idiot. where’d this fuckin’ come from? how fuckin’ oblivious are u?”

-will not tell u, not for all the money and fame in the entire world, but he actually likes when u try to annoy him back. if u poke at him and prod and generally needle the same way he does to u,, challenging him and like u just can’t keep ur hands to urself- baby he’s goNE

-so, in conclusion, he will do all of this asinine, annoying shit to touch u- just the most ridiculous childish garbage and still have the audacity to look at u and call u clingy??? to pull an act like ur annoying him when u so much as ask for a hug ??

just more proof that at the end of the day, even if we all love him, he’s still just a ridiculous man🤮 and nothing’ll ever describe his flaws better than that :/


omg another bakugou brain-dump from me,, so super surprising right?? totally unexpected??

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4 years ago

On Being Prepared

A deaf/hard of hearing!Bakugo x gn!reader one shot

If there is one lesson that hero work has taught you it’s this: you can never be prepared for everything. Sure, you can think of a million different scenarios, make a plan b and then keep going until you hit plan z. You can spend hours prepping the night before. But even with all that it is impossible to be prepared for everything.

And this? This you were not prepared for.

All things considered it was a pretty ordinary bust. You and Bakugo had been following a few ex members of the liberation front for months. They weren’t particularly dangerous, had been low level lackeys at best, so you had fully expected for the two of you to kick ass, take names, and then make it back home to your shared apartment with plenty of time to cook dinner together. The two of you tracked the villains to a long abandoned construction site where they had intended to buy quirk enhancing drugs. Cutting off their points of entry had been easy and, while they put up a decent fight, it took less than an hour for you and your boyfriend to subdue the villains. As the two of you were waiting for the police to show up though a large hunk of concrete, apparently knocked loose during the fighting, dislodged and began hurtling down to earth, right where you were standing. It was coming in fast but thankfully Katsuki was faster, as he pushed you out of the way with one hand and raised the other to blow the concrete into a million pieces with a perfectly timed explosion.

“Fuck that was close. Thanks Love,” you said as you stood up and dusted yourself off. Katsuki didn’t respond. “Hello? Katsuki?” you tried again, but still no response. As your boyfriend’s eyes finally turned to look at you, you noticed panic there and it was like someone poured ice water into your veins. “Baby, what’s wrong? Are you ok?” you asked panic seeping into your own voice as you stepped forward and grabbed your boyfriend’s now shaking hands. “I can’t hear you,” he finally said, tears starting to well in his eyes. “What?” His eyes darted down to your lips as you spoke and he choked on his words when he responded. “(Y/n) I can’t hear you.”

That had been three hours ago now. You sat holding his hand in a hospital room, acting as his ears as the doctors try to explain. They tell you how that last explosion must have been the straw that broke the camel’s back. Mention how, in retrospect, neither of you should be surprised that after 20 years of popping off explosions right next to his ears, Katsuki had finally lost most of his hearing in both. Recovery Girl had tried her best to repair the damage but there was nothing more that could be done. Katsuki would need hearing aids and they recommend he learn sign language for when he isn’t wearing them or in case the damage gets worse. “You can come back in tomorrow to pick up hearing aids for him,” the doctor tells you before walking away and leaving the both of you to process.

Katsuki is quiet the whole way home.

You try to communicate with him but he refuses to look at you, which leaves you no options so instead you go to your phone to start looking up resources for the deaf and hard of hearing. Even once you get home he heads straight to the bedroom and closes the door behind him. You have just started cooking dinner alone when your phone buzzes with a text from him: “How am I supposed to protect you if I can’t fucking hear”

Takeout it is tonight.

You abandon the cooking in favor of going to the bedroom. It’s a heartbreaking sight. The mirror has been shattered and one of Katsuki’s fists is bleeding from where the glass shards had embedded after he punched it. He’s sitting on the bed staring blankly forward and his eyes are red. You go into the bathroom to get a wash cloth and wet it. When you return you sit next to him on the bed and gingerly clean his knuckles, extracting any remaining glass. When you finish you press a gentle kiss to the broken skin. You pull up the notes app on your phone and begin typing:

“Katsuki Bakugo, you are the strongest man I have ever met. I knew it when we were just kids back in UA. I knew it when we decided to open up a hero agency together. And I know it still now. You may be deaf but that does not make you weak. We’ll figure this out together and you’ll be right back to protecting me and everyone else in this city. In the mean time let me protect you a little bit.”

His eyes water again as he reads over the message but he quickly scrubs the threatening tears away. “Only for a little bit dumb ass, then it’s right back to me protecting you,” he types back. You roll your eyes then erase your last message and type out a new one: “Bet I can learn sign language faster than you can” The scowl and angry typing you get in response is worth it to know that he’s still the stubborn, competitive bastard you fell in love with.

So no, it’s not possible to prepare for everything; but as long as the two of you are together, you’re pretty sure it will all be just fine.

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4 years ago

if this ain’t me😌🖐🏽



4 years ago
Hi Im Bitter About People Not Commenting On Fics. Im Sad Seeing All These Authors Get So Discouraged
Hi Im Bitter About People Not Commenting On Fics. Im Sad Seeing All These Authors Get So Discouraged
Hi Im Bitter About People Not Commenting On Fics. Im Sad Seeing All These Authors Get So Discouraged
Hi Im Bitter About People Not Commenting On Fics. Im Sad Seeing All These Authors Get So Discouraged
Hi Im Bitter About People Not Commenting On Fics. Im Sad Seeing All These Authors Get So Discouraged
Hi Im Bitter About People Not Commenting On Fics. Im Sad Seeing All These Authors Get So Discouraged

hi im bitter about people not commenting on fics. im sad seeing all these authors get so discouraged because no one comments. it takes like 5 seconds! just do it!! dont know what to type? me neither! heres some handy pre-written comments for you! “I dont know what to comment! That was great! thank you for your hard work!” “That was lovely! I really enjoyed this chapter/fic.” “How dare you?” “AAAAAAAAAAAAA” “Extra kudos because one is not enough!” if you read a fic and dont know what to say, leave the tab open, come back later! see if theres a line you really liked! tell them if it reminded you of something dumb! tell them if your roommate saw you crying while reading it and now your roommate is reading it!!! SHARE WHATEVER. BE INCLUSIVE! everyone wants to hear SOMETHING. silence kills passion. show authors you care! show artists you care!!!!