adenes-archive - ꧁A꧂

19 - MDNI - blkSW: 208.8 CW: 166.2 GW: 130 UGW: 100

551 posts

So Yesterday Me And Couple Of Friends Were Playing Uno Cards Things Got Crazy LMAOOO. So Than I Thought

So yesterday me and couple of friends were playing uno cards things got crazy LMAOOO. So than I thought what if everyone in the base played uno including overhaul, his s/o, kaito, kin, haru, kurono, mimic, rappa and the rest of the members. Sorry I forgot the names of the rest of the guys ;-;

Its okay they are eight in total so its gard sometimes to remember all of their names 😂

So Yesterday Me And Couple Of Friends Were Playing Uno Cards Things Got Crazy LMAOOO. So Than I Thought

"This is ridiculous."

"You say that because you only have red cards hon..." you muttered receiving a pinch on your side which made you yelp.

"No cheating brat. Have your eyes on your own cards."

"I didn't even look!"

"That is kinda true." Chrono interjected, eyes still focused on his left four cards.

"Shut it blockhead."

A break of the tension on always working on the yakusa business was rare but definitely appreciated by their members and surprisingly interesting and accepted.

... especially when the young leader's lover had suggested on playing cards.

At first you wanted ALL of the eight precepts but Chisaki immediately turned down the idea, only accepting a few to enter the game; which he was hesitant to even play..

Why couldn't just only BOTH of you and him play shogi instead...?

"Come on! Why not all of them?"

"Some of them think themselfs that they are just trash and only will bother us. I didn't even say nothing but they quickly neglected, saying that they weren't worth it."

Poor of those three...

"So... who is playing them? Besides Irinaka and Kurono?"

"I'm GoiNg To CruSH ThEm AlL To DuST!" Yelled Mimic from the other side of the room while Chrono deadpanned.

"Is just a card game..."

"No, no Kurono." You interrupted "He is right. Is UNO that we are talking about, so I'm going to crush all of enemies down."

Chisaki for a brief moment widen his eyes at your words before sighing in annoyance, you were always dramatic, so this was just a show...

It wasn't..

It was honestly kinda intriguing how such a stupid game had proved to be such a... murderous one.

"Not wanting to bust ya bubble arrow hair but TaKE ShIT!" Irinaka yelled while hitting a plus four om the table, laughing maniacally at Kurono's expression.

"... I fucking hate you Mimic." Hari growled in rage as he picked more cards to his deck.

Rappa started to laugh out loud while hitting his knee as Tengai merely gave him a judgmental look.

"If I had know this was going to turn out this way I would've accept this fucking earlier!" The man exclaimed while saying to his commurate besides him to go fish...

Poor Tengai didn't have blue cards. But he at least got a reverse blue one, so he had made Rappa instead but more cards.

"Angel how about a deal?" Kai muttered to you lowly as he indicated to your own deck.

You immediately catching what he meant, brought the cards close to your chest and poked your tongue out in mockness.

"... little traitor."

"Oi! Aim to Nemoto everyone." Mimic pointed at the man "He only has two fucking cards."

Nemoto merely lifted an eyebrow at Mimic before turning to you and asking normally.

" Miss (Y/n), what exactly you have in your own deck if you don't mind me asking?"

Before you could even open your mouth a gloved hand blocked your words as Chisaki glared at the man.

"No use of quirks on my angel Nemoto." He growlef threateningly.

"S-sorry master!"

You sighed in relief and looked at your three remaining cards with glee. That was why Nemoto was aiming at you, you and him were close to finish this.

"I want something in return for my kindness." Your boyfriend muttered into your ear while picking a card from the 'shop'.

Holy shit, a plus four. Now he was happy.

"Throw that plus four of yours and I might." You had accidentally saw his card since you were laying your head on his shoulder

He gave you a look like you just had emerged three heads. If he used this card you were going to be the one prejudiced. What are you? A idiot?

"Trust me."

"Hey! No contribution between the couple!" Kurono protested, ignoring Kai's glare.

"Yeah just because Overjerk gets a quick fuck after this it doesn't mean th-" in a blink of a eye Chisaki had lifted himself and overhauled Rappa without any second doubts.

"KAI!" You protested even despite feeling your cheeks buurning in embarrassment.

"He deserved it." He growled a response before putting back the man and abruptly taking his seat close to you again.

Tengai merely looked at Rappa in dissapointment before handing him his deck.

"... you're going to lose Rappa." Tengai said receivinga bunch of yelling from the man besides him.

Kai sighed in annoyance before throwing the damn plus four, getting surprised at seing you threw another one right back.

"Buy eight Nemoto." You said smugly at seing the man's surprised face while the others, except Chisaki, screamed in joy.

Kai half smiled down at you with proud before under the table he gently picked your hand to carress his covered thimb in the flesh of your skin.

You blushed bit smiled anyways at him, shortly after getting back your concentration.

Now you had two cards... and you were the one being chased now.

"Everyone, now is to fuck up with (Y/N)'s cards. Is this or failure." Mimic said while he scrubbed his hair and looked down at his cards in deep thought.

"... try me."

"WhAT waS ThAT yOUr LiTTLe PuNK?!"

"Silence. This is only a card game for God's sake." He said monoustly but clearly irritated at the way Mimic had just shouted at you.

He was going to have a little chat with him later.

"He is not wrong though. Is this or they win." Chrono pointed while glaring at you.

Suck it Kurono, can't win forever.

Chisaki relaxed at seing that now the color was red and that he could get rid of this mass of cards...

He almost shouted at Chrono who had placed a skip card... making him lose his turn.

"Do you even enjoy living for doing this Chronostasis?" He darkly comented and before sending a death glare at your giggling figurine.

He smirked at seing your face fall... you didn't have any cards...

The game lasted for a about one hour but unfortunately the tables had turned from upside down.

Evryone was tense while Chisaki stared smugly yet monotonously at his only two left cards.

"Does anyone have any ideas? I can't believe the boss is going to win!" Rappa said in desperation as he looked through his cards in panic.

"As expected from master." Sighed quite sadly Nemoto while he placed a plus four card "Buy four miss (Y/n)."

"Actually... no." You placed one more plus card and looked at your boyfriend smirking devilish. "Buy eight Kai!"

"Bold of you to assume that I would do such a thing." He slowly placed one of his cards down. Leaving everyone with mouth agape.

"Buy twelve Chrono. Also, Uno." He said monotonously.

"FUCK! COME ON!" Hari threw his cards at the table in both irritation and disbelief while Mimic just errupted in laughter.

You giggled at everyone's faces... even despite being such serious mans whose always dealed with much more extressul problems they still had fun at least.

You smiled warmingly at your boyfriend, noticing the hints of a smile growing on his covered lips.

"Can I reward you my winner?" You whispered into his ear, giggling at seing the way he shivered.

"Wait just a bit. I need to savour their suffering."

"Kai!" You exclaimed in both amusent and horror before you got pushed to him again... his firm grip around your waist.

"I want revenge."

"Round two then? Anyone up for it?"

"Hell yeah!"

"Don't yell, its almost night." He got up and walked for a bit before stopping and looking at you expectantly "Come."

"But-!" You whined. Now you wanted to play more!

"Now. Its a order." He growled before you sigjes and wished everyone goodnight, following your boyfriend out of the room.

"... I told you he was going to get a quick fu-"

And the man was overhauled again... seriously Rappa learn your lesson, is for your own good.

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More Posts from Adenes-archive

4 years ago

yu🥵 got🌚 it😜 bhad👅 shawty🤸🏽‍♀️ slide⛷️ da👹 snap👻

IM SCREAMINGNG add me on snap tho katsuki_bakugo1

cr: apterixx on tiktok

voice cr: pixeldrink on tiktok

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4 years ago

Just an experiment. Reblog if you actually give a fuck about male victims of domestic violence and rape.

Of fucking course

What sick bastard doesn’t

4 years ago

Hi! Once you get this you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly, then send this to ten of your favorite followers (non-negotiable) SPREAD POSITIVITY💌😘

~five things i like about myself~

Well, let’s start off with a thank you for this opportunity! Much appreciated☺️. I’ll also explain why i like these things lol cuz it makes me smile when i think of these things :)

1. My Attitude

I really like my attitude because I can be hot headed one minute, fluffy the next, horny the next💀, sad, pressed, and happy. But my fav attitude is me being bitchy and super aggressive i just wake up and choose violence when my friends make fun of my height💀🖐🏽. (not me fighting my friend right now💀)

2. My Height

I’m 5’3 and maybe a quarter. It’s a good height, and i can kick someone who’s 6’1 so hehe don’t fuck with me >:). idk if i can fight tho that’s not my scene

3. My Eyes/eyelashes

They pretty and all💀 they are dark brown orbs when not in direct light but a nice shade of brown when you look at them with the light :). my eyelashes are long and i can’t get enough of them they just make me uwu.

4. Thighs

they ruin my good leggings but dude them shits may be able to break watermelons👄. ain’t nobody safe💀. nah they can’t but a bitch can try, i may cry after i hurt myself but it’s the thought that counts right?

5. My Hair (both straight and curly)

I love leaving it out natural (even thought i cant leave it like that for a long time[i need a wash routine]) i like having it be puffy it’s kinda cute, my hair isn’t long when it’s straightened but i do kinda have curtain bangs and i just think i look super cute :)

once again thank you for this i’ll make sure to send this ask out☺️ i’m just starting my account so yer💀

4 years ago

Hi !! idk if your doing requests but imma ask anyways lol but can u do a head canon of Bakugou, Todoroki, and whoever you want where reader and them break the bed because of how rough they’re going 😭 like what would their reaction be and would any... keep going??😏😏

- 🌫


casual 4 am sneaky link

you’re laying on your stomach with your ass in the air

he’s bruising your ass with his grip — and you were damn near melting at that sickly sweet sound of your cunt being punished echoing throughout the room

“fff- fah, fuck!” you cried, grabbing the sheets

bakugou let one of his legs fall off the bed and found a steady footing before speeding up

knocking you harshly to the front with every thrust


you looked up to see his headboard cracking in the middle, and spreading with every bang to the wall it took

“bakugou, slow- ah! baby slow down- y-your headboard! your parents!” he rolled his eyes and kept up his pace

“shad’up will ya’?” bakugou always slurred his words when he was close to cumming


study date turned into late night hookup at 11:45 pm

todoroki had you on your back, he had each ankle in his hands

one too hot and the other too cold

he was slow at first, pushing into you all nice and sweet

letting you feel the large vein that ran on the underside of his dick, whe he was far enough you felt his left side curve

it hit right onto the gummy spot inside of you — making you squeak and grab his hips to pull him deeper

“ngh, more todo- oh god please go faster!”

he leaned down and took your lips in a sweet kiss, “love you.” before slowly pulling out and slamming back in

the air was knocked out of your lungs with every thrust

his face was twisted up and a scorching blush was spotted on his hot side and a small one on the other

*bang, ban- CRR*

you blinked confused oh in between moans and pushed up on your back to tilt your head up and look

your head board was being split in half, when you were about to speak up he hit that same squishy spot and you immediately gushed

after you came his wasn’t long after

“todo, my headboard is broken.”

“i’ll buy you a new one tomorrow.”

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4 years ago

imagine todoroki getting changed in the locker room and the boys see the red scratch marks down his back and they start teasing him but he’s just there like ??? “do your partners not leave scratches down your back? i’m told the scratches are a good thing.”

a : *screaming without the s*

warnings: slight s&m themes


> poor boy would be so confused honestly

> everyone else would just be like.... "shouto?!?!"

shouto pulls his sweaty shirt off his head after a long day of forcing himself to use both his ice and fire side at once. the strong muscles in his arms and back ripple as he does so.

"oh my god... are you okay?" he hears midoriya ask, voice littered with genuine concern.

then he feels a calloused hand over the muscles in his back followed by tiny painful stings that course through him. he turns around in confusion and midoriya's hand contracts.

"holy shit - todoroki." kaminari adds, a little laugh in his voice as he steps over the bench between the lockers to get a better look at the red welts that are scraped down shouto's shoulders and back, "dude is that from... y/n?"

"um... yeah" he says, still very confused on the surprise they're showing.

"damn man, i didn't know your dick was that good!" sero hurdles the little bench the same as denki then gives shouto a slap on the shoulder.

shouto's brows just furrow further together in confusion.

'was this not normal for them?'

but then he realizes that he never has seen similar scratches on his friends backs... even though he is one of the few with a girlfriend he knew that the others were still getting some.

"that's so dope... you gotta teach me." kirishima exclaims from a few lockers down

"do your partners not scratch up your back?" shouto asks, taking the shirt of his uniform from his locker and fitting his arms through the sleeves

"not like that!" a few of them say

"is... is it bad?"

"physically yes." kaminari says, passing shouto once more but this time with his shirt on, "but game wise...?"

"nuh uh." sero laughs.

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