adorabyyte-blog - Adora ♡ writes
Adora ♡ writes

dear diary, fashion, gaming, and kindness make the world go round. 💕✨

1 post

Adorabyyte-blog - Adora Writes - Tumblr Blog

6 years ago
Hiii! First Post!~

Hiii! First post!~

This blog will be like my online diary, where each post will be something about my personal life that revolves around: fashion, gaming, and kindness. ♡

I'm hoping to make time at least twice a month to post about these topics, and my life. So I can keep myself writing, and focus my thoughts when writing.

I had an empowering experience at Magical Girl Day convention this past August, 2018. I fell back in love with myself and felt like MGD created within us con-goers our own support system.

From the con, I realized what's been the driving force in all of my life: kindness. <3 The expression of it and the feeling of it.

Kindness can be expressed, encompassed in, and nourished in any aspect of life. Especially in videogames, gaming, and game design, the other half of my life. <3

Thinking about it, kindness is a choice. So with that, there are aspects of interactivity in the expression and receiving of kindness. (Note to self: Hmm, future game idea? 🤔)


Since then, I've felt so much happier and more empowered. I've never felt more magical in my whole life. ♡

ack, times up.


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