adreamoverlife - Welcome back, Welcome Home.
Welcome back, Welcome Home.

It’s been a while, Names Seth, multifandom blog. Current interests - QSMP, Supernatural, Midam, the Egos. Don’t be a coward, yell into my inbox

928 posts

Um, Im Sorry, When Did Anti Get Into This Story? Who Is The Actor? I've Been Reading The Chapters, But

Um, Im sorry, When did Anti get into this story? Who is the Actor? I've been reading the chapters, but what is this? I don't mean any disrespect. Just wondering.

It’s fine to ask questions! It’s why the ask box is open. C: 

Okay, so Anti was introduced in Chapter 2, Part 6. (I’ll fix the tags so it’s easier to find the different parts) After all, with everything going to hell, you don’t really think Anti would pass up a chance to not only steal power but also taunt Dark that his plan has failed? Oh no.

I suppose I should explain this now since it’s an important bit of the story, and it really is never touched on til, much, much later. The Hosts personality was falling to pieces and he was starting to revert back to his stronger past self, the Author. As the Author is not only older than the Host, but also has more power. The Host resists it for as long as possible, longer than it should have been possible. He was so resilient, by the time Host was giving up, The Authors personality was beginning to fall apart as well. Their melting personalitys melded together creating the Actor. My theater-loving, bat-swinging son.  Funny you mention Anti and Actor though…

You were not disrespectful in any way, feel free to ask as many questions as you wish. x) 

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More Posts from Adreamoverlife

7 years ago

Hey guys, you want some Logan angst? I’ll have it posted in an hour.

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7 years ago
Another One! :D I Might Draw Some Bim Trimmer, Oliver Or Dr.Iplier Soon. Maybe All Of Them, I Don't Know,

Another one! :D I might draw some Bim Trimmer, Oliver or Dr.Iplier soon. Maybe all of them, I don't know, whatever inspires me the most. C: There's probably gonna be another another oneshot starring our favorite AI boys posted tonight, and then definitely the next part of the Abandoned by God tomorrow. I believe that s all I have to say for now, See you all later! :D

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7 years ago
'A Siren Of Madness And Maniacal Misunderstandings'

'A Siren of Madness and Maniacal Misunderstandings'

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7 years ago

Oooh! It's so cool! Thank you for writing this! :D  You portrayed the Actor very well!  You guys should really check this person out, Their fics are amazing! 

Slow Burn

(Just a little quick angst thing I wrote to vent the pent up feelings in my life right now. It’s based on @adreamoverlife ‘s fanfic ‘Abandoned By God’ and it was the perfect outlet. I hope you don’t mind!)

Accompanying Song: Control by Halsey

He had felt it since the day he was renounced. It leeched from him like a disease, stealing his very essence and leaving him less and less the being he once was. The very moment denied was the moment a corroded spot of black reappeared on his soul. And from then on it had only grown.

The book was heavy in his hands, bound leather cool, delicate page pinched between his fingers and ready to turn when he so desired. A sight that wouldn’t have been abnormal by any means, if the reader himself didn’t appear to be completely blind, and perhaps even a touch sickly. And yet he sat there all the same, reclined in an old-looking burgundy leather couch, head and focus on the little black book in his lap.

He flipped the page.

Host knew he was by no means a saint. In all of this, he was guilty of just as many crimes as the two oldest among them, if not more. He may have had a narrower focus with many less casualties, but there was no arguments that his methods had more than made up for the lack of body count. His cruelty then had been paramount, and, in truth, he did not regret a thing. At least, not anymore so than any of the others did their own crimes anyway.

Perhaps that was why Mark had seen fit to end their existence. It wasn’t out of spite or cruelty, but safety. Safety for the masses, safety for his friends, safety for himself.

Safety for Amy.

“Daniel turned a corner, heart beating against his throat, blood rushing in his ears, drowning out the quick harsh pants that escaped his lips. His mind had turned animal in his desperation; prey seeking shelter from the predator that lurked hungrily in the dark…”

Hosts fingers began to shake. He felt a stirring in his soul that he quickly tried to quell with a hard swallow. It was growing more and more difficult to press down, with less and less reprieve each time he was successful. But after a moment of fight that seemed like an eternity, it sank back low within him to wait in the shadows, coiled like a snake waiting to strike,

It had just been three little words and suddenly they were all scrambling to stay alive. A cooperative effort to deprive them of where they drew their power. All it had taken was just one video acting a a cruel joke. And those three little words from the board room still haunted his mind.

‘We are done.’

“He slammed the door behind him, the echo cascading down the halls and filling the room he now resided in like a crash of thunder. And then, just like that, all was quiet. There were no growls of anger, no claws clacking against the wood, no eyes to watch hatefully from the other side. Nothing. For all Daniel knew, it could be gone…

“But the man knew better than to believe the Author would let him escape that easily.”

A laugh burbled free from the being’s lips and Host paused, slapping a hand to his own traitorous mouth.

Dark, naturally, had been the one who reacted the harshest. Mark had cut off not only all their power, but denied Dark access to potential victims. And it left the demon cracked and seething.

It had been quick work to employ Google_Blue to try and hack into Mark’s channel to post their own videos, for they all knew there would be no hope posting them anywhere else, but there was no such luck. Google’s glitching had returned with a vengeance and the furthest the poor bot could get was into Mark’s email, something the human had anticipated and booted Dark from the system almost immediately.

Though Host hadn’t seen him since his shell broke open entirely that day, his presence could still be felt and was consistently strongest on the top floor where he had enclosed himself. His aura still trickled through the halls unchecked, like smoke, inflicting anger and suffering on any unfortunate enough to encounter it. 

Wilford, ever the hopeless optimist, was the ‘action over reaction’ kind of thinker and immediately turned to his rejected TV pitch. It wasn’t hard to get Bim and Dr. Iplier sold into it, with a little sweetening of the pot of desperation for Silver. Oliver had also been happy to jump in and try to finagle the equipment into hacking the airwaves for broadcast dominance, but to Wilford’s own surprise and Bim’s immediate horror, their realized their waning control over their powers made it impossible to bend reality to the grand extent expected.

Bim retired to his room without another word while Wilford, palms shaking, started a shouting match with Silver that ended in the hero getting shot six times. Dr. Iplier made quick work of the the wounds and made to round on the pink menace, but found him disappeared without a trace.

Host had foreseen his turn coming and had tried his hardest to find a way to let them down gently. There was simply no way he could change anything on that grand of a scale, especially now when everyone was wasting away so painfully slowly. It burned him inside to be able to feel himself die all over again.

“Daniel didn’t know what made him do it. There wasn’t a particular sound or sensation of presence, but the man knew, as he slowly turned to the darkest corner of the room, that he was no longer alone. He peered into the darkness, and though he could see nothing, hear nothing, he suddenly found himself lunging for the door. But, to his crestfallen horror, the hand clicked stiffly in his hands. Locked.

“He screamed.”

Host didn’t realize he had blacked out until he came to, registering a different environment than where he last remembered. Cold grey tile, the smooth white porcelain of a sink, the pure and sheer reflectiveness of a mirror; the heavy and horribly familiar weight pulling on his arm.

The warm, iron laced tang of blood. It made his stomach lurch in a dangerously nostalgic way. 

Then came a cough. Seeing without seeing, Host could tell that someone was huddled in the corner, their sniffles and quiet moans of suffering telling more of a tale than Host’s words ever could. His fingers drew tighter around the old Louisville slugger, fingers creaking against the red tape as dread filled him to his core.

He turned to the mirror, twin hollow spaces void of light staring back at him in the gloom, his infinite mark of desperation and shame. He could feel the cloth that used to cover them wrapped around his wrist, tied tightly with hurried urgency. It was warm, wet, soaked through to his skin with the same substance that now flowed freely down his face.

That soft crying was becoming a nuisance, and in the egos tears, he felt that black spot begin to grow once more, cracks running through his fragile psyche until he could feel fire burning through until he could take no more. With a viscous snarl, he raised the bat and swung.

The bloodied ego in the corner screamed as the glass shattered into a million brilliant pieces, and within them he could see more than just his reflection staring back in those shards as they fell.

He panted, feeling more than seeing the way the glass glittered in the blood the pooling around his feet. As he calmed, he tilted his head back until he stared at the ceiling, watching with half lidded empty sockets as the light above him flickered and buzzed. A smile, soft and sad pulled at his lips as he began to speak with a gentle droll that betrayed the swirling hurricane of emotion within.

“And it was then, in that moment, that Daniel realized that nothing had been chasing him after all. The horror, the presence, had been within him all along.”

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7 years ago

So, I was at the Hospital. Writing Schedule will be back in Couple Days.

Um, so I worded the title so you could get the short version of what happened, but I'mma go a little in depth here. So just right after the last post I did I started feeling a little under the weather. I ignored it and tried to write when I got a fever and decided to not stress myself with the next chapter and get some rest. The next morning I was extremely sick with a fever over 100 and vomiting, with a really bad lower stomach pain. I go to the doctors and what do you know? I had to get my appendix removed. So that happened. I'm fine and recovering nicely, I'm gonna post some past drawings and concept art for the Abandoned Egos in about 30 minutes. Sorry for the delay, I'll try and get the next chapter out as soon as possible. Thank you all for staying with me.

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