DSM | In One Corner Of The Ring ; Thesingers Head The Other Home Of Heart &both Are Quite Skilled In

✖ DSM ✖ | in one corner of the ring ; the singer’s head the other home of heart & both are quite skilled in the ways of battle. “ zhere is no need ----- my face is perfect. are you mocking my anger tovards you? “

the brunette chews on the inside of her lip to try and keep herself from smiling but the effort proves to be futile. the blonde before her is still claiming anger but her face definitely tells beca otherwise. she’s seen ‘the kommissar’ angry and this isn’t it.
❝ no? tell that to your face. ❞
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✂ | in the light of the home,skin & clothing are revealed to be STICKY &&( stained ) with red. a shift in temperature causes a tremble trickling down a dampened spine. why would she have not grabbed a coat before going out in pouring rain on halloween night, seems very unlike our violet. honey dipped caramel hues find the floor - boards & linger there before meeting strange & unknown ones. helpful ones though, CARING. “ I ---- don’t remember. “

❝ I – of course. Come inside, sweetie. We’ll get this worked out, I promise, ❞ Scully assures the young girl, a hand on the small of her back as she guides her inside. Really, she should know better than to let strangers inside after everything she’s seen, but she can’t help it. This is just a poor, SCARED little girl looking for her mother. She’ll be damned it she doesn’t do everything in her power to help. Clicking the door shut behind them, she nods towards the kitchen. ❝ Come on. I’ll make you a cup of hot chocolate and then we’ll find your mom. Where did you last see her? ❞

✣ | “ oh don’t be dramatic --- “ slide that milk glass on over. & mimicking sort of fidget. a seemingly genetic gesture. “ ivy tells me you’re thinking about taking her to paris for the summer -- “

“—What did I do this time?”
It’s only a half-joke; Fiona still walks on eggshells, even after all these years and all the progress they’ve made. Hands twist atop the kitchen table, a telltale nervous habit.
@killervagiina // wants an oc.

❀ | “ well that just sounds ( I N S A N E ) look i’m just tryin’ to get to work, sweetie. “
@wearscmethingblack | feels time.
miss goode, ..... this is doctor angello from ucla medical. your daughter has unfortunately been in an accident. -- if you could get here as soon as possible .....

✣ | pills & potions --- & poisonous need for attention. liquor is quicker than a shot to the head when comes to bad choices &h a z e d decisions // how much had she taken? how long had been between each?shots & then to a bottle of ( something ) -- an exp lo sion of colors & noise & LOUD moments before numbness. skin fair is slashed sporadically from thick cut glass & a fainting fall in the total wrong direction. standing, fa - lling, crashing through & collapsing. flashing lights & darkness. just BLACK & cold & too calm for comfort. was this what it felt like-d e a t h ( how disappointing ) hospitals were always cold & she can’t even complain.