aelis-k - Sans titre
Sans titre

38 posts

Just An Old Drawing With Some Background

Just An Old Drawing With Some Background

Just an old drawing with some background

  • kena65
    kena65 liked this · 5 years ago
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    loopinglucysdots-blog liked this · 6 years ago
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More Posts from Aelis-k

7 years ago
Inktober Day 11: The Red Woman
Inktober Day 11: The Red Woman

Inktober Day 11: The Red Woman

6 years ago

Color Synonyms



also: pale; blanched; sallow; pallid; waxen; spectral; translucent; albino; 



also: dust; stone; pepper;  



also:  coal; slate; dusky; ebon; shadow; murky; 



also: flesh; khaki; cream; tawny; 



also:  henna; russet; sepia; chestnut; cocoa; drab; bronze; 



also: terracotta ; rouge; carmine;  fire-engine; ruddy



also:  pumpkin ; rust ; 



also: sunny; amber; saffron; hay; straw; platinum; 



also: viridescent; grass; jade; forest; 



also: turquoise; cyan; ultramarine; royal; aqua; aquamarine;



also: berry;  amaranthine;



also: flushed; candy; cherry blossom; petal pink ; 

—– source:

—–additional synonyms added by me

6 years ago

things i did that forced me to be a better artist:

used a reference for everything

thinner line art (you think thats thin? go thinner….)

sketch, then do a cleaner sketch, THEN start finalizing


color research, picking a set palette or light/dark for each work

you like that pose? redo it one more time


do not rely on stylization as an excuse for anatomy

draw the goddamn background you coward

just draw the hand- a bad hand is better than a hidden hand

the rule of thirds WORKS

take a considerable break between sketch and lines/paint

know that art takes longer as you get better at it

draw the seams on clothes

stop aiming for accuracy and focus on fluidity and motion, accuracy will come with practice of those two concepts

just…do the chiaroscuro. just DO IT. no excuses it always works

stop making excuses, make yourself an art schedule/set weekly(or daily) art goals and just DO IT.

Things I Did That Forced Me To Be A Better Artist:
6 years ago


7 years ago

Study masterlist

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Last minute advice:

To help calm down anxiety or brain fog, try writing down all the things you need to do then organize them from mote important to least important or by due date.

Don’t be afraid to be funny when writing down your notes. If something funny will help remember a certain fact then do it.

If you fail something don’t panic. You are not the first and certainly not the last.

Find out which way you learn the best and try to learn through that.

My teacher once explained that she wrote all her notes down and placed them every where she would see them, even in the shower.

If you are worried about certain issues then don’t be afraid to talk to your teacher.

Make sure to take breaks, a clouded mind does no good when you need it most.