aelis-k - Sans titre
Sans titre

38 posts

Aelis-k - Sans Titre - Tumblr Blog

6 years ago

OC Drawing Prompts!

Reblog for others to send emojis to your ask box (or just draw what you want)!

✂️ Hair Swap - Draw an OC with the hairstyle of another character

📕 Books - Draw an OC reading their favorite book in their favorite spot

🌧 Rainy Day - Draw your OC out in the rain, with or without an umbrella

❤️ Love - Draw your OC with their romantic partner(s)

💔 Heartbreak - Draw your OC experiencing heartbreak

🌈 Pride - Draw any LGBT+ OC celebrating pride of their identity

💧 Tears - Draw your OC crying, either lightly or heavy sobs

🌸 Flower - Draw your OC in a flower crown

⭐️ Divinity - Draw your OC as a deity, in godlike clothing

👑 Royalty - Draw your OC as royalty with a crown that fits their personality

👩‍👩‍👧‍👦 Family - Draw your OC with one or more members of their immediate family

👕 Outfit Swap - Draw your OC in the clothes of another OC

🌙 Bedtime - Draw your OC in their pajamas

🗡 Adventure - Draw your OC as if they were a fantasy adventurer

🔮 Magic - Draw your OC as a magic being/using magic

💊 Medic - Draw your OC having wounds patched up

🌎 Culture - Draw your OC in clothes and/or doing actions that represent their culture

🕷 Spooky - Draw your OC terrified/facing their biggest fear

😡 Rage - Draw your OC the maddest they’ve ever been

✏️ School - Draw your OC in a school uniform, either as when they were a child or as an adult

🎩 Dapper - Draw your OC in fancy dinner party clothes

🏖 Beach Day - Draw your OC in their swimsuit, or whatever they would typically wear to the beach

❄️ Arctic - Draw your OC in heavy winter clothing

🐻 Species Swap - Draw a human OC as an animal, or an animal oc as a human

⚰️ Death - Draw your OC as a ghost

🍭 Candy - Draw your OC in candy clothes

💫 Galaxy - Draw your OC with a space/galaxy aesthetic

🤖 Robot - Draw your OC as a robot (or draw your robot OC as a human)

📜 Old Times - Draw your OC in old-fashioned

🔧 Job Swap - Draw your OC wearing the uniform and doing the job of another OC

🎥 Star - Draw your OC as a moviestar

🛏 Sleep - Draw your OC napping, in their bed or in an inconvenient or strange location

🍎 Food - Draw your OC enjoying their favorite food

6 years ago

Your Character: A Masterlist of CC Guides

Character creation and development:

Character creation questionnaire

Character foils

Core values

Core values 2

Creating a character from scratch

How eating an orange reveals character

Fears, weaknesses, and pet peeves


Flaws and Vices (list)



Outline for a distinct character

Personal effects

7 Key Traits of Enduring Characters

What does your character know?

Your character as a paradox

Your character’s closet

Dealing with large character casts

Types of Character:

Creating a likable villain

Strong Female Characters

Supporting characters

Throwaway characters

Mary Sue / Gary Stu

Loner Characters

Character Arc:

Building a character arc

Series Characters

Steps of change

Swoons and wounds

Character dialogue:

How your character asks for help

Character-specific dialogue


Speech patterns

What we say vs. what we mean

Who has control


Power imbalances

Pacing your romance

How to avoid unintentional romantic subtext

On the page:

Creating a strong first impression

An exaggerated first impression

Characterization through appearance


Showing emotion


Thank God I have (insert character here)

Torturing your Character (and reader)

6 years ago

Color Synonyms



also: pale; blanched; sallow; pallid; waxen; spectral; translucent; albino; 



also: dust; stone; pepper;  



also:  coal; slate; dusky; ebon; shadow; murky; 



also: flesh; khaki; cream; tawny; 



also:  henna; russet; sepia; chestnut; cocoa; drab; bronze; 



also: terracotta ; rouge; carmine;  fire-engine; ruddy



also:  pumpkin ; rust ; 



also: sunny; amber; saffron; hay; straw; platinum; 



also: viridescent; grass; jade; forest; 



also: turquoise; cyan; ultramarine; royal; aqua; aquamarine;



also: berry;  amaranthine;



also: flushed; candy; cherry blossom; petal pink ; 

—– source:

—–additional synonyms added by me

6 years ago
If Youve Ever Wondered What Its Like To Live In The Midwest, This Is It.
If Youve Ever Wondered What Its Like To Live In The Midwest, This Is It.
If Youve Ever Wondered What Its Like To Live In The Midwest, This Is It.

if you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to live in the midwest, this is it. 

6 years ago
Just An Old Drawing With Some Background

Just an old drawing with some background

Tags :
6 years ago

things i did that forced me to be a better artist:

used a reference for everything

thinner line art (you think thats thin? go thinner….)

sketch, then do a cleaner sketch, THEN start finalizing


color research, picking a set palette or light/dark for each work

you like that pose? redo it one more time


do not rely on stylization as an excuse for anatomy

draw the goddamn background you coward

just draw the hand- a bad hand is better than a hidden hand

the rule of thirds WORKS

take a considerable break between sketch and lines/paint

know that art takes longer as you get better at it

draw the seams on clothes

stop aiming for accuracy and focus on fluidity and motion, accuracy will come with practice of those two concepts

just…do the chiaroscuro. just DO IT. no excuses it always works

stop making excuses, make yourself an art schedule/set weekly(or daily) art goals and just DO IT.

Things I Did That Forced Me To Be A Better Artist:
6 years ago

Ambient sounds for writers

Find the right place to write your novel… 


Arctic ocean

Blizzard in village

Blizzard in pine forest

Blizzard from cave

Blizzard in road



Ocean storm

Ocean rocks with rain

River campfire

Forest in the morning

Forest at night

Forest creek

Rainforest creek

Rain on roof window

Rain on tarp tent

Rain on metal roof

Rain on window

Rain on pool

Rain on car at night

Seaside storm

Swamp at night





Winter creek

Winter wind

Winter wind in forest

Howling wind


Barn with rain

Coffee shop

Restaurant with costumers

Restaurant with few costumers




Garden with pond and waterfall

Fireplace in log living room


Call center

Street market

Study room from victorian house with rain

Trailer with rain

Tent with rain

Jacuzzi with rain


Temple in afternoon

Server room

Fishing dock



Fictional places

Chloe’s room (Life is Strange)

Blackwell dorm (Life is Strange)

Two Whales Diner (Life is Strange)

Star Wars apartment (Star Wars)

Star Wars penthouse (Star Wars)

Tatooine (Star Wars)

Coruscant with rain (Star Wars)

Yoda’s hut with rain ( Star Wars)

Luke’s home (Star Wars)

Death Star hangar (Star wars)

Blade Runner city (Blade Runner)

Askaban prison (Harry Potter)

Hogwarts library with rain (Harry Potter)

Ravenclaw tower (Harry Potter)

Hufflepuff common room (Harry Potter)

Slytherin common room (Harry Potter)

Gryffindor common room (Harry Potter)

Hagrid’s hut (Harry Potter)

Hobbit-hole house (The Hobbit)

Diamond City (Fallout 4)

Cloud City beach (Bioshock)

Founding Fathers Garden (Bioshock)



Washing machine



Boat engine room

Cruising boat

Train ride

Train ride in the rain

Train station

Plane trip

Private jet cabin

Airplane cabin

Airport lobby

First class jet




Fireplace in medieval tavern

Medieval town

Medieval docks

Medieval city

Pirate ship in tropical port

Ship on rough sea

Ship cabin

Ship sleeping quarter

Titanic first class dining room

Old west saloon


Spaceship bedroom

Space station

Cyberpunk tearoom

Cyberpunk street with rain

Futuristic server room

Futuristic apartment with typing

Futuristic rooftop garden 

Steampunk balcony rain


Harbor with rain

City with rain

City ruins turned swamp

Rusty sewers

Train station



Haunted mansion

Haunted road to tavern


Stormy night


Creepy forest



New York


Paris bistro

Tokyo street

Chinese hotel lobby

Asian street at nightfall

Asian night market

Cantonese restaurant

Coffee shop in Japan

Coffee shop in Paris

Coffee shop in Korea

British library

Trips, rides and walkings

Trondheim - Bodø

Amsterdam - Brussels

Glasgow - Edinburgh

Oxford - Marylebone

Seoul - Busan

Gangneung - Yeongju


Tokyo metro

Osaka - Kyoto

Osaka - Kobe


São Paulo




Ho Chi Minh (Saigon)


New York

Hong Kong


6 years ago
My Golden Boy And His Tragic Ending :(

My golden boy and his tragic ending :’(

Tags :
6 years ago
Pony OC For My SisterHer Name Is Clarity Violet

Pony OC for my sister Her name is Clarity Violet

Tags :
6 years ago
A Portrait Of Donna Noble, The Most Important Woman In All Of Creation.I Just Love Her So Much :)

A portrait of Donna Noble, the most important woman in all of creation. I just love her so much :’) <3

Tags :
6 years ago
Based On This Post By Promisedean.
Based On This Post By Promisedean.
Based On This Post By Promisedean.
Based On This Post By Promisedean.
Based On This Post By Promisedean.
Based On This Post By Promisedean.
Based On This Post By Promisedean.
Based On This Post By Promisedean.
Based On This Post By Promisedean.
Based On This Post By Promisedean.

Based on this post by promisedean.

6 years ago
[Dean][Gabriel] [Castiel][Sam][logocredit][Website] [Society6]
[Dean][Gabriel] [Castiel][Sam][logocredit][Website] [Society6]
[Dean][Gabriel] [Castiel][Sam][logocredit][Website] [Society6]
[Dean][Gabriel] [Castiel][Sam][logocredit][Website] [Society6]
[Dean][Gabriel] [Castiel][Sam][logocredit][Website] [Society6]
[Dean][Gabriel] [Castiel][Sam][logocredit][Website] [Society6]
[Dean][Gabriel] [Castiel][Sam][logocredit][Website] [Society6]
[Dean][Gabriel] [Castiel][Sam][logocredit][Website] [Society6]
[Dean][Gabriel] [Castiel][Sam][logocredit][Website] [Society6]
[Dean][Gabriel] [Castiel][Sam][logocredit][Website] [Society6]

[ Dean ][ Gabriel ] [ Castiel ] [ Sam ] [ logo credit ] [ Website] [ Society6 ]

[ Actual Misha Collins reading the TWS message ]

6 years ago


6 years ago
aelis-k - Sans titre
aelis-k - Sans titre
aelis-k - Sans titre
aelis-k - Sans titre
aelis-k - Sans titre
aelis-k - Sans titre
aelis-k - Sans titre
aelis-k - Sans titre
aelis-k - Sans titre
aelis-k - Sans titre
7 years ago
A Digital Drawing Of One Of My Favourite Gems, Yellow Diamond, With My OC Sunstone

A digital drawing of one of my favourite gems, Yellow Diamond, with my OC Sunstone

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7 years ago

Study masterlist

Studying for English:

AP english tips

How to do well in English class

7 tips for surviving an English class

How to score more than 90% in the English board

How to do well in English literature class

Get your essay analyzed

Analytical essay template

Augmentative essay template

Compare and contrast essay template

Expository essay template

Persuasive essay template

Reflective essay template

Research paper essay template

How to write a speech

10 keys to writing a speech

10 tips on writing a kick-ass speech

7 things to do when you have to present a short speech

How to give a great speech

10 ways to improve your creative writing

How to write a short story

5 steps to write a short story

5 secret tips to writing a short story

Crash course in literature

Studying foreign languages:


How diplomates learn foreign languages

12 rules for learning foreign languages

10 tips and tricks to learn foreign languages

22 for learning a foreign language

Tips for foreign langauge studies

Ten foreign language study tips

The best way to learn a foreign language

Learning a foreign language: five most common mistakes

Studying maths:

Get the answer to any maths problem

7 tips for solving maths problems

A guide for studying maths

Success in mathematics

Maths study tips

How to study for a maths test

Studying for a maths test

10 strategies to improve your math grades

Studying computer studies:


5 things to remember when studying IT

3 ways to study computer studies

How to study for your computer studies exam

5 tips for computer science freshman

6 easy ways to learn coding and computer coding for free

Get a college level computer science education with these free courses

Studying science:

5 study techniques to master biology

Study tips for biology classes

How to get an A in biology

Crash course in biology

Crash course in astronomy

Crash course psychology

Crash course in ecology

Crash course in chemistry

Crash course in anatomy and physiology

Studying art:

Proko - drawing tutorials

Drawing with Jazza - drawing and animation tutorials

Markcrilley - drawing tutorials

Made to sew - sewing

DigitalRev TV - photography

Art journalling

General study tips:

9 best scientific study tips

How to use mind mapping

How to have a productive study time

How to study in college

9 apps to help shut off the internet and let you get back to work

Studying with mental illness:

How to deal with mental illness in college

How to study with a mental illness

Studying with mental illness in college

How to brainwash yourself to study while depressed

Managing depression while studying forum

6 tips to get motivated while depressed

How to deal with stress and anxiety

How to calm anxiety

Breathing technique to decrease anxiety

19 tips to break brain fog

10 tips for navigating through brain fog

10 websites to help you relax

6 ways to fight distractions

10 study tips for students with ADD/ADHD

ADHD students: 8 study tips

Study playlist:

Best music to help study

Study playlists on 8tracks

2 hour long piano music for studying

Study playlist masterlist

Study playlist

Note taking: 

How to take notes

How to take notes from a textbook

How to take notes in class

College note taking tips

Cornell note taking method

How to take lecture notes

How to take notes faster

Effective note taking for exams


20 habits of organized people

How to stay organized in high school

45 tips for staying organized in college

Getting organized for the whole school year

10 ways to get organized this year

Monster study planners

5 planner tips

Beginner guide to bullet journaling

Easy DIY planner

Make your own planner


How to prepare for exams

Don’t freak out over finals

Ultimate finals guide

Test anxiety tips

How to study for an exam

Last minute advice:

To help calm down anxiety or brain fog, try writing down all the things you need to do then organize them from mote important to least important or by due date.

Don’t be afraid to be funny when writing down your notes. If something funny will help remember a certain fact then do it.

If you fail something don’t panic. You are not the first and certainly not the last.

Find out which way you learn the best and try to learn through that.

My teacher once explained that she wrote all her notes down and placed them every where she would see them, even in the shower.

If you are worried about certain issues then don’t be afraid to talk to your teacher.

Make sure to take breaks, a clouded mind does no good when you need it most.

7 years ago

What are your favorite canonverse destiel fics?

Aww man nonny this list is gonna get long! Okay so first of all I have very specific requirements for my canon verse reading material. In that it has to be during or post season 8, Dean is bisexual and not just “gay for Cas but otherwise straight” and preferably Bottom!Dean or at least implied switching, as otherwise its out of character in my head. I also do not read Major Character Death or anything too extreme in terms of trigger tags. All these fics have a happy ending but MIND THE TAGS.

FYI for me MCD means that either Dean or Cas are separated by death at the end and it ends a tragedy, I don’t read those. I DO however read fics where they BOTH may die and reunite in heaven together to live happily ever after in their own personal heaven. I think one of the fics in this list has that kind of ending. 

In no particular order:

The Path of Fireflies

The Chronicles of Dean’s Bisexuality

The Pillow Verse

The Prophet Must Die

Dream as if You’ll Live Forever

The Dance of Inanna - This is the one where they both die and go to heaven.

State of Nature - Alternative season 11 which gave me extremely high expectations of the Darkness which the show obviously failed to meet.

The Cabin

The Most Important Thing - Fantastic fic with Claire Novak

Contrapasso - This one gets pretty dark and doesn’t have many tags. It isn’t too horrific but just be warned.

What is Hidden, What is Seen

The Mirror - Absolutely heart breaking at times but one of my faves

The Story of You and Me

Dream of Now - I love Cas so so much in this fic. He majorly turns me on ;)

To Mend the Cracks With Gold - Again an amazing story

The Law of Equivalent Exchange - READ IT OMG READ IT I LOVE IT

What Has Eight Tentacles and Isn’t Allowed to Eat Pie? - This is the cutest! Do NOT be put off by the tentacles. It is 100% pure gross fluff

My Heart Is Beating From Me

A Turn of the Earth

Happily Never After

Forget Me Not

If You Get Lost You Can Always Be Found

Its a Long Life to Always Be Longing


Same Deep Water

The Guardian of Angels

Hurry Up and Wait


Plot Holes

Circadia - This is a really gripping story that I found difficult to put down. If you are a Cas girl it will hurt so much but you will love it.

Raspberry Cliche

Let It Be - Technically this is canon divergent from the night Mary died (where John died instead) but I heartily recommend it because it is an amazing take on what the boys lives would have been like had Mary raised them instead. 

I also highly recommend anyone who hasn’t already to read Redemption Road. It is a 600K behemoth of a fic but was written with a lot of love, a truly gripping plot and a whole new world of interesting characters.

I have so many more faves, but I don’t always save them to my bookmarks and then I lose them and wonder what happened to those fics… I used to have one about the God of Dreams and Sleep and he takes Dean, and Sam and Cas have to rescue him and my god it was abstract and awesome but I haven’t been able to find that for years. *sigh*.

But anyway. Enjoy!

7 years ago
Inktober Day 11: The Red Woman
Inktober Day 11: The Red Woman

Inktober Day 11: The Red Woman

7 years ago
Inktober Day 8: The Dreamer

Inktober Day 8: The Dreamer

7 years ago
Inktober Day 6: The Fallen Starchild

Inktober Day 6: The Fallen Starchild

7 years ago
Inktober Day 5: The Destroyer

Inktober Day 5: The Destroyer

7 years ago
Here's My Participation For Day 1 Of Inktober Who Said I'm Late? I'm Starting Only Today But I Realy
Here's My Participation For Day 1 Of Inktober Who Said I'm Late? I'm Starting Only Today But I Realy

Here's my participation for Day 1 of Inktober Who said I'm late? 😂 I'm starting only today but I realy wanted to participate so here it is!

7 years ago
Preparing For Inktober 2017?
Preparing For Inktober 2017?
Preparing For Inktober 2017?
Preparing For Inktober 2017?
Preparing For Inktober 2017?
Preparing For Inktober 2017?
Preparing For Inktober 2017?
Preparing For Inktober 2017?

Preparing for Inktober 2017?

I am too! And to get inspired, I have put together 8x Inktober prompt lists, to help us create something really cohesive and cool this October

Prompt lists:

- Post Apocalyptic Wanderers

- Anthropomorphic People

- A Steampunk Adventure

- Space Travellers

- Super People

- Characters for a fairytale

- Characters for an urban fantasy

- Characters of the Forest

Enjoy and share!

8 years ago

Absolutely agreed

aelis-k - Sans titre