:33 < tesco/more names || minor || all alternating pronouns || read my dni !1!1 Σ(°ロ°)
285 posts
Betty Crocker
Betty Crocker
:33 < NOOOO DONT DO THIS TO ME (no.1 betty croacker hater)
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More Posts from Aftonsparv-bugzz
"slurs shouldnt be said if youcannot reclaim them" and "slurs can be fully said, somewhat blurred, or fully blurred depending on how the image/piece of text looks when making ids/pts, even if theyre unreclaimable or cant be reclaimed by the person" are two statements that can and should coexist
there was no whimsy or wonder in my dreams last night and i was up at around two in the morning. hopped on tumblr and saw some of your stuff and it made me less upsetty spaghetti <3
/pos /p

welcome !! ⋆。°✩

hey !! im nepeta !! i also go by tesco, tuesday, and more names !! im a minor, system, (and have more disorders idont talk about !!)
about me !! ⋆。°✩
im a massive juggalo, lover of homestuck, and tmnt !! ihave other intrests, but these are the main ones ! im not exactly sure what else to write though, im afraid !!
heres my kinlist !! its unfinished but whatever !! ^_^
dni !!
its unfinished, but heres a carrd depicting my boundaries on who id like and who iwouldnt interacting !! byf and other stuff in progress !!
tagging for mutuals !!
if you are a mewtual you arent required to do so, but itd be great if youcould tag these things for us
last intro was so long and all over the place i decided to restart it like this !! its my 3rd intro, but the old ones is here. (lost the first one sadsad days) this was edited on friday the 19th july 2024 at 06:14 am !!
sideblogs !! :3:
daily jay sideblog: (not very active)
daily shaggy sideblog: (intro post in progress, otherwise not active)
alterhuman sideblog:
anti radqueer blog:
request blog:
coining blog:
art blog:
plural blog:
other sideblogs in progress right now !! please be patient with me, having these millions of sideblogs is driving me insane😭😭
also alter's sideblogs:
(only will be used when fronting, and we dont switch often. very frontstuck host ™️)
socials/where youcan find me !! :33
ibis paint
im not too active on these, but youcan anyways check them out :o)

byee !! credits:
[x] [x] [x]
(not all asks will be answered !! i usually dont know how to answer to them and are very awkward, but thank you for all positive asks !! :o) )
r u okie???? been gone o,o
:33 < thanks for asking, i just got very stressed recently and decided to discretely just. take a break and calm down. lot has happened recently so yea it was pretty good for me to stop posting ihad an unhealthy addiction and attachment to posting every minute anyway so iguess it was pretty good to slow things down a bit and take a break
this disability pride month, include anosmics and ageusics.
this disability pride month, stop using the s slur, saying "delulu" "delusional" "deluled" ect when you disagree with someone, stop using "sch*zoposting" and just overall treat schizospecs better.
this disability pride month, stop saying "psychopath" "sociopath" and "narcissistic".
this disability pride month, be kinder to people who hallucinate and experience delusions.
this disability pride month, stop stupidifying those who have trouble with "basic skills", people with learning disabilities, ect.
this disability pride month, stop villanising cluster b's.
this disability pride month, stop saying youre such a "pyromaniac" for lighting something on fire or saying youre "a kelpto" because you stole something.
this disability pride month, stop fakeclaiming did/osdd systems.
this disability pride month, stop saying "im so ocd" after cleaning something up.
this disability pride month, stop being rude and impatient with people with intellectual disabilities.
this disability pride month, stop infantilising non verbal people.
this disability pride month, stop treating autism and adhd as the cutesy disorders.
this disability pride month, stop excusing yourself by lying that youhave adhd when youdont. people need those recourses, youdo not get to take them away.
this disability pride month, normalise people with little to no empathy.
this disability pride month, stop using "attention seekers" (especially on your fellow hpds and npds).
this disability pride month, stop reality checking those who dont consent to it.
this disability pride month, stop bullying those who "smell bad" or "look weird" or whatever. (you never know what someones going through)
this disability pride month, stop giving weird looks to those who have bald spots, or cant stop picking their nose, or cracking their knuckles or whatever. (this is mainly focused on bfrbs)
this disability pride month, stop saying "everyone has anxiety" to those with anxiety/panic disorders.
this disability pride month, be normal about zoocanthropes/lycanthropes.
this disability pride month, treat those with personality disorders like youwould any other person.
this disability pride month, just stop bullying little people. just acknowledge people with dwarfism.
this disability pride month, dont stare at that mobility aid user so much. eyes off of them, they dont need to be in the spotlight for a physical disability. (unless they want to xoD /silly)
this disability pride month, stop judging those with facial/body deformities
this disability pride month, be normal about those with physical disabilities, and stop silently judging them.
this disability pride month, stop saying "pride month 2" or "wrath month". we dont even acknowledge disability pride month at all.
this disability pride month, stop differentiating "queer pride month" and "disability pride month" as "pride month" and "disability pride month". they are both pride months so call them by their full names.
this disability pride month, acknowledge not all disabilities are visible.
this disability pride month, give up your seat to someone who needs it.
this disability pride month, actually treat disabled people with rights and respect.
disabled people are people to. you failing to acknowledge that is your abelism. treat us like youd treat any other normal human being. and maybe, just maybe, after this disability pride month, youcan start treating disabled folks like living beings of society and not like your little pity pets/scary monsters/silly cutesy babies.