Spelling Errors - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

guys so i typed this last night at whatever the time is and i just noticed the spelling mistakes. I MEANT TO SAY "(and neither do i, actually)" within the parentheses, but why was it autocorrected to "reaply?" whatever that means? reapply?? rea-the waht? IM CONFUSED.

yk smth funny happened a few days ago when i was on a youtube video

i (oopsies) kinda forgoy what it was about, but it was rating 1-10 about SOMETHING. anyway it was rating sometging about blue lock, then making a small reference to another anime.

to be more precise, another sports anime. another SOCCER ANIME.

amd honestly maybe its bc i dont hang out with a lot of people who watch a ton of anime (and neithrr do i, reaply), but ive almost nevet heard anyone really mention this anime before.


inazuma eleven gang?

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1 year ago

There was this one kid that asked me wich bathroom i go to today.

(August 24 2023)

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1 year ago

When you're typing so fast and the words get mixed together, spelled differently, with five tousand spelling errors, so it looks like you're writing in Old English.

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10 months ago

B33 < hey tiktok can we please stop drawing disorders as art

:33 < if its your disorder and youre represenyting yoursellf throughg art thats fine, but genuinely dont draw disorders based on how YOU think it would be like to live woth that disorder, amd how you think that disorder looks/feels like, because ican guarantee you youre probably wrong, and honestly it just feels belittling. idont want my disorder made into "silly art" that isnt representation at all. if soemone witt the disorders ihave make srt on their experiences, thats okay !! but someone who dosenh have that disorder and makes art off it ? youdont know how it actually feels like

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10 months ago

haiii!!! i really like how much you advocate “uncommon” alterhuman identities!! the passion!! the care!! its all really cool. i appreciate you for that. my friend is a fictionkin (gregory of yardale) and i think thats pretty damn cool. one small problem though. i kind of dont understand alterhuman identities all that well! :( from my understanding, its when people have a spiritual connection with a certain nonhuman thing,, (or sometimes believe they were said thing in their past life),, but ive also seen some people say they think they ARE said thing instead of human. which i dont know if its true. it’d be pretty odd to not believe you were human after…you know, youre literally classified as human and al that jazz. i cant explain it. but at the same time, i dont wanna be judgemental…and theres gotta be some explanation. something deeper. something to destroy the misconception of “odd”, but i cant find it. :(

-🕸️📺 anon

:33 < velopppp !! :oDD im relally tabnkful for that !! honestly, i jusut want a community in whoch peopel dont feel left out !! where people arebt unseen, we are all fair !! thats what drives me iguess :o)) and thank yiu !! <3 also they sound really interesting !! ^_^ and, for the not unnderstanding allterhuman identitues that weel: honestky ? for starters, idont always truly believe youHAVE to understand. as long as you as a being can respect it, youdont always have to understand. [pt: as long as you as a being can respect it, youdont always have to understand.]

B33 < youcan be respectful, and kind, but if youdont understand, thats ok !! if youwant to understand, thats great !! if youdo understand, thats awesome !! its fine not to get things, you are not compelled to know everything !! but for starters, you arent wrong !! alterhumanity can derive from spirituality (eg: religion, believing your nonhuman soul was put into a human body, past lives, ectect) but it isnt always !! there are many reasons one would be nonhuman !! (im not speaking on all nonhuman behalves when isay tghis, but) it could be duue to mentally beleiving you are an alterhuman (psychological alletrhyman), being a fictive (taht is a system/plural term for anyone who doesnt know), delusions/mental conditions, (zoanthropy/lycanthropy, trauma, mental illness, ect) or maybe just being taht thing because they are that thing. most people say they "are" that thing because its the best way to describe their alterhumanity for them, like they (probably) know arent physically that being/thing, but saying they are it just makes sense instead of pputtijg the spiritual/psychological/anything else label on it. also, some people might physically believe they arent human because of delusions or mental illness, in which case it is not hest to reality check them. holotheres and physical nonhumans can identify like that because of their mental illness, but they do not have to. (please remember: not all physically nonhuman beings are alterhuman/holoheres/physical nonhumans, and not all holotheres/physical nonhumans have disabilities that impact them being physically nonhuman/have their disabilities impact them being physically nonhuman)

B33 < although on anithher note, ihave seen some news a while back that there used to be predatory activity with people claiming they could physically transform into their 'type, and would give steps on how to "do it" but im not sure if those "watch out" posts were made to harm physical nonhumans/mentally ill beings that identified as not human physically, or if it was true and there were actual adults saying this to minors so please do watch out. with that being said, please note that not every alterhuman experience is the same, if anyone had anything to add, whether personal experiences, thoughts and opinions, or other, feel free to !! thanks !! ^_^

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10 months ago

also youre a juggalo and i think thats really cool!!!! :D i used to be a pretty enthusiastic juggalo in the summer now im just there. idk what happened actually i havent retired or anything im just not the same. my parents made me not liaten to icp for a while so i guess thats why. i still have a list of my fav songs from when i was “active” though


:33 < thankk hyou !! ithink being a juggalo is very important to me !! ^_^ i listen to icp a lotttt :oP x3c sorry that yiur parent made you not want to listen to it !! (but its your choice !! ^_^) my parents honestly (surprisingly) dont really care that i listen to icpp, like, theyre soomewhat aware i listen to icp, and theyce heard my balst it really loud through my headphones, but they havent really said anything whoch is quite nice :3 nice to here though !! ^_^ :oD

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10 months ago

can you draw me 🤑🤑 (kid vampire)

Can You Draw Me (kid Vampire)

:33 < errrrm whhat the sijgma

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10 months ago

:33 < de clutterinbg this bloog, so now reequuests wiil only bbe ttaken at @neprequests !!

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10 months ago


You are super duper cool :3

That's all, bye!!!

:33 < awwww ttank youuuu <33 :3c yuy toooo !! ^_^ byebye :33c

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10 months ago
:33 < Headcannoning Chharacters As Ttwinks Is Fiine !! Annd Witth Xenos/neos Too !! Thhats All Ok !!

:33 < headcannoning chharacters as ttwinks is fiine !! annd witth xenos/neos too !! thhats all ok !! ^_^ the oost was referring tuu quuers who seem to often make a jjoke out of tye twink identity !!

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8 months ago

there was no whimsy or wonder in my dreams last night and i was up at around two in the morning. hopped on tumblr and saw some of your stuff and it made me less upsetty spaghetti <3

/pos /p


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6 months ago

you are SO pawesome…….. /gen

how is one so cool. How do you do that

also the fucking PATIENCE it must’ve taken you to put EVERY SINGLE FLAG YOU USE in there…… I could never 😔

Also you’ve reminded me to make a pronouns.cc thx

:33 < awwww THANK YOUUUU😭😭‼️💕

:33 < BHAHAHHAH yea my pronouns page is so long😭😭 (fun fact about it is thhat iit actually usedd to be iin a random order buut that annoyed me so i decided to RESTTART THE WHOLE THINNG in alphabetical order☠️☠️‼️) foor the patience, i actually uused to get compliments on my patience growing up !! ^_^ iguuess thats why ifind it so easy :3c techinally id say it would be much lobger due to my identity updatingg alot butttt. ehh. iits fine how ihave it :oP glad ive reminded you though !!

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6 months ago

hey it’s me again ::3

I’m trying to work on my pronouns.cc but

Hey Its Me Again ::3

How did you add these????? I can’t figure it out and you’re the only person I know of who has a pronouns.cc ::(

heyy !! so, you go to "fields", then clickk "prefrennces and others annd scroll doown to "prefrences" annd click "add" and make them day whatever youwant !! :o)

Hey Its Me Again ::3
Hey Its Me Again ::3

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6 months ago

i always hhear people talkibg about how twilight is aplatonic, but CAN WE TALK ABOOUT SCOOTALOO ?? in episode 23 she was REPULSEDD by platonicc attraction, shes literally one of the aplatonics who have friends butt dont/are repulsed by platonic attraction

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5 months ago

sorry betty crocker, i only just found out my insufferable roomate has been filling your products with urine, it isnt your fault after all.

best regardds

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