agmsye - Male Muscle Transformations
Male Muscle Transformations

Captions about guys' muscles being grown or shrunken and reality changing. Normally I will not do celeb stories or Macro. I don't own any of the images. Feel free to send requests and messages.Should you send a request more than once I will delete that request. NSFW and please leave this blog if you are under 18.

188 posts

I'm Half Mexican But Never Been In Mexico, Is There Some Trip To There? I'd Love To Meet The Pyramids

I'm half mexican but never been in Mexico, Is there some trip to there? I'd love to meet the pyramids

You want a trip to Mexico and that’s what you will get.  All the arrangements have been made and you can board the next plane to San Jose del Cabo, since it was the cheapest one. It wasn’t too long until you land, but the long flight has left you exhausted, though you are glad to finally be in your ancestors’ homeland.

You go straight to your hotel from the airport and instantly fall asleep as your head hits the pillow. The next morning you wake early, being woken from the first rays of sunlight shining through your window. Annoyed you remember forgetting closing the curtains. But despite not getting much sleep that night, you don’t feel tired at all. You feel lively and full of energy, just like any other 26 year old.

You step up to your window and your plans of seeing the pyramids are instantly replaced by the view of the beautiful beach in front of your room. You are in such a rush to get to the beach that you didn’t even bother looking in the mirror. If you had, you would have noticed, that your had was a little longer or that you were more handsome than the day before.

Every hasty step you take down the short stairway, increases your height and while you were a relatively short person at the beginning, there isn’t anything short about you now, though you could have bothered putting on a shirt. Your naked upper body earns you a lot of disturbed looks in the lobby. 

But unbeknownst to you or them the looks have an interesting side effect. Every time you get looked at a little bit of muscle is added to your body, leaving you with the rockhard body of a beach stud, because that is exactly what you are becoming. 

This just leaves your jeans, which rapidly shrivel away and form a pair of scandally tight swimming briefs. But that matter is not lost, since it moved into the now stretched to the limit pouch of your briefs, drastically ncreasing the size of your cock and balls.

Your trip to Mexico has made you Fernando the fully Mexican horsehung beachboy, though you ow only speak enough English to ask tourists if they want to sleep with you (A little hint: They always do.)

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More Posts from Agmsye

7 years ago
agmsye - Male Muscle Transformations
7 years ago

A Class Trip to New York

Johnathan had enjoyed planning his class’ graduation journey very much. Even though it was solely his job as the class rep, but the whole class supported him. Everybody searched for travel destinations and after a while everybody agreed on the Big Apple. There was shopping for the girls and lots of cute girls for the guys  and a travel agency named “Terrence & Ford Touristics” made a cheap offer. So when the day had come, Everybody boarded a plane in Berlin and about 3 hours later they landed in New York.

It was quite the task, holding a pack of 20 hormone charged 18-year-olds together, but he mastered the task and another 2 exhausting hours later they came to their hotel. Just like the pictures at TF Touristics had promised it was pretty fine for the price they had payed.

He confidently approached the reception desk, even though he felt oddly nervous. But the receptionist welcomed him with a warm smile and said: “If I had to guess I would say you are the class from Berlin, right? The people from Terrence & Ford told us you would arrive soon. So, are there only boys in your group or are there any girls, because of the rooms?” 

Jonathan wanted to tell the guy, that they were mostly girls in class, but as he turned towards his travel group a headache ht him and then he suddenly remembered. Of course his class consisted solely of male students, they were a boys-only-school after all. Still a little puzzled he turned around again and took the keys from the receptionist, distributing them among his classmates.

After everyone was done getting their luggage in their hotel rooms, they reassembled in the hotel’s lobby. “How about we have a sightseeing tour now?”, Jonathan asked into the round, getting an agreeing murmur as reply. Armed with a map of New York, Jonathan lead his friends through the city streets. 

Suddenly a guy on the far front, Erik, pointed at one of the advertising boards. It was for some Pixar movie, ‘A Giant in New York’. Then he shouted: ”Looks like anyone of us could play the main character, right boys?”, which lead to general laughter. It was true though, none of the boys was under 6′4″ and they were all only 18 years old. Jonathan was among the biggest of them, standing at an imposing height of 6′9″, standing head and shoulders over the normal sized people.

They didn’t even get around the next corner, when Frank, a guy in the back, called their attention to another billboard, this time for a line of beauty products for men. “Not like anybody needs it in this class, am I right guys?”, he asked and everybody shouting back “Damn, right!”, in unison, having people even turn their heads, because of the deep thunderous rumble. Jonathan knew everyone was kind of cocky and didn’t really care if everyone stared at them, well in fact they really enjoyed it. And why wouldn’t they be cocky, every single student had at least modeled professionally once and they had even been elected the most handsome class in all of Germany.

“Damn a coke would be nice now, don’t you agree?”, from in the middle of the crowd Anthoine, an exchange student from France, said. “Well, I’ve got something coke bottle sized right here.”, Erik replied and grabbed his packed crotch. The whole class burst out laughing. It was the usual joke around their class, since everybody was at least as hung as Erik was, some like Jonathan had even more hid in their pants. It always looked like a porno when they undressed after PE. One time their Coach burst into the room while they were all nude and half shocked, half joking commented that he felt like he was on a bull farm, seeing their oversized balls and cocks.

Not even two corners later the peaceful sightseeing tour was interrupted again, this time by a guy named Lukas, who laughed at the giant pic of a male model in an underwear commercial. “Hahahaha, what a fucking pansy, anyone of us would look better as an underwear model.” His claim was underlined by the approving murmur of the others. They seriously would be better suited for this job. They all were just plain built, but paired with their incredible leanness and their overall overwhelming handsomeness they were just walking wet dreams. No surprise though that they were only given male teachers, since there had been to many incidents with female teachers having multiple orgasms  after only one lesson. And that was only from looking at them, although it would have been a lot less complicated if anyone of them ever bothered with putting on a shirt. ‘But it would be a shame to hide these masterpieces’, Jonathan thought as he looked into the other’s faces.

“Well I guess we won’t get far with sightseeing anymore, since everybody wants to read billboards. How about we return to the hotel.”, Jonathan proposed, but then he got quizzical looks from the others. “Dude did you hit your head on doorframes to much? Why would we go sightseeing in New York, we were born here after all. And did you forget we have a job to do?”, Carl, another one of the taller guys replied, waving a bunch of leaflets. “Ugh, you’re right, sorry guys. But why don’t we take a selfie, before we continue. Gotta show the followers online where we are.”, John replied.

After the picture was taken, they resumed their work. “Visit ‘Big Bro-thel’ and get a piece of us.”, John said, gesturing towards the extraordinary group of young men, he called colleagues. 

agmsye - Male Muscle Transformations

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8 years ago

Do you have any favorite bodybuilders/ models?

My alltime favourites are Hwang Chul Soon, Ulisses Williams Jr. and Jeff Seid, but I also like Sergi Constance, Loic Zine, Calum von Moger and Lukas Sparer pretty well. And not to forget my fellow German Tim Gabel.

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7 years ago

As an avid manga reader, I've always wanted to visit Tokyo, Japan

Oh, you are a manga fan? Well, you are really lucky, since there is a manga convention coming up next week in Tokyo. Would  you like to book a ticket for it? Yes?! Well then you’ll get it. Have a nice trip to the largest city in the world, sir.

You enter the hotel lobby. It had been a long flight, but you are so excited, you just spent over 2 hours exploring the city center, until you realized that it was already quite late and you wanted to get to the convention as early as possible. You enter your room and despite your tiredness you want to try on your special luggage. Carefully you pull out the costume from your bag, you had decided to go as a guy from one of those fighting games.

It fitted perfectly and to complete your outfit you had decided to buy a muscle suit, which only improved the cosplay’s quality. But wait why would you need a muscle suit, you had your own set of rockhard muscles since joining the gym a few years ago. Still a little irritated you pick another piece of your costume out of the bag.

You had planned on stuffing a few socks in your crotch, to conceal it’s flatness, but as you tried to put them in place you suddenly remembered that this wouldn’t be needed. After all you were on the verge of being arrested for indecent exposure at all time, for the obvious bulge your footlong cock was making. If you stuffed socks down there you would be arrested for sure. Still confused you go to bed, maybe tomorrow everything will be clear again.

You wake up and look in the mirror. You look like an Asian guy, but weren’t you supposed to be a white boy? Nonsense, you had been born and raised in Tokyo after all. You had been voted one of the 100 most handsome men in Japan at the age of 20. You still remembered how proud you were, as you put on your costume.

We hope you enjoyed your trip to Tokyo, I bet you did when you put on the act of the aggressive fighter at the convention and all those nerds either shit or creamed their pants.


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