Monstercock - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago

A quick RP between me and @absqrst. Enjoy and message us if you liked.


Gerald was just staring at his Screen, working through some insurance Reports, when his boss Thomas came into the plan Office. He had a serious look on his face and carried a map under his arm. Unrest filled the bureau, since everybody knew what was about to come up. Since only a few weeks before Dylan, one of the Managers had been fired for revealing Company secrets to a rivaling Business, he had been fired, which meant that there was a free Manager Job. One that would be given to a guy from this Office.

Gerald sucked in gut as Thomas passed him by, he didn’t want to look too much like a fat slob, even though his shirt was filled to the brine with flabby bulk. His chair creaking with every heavy breath he took.  

"So everyone I think you heard what happened last week and the board of directors has decided on the Person who will receive the Promotion which was Long overdue for him. It's a great pleasure for me to announce that Gerald has been the lucky guy to be Chosen for getting Job.§, Thomas announce overjoyed.

There was a splattering of clapping from the others in the office. Thomas came over to shake Gerald’s hand. He towered above Gerald even though he wasn’t a large man. Gerald could feel his face going red with excitement and pleasure from finally being recognised

This decision had really been Long overdue. At the age 58, Gerald had literally spent all his working life, a total of 40 years working at this Office and had always been left out. But Standing there, being on the receiving end of the praise and envy of his colleagues really compensated for this. "If you'd be as Kind as to follow me Gerald, I will Show you your private Office now.", Thomas said and put a Hand on GErald's shoulder.

Thomas was explaining various perks of the job as he led Gerald to the back where the office of the old manager was. It was nice sized room, with a decent view from the window and a few modern furnishings

All traces of Dylan had been banned from this room and it was pretty much empty, except for the desk, which had an expensive looking Computer Screen on it and a pair of leather chairs in front of it. But what was strange, was that a glass of what looked like colorful Cocktail Standing in the middle of the table. Thomas gestures to the chair “Take a seat, see how it feels” he smiled, closing the blinds on the glass walls that cut the office off from the rest of the floor

Just as instructed Gerald sat down on the luxurious Office chair. He had to admit that the sight from behind the boss desk felt pretty good. Suddenly Thomas pulled out a glass of seemingly champagne out of nowhere and gestured towards the glass Standing on the desk. "How about a celebratory drink, Mr. Manager?", he asked. A Little hesitant Geralt drank from his glass and enjoyed the sweet taste of the colorful liquid, while having Thomas eyes on him, with a mischievous glimmer in them. Bubbles fizzed down his throat, Thomas still smiling. Gerald took another swig from the glass, the bubbles stronger this time, and now fizzing in his stomach.

Suddenly it felt like someone had punched him in the stomach with everything he had and Gerald almost threw up from the intense pain. But when he lifted his Shirt up to inspect what had happened, there wasn't the gut to which he had been grown accustomed. Instead of this he found a masterpiece of an ab section, that looked like someone had implanted a cobblestone road under his Skin At the same time his fingers and knuckles cracked loudly, his hand growing larger, the skin tightening, colour returning to it and marks and spots vanishing.

The dinner plate mitts were connected to a forearm that pulsed and beefed up by the second growing more muscular by the second. It was only a matter of Moments until his once skinny forearm had been replaced by what could have very well be a ham, connected to his still thin biceps and triceps. The sleeves of his shirt were starting to fall apart, his biceps inflating and only making the sleeve tighter and tighter. Small tears were starting to appear as his arms blew up to immense proportions. Even though he hadn't been to a single gym in his life, the arms straining t the tight material looked like he practically spent all his time working out his arms.

The sleeves burst with a loud rip, immense swollen peaks of muscle erupted from the fabric, twitching and flexing without any input from Gerald. The textile quickly twirled and reformed around his immense arms though, being made into a still tight and Close to bursting, but somewhat stable form. The new sleeves though were quickly put to a new test, as Gerald's shoulders shot out to the sides, greatly widening his formerly narrow form.

The top button of his shirt popped open as his torso widened and pulled the buttons apart

His chest grew to incredible proportions, literally Shooting the button across the room, with such velocity that Thomas had to dodge it. What was revealed was a pair of pillow like pecs that would have made most women green with envy. His pecs rose up as the shirt pulled itself closed over his shelf like chest. His torso lengthening upwards as it stretched taller.

Just like his height was increasing to a towering Level, his back was muscling out to become a massive mountain range of brawn. The deep Valleys of Gerald's back muscles stretched the already tight Shirt even further, until it couldn't hold much longer and a big rip appeared. His increasing height also led to the Shirt riding up  his cobblestone abs to show a good two rows of the sexy cobblestone road. His neck thickened, marching the shoulders and traps which had developed. Thick cords of muscle tapping at the back of his ears.

Gerald had to stand up as he felt the next Thing growing. His legs had already begun pushing his Jeans to an uncomfortable degree of tightness.  And even though his pants were already Close to bursting, the growth showed no signs of stopping.Small strained tears were spreading across his thighs, his calves too expanding as his legs grew longer and longer

The tears grew as his legs pushed out more and more and more and more of his increasingly muscular legs was exposed. Finally after what felt like an eternity of tightness around his legs, the pants gave in and revealed the most muscular pair of tree trunk legs either of the two men had ever seen.

The jeans slowly reformed, pulling tight around the long muscles limbs. Smart looking black trousers cling tightly, a leather belt latched around his trim waist  His Long feet pushed through the front of his old looking Dress shoes and socks, revealing Long strong and muscular toes, before being enveloped by a new pair of leather shoes.  But just as Gerald thought his Transformation was finished, he started to feel his facial bones reform.

His draw dropping and squaring off, his cheek bones cracking as they rose up on his face. Thomas could see the man's skin growing younger before his eye, a rich golden tan spreading over him. His hair, which had previously been thinning and had a Grey Color, quickly thickened and gained it's old Brown tone back, which fit his new sparkling Brown eyes just perfectly. Thomas thought the changes were coming to an end but then Gerald rose up a few more inches in one quick burst as Gerald’s fat flabby ass rounded out into s boulder of powerful muscle

"I think you are finished by now, Gerald.", Thomas said and gave an approving smile to the new muscular stud. "I have another present for your Promotion", he said and opened the Office door. There stood a cute twinky guy, with blonde locks and big dick sucking lips. The poor guy looked terrified, shaking slightly and holding himself close. He was a total stranger to Gerald, but somehow there was a resemblance to Dylan, the guy who had previously had Gerald's Job. But that couldn't be, Dylan was about 40 and not 20 like the guy that stood there. And Dylan was a large man, this twink could be his son maybe. He sure looked that age.

"Gerald, this is Dustin, your new personal assistant.", Thomas said and ripped the new Manager from his thoughts. "Is he a relative of Dylan? He Looks like this.", Gerald asked out of curiosity, but only got a sly grin as answer. "Dustin will do anything he can for you.", Thomas added and leaned in closer to add "Literally anything." As he watched the pillowy lips of his new assistant Gerald could feel his Transformation still going on. He moaned as his dick grew to what felt like nearly eli Quality and hie balls ballooned to large egg size. Dustin didn't miss this growth either and walked up to Gerald, dropping to his knees in front of the new Manager as Thomas closed the doors behind him.

agmsye - Male Muscle Transformations

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7 years ago
Shopping Time

Shopping Time 

"Come on, Bradley, I still haven’t found anything cool today. Let’s check out this shop over there.”, Amy tried to motivate her boyfriend who just sighed and trotted behind her and whose arms were already struggling with the mountain of boxes and shopping bags that contained all the stuff Amy had bought. It had been a long day, they had already been to numerous shops and she had found something in each of them. But without complaint he just entered the store. The saleswoman behind the counter gave him a warm smile and offered Bradley to keep their purchases stored for now, an offer which he gladly accepted.

He rubbed his slender arms and looked around the room. Overall it had the looks of a second hand shop, mainly consisting of a variety of clothes and mirrors, but also having other stuff like an old lamp and some vials on the shelves. Bradley looked around for Amy, who had probably run off somewhere in the shop to collect the pieces she liked. Just then he passed a large full body mirror and took a look at himself.  Overall he was pleased with himself. Sure he was no jock, but he had a decent body, always trying to keep himself in shape with jogging and push-ups. He wasn’t a model either, but somehow his face had a boyish charm, which girls seemed to like. Before he had met Amy in his second year of college, which had been 3 years ago, his face and easygoing attitude had done a good job scoring him a few fucks, which had never complained about his 5″ cock.

Just then he heard his girlfriend call him from the changing rooms. He quickly walked over to her and a short look into the booth confirmed that this huge pile of clothes would take Amy some time to get through, so Bradley sat down in a nearby chair with view on her cubicle. It didn’t take Amy long to try on the first piece of clothing she had picked out. 

She stepped out of the room, wearing a T-shirt with some nerdy line. Of course a nerd like Bradley instantly recognized where it came form. It was a simple League of Legends shirt which had “Dat Ashe” written over the well highlighted chest of Amy. “Suits you well, baby.”, Bradley snorted and gave his girlfriend a thumbs up. “I don’t know, it’s pretty loose and not as body hugging as I’d like.”, she complained and went back into the cubicle. Bradley just sighed. Of curse having a hot girlfriend like Amy was nice and it was sure a nerd like him would never find another one like her, but she could be pretty exhausting.

A few moments later Amy reappeared, now wearing a short skirt that really highlighted her long lean legs and pushed up her ass nicely. She had put her plain black top, in which she had entered the shop, on again. “Damn girl, are you trying to make me hard?”, Bradley asked and gave his enormous bulge a grab. He could see Amy moving her thighs a little, probably barely able to not get wet from the memories of Bradley jackhammering his monstrous horsecock into her tight pussy. He still clearly remembered the other guys always joking in the locker room, how he could probably use that thing as a walking stick if he were serious. “I like it too.”, Amy cooed and stopped his train of thought. That short statement relieved him, it meant that she would probably keep the sexy shorts.

The next piece of clothing Amy tried on was was a pair of athletic shoes, maybe meant for jogging or track running.They were white and had a few red stripes running across them. They really accentuated the length of her legs and made her look taller than she actually was. Additionally it gave her the nice sporty look Bradley liked. “How do you like them Brad?”, Amy asked and stepped closer to give her boyfriend a better view. He leaned down to inspect them and with one smooth motion he stood up and pulled Amy closer while grabbing her ass. “They look damn good on you, babe. And they really make your ass look juicy as hell.”, he answered and planted a rough kiss on her lips  For a moment Amy was kind of awestruck, but then she smiled and rubbed her boyfriend’s big hard chest with one hand. “So that means I’ll keep it, I guess.”, she said and rubbed over one of his nipples. A soft deep moan escaped the muscular man’s lips and he felt the enormous cock starting to get hard in his sweatpants. “Save that for later, babe.”, he replied and sent her back to the changing room with a slap on her ass.

When she stepped out of the cubicle the next time, she wore another new piece of clothing, pair of expensive looking sunglasses. Instantly a smile crossed the handsome face of Amy’s fratboy boyfriend  “You like?”, she asked with her prettiest smile, while looking over the rim of her new sunglasses with a seducing look. She had the strong desire to kiss him again, just looking at his sparkling white teeth and dimples made her almost wet. But she knew if she didn’t hurry up a little, Brad would be annoyed and maybe wouldn’t ram her mammoth sized cock into her tonight. So she quickly pulled on the last piece she had taken with her, a shirt with a funny line and left the booth again.

“I guess I’ll buy that outfit.”, Amy said and turned around to give Brad a good view of herself. Curiously he read the sentence written on the plain black piece of clothing. “’I’m with stupid.’”, he read out slowly. “Damn right you are.”, Brad exclaimed and flexed one of his seriously muscled arms. Amy just chuckled. Brad really wasn’t the brightest bulb, honestly he was so dumb he didn’t even finish high school, but he was kind and honest plus Brad could give her a fuck like no other guy she ever met. “You look awesome, babe.”, he said and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Let’s go home honey and then I’ll reward you for your patience today.”, Amy cooed and rubbed the long shaft of her boyfriend. Brad just chuckled and lifted her shirt. ‘We might not even make it home at this rate.’ Amy thought but mentally shrugged. Even if they had sex here, Brad would be ready again when they got home nonetheless.

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7 years ago

Hello! I was wondering if you could help me out with a friend of mine. I'm tall and my friend is a little Asian twink, he tries to dom but it doesn't work given the size difference. Think you can scale him up a bit ?

Oh you got me with this request. I have thing for Asian hunks. So I don’t think we need to do something about his attitude, he already seems to be more on the dominant side judging your description. Okay, maybe I’ll throw in a good portion of cockiness and dominance. Not to forget I should up his libido too, he will be fucking everything that moves with his still tiny dick. Just be prepared to find his apartment completely coated in cum when you visit him next time.

Next I’ll go to the body section. Since you are tall, about 6′2″ in my mind, he’ll be even taller, practically a tower. Though I can’t leave a guy with a height just over 7′ skinny as a beanpole. Just let me rewrite his history a bit, I think having him be a regular gym goer since he was 15 should do his body good. Oh, don’t worry you’l keep memories of his old self, but you’ll know the new timeline too. And as you can see in the picture I attached your friend has started participating in professional bodybuilding competitions too.

I think I’ll wait with my last treat for him until he steps out on stage though. I mean having the audience witness his cock and balls growing to farm animal sized proportions can be pretty hot. Though he should be careful, should he get hard there is no guarantee his posers will last, but I son’t think anyone would complain seeing this behemoth doing some poses with a raging 11 inch boner. 

An added feature hat comes with the baseball sized cum factory he calls his bull nuts now is that his features have become considerably manlier. I strongly suspect you could use his jaw to cut through glass. I had to take a price for my transformation though. He lost his perfect eyesight and is now wearing glasses and to go along with it he will now have a nerdy persona. 

i think you’ll be in for a surprise when you come home and find out you are no longer his friend but his boyfriend/cum dump. He’ll fuck you for hours, all the while watching some anime, before moving on to the rivals from his competition he brought home to plow and show them what a real champion looks like. I hope you don’t mind.


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7 years ago

Hi, I wondered if you could write a tf story (not travel-related), I'd like you to use racial change (caucasian to african) and to make it go unnoticed by anybody. Thank you in advance, I like your blog a lot

It’s nice to hear that, dude and since you’ve been so nice I may actually help you with your little fantasy. But how do I start it. I could just give you a Chronivac and see how things evolve, but I think that would give you too much power. I could send you an artifact that would do the transformation too, but I think that would be too easy. I think I’ll dig up my old spell book, I’m in the mood for some magic. 

Since you haven’t specified a target for your request I guess you don’t really care who gets the treat. So how about your brother gets a little magic worked on him. Yeah, from what I observed through my crystal ball your younger sibling is a bit runty for his age and gets picked on constantly, am I right? No problem I can’t get rid off.

First of all I’ll read out an incantation that will make everyone oblivious to any further magic I do here. Unfortunately that includes you, but you don’t mind, do you?

The next spell I cast will change your brother’s skin tone from the pasty white it has now to a nice rich mocha brown. Of course you two are not related by blood anymore, your parents adopted him when you were 3 and he was one year old. But of course you have been raised as normal siblings and you love him just like you were related by blood. 

Of course I can’t let the now 21 year old be unstereotypical for a black man. I think I’ll cast a second spell to grow his body . A lot. I had to buy some herbs from the magical shop next street, but that’s worth it. Over the course of the next week your adoptive brother will grow into a man you would only see on the internet normally. I hope you don’t mind that he will tower over you by a good 9 inches and outweigh you by at least a hundred pounds of muscle. Then again why would you, he has always been this way after all.

Though I can’t ignore the fact that this new super stud you call brother is still a virgin. An incantation and spilling a little salt on midnight should be sufficient to blow your brother’s dick up to the size of a cucumber. That should solve his “problem”. Next time you’ll see him he’ll probably either come right from an incredible fuck session or be on his way to give a poor girl an earth shaking fuck, just like always.


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7 years ago

My boyfriend's feeling a little insecure, says he has a babyface, and that he thinks he looks to young. Can you help him realise that just because you look twenty doesn't mean you can't look like a godly stud?

Sorry I haven’t answered this earlier. It laid at the bottom of my inbox for a while.

I hate it when people have this really low self esteem, just because of their looks. That’s why I’m going to help you and your boyfriend. I guess unlocking his true potential would be nice, don’t you think? Just let me brew up a little something. Here you go, give that shampoo to your boyfriend and the next time he takes a shower, you’ll be surprised by the person that exits the cubicle.

I guess he’ll start shampooing his head, so that’s where my formula gets to do it’s magic first. It will refine his formerly shaggy blonde mop of hair into a nice short kept crew cut and just look at this golden color.  Next thing is that his boyish face will become a little more angular, though not much, I like the muscle boy look. His features will get more defined, so prepare for a more pronounced jawline, a straighter nose, pouty lips and of course deeply set ocean blue eyes. So yeah, I’m no big fan of the studs in his ears, but it seems like the potion sees this as part of your boyfriends potential.

As the water cascade don his body, his weak bony skin gets pumped up with smooth, strong, firm muscles. Just think of how sexy his pecs will be. And I’m sure you’ll enjoy rubbing over your boyfriend’s new strong midsection too. I think you know how much I like sixpacks, but just let me do some magic. After all I wanna give your boyfriend the bulging eightpack he deserves. Yeah, I know that’s technically breaking the rules here, but seriously you could grate cheese on his abs now. Of course his arms, shoulders, back, lats and traps haven’t been left out either. By the time he steps out of the shower he’ll probably look like he has been lifting for years.

Simultaneously the shampoo has begun to straighten his posture and increasing his height. I just hope he won’t hear the cracking sound of his bones shifting and spine elongating, that could really freak him out. Though having that new super stud strut around your house and nearly hitting his head on every doorframe he comes across will be a real turn on, I can promise you that. 

And now the shampoo has finally reached the best part of the body. As the shampoo runs across the length of your boyfriend’s dick he might notice that it will take longer until the suds drop off his tip than he expected, simply because the way is increasing. And not only is his cock becoming longer, it’s becoming wider too. I’m no expert, but I guess by the time the shampoo has finished it’s work his dick will rival a water bottle in length and a beer can in girth. I’m sure he will know how to use that monster too.

I guess he’s finished his shower now. Other than the changes I just described to you, his legs rival now a horse’s and his feet look like a fucking clown’s too. Though I hate to admit, but the shampoo had a few … unexpected effects. You see, the shampoo rewrote a few things in his life. He was more active in sports, that’s why he is so built and so confident. And the extra amount of testosterone that produced lead to him being taller and having a larger cock as well as now having a smooth baritone as voice.  

But that also means he didn’t spent as much time studying or reading, meaning he’s pretty much an idiot now. That’s why he is so dependent on you and willingly lets you fuck his ass in exchange. And trust me if I say he that pouty lips are perfect for dick sucking too. Of course he still loves you though. Just let me work a bit of magic again, giving him a modelling job and you a big fat cock to really satisfy that young looking godly stud of a boyfriend.


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6 years ago

All in the Fine Print

Chester and his nephew Donald, or Dom as he preferred to be called, drove through the nice expensive neighborhood of their town. Chester, who had made a lot of money with his job as researcher in a big chemical facility, had been searching for a new house for a while. His old one had become a little small after Dom, who worked as personal trainer in a nearby gym, had broken up with his girlfriend and moved in with his uncle.

Chester had found a real estate agent who was well known for selling exquisite property, though not much was known despite not much being known about him. As the two drove through to the mysterious man’s office in Chester’s vintage cabrio, they once again talked about their favorite topic, Dom’s bed stories. Chester, being the 60 year old man he was, actually enjoyed hearing Dom go on about how he banged nearly every girl he laid eye on, which looking back might be the reason his girlfriend threw him out.

It wasn’t long before Chester pulled the car over in front of a serious looking office building. They entered the real estate agent’s office and found him putting the finishing touches to the contract. “Ah Mr. Banton, I’ve been waiting for you. I just finished the papers for the mansion on the hell you had requested. Just to be sure I also included the exchange of the bedroom closets and the remodeling of the garden into the contract.” “Excellent, … Luke, was it?”, Chester replied followed by a nod from Luke, leaving Dom a little puzzled why his uncle addressed the man with his first name.

“Are you sure you wish to make the adjustments mentioned in the contract, Mr. Banton?”, Luke asked. Now it was Chester’s turn to be puzzled “Of course, yes I do.”, the rich man replied. “Your wish is my command.”, the real estate agent grinned and added, “Now I just need your signature here. And of course your nephew’s too.” Both of the men nodded. Luke had been really insisting on Dom signing too, since he would live in the mansion too. Neither one of the men noticed the ink shortly sporing a golden gleam as they shook hands with Luke or the wicked grin on the real estate agent’s face as they left.


Eager to see their new home, Chester quickly talked Dom into driving there, though he had so much energy, he could run their. They climbed into the car and drove off. Soon they passed by a shoe store. All of a sudden a question popped up in Chester’s mind. He had been planning to gift Dom shoes for his birthday in a few weeks, but didn’t know his size. Trying to sound as unsuspicious as possible he asked his nephew: “Hey Dom, your shoes look awfully big. What shoe size do you have again?”

The personal trainer wanted to immediately tell his uncle, he had gigantic size 16 feet, since he knew what his uncle had planned to get him for birthday, but instead he said: “I only have sight 8, unlike you with your boat feet, Uncle Chester.” It felt weird for him to say that, but comparing his own small feet to his uncle’s it was definitely true. Dom had found one of his uncle’s shoes in the hallway once and a quick look at the label had confirmed that the 60 year-old really had size 17 feet, despite his meek stature. Though Dom found that Chester looked a bit beefier than usual. Had he been working out?

As it turned out the mansion was on top of a hill and the way from the estate agent’s office included a steep street, not that Chester’s car had any struggle with it. Actually it was quite the opposite. He accelerate so much that Dom was pressed back in his seat, only just noticing that his head didn’t sit quite as much above the end of the car seat as usual or that the higher they drove up the hill, the further down he slid at the leather seat, until his head was barely at the bottom of the headrest.

What he did notice though was that he had to crane his neck upwards to look at his uncle’s face. The old man was really a behemoth. “How tall are you again, Uncle Chester?” The older man had to wrinkled his forehead as he tried to remember. “Something like 7 feet, maybe a little more?”, he answered, clearly not sure of his exact height himself. Dom just gulped. His uncle was a tower, especially compared to the 5′8″ figure of his nephew. And even though Dom was still more muscular, probably because he was younger, the older man had an impressive body for his age.

It seemed like they had been driving far to fast, since a police car pulled them over not much later. Chester didn’t seem to worry much and why would he. He had a ton of money and could probably pay any fine they imposed on him. Dom on the other hand wasn’t nearly as confident, throwing nervous glances over to  his uncle.

The officer ordered Chester to lower his window by gesture. “You have been driving nearly 20 mph too fast back there. Do you have anything to justify yourself?”, the policeman asked. “Sorry officer, but I just bought this car and can’t really assess it’s velocity. My doctor also said I have this thing called shaky feet and that’s a little hindering while driving.”, Chester justified himself. The cop just rolled his eyes. “Your driver’s license please.” Obediently Chester gave him the document. “So you’re 15, is that right?”, the man asked and Chester almost wanted to correct him, but neither Chester nor Don found themselves able to. “Yeah that’s right.”, Chester’s, or as he preferred to be called, Chez’ booming bass broke the silence, while the policeman noted the young millionaire’s particulars.

“I’ll turn a blind eye this time, Chez, but next time I’ll have to give you a fine. By the way, are you still in for Maria’s birthday present?”, the cop asked. “The threeway? Sure thing, bro, but seriously can’t you get your wife other presents than this?”, Chez responded, giving his hefty bulge an effective grab, resulting in the young cop rolling his eyes, “Anyway, see you later in the gym, bro.” And with that words, Chez closed the window and started the car again.

When they were nearly at their destination, Chez finally finished his overly long and graphic story about the night before. “Well long story short, girls just can’t resist this face. I’m sure you were like that when you were younger too, Uncle Donald.” The elderly Donald just smirked. In his younger days Donald had been quite the player, despite his relatively small height. He had been quite well in shape, though not as incredibly muscular as his nephew. But that was to be expected, after all Chez had made a fortune with his own line of gyms, for which he was the poster boy.

Finally they drove up the driveway of the new mansion. The house really was huge and the garden surrounding it was too. Just when Chez pulled the car over in front of the front door, he turned over to his uncle. “I think you have a crumb in your beard. Let me remove it.”, he said and reached over to remove said object from Donald’s beard. Only that he didn’t only pull out the crumb, but pulled the whole beard off his uncle’s face with it.

The two of them couldn’t even comprehend what happened when the beard sunk into Chez’ hand and pushed out of the gym owner’s lantern jaw, forming a dense forest of black hair pushed out of his lantern jaw and coating it in a perfect designer stubble.

Just when the strange event ended, not that either of the two men remembered it, Chez’ girlfriend pushed the front doors open. Immediately the hunky jock left the car and ran towards her. “I missed you so much, baby. The house is amazing, thanks for selling it to me.”, Chez said. “No problem, baby. And sorry I couldn’t lower the price any more.”, Lucy, his girlfriend replied. “No problem, after all you made up for it that night.”


Several days later, Lucy laid on the terrace and watched Chez swim through the mansion’s large pool. The large muscles of his back and powerful are arms bulged extremely as he did in the large swimming pool. She smiled wickedly at how well her plan, making the older man sign a contract to get him the manliness of his nephew, had worked out. The former Dom, now Donald, still lived with them, but the many rooms of the house allowed them to still have sex whenever they wanted.

The imposing figure of the muscular jock escaped the water and as he climbed the stairs up to her, the bulge in his tight speedo bouncing seductively. As he stood before her, Lucy pulled out the still wet, monstrous tool from it’s constricting prison and started massaging it. A deep moan escaped the gym owner’s lips as he easily lowered the girl and himself down onto another lounger that would probably break from their passionate and intense love making.

Just before he pushed his humongous cock into her awaiting pussy, the estate agent whispered into Chester’ ear: “You and your uncle should really start reading the fine print.” Then he finally pushed in and her body exploded with bliss.

agmsye - Male Muscle Transformations

Tags :
6 years ago

It’s my birthday tomorrow 🙈 I’m a pretty tall guy (6’4”) but I’m a total bottom and guys don’t seem to like it :( can I get a boyfriend who’s even bigger than me? If he’s dominant muscular and hung to go with how submissive I can get that would be really special 🙈♥️

Well then happy birthday, big guy. That’s quite much you’re asking for as a present, but since I’m in a good mood and you asked so nicely I might just grant your wish. I guess you want me to just create a new man for you, but that’s too com-plica-ted… Yeah, I can’t keep a straight face at that statement either. Just let me get my recipe book and we’ll see what we can cook up, huh?

Let’s start with the height. You said you wanted someone taller than you, which means we should go for the 7 feet mark, after all we really wanna see the difference, don’t we? Yeah I guessed I’d get your approval for it. Let’s see, if I remember correctly height was produced with butter, so we add a good bit of it. It also gives your new dream man a silky smooth as an added bonus.  You confused by the butter? We’re baking your dream guy  hear, what did you expect?

Next we should go for the substance and that comes with flour. Just start from the bottom. Two heaped tea spoons for the feet, a big man needs big feet after all. With that much, he should end up with size 15′s if I get that correctly. Next one table spoon for the calves, got to get them into diamond shape and not to forgot two large table spoons for the thighs. I want them to rub against each other and from the look on your face that’s what you want too.

For the perfect cobblestone abs we’ll add 8 leveled tea spoons of flour and for the pecs we’ll throw in two heaved table spoons too. That should give your man a nice set of pillow pecs, the constant urge to bounce them included. The large arms are the result of I don’t know how much flour. I had to sneeze and kind of spilled it, sorry about that. Last but not least we’ll give your man in the making incredibly wide shoulders and wing like lats. How much should we add you ask? How about a soup ladle full of.

Now we should start adding sugar. It makes your guy cuter and more handsome. I’ll leave the dosing to you, just don’t overdo it … And you threw in the whole package. You can’t say I didn’t warn you, but your man will be as adorable as a bag of kittens and as handsome as a mansion full of supermodels. Just be sure to not faint from that handsomeness. Don’t laugh, I wouldn’t say that if it hadn’t already happened.

Whoops, I accidentally dropped a hair of mine in there, but it should have no ill effect if that was the only one. Though it could lead to him having a tendency towards growing beards or stubble or something along these lines. I’ll also add a little bit of cinnamon, you know for his “cinnabuns” as I like to call them. This much should give you a nice pair of muscular ass cheeks to grab while you suck him off.

I think we’re almost finished. Now for my favorite part, the eggs. The eggs are responsible for the private parts of our creation and the most difficult to handle. We shouldn’t add more than 2 XL ones, otherwise that could lead to some side effects. The two XL eggs will give him two nice large egg sized testicles and a nice cock, about 8 inches soft I guess. But since you seem like a size queen I’ll add a little bit of baking powder so it gets a little thicker soft and much larger when hard, about a foot if I estimated that right.

Let me just add a few more ingredients to complete your dream man. A tiny bit of chili to spice things up in the bedroom, vanilla for a delicious body odor and some rose oil for his unending love for you. Now you’ll just have to put him into the oven and take him out when you’re satisfied with his skin color and voilà he’re is your dream man. A dominant but lovable guy with the body of a god, who’s taller than you and hung like a horse.

Enjoy your birthday, big guy, I know you’ll like the cake.


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6 years ago

Hey! Would you help me? My gf left me because I wasnt manly enough and not hot enough. Also, I have a baby dick and told me I suck at sex. Could you reverse things and turn me into a manly hot muscled beast with a huge cock who fucks a different girl every night? I need you!

Yeah, I see how much you need me. That’s quite the crappy situation you’re in and I can totally sympathize with it. I guess there are many people who have been left because they were not manly enough for their partners. Though that is only the case until I get my hands on them.

Here, hold this scanner and think about your life. The woman you had a crush on or even ever just thought fucking. The men with the amazing bodies you were always so jealous off. All the times you have been ridiculed, humiliated or pushed around. All of these information will be send to the Chronivac so I have a base for my transformative services.

I see you have led a rather … let’s say up-and-down life. A lot of crushes, just as many bullies and from what I see here, there aren’t many women you haven’t thought about sleeping with. Also that ex-girlfriend of yours looks rather hot. I also see some suppressed gay feelings there, especially for that hot captain of the wrestling team. I can understand that though, he’s a real hotty.

Then let’s get this started. *cracks knuckles* Of course the first thing we’ll change about you is the main reason you’re here, your dick. I think 10 inches hard should be enough, don’t you? Also making it as thick as some people’s wrist might be a nice bonus. Of course we’ll have to blow your balls up a lot too, kiwi-sized should be okay.

I just saw that you have a little hidden fantasy about black guys too, so I’ll just fulfill it. Just a little bit of tweaking with the Chronivac and your family will be from South Africa instead of the USA. Yeah, I can already see the changes, a nice cocoa color covering your skin. I also like how your hair changed into a dark brown fauxhawk and that your eyes have that deep brown color too. And trust me if I tell you that the girls will love riding your big black cock all day.

I cannot let a skinny black man strut around under my watch though, so I’ll gift you with the perfect set of ebony brawn you asked for. Big bulging biceps, thick pecs and so on, you know the drill. Just be sure to not hurt somebody, you’re really strong now. These massive muscles will surely help you carry your fucks and satisfy them against every surface available.

Now you just need a handsome face to win your fucks over. *hits the enter button* Here you go, deep hanging brows to accentuate your beautiful deep brown eyes, the broad, yet perfectly proportioned nose typical for black guys and big pouty lips, ideal for making chicks go wet with just a kiss. I also took the freedom of giving you a deep baritone voice and some designer stubble on your lantern jaw.

I also changed reality but let you keep your memories. You are now the most well known male street worker in town. You charge a lot, but the satisfied moans and smiles on each of your fuck’s faces are prove your worth it. Of course you only fuck female clients, sometimes even multiple ones per day. Just don’t be too surprised when you look at your phone the next time and see the waiting list of assignments, let’s say you’re booked out for 2 months.


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6 years ago


A little something for your 23rd birthday @amalianetwork​. I hope you enjoy :P

Jack Smith had whatever he could wish for. Be it money, fame or chicks, the world famous model had more than enough of everything. What most people didn’t know was that about a week ago Jack Smith had been Irving Fitzgerald, just another nerd at another rural high school. But then he had gotten his hands on the Chronivac and everything changed.

Now he lived in a big penthouse in New York and had at least one girl over every night to fuck. On top of that his toned body and handsome face also got him every modelling job he wanted. And if he found something he could still use the Chronivac on his computer. Though maybe he with all his fame he should have been more cautious with securing his PC.


Jim had been planning this for a while now. Jake Smith seemed like such a good target for hacking, he was a jerk so any information Jim could get would be worth a ton of money. Even if he could only get a couple of shots from the camera, it would be worth. He could sell them to a magazine or if the rumors about the famous model were true, to a porn website.

Looking through Jack’s data Jim only found the usual stuff, schedules, photos from past shoots and a lot of messages from horny girls. One thing though really caught his eye. Between all the flashy stuff was a little program that was titled “Chronivac Reality Alterations”. Curiously Jim brought it up. It looked like a simple Sim like game, currently only showing a model of Jack. Scrolling closer Jim could see that the avatar was nude and apparently the rumors really were true, Jack had a fat sausage between his legs.

Jim clicked on the model and a variety of possibilties popped up. Curiously Jim clicked on the option “Sexuality” and clicked the field to alter it. Of course it had been set to “straight” but of course Jim set it to “gay”. A window popped up, telling that the change would take a little while. Simultaneously Jim hacked into the camera and microphone to see if the change would really happen.

The model just happened to be talking to a friend on the phone, bragging about how much pussy he got. “And that Pauline girl really knew how to suck dick, man. She didn’t even gag at my meat rod. And Jessica really had some fat tits to play with.” Then a message popped up: “Change completed.” and immediately the bragging changed. “You should have seen Tony’s ass. It was so peachy and tight, really such a good bottom. And the cute guy I picked up at the bar last week, I think his name was Dennis, really managed to keep from spurting for so long. I was so impressed I fucked him another time right afterwards.”, Jack said and cupped his already rehardening dick.

With a wicked smile Jim realized that the program was no fake. now he was gonna have some fun. “First I am gonna do something about that face.”, Jim thought and started typing. Meanwhile Jake was taking a photo for his Instagram, knowing that thousands of followers already waited for new fantasy material.

Finally he had gotten the perfect shot and was about to post it, when Jim hit Enter. The model barely noticed the photo shifting to fit his new facial features better. His face now sported a more pretty boy like look, making him look more like a frat boy, than the successful person he was. With a smirk, that would have probably made women swoon, had he not been alone, he remembered that this boyish look was his trademark feature and the main reason most people fell for him on first sight.


After he posted the photo, Jack sat down on his designer couch and picked up a magazine from the table. Of course he featured as the cover model, but he really found that one article fascinating. It told men how they could improve their sex techniques and even though he was pretty sure he was already an expert, Jack wanted to see to see if he could get any better.

Somewhere else Jim was  pleased with the results of the facial change as he scrolled through the model’s Instagram account, but he really wanted to see jack with a bit more meat on his bones. And so he brought up the muscle section of the reality altering program.

Jack flipped the page of the magazine. The article was really interesting, though there was barely any new information for Jack, as expected. But suddenly the pages of the magazine blurred and Jack felt uncomfortable. When his gaze refocused on the page, it was almost completely dominated by a photo of him.


It was only natural though, after all this edition had a big interview with him as cover story. Though they overdid it with the title a bit. “Young, hung and built like a brick wall. An interview with the All American Fitness Stallion.” Absently minded jack scratched his meaty pec and chuckled as he read the article. They focused a ittle too much on his love life, but otherwise it was well written. “Then again, it may because of these bad boys.”, the fitness model said and gave his mighty arms a flex.

With a devilish smirk, Jim hit the Enter button once more and Jake got lifted off the couch from his ballooning ass. And with that an empty, itching feeling spread through the fitness model’s bottom. He brought up his phone and dialed a familiar number.

“Uhm, Jumbo Jim, I think I need you here right now.”, Jack texted. Jim just smirked and texted back. “I’m on my way. Wait for me, just like I like it.” Eager to please the hacker, Jack ran to the bedroom and undressed down to his black briefs and waited for the arrival of the big dicked top.


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6 years ago

Hi, how are you? Or should I say "wie gehts"? When I saw that Terrence & Ford Touristics was up and running again, I couldn't help but wonder if there were any trips to Germany available? There's just something I find undeniably sexy about a guy with blonde hair. Thanks for anything you can book me.

Well I am fine, or should I say “Mir geht’s gut.”.You may not know it, but our owner is actually from Germany.  And when we went there on a business trip once I really got to see first hand how hot the German guys are. But back to business. As it stands we have a pretty cheap offer for a stay in Bavaria. Your hosts will be a pair of locals.

You arrive at your stay for the next days. The house looks nice from the outside, a classic half timbered style one, just like you had imagined. The couple you’d be staying with comes out to the street, they seem to have seen you through the window. The man, a burly guy with a friendly smile, grabs your hand and gives a shake. You wince a bit at his tight, powerful grip before he pics up your heavy luggage (at least it had been for you) without any visible strain at all. 

His wife on the other hand was a slightly pudgy, tall woman with long blonde hair, who pulled you in for a comforting hug.  You feel incredibly at ease when looking at her friendly smile as she tells you to follow her husband up to your room. Before you can say anything else, she spots her neighbor and calls out to her. Apparently she and “Hilde” had some urgent business to discuss.

You quickly follow the man, who now introduced him as Peter, upstairs and look around the room. It was nicely furnished, though a little plain. You thank Peter and sit on the bed, though you don’t stay long and decide to go for a walk through the village.

You leave the house and of course the first people you see are your host and Hilde. Especially the neighbor throws curious glances at you and gestures above her head, probably asking her friend about your height. You blush a little as you walk away. Your tall 6′6″ body has most people wondering. Hell you are even taller than Peter and that guy is practically a walking mountain.

You hurry away from your residence, not wanting the two women to speculate about your height further. As you stroll through the streets of the little village, you come across an old woman working in her garden. She is visibly struggling with a heavy piece of pottery, but before you can go and offer your help, she asks you directly. As you expected, she wants you to move the flower pot she had been working on. You are a little uncertain though, it looks pretty heavy.

You don’t want disappoint the old woman though and so you grab the flower pot and try lifting it. As it turns out, the pot is surprisingly easy to lift, but then again it probably weighs less then your warm-up weight in the gym. You carry it across the old woman’s yard, enjoying the feeling of blood pumping through the thick veins running along your meaty biceps and how the old lady’s eyes are practically glued to muscular boulder like ass cheeks. You can’t resist bouncing your heavy pecs a little as she thanks you either. What you don’t notice however, is how the woman has called you by your first name the whole time, or how you both understood and spoke fluent German all the time.

You walk a little further and finally reach the village square. Even though it was a small village, the place was full of people, a surprisingly large amount of young ones too. As you move closer to a group of girls, you notice how they start giggling, though the majority of the girls’ giggle comes out more as a moan and goes with them moving their thighs closer together. You chuckle, thinking that it was definitely the right decision to go commando today. ‘Well it’s not like they don’t know about the schlong.’, you think as you feel the fat heavy silhouette of your impossibly long cock getting outlined by your sweatpants.

‘Of course a lot of them have already experienced it first-hand too’, you remember as you run your hand through your golden blonde hair. You confidently approach a pair of girls in particular and lean down to them. “Wollt ihr ihn sehen?” (“You wanna see it?”), you whisper in their ears, your deep voice only making their thighs move even closer together, while gesturing at the still borderline obscene outline of your cock.

A they nod, you pick them up, placing each one on one of your incredibly wide shoulders. As you stroll back through your hometown you notice the villagers smiling and shaking heads, knowing full well what those two girls would be in for tonight.

Finally you arrive at home, taking the girls upstairs to your room, that is dominated by your wide king size bed. As you rip of your tight shirt, you barely notice your face reshaping into a broader, more manly form or stubble growing on your lantern jawline. You enjoy the little tickles as a light dusting of hair coats your immense muscles and smile widely. As you pull down your pants you just ask the girls: “Also meine Damen, wer möchte zuerst?” (“So ladies, who wants first?”)


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6 years ago
Based On A Little Idea Me And @absqrst Threw Around Earlier.

Based on a little idea me and @absqrst threw around earlier.

Chronivac - The “Random” Button

You know what the fist thing was when I got the Chronivac? The first thing and guy just entering puberty would do. Turn myself into a 20 year old superstud with an insatiable monstercock. And what job would that newly transformed 20 year old give himself? Of course one to fit his new baby arm sized cock and egg sized balls, that of a porn star.

The Chronivac even made me one of the stars of the scene, making me one of the best paid actors in the world and yes that includes Hollywood. I was even able to give my parents who had been struggling financially forever a lot of money and buy myself a huge mansion. Which leads us to the present day. I had just done another movie, which had all the components to become a hit. So I decided to invite family over to have a little party (I know what you’re thinking. Yeah my family was okay with my job, I made it so after all.)

Naturally that meant my aunt Isabelle, her husband Dave and my little cousin Paulie came to visit to. Paul was still only 4 years old and so he had insisted on bringing his toy tricycle with him. So while all the adults were standing around, drinking wine and having a chat, Paulie was playing all the time, making everyone smile and laugh. After a while I excused myself upstairs to go to the toilet. 

Just as I was washing my hands I got a new message on my phone. It was from the Chronivac, telling me the new update was now ready for installation. Curiously I did so and looked at the app. Immediately a message popped up telling me the following: “We here at Chronivac Industries are happy to introduce the new “Random”-Button. Click this button to apply one or multiple changes to a person in your proximity.”

That definitely sounded interesting so I decided to give it a try. I searched for the button and found out that there were actually some restrictions to changes available. Of course I excluded myself from the changes, I didn’t want to give up this life just yet, and since all the people in my proximity were family members I also made it so the only changes that would happen were bodily, with of course reality changes to avoid suspicion. Finally I was content with my settings and hit the "Random”-Button.

Naturally I felt the world shift a little and eager to see who had been changed I ran downstairs. It seemed like the party had moved outside, but no one out there looked any different from what I knew. I checked the program again, but just as I remembered, I had made myself aware of changes. A little disappointed I walked to the kitchen to grab myself a beer from the fridge. And just as I walked around the corner I realized who had been changed. Not like you would recognize him. The only thing that was like before was the tricycle he was sitting on.

There in the middle of my kitchen sat Paulie, his frame comically oversized for the small toy. In disbelief I looked at the Chronivac app again, while he was so preoccupied with his play, that he hadn’t yet noticed me. In horror I realized that I had been right, this behemoth really was my cousin Paulie, though the stats showed me that he was now 22 and therefore older than myself.

I gulped and carefully approached the big guy and tapped him on the shoulder, which was now about the same height as my hip, even though he was nearly sitting on the floor. He looked upward and smile brightly. “Chris.”, he said happily and quickly, though a little insecure, stood up to his full height. I gulped as I noticed how much I had to crane my neck upwards to actually look him in the eyes, which had taken on a deep dreamy brown. 

Looking past his humongous pecs, which were barely held back by a visibly struggling shirt I decided to inspect his face first. The Chronivac ad apparently taken nearly everything the western world deemed handsome and poured onto the face of my cousin. Back stubble, indicating he could easily grow a full beard if he wanted (actually staying clean shaven would be the bigger challenge now), an incredibly square and defined jawline, the aforementioned deeply set dark brown eyes and a messy yet somehow stylish haircut accentuated by the black color of his hair. Even his voice was sure to make every women he talked to go wet within a matter of seconds (trust me as a porn star I know what I’m talking about.)

I wanted to look over the changes some more, but all of a sudden Paulie walked over to the kitchen counter. Asking myself what he was up to I followed him, totally unprepared for what happened then. Paulie just said “Chris, my pee pee feels funny.” and slapped a soft foot long cock down onto the counter out of a pair of still close to bursting Star Wars briefs (He hadn’t freed his furry bull nuts yet.). I felt my jaw fall close to the floor as I looked t the immense tool. 

I’m sure I had never seen one as big as Paulie’s and if you are active in my business that certainly means something. Not only was it incredibly long, but even soft it was as fat as a beer can and it’s head was probably bigger than most apples, making even the soft cock look like a weapon of mass destruction. The only thing I could get out was “That’s because you’re a big boy.”, without taking my eyes off the giant dick.

Finally Paulie decided he had shown me his dick enough and (visibly straining) stuffed the tool back into his stretched out underwear with motions that verged on routine. A side effect of this was that the already tight shirt had now started to rip in a few places. When the task was done, he bounce his heavy pecs triumphantly, causing his shirt to finally give up and shred completely, leaving him in just a pair of baseball shorts.

This gave me a chance to see all the other changes that had happened to his body. As I said his pecs had become enormous, though I was surprised to see a light dusting of hair all over them. I had no doubt however that like his beard his chest hair could become a dense forest if he ever wanted it to. Slightly overshadowed by the immense pectorals was a cobblestone road of eight abdominal muscles, showing the same dusting of hair. He even had and incredible adonis belt, which only enhanced the V of his entire upper body.

His legs were tree trunks, which no doubt could help him lift a truck, if he had the intention to. Linked to that were diamond shaped calves that lead to two immense size 20 feet that I was sure were near impossible to find shoes for. 

I gulped again and pulled out my phone, looking in the Chronivac if I could reverse the changes somehow, while Paulie was just learning the joy of flexing his impossibly large biceps (Seriously the were like rennis ball sized). Unfortunately the only message that popped up was “Dear Customer, as part of the random function, the changes have been made irreversible.”. I sighed and turned at my ‘little’ cousin: “So Paulie, do you like girls?”. Once again he broke out into a wide smile and got into extreme detail at how he liked when they caressed his chest when he hammered his “pee pee” into them or the look on their faces when they tried to swallow every last of his loads. 

Of course he said all of this with more words like “pee pee” and with such an innocent tone one could almost forget he talked about some of the hardest fucking I had heard of in a while (Which again means a lot in my business.). I brought up my phone again and called my manager. “Hey Ian, I just might have found a new coworker.” Of course this only earned me another grin from Paulie, though this time more of a smirk than a broad smile. Seemed like he was learning how to behave as a sex god.

Two weeks later I had just finished another film, when Ian walked up to me with a sly expression on his face. Apparently Paulie, or as he seemingly now preferred Paul, had done an amazing job at the casting and according to my manager had a great future in the business ahead of him, maybe even more than me.

It turns out though, that the studio has to order custom made condoms for “Piledriver Paul” now, since none of the conventional sizes fit. Also the big guy seems to be so virile that the pill isn’t working. Luckily there are enough girls around, which are eager to measure Paul’s monstrosity. At least I now have at least a bit of competition though I would have preferred the Chronivac to let him be child a little longer.

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6 years ago

The Trunks of The Wild

Dr. Steve Harrison had stayed at his office long this evening. After some years of research and several expeditions he had finally found what he had been looking for. Deep within the South American Amazon jungle he and his colleagues had at last found the legendary trunks, which he had been researching for all of his work life. He had spent nearly 20 years trying to find this peace of clothing, got divorced from his wife, because she thought he spent too much time at his office and even got laughed at by colleagues.

And yet, despite all odds, he finally held the relic in his hands, which had among others inspired the story of Tarzan, the Trunks of the Wild. Though admittedly for such little clothing the word trunks was a bit stretched, it was just two pieces of cloth, connected by two thin strips of fabric. And yet he could almost feel the magic emanating from it. He stood there and inspected the trunks, searching for any trace of hormones, minerals or the like. Simply anything that would prove this thing was special in some way. But for now his test had only shown one thing on the clothing: Lots of old cum, something he was able to tell from simply the musky smell of the clothing.

He sighed in frustration. The tests all simply showed, that he had an average piece of clothing before him. But he knew it was special. All of a sudden he heard a whisper in his head: “Put us on.” The voice was deep and melodic, like someone who embodied masculinity itself was whispering into his ear. Steve hesitated. Did he really wanna do this? After all this small piece of clothing would look ridiculous on his old nerdy body. “Put us on.”, the voice whispered again, more insistent and even deeper than the last time. He didn’t have a doubt now, the voice had pushed everything out of his mind, leaving just the need to try the trunks on.

He quickly stripped off his shirt and pants, grimacing slightly when he gazed down his unsightly body. But he had to do as the voice said, so he pulled off his tight white briefs and gave his small dick a sad look. “That will change soon enough.”, the voice assured him and he quickly stepped into the Trunks. As he pulled the relic up his skinny legs, he felt the power resonating from it. Like the voice he had heard, the aura of the pants on his legs, felt like the presence of masculinity incarnate. Finally he pulled the trunks all the way up and closed his eyes.

Immediately he felt the power of the relic flow through his body and resonate with his every cell. He felt like his whole being had been set on fire, from his head, which seemed to burst, to his body, which felt like someone was trying to burn him, and even his mind, which felt like he was being pulled apart. And then he saw what was happening to him. At first he thought his skin was being burned for real, but then he realized his skin was darkening by the second. He had been white as a ghost before, just some light tan had remained from his latest expedition, but now he was nearing ebony black territory.

At the same time, he felt his shoulders being pulled apart, becoming far wider and at the same time rounding out and gaining mass, until they had a shape most guys had to work years for. While he was occupied with his shoulders, he barely noticed his waist becoming smaller, giving him an insane V-shape. To compensate for his wider shoulder, his lats and pecs grew as well, making his back look like a pair of wings and his chest like two pillows had been attached to it, the only difference being, they were hard as granite. 

His stomach rumbled as the individual abdominal muscles hardened and grew bigger, slowly forming a cobblestone road of abs, which somewhere in the back of his head he was sure he could have washed clothes on. His legs transformed into two beautifully muscled, ebony tree trunks, the individual strings of brawn clearly divided from each other and powerful veins pumping blood into them. The calves, which had by now blossomed on his lower legs, looked like diamonds attached to the back of his legs and were at the very least just as hard.

The biggest change however happened between his legs. While his giant legs forced his package forward, his formerly small balls ballooned with probably the most potent cum any human had ever carried, and dropping lower than Steve’s balls ever had and rounding out to about baseball size. As the deep brown color spread to his 3 inch cock, it lengthened, hardened and widened. Veins began delivering hormone heavy blood to the growing tool, forming a net on the professors’s dick. Not that Steve saw the changes happening between his legs, the Trunks barely concealed them. 

As Dr. Harrison began massaging his cock through the clothing, he could feel the fabric twist and change under his grab. While the original form of the relic would only have covered about a third of the magnificent new weapon of ass destruction, the shorts shifted to become closed at the bottom, giving the heavy weight at least some support and even concealing it and it’s two low hanging companions.

Steve was still enjoying the afterglow of his transformation, he heard the same voice as before begin a chant “Fuck, Lift, Repeat”. Over and over again the deep bass repeated the three words and they replaced the majority of Steve’s over thought’s  Before long the new black stud noticed, that the voice was no longer saying the words in his mind, but that the words were flowing out of his own mouth. The same deep, commanding, confidence oozing voice he had heard before was now his own.

Suddenly S knew his mission. He’d have to go to a gym, start by breaking every record in the gym, proceed by showing everyone his superior masculine body and then take one or two guys there and show them the temple of the wild, his incredible build, with which the Trunks had gifted him. As he closed the door of his office, the name on the door began to change into that of his former colleague, erasing the presence of Dr. Steve Harrison. Now there was only S and he’d spread the message the trunks had given him and show the others the blessing of the wild. 

agmsye - Male Muscle Transformations

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6 years ago

Lingering Magic

It was the night of Halloween and Alan was getting ready for a party. His bro Rick had invited him over to his house, where he was having costume party for all the college’s athlete’s, swimmers, wrestlers, footballers and the like. But probably best of all was that Rick had also invited their cheerleading squad as well as the teams from two other campuses, meaning there’d be an abundance of pussies to plow. Just thinking about it, Alan could feel his sizable tool getting hard. He’d show these cheerleaders why he was called “The Piledriver”.

Rick hadn’t been very specific as to what the costumes should be like, just shrugging and saying they should wear whatever they wanted. Though when Alan had asked him if he was kidding, Rick just smirked and said he had planned “a special surprise” for the party. Knowing Rick Alan thought that meant his bro would probably turn up in some awkward fairy outfit or something. Rick was always pulling pranks like that. For example he turned up as a flamenco dancer, red dress, high heels and everything. Miraculously he still went home with the captain of the cheer squad and Sarah didn’t even look that drunk.

Alan chuckled as he thought of that. Rick was really the master of pick-up lines. But this year Alan would steal the show. His costume consisted of a loincloth with leopard print, a necklace with fake animal teeth and a hollow mace filled to the brim with condoms. His caveman costume left all of his hard earned muscles on display, really showing off why he deserved to be the captain of the wrestling team. He wasn’t as stocky as most of his teammates, but rather on the cut side. Though he was just as big as the rest of the team, if not bigger.

Finally after having styled his mop of brown hair to look especially wild and unruly and making sure his loincloth accentuated the size of his dick enough he was on his way to the house next door. Luckily he wouldn’t have to walk far to get to the party, or get back to his room with a girl later. On his way out he looked into his little brother’s room. While Alan was a total jock, who had been blessed by puberty, it had pretty much passed by his brother. Matty was nerdy and the only real change puberty had given him was a growth spurt of about half a foot, making him a little over 5′8 and thin as a stick.

The little guy was facing his computer, probably writing another superman fan fiction or wanking off to some weird Hentai. Alan just sighed, but his fists clenched. He really didn’t want to be angry, but every time he saw Matty, he couldn’t help but feel embarrassed by the nerd that was his brother. Luckily only a few of his best friends knew of their kinship and even those were too much. “I’m off to Rick’s party. Don’t do anything weird, I’ll be back later.”, Alan said plainly and left the room, not even waiting for Matty’s response.

He knocked at the door of his best bro’s house and was surprised by Rick’s costume. The almost equally big guy was dressed in a rather cheap looking lion onesie and was smiling like a madman. The costume was loose fitting and didn’t show anything of his strong body. “What the fuck are you wearing, bro. You look like a weirdo.”, Alan said and gave his bro a friendly punch to the chest. “Well I wanted to feel like a real animal for once.”, came the chuckled reply from Rick. Alan just rolled his eyes and stepped inside.

Immediately he jumped back. Right in the middle of the hall, on a little table at the bottom of the stairs sat a weird  Jack O'Lantern. The pumpkin had a wide, toothless smile and wide eyes, but the creepy thing about were the signs that covered the rest of the orange globe, kinda like runes and satanic symbols Alan had seen when looking for material on a presentation. Also it had a big black candle on top, which seemed to absorb the light from around it.

“Told you I had a surprise planned for tonight.”, Rick said and patted his bigger friend’s shoulder, “It is imbued with magic and ass long as the candle burns everyone will be transformed into their costumes.” Alan just rolled his eyes. Rick was into such stuff from time to time, but Alan never took him seriously. “Yeah whatever dude.”, Alan said and shrugged his wide shoulders and grabbed a beer from a nearby cooling box. “To a legendary evening.”, he said and downed the beer in one go.

Within the next hour the guests came, every single one freaked out by the jack O'Lantern. There were so many different costumes. The wrestlers came as cavemen, similar to Alan, and gladiators, the football team seemed to have made a pact and all came as toddlers in oversized diapers, leaving their impressive impressive torsos on display. The cheerleader had come as nurses, cops and the like, of course everything in the slutty version to attract a strong athlete and fuck them good. Finally when everyone was there Rick lit the black candle and that’s where Alan’s memories stopped.

He awoke the next morning with a massive headache, just some pictures left of the last evening. He barely remembered the band of toddlers that had been crawling around the house or how he had smashed his wooden club on the head of a mustached cop, that had been flirting with a busty hippy girl. He walked into the kitchen downstairs and grabbed to grab a mineral water but as soon as he entered the room his jaw hit the ground. 

There at the kitchen table sat an impossibly big man in a tight superman suit. Even though he was sitting Alan guessed the man had to be at least 6′6 and over 270 pounds of pure muscle, which was barely concealed by the tight textile he was wearing. “Who the hell are you?”, asked Alan the stranger. “Are you kiddin’, bro?”, said the stranger in an incredibly deep voice, “It’s me Matt.”

Alan was sure he would have fainted had he not grabbed a wall. This giant of a man was supposed to be his nerdy little brother? He couldn’t believe that, yet the face of the man looked familiar, like someone had sent Matty’s face through a kind puberty twice. He had the same light blue eyes, though they now had a piercing look and the same nose, though it was now accentuated by the angular form of his lantern jaw.

Matt stood up from the table and Alan gulped. Standing he was even more imposing than sitting, though that was hardly possible. Calmly the big guy walked over to his older brother. Only then Alan noticed that the costumed man wasn’t walking, he was floating over. “You can fly?”, asked the dumbstruck jock. “Yep. I have all the powers of Superman. Flight, super strength, super speed. I ran to France this morning and stemmed a truck over my head single handedly.”, Matt answered and thought back, ignoring the fact that his brother had just fainted and fallen onto the floor.

Some time later when Alan reawoke he found a letter next to his head. “Hello Alan, I hope you’re feeling better. I carried you to your bed, when you fainted. Currently in Europe to do some sightseeing. Will be back tomorrow. Matt.” This had to have something to do with that weird stuff Rick was talking about the last night, so Alan decided to pay his bro a visit. After some debate and threats Rick admitted that he had found that spell online and it had actually worked last night and transformed everyone into their costumes.

However the spell seemed to have reacted with Matty’s Superman pajama and have made him into a superhero, like his idol. However he couldn’t explain why it was still active despite the candle having burned down. A quick visit of the magic website confirmed Rick’s worries. Since Matty had only been 16 at the moment of the casting, his transformation was permanent. 

And as if that wouldn’t have been bad enough, Alan had found a small white puddle of cum in the garden. It wasn’t difficult to find out the puddle was cum and that it had come through the hole in the roof. So not only was Alan now stuck with a musclebound superhero as a younger brother, the superpowered teenager was also dealing with an increased libido right. And if the costume hadn’t been stuffed than Alan would have to get used to a little brother with an immense tool too. That sure as hell was scary enough for this years Halloween.

agmsye - Male Muscle Transformations

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6 years ago

A Game of Dodgeball

Casey wasn’t exactly looking forward to PE this day. Actually he was never too eager to go to this class. PE was by far not his favorite class, he was more comfortable sitting in a lab in chemistry or biology. That was a place where he could actually impress with his expansive scientific knowledge. In PE however he was the laughing stock of the class, his frail body and short height making him a  natural born loser at each and every sport he tried.

He even deliberately came too late, so no one else would be in the locker room and mock him for his weak body. Though that wouldn’t be the main reason for the mockery. That had to be his nigh empty briefs, pathetically flat in the front for an 18-year-old about to head off to college. He blushed, remembering how Jake, the top jock, had pulled down his pants one day and revealed Casey’s tiny three-incher to the whole class.

The nerd quickly got changed, so he wouldn’t come too late and covered up his unimpressive body with some ill fitting sports shirt. Casey sneaked into the gym, just when their teacher Coach Middens was explaining what they’d be doing today. “So, boys, I wanna see a clean game of dodgeball now. Jake and Johnny will be choosing teams. Get in line.” Casey sighed, he was horribly bad at throwing and catching balls. The only thing he was at least decent at was dodging balls.

Since the top jock was one of the guys choosing teams and the other guy, a minor jock, was too afraid to pick any of the athletic guys away from Jake, the game was pretty much jocks against the rest, meaning Casey, who had been chosen last (of course), and his team had nearly zero chance of winning. As they took their places, Casey didn’t even notice the ball Coach was holding briefly taking on a reddish shimmer.

It was a pretty fast game, the jocks hitting the other guys with the balls hard and laughing even harder when one of the other team got hit in the face or the balls. The number’s of the non-jock team dwindled quickly and before long only Casey was left, thanks to his good dodging skill, his 5′8 120 pound frame making it easy for him. He even caught a ball, everyone including Casey surprised about him doing so. He tried passing the ball to a teammate standing outside, but his hand slipped and he hit the back of one of Jake’s jocks.

Casey’s 5′11 body trembled as the jock left the field and Jake threw him a glance that meant something like “You’re dead after this game, fuckhead.” the ball rolled over into Casey’s half of the field and the 18-year-old picked it up. He was pretty average when it came to such things as throwing and catching, but he could move his 150 pound body pretty well. He was also pretty agile for someone as average as him and so he hit another jock with a surprise attack. Casey had taken the opportunity of hitting Michael, he one out gay jock, when he had flirted with one of the other guys, giving his above average biceps a flex.

This time Jake picked up the ball and threw it hard in the direction of the 6′2 guy who had just eliminated to of his team members. Casey quickly shifted his 190 pound frame a little and watched the ball bounce off the wall in the back, before catching it with one of his large hands. His other hand quickly arranged the 6 inches of cock in his briefs, Casey didn’t want it to flop around. He used the confusion and disgust of the jocks to hit another guy, making sure to put a little more force behind his throw, to show them who’s boss. 

Jake was in awe as the towering 6′5 240 pound picked up the ball with one massive hand and threw it t him, the force from his throw knocking the inferior jock back when the ball hit him. Casey bounced his pecs and flexed one of his mighty 20 inch biceps. He’d have to be careful to not hit them too hard, might actually injure someone. 

His team broke into cheers, as Casey picked up the ball, as expected they had won. Being the 6′8 colossus he was, Casey stood head and shoulders above most of his classmates. No wonder he was going to college on a sports scholarship, his 270 pound frame demanded it. The mountain of a teen broke out into a massive smile and ignored how some of his classmates “subtly” felt up his biceps, abs and ass in the midst of cheering. When the crowd dispersed a bit, Casey walked over to Michael, leaned down and whispered in his ear “I’ve got something for you to take care of.”, while palming his impressive bulge. The windows shook from his deep rumbling bass and it also made sure everyone had heard what the behemoth had just said, they wouldn’t be going into the showers for a while.

Michael rushed off, his cute bubble butt swaying seductively. Slowly Casey walked after him, constantly pulling at his bulge. Another jockstrap destroyed by the footlong cock and bull balls it had to contain. He’d just have to get another one. But for now Casey was sure nobody would mind if he went commando for the rest of the day. When the giant passed by a mirror in the hallway, he snapped a pic of himself, making sure to send it to his girlfriend, the game had given him a nice pump. It would get her just in the right mood for later, after he had dumped a load into Michael’s throat. “Damn, I love PE.”, Casey rumbled and ripped his tanktop off his massive torso.

agmsye - Male Muscle Transformations

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6 years ago
Another Idea Me And @absqrst Threw Around. I Hope He Continues Posting Awesome Stories After The Purge.

Another idea me and @absqrst threw around. I hope he continues posting awesome stories after the purge. Check out his Blogspot and maybe mine if you are at it.


Danny really loved his boyfriend Brandon, but the guy wasn’t exactly the most manly fella. Even though his boyfriend tried putting on a tough guy act and play the top for exclusive bottom Danny, the twink could see through it all down to the deep insecurities of his man. Admittedly being below average in height and size didn’t really give his confidence a boost and the mere 4 inches of cock and the fact that he had been born into a family of otherwise big and burly guys didn’t help either, but Brandon always tried his best to not show how much it bothered him being so small.

This afternoon was especially frustrating for the small guy. His uncle, a police officer with a thick barreled out chest, had forced Brandon to hang out with his cousins, a pair of identical twins, who looked like someone had copied the picture book definition of Viking and modeled two really massive men out of it. At the age of 21 Ben and Sven were far bigger than Brandon and made sure the little guy did not forget it, always making remarks on how awesome it was being co-captains of the football team or how many cheerleaders they could bed in one night. 

It was especially hard for Brandon since Danny, who had decided to come over too and help his boyfriend be a bit more relaxed, knew that Brandon was neither really good at holding his load nor at shooting multiple times. And so the twink found himself listening to Ben and Sven bragging about how much of a beast each of them was, while his boyfriend tried holding up his fake smile, when suddenly his phone beeped. It was some cheesy looking advertisement from a weirdly named company and so he ignored it for the moment.

Some minuted later, Brandon and his cousins had moved to Danny’s room, while Danny had just settled for some TV and games on his phone. He could hear the three guys arguing, Brandon’s tenor in stark contrast to his cousins’ deep baritones. Then he heard a loud “Fuck off” from Ben and Sven and suddenly his boyfriend came thundering down the stairs. Not that he made much noise, even with all the force he had thrown behind his steps there was not exactly much mass. Before Danny could even ask what had happened, Brandon rushed past him towards the bathroom. Danny knew better than rushing after his boyfriend when he was in this kind of mood, so he turned back to his phone.

The strange ad had popped up again. This time Danny gave it a closer look. It was pretty flashy and even on second look it looked incredibly cheesy. It was from some company called Chronivac Industries and the text was “Got something you’d like to change? Visit our website and do it.” followed by a  link, that Danny clicked after some hesitation. It led to a pretty bland website, which contained only a field that read “Type what you’d like to change.” Danny wasn’t sure what to type. He was pretty content with his life, he was pretty fit and had a nice body, a caring boyfriend and even a job he loved. But as he heard Brandon sob in the bathroom, a thought crossed his mind.

“Brandon is taller than his cousins.”, the twink texted and immediately the world seemed to shiver for a moment. He still heard the sobbing from the bathroom but then he looked at the picture standing next to the couch he was sitting on. It was a pic of Brandon and his parents after his high school graduation ceremony and it had changed a lot from before. Whereas before his dad had towered over Brandon, the still painfully skinny man stood head and shoulders above the burly older man. The Brandon in the pic looked to be around 6′8, but when the door opened and his real life self ducked through the door, Danny was sure the by now the guy had to be more like 7 feet in height. “You okay, babe?”, Danny asked, admiring the size 20 feet that had come with the body. Brandon just put up a brave smile and nodded, while moving back upstairs. Some moments later Danny heard the same yell as before from Ben and Sven and Brandon came down again, this time his steps far louder than before. He walked past Danny, his longer legs far faster than his old ones running and made some excuse about having to use the bathroom again.

Danny was heartbroken to see his boyfriend like that, even though he seemed to be unaware of his massive increase in height. The amazingly fishy advert seemed to have been a real thing. Danny was pretty amazed and immediately typed the next thing “Brandon has been working out longer and harder than his cousins and is bigger than them.” The sobbing promptly stopped, as Danny felt another shiver run through the world. He looked at the picture again. This time the impossibly tall teenager’s clothing looked practically painted on what looked like seriously heavy muscles, built from hundreds of hours in the gym. The door to the bathroom opened and the mountain of a man that stepped out of it did not only have to duck under the doorframe, but also turn sideways so his insanely wide shoulders didn’t hit the sides.

“Hey babe, everything alright?”, Danny asked. In a deep baritone the massive hunk replied “Yeah, just had to take a leak. Well then I’ll go up again, listening to the twins joking about my baby dick.” with a fake smile again. Danny grimaced and started typing again. “Brandon’s genitals are big even for his new body size.” The familiar shiver returned and Danny turned around to see his boyfriend. Immediately he had to make a remark. “Uhm, babe, maybe you wanna wear real pants. That underwear doesn’t really conceal your private zones.” Brandon just gave his twinky partner a cocky grin and replied: “Really What makes you think that?” Now it was the twink’s turn to roll his eyes. “Well maybe because I can see every vein running along the length of the baby arm you call dick and practically count the hairs on your bull nuts through the fabric.” Brandon just grinned and scratched his dense beard. “Okay, bae, but only because you’re the one asking.”

Danny felt the butterflies in his stomach flaying, like after their first date, but then a more malicious feeling spread. Revenge. He wanted to take revenge on the twins for ridiculing Brandon, though he wouldn’t do anything too harsh. “Ben and Sven are 3 years old.” Immediately after the shiver he heard the defiant whiny yells of two young boys and the deep baritone of his boyfriend telling them to go to bed. Moments later his boyfriend came sneaking down the stairs, even his sneaked steps making more noise than his old body, and sat down besides his boyfriend. “So the twins are in bed. Time for a nice evening with my boyfriend. Though my uncle come’s to pick up the twins in an hour. We might have to hurry up a little.” He underlined his last words with a palm of his overstuffed pants and a massive smile spread on Danny’s face.

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5 years ago
Go Vikings!

Go Vikings!

“Go Vikings!!” Nowadays you could read that sentence all around the building, posters and banners plastering every meter of the hallways and even mostly of the exteriors. And what for? Only because the college’s football team, the Orsonville Vikings, were about to win the national championship. Sure that was impressive, but it’s not like all the other students were total losers. The best example for that was Lugh, the Vikings’ water boy. But of course that wasn’t his whole identity. Being the smart little ginger guy he was, he excelled in his chemistry classes. In fact Lugh was so smart that he had participated in the International Chemistry Championship and even scored among the top 3.

But Orsonville’s college was completely focused on their football team, ignoring all other accomplishments from students who didn’t have the skill to participate in the sport. Not like anyone could hold up with the team members. Every single one of them looked like someone had distilled the team name into human form, resulting in a roster of insanely tall, muscular men with golden blond hair and thick beards. And as the team’s waterboy Lugh knew that the team had another trait running for them, a trait that usually entered the room far before them. And no, that didn’t mean the insanely big pecs they all owned, giving them trouble to see their clown feet without having to bend over. It instead referred to the impressive set of genitals they all had. Big bloated bull nuts and cocks that would make true Viking’s hammers look tiny by comparison.

Lugh had just accepted it long ago. Having huge Viking looking guys in your school was just a side effect of living in Minnesota, where basically everyone looked like a Norse god made flesh. Everyone except Lugh. Even though his parents had named him after the Celtic warrior god of oaths, truth and law, he had always been tiny compared to his Viking classmates. He was just the stereotypical ginger twink you’d find everywhere. He had really hoped to break the spell when hitting puberty, maybe growing tall and brawny. But even though he had gone to the gym religiously and tried out a myriad of methods to fasten his growth, puberty had just passed him by, leaving Lugh with a short, skinny body. It was just unfair. Lugh had gone to the gym far more than anyone on the football team and while he hadn’t gained any muscle at all, the Vikings were just gaining mass like crazy, even though they were rarely seen seriously training at the gym. 

Deciding he needed a break from all the hype over the upcoming football game, the skinny ginger made his way towards the city’s public pool. he normally didn’t like showing off his unimpressive body, but since it was so early he figured that he’d be pretty much alone there. It was only a short way away from his flat and so barely 5 minutes after Lugh had left his thick chemistry books behind, he walked into the locker room of the pool, a sportsbag with his new blue swimming trunks strapped over his pigeon chest. But when he opened the door his hopes of some nice time at the pool died. 

The changing room was filled with team members of the Orsonville Vikings, most of them butt naked at this point and proudly strutting around so everyone could see their amazing bodies and insanely fat cocks. Some of the men had already squeezed their horsedicks into obscenely tight speedos, that did nothing to conceal their farm animal sized sets of genitals. Suddenly the thought of spending time at the pool didn’t seem so good anymore. Lugh didn’t want to have to look at these Norse gods show off their gods and make him look even paler than he already way in comparison. He didn’t want to feel even more inadequate than he already did. And he definitely didn’t want to pop a boner over these amazingly hot guys in public for everyone to see. Lugh had never told anyone, but he was gay and he especially had a thing for the brawny viking kind of guys, which made being around the team members incredibly difficult for him.

He wanted to turn around and leave, but given how some of the team members had already seen and greeted him it would look pretty weird if he left now, so Lugh chose the corner of the room that was the furthest away from the team members and started changing. He cursed his genes sometimes. Lugh had the feeling that since he was ginger he could never grow nearly as big as these guys with their viking heritage. Frustrated Lugh just uttered: “I wish I wouldn’t feel so inadequate next to these fucking Vikings.” and all of a sudden the world shifted as this wish became reality. Not just for Lugh and the team, but for the whole world.


Lugh had to bend his knees as he heaved his python of a dick into his new swimming trunks. With his bull nuts already taking up a lot of the space in there this was already a difficult task when his cock was completely soft, but stuffing his hammer in there when the tool was hardening was pretty nigh impossible. He tried to concentrate on fluffy kittens and over stuff to stop the thing from going completely steelpipe and after some more struggle to get the trunks to sit right he was ready to step out into the open.

Getting changed had been insanely difficult given that the Orsonville Vikings had been there too, the whole team of sexy vikings. It had taken Lugh all of his willpower to not pop a boner right the moment he had walked into the changing room full of twinks. It wasn’t rare for the college’s gymnastics team to go to the pool together, but Lugh had hoped he could evade them at this time. The massive ginger just had a thing for these little vikings, from their long blond locks to their lithe, small muscles. And of course there were the balloon asses that were at the center of the viking stereotype.

It was kinda funny how the clichees about Norse looking guys were all true. They all had amazing bubble butts, that felt awesome on Lugh’s fat elephant dick, all had plump lips and basically bottomless throats, that were essentially made to give amazing blowjobs to bigger men (meaning everyone) and of course they all had the perfect twink looks, that drove Lugh crazy.

Then again the massive ginger was one to talk about stereotypes, being one himself. Like all Celt guys he was as tall as a tree and built like a brick wall. And of course he had the fat shank of fuck meat that was slowly hardening down his right leg, threatening to rip the trunks to shreds. That was also why he had to buy a new pair like everytime he went to the pool, there was always some sexy twink there that made his monster harden.

As his horsecock began to harden, the members of the Orsonville Vikings that were lounging around the pool got hungry looks in their eyes. All of them knew firsthand that Lugh could put his tool to good use and all of them wanted him to show them again. The Celt just sighed. He had wanted to visit to get some time off from fucking the gymnasts, which was his task as the team’s water boy. he had also wanted to escape the hype for the next competition of the gymnastics team. They were insanely successful and or the whole college these competitions were pretty much the most important thing. Nobody even cared if someone else had success in other fields. Lugh was the perfect example for that. He had just won against countless other guys in a weightlifting competition, earning himself a national champion title and was a pretty successful amateur bodybuilder. 

The massive ginger just picked up two of the nearest athletes and threw him over his meaty shoulders. They wanted “Fragarach” and they’d get it. Lugh just chuckled to himself. His numerous fucks had nicknamed his footlong cumcannon after the sword of Celtic god whose name he had and he had to admit he kinda liked it. With his powerful baritone he exclaimed “Go Vikings!”, before carrying the two eager twinks to a more secluded area. He just hoped an hour of hard jackhammer pounding would be enough to satisfy each of them.

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3 years ago
Warming Up For Chroniweek

Warming up For Chroniweek

Decided to try and post a full story here again. Let’s see if it works. This story is heavily inspired by @absqrst's Tumblr Makes The Man series, give it a read, it's really good. The story itself may or may not be inspired by real world events ;)


Josh sat his pudgy ass down in front of his laptop and cracked his knuckles. He hadn’t written a story in forever and was worried it wasn’t gonna turn out well. Originally he had started writing male transformation captions on Tumblr as a way to release some stress and horny energy, but as his follower numbers grew he wanted to put more work into the stories and they turned into work.

He just shrugged his slim shoulders and scratched his slight gut. He did have to write a story for the challenge he had proposed to the community and now was as good a time to start than any other. Josh chuckled at the thought of a Chronivac. He definitely knew what he’d do with a Chronivac, after all an important part of why he had started posting in the first place was to live out his fantasies of easy ways to get incredibly hunky in a matter of seconds and without putting in too much work. Which is why the Chronivac was his favorite story topic, it was so easy to make changes with it.

The first part was always the hardest for him, finding a picture for the story. After all he was a very picky guy, having really detailed ideas on what he wanted from the GIF or picture he wanted to go with the idea he had cooked up. This time however his search ended quickly. As soon as he loaded up his Tumblr feed the first picture he saw was perfect. Just what he had had in mind. Invigorated by that quick success he immediately started writing the story.

Josh loved stories where the character remained unaware of the changes and he guessed that as a start to get back into writing he should stick with what he liked. As with many of his stories he used his own unspecial self to set the tone for the character before the changes. He took his time describing the guy, from his slightly above average height to his skinny arms, slight moobs and flabby midsection. Josh wasn’t fat by any means, but he could go with dropping 20 pounds of fat, or substituting it with muscle for that matter.

The writer also took his dear time describing the pre-change situation around the soon to be hunk’s crotch area. He went into great detail about describing the college student’s average set of cock and balls, both the uncircumcised 5 inch cock that had a slight vein running along it’s left side, leading from his shaved crotch to the unusually thick head, covered by the foreskin and the balls, average sized testicles happily rolling around in their poorly shaved nutsack.

After finishing the description of the character’s legs, built from regular bike tours and size 11 feet Josh had some trouble settling on a name. Since he wasn’t from the US he always had a hard time coming up with a name, not wanting it to be too unusual but not too bland either. He chuckled a little bit and in his nice and smooth baritone, which more than once had led to people telling him he should be a voice actor, said to himself “I gave him pretty much my body. Fuck it, why not the name too.”

Finally after setting the mood and introducing the character of Story-Josh, Writer-Josh started sprinkling in some little details that he shared with the character, not that the readers would notice. He made Story-Josh a biology student like himself, an avid comic book and manga enthusiast (again, like himself) and also established a weird personality for the character (though it was hard getting his incredibly annoying personality to come out in the framework of a story to begin with).

Writer-Josh’s slim lips curled into a smile, finally it was time for the best part of the story, the transformations. He didn’t know where to start yet, having thought about the basic idea of the story first. He looked at the picture, again feeling reinvigorated with the defective Chronivac device idea.

The writer decided to start simple enough, just a small transformation to get the whole story going. As he typed a paragraph about the other Josh’s feet growing several sizes bigger than their normal size 11 he added little details, like the character feeling his feet suddenly be constrained by now far too small shoes he was wearing. Writer-Josh wiggled his toes, his usually baggy socks feeling increasingly tight around his feet by the moment. The feeling was weird, but as he finished the sentence about the shoes finally giving up he could feel his own socks burst, his meaty toes flexing at the feeling of freedom as the tatters around his now size 17 feet vanished, new socks not even bothering to form.

Now that he had a start the blogger continued upwards, giddily describing the transformation of Story-Josh’s legs bloating with thick powerful muscle, even bigger than the definition he already had before. Involuntarily Writer-Josh’s calf muscles flexed into a thick diamond shape, mirroring the behavior of the story character's lower leg muscles. He continued with the thighs, taking his dear time describing how the already nicely shaped muscle jiggled and flexed, each jiggle adding a bit more size and definition to the growing tree trunk thighs. He knew exactly that a fellow writer would enjoy reading about the incredible definition of the legs, looking like they’d been carved out of marble, the separation between the individual muscles deepening and the insanely huge legs hardening with powerful brawn. The writer grunted, adjusting the way he was sitting to give his incredible legs some more room as he prepared for the next paragraph.

Just like one writer friend of his would enjoy the leg part, he knew that another friend of his would like reading about Story-Josh’s ass packing on muscle, after all the guy had called himself an “ass guy” when they were talking before. Writer-Josh giggled at Story-Josh’s behavior, surely he should notice the changes by now, no way one could gain such an incredibly powerful set of boulder-like ass cheeks without noticing anything. Again the writer had to adjust his sitting, the chair felt way softer than when he first sat down, his incredibly biteable ass squirming into the seat a bit more.

The blogger shifted his focus upwards, giving the other Josh washboard abs while he was at it, 8 deeply separated cinderblock muscles forcing themselves into existence around both of their midsections, their lower backs straightening, their posture improving. He didn’t wanna make the character too much taller but another inch or two couldn’t hurt, just to make the Story-Josh an even 6’4. Something around Writer-Josh’s back tickled for a second, his shirt clad back rubbing against the back of the chair as his height slightly increased. He scratched at the lower row of his abs absentmindedly, a slight breeze hitting it as the shirt was now a little too short to cover the tight muscle that made up his core completely.

Eagerly the writer rubbed his hands, the next part was always one of his favorites. Something about seeing a guy’s pigeon chest blow up into two massive smooth boulders of hard pec meat always turned him on. His fingers flew over the keyboard, typing up a storm about the character’s pecs growing with each breath, firm strong chest muscles coming into existence whenever he breathed in, his chest swelling but never losing its size when he breathed out. The blogger bounced his own growing chest in excitement, not even knowing that his shirt was struggling to stretch over the growing mass of chest meat more and more with each of his breaths, small tears appearing in the fabric with each flex.

As the writer continues with the character’s shoulders, his own shot out to the sides, rounding out into two huge cannonball delts, his shirt near breaking point, especially with the traps blooming to live against both Josh’s necks, the collar tearing to shreds. This proved to be the beginning of the end, with each word Josh wrote about the other Josh noticing how tight and uncomfortable his shirt was becoming, the real world guy felt more and more constricted. With one final flex of his prominent pec shelf the shirt disappeared, exploding into tatters of fabric around him, imitating what he had made the story character do. “Better.”, both of them grunted, their voices now deeper. No longer was the voice a smooth voice actor baritone, but a bass voice, dripping with masculinity and oozing dominance with every syllable. If anything he'd be a voice actor for porn now, just a word of him enough to make men and women alike grow horny and cum.

Writer-Josh continued his work, but found himself making more and more typos as his hands grew, calluses he hadn’t had since this one time he went to gym for some months appearing on his lengthening, strengthening fingers. His counterpart was going through a similar experience, his phone becoming smaller and smaller looking in his growing hands. He almost crushed it with his now paw size hands as his forearms turned into two ham sized clubs of muscle, veins criss crossing under the skin. Their upper arms looked ridiculous or a second, noodles stuck between the wide defined cannonball shoulders and strong forearms.

After readjusting his wristwatch, which was suddenly struggling and tight against his bulky lower arm, Writer-Josh finished the transformation of the story character, bloating the guy’s (and by extension his own) muscles. Where there had been toothpicks seconds before where now two massive, insanely strong upper arms, muscular biceps the size of oranges and meaty triceps with an insane horseshoe now making Josh and Josh hold out their arms at a slight angle, their lats making it hard to hold them too close to their body. As a finishing touch the blogger added a pencil thick vein running along the side of the character’s right biceps, that should make for a good detail after all.

Writer-Josh cracked his knuckles, time for the finishing touches. He started with the face. While both him and his story character weren’t ugly by any means, he took his dear time making the fictional guy drop dead gorgeous. As the transformation of Story-Josh continued, his jaw squared out, a lantern jaw pushing itself out of the fat melting off of his face. High cheekbones came into existence, giving him an appearance more than worthy of a male model. His thin lips became full and kissable, perfectly accentuating the strong manly nose he now sported. His already beautiful dark eyes became a little deeper and gained a more intense look as his brow gained a little more prominence. Overall the writer was content with the face he had created, but decided to add a thick designer stubble on the square jaw of his character for good measure. Writer-Josh smirked, not even feeling his face crack into the same shape he had just spent half an hour on for Story-Josh.

The last couple changes were small in nature, like the story character’s skin darkening a few shades to gain a healthy tan or any hair below his neck falling out, leaving the muscle to stand out and “pop” more. Writer-Josh had never been a big fan of hairy guys, making them the exception in his stories. He also made the character’s glasses disappear and added a new love for sports, especially football, blinking a couple of times as his vision and mind adjusted.

Mentally he face palmed himself, almost having posted the story already. He had forgotten the most important part. Tumblr and other sides would have laughed at him for sending out a muscle hunk and forgetting to change the most important part. Writer-Josh’s meaty biceps flexed as he really finished the transformation, giving the character a big old horsecock, a tower of flesh rising from his smooth crotch, accentuated by his cut Adonis belt. The beer can thick cock should have thick veins running along the entire footlong length, giving any and all people who looked at it really something to ogle at. He also decided to make the character circumcised, just so his apple sized mushroom shaped cock head would stand out more. He moaned as his own cock went through the exact same transformation, becoming the mirror image of what he had just described.

Still moaning slightly, and rearranging the contents of his suddenly tight underwear, he finished the description of the character’s new balls, full of virile cum and hanging low between his muscle thighs. Like the rest of his balls his egg sized balls were shaven smooth and at this moment started pumping absurd levels of testosterone into his system, leading to both the character and the writing taking on a more dominant attitude.

Writer-Josh took a sip of his tea. Now he really was finished. And he himself didn’t find the story too bad if he was being honest, definitely a good warm-up for his Chroniweek story. But as his roommate passed him he had an idea. Maybe he should add another character to the story. After all, his story counterpart could always use a willing cumdump to use his new farm animal sized dick on.

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2 years ago

Nothing worse than working in service industry during the holiday! Damn, I wish I am the one earning those huge bucks and can treat myself to vacation and luxuries with other people fulfilling my demand and running all the miniscule errands for me. But I know I will be a better rich people, I will treat the workers well, or at least that's what I thought as of now

That sounds like you have your life pretty much figured out, my friend. You probably expected me to transform you into the epitome of manliness, a big hirsute CEO, with all the muscle and cock size, not to mention power and money in the world.

But I have something quite different in mind for you. After all why would I transform you into a towering hunk when I can make sure you'll never have to work a day in your life. Let me introduce you to the new you, buddy.

Nothing Worse Than Working In Service Industry During The Holiday! Damn, I Wish I Am The One Earning

There you go. You'll never have a care in the world again, living as a trophy twink for one of the richest hunks in the world. While your Daddy is out earning the big bucks, working his boulder like ass off, you'll enjoy vacationing all over the globe, be it on your Sugar Daddy's private yacht in France or in his mansion on some tropical island.

Whereever you are you'll have people taking care of your every need, cooks, butlers, personal trainers, they'll cater to your wishes to a tee.

The only catch is that cute fat bubble butt of yours will know no rest. When you aren't getting stretched out by your boyfriend's fat horsecock, you'll be having all of the employees riding your hungry trophy twink hole like there's no tomorrow.

And you'll love it, after all you wanted to be a better rich person. And there's really no better service you could provide these men with than draining their wrecking ball nuts dry. It's really crazy how every single one of Daddy's employees has such a huge dick, isn't it? Well I'll leave you to lounge around the pool for a bit now. Look out though, I think the poolboy has said something about needing some relief.

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