agmsye - Male Muscle Transformations
Male Muscle Transformations

Captions about guys' muscles being grown or shrunken and reality changing. Normally I will not do celeb stories or Macro. I don't own any of the images. Feel free to send requests and messages.Should you send a request more than once I will delete that request. NSFW and please leave this blog if you are under 18.

188 posts

Please Could You Make Me Go In Russia, Where My Father And My Grand-father Were Born And Turn Me Like

Please could you make me go in Russia, where my father and my grand-father were born and turn me like them, a big hairy muscle men who can't stop fucking every woman he sees?

Have you any family in Russia, sir? You could save a whole lot of money when you have a place to stay. An aunt? Well this is perfect, you should inform her of your trip right away, I think she will be happy to see you, after all this time. So there is only the flight to book. I have an offer for next week if that would please you.

As you step out of the plane you are glad to have your mantle. The wind is freezing cold and draped over everything you see is a thick layer of snow. Despite the thick coat you shiver and once again can’t help but think that buying the thick wool hat had been a good idea. You take out a hand to readjust it and feel something different from the woolly material you remember, it’s furry, just like you would imagine the feeling of one of those stereotypical Russian fur caps. You pull your coat close to your lithe body and make your way towards the car of your aunt. 

She is waving at you happily and smiles a wide smile when she hugs you. “You looked so much smaller on Skype, my boy.”, she says and gestures at your quite tall body. Most people react like this when they see your 6′4″ frame.You literally squeeze yourself inside her small car and look at the city’s architecture and all the snow, when you drive to her flat.

Though the flat is nicely decorated, looking like a traditionally furnitured and with old eastern European wallpapers, you decide to decide to roam the streets for a bit. Only when the door closes behind you you notice that you forgot your coat. But since you wear a thick pullover you won’t go back now. You don’t plan on staying outside for too long after all. You walk through the city’s streets and some time later you look on your clock. It’s already been a couple of hours since you left the flat and you don’t feel cold at all. But why would you feel any cold. With the thick muscles you call your own, testament to endless hours in the local gym, in conjunction with the  light dusting of hair, covering your mighty body.

You walk past a bar and decide to pay it a visit.  You order a glass of vodka and look at the other guests. There are more than a few beautiful women in the room and you go and talk to one. She easily gives in to the rumble of your deep voice, the twitching of your gargantuan arms (She seemed to be especially impressed by the bouncing of your heavy pecs.) and most of ll your deep icy blue eyes. 

Shortly after you find yourself in the guest room of your aunt’s flat and the two women you picked up at the bar nude before you. You are only clad in a pair of black shorts and the fur hat, they insisted on you wearing it. Shortly after you find yourself jackhammering your thick vodka bottle sized dick into the girls pussies, grunting heavily while the wooden headboard slams repeatedly at the wall.

So it’s no surprise your aunt threw you out of her flat after the 6th or 7th chick, but I guess you won’t have a problem finding a sleeping place now, a pure blooded Russian man simply doesn’t sped the night alone.

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More Posts from Agmsye

7 years ago

Chronivac - Phone Service

Ryan cleared his throat and opened the app. The strange program had appeared a few days before on his phone and promised a world altering experience. And “Chronivac - Phone Services” took that pretty literally. Ryan had tried out the new calling app and it didn’t miss out on it’s promise. Just after he got it, he had called his brother Sean at college and when he replied to the “Can we talk later? I’m busy.” with a joking “Jacking your insatiable monster off, right?” something happened. When his brother came home this weekend he had a really obscenely large bulge in his pants, clearly bigger than Ryan remembered. But everyone acted like it was normal especially Sean. That’s when a thought came to Ryan’s mind. Maybe i was because of the app.

He searched for the number of his best friend. Drew and Ryan had been together ever since kindergarten. They had done everything together. From playing in each other’s garden to some gay experiments. During one of their experiments Ryan had noticed that he had feelings deeper than friendship for Drew, but his best friend clearly didn’t share them. Soon after Ryan discovered his feelings, Drew had gotten a girlfriend and though she was a really nice girl, Ryan didn’t like her. But with that app, Ryan could fix things.

Finally the call connected. “Hey Ryan, how’s it hanging.” “Just as normal.”, he chuckled and gulped in anticipation. “So are you at the gym again?  Probably, after all you haven’t been much else in the last 5 years, am I right meathead?” Deep within he could feel that the app worked. At the other end of the town, Drew suddenly found himself in a gym, that seemed like a second home to him. He held the phone, that looked ridiculously small in his big calloused hand, at his ear, while the other dinner plate sized mitt caressed his hard eightpack. “Yeah, how did you know. But I guess it is no surprise, I practically live here.”

“The wall length mirrors might be an added benefit. After all you always check yourself out in every reflective surface you come across. But it would be a waste to let that beauty go unnoticed. And that beard is something to fantasize about too.”, Ryan said and bit his lip. Maybe he had overdone it. But Drew just laughed it off. “Yeah, it grows like crazy. I only shaved that morning and I have an insanely dense beard right now. But what’s with all that beauty shit. Are you a faggot or so?”

Ryan took a deep breath. Now or never.  “Of course I am, dummy. We have been together since high school.” Suddenly a though came to Ryan’s mind. The Chronivac made everything true, so did this go for the ‘Dummy’ remark too. “Duh, you’re right, honey, I guess it’s normal to forget stuff if you’re as dumb as me.”, answered Drew, his natural baritone now sounding incredibly dumb. “At least you’re good at other stuff. Like lifting weights and posing.”, Ryan quickly said to at least give his new boyfriend.

Suddenly a clinging sound could be heard from the gym. Drew probably stepped on a dumbbell lieing around. “What happened, honey? Did you trip over your own feet? I guess that can happen with size 23′s. Or are you hot? And that happens even though you don’t normally were a shirt in public, right?”, Ryan commented and immediately Drew’s already stretched to the limit tank top dissolved into thin air, while his shoes grew several sizes to become nearly clown sized.

All of a sudden a guy came up to Drew and talked to him. “Hey dude, you’re awesome. I really admire your dedication. Can you give me some tips?”, he gushed. Drew only grunts a short “Later.” and shows him the phone. This small encounter gives Ryan a wicked idea. “What was that? Are you at a convention?” “A comic convention?”, Drew asks dumbly. A little confused you reply.”No, of course not. A fitness expo.” “Yeah, I still have some work to do. Probably will come home late, small guy.”

The ‘small guy’ remark probably was meant as a joke, but immediately Ryan felt extremely vulnerable. And together with Drew calling him ‘faggot’ earlier, a strong empty feeling spread in his now giant bubble butt. “But I am so horny right now. Come here and give me your Monster dick, stallion.”, he whines, causing a chuckle of his boyfriend. “If you insist, my cute little bottom, I am on my way.”, finished Drew and ended the call.

Back in their new shared flat, Ryan adjusted his new butt plug in preparation of his boyfriend’s monstercock. While he did that he wondered if the ‘Chronivac - Phone Service’ maybe worked both ways.

agmsye - Male Muscle Transformations

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7 years ago

I've always been itching to see new places. Like Texas! The Lone Star state has always been a fun idea. Country music, horse back riding, BBQ :) Although as a short Asian guy from CA, I'm not sure I'll exactly fit in. Maybe you can help with that?

Well of course we can take you to Texas, nothing easier than that. Oh, our system just informed me, that you are indeed our 1000th customer. That certainly deserves a treat. I think you will get your trip for free. Additionally you will be flown to your destination with our company’s private jet.

Several days after this you land in Houston. It had been a nice flight, though it wasn’t long. Your taxi is already waiting outside the airport to take you further into the land, away from the urban noise and hectic, towards the farm you wanted to go to. “Would you mind a bit of music?”, your driver asks and on your nod he turns on the radio. Loud country music blares from the speakers and caresses your senses.

You don’t even notice your seat moving further back or your feet growing to fit your new height. “I can’t believe you even fit inside this car, sir. I mean what are you, 7′?” “7′1″, you answer a little bit. People always ask you about your height, after all you don’t see many Asians over 6′, let lone one who is a whole foot bigger.

“Are you visiting your family here? You look like a boy who grew up on a farm.”, the driver asks, looking at your sandy blond hair and sculpted jawline. You certainly have the manly pretty boy looks, people expected from a guy, who grew up in Texas, not too forget the splendid tan, resulting from working hours and hours outside. You nod and look out into the land, enjoying the sight of endless fields of corn and wheat. Shortly after you arrive at your aim, pay the driver with a smile and look around, searching for the next guy to pick you up.

Then you spot him. An elderly guy with leathery weathered skin and a warm smile on his lips. “You must be the one I am supposed to take to the farm, son.” You nod once again and look for the car he brought, but only spot a pair of beautiful brown horses, to which the old man is heading. After some back and forth the two of you manage to store your luggage on the horse’s back. You start your ride, the old man leads the way down the uneven path and you follow close, being shaken violently by the stones and irregularities along the way. But every little shake makes you bigger. Not heightwise, I think growing even taller would make you a freak  No, your shoulder grow broader, your back flares wider, your arms become beefier, your pecs bigger and plumper and your absection gets more defined and deeper cut by the second.

When you reach the farm, you have become the epitome of the well bred farm boy, towering height, massive muscles and pretty boy looks. ”Could  you do me a favor and look after the cattle, son?”, your guide, or was he your father, asks and points somewhere. You go look and reach the enclosure, the herd’s bulls running away from you in panic. “Yeah you’re scared of me? No surprise tough I am bigger than you.”, you say flexing your immense biceps and give your bulging crotch a grab.


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7 years ago

Hiya! I was wondering if you had tour package for Italy and the Middle East? I've always been interested by their history and architecture and I'd really like to go.

How about our company offers you a longer stay abroad. We have checked your grades and verified that you really qualify for a scholarship by our business. If you don’t have any objections we would like to arrange a stay for at least half a year at the University of Jerusalem. Though you can stay there longer if you’d like. Pack your stuff and we will send you there as soon as you can.

Just the next day you climb out of a plane and take a taxi to your new studying place, immediately enrolling for courses like History of the Middle East and Oriental Architecture, before going to your dorm. It looks nice from the outside and much to your surprise you find out it is a boys only dorm.

You enter the imposing building through a pair of hinged doors and find out it is just as nice from the inside as from the outside. Looking around you see what looks like an office and talk to the guy inside, who gives you a key and tells you the number of your room. 

As you walk down the hallway of your new residence you notice that everybody seems to have left their door open, no matter if they were only learning or changing clothes. You enter your own corridor and a strong earthy musk fills your nose. You wonder were it comes from and look into the first room on the right.

Though you couldn’t see anything, the melody of clapping flesh and loud moans comes to you ears and you immediately think about the long cock the guy must be jacking off. At the thought of this footlong tool, your own impressive tool comes to live. It’s outline is clear in your khakis and you unsuccessfully try to hide the obscene silhouette. Looking down you find the source of the musky odor, a gap between your rather unimpressive stomach and pants. Though you can’t even remember taking your shirt off, you enjoy the sight of your thick cock base and the smell of your sweaty bull nuts.

You move further down the hallway and hear the clanging sound of metal. Peaking into the next room, only to find a quite muscular guy benching what looked like some heavy weight with ease. He sits upright and looks at you. “Hey you.”, he calls out with a smooth baritone, “You look like you can lift heavy weights. Wanna meet up later and go to the gym?” “Sure why not.”, you reply in an equally deep voice, shrugging your wide brawny shoulders, one hand caressing your impressive abs.

You walk on and look in the neighboring room, curious what you would find. Though you only find a guy in front of a mirror, cutting his thick beard. He looks quite good, with his dense black facial hair and the thoroughly styled crew cut. His black hair perfectly matches up with his light brown complexion, further hinting he comes from the region. Your hand immediately shoots up to your own face, rubbing your own impressive beard. 

Finally you reach your room and walk into it. Unlike the others it’s a double room. One side is already occupied by your new roommate. He looks quite intelligent, sitting over a thick book and wearing the thickest pair of glasses you had ever seen. Adjusting your own pair of glasses you walk towards him and extend a hand. “Hello I’m Tamir and I’m your roommate.”, you say and he turns around. “Yeah I know, dude we’ve moved together last year, dummy.”, he replies and then you remember everything.

“So you look like you need me.”, he says and looks at your obviously hard dick. He drops to his knees and takes out your semi-hard cock. “Make it fast though I gotta learn.”, you tell him and he starts sucking. Even though he does his best it takes you more than half an hour to finally dump your load into his waiting throat, before turning towards your own desk and opening a book. 

I think you will fit in just fine with your new manly beard, incredibly muscular body and genius mind. You will be a worthy representative for the Terrence & Ford Scholarship Program.


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7 years ago

The festivity

A little RP I did with @amalianetwork. It’s kinda unrefined so excuse the grammar please.

The Festivity

Steve looked around the large room. It was filled with loud music and shouting. Men were getting drunk and having a good time. He got this mysterious invitation to a private party and decided to check it out. It was dark with some smoke and neon lights. He bumped into a few small guys as he made his way to the pop-up bar to get a drink. He noticed quite a few built guys in the audience, but he found it odd that there were some nerdy guys in the mix too. Steve had been told that there would only be guys like him, athletes and other jocks, He certainly hadn't expected some creepy nerds like his school's chess Team captain Alvin shoing up at the Party. The Little guy had even showed up in a weird cape, probably meant to make him look like a wizard. Steve just shrugged his massive shoulders and turned away, not wanting to ruin his evening with unpleasant matters like Alvin. He went over to a table, that was surrounded by fellow built guys and joined them in a game of beer pong.  As he made his way over to the table, he could see several other guys from the chess team and video game club. "They must have snuck in," he thought to himself. The guys at the table handed him a cup and ball and they started their beer pong match. The beer tasted a bit odd, almost sweet in a way. Regardless, it was beer and he was going to have a good time. He found himself moving to the beat of the EDM music playing in the background. With all the experience Steve had gotten at the fotball team's Partys it was easy for him too beat the other guys. All the while he chugged down the weird tasting beer and danced to the Music. He couldn't help but notice the nerds, that had formed their own Group, everyone admiring Alvin's cape and all of them nervously sipping the beer like it was some Kind of poison. After about three games off beer pong, he felt a Little odd and excused himself to the bathroom. Steve pushed his way through the crown to the neon-illuminated bathroom. He braced himself on the sink counter. He felt odd, not drunk like he thought he would be. The faucet squeaked as he turned it on to splash some water on his face. He felt tired for some strange reason, and it wasn't even that late at night. The party was just beginning for him.

As he looked in the mirror something looked off to him. His jaw didn't seem as angular as usual and his designer stubble not as thick. His eyes weren't the same grass green like always, but looked a Little darker, muddier to him. Steve brushed it all off as a trick of light, just like his shoulders being seemingly narrower than he remembered. Just as he thought about his slightly off appearance, someone knocked on the door. "Are you finished? I feel odd and would like to use the bathroom.", said the deep voice, probably from one of the other athletes. "Just a second.", Steve replied, his voice higher than he remembered. The door opened and a large man appeared in the doorway. It looked like it could be one of the jocks, but his torso was wrapped in a tight, too-small t-shirt with a Pikachu plastered across his pecs. He had thick glasses and went to the sink next to Steve. He could see the guy's tricep strain against the sleeve of the shirt. He seemed to be examining himself in the mirror. "What the fuck is Happening here.", the man said in a confused tone and suddenly Steve recognized him. This guy was Louis, one of the members of the Video Game Club. Though he hadn't been the biggest nerd around, he certainly hadn't been this burly giant of a man he was now. All of a sudden a movement caused Steve's gaze back to the mirror. It looked like his biceps was pumping up and then deflating again, being left a Little smaller than before. Steve could only watch in shock as the changes happened. Steve rubbed his eyes as he stared at his arms in the mirror. He flexed them and sure enough, they didn't look as big as they should be. He looked back over to Louis who was running his finger along his jawline, fingering a cleft that was forming in his chin. His arm bent, the sleeve of his shirt was straining over his bicep. Louis caught Steve's eye and he looked over. "Big arms huh?" His voice was definitely deeper. Freaking out, thinking he was on drugs, he scrambled out of the bathroom back onto the dancefloor. That's were the really terrifying experience started. The jocks, all of them still playing beer pong, were Holding their heads, obviously experiencing a similar Sensation to the one Steve had gone through. Their shots weren't as accurate and their physiques certainly didn't look as brawny as before. On the other Hand the 'nerds', if one would like to call them so, were getting increasingly more muscular. Their murmur was getting extremely deep, their shoulders getting wider, while their waists became smaller, giving them an increasing V shape, one that most of the 'jocks' had worked Long on achieving. Steve looked around his group of jocks. Joey, the swimmer known for his larger feet, looked much thinner than a normal swimmer's physique and his shoulders looked narrower. Tyler, a lacrosse player with a notoriously huge cock, was more withdrawn and his hands covered his lap. Finally Adrian, the wrestler who also modelled, seemed to have a more boyish face rather than his usual masculine demeanor. Adrian was the first to speak up, "Damn bro, this house brew is kicking our asses," his voice was definitely higher, Steve could barely hear it through the music.

On the other Hand there were the former nerds, now taking over the dancing Floor. First of all Gene, well known teacher's pet from the Advanced Math Course, took off his thickly framed glasses, revealing a pair of sapphire blue eyes, that seemed bottomless. Chen, a Little Asian guy that worked part time at the library looked like he gotten more than a foot taller, topping off at well over 6'6". Trent, the captain of the Video Game Club had beefed up extremely, making him look like he had spent years in a gym instead of sitting in front of his Computer Screen. Steve looked over to Joey as he stood up. The swimmer was definitely shorter than his original 6'4" height. He had this wide smile on his face. "Let's go dancing!" He declared. The rest of the group nodded and got up. The front of Tyler's pants was definitely not bulging forward like it used to. The group approached a few shorter guys who were wearing oversized sports jerseys. They seemed a little drunk and confused, but still dancing to the beat of the music blaring in the background. Steve found it a bit awkward to dance with them.  But as he went one he found it extremely enjoyable. And from the grins of his fellow athletes they felt the same way, their faces showing almost ecstatic joy. And that was not the only Thing Happening., everyone of the guys going through similar changes. Joey's shoulders were getting increasingly narrow, just like his feet looked even smaller than the nerds' old feet were supposed to be. The Shorts slid down Tyler's shrunken waist, revealing a shrunken peanut of a cock, without him even caring. In fact it looked like all their clothes were getting more translucent, a if they were dissolving. That also revealed that Adrian wasn't as chiselled as he used to be, in fact he looked like he hadn't ever stepped into a gym. Just as their clothes were about to dissolve completely, the 'nerds' joined in. James S: Steve looked around and saw the clothes shimmering from his friend's bodies. He began to freak out again and took a step back. His tiny frame walked back into a wall of muscle. He looked to see the nerdy face of Alvin, grinning deviously down at him. A pair of massive feet appeared besides Joey. He had to crane his head up to look at the Asian stud next to him. Trent was holding Adrian in a bit of a headlock, but Adrian seemed to be enjoying it. Gene was already forcing his tongue down Tyler's throat, his massive bulge pressing into Tyler's abdomen.  A massive Hand pressed down on Steve's head, though it wasn't really necessary. Steve's short height made him almost eye Level with Alvin's generous endowment. He could only tremble in fear and aticipation to swallow the massive nerd's dick. Though a look to the left confirmed that Alvin wasn't the best endowed guy at the Party, Gene's cock looking like a weapon of mass destruction. But the other guys weren't to shabby either. The towering height of Chen made what looked like 300 Pounds of muscle stacked upon his Frame look perfectly proporioned and the thick Torpedo dick he owned emitted a powerful musky scent. And not to Forget Trent. The former gamer still had his glasses, but they only accented the angular form of his face and the thick beard, that continued as a thick pelt of hair covering his massive brawn. Steve was forced to look up as Alvin's face changed. His jawline became more square as stubble started to poke out of it. His eyes became more deep set as they shone a dark green. His hair looked more styled than before. Acne vanished, leaving his skin unblemished. Meanwhile Steve could feel his face changing, but he didn't know how. It was becoming more youthful and boyish in appearance. All four of the nerds were grinding into the 'jocks' now. The massive hand forced Steve to look down at the hard cock clad in Alvin's briefs. A thought formed in his head and Steve knew what he had to do. Just as Steve was about to fish Alvin's dick out of the now too tight Briefs, the Music did a final beat and dissolved each of the four nerds' underwear. Simultaneously the hulking beasts' cocks sprang free. Alvin's cock hit Steve across the face, spraying pre all across his new boyish face. Chen's uncut Asian Salami was already in Joey's mouth and the loud deep moans indicated that the former swim star was really good at what he was doing. Meanwhile the hairy giant that was Trent was already flipping over Adrian and teasing his newly enlarged bubble butt with his Monster. Gene didn't seem like he wanted to hurry, passionately making out with Tyler, while the former Lacrosse captain was slowly jerking the coke bottle thick tool. 'I can't let them get ahead of me.' Steve though, even his thoughts now in this high pitched voce and started sucking the massive nerds cock. Alvin chuckled as Steve went down on his massive cock, his pecs bouncing with every laugh. Steve's tongue danced all over Alvin's shaft, teasing the head and not neglecting Alvin's lemon-sized balls. His tongue moved deftly, as if it had years of experience sucking cock. Steve's hands roved over Alvin's carved eight pack, shelf-like glutes, and thick thighs. His fingers traced over each curve, divot, and striation. Alvin moaned in approval.

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7 years ago

Hi I was wondering if your travel agency could book me a flight to London? I have always wanted to go there. I love to drink tea and I've been told the best tea is from that area. 😝

I can totally understand that. You see I am an avid tea drinker myself and judging from the business trip I had in England once, the rumors are true. So to make things short, you will get a room in a nice flat in Downtown London, though you’d have to share the apartment with two other guys, but I guess that’s not a problem. 

You are totally perplexed when you enter the flat. The man at the travel agency didn’t lie when he told you about the interior. It was plain and simple, making it look incredibly modern and expensive. You have arrived pretty early and judging from the snores coming from he rooms your roommates-for-now where still asleep.

You inspected your room and much to your surprise you find a couple of framed pictures. And to surprise you even more, they all show yourself. The first one showed you among a group of children, about the age of 6. You were about a head taller than the other children and showed a wide smile. “Guess I’ve always been quite tall.”, You murmur to yourself and scratch at your head. You shrug your shoulders and think about all the doorframes you have hit your head on.

You look at the next one and smile. It was a picture that showed you at about the age of 10, holding a dumbbell in your hands. You remember that this was the first time your father had taken you to the gym and you had taken to it like a fish in the water. 12 years later you had a body that most guys dreamed and fantasized about.

Before you move to the third picture you give your impressive biceps a flex and enjoy the feeling. The third picture showed you after a wrestling competition, wearing only a tiny singlet. You were about the age of 15 in this picture, holding a massive trophy, that pointed you out as the winner of a national competition. You still remember how proud you and your parents were that day. But the most obvious detail in the photograph was the almost porn quality bulge that was showing through your singlet. And your dick wasn’t even finished growing by then. 

You gave your enormous footlong dick a quick tug and look at the fourth and last of the pictures. Unlike the others it wasn’t a photograph, but a framed version of your first magazine cover. You couldn’t believe how dense your beard had been at the age of 18, or how angular your face. Rumor had it that this edition had been the best sold ever.

You hear a stirring coming from your bed and notice your last night’s fuck was still asleep. You leave your room and walk in the kitchen, making yourself  some tea. The steaming cup in your big hand, you walk up to the huge window facing the city. As you take a sip, enjoying the morning skyline of London, dominated by the world famous Big Ben tower, only one thing is left to say. With a deep voice you murmur: “What a nice aroma that tea has.”


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