agmsye - Male Muscle Transformations
Male Muscle Transformations

Captions about guys' muscles being grown or shrunken and reality changing. Normally I will not do celeb stories or Macro. I don't own any of the images. Feel free to send requests and messages.Should you send a request more than once I will delete that request. NSFW and please leave this blog if you are under 18.

188 posts

I Want Visit To India , Could You Make Me Go To India Because My Mother From India And I Need See Her

i want visit to India , could you make me go to India because my mother from India and I need see her hometown

We get asked for this getting back to the roots kind of trip a lot here. And why not? There’s nothing wrong with wanting to get in touch with your heritage. Especially in your case. India is a country with such rich culture, delicious food and deep spirituality. That’s why I will send you to your desired destination, your mother’s hometown.

You look around the small village and enjoy watching the quiet and slow life of the local’s. You had wanted to visit your grandparents, but their neighbors informed you that the two were on a vacation at the moment, but I guess that’s to expect if you want to surprise them by turning up unannounced. That’s why you’ve taken a room in a hostel and decided to roam the streets and get to know the village.

You come across a small yoga school and decide to give it a try. You though you’d have to sign up for a course or something like that, but instead you are guided to a separate room, only filled with a dividing wall and a speaker. You sit down on the floor and wait for anything to happen when the speaker springs to life. A slow, soft and extremely relaxing.

A deep voice starts talking and fitting the relaxing music it speaks in an equally slow pace. It instructs you to take on the traditional sitting position. You don’t have any trouble taking on the normally hard posture, surprised by your flexibility. You aren’t freaked out in the least though, the slow rhythm of the voice and music setting you at ease.

You close your eyes and revel in the beat. Feeling the slow, soft base shake your body and soul feels good, right? You don’t even notice that the music is working on your body, forming muscle that hadn’t been there before and stretching your limbs and spine longer, increasing your height.You enjoy the slight soreness all over your body as yo grow to an impressive height of 6′4″, looking even taller with your newly grown muscle. It isn’t as big as a bodybuilder’s, but flexible and strong. 

You feel a little pain through all over your head, but don’t move one muscle. Your natural light tan darkens a little to the color of caramel, while your facial structure reforms. Your facial bones reform to take on a more angular shape. The new lantern jaw you call your own gets coated with stubble as your cheekbones inch higher. Your chin squares and forms a slight cleft in the middle, nearly hidden by your 5 o’clock shadow.

Finally the music slowly ends, as your clothes reform into a pair of baggy orange pants and a turban as a well as a couple of ornaments. The music finally ends and you slowly awake from your meditation. But with your mind something else also awakens. You feel the monster tool running down the length of your strong left leg getting hard and inching closer down your built thighs. You let out a long sigh and stand up. 

Maybe the cute receptionist would like to suck on your cock or impale herself on it. After all you can make good use of your knowledge of Kamasutra when you’re at it.

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More Posts from Agmsye

7 years ago
Shopping Time

Shopping Time 

"Come on, Bradley, I still haven’t found anything cool today. Let’s check out this shop over there.”, Amy tried to motivate her boyfriend who just sighed and trotted behind her and whose arms were already struggling with the mountain of boxes and shopping bags that contained all the stuff Amy had bought. It had been a long day, they had already been to numerous shops and she had found something in each of them. But without complaint he just entered the store. The saleswoman behind the counter gave him a warm smile and offered Bradley to keep their purchases stored for now, an offer which he gladly accepted.

He rubbed his slender arms and looked around the room. Overall it had the looks of a second hand shop, mainly consisting of a variety of clothes and mirrors, but also having other stuff like an old lamp and some vials on the shelves. Bradley looked around for Amy, who had probably run off somewhere in the shop to collect the pieces she liked. Just then he passed a large full body mirror and took a look at himself.  Overall he was pleased with himself. Sure he was no jock, but he had a decent body, always trying to keep himself in shape with jogging and push-ups. He wasn’t a model either, but somehow his face had a boyish charm, which girls seemed to like. Before he had met Amy in his second year of college, which had been 3 years ago, his face and easygoing attitude had done a good job scoring him a few fucks, which had never complained about his 5″ cock.

Just then he heard his girlfriend call him from the changing rooms. He quickly walked over to her and a short look into the booth confirmed that this huge pile of clothes would take Amy some time to get through, so Bradley sat down in a nearby chair with view on her cubicle. It didn’t take Amy long to try on the first piece of clothing she had picked out. 

She stepped out of the room, wearing a T-shirt with some nerdy line. Of course a nerd like Bradley instantly recognized where it came form. It was a simple League of Legends shirt which had “Dat Ashe” written over the well highlighted chest of Amy. “Suits you well, baby.”, Bradley snorted and gave his girlfriend a thumbs up. “I don’t know, it’s pretty loose and not as body hugging as I’d like.”, she complained and went back into the cubicle. Bradley just sighed. Of curse having a hot girlfriend like Amy was nice and it was sure a nerd like him would never find another one like her, but she could be pretty exhausting.

A few moments later Amy reappeared, now wearing a short skirt that really highlighted her long lean legs and pushed up her ass nicely. She had put her plain black top, in which she had entered the shop, on again. “Damn girl, are you trying to make me hard?”, Bradley asked and gave his enormous bulge a grab. He could see Amy moving her thighs a little, probably barely able to not get wet from the memories of Bradley jackhammering his monstrous horsecock into her tight pussy. He still clearly remembered the other guys always joking in the locker room, how he could probably use that thing as a walking stick if he were serious. “I like it too.”, Amy cooed and stopped his train of thought. That short statement relieved him, it meant that she would probably keep the sexy shorts.

The next piece of clothing Amy tried on was was a pair of athletic shoes, maybe meant for jogging or track running.They were white and had a few red stripes running across them. They really accentuated the length of her legs and made her look taller than she actually was. Additionally it gave her the nice sporty look Bradley liked. “How do you like them Brad?”, Amy asked and stepped closer to give her boyfriend a better view. He leaned down to inspect them and with one smooth motion he stood up and pulled Amy closer while grabbing her ass. “They look damn good on you, babe. And they really make your ass look juicy as hell.”, he answered and planted a rough kiss on her lips  For a moment Amy was kind of awestruck, but then she smiled and rubbed her boyfriend’s big hard chest with one hand. “So that means I’ll keep it, I guess.”, she said and rubbed over one of his nipples. A soft deep moan escaped the muscular man’s lips and he felt the enormous cock starting to get hard in his sweatpants. “Save that for later, babe.”, he replied and sent her back to the changing room with a slap on her ass.

When she stepped out of the cubicle the next time, she wore another new piece of clothing, pair of expensive looking sunglasses. Instantly a smile crossed the handsome face of Amy’s fratboy boyfriend  “You like?”, she asked with her prettiest smile, while looking over the rim of her new sunglasses with a seducing look. She had the strong desire to kiss him again, just looking at his sparkling white teeth and dimples made her almost wet. But she knew if she didn’t hurry up a little, Brad would be annoyed and maybe wouldn’t ram her mammoth sized cock into her tonight. So she quickly pulled on the last piece she had taken with her, a shirt with a funny line and left the booth again.

“I guess I’ll buy that outfit.”, Amy said and turned around to give Brad a good view of herself. Curiously he read the sentence written on the plain black piece of clothing. “’I’m with stupid.’”, he read out slowly. “Damn right you are.”, Brad exclaimed and flexed one of his seriously muscled arms. Amy just chuckled. Brad really wasn’t the brightest bulb, honestly he was so dumb he didn’t even finish high school, but he was kind and honest plus Brad could give her a fuck like no other guy she ever met. “You look awesome, babe.”, he said and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Let’s go home honey and then I’ll reward you for your patience today.”, Amy cooed and rubbed the long shaft of her boyfriend. Brad just chuckled and lifted her shirt. ‘We might not even make it home at this rate.’ Amy thought but mentally shrugged. Even if they had sex here, Brad would be ready again when they got home nonetheless.

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7 years ago


My dear fellow writers, I want to put you up to something. I have talked about this with a few people and we though it was a pretty nice idea. The Chroniweek.  

In the first week of each year I want you, the creative minds out there who write erotic stories to write a story involving the use of Chronivac for transformation in the first year of each week.

I really hope this can develop into a tradition for our community. Give your best ;P

7 years ago

Nothing more to add~

The Gypsy’s Curse Part 3

@agmsye and I are at it again. Like what you see? Tell us!


After a deep inhale, Connor tried to explain all that had been happening. The guy at the club, the random transformations, and the fact that this new hunk was the first to really talk to him about it. The hunk seemed a bit confused and skeptical. “So you are saying, that a few minutes I was like half my size. That can’t be true though, I’ve been this big since,” he thought for a moment. “Well I’ve been this big for a while.”

The hesitation of the hunk before him stirred a thought in Connor’s mind. “Where have you been Training? When did you pick up training?”, Connor asked and just like he had expected the hunk tried to remember for a Moment and then shrugged his shoulders as a sign of surrender. It was obvious that he had no real Memory of how he got so big, just the certain thought that he had always been.

The let out a sigh. “Ok. So you think this guy cursed you to turn every man you see into a hunk? And you can’t get with any of them no matter how much you want to?”

Connor nodded, “Yeah like right now, you look really hot, but I’m as soft as can be right now.”

The stud rubbed his head, “Ok, well I do find you really cute, but I can’t get it up either. So let’s say this is true. I’m a history major. I’ll head to the library and see what I can find, if anything on curses like this. Think you can go without changing anyone else?”

“I’ll try, but I guess it will be impossible. The guys just seem to be wherever I look.”, Connor sighed and watched his new hunk friend leaving the room, when a question popped up in his mind. “Please, wait a Minute! You never told me your name. I’m Connor.”

The man turned around and flashed a beautiful smile at the smaller guy. “Name’s Roman.”, he answered and closed the door behind him.

Connor listened to be sure no one else is in the hallway. Once he thought it was empty he stepped out and made his way to the exit. His stomach growled and he felt how hungry he was, the little scone not tiding him over. Keeping his head down, he made his way towards the cafeteria. Unfortunately with his head down, he walked straight into someone who was playing on his phone, knocking both on their butts. “Hey!” He heard a childish voice say. Connor was rubbing his head and only saw the Pikachu shirt the guy was wearing before a flash filled his vision.

The after-Flash-guy still wore a pikachu Shirt, but it was now pulled taut over a pair of monstrous pecs. “Watch where you’re going.”, the guy rumbled and picked up his phone again, Pokemon Go still running. If it hadn’t been so hot it would look comical watching the bulging biceps fight for space as the hunk tried to type on the tiny phone with his meaty calloused fingers. Connor still rubbed his head as he watched the Pokemon fan’ walk away. When the hunk had disappeared around a corner, Connor resumed his way towards the cafeteria.

Connor cursed to himself, his cock readily rock hard again. It was hard to look where he was going and avoid looking at any male walking on campus. Every male student or staff member that fell into focus would suddenly become a manlier, hunkier version of their former self and not even realize it. A few would apologize to him and their suddenly broad shoulders would sometimes bump into him. Even the old janitor could not escape the curse.

The old man had just been mopping a Floor Connor was Walking by  and when he peered around the Corner to make sure nobody would cross his way the Flash engulfed the janitor. In his stead stood now an Adonis in a Grey Overall. Huge biceps were revealed by the now short sleeved textile and even his now huge chest was barely Held back by the uniform. Connor could clearly see an enormous bulge swaying from side to side as the janitor mopped the Floor. Another Bonus was that the man had lost about 30 years, which made him an handsome mid-twenties-guy now.

The janitor looked like a stripper version of himself, and judging by the way he moved his hips as he listened to music, he might just have a part-time job stripping now. Connor hurried away and only transformed a few more hunks on the way to the cafeteria. He breathed a sigh of relief as it was a woman working the counter to swipe his card. As most classes were still going on, the cafeteria was relatively empty. He made his way to one of the food lines to grab something to eat.

When it was his turn he looked up and shockingly realized that it was not the normal lunch lady behind the counter but a fat, hairy man. At least he looked like this before Connor could take a second look. After the transformation there didn’t seem to be an ounce of fat left on the lunch man’s body. All he had was pure muscle, coated with dark hair. The gargantuan arms grabbing the ladle bulged and Connor could almost hear the metal scream as it bent under the man’s iron grip. The net on his top was filled to the brim with what looked like a beautiful mane of black hair.

Connor couldn’t tell which was meatier, the sloppy Joe or this man’s arms. He didn’t stay to find out, he could feel his cock straining in his briefs. He hurried over to the fountain drink machine. After filling up, he turned around and knocked a glass of ice water right over some guy’s shirt. Connor continued his turn to see the skinny man looking surprised before a flash overtook him. He now stood with a still drenched shirt, but it was now a white V-neck. The translucent fabric revealing his sculpted pecs and hard nips.

The guy was obviously uncomfortable with the way Connor practically pulled the t-shirt off him with his eyes and hurried away, before anyone could say something. After awaking from the Trance of seeing the perky bubble ass of V-neck walk away he looked around the room in search of a place to sit and saw that he hadn’t been the only eating the guy with his eyes. All the women seemed to come back from a dirty fantasy with the hunk, especially one girl who Connor walked to. She had been his best friend since kindergarten and they had practically done everything together. Well them and the last person Connor wanted to see now. As if on command, Connor felt a hand on his back and heard the familiar voice of his best friend Walking around the table.

Connor kept his eyes on Claire before his best friend, Adrian, began to walk around the table. His best friend wasn’t bad looking already. He was about 6 feet tall, messy light brown hair, blue eyes, and spent time in the gym. He was afraid of what would happen to his friend of he fell victim to his curse too. He deliberately looked away as Adrian tried to get his attention.

“Come on what’s up Con?”, Adrian asked in a worried tone, only getting a mumbled “Nothing.” as answer. The two of them had always been close, but now Connor just ignored him. So when Connor didn’t give any Kind of sign he had even acknowledged Adrian’s presence, the blonde guy just couldn’t take it any longer. He grabbed Connor by the chin and forced him to look at his face. When that happened Connor tried to frantically Close his eyes and deny the curse, but when a blinding light shone threw his eyelids he knew it was too late.

The face that was staring at Connor was now the face of an angel. He could still see some of his best friend’s features, but the good had been magnified and the flaws were erased. “No what’s going on with you?” He heard the silky smooth tenor leave his best friend’s lips. Connor’s cock ached as he looked at his masculine, beauty friend. His clothes fit in all the right places, and in some they were a bit tight. Connor looked down shyly. “Nothing. Just a rough day ok?” Adrian seemed satisfied and sat next to Claire, who was busy on her phone.

Adrian leaned over to Claire loudly whispered into her ear: “You know I don’t like it when you’re too focused on your phone.” He lifted his already tight Shirt, revealing what could only be described as washboard abs and continued “Is this not plaything enough for you?” before pulling Claire in for a sensual kiss. The both of them were so lost in their kiss that they didn’t even notice Connor staring at them open-mouthed. His power had made his best friends a couple.

Claire subtly reached down and groped Adrian’s crotch, getting the hunk to moan a little bit. He could tell his friend had quite the package given how much he had to spread his legs when he sat. Finally the kiss broke and Adrian noticed Connor’s expression. “Oh sorry bud. You know how we can get.”

“Yeah.”, Connor answered with a still shocked expression and started eating. He noticed that Adrian sloppy Joe had been replaced with a big salad bowl and that Claire only had one hand above the table. Judging the motions of her arm it was clear as day what she was doing. She gave her new boyfriend a handjob right in the middle of the Cafeteria. Connor tried to ignore it and asked innocently: “Please remind me. How Long have you been a couple again? I always Forget.” “For a happy 5 years.”, Adrian answered and a pleased smile crossed his face as Claire increased her rhythm.

Connor quickly scarfed down his food and grabbed his tray. “I uh… gotta run to the library. I’ll see you guys later.” Adrian grunted and Claire looked quite pleased with herself, obviously achieving her goal. Adrian waved as Connor walked to put his tray away. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw V-neck guy flirting with the hirsute lunch server. He tossed his tray away and rushed outside, knowing he’d have to cross campus to reach the library. He hoped Roman had found something.

Luckily the way across the Campus was pretty Transformation free, since classes had just restarted. The only Change occurred when a Group of 3 nerds crossed his way, dumbly giggling about some joke. When they had been transformed they were still laughing about the joke, but it was now two octaves deeper and underlined by the constant bouncing of the impressive pec shelf. Connor was glad when he reached the library and found it near empty.

It was quiet, as a library should be. He could hear the clacking of computer keys and the occasional flipping of a page. The problem was the library was huge and was several stories high. “Roman.” He tried to whisper, hoping the hunk would hear him and make his presence know. He went by shelf after shelf, looking for the studious stud.

“Can I help you?” Came a voice from behind. It was their salt-and-pepper haired librarian.

Surprised Connor turned around and was blinded by the following Flash. In front of him stood a totally atypical librarian. He was still wearing his button down Shirt, but it was now stretched to it’s Limits by the meaty brawn concealed behind it. His jeans looked painted on and the cock bulge he sported was so obvious that it verged on indecent exposure. But his most prominent trait was the dense salt and pepper beard Spilling out of his neckline and the thick beard he sported.

The librarian’s beard rested on his thick pecs, waiting for a response. “Oh I’m just uh looking for someone.” The librarian chuckled deeply. “Well then, son, you should text him and not go around making noise. This is a library after all.” He put a thick finger to his lips. “Shhh. Just a warning, but I’m very strict about etiquette in my library. If you need help finding a book, come to the front desk.” He turned and walked back, his shoulders and back taking up most of the space between the shelves.

Connor looked around the library some more and after about 15 minutes he finally found the man he had been looking for. Roman sat crouched over an old looking book and looked highly concentrated when Connor sat down. He took a Moment, taking in the Beauty of Roman before finally breaking the silence and Clearing his throat. Roman finished the Paragraph he had been reading and looked up, breaking in a wide smile and whispering: “I think I’ve found something.”

Connor’s face lit up, even though his cock had gone soft again, he felt elation building inside of him. “Don’t get too excited,” That sultry, hushed voice kept Connor’s heart beating even as his smile faded. “Ok so Romani, or Gypsy, curses are very individualistic. Not one is the same.” He closed the book and sighed, “So if you want to undo your curse, we will have to find the guy that cursed you.”

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7 years ago

The story comes closer to it’s end.

The Gypsy’s Curse Part 4

Another chapter RP’ed between me and @agmsye —————————————————————————-

Connor and Roman walked towards the nightclub. Connor had kept his eyes closed the whole time, Roman guiding him. They had hoped the gypsy would be there again. “You know you are going to have to open your eyes to look for the guy, right?” Roman said, looking back at Connor. The smaller man simply nodded.

When they got to the front of the club, the burly bouncer held out his hand. “IDs.”

Connor could hear Roman searching for their IDs, they had expected this and had Roman have both to avoid another Flash. But then the bouncer said “May I see your eyes. I have to make sure if you are the Person from the ID.”

Connor really wanted to avoid having to look at the bouncer, but Roman leaned down to him and whispered in his ear “Just do it, it’s inevitable.” and obediently Connor opened his eyes, only to be blinded by a flash.

The flash was even brighter thanks to it being night. The bouncer held the ID up to Connor’s face to make sure he was the same person. On the other hand, Connor was looking at a completely different person standing in front of him. His hair was now buzzed, his jaw wider, more bovine-like. Thick pecs pushed at his too tight tee shirt and hung over his definite roid gut. Though looking a little lower, the roids hadn’t hurt the guy’s package yet. He hiked a thick thumb over his shoulder. “Alright. You guys are good.”

Roman had to force Connor into the club a little, since his eyes were still glued on the bouncer, but as soon as they entered the club he sighed in relief as he saw it was still relatively empty. That meant there wouldn’t be many possibilities for the curse. He made his way through the club, avoiding to look at guys and only occasionally looking up to see if the guy Roman had spotted through his description was the man who cursed him.

The night was just beginning, so people were making their way in. Each guy he would accidently transform as he searched for the guy who cursed made him grimace a little. “Maybe I’m helping them get laid.” He thought to himself. Roman was more or less just guiding him around. Suddenly, some microphones came on, “Good evening gentlemen. Please welcome our starting acts to the stage, Alex and James!” A couple guys hooted and clapped as two strippers made their way out onto the stage. Connor made the mistake of looking up at them when one of them started to dance.

The flash replaced the two former probably well built men, who were probably just planning to grind their bodies and groins against the poles or even some club goers faces with two gods. The two of them looked similar, large pectorals, bulging biceps and deeply cut abs coupled with Overall well built muscles to back them up and topped with a humongous package barely concealed by a pair of skimpy Posers. What drove the crowd really wild though, was that the two of them were passionately making out with each other.

Connor turned away from the oversexed strippers in jealousy. Roman helped pull him over to the bar. “We will have a good vantage point here.” Connor smiled, but he definitely saw Roman stealing glances over at the show going on the stage. Connor sighed, hoping they could find the guy, reverse the curse and end the night.

He was startled when he heard a voice coming from behind the counter, so startled that he didn’t even think about the curse. He barely registered the formerly kind of skinny, but also kind of handsome figure disappear, before the new bartender repeated the question with a new rumbling bass “And what can I get you two.” Like always, Connor was too awestruck by the man’s new appearance to say anything, so Roman ordered them two beers.

Connor watched as the bartender’s biceps would flex as he bent his arm to grab their beers. He passed them to Connor and Roman. The bartender looked like he should be giving advice in a gym, not a gay club. Still, he found the bartender looking suggestively at Roman, and his friend resisting to flirt back. He set down his bottle and got up, “I’m going to the bathroom.”

He had to take a piss and was pretty pissed off too. After all Roman was supposed to help him and not flirt. He stepped before the urinal and whipped his average cock out. Soon after he had started he heard the door open behind him and a man with heavy footfalls stepping up to the urinal next to him. Curiosity got the better of him, as he looked over to get a glance at the cock of the heavy man, but it seemed like that was enough to trigger the curse. Connor was sure the guy had been a pudgy White man with a less than impressive tool, but now the meat had the Color of ebony and was more than coke bottle sized.

The huge black cock looked like it hung about ¾ the way down the man’s absolutely massive thighs. He saw Connor staring and it and chuckled. He slapped it against his hand before stuffing it back into his pants, the behemoth was going commando. Yesterday, Connor would have chased after the man, but he knew the curse would make any effort for that cock futile. Resigned, he made his way back to the bar.

To his surprise, but also to his joy, he saw that Roman had withstood the bartender’s flirts and didn’t even look at the still ongoing performance onstage, which now even skimpier posers and one guy, maybe Alex, fondling the large set of genitals of his partner, presumably James. Connor sat down at his place and took a sip from his beer, before turning back around. First there was a familiar face on one of the platforms, the janitor he had transformed and second their target on the other side of the room.

Connor excitedly tugged on Roman’s tight sleeve. “Roman. That’s him over there! By our janitor.” Both couldn’t help but laugh at the last remark, but Connor pulled the hunk in the direct the gypsy was in. “Come on, before he gets away!” The crowd was getting thicker and the smaller man did not want to lose sight of him.

He didn’t even care the flashes he caused, he was hellbent on getting to the gypsy guy. Roman helped him, his superior height allowing him to look for the guy from above. They followed him through the crowd, since the gypsy seemed to have also seen them and was trying to get away. Finally they had him in a quiet corner of the club when he turned around and Connor saw a blinding light.

In place of the gypsy stood a towering bronze man that was on par with Roman. They were nearly eyes level, Roman looking just a little bigger. Connor was looking up at the statue come to life, passed his now massive pecs. His voice wavered slightly, “Are you the one who cursed me last night.”

The giant seemed to be more focused on flexing his new muscles and feeling himself up before smirking down at Connor. “So what if I am?”

“I want you to take the curse back.”, Connor said, surprised by the confidence in his voice.

The giant just made his boulder like pectorals bounce and let out a deep chuckle. “That will be hard, since I am not the person who is able to free you from the curse. You yourself are.”, he intoned mysteriously.

“And how?” Connor asked with a quizzical look.

The monstrous gypsy just gave him a double biceps pose that almost made Connor swoon and said You’ll have to find out yourself.“

Connor felt like he had been punched in the gut. One day and it was a sexy nightmare, now what would the rest of his life be like with this curse. The large gypsy stepped past Connor, but looked back at the crestfallen guy, "I’ll give you a little hint, looks like you already found a way to break the curse.” Connor looked up, smiling, but the gypsy just laughed his way back to the dancefloor.

Connor looked after him and saw him disappear in the crowd. Roman put a large Hand on Connor’s shoulder and tried to cheer him up, but realized he had nothing to say. Connor threw one last glance towards the crowd, just barely grazing the DJ on the stage with his gaze, but that was enough to have a bright flash fill the club. The stage as now undeniably dominated by the burly, mid-twenties fitness model of a DJ. His largs, but defined arms flexed all the time as he pushed the buttons and turned dials.

Roman’s deep voice finally reached Connor’s ears. “Let’s get you home.” Connor just nodded as the pair made their way through the club. The passed by a behemoth of a black man, the hunky bartender, the sexed-up strippers, and the roided out bouncer. The cool night air felt good on Connor’s skin. The walked back towards Connor’s apartment. A cop car drove by and Connor swore it was the one he changed last night. Roman just nodded as they walked along the sidewalk. They passed a homeless man sleeping. In a flash, he was still homeless, but once a pic of him would find his way onto the internet, he’d probably become a model.

Connor was too down and depressed to fully comprehend how Roman got him home and he was sure it took him longer than it would normally, because of the big guy intentionally slowing them down, but finally they reached the flat. Like in a Trance Connor made his way up to his door and whipped out his key, only just noticing how Roman had to duck through the doorframe to get in.

Connor and Roman sat on the small couch, it sinking towards Roman due to his immense weight. He tried consoling his new friend, but Connor was definitely depressed. Against his better judgement, he bent down and kissed Connor chastely on his forehead. Maybe it was the panic or anxiety, but Connor felt another pang in his stomach. “Bathroom…” he murmured as he got up. Roman’s large hand grabbed his thinner forearm and Roman looked at him with a worried expression. “Don’t worry. I won’t do anything rash.” He said, trying to comfort his large friend. He tugged his arm free and went to the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. He turned on the sink and splashed his face with water. Rubbing his face with the cold water, he stared at himself in the mirror.

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7 years ago

Disappointed. Can't just come back outta nowhere and expect us to be happy.

K Thanks.