agmsye - Male Muscle Transformations
Male Muscle Transformations

Captions about guys' muscles being grown or shrunken and reality changing. Normally I will not do celeb stories or Macro. I don't own any of the images. Feel free to send requests and messages.Should you send a request more than once I will delete that request. NSFW and please leave this blog if you are under 18.

188 posts

Hi, I Wondered If You Could Write A Tf Story (not Travel-related), I'd Like You To Use Racial Change

Hi, I wondered if you could write a tf story (not travel-related), I'd like you to use racial change (caucasian to african) and to make it go unnoticed by anybody. Thank you in advance, I like your blog a lot

It’s nice to hear that, dude and since you’ve been so nice I may actually help you with your little fantasy. But how do I start it. I could just give you a Chronivac and see how things evolve, but I think that would give you too much power. I could send you an artifact that would do the transformation too, but I think that would be too easy. I think I’ll dig up my old spell book, I’m in the mood for some magic. 

Since you haven’t specified a target for your request I guess you don’t really care who gets the treat. So how about your brother gets a little magic worked on him. Yeah, from what I observed through my crystal ball your younger sibling is a bit runty for his age and gets picked on constantly, am I right? No problem I can’t get rid off.

First of all I’ll read out an incantation that will make everyone oblivious to any further magic I do here. Unfortunately that includes you, but you don’t mind, do you?

The next spell I cast will change your brother’s skin tone from the pasty white it has now to a nice rich mocha brown. Of course you two are not related by blood anymore, your parents adopted him when you were 3 and he was one year old. But of course you have been raised as normal siblings and you love him just like you were related by blood. 

Of course I can’t let the now 21 year old be unstereotypical for a black man. I think I’ll cast a second spell to grow his body . A lot. I had to buy some herbs from the magical shop next street, but that’s worth it. Over the course of the next week your adoptive brother will grow into a man you would only see on the internet normally. I hope you don’t mind that he will tower over you by a good 9 inches and outweigh you by at least a hundred pounds of muscle. Then again why would you, he has always been this way after all.

Though I can’t ignore the fact that this new super stud you call brother is still a virgin. An incantation and spilling a little salt on midnight should be sufficient to blow your brother’s dick up to the size of a cucumber. That should solve his “problem”. Next time you’ll see him he’ll probably either come right from an incredible fuck session or be on his way to give a poor girl an earth shaking fuck, just like always.

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More Posts from Agmsye

7 years ago

Disappointed. Can't just come back outta nowhere and expect us to be happy.

K Thanks.

7 years ago

Thank you @amalianetwork for helping me getting through my low. And thanks @absqrst for letting me use his idea. I know I already posted this, but I was told that I already had used the model for a similar idea, so I swapped pics.

Confidence Destroying

Lewis was pretty much perfect in every way. At the age of 21 he was the undisputed Big Man on Campus, being both the captain of the wrestling and football team. He wasn’t a jerk though, the 6′6″ 280 lbs behemoth always being friendly towards anyone he met and helpful and caring for those in trouble. Everybody knew that Lewis was attending the college on a scholarship, but most people didn’t know that this scholarship had nothing to do with his athletic success. Lewis was just a genius, having shown remarkable talent for Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry.

At the young age of 18 Lewis had written an essay, which later led to the discovery of a cure for the flu. Lewis’ genius also extended to other areas. He excelled at math and literature and (what most of the sorority houses could testament to) the bedroom. He was an expert at fucking all girls into ecstasy with his thick 10″ cock.

But all the good guy act and nice persona ended at the threshold of his house.That’s what Lewis’ little brother Leonard knew far too well. Lewis forced his little brother constantly to do things for him, like washing his dirty clothes and doing his housework. What was even worse, was that Leonard was gay and Lewis had caught him one day while Leonard was sniffing at the stretched out jockstrap Lewis had worn to practice that day.

From then on it went kind of downhill, with Lewis constantly walking around in only his jockstraps or even nude. Their shared room didn’t make matters better and so Leonard had to witness more than once how Lewis fucked a girl silly. It wasn’t like Leonard would have any way to pay him back. The 17-year-old was pretty much the complete opposite of his big bro. He was below average in pretty much every area, be it height, athleticism, beauty, intelligence or even dick size. That is until Leonard found a program called Chronivac.


It was a nice sunny day and Lewis had talked his best friend Tony into coming over to his house and chilling. They walked home and took a detour to the river in order to enjoy the day some more and maybe pick up a few chicks if they were at it. They even saw Leonard driving by in a bus, though he was too busy typing on his phone to notice them.

Lewis’ and Tony’s plan didn’t succeed, the chicks weren’t really interested and not even Lewis’ legendary charm could change their opinion. Just when the third girl in a row had turned him down, Lewis was hid by a headache. He remembered that persuasion had never been his strong point. That’s why he normally let his body and face do the talking.

Frustrated he came home and immediately saw something disturbing. A jockstrap, looking like size 3XL was draped over the handrail. What looked even worse was that the flexible material was even stretched out from what must have been a farm animal sized set of genitals. “Weird.”, Lewis uttered and threw it in the laundry basket, Lewis would have to wash it later.

The two jocks stepped into the garden and decided to play some football. The game was kind of one sided, with Lewis taking the obvious lead. This went on for several minutes, until the door opened. Out stepped Leonard, clad in nothing more than a jockstrap, just like the one Lewis had fished off the handrail. And just like he had theorized, the owner was seriously packing. Another wave of dizziness hit him. It was only natural for Leonard to have 3XL as a jockstrap size, his genitals were ridiculously disproportioned on his skinny frame. He scratched at his humongous bulge and Lewis and Tony had and equally frustrating feeling of emptiness in their crotch areas. The two built sport stars were always mocked for being so unhung, both barely having 3 inches of cock when hard.

“What you’re looking at, Lewis?”, Leonard mockingly asked and scratched at his bulge once more. “Fuck off, twerp?”, Lewis answered angrily and turned back to playing with Tony. The beefy linebacker still couldn’t get over how different Lewis was from his brother Leonard, the one being an gerbil dicked supertalent and the other just a horsehung average guy. Tony though noticed a displeased look crossing the younger brother’s face as he pulled his phone seemingly out of nowhere and began typing.

The next thing the two jocks knew was that it felt like ants were crawling under their facial skin, but that feeling subsided as quickly as it had come. Suddenly Leonard called from the door. “It’s really fun to see Troll and the Ogre play this game. You’re really good at this guys.” A little embarrassed Lewis and Tony looked at each other. The nicknames ‘Troll’ and ‘the Ogre’ weren’t really the nicest around, but they were unfortunately fitting.

Lewis was called “Troll” because of his crooked teeth and crooked nose, that had been broken multiple times. It gave him an intimidating look, that fit his burly build and towering height. On the other hand “the Ogre” Tony had earned his nickname from his overhanging mono brow and spotty skin, which made him look kind of dumb all the time. With a brooding look the two brutes turned at Leonard and were, as always, taken aback by his looks.

Leonard looked like a Grecian statue had come to life, his face looking hard and like it was carved out of marble, while at the same keeping the young pretty boy charm of a 17-year-old. His features were so perfect they would make Narcissus jealous and put Adonis to shame. His eyes were so blue, that even the bluest of skies looked grey against them.

“I said you should fuck off, twerp.”, Lewis said and resumed playing, or at least he tried to, since he was hypnotized by Leonard’s beauty. It took Lewis a moment to shake him awake and get him to play. And once again they ignored the pissed off look on Leonard’s cherubic face.

The moment Lewis threw his 5′6″ frame into 5′5″ one he was hit by another headache. Wasn’t he to be taller? But no, Leonard was the tall one of the two. Lewis was even glad he was so short, since it wouldn’t make sense for a wrestler to be tall. With his short frame he could use his power more concentrated. It also made sense for a football player like Tony, because he was more agile that way. Though it would have certainly be nice to be as tall as Leonard with his 7′3″ frame. But Lewis “little” brother had the constant problem of banging his head on the doorframes, even though their parents had installed extra high ones, so that wouldn’t happen.

But then another headache hit Lewis and Tony, resulting in the two of them grabbing their heads with petite hands. Why would the two of them ever be active in sports like football and wrestling. Their build was more fit for gymnastics, that was if their balance wasn’t thrown off by the big bouncy bubble butt they possessed. They both had a more skinny stature with small, flexible muscles.

On the other hand was Lewis’ older brother Leo. He was the undisputed stallion of his campus, and he wasn’t even 20 yet. That said, didn’t mean he hadn’t gotten a taste of most of the sorority members on his campus. They just enjoyed rubbing Leo’s massive juicy pecs, while riding on his horse cock or feeling up he giant arms Leo called his own. Of course tracing the deep ridges of Leo’s sixpack wasn’t a turn off either.

“At least I have still my scholarship.”, Lewis lisped and tried to recall what he and Tony had just done, when he heard the typing from the door. “Yeah, gymnast scholarships are great.”, Tony answered and giggled dumbly. Of course they would only get in college like that, after all the two twinks had barely made it through high school, because they had constantly milked their classmates’ dicks. And if they weren’t busy with that, Tony had to take care of Leo’s monster.

Right after that thought had left his mind, Lewis heard a rumble come from next to him. It’s source was obviously Tony, who was seemingly quite hungry, judging the way he rubbed his ass. Fortunately Leo was close and walked up to the twink. “Wanna have your meal now?”, he asked and pulled down his gym shorts. Immediately Tony cupped the cum heavy bull nuts and began massaging them, while working the mammoth tool with his bottomless throat. “Make it quick though, some girls are coming over later.”, Leo said and forced Tony further down his cock.

Hungrily Lewis licked his lips and thought about how delicious Leo’s cock must taste, but for now he’d have to settle for some jock from the gym.

agmsye - Male Muscle Transformations

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7 years ago

Ask me Anything

I have nothing to do today and am kinda bored.

That’s why I want to encourage you to ask me anything you like. Well of course except for name, hometown and such things :P

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7 years ago

Everything has to end unfortunately. But I think the end is fitting perfectly.

Gypsy’s Curse 5/5

The final piece to @agmsye and my RP together. Did you like it? Tell us!


Connor stared into the mirror at his unassuming form. He was nothing like the men the curse had created and he hated he would never be able to at least have sex with, let alone form a relationship with anyone guy now. Either they wouldn’t be interested, or he would be soft all the time. He grit his teeth, regretting being so rude to the guy before and being so picky about what he saw as the perfect guy. Just then, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a glint, not a flash, but a glint.

He looked into the mirror more intense and noticed a slight shimmer washing away his imperfections. His formerly slightly spotty skin got freed of the pimples and took on a healthy tan. His face reformed into a more angular form, hs jawline squaring out, not as much as Roman’s though. His eyes took a deeper shade of blue and gained a mischievous sparkle. Connor was totally perplexed by the sight and enjoyed the feeling of the shimmer working in his face.

He smiled, his teeth glinting as they realigned and became a pearly white. His lips looked fuller with a pink cupid’s bow curve. He brought his finger up and ran it along them, feeling them to be perfectly straight. Just at the tip of his finger, another glint shone. The finger began to lengthen and thicken, the growth seeming to spread into his palm and other fingers, looking oversized for his decent arms.

The shimmer worked further up his arms and slowly but steadily increased the size of first his forearms, which grew to the size of small hams and then his biceps and triceps, which took on the size of Softballs, gaining a nice horse shoe. The shimmer refined his shoulders too, widening them a bit and rounding them too, giving them a nice cannonball size.

Connor stared down in awe as he saw a glint form in the middle of his chest. His arms were flexed at his sides, but his attention was on the growing mounds under his shirt. Soon the cloth grew taut, then tight, then looked like it couldn’t contain much more. The square, pillowy mounds of muscle pressed his nips into the shirt and they looked ready to rip through it.

The magic started to work underneath his pecs too, refining Connor’s  already not too shabby abdominal muscles. He had had a nice fit set of six-pack muscles before, but now he got a cobblestone road. The ridges between the individual bumps deepened and even revealed another row of muscles, making his abdominals into an eight-pack. Connor couldn’t see it beneath his tight shirt, but running his hand across his stomach confirmed the feeling he had.

Connor could feel his shirt pinching in his pits as it grew tight everywhere. His lats were pulling at the seams of his sides. His traps even rose up his neck. It suddenly felt as if someone had grabbed his hips and pulled back on him. Looking behind himself, he saw nothing. Until he looked down and saw the massive shelf of an ass he now had pushing at the seat of his pants.

The bubble butt stretched the textile taut over its shelf and made the changes of Connor’s legs even more noticeable since he could feel the fabric against his growing flesh. His thighs and calves ballooned outward, giving his new studly figure a Fitting pedestal and making him look like he was a regular of the track Team. His feet grew several sizes too making it necessary for his socks and shoes to grow a few sizes, to make place for his size 15s.

“Ro-Roman…” He tried to call out. His voice was smooth and deep. His own voice was turning him on. That’s when he realized he was still changing. His looked down and saw the light glint off the button on his pants. Just below it, he could see his basket bulge out. His cock AND balls were definitely growing. He could feel them fighting for spice in their confines. With some relief, he saw his cock snake down his left pant leg. It was pressed against the fabric, showing how thick it was. His jaw hung open as he stared at it.

Just then Roman came rushing in. “What’s up?”, he asked worried, before noticing how Connor had changed. He took the fabulous hunk before him in and took his dear time gazing at the obvious outline of Connor’s dick. A smirk crossed his handsome face and he chuckled “Mine is bigger and seeing you doesn’t help shrinking it either.”, while gesturing at the growing bulge in his own pants.

Connor found himself breathless. He was getting hard looking at Roman. A look of shock crossed his face as he realized it. He jumped at Roman to hug him, wrapping his thick arms around the hunk’s torso. It went beyond a hug as his mouth eagerly found Roman’s and began to passionately make out with him.

Their tongues intertwined as Connor began rubbing Roman’s impressive tool, while the other hunk was playing with Connor’s nipple through the tight shirt. Roman could feel his partner’s own impressive tool getting hard. It didn’t take Roman long to force Connor down to his knees easily, even though he was now pretty well built.  Quickly Connor unbuckled Roman’s pants and worked the monstrous dick before him with expert hands.

Once Roman was fully hard, Connor wrapped his lips around Roman’s massive cock and began to blow him. His head bobbed up and down while his tongue pushed and prodded the massive cock. Connor’s hands were rubbing over Roman’s huge form and Roman’s hands were doing the same. Roman pushed Connor off his cock and instinctively took him to the bedroom, even though he had never been in the apartment before. Once on the bed, Connor resumed sucking Roman’s cock, but Roman maneuvered so they would be 69ing.

What followed was a night of passionate sucking, fucking (Mostly Roman jackhammering his tool into Connor’s tight ass) and bucket loads of cum. Finally after hours and hours of furious pounding the two fell asleep, Roman’s cock still buried deep inside Connor. The next morning the two studs woke up to the rhythmic pounding of Connor’s neighbor’s bed against the wall, accompanied by the moans of the guy’s wife, which stirred memories inside the sleepy Connor.

He remembered fucking his stud of neighbor’s husband. His wife liked to watch the two hunks go at it. The man had a tight ass and admitted to being bi-curious. After one night with Connor, he wasn’t curious anymore, he knew he liked it, and his wife did too, so it was a win-win situation. Connor would occasionally come over to get a piece of that hot ass so the wife could live out some of her stranger fantasies. She even wanted to do a three way with them. Connor’s recollection grew hazy as he felt Roman move next to him.

Connor blushed, another rush of memories hitting him. He remembered Kenichi pushing him over the laundry machine and shoving his horse-sized cock into Connor’s ass. Connor stuffed one of his jockstraps into his mouth so his moans wouldn’t alert anyone to what they were doing in the communal laundry room. They had almost gotten away with it, until that nerdy jock who lives with his grandma walked in and asked to join in.

Connor quickly walked on. As he passed the old woman’s flat he heard orgasmic screams from the inside, which usually meant that her grandson was home and had some guy or girl over to work his expert skills on, which Connor knew all too well. He was tempted to keep standing there and listen to the girl screaming down the house, while working along the length of his impressive tool through the fabric of his pants, but he couldn’t let Roman wait, so he left the house.

Connor walked confidently outside and hailed a taxi. He got inside and the smell of spices and musk hit him. It felt familiar somehow, and when he looked at the driver he knew why. He had forgotten his wallet the last time the taxi driver too him to college, so he paid with his expert blowjob skills. The middle eastern driver looked happy to see Connor and offered a free ride.

A short ride and what felt like a gallon of cum down Connor’s throat later, he left the taxi and said goodbye to the taxi driver who had a satisfied grin on his face which was no surprise, considering his musky footlong tool had just been expertly milked. Connor entered the Starbucks and immediately saw another familiar face in the queue. The football team’s water boy was waiting for his order, bewitching the cute guy behind the counter with some flexing of his muscles.

Connor smiled, thinking they made a cute couple. He remember even being the one to set them up. The water boy had just finished a workout and Connor happened to be heading to the Starbucks too. The hunky barista happened to be working and a bromance quickly formed. Just as fast as it formed, the bromance dropped the ‘b’ and they constantly flirted with each other while at work or games. The barista smiled as he saw Connor and motioned him to come forward, saying his order was almost done, as they were expecting him. Connor thanked the two as they went back to making googly eyes at each other.

Connor decided to walk home and get some fresh air. While walking down the street he spotted some guys he knew.  Like the huge black guy from the club last night, who was strolling down the street, still dressed the same like yesterday, meaning he had probably spent the last night balls deep within some poor guy, or even the two stripper’s who Connor had introduced him to. The two strippers, Alex and James were close friends with Connor since the three of them had gone to the same high School. He knew they liked the black behemoth type, so Connor simply had to introduce them.

Connor chuckled to himself as he walked. He passed one of the practice fields and saw the football team practicing. Every one of those studs were shirtless, only wearing their large cleats and football tights. Coach Stromberg’s hairy form was on complete display. He was shirtless as well, and his shorts almost looked like a speedo. His pecs would bounce as he barked orders at the team. Connor lewdly rubbed his bulge as when he remembered Stromberg trying to recruit him for the team. Connor declined, but was convinced to at least join the after practice orgy. That was a fun afternoon.

Connor took his dear time walking home, passing by a police car with a familiar muscular cop, who had someone, maybe a criminal sucking his meaty dick off and making the car shake from his deep reverberating moans. Connor chuckled to himself as every built and handsome guy either winked at him or blushed and hurried his steps when they saw Connor’s imposing figure and even though there were so many guys, Connor remembered what each one of them like very clearly. But then finally, he reached his house.

Connor leaned over to his husband and gave him a passionate kiss, enjoying the feel of Roman’s stubble against his face. “I love you, Roman.”

“I love you too, Connor,” Roman answered and gave his husband another kiss.

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7 years ago

Have you met any other tumblr writers in person? If not, who would you want to meet?

Unfortunately I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting any other writers up till now, well as far as I know at least. There is always the chance a person you meet on the streets has an equally kinky mind and writes stories here.

As for the second part of our question, I would really like to meet @absqrst and @amalianetwork in person and @thegreatstoryteller seems like a fun guy to talk to too.

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