MATCHING PFP WITH MY INCREDIBLE WIFE @zukoromantic, BRO I LOVE YOU SO FUCKING MUCH!!!!💕 She/Her 💕 23 💕 Respect Bentina Beakley or die by my sword. 💕Mostly fangirling about Ducktales2017 24/7 bc the show might be over but it still lives rent-free in my head. Also precure!! 💕 Inuyasha side blog -> @kagura-the-wind-tamer

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Can You Guys Do Me A Favor And Reblog This If You Would Never Support Hate Towards Gabrinette And Its

Can you guys do me a favor and reblog this if you would never support hate towards Gabrinette and its shippers?

I feel like its become an accepted norm in this fandom to talk bad about the ship and its shippers. You don’t have to like the ship itself or even support it, but if you wouldn’t talk bad about it or speak ill of those who like it please reblog. I just feel like there’s so much hate that people think talking bad about it is more acceptable than not and its made me feel very discouraged lately.

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More Posts from Ai-higurashi

7 years ago

OMG ^^, now I can’t stop thinking about this every time one of those characters appear on screen. You just made me ship them so hard > <

miraculous lesbian squad

Caline Bustier, Ms. Mendeleiev, Penny Rolling, Nathalie Sancoeur

Caline and Mendeleiev are together, Penny and Nathalie are together

Caline and Nathalie met at university as roommates.

Penny and Nathalie met in a meeting between Gabriel Agreste and Jagged Stone, and met a second time at the hair salon. It was fate. 

Caline and Mendeleiv met while teaching, obviously

Nathalie is the reason they don’t do poker night anymore

Penny is the one who posts to social media, everyone else begs her not to tag them.

Caline and Penny are the sweet talkers, and get men to buy them all drinks, Nathalie and Mendeleiev scare off jerks who can’t get a hint

Mendeleiev and Penny are science fiction nerds, and Caline and Nathalie now know a ridiculous amount of star trek trivia because of it. 

Caline missed three days of work, and after that, it was decided that wine and hair dye would never be combined.

Jagged Stone sends the squad concert tickets.

The squad jokingly asks Nathalie for Gabriel dresses, but she’s far too mortified to ask her boss to sponsor her friend group. 

Nathalie and Penny take the teachers out on days where an akuma attacks the school because it helps them take their mind off it. 

Nathalie helps Caline grade essays during finals weeks because they both copy-edited for their university paper

Mendeleiev plays cello, Penny plays piano, Caline plays the flute, Nathalie keeps reminding them that no, they can’t just drop their responsibilities and start a band

EDIT: more miraculous-lesbians here

7 years ago

“i really liked your post!”

Thanks How About You Reblog It :)

7 years ago

Nathalie Sancoeur Appreciation Week (Day7: Secrets)

First of all, I want to say that this one-shot (which I hope will be the first of a long collection) is based on two theories:

1st. Nathalie will be Le Paon

2nd.Nathalie was the previous Ladybug, just as Ms Agreste (I haven’t found her a proper name yet) was the previous Chat Noir

And yeah, I know I’m suposed to start from day 1, but I’m still trying to find a way with words and I found that one more fitting to be the starter chapter. Also, I’m not english, so it may have some grammar or concept mistakes.

Enjoy!!!  ^ ^

"Beep beep beep"

"Beep beep beep"

Ladybug and Le Paon both shared an horrorized look as their respective miraculous warned them that their time was over. They turned around and searched for a place to hide, but in the heat of the fight, they hadn't realized that they ended up locked in a store. Cursing, both of them run diferent ways.

Marinette hid herself in a wood closet full of brooms, trying to hold her breath. She reached quickly for the cookies into her purse and gave them to Tikki.

“C’mon, c’mon, c’mon. Can’t you eat a little faster? Please?” She looked like she was about to faint.

“Don’t worry Marinette, it’s okay”

“But what if Le Paon finds me before I’m Ladybug again? ”

“But if you transform now, you could run out of energy again before getting out of this room”

“Then what do I do? I need to know where she is so I can avoid her and reunite with Chat Noir”

“I could go out and seek for her?”

Nathalie ducked near a small iron cupboard and extended her hands to catch Duusu as she felt helplessly without energy. Then, reality hit her. She was locked in a warehouse, without food for her kwami. With Ladybug. And, to made it even worse, she had an important meeting in 10 minutes. Definetely, her luck wasn’t the best.

She let her kwami rest on her jacket's pocket and crawled to the nearest shelf, looking amoung the food and cursing under her breath at the slightest sound.


She held back a shriek as Duusu's voice caught her off guard.

"Duusu" she snapped, whispering, "please, stay quiet, you almost gave me a heart attack"

"Sorry" she whispered back, sadly. And, as Nathalie went back to her task "you should search over there"

Following her instructions, Nathalie finally found a pair of seeds between some cardboard boxes and tossed them into her pocket. They weren't enough to fill her little peacock completely with energy, but it would be enough to get them out of this trouble.

"Hurry up, Duusu, we need to get out of here as soon as possible"

That being said, she walked back to her first hidding spot and looked for the exit. To her relief, it was only a few shelves from where she was crouched. As soon as she got her fans back, she could break the door and get out of there. If she had the luck to get Ladybug's miraculous in the process, then great. But she wasn't spending more time on that mouse trap.

She was only a corridor away from her goal when a familiar, high pitch voice from behind frozed her for an instant.


Her surprised gaze met huge dark blue eyes, equally surprised.

"Tsk"   She quickly turned around and sprinted towards the door.

"Nat! Wait! "

It took all Nathalie's willpower to not obey the voice that had helped and accompanied her for years.

"Duusu! We must go! Now! Feathers on!!"

"Tikki!" Marinette only saw a huge, blue ball of lightning before Le Paon reached the door, breaking it with a single and fluent movement without a second thought. "Spots on!!"

And the chase begun.

Darts met the yo-yo several times as they attacked, dodged, tumbled and jumped on Paris' tallest buildings. After a really intense clash, Ladybug felt something was wrong with her opponent. She was just trying to run away. Not laughing. Not mocking at her poor attempts. Just retreating.

" She hadn't recovered all her energy" Ladybug muttered for herself. And smiled. That was their opportunity to win. So she doubled her onfall almost sticking to her foe like a barnacle .

Although Nathalie tried her best to remain calm, she felt she was giving ground. Why this annoying teenager wouldn't just let her get some distance? Had she ever heard about the importance of personal space? Her distress only grew when she heard a beep from her miraculous. Suddenly she changed her tactic. Without previous warning, she clenched her fist and punched Ladybug's stomach as hard as she could, sending her backwards and throwed all her remaining darts at her with a fluid movement. While the young hero was protecting herself, Le Paon jumped to a taller building and disappeared from her view. Ladybug was about to follow her when a cry for help reached her ears.

"MyLady, the akuma!!" she saw a black butterfly flying through the sky a few buildings away. With a last glance towards were Le Paon had run, she headed down where her partner needed her help, while a peacock-themed villaness disappeared in the distance.

Nathalie reached safely the dark alley next to the office where she had the meeting before dropping her transformation again.

"Oh my stars, that was a close one" she sighed, leaning on the wall as Duusu landed softly on the top of her head, grumping tiredly. And she still had a pair of minutes to recover.


"Huh? What's wrong Duusu?"

"Did you... Did you met Tikki before?"

Nathalie felt like she was just hit with a huge freaking thunderbolt. The way her back was suddenly rigid made it obvious to her kwami who shivered, fearing that she just touched a senstitive subject. It didn't matter that Duusu was the scariest kwami when she was angry, not even her could compete with an angry Nathalie. Her holder's hand reached towards her, only to slightly pet her blue head.

"A holder must always keep her secret Duusu, no matter who asks" she answered quietly, while taking her softly and putting her into her pocket.

"C'mon, there's some important issues to attend"

The meeting started as soon as Mr. Agreste arrived, with a rather annoyed expression, althought only his assistant could discern it, 20 minutes later.

"Tikki..." Marinette's sounded hesitant as she tucked herself into her bed that night. "The peacock miraculous' holder... Le Paon. Do you... Do you know her? I mean, her civilian self"

Tikki, who had been unusually quiet and sad all the evening, looked away.

"Kwamis and holders must always keep their secrets Marinette, no matter who asks"

Marinette hugged her tightly, determined not to push her little ladybug any further.

"Don't worry Tikki, next time we are gonna stop them definitely."


They both smiled sweetly before falling asleep.

Anyone can give me some tips about how to write, please? It’s my first mlb fic, as well as my first one in english, and I want to improve.

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7 years ago

Everyone has the date of their death tattooed on their arm at birth, however yours just says “TOMORROW” and has said that all your life.

7 years ago

Reblog if you think Jackie Lynn Thomas deserved better than what she got