Ml Marinette - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

1. I literally made a new account bc I wanted to get away from fandom for a bit.

2. When I saw Cristina Vee in the Helluva Boss credits I fucking xigciy8d5s74rsitdoxoycoyd85surs74esyyrzrxutxiutxxut

3. Tumblr seemed to confirm the madness I had witnessed

4. I know I'm late in the game, my art is crap, and I don't fucking care

1. I Literally Made A New Account Bc I Wanted To Get Away From Fandom For A Bit.

Here's without speech bubbles:

1. I Literally Made A New Account Bc I Wanted To Get Away From Fandom For A Bit.

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4 years ago

1. I literally made a new account bc I wanted to get away from fandom for a bit.

2. When I saw Cristina Vee in the Helluva Boss credits I fucking xigciy8d5s74rsitdoxoycoyd85surs74esyyrzrxutxiutxxut

3. Tumblr seemed to confirm the madness I had witnessed

4. I know I'm late in the game, my art is crap, and I don't fucking care

1. I Literally Made A New Account Bc I Wanted To Get Away From Fandom For A Bit.

Here's without speech bubbles:

1. I Literally Made A New Account Bc I Wanted To Get Away From Fandom For A Bit.

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7 years ago

So guys..

Is anyone really excited to see this new character Luka? Now that I have discovered kagaminette, I want to see a flustered and jealous Adrien to be done with everyone Fangirling over marinette and be like

"No, she's not JUST a friend!!"

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7 years ago

Can someone tell me when episode seven is coming??

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7 years ago

My new theory

Nathalie is Mrs agreste in disguise

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6 years ago

I swear if Adrien says she's just a friend one more time....

I'm gonna lose my shit. He's fictional, but I'm gonna find him and I'm gonna.... maybe sit him down and make him realise that he is wrong.(I can't even imagine hurting that boy, he's too precious)

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6 years ago

So I finally watched the episode with subtitles

And now I understood things that I didn't understand before..

On to my theory-

Tikki suggested that Marinette should take as many miraculous as possible. If she actually would've done that, who do you think she would have approached with the miraculous first?

Adrien - I'll jump in front of you and save you- Agreste!!!

And Adrien transformed after her, so she could have found him in his civilian form!!!!

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5 years ago

Chat noir is adorable. Gabriel finally hugs Adrien. Lila proves again that she is the ultimate bitch.

That's it. That's the episode.

And I now ship Gabriel and Natalie.

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5 years ago

Isn't it just so heartbreaking when you imagine that probably Adrien and Marinette sat together watching the sunset, talking about the future and she mentioned the hamster and everything in their world was good and pure and perfect.

And now it does not exist.

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5 years ago

Hey guys

Welcome to my Ted talk.

Our topic of discussion is Adrien Agreste. Here are some examples of him looking at Marinette.

Hey Guys

This is from Startrain.

Hey Guys

This is from the finale (when he sees her with her hair down)

And now, presenting to you...

Hey Guys

... Adrien confessing his feelings for her.

So the conclusion is

Hey Guys

Thank you for listening.

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6 years ago

can someone draw the loss meme using the four different Marinette, Adrien ships please, thank you

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3 years ago

So “Blueberry Couffaine” happened...

And right when I thought I was finished this happens...


this is slowly becoming in to a bigger thing then I expected it to be...

Anyway! I hope everyone has a great rest of your day while I just wallow in the cringe of my own creation :)

But that’s just my opinion (or me) (・Δ・)

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3 years ago

So, it got worse...

Let me please introduce the new member of the blueberry children...


Yeah, this is probably going to turn into a series so...

Stay tuned :) ((if you want to :))

Anyway! I hope everyone has a great rest of your day!

(be sure to expect for more fruits to come along :))

But that’s just my opinion (or me) (・Δ・)

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3 years ago


As I said, after my theory and salt rant on the spoilers and trailers for the episode “Crocoduel” (link down below)

this pigeon has taken flight
my theory was a little off. And If I’m going to be completely honest I think that this spoiler is
 Warning: a bit of salt of coming u

I would probably say my thoughts on the episode after I was done watching the episode itself. So, here I am. :)

Also, I’m on a road trip with my family and some family friends, so I watched the episode and typed this up late (or early) night (or morning) so

Anyways! Before I start saying my thoughts on the episode, let’s do a summary or a synopsis of the episode.

Warning: Spoilers for “Crocoduel”

The episode starts during Kitty Section Rehearsal. Everyone is having fun, while Kitty Section is playing. When Kitty Section finished their set and everyone was praising them Luka all of sudden mentions that Marinette hasn’t been to rehearsals in a while, which leads Luka to think that she’s avoiding him, which also leads to him starting to get depressed. Everyone tries to reassure him that she isn’t avoiding him, she’s just really busy (mainly Rose). It doesn’t work and Luka gets more depressed and leaves the group. The group then tries to make a plan to help Luka and Marinette by exploiting the twins b-day.They ask Juleka if she approves of the plan and she nods. Juleka then tells Luka about the party that they’re having on the boat. Luka gets excited to see Marinette and everyone at the party. After, Marinette finds about the party on the Liberty she’s able to piece together the groups plan and ask Juleka if she can somehow find a way for Luka not to be there at the party. Juleka tries to tell or ask Luka if he can’t attend the party, but she doesn’t have the heart to tell him. Then, all of sudden Jagged comes the through the porthole of the twins room. Jagged gives Luka the attention while Juleka is in the corner. Anarka burst into room to tell Jagged he is not allowed on the boat, which results in Jagged being invited to the twins b-day party. On the day of the party, while everyone is going down to the Liberty, Juleka starts to feel anxious about not being able to comply to everyone’s wishes. When Marinette goes to thank Juleka she sees Luka and starts to panic and leaves below deck. Luka takes this as a sign she doesn’t want to be his friend anymore and starts feeling depressed, which almost causes his akumatization Luckily, everyone is there to reassure and comfort him. Meanwhile, with Juleka and Marinette, Marinette asks her why Juleka wasn’t able to not invite Luka, which Juleka starts to feel guilty about it which almost causes her akumatization, but Marinette is there to comfort her. Cue, Jagged coming aboard the Liberty and greets Luka. They go downstairs so Jagged can give his present to Luka. Juleka starts to feel left out and Marinette calls him out. Jagged explain to them that it was a misunderstanding and tells them that the gift was for Juleka and the gift Luka gets is an old record of Jagged and Anarka’s is old music. Anarka sees this and tells him not give Luka that because it’s the reason they fell apart. Jagged disagrees with Anarka and they get into argument, which results in both of them being akumatized. Everyone evacuates the boat and watches the two akumas. The akumas instead of putting an onslaught on Paris they fight each other in a battle. But, when Ladybug appears and intervenes they both go after her. Meanwhile, Adrien is getting ready for a photoshoot (i assume idrk and idrc :)) and sees the commotion and transforms into Chat Noir. (ok guys yk the drill) Ladybug and Chat Noir fight against the akumas, then Ladybug has to use Lucky Charm. The charm leads her to get Juleka and give her the tiger miraculous, which debuts the super heroine Tigress Pourpre (or purple tiger as it said in the english sub :)). Meanwhile, the akumas bring their fight up to the sky and have a stare down before the two super heroines intervene. They get the akumatized object. Tigress uses her power “Collision” (which i still don’t know what it does other than it sends a power full force or punch). They capture the akuma and Ladybug does her Miraculous Ladybug and everything returns as the way it was before the akuma attack. Jagged and Anarka start arguing again until Juleka finally stands up and yells at them to talk instead of argue. They two are shocked, but comply and they make up. The party continues, Jagged and Juleka have their little moment, and Marinette and Luka have a talk about how Marinette avoiding Luka made him feel, which ends on them agreeing to be friends. End of episode.

Wow! That was a long, detailed, and unnecessary summary, but, oh well it’s too late now. :p

Now onto my thoughts on this whole episode :)

So, let’s start off from the beginning. I liked how the costumes were the exact same as the “Silencer” episode, EXACTLY the same :) (you can tell i’m being sarcastic) But, in all seriousness I wish the outfits were a bit different, but I get it, I still like the original costumes though. Luka being sad about Marinette really struck a sad chord in my heart (because I have a soft spot for Luka). And when Rose tried to cheer up Luka by saying she was just busy with water ponies and all that, some might find that stuff endearing and funny, but tbh I found that kinda unnecessary. Not to mention, the way Rose described Marinette’s favorite “water pony” “Pom Pony” it suspiciously sounded a lot like Adrien Freaking Sunshine Agreste. I mean “has a gold mane. that is just so good to brush! But he is super sensible” doesn’t that ring a bell of some kind, it’s kinda obvious with the gold mane, but then again I might be looking to far into that. Anyway, moving forward, I know Juleka is kinda like the outcast or the seventh wheel of the group, but like come on! It was clear that she didn’t think that the plan was great idea, but she just didn’t have the courage to say anything. Like, can’t anyone see that she seems uncomfortable. But, I guess that was a bit redeemed when they gave us a cute julerose moment. Moving forward, to when Alya was talking to Marinette, so the scene itself wasn’t that bad, but when Marinette went up and said and I quote “But
it’s going to be so weird! You know that Luka loves me and I love Adrien! And every time we see each other. he gets hurt because he knows I will never feel the same!”, “You know that Luka loves me and I love Adrien!” “I LoVe AdRiEN!?”. I swear to everything that is keeping me sane if I hear Marinette mention how much she LoVeS AdRiEn and how much she wishes he would notice her I’m going to lose it. I mean, all crushes are valid, but come on! Do we a need a reminder EVERY FREAKING EPISODE! Also, where are the Adrien pictures I swear they were there before, but idk. Also, for once I agree with Alya, she can’t keep avoiding Luka I mean look at this sad boy


I don’t wanna see this boy frown I wanna see this boy happy and play happy chords on his guitar not sad ones :( Anyway, more into the episode, I feel so bad for Juleka. She really was everyone’s scapegoat this episode. Not to mention, how she felt left out and guilty at the same time. For one, not being as acknowledged as one should be on their b-day on both her family and friends. And then she also felt guilty for not complying to Marinette’s request and feeling bad if she did comply to Marinette’s request. Moving along with the episode, I know that Jagged being Luka and Juleka’s dad is a big “shocker” but come on Marinette you knew that Jagged was Luka’s dad you were there! It so easy to piece together that he’s also Juleka’s father too because, well they’re twins! But, I digress. Speaking of twins, everyone is aware that Luka and Juleka are twins, but (and yes I am bringing this back up) in the synopsis they only say “Juleka’s Birthday”, I would’ve played it off if no one knew that they were twins and it was supposed to be a big reveal where everyone found they were twins (even if Astruc spoiled it already) but no, everyone was aware that they were twins, so I don’t see why it they couldn’t have just added his name in or said the Twin’s Birthday. But, okay I guess they’re just lazy. So, where was I? Oh, right! So,Marinette goes below deck and Juleka follows and in which results in Marinette comforting her. And I feel like that this is the reassurance that Juleka needed, to know that everything was going to be ok because when you look at her face in that scene all her negative thoughts leave her and she feels liberated of some sorts. Fast forward to when the parents get akumatized, three words Couffaine Family Drama and that’s it, that’s legit all I got on that. Anyways! Onto when Ladybug intervened in the akuma fight, I still don’t get why they had to include the scene of Adrien getting ready for something, I kinda think that scene was a bit unnecessary. Like, even if that scene wasn’t included in the final cut of the episode I would’ve been fine, but okay we’ll just deal with the scene. Not to mention, they had to make Chat Noir appear right after Ladybug get hits by the canon ball, some people say coincidence, I say convenient. Now, let’s talk about the lady of the hour, the new super heroine, Tigress Pourpe! I LOVE HER! and I’m not joking. Even when Juleka met Roar, her kwami, I was like “YES!” because Roar actually is the one that helps Juleka get her confidence to help her in suit and out. Not to mention, the relationship between the two is really cute. Even, Juleka’s suit is beautiful and very detailed and you can see the confidence that the Juleka has in the suit. And I AM HERE FOR IT! I also love that Juleka’s super heroine identity is apart of her overall character arc because of how you can see that Juleka standing up to her parents is the first step for her to be able to overcome her anxieties and become more confident in herself. Also, the Jagged and Juleka moment was so cute. I kinda underestimated Jagged as father figure. You can really see that he is trying his best to spend time and provide for his kids and I love it. Now onto the final scene, first of all, I am so relieved that Luka didn’t say “You and Adrien are meant to be” because I swear if he did I would’ve been dead on the floor. Second of all, I freaking melted when Luka said “it hurt more not to see you”. You can tell how much Luka loves and cares about Marinette when he only needs to be her friend to be satisfied, he doesn’t have to be in a serious relationship with her he just needs to be her friend and be able to see her. Luka deserves so much more than what the show has given him.

And with that my rant and review on the episode “Crocoduel” is finished.

I know I probably left some things out, but if I have an epiphany I’ll probably just post it later. Now that this is finished I’ll probably also do a rant or review on the episode “Wishmaker” because I’m very hyped to see it and I know I’ll have a lot to say about it.

And with that I hope everyone has a great rest of their day (or night)! :)

And always remember

But that’s just my opinion (・Δ・)

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1 year ago
Instead Of Going To Bed Or Focusing On My Friends Stream (hi) Im Doodling Too Much

instead of going to bed or focusing on my friend’s stream (hi) i’m doodling too much

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1 year ago



Did A Quick Redraw Of This Adrinette Pencil Sketch I Did About 3 Years Ago! There's Some Mistakes In
Did A Quick Redraw Of This Adrinette Pencil Sketch I Did About 3 Years Ago! There's Some Mistakes In
Did A Quick Redraw Of This Adrinette Pencil Sketch I Did About 3 Years Ago! There's Some Mistakes In

did a quick redraw of this adrinette pencil sketch i did about 3 years ago! there's some mistakes in the new one, but i think the improvement is there :)

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5 years ago
I Give Up On Drawing Anatomy. It Looks Wonky, But Its Decently Alright :/ ~~~Time Taken: 1hr28mins

I give up on drawing anatomy. It looks wonky, but it’s decently alright :/ ‹~‹~‹~‹Time Taken: 1hr28mins

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