MATCHING PFP WITH MY INCREDIBLE WIFE @zukoromantic, BRO I LOVE YOU SO FUCKING MUCH!!!!💕 She/Her 💕 23 💕 Respect Bentina Beakley or die by my sword. 💕Mostly fangirling about Ducktales2017 24/7 bc the show might be over but it still lives rent-free in my head. Also precure!! 💕 Inuyasha side blog -> @kagura-the-wind-tamer
1291 posts
Oooh Girl, You're Gonna Regret Reblogging That Ship Headcanon Meme! I Would Like To Order The Ship Of
Oooh girl, you're gonna regret reblogging that ship headcanon meme! I would like to order the ship of Officer Cabrera x Bentina Beakly (what is their ship name??) with the questions 11. 12. 15. 21. 25. 26. aaaand 30.! And no, I don't believe I ever think about anything other than angst, thank you
Ohohohoho >:3
Thanks for asking for Cabeakley, I love them so much QwQ!!?? (dang, trying to make me write angst about my happy fluffy couple? How dare you!?? XD)
11. What do they hide from one another?
It's not like they try to actively hide anything from each other (except confidential information about their jobs, birthday presents and out-of-the-blue surprises, of course), they know by now that these kind of things can mess up any relationship, they just don't mention it or don't give it the amount of importance they should.
M'ma Cabrera probably doesn't tell when a criminal specifically targets her because they've already been through that, the situation has already been dealt with and, let's face it, Bentina would kill them without a second thought.
Beakley probably doesn't give much importance to the dangers and the recklessness of her latest adventure with the family. I mean, have you seen Gloria mad?? (M'ma Cabrera's name is Gloria in my head and it'll probably stay that way until we get a canon name) She's terrifying!!! Now imagine the situation when she finds out that the reason her girlfriend/wife has that bruise on her arm is actually because they took a wrong path (they could all have been killed, for crying out loud!!) or a certain someone (*coughcoughScroogecoughcough*) put them all in risk to prove a point. Yeah, not a pretty image.
12. What first changes when it starts getting serious?
The crime rate in Duckburg decreases. Okay, I'm kidding. Kinda. But Beakley definitely made sure to make every criminal on the street know that if a single feather of Officer Cabrera's body gets harmed because of them, she will hunt them down and they'll beg for death's release.
They start referring to each other as "my GIRLFRIEND" because they're proud af about it.
15. When they watch a film what do they choose and why? Who gets the final vote?
Probably some sappy comedy or romantic drama. They already get enough action in their daily lives.
They don't usually disagree much, but for the final vote it depends on who manages to be more persuasive and adorable.
21. Where do they get nervous about going with one another?
This one was tricky.
(Seriously, if you haven't yet, you should check toddykun, they're basically Cabeakley God)
A part from obvious dangerous places... idk, the Manor? At least the first times after it started getting serious. Scrooge definitely doesn't completely trust M'ma Cabrera. Besides, the whole McDuck family LOVES to tease ("Oooooooh~ Beakley has a GIRRRRLFRIEEEEND~!!!!!" "Wait, are you like our new grandma or something? You're younger than Uncle Scrooge!!" " Does that mean that Fenton is our new Uncle too?" "And hypothetically speaking... In a one to ten scale, how likely would be for you to get us out of jail without telling Uncle Donald?") and Beakley is a little bit concerned that maybe all the weirdness, paranormal things and Duckworth might drive Gloria away (alert spoiler, it doesn't happen)
25. Why do they fight?
Probably because one of them put herself in danger and the other got scared because she doesn't want to lose her. (Tbh, they both do it, so it's more of a mutual "I don't care what happens to me as long as you're safe please don't do this ever again, don't leave me")
26. Why do they need to have a serious chat?
Beakley probably has a huge list of enemies, most of them spies, that would target M'ma or Fenton too in order to get to her.
30. Why does it work (or not work) between them?
They have both been there before. It's not their first ride at love. They both have already laughed and cried, won and lost because of it and have experienced enough to learn how to find what works for each other. They also have had similar experiences in live (losing a loved one, being a single parent, having dangerous jobs that could potentially kill them and force them to leave their loved ones behind, etc.)
Everything is familiar and already lived but also new and exciting. Obviously, their new partner is different from what they're used to, so they get to learn more about each other without the stress of having to discover themselves and figuring out their lifes.
Also, they are both pretty calm and rational, so they can handle whatever life throws at them without overreacting and unnecessary drama.
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More Posts from Ai-higurashi
(same anon, i use 🌻 to mark myself) 1. Quackfaster burns their tongue on something hot, Mrs Beakley kisses it better. 2. Mrs Beakley can't sleep without Quackfaster by their side. 3. Quackfaster staring admiringly at Mrs Beakley from across the room. A friend whispers into Quackfaster's ear: 'Why are you so thirsty?' 4.  Mrs Beakley falling asleep in Quackfaster's lap. Quackfaster holds Mrs Beakley close and doesn't move from their spot for hours. thats all i could fit in a ask ! --🌻
Listen there anon, I'VE??? BEEN THINKING ALL DAY ABOUT THIS??!!!
And I suck at writing but now I wanna learn so we can have the Beakfaster one-shots we all deserve ajshahdjsjfh
Are...are there more?
I too am running out of ideas so would you be so kind as to answer 28, 45, 109, and 113 in exchange for a preview of chapter 3 of my current fic :)
I would answer every single ask on this hellsite for one (1) of your fic's sentences.
And you're offering me a PREVIEW????
28: Favorite movie
Brother bear
If you haven't watched it, this contains spoilers
It's just??? So beautiful?? Even as a toddler I adored the message behind it. That deep inside everyone was the same, be it a human or an animal, everyone had their soul, point of view and story and you needed to learn to respect every creature.
The moment Koda says "this monsters scare me-" and Kenai stares at the painted picture of the bear until the little bear finishes his sentence with "specially with their spears" and his eyes stare shooked at the human on the picture attacking the bear????!!!! Because he had been so caught up in his "bears are the heartless monsters" mentality that he hadn't truly realized how they were the evil ones from the bear's point of view???? And the music in that exact moment???? It gives me chills and leaves me breathless on the verge of tears every single fucking time.(i haven't seen it in English so idk if those are the exact words he uses, but you get the idea)
The way the whole "Kenai killing the bear" story changed radically the moment he realized the bear was Koda's mom and he had been waiting and looking for her??? Kenai slowly changing his mind and beliefs about bears the longer he spends as one??? KENAI CHOOSING TO STAY AS A BEAR (aka. the creature he had hated the most) TO TAKE CARE OF KODA BECAUSE HE STOPPED SEEING HIM AS AN ANNOYANCE HE NEEDED TO ENDURE AND STARTED THINKING OF HIM AS A BABY BROTHER??? THEM BECOMING A FAMILY???
(I started crying only thinking about it QwQ)
Even if it's pretty old, every single moment is a gorgeous masterpiece and art goals. The background music is soul-touching and the songs are so damn beautiful???
Also, the characters?? Oh my god??? They feel so real?? So humane? (I've always loved Tanana the most XD)
45: Where am I right now?
I'm currently in Austria with my family, near the border with Italy ^^
It's cold af, but the landscape is gorgeous and the houses are so pretty??
109: Been outside my home country?
I'm lucky to say that my family has always loved to travel and it was possible to do so, so I've been outside it several times!! (Like right now XD)
113: Cut myself?
Accidentally? Plenty of times (It doesn't actually hurt as much as it looks, most times I just wrap some paper around the cut, keep doing what I was doing and forget about it until someone asks where's the blood from XD)
On purpose to hurt myself? Never.
Okay but, we all know that Duckworth and Beakley dancing together is a mix of Pearl & Garnet and Pearl & Rose's fusion dances, right?
First of all, because Duckworth and Pearl have the same Big Dramatic Gay energy, so he totally does the leg thingy of the Pearlrose dance.

(This is Duckworth. Fight me)
And second because I can see Beakley twirling Duckworth around almost in an intimate manner and just fucking yeet him to the moon afterwards because that's just how their relationship is.
But we all knew that already, right?
Ah phooey, it’s Don Karanage and his sky pirates...on land for whatever reason. Incorporated in to their performance are the letters 29, 30, and 47, any idea what they might mean?
Oh dear, I'm so so sorry!!! I've had this on my ask box since forever, I have no excuse!!!
If he gets any close to Dewey I'll @&gs@#$*#@$@!!!!!
29: Favorite song
It changes every week so I don't know what to say XD
A couple that I really love are "Connectats" and "Volcans", both by Buhos
30: Favorite band
I don't have any favorite band :P
47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?
At a reasonable level
To anyone who made a request, I'm so sorry I'm taking so long!!!
How y'all still put up with me will always be a mystery ahshdhagsahdj
I got way more than the expected (someone decided that it would be fun to spam me... goddamnit Bloo XD)
But they're good ones and I wanna do all of them right.
Also someone (you KNOW who you are) sent an extremely soft and adorable request and I'm sure she knew exactly what she was doing to me the moment she sent it (I spent a week daydreaming about the scenario. A WEEK. Just thinking about it makes me wanna cry bc they're just??? too cute??? And soft??? agsjahgdhahd. I even have headcanons!!!)
I already have three ready to color and another one sketched out, so it shouldn't be long before I finish them. I'll spend an ungodly amount of hours in a car this week so I'll finally have time to paint them!!!!