A-small-collection-of-nonsense - Tumblr Posts
Welp, there’s only three left so you might as well finish of the list 😂 7, 8, 13 for Scroogley if you pleeeaaassseee
You, I like you.
The list has been completed. I shall now start an epic journey in order to aquire a new one.
7. Who wears the other’s sweaters as a nighty when it’s cold?
Scrooge. Beakley's sweaters are so big he can even cuddle inside them like if he was in a warm nest. (He also sleeps in them even when it's not cold if Beakley is not home. They have her smell and are comfortable and warm just like her.He really thinks she doesn't notice XD )
8. When cooking in the kitchen together, what songs do they dance to?
just kidding (or am I? 7w7), I actually don't have a clue XD
Any idea?? @am-i-not-alive-yet I know you might have something for this one :3
13. Who picks up the other and twirls them around just to see their partner giggle?
Mostly Beakley, due to height difference. When Scrooge is too caught up in his own head, unwanted thoughts eating him alive, it's also the best way to snap him out of it, remind him that there's people who love and deeply care about him. They always end up giggling until their stomach hurt.
Ok so you put it on your reblog account so idk if you actually wanted asks, but ya boi is here with 10, 20, 23 and 27 ♡
10: How tall am I
I... Don't know?? Last time I checked I was around 1.63m or so
20: First thing I notice in new person
23: Hair color
27: Meaning behind my URL
It was the name of one of my first InuYasha (my fav childhood anime that made me watch anime again as a teenager which eventually lead to cartoons) related OCs. I never did anything with her, I didn't even draw her, but I had put so much thought on the name etc. I somehow saw it fitting to use it as my username
Ohohohohohohoho it’s time for the rematch my fren I give you 25, 33, 64 and 65
25: Ever done a prank call?
No. I would laugh before even starting the conversation so no need in trying to XD
33: My current relationship status
(and too awkward to start one if I wanted, so it probably will still be like that for a long, long time. I can't flirt consciously to save my sorry ass.)
64: Do I believe in magic?
Magic is everything we still don't know how to explain.
( which is A LOT. If I had a dollar for every time I heard in class "Well, this doesn't happen in 100% of the cases, but we'll talk about it as if it did"... )
Science is just learning the mechanisms about how does magic work
65: Do I believe in luck?
Have you seen Gladstone??
Can you DEWEY me a favour and answer 15, 22, 24, and 38 for me? :D
*gasps* I'll be DELLAighted :3
Oh boy, now there's two of them
15: Favorite quote
I had trouble with this one but I'll go with
"Si no entiendes que hay aquí, sólo es tierra para ti" (If you don't understand what's in here, it's only land to you) from the spanish version of "colors of the wind" from Pocahontas.
I didn't quite get the sentence as a kid, only after I watched the film again a couple years ago it fully settled in. You can't know the true value of things unless you understand them.
22: Eye color
Plain brown
24: Favorite style of clothing
Catch me looking for different style names lmao idk how fashion works
To look at, rock style. People usually look really good in leather
I mean, I just wear sweatshirts with jeans and boots/sneakers, what kind of style is that??!
38: The reason I joined Tumblr
I think at first it was to see more Miraculous Ladybug fanart and fanfics (specially about Nathalie, it was rare and she was my favorite. I was right to like her even when she just appeared for a couple of seconds. My feelings that she would be important to the plot someday were right lmao) and SU. I'm glad I did.
They are the terrors that flap in the night, they are the ask that hangs out in your inbox, they are 31, 47, 56, and 71!
31: How I feel right now
SO TIRED and kinda happy
(If I could just stay in my bed forever, curled under the blanket, I'd do it without hesitation. Says the one too lazy to put on her pajamas and go to sleep lmao )
I'm always like that though
47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?
At a reasonable level. I don't wanna go deaf yet XD
56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
My mutuals ;3
Maybe Rebecca Sugar. I feel like I need to thank her for SU (and Bubbline :3). Or maybe the Ducktales crew, they look like truly incredible people.
71: Do I spend money or save it?
I usually save it
D2 for Beakleyyyyy??? ❤️
Your wish is my command :3💕

If you wanna request anything else, here’s the expression meme ^^
16, 32, 76 and 37 are the richest ducks in the world!!!!
"Hah, nice try!! I am the richest duck in the world"

"In your face Scroogey!!"
Sorry I had to
16: Favorite place
My room
The beach
32: Someone I love
My younger sister. She's 3 years old and an absolute ball of energy (also, adorable, hella smart and manipulative af. I'm so proud QwQ💕)
76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is?
Last names are overrated (?)
Sorry, I've been thinking about this too much I can't find anything good enough XD
But I guess if Satan does have a last name, it would be the same as God's
37: Tattoos and piercing i want
Even though I love how tatoos and piercings look in general, I don't want any (for now. Maybe I'll find something good some day)
Agents McDuck and 22 here representing SHUSH, in order to complete a highly confidential mission require you to answer the following questions: 28, 34, 84 and 123 Should the answer not be given, nothing much will happen at present as the children are in the car and Agent 22 would rather them not be exposed to more violence than they have already, but it would be an inconvenience and you may or may not be sued at a later date. Have a pleasant evening!
*eyes wander back and forth between McDuck and 22 trying not to look too intimidated*
Of course agents, happy to help save the world OwO
I swear to god if this mision involves a drawer...
28: Favorite movie
Brother Bear 🐻
34: My relationship with my parents
I have a good relationship with both of them
Better now that I've "moved out" though
84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?
My first answer would be flying. I already love the feeling of falling at the roller coasters, imagine if i could just jump from the highest places on earth and stop inches away from the floor just to fly towards the nearest tree!!!
But I would also love to be able to talk to any kind of animal. Imagine how many things we could learn from them????
123: Dyed my hair?
Nope, never.
I actually like my natural color (plain dark brown but sometimes it looks kinda reddish or a lighter shade depending on the light. Kinda. Idk I think it suits me)
You here an crabs and go outside to find that someone has hit your car! He culprit appears to have vanished along with their own car, leaving a sticky note with childlike handwriting on the bumper, it reads: “Hey I’m Launchpad! I am very sorry about your car, it’s ok, Mr McD won’t mind fixing it! Anyway, until then maybe answering he questions 40, 48, 55, and 66 will make you feel better! I am very sorry, lots of love from Launchpad”
Ahdhsgdh LP, dear, I'm not sure that Mr McDuck will appreciate that XD
Also, if Launchpad's the one who hit my car I'm pretty sure there's not much of it left lmao.
40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?
Nope, not usually.
Just when I'm talking to someone and it gets late (but I get the feeling that is more like a "goodbye" plus a way of sending me to sleep. I'm usually the one sending people to sleep so when the tables are turned it's kinda hilarious to me XD)
48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad?
Technically, yes. But college is pretty far from home (by spanish standards!!! Don't judge me), so I've been staying at my grandma's house for a while now.
I must sound like a horrible daughter and even a worse person but I??? Don't really miss staying at home?? Honestly, it's So. Fucking. Noisy. There were kids running and arguing and fighting and storming into my room while I was studying literally all the time and I used to have something similar to anxiety attacks these past couple of years(idk if they actually were, never bothered to check) because I felt like if I couldn't even hear my own thoughts and now it's so quiet and peaceful and I can actually rest???!!! I still can't believe it.
Don't misunderstand me, I LOVE being home, I love my family, but sometimes it just feels too much?? Let's just hope I don't go crazy when I go back there on summer XD
(I... wasn't planning for this answer to be like that. Sorry. I promise I'm okay)
55: What is something I disliked about today?
I had to study plant biology (which is... Way more boring than I anticipated) and I discovered that THERE ISN'T A BUSHROOT FUNKO POP!!!!!??
I was all like "c'mon, do it for him :3" (yeah, I'm weird, but I needed the motivation and it kinda worked with Morgana and the fungus part) and one thing lead to the other and I ended up searching just to be utterly disappointed XD
But HE WOULD BE SO CUTE AS A FUNKO POP??? Not only he's the only one of the Fearsome Five who hasn't appeared yet, but now I have to live with the knowledge that I won't be able to get a tiny Bushroot to hug and ahdgahjdjs WHY QwQ
(Sorry. I swear deep inside I'm normal. Kinda. WAY deep inside. Somewhere. Maybe.)
66: What’s the weather like right now?
It's already really late, it's been raining the whole day and it's kinda cold?? It's JUNE goddamnit!!! We don't usually get this kind of weather in June!!!! It was so hot yesterday?? this planet has gone crazy.
Great news! Donald’s back! He’s talked to the Moon dwellers and, with a lot of help from Penumbra, managed to come to an agreement, they will cease their attack on planet earth if you answer these questions: 57, 81, 103 and 123’ remember - the fate of all your loved ones and the entire planet lies in your hands, no pressure or anything
Yeah, sure, no pressure... I can totally do that!
Sorry I took that long, idk how you still put up with me. The planet would be invaded by now XD
57: What do I think about most?
You know which character.
No, I'm not kidding. I wish I was. Yes, it's concerning. But what can I say?
81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr
Why are you making me choose >w
I don't wanna bother anyone, so I'll link them instead.
This ranking is mostly content-wise though I'm a little bit biased (I had to be to pick just 5. There's so many amazing people and content in here QwQ)
So, in no specific order:
(I just ADORE all the crazy ideas, crack ships and AUs. And their writing is so damn good I never get tired of reading it over and over??? It's so sweet and breathtaking???!!!)
This beautiful angel you should totally check out
(She is an amazing friend and her fics are so damn good QwQ??? The fact that she also writes about and loves my favorite characters and relationships is definetely a bonus. And from time to time she graces us with adorable art??? Also, idk if she does it on purpose but she enables my crazy ideas and makes me wanna go further and create more about projects that would probably be just another undeveloped idea in my mind otherwise and I'll be forever thankful to her for that. Don't tell her I said that)
(Definetely one of my favorite. Her SU fanart is so damn good and pretty and adorable!!?? Also the art style is absolutely incredible and it's been an inspiration ever since I ran into her blog)
(Their Duck comics are just??? So cute???? Soft and squishy, I wanna hug everything they draw >w
(This blog has become quickly one of my favorites. Their art is???? So good???? And look at these ducks???!!!)
Of course there are way more blogs I wanted to put here, either because of the content and/or the people behind it, but you only let me choose five QwQ
103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan?
123: Dyed my hair?
Already asked :3
But nope, my hair still remains undyed XD
I’m fresh out of ideas for fun ways to do this, so would you be so kind as to answer 3, 31, 56 and 74 for good ol’ Sadie(╹◡╹)
3: 3 Fears
People finally realizing that I'm not worth the trouble and being left behind, losing myself and murderers entering my home at 3 a.m :P
My mind is a paranoid bitch
31: How I feel right now
Peaceful, lazy and sleepy. Oh, and tired but that's usual.
I wanted to do anything this afternoon but I?? Fell asleep? Now its 11pm and I'm there like "the fuck I'm supposed to do now?". Also, there's been a huge heat wave, so I don't have the energy anyways. I guess I'll just go sleep again.
56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
Rebecca Sugar ^^💕
Or the Ducktales crew (specially if Donald is not home soon >:/ )
74: Favorite animal?
Ajshahskdajhd I don't know, ALL OF THEM?? (except mosquitoes. Fuck them)
I specially adore the whole Big Cat group (lions, tigers, lynx, etc.) I mean, big kitty that could and would kill me without hesitation?? I wanna pet and cuddle all of them QwQ💕💕💕
From somewhere in the land of the UK, “2, 22, 68, AND 69” is chanted over and over and over, please answer the questions before humanity can hear nothing but these numbers in their heads for all eternity
My my, we can't have that, can we?
2: Age
18 :3
22: Eye color
68: Do I like the smell of gasoline?
Hell no.
I try to ignore it, but if it's strong it makes me feel kinda dizzy and sick
69: Do I have any nicknames?
If we're talking about my real name, a friend sometimes calls me "Juanny" ( it's longer than saying my name lmao ) but my name doesn't give many variants to play with.
And I guess Ai if we're also talking about usernames
The TARDIS materialises in front of you, and the Doctor emerges, clothing ragged and covered in ash and soot. At first he seems surprised at how young you are, before telling you to answer the questions 59, 79, 82 and 112. As he makes his exit, he warns you that it is imperative you wear blue on the 17th of September, 2028
Wait!!! DOCTOR!!! What happens on the 17th of September, 2028???? WHY BLUE????!!!
Dammit, he already left QwQ
59: Do I have any strange phobias?
I don't even have regular phobias (at least that I am aware of)
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone?
Something slightly ominous like "just taking a nap, be right back" or smth like that.
82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?
"Don't forget that you're just a mortal human"
I guess. It works both to remind gentle people that they need to take care of themselves and that they are not responsible for everything that happens in this world AND to remind overconfident dickheads that they're not all-powerful and a baseball bat can totally do the trick.
Sometimes I worry I'm a little bit too aggressive. Sorry about that
112: Broken a bone?
Ah phooey, it’s Don Karanage and his sky pirates...on land for whatever reason. Incorporated in to their performance are the letters 29, 30, and 47, any idea what they might mean?
Oh dear, I'm so so sorry!!! I've had this on my ask box since forever, I have no excuse!!!
If he gets any close to Dewey I'll @&gs@#$*#@$@!!!!!
29: Favorite song
It changes every week so I don't know what to say XD
A couple that I really love are "Connectats" and "Volcans", both by Buhos
30: Favorite band
I don't have any favorite band :P
47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?
At a reasonable level
Heyyyyy :D 1, 2, 4, 11 and 28 with Morgkley for the ask thingy pleaseeee
As you wish, 7w7
1. Who makes the first move and how?
How? You mean apart from kissing Beakley senseless the moment she laid eyes on her?
She... wasn't exactly subtle with her infatuation towards Bentina either.
2. Who is the most insecure and what makes them feel better?
Morgana. She gets nervous around Bentina (I mean, who doesn't want to impress their crush?) and is terrified of being rejected by the people around her, either because something she did or because of what she is (not all her past experiences have been pleasant). Which makes her do some mistakes on her spellcasting, which only makes dangerous situations even worse, which fuels her fear of Beakley rejecting her because she messed up, oh dear, she messed up so so so so bad, how did she mess up like that?? It was a simple spell!!!??? Even a toddler could have done that calculation!!!
Usually a small touch on her shoulder is enough to distract her from the storm inside her head.
Beakley insists on Morgana tagging along anyways and reassures her that her spellcasting is getting better. But what really does the trick is when she realizes that Bentina has blind faith that Morgana will have her back and that she is still fully capable to fend off by herself if the witch ever fails to do so. She DOESN'T NEED someone by her side, yet Bentina Beakley allows herself to be vulnerable around Morgana even after all the times she felt like she had messed up because she TRUSTS her and WANTS her. And Beakley is a trained spy. She's never wrong when it comes to trusting people. So maybe, just maybe, she's not doing it as bad as she first thought.
4. Who can’t keep their hands to themselves?
Also Morgana (dang, three on a row XD).
She's by far the most touchy and cuddly of the two (Beakley is rarely affectionate in public) and even if it's just something simple like linking their arms and leaning on her shoulder or grabbing one of Beakley's hands with both of hers and staying impossibly close while rambles excitedly about something, she's always in Beakley's personal space (not that it bothers Bentina. That's how Morgana is and Beakley silently adores and welcomes it)
11. What do they hide from one another?
Morgana is doing a parallel investigation about Magica's whereabouts behind the rest's backs. She's furious about how Magica treated and used Lena and, as a fellow sorcerer, feels like it's her duty to stop her. Dealing with a magical user can be very dangerous and doesn't want to put the others (specially Lena, Webby and Beakley) in danger. She also uses the sleep sand to make sure that Lena's dreams are pleasing and to kick away any nightmare, specially if it's about a certain green feathered witch.
Last, but not least, her family has tried to talk her out of her relationship with Beakley countless times, but there's no way she's telling Bentina that. (Beakley noticed on her own, but hasn't said anything either)
Beakley watches Morgana sleep almost every day (again, they have pretty different schedules so it's not difficult).
She also isn't extremely fond of ghouls' food yet. Yes, it's actually tasty and good once she finally catches and eats it, but Bentina is still a little weirded out when her food is clearly trying to walk away or wants to strangle her. (Of course, she doesn't tell Morgana. She's fully aware how proud she's of her cooking and there's no real complaining apart from "it's moving and I'm not used to that". Beakley can deal with that)
28. Why do they get jealous?
Bentina gets a little bit jealous about the way Morgana talks to and cuddles all her pets. And she feels absolutely stupid about it because she's jealous of a random spider Morgana just found on the street, but the moment Morg starts cooing at it, Bentina is immediately like "god, wish that were me"
Morgana is jealous of the relationship between Beakley and Scrooge. She's not afraid of Scrooge taking Beakley away from her and all that nonsense. Bentina loves HER and Scrooge is extremely supportive about that. Besides, she's aware that the relationship between those two is 100% platonic. But she sees how they barely need words to understand each other. She notices how much they care about each other. They can work together with a single glance yet they argue like an old married couple at the slightest chance. They raise each other up even though they know so much about the other that they could figuratively and literally ruin their life. They have enough mutual trust that they allow themselves to be vulnerable because they know it's safe and at the same time they drive each other mad. It's the kind of intimate bond it takes decades of mutual appreciation, love, support and convivence to achieve. Morgana wishes that she could have something like that with Beakley, except romantic instead of platonic.
But it's only a matter of time ;3
Someone taps you on the shoulder, and you turn around to see Graham O’Brian, with a sandwich in one hand and a slip of paper in the other. He looks out of breath and done with the Doctor’s shit, he hands you the piece of paper, and when you look at it you can see it has the numbers 9, 53, 67 and 130 written on it in messy handwriting, “The Doc wants you to answer these questions” he says, turning to leave, “Oh, and she mentioned something about a cat you really shouldn’t be talking to...”
Wait, Doc didn't say anything about not petting the cat... Can I pet the cat?? Can I??? As long as I don't talk to him it's good, right???
Thanks Graham ^^!
9: My best first date
I've only been to a date once in my life so... I guess that one?
We went to the cinema. There aren't any in my hometown so we went to the fanciest one that we had near and spent the afternoon moving between places.
Even though it wasn't the original plan, we ended up watching Warcraft. He picked the film and, honestly? I loved it. I'm still glad that he got which style of movies I like XD. We talked a lot and really had a great time but I may or may not have friendzoned myself the day after lmao XD (which turned out to be for the best because looking back now, my feeling that I wasn't ready for a relationship at the moment turned out to be spot on and we managed to stay good friends. I doubt I would be the person I am today if I had chosen differently, and I'm glad I took that decision. I've really changed a lot these past years XD)
Congratulations, you officially know more about it than most of my friends irl XD
53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?
If you're talking about romantic kisses, my friend, there's no one kissing in a thousand miles radius XD
67: What was the last book I’ve read?
I?? Can't recall???
Fuck me, I used to read non stop!!!??? As a kid I had to go weekly to the library because my parents were tired of how fast I'd finish every new book and wouldn't buy me more!!! What the hell happened QwQ?
I think it was either "Morning Star" by Pierce Brown (I'm not a big fan of space settings nor interplanetary wars in novels but god, I loved the Red Rising trilogy. I'm waiting for my cousin to lend me the sequel) or "No sóc el meu ADN" ("I'm not my DNA") by Manel Esteller (I had to read this one during winter holidays for college, so go figure XD). I don't know which one went later.
I started reading "Carmilla" a long time ago, but I get lost easily and I can't understand half of what they're saying QwQ
130: Been fishing?
Once, when I went to Ireland to study abroad for like three weeks. The foster family loved fishing. It was way more entertaining than what I expected and we would return the fish immediately.
I too am running out of ideas so would you be so kind as to answer 28, 45, 109, and 113 in exchange for a preview of chapter 3 of my current fic :)
I would answer every single ask on this hellsite for one (1) of your fic's sentences.
And you're offering me a PREVIEW????
28: Favorite movie
Brother bear
If you haven't watched it, this contains spoilers
It's just??? So beautiful?? Even as a toddler I adored the message behind it. That deep inside everyone was the same, be it a human or an animal, everyone had their soul, point of view and story and you needed to learn to respect every creature.
The moment Koda says "this monsters scare me-" and Kenai stares at the painted picture of the bear until the little bear finishes his sentence with "specially with their spears" and his eyes stare shooked at the human on the picture attacking the bear????!!!! Because he had been so caught up in his "bears are the heartless monsters" mentality that he hadn't truly realized how they were the evil ones from the bear's point of view???? And the music in that exact moment???? It gives me chills and leaves me breathless on the verge of tears every single fucking time.(i haven't seen it in English so idk if those are the exact words he uses, but you get the idea)
The way the whole "Kenai killing the bear" story changed radically the moment he realized the bear was Koda's mom and he had been waiting and looking for her??? Kenai slowly changing his mind and beliefs about bears the longer he spends as one??? KENAI CHOOSING TO STAY AS A BEAR (aka. the creature he had hated the most) TO TAKE CARE OF KODA BECAUSE HE STOPPED SEEING HIM AS AN ANNOYANCE HE NEEDED TO ENDURE AND STARTED THINKING OF HIM AS A BABY BROTHER??? THEM BECOMING A FAMILY???
(I started crying only thinking about it QwQ)
Even if it's pretty old, every single moment is a gorgeous masterpiece and art goals. The background music is soul-touching and the songs are so damn beautiful???
Also, the characters?? Oh my god??? They feel so real?? So humane? (I've always loved Tanana the most XD)
45: Where am I right now?
I'm currently in Austria with my family, near the border with Italy ^^
It's cold af, but the landscape is gorgeous and the houses are so pretty??
109: Been outside my home country?
I'm lucky to say that my family has always loved to travel and it was possible to do so, so I've been outside it several times!! (Like right now XD)
113: Cut myself?
Accidentally? Plenty of times (It doesn't actually hurt as much as it looks, most times I just wrap some paper around the cut, keep doing what I was doing and forget about it until someone asks where's the blood from XD)
On purpose to hurt myself? Never.
Genuinely cannot remember if you reblogged the post, but Hey Fuckface :D
You know you didn't need to do this, right? XD
Ik you reblogged it on your reblog account, but can we get some Head cannons for my girl Lena???
I'm gonna do one of each because that sounded interesting af
Headcanon A: what I think realistically
She won't even try to develop her powers and become a sorceress. Lena isn't nearly as interested in magic as Violet and Webby and, while she's happy to help them a little bit with their spells or uses her powers to mess with the triplets, she doesn't actively seek ways to keep advancing or to become even more powerful. She had enough of magic for a lifetime and just wants to live in peace now that she's finally free.
Headcanon B: what I think is fucking hilarious
Sometimes she loses grasp of how material her body should be, so she's just walking around and suddenly Lena has phased through the floor and fallen in the basement just because Webby distracted her.
She has plummeted on top of someone else more times that she likes to admit.
Headcanon C: what is heart-crushing and awful but fun to inflict on friends
She has constant nightmares of Magica coming back. Sometimes, the sorceress directly hurts her family one by one to punish her. Sometimes, she possesses her instead and makes her do it, so she sees the look of betrayal in their eyes and hears them begging her to stop without being able to do anything.
Lena can't quite control her powers, specially when she's asleep so, when that happens, she's so distressed that she unconciously gives life to the shadows of the rest of the people in McDuck Manor (Shadow War style) and all of them gravitate towards her to protect her.
Headcanon D: what would never work with canon but the canon is shit so I believe it anyways
No, I don't take constructive criticism.
Lena still doesn't like magic nor any kind of sorceress, but Morgana doesn't force her to use her powers. Morg helps her to control them without expecting more implication or help from Lena's part in any kind of ritual, has a bunch of weird stuff and pets and is easy-going and fun to hang out with (and not nearly as strict as Beakley or Donald).
Besides, it's obvious that Morgana has no experience with being some kind of parental figure and Lena clearly isn't used to having one, so they both learn together and work out their boundaries to something comfortable for both of them.
Would you be so kind as to answer 25, 28, and 72 in the name of our Lords and saviours POLY TEAM MAGIC
25: Ever done a prank call?
No that I can recall
Sorry. I'll find the door myself
28: Favorite movie
I think I already answered this one? Anyways, it's still Brother Bear 🐻
72: Can I touch my nose with a tongue?