akatsukibathorycosplay - AkatsukiBathory Cosplay
AkatsukiBathory Cosplay

I am a cosplayer and I make all my costumes and props. I like bringing magical things to life but keep it on the dark side.

85 posts

Another Of My Little Editing Experiments, This Time As Krul-chan. The Background Is Still Not Perfect,

Another Of My Little Editing Experiments, This Time As Krul-chan. The Background Is Still Not Perfect,

Another of my little editing experiments, this time as Krul-chan. The background is still not perfect, but I think the effects help it look less weird 😄

All my favorite pictures with this costume were taken on a very sunny and bright day, which doesn't really fit the vampire vibe much, so I'm trying this to change up the background a bit to fit the character.

Ps: if you see this and have some editing tips, I'm all 👂 :)

More Posts from Akatsukibathorycosplay

11 months ago

Finished 😁

After so many layers of toilet paper and glue and paint, it finally looks like the eye is actually coming out of the cover, and I'm just very happy with it 😄

Maybe I can fit this into one of my costumes later on or something, I don't know... or maybe it will just be a box, only time and my dumb brain will tell...

Considering this is me procrastinating, I think it could be worse... but now I have to get back to proper work...

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9 months ago
In Today's Edition Of Giving Fitting Backgrounds To My Cosplay Photos, We Have Robin...

In today's edition of giving fitting backgrounds to my cosplay photos, we have Robin...

My favorite of her outfits was the one from Thriller Bark, so that's the one I made. I also had a dress that already looked similar, so I just made some small changes to it. 🙃

This was probably the easiest costume to make, that I have, and the most recognized 😂 so I guess it couldn't hurt to have more pics of it.

This is my attempt at making a background that feels close to the vibe of Thriller Bark, the ghost island always covered in fog, from free-to-use bits from around the internet 😄

Ps. Any tips are appreciated, much noob 😅

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9 months ago
RIP My Lovely Flame Empress Armour... Tragedy Has Struck And This Lovely Armour Has Been Damaged Beyond

RIP my lovely Flame Empress armour... 😢 tragedy has struck and this lovely armour has been damaged beyond what I currently have time to fix so... yeah... enjoy the last picture I edited of it.

It took nearly 2 years to finish, and I barely had time to enjoy it before it got destroyed 😔 and now I don't know if I should just remake it or move on to a different one, since Erza has so many that I want to make...

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9 months ago
Because A Queen Must Shine... Here's Another Edit Of My Krul Tepes Cosplay From Owari No Seraph.

Because a queen must shine... here's another edit of my Krul Tepes cosplay from Owari no seraph.

It's still not perfect, but it's getting better, I think...

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