Anime Costume - Tumblr Posts

My favorite photo of my Stein cosplay from Soul Eater. Made it for halloween last year but only finished the scythe for it more recently which is why it is not here 🙃

Today for a change we have Krul-chan saying hi 👋
This is another costume I made for halloween but this one is from two years ago, I recently gave it a little upgrade with a new wig and some fixes on the dress. I gave the dress an extra layer to give it more volume and a skin colored undershirt to hold it in place properly as I could never get the sleeves to stay up before and they dragged the dress down with them.
Btw feel free to ask anything about how I made any of it, as it does have a few tricks to it that I can't think of right now but is really not too hard to make.

"Then will you die?
But death will no longer come to you
as it would a human.
Without blood, you'll become an empty, withering demon without will." - Krul Tepes
Another photo of my Krul Tepes cosplay that recently got an upgrade.
For more up-to-date updates on what I am currently making you can follow my IG @Akatsukibathorycosplay or check my YT channel for tutorials on some of the stuff I have made.

Two different versions of my favorite photo of my cosplay of San from Mononoke Hime because I couldn't choose one. Still can't... one looks real af and that makes it look good but the other looks magical af and I can't resist magic ✨️ so I don't know...

My mononoke hime was the last cosplay I finished last year and possibly my favorite one that didn't take forever and a half to make. The props are made of pvc pipes and EVA foam and I used fake leather and fur for all the white parts like the boots and cape, the dress was just an old dress I cut up.

Happy international women's day with some of my favorite anime girls 💜💜

Close enough I think :)
Another piece done in the lovely puzzle that is the Undertaker ✨️
Still working on the skeleton of the scythe and the clothing but I think it should be done in time for the new season. There's gonna be so much crazy Undertaker stuff from here on that I can barely wait.
But until then I can just keep working on the costume...

Another photo of my Krul Tepes cosplay but with a better view of the dress. I love this costume and Krul is just the cutest vampire queen ever😍 not to mention it's just a fun costume to wear.

Added another little detail to Krul-chan again. I noticed that the collar had a little gold thing on the bow so I remade the whole thing and added a pretty gold button with a rose 🌹 and because when I saw that button it just felt right for it.

My Krul cosplay got 3rd place in the little contest this weekend. There were like 5 people but still happy 😊 and it was a lot of fun. And got lots of pictures :)

Another photo of my finished Krul Tepes cosplay from last weekend's little event.

The start of my weekend at Comic Con as Stein on Saturday and Robin on Sunday. This was my first comic con, and I had so much fun and took so many pictures of awesome cosplays. Even found a couple of other Soul Eater cosplays that I didn't really expect to see since the anime ended so long ago.
It was pretty great 🙂
Having a chill week post comic con, just practicing my angled cuts by making kunai knives out of my way too much scrap foam.

In honor of Erza's birthday being yesterday, here's the first barely edited pic from the little shoot I did with her Fire Empress armour. As my favorite of all her armour, this had to be the first one I made. I have planned to make most of the others too, but for now, I'm still perfecting this one.

I'm thinking of using San in my next contest and some things needed some improvements, so, that's been my past week and a half 😅
Dirtying up the parts that were too clean, then remaking the dagger to look more carved from stone... then my dear cat stole one of the arm things, and I had to make a new one... still, the hardest part was finding a song to fit my idea.
But it's done now 😁

Hi 🙂 this is the shiny blastoise gijinka that I've been working on and off on for a while. Ignore the difference on the purples, it's not intentional, I just did it in a hurry.
I like this both designs, but one of them is just too purple, and even though I love purple, it's just a bit too light for me, and I think I would feel uncomfortable wearing it... I don't know... help me out here... what do you guys think?

This is the cosplay I'm currently working on... Ulquiorra from Bleach. I decided to start with the regular version first because it's mostly sewing, which I can do fairly easily, and make the second release version when I've had some experience with wings. 😅
These are my prototypes for the costume and bone helmet:

I made a pattern of my head that I then placed on my improvised wig stand to draw on the details, like the layers in the back, etc.
The horn was carved from Styrofoam just to see the size and shape I will need for the final product. The layers here are 2mm EVA, but I will use 5mm for the final version, as I only needed to check length and shape.
For the hakama trousers, I used a pattern I found on pinterest as reference to make my own and finished with black elastic because Ulquiorra has a full circle black belt anyway. The sides are still open because I might make the opening into a pocket because cosplayers have needs and pockets is definitely one of them.
For the top, I used my usual patterns and just adjusted the length of the front and back since they are very different. Used the Undertaker's pattern for the collar because it's the same shape and size, and I still had it close by. And it doesn't have sleeves because I have the pattern from previous projects as well, and they don't need changes.
I might work on the katana this week if I have enough time, but for now, that's what I have done.
Don't forget to follow if you want to see more updates 😉 and feel free to ask if you have any questions 😊

I know I'm not very good at editing, but I found some new apps, and I'm having some fun learning how they work... so, I'm just sharing some of my experiments...

Another of my little editing experiments, this time as Krul-chan. The background is still not perfect, but I think the effects help it look less weird 😄
All my favorite pictures with this costume were taken on a very sunny and bright day, which doesn't really fit the vampire vibe much, so I'm trying this to change up the background a bit to fit the character.
Ps: if you see this and have some editing tips, I'm all 👂 :)