akiratrebound - What am I even doing? XD
What am I even doing? XD

Welcome to my weird art/story blog, I hope you enjoy your stay~

466 posts


Day Before shenanigans
COMIC CON HYPE Anyway yeah, this is just us messing around the night before con and some updates and stuff owo art belongs to me ewe


  • nateaz
    nateaz liked this · 8 years ago

More Posts from Akiratrebound

8 years ago

Irregular Schedule(potential mini hiatus???)

It seems the events of comic con have thrown me outta whack so keeping to my usual schedule has been hard, I haven't even started on my Starfall page for today and I really need to sleep, and will probably sleep most of the day... This may also mess with my stream schedule as well... *sighs* Welp I will try to fix this as soon as possible, I'm really sorry for this... As far as the hiatus thing, I dunno, we'll see how the next few days go and we'll see if I need one. Again, I'm sorry o-o

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8 years ago

Tagged .-.

Rules: answer 11 questions, make 11 questions, tag 11 people. ahaha no. Tagged by: @blackbloodshadow (May I request to not be tagged until further notice?)

1) Favorite childhood movie?

The Lion King

2) What were you doing before you started this post?

Debating on if I should ignore the tag or not

3) How innocent are you?


4) What’s your best memory from school?

Hanging out with my friends in the early mornings

5) Describe yourself in one sentence.

A sarcastic ass hole.

6) Favorite video game?

The Legend of Zelda series or Minecraft

7) Any crushes you have right now?

I may actually have one, but they shall remain a secret.

8) Are you an indoor or outdoor person?

Outdoor. When it’s not hot enough to cook an egg on the sidewalk

9) Live-action shows or cartoons?


10) Any plans for the future?


11) List one trait that you love about yourself.

Don’t particularly have one atm

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8 years ago
Speedpaint: Https://youtu.be/HvjKYqodEpIOk Ever Since They Were Added I Have Had A Huge Fascination With

Speedpaint: https://youtu.be/HvjKYqodEpI Ok ever since they were added I have had a huge fascination with the Elytras. I know in-game they look like just cloth sail things but I feel like it’d make sense for them to have a harness and some sort of thing to mimic a wing bone to keep it spread while flying. What do you all think? Anyway this was also a challenge to myself with the lighting. I think it looks pretty good, could be better but it’s not that bad~ Akira/me and the art belong to me! Please do not use without my permission!

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8 years ago

-pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat- hi there o w o

-ish pat- oh, hullo~ OwO -pats back-