There's always a siren singing you to shipwreck
873 posts
Alexwilltellyouthings - Tumblr Blog

they were SO smug on the tube, i have to imagine they do a lot of self-congratulations after a case well done
Let’s all rewatch Danny Motta’s Dead Boy Detectives Reaction at least twice, even if it’s just in the background! Rn 2days in there’s almost 60k views which is half of what his last good omens vid had which is giving me good. This Tv Show is also great for Good Omens, Sandman, supernatural fans as I am also fans of those 3 tv shows ^^ Btw remember to share the link too! Here it is: https://youtu.be/YrcwIOl5Ip4?si=uEvB0aO7YDXFLaVt
Hey yall!
So I’ve been informed that one of the new goals for the month is reaching out to react channels to watch Dead Boy Detectives as a way to get the word out!
Right now, the two YouTubers we’re being directed to focus on are Alex Myers & Not So Average Fangirl
I haven’t seen any suggestions are where to direct your comments but I’d assume their recent community posts or most recent uploads!
Remember, we want to be polite and send good vibes with all our messages! The last thing we want is to discourage others from watching the show💜
Here are their links :

Ooh, now that we’ve seen N!Edwin and DP!Edwin talk about Feelings could we see the same with N!Charles and DP!Charles?

As simple as that.
Edwins version
We're trying to approach creators with different audiences and reach, so there's more chance of success! Please drop some comments on their channels asking for a Dead Boy Detectives reaction!
Here's Alex's latest community post, we can start there: http://youtube.com/post/Ugkxoa0z0IjGsksgZvheppbz9sn_CkzBrM8I?si=bMS3Al9Tmr7FFVgT
Let's Keep The Conversation Going!
Hey Detectives 🔎✨
The campaign to get Danny Motta to watch DBD was a success!
Let’s keep the momentum going. Each month we are going to be focusing on requesting reaction channels to watch Dead Boy Detectives. Here are this month’s Youtube creators to reach out to!

Niko the evil cupid of doom
Watch the shit out of this video. Let's prove content creators (not just Danny!) that it's worth talking about DBD. Views and more views and comments and likes!
Danny Motta reacted to Dead Boy Detectives!

"Do Not Stand at My Grave and Weep" by Mary Elizabeth Frye

velcro boyfriend!Charles would love cuddles, you know what I mean

We're getting close...
Do you feel like the Dead Boys are way too buttoned-up? That there’s something wild lurking underneath Edwin’s repressed exterior? That it’s a shame nobody took The Cat King up on his offer of pleasure and punishment? Do you believe that Niko needs to be worshipped like the Goddess she is? Any brills ideas on all the fun Crystal can get up to with her powers? Do you want to help Charles explore his sexuality? Are you convinced that Monty needs some sweet loving to make up for all that trauma?
Whatever ship or kink you’re into, if you want it sweet or filthy or both, this is the Dead Boy Detective Fest for anyone enjoying good smut.
During this fest, you can request a prompt via a form and later choose any prompt you like to create a fanwork from!
The prompt form is live and available here. We already had quite a lot of interesting requests and can't wait to have more...
After filling it up, you can also:
Follow us!
Chat on Discord on the designated channel for the fest (thanks to our hosts DBDA Haunt): https://discord.gg/uggtQQKx
Help us promote Dead Boy Detective Kinkfest with the lovely banners created by our talented artist @papysanzonew!
Artists and writers, check back on October 2nd when the list will be visible for you to pick your favorites and get to work. Remember to keep checking — it will stay open for more prompts during the first month of the fest.
Here are our guidelines and rules! If you have questions, our ASKS on Tumblr are open!

Dead Girls Detectives

what's more slay then charles rowland in a skirt? charles AND charlotte rowland in a skirt
the fit

Idk why I keep seeing folks on ao3 talking about the boys and going “idk what possessed me to write this”- bitch they did.
Charles and Edwin are out here setting off every alarm in the afterlife so that you can write about their gayass unlife.
and have this!!

two couples that didn't run away together and one that did

The puppy incident of '94! It's Dead Boy Halloween from now on!!

Here we are! My first DBDA "Inktober"
31 prompts for 31 days, you can draw them, write them, make gifs of them or whatever you want! Since we know how things are going with Netflix I would ask you to use the tags "Renew Dead Boy Detectives" and "Save Dead Boy Detectives" and of course DBDATOBER so I can see your creations (and I hope to see a lot of them?? I want more DBDA creations X'D)
Reblog to spread the word, please ❤️
My other art

Still on my soapbox about how the cancellation of queer shows is tantamount to book bans. While 1 in 4 queer-inclusive shows are cancelled, the average streaming cancellation rate is only 12%. It's part of the anti-LGBT sentiment sweeping the nation. This isn't a new phenomenon, but its impact is becoming more and more important.
When queer shows are cancelled, it sends the message that our stories are not valuable, are not wanted. It also steals away representation which not only normalizes queer people for straight audiences, but also allows queer people to feel seen and affirmed.
Queer folks still have dire mental health outcomes. It gets worse as more anti-LGBT laws are passed.
🌈 If you want to help, you can start by streaming the hell out of queer series on any platform. Get your friends and family in on it. Heartstopper, Dead Boy Detectives, and Our Flag Means Death are a solid place to start.
You can sign DBDA's petition, fill out Netflix's request form with specific queer shows you want renewed (once per day per device), and rate your favorite queer shows and episodes on IMDB. If you're on Twitter, check out the #CanceledByNetflix tag and the account @CancelNetflix. You can tweet at or message your preferred streaming platforms on most social media too (Facebook, Tiktok, Insta, Twitter, Tumblr).
And spread the word :) Our stories deserve to be told.
What if the confession happened as Edwin planned?
"I've been realizing that I..."
Charles is staring intently. Edwin can see he has no clue what's coming and it makes it easier and harder at the same time.
He almost wishes they were interrupted. Almost.
"I...", Edwin loses his words again, and looks down, sideways, trying to gather his courage anywhere else as if he doesn't know Charles' eyes are the only right place to look at.
For once, Charles doesn't say anything, sensing he needs time. Still, Edwin sees a frown just starting to form, and knows he has to get this over with for both of their sakes.
"It is not Monty", he says quickly, gazing back at Charles, "that I like".
Charles properly frowns now. After a couple of seconds, his expression changes entirely, going from confused to bewildered, and Edwin reads him easily.
"Not the Cat King, either."
Charles breathes out, breaking his composure entirely. "Thank God, mate. I mean, I wouldn't judge your taste or anything..."
Edwin raises an eyebrow and Charles chuckles.
"Okay, maybe I would, so I'm glad it's not him. But then who...?"
Edwin feels his throat close. Charles is searching him, waiting for an answer he, by all means, should know.
Edwin just stares back for a second, then two, then three, until Charles is not confused anymore. The crease between his eyebrows slowly fades and his lips part open just slightly.
Edwin gulps. "Who else?", he nearly whispers.
Charles' eyes are franctically moving between Edwin's and he tries to say something, but doesn't seem to be able to form any proper words.
Edwin rushes to continue, "You don't have to feel the same. I just needed to tell you".
And while it feels like every part of him is burning, Edwin still doesn't think this is over, not yet, so he licks his lips nervously and adds quietly: "That I'm in love with you".
That hits Charles so strongly he sways a little bit, and only then looks away.
"I, uh", he starts stupidly. "Edwin, I don't even..."
"You don't have to say anything..."
"No, but I want to", Charles says, and his own words bring him back to a steadier mindset. He takes a deep breath and sets his hands over Edwin's shoulders. "Edwin, you're my best mate. That'll never change. You're the most important person in the world to me, okay?"
Edwin nods, feeling as if it wasn't for Charles' hands, he would be combusting.
"And I don't..." Charles' grip gets a little tighter for a moment. "I don't know what that means right now, for us, or for me, but we have all the time in the world to figure it out, yeah?"
Edwin smiles without meaning to. He notices his eyes are tearful, for some reason, and Charles smiles back while bringing a hand up to dry Edwin's cheeks as those tears fall down.
"Thank you for telling me", Charles completes, and pulls Edwin into a hug.
Edwin allows it and allows himself to melt into the embrace. He agrees — they have all the time in the world, and this is just the beginning.
I'm pretty sure the fact I was an OFMD fan first prepared me to love DBD as much as I do now
do fans of our flag means death know about dead boy detectives?
excluding me i mean
Art prompts for Monty and Montwin enjoyers ur welcome
Also I clocked Esther was using Monty as her dress up doll

You see what he's saying, right?
Crystal: You don't think I can fight because I'm a woman!
Charles: I don't think you can fight because you're wearing an evening dress! For what it's worth, I don't think Edwin could fight in that dress either.
Edwin: Perhaps not, but I would be radiant.