15, they/them just living of solitaire tumbrl right now
49 posts
Alexxxthealien - Alex - Tumblr Blog
ok just a quick mention
in heartstopper higgs burning is never really covered, nor is tori’s depression.
then in radio silence charlie is only ever an unnamed cameo character even though aled and charlie are good friends in heartstopper.
what the hell
family gathering are awkward as hell
more reasoning unhealthily relate to charlie and tori spring
honestly agree with tori’s dislike for socialisation. at a party right now but i just want to watch tv and rot in bed
SCREAMING!!!!! i love this user please read it!!!
Universe Friday, this blog inspired by 'Universe City', has now officially been brought to YouTube with the first episode "icarus", recorded by yours truly.
If you have been wishing for more Universe City content, then look no further. Especially the many people who have asked me to record my excerpts! It's here! Come look!
Please check it out! I'm super proud of this, despite how long it took. I will still be answering all asks about this in @friday-answers' ask box!
Thank you! I hope you'll be listening...
is it just me or is frances janvier literally this song
tori spring has so much reason for ignoring everyone yet she is blamed for isolating herself
In the kind words of Frances Janvier
"I'm well-practiced in the art of bullshitting."

If you have any Heartstopper/ Alice Oseman artwork of any kind REBLOG and show off your piece!!
(I’m still working on a drawing currently but will reblog this post to post mine later!)
homophobia is saying you accept someone then just ignoring their pronouns and sexuality when you next see them
Solitaire headcannon
When ever Tori has had a bad day Micheal would immediatly text her "Though of the day..." just to see if she is okay
the worst part about being non binary is the fact that even my most supportive friends wont respect my prefered name. At school I go by a nickname of my birth name and yet one friend makes a joke about it and keeps calling me my birth name.
honestly dont blame tori for playing solitaire in i.t. its really entertaining
staying up late drinking my unhealthy amount of caffine (energy drinks) while watching the gayest shows i can find on netflix
honestly a vibe
re-reading solitaire and realising my unhealthy connection with tori
the pomegranate juice reference in episode 7 of percy jackson is amazing
my parents did not get it

We are ineffably elated to confirm that Good Omens will return for a third season! This calls for a round of hot chocolate and sweet treats!
currently doing work experience at a primary school
the assistant principal just walked into the staff room and shouted “who wants session one off” every hand went up.
everyone. on christmas day, december 25th, we all search up “halloween” to make it a trending search. it would be the FUNNIEST thing ever to see halloween be a trending search on christmas day. tell all your friends, repost this, do everything you can to make sure we can do this. REBLOG AS MUCH AS YOU CAN.
The Marvels spoilers ahead!!!
The Young Avengers porject has officially started ahbdsjizxhzk
Here is my theory though
We see at the end Monica in an alternate universe aka the multiverse which America Chavaz has the power to travel. I think that America will be the one to save monica/ bring her back to universe 616.
i found my old diary. what do i even say. i thought it was funny though. every page was signed off with my dead name. honestly though reading it is kinda sad. i guess nothing has changed about my life.
hating life again
best friend is moving 2 hours away