allfearstofallto - I Said Look Behind You
I Said Look Behind You

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Hi Hi! Could You Write A Yandere Scara/childe With A Darling Who They Only Hear Singing When They Aren't

Hi hi! Could you write a yandere scara/childe with a darling who they only hear singing when they aren't around? Sweet, soft songs that they only hear in passing, if they hold their breaths and cross their fingers, because their wives refuse to share that part of themselves.


Hello hi!! How are you!!!

Anyways, here's the little drabble I wrote for your amazing fic request.

Voice of an Angel

Yandere! Child x Fem! Reader

(obviously part of the growing fics in my forced marriage AU)

Hi Hi! Could You Write A Yandere Scara/childe With A Darling Who They Only Hear Singing When They Aren't

Baths were a favorite time of day for everyone in the household. For you, it was your time of solace. Childe, who hardly ever respected your privacy, gave you the privilege to have your baths alone. You'd soak in scorching hot water, and feel like you were drifting away. You wished you were. Anywhere would be better than being here, being with him.

And Childe, he loved your baths because you weren't truly alone. He was there, with an ear pressed against the door. The sounds of the water sloshing and you lathering your body were all nice, but it was that voice that drew him in. The way you sang when no one else was around.

A soft song. A song from your home he assumed, since he couldn't understand a single word of it. Heavenly was just one of the many ways he'd describe it and just like heaven, he wasn't able to touch it.

The you that you were now, wouldn't allow him to hear that voice, it was a treat that was banned from him. If word ever got out that he listened to you like this, he was sure you'd stop and never sing again. But that didn't mean he didn't love it. He'd love it more if it weren't through a wooden door. One singular obstacle that he could break down easily, but that didn't mean he'd get what he wanted.

He never even knew you could sing. Not until he passed by the bathroom that one fateful day and heard that dulcet sweet voice, echoing off the walls and into the hallway where he stood. Such a melodic, graceful sound had to be coming from you and it made his heart swell even more. Beautiful and talented. He truly was happy to call you his wife, even if you didn't enjoy that title just yet.

He'd allow you to keep taking your baths alone. Forever, if he had to. Even though he longed for the closeness of your body against his, for the mutual comfort and trust of bathing one another, he preferred this. To be there when you didn't know it, ear pressed to the door and hearing your sorrowful ballad. Your voice longing for a home that you wouldn't go back to.

Such beauty was wasted on him, he knew that, yet he'd still find a way to take it from you.

Hi Hi! Could You Write A Yandere Scara/childe With A Darling Who They Only Hear Singing When They Aren't
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More Posts from Allfearstofallto

1 year ago

wait do you accept requests?

I do! I love getting requests!

But I can not guarantee that I'll write for every request I get.

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1 year ago

hihi! i just wanted to say i rly love ur writing, i rarely find works which portray childe/scaramouche as a yandere as well as you do:))<3

Weirdly enough, I find Childe easier to write for that Scara. He's just a funny little silly little guy (a literal criminal).

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1 year ago

I feel morally obligated to tell you that fic knocked my socks off with how wonderful it was. I am happy to report that I am free from Girlboss Kaeya brainrot. Thank you for freeing me from my suffering and serving me a wonderful meal that I'll be savoring for years to come 🙏 I can now return to thinking about simp scaramouche in peace


Ahhh thank you bun!! As much as I love my usual Childe/ Scara combo, it does feel good to write for someone else. And Kaeya was my first love before either of them came out!

Thank you so much for liking the fic! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

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1 year ago

hey came across your blog and fucking love only request is keep writing yandere content but a bit longer blog....I don't want the content to end so soon 😭

I know 😭😭 I just get so excited to share my ideas so I write little short fics to get them out there.

It's a problem I really need to work on, I'm impatient even with myself, but I do have a couple long fic wips. Specifically the Ayato one that I'm working on and I want to write for Diluc as well.

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1 year ago

I hear your pleas for ideas loud and clear so I raise you yandere Kaeya gaslighting tf out of you. So talented you are, but you always fumble when it comes to presenting your skills to the world. Oh so many wonderful ideas in that mind of yours - too bad they die on your lips.

And that's why you need him. To save you from embarrassing yourself as you clutch your latest creation that would undoubtedly revolutionize some industry against your chest as your eyes burn with unshed tears. It always baffled him that you thought that you were worthy of that honor. I mean, you can't even order a meal without shaking like a leaf.

You aren't built for this lifestyle, now are you? Geniuses could easily bounce back from failure, yet here you are, soaking his shirt with your never-ending tears. Were you ever a genius?

(basically Kaeya gaslight gatekeep girlbossing talented inventor darling into oblivion bc I just know this man would be jealous if you were famous. I'm so sorry for writing so much but this idea has been eating me up inside so now I send it to you. May I be 🐇 Anon?)

🐇 anon, first of all, it is a pleasure to meet you! Secondly, my dear bun, you've saved my ass!! This was such a good prompt and it felt incredible to write!

Maybe I'm just in the mood to write gaslighting bitches cause this felt natural!!


Yandere! Kaeya x reader

TW: gaslight, and quite harsh words, but Kaeya is saying them so it's kinda sexy

I Hear Your Pleas For Ideas Loud And Clear So I Raise You Yandere Kaeya Gaslighting Tf Out Of You. So

If people could see what was going on inside your head, they'd think you were a genius. And you are, or at least, you believe that you are. But all those faces, all those eyes on you, those people looking at you makes your body go stiff and your words lodge in your throat. And in the end, you look like a bumbling idiot.

But you were his bumbling idiot. That's what he'd tell you at least. Hurtful words yes, but he meant them in an endearing way. His phrases were sweet and loving, even if to the average person they sounded a bit harsh. You explained to people that he didn't truly mean it that way, he was just trying to make you feel better.

“And how was it today?” He’d asked you. He always looked like a work of art when he came home from his long shifts. Every strap and piece of clothing would be pulled from his body as he spoke, he was so careless about showing himself off in front of you, but you were still flustered and shy around him.

With a sheepish smile, you held up the mora that he'd given you to use for a drink, completely untouched. You couldn't even bring yourself to leave the house. A dramatic sigh fell from his lips, but he still kneeled on the couch and wrapped his arms around your shoulders.

“Oh, you sweet, poor thing,” he whispered in your ear. He took your cheeks into his hands and squeezed them lightly, like he was coddling a child, “Still so shy aren't you? It's okay, I speak for you.”

It's like you breathed a sigh of relief when he spoke. All the weight of the world was lifted off your shoulder. You were a genius, yes, but you were a genius who could barely speak a full sentence to anyone. Except for Kaeya.

His charming smile and flashy personality made you weary at first. Why would someone like him be interested in something so quiet and timid? You felt like a coal in comparison to his flashy, diamond-like nature. Your mind was like a maze, endless corners and rooms filled with ideas, but you got lost in them as well, and just ended up choking on your own words.

Kaeya released you from his warm embrace and sat down next to you. He looked at the coffee table in front of you, covered in ideas and doodles that you'd have for your latest inventions. Your mouth never moved, but your brain was a constant machine, most days you couldn't get it to shut up. It all had to be let out, in notes or drawings.

He picked up one of the random pages, an idea for a water filter, and a chuckle fell from his lips, “And how would you pitch this one?” He asked. The way those words fell from his lips felt condescending, he already knew that you couldn't do it, but you knew better than to think that. It was just his love, it was how he showed it, he wanted you to succeed.

You felt yourself flush even thinking about it, but you still stood with the paper in your hands. Walking to the other side of the coffee table, you looked down at the notes you'd written. It was all there. Everything about your idea was right there, everything you needed to say was right in front of you. But when you looked up from the page, you felt dizzy, the letters on the paper began to merge and swirl together.

It was like your world had tilted on its axis and suddenly everything was lopsided. You felt yourself spinning, but you knew you were standing perfectly still. The only person looking at you was Kaeya. His beautiful self, like a statue crafted by the gods, was sitting there, focused on you.

An average person would love and adore the amount of attention someone like Kaeya gave. A smolder on his lips and all a sparkle in his eye. But you weren't the average person and you already felt as if you were sinking into yourself, like the world was about to swallow you whole, and before you knew it, tears had started to fall from your eyes.

“Can't even talk in front of me anymore, can you?” He asked and you gave him a slow, solemn nod. You tried to hold back sobs as you realized how truly useless you were. Unable to speak in front of even your own boyfriend, a true genius would never suffer from this.

“I'm- I'm sorry,” you'd somehow managed to stutter through your apology, but that much was to be expected of you. Tears fell onto the page and smeared the ink of your notes, but it didn't matter, it's not like you were going to read it anyways.

“That's the problem, my love,” he cooed to you in his usual tone, he stood from the couch and began scooping up all the pages that lay on the coffee table. All your ideas, all your work was crumbled up into a ball. It stung a bit, seeing everything you had worked so hard to make be treated like trash and thrown away, but nothing hurt more than your failures, “You're not built for this kind of thing. You know that, right?” He spoke close to your face, your lips brushing against your, soft like flower petals on your skin.

“I know,”

“But that's okay. Do you know why?” He asked, placing a gentle hand on your face and squeezing the fat of your cheeks.

“Because I'm yours. And I don't need to be smart to be yours,”

He held you close to his chest, peppering your forehead with kisses. All your work was thrown in the trash. “It's only making you unhappy,” he said. And he was right. You weren't ready for this. This type of thing wasn't for you. You only needed him.

So you lay in his arms and tried to stop the sniffling. He was the only person you'd need to talk to, he'd be your voice if needed be. You were only hurting yourself trying to do these things that you weren't made for.

I Hear Your Pleas For Ideas Loud And Clear So I Raise You Yandere Kaeya Gaslighting Tf Out Of You. So

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