allgoodnamesrgoneee - Bianca🌻

67 posts

Kylian Mbapp Imagine Where Kylian Suspects You Are Pregnant And You Deny It But Somehow Hes Right Fluff

Kylian Mbappé imagine where Kylian suspects you are pregnant and you deny it but somehow he’s right fluff



Kylian Mbapp Imagine Where Kylian Suspects You Are Pregnant And You Deny It But Somehow Hes Right Fluff
Kylian Mbapp Imagine Where Kylian Suspects You Are Pregnant And You Deny It But Somehow Hes Right Fluff
Kylian Mbapp Imagine Where Kylian Suspects You Are Pregnant And You Deny It But Somehow Hes Right Fluff

A/N: Wrote this on the bus so it's probably shit but I hope you like it.

𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 — Kylian knows you better than anyone.

𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 — Kylian Mbappé x you

𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 — 1.4k

Warnings! Fluff, slight angst, unexpected pregnancy,

Kylian knows you.

Perhaps even better than you know yourself, he would say.

From how you prefer hot chocolate over coffee to how you always choose the window seat on airplanes, even though you're terrified of heights.

He knows you.

Lately, though, something's changed.

It all started with a hunch, a whispered in his mind, and he's been racking his brain trying to figure out what's wrong. Even going so far as to call his mom and ask her for advice. And he thinks he's got it.

Call it intuition or whatever, but Kylian knows you, and he thinks, No, he knows you're pregnant.

You're not as energetic as you usually are, seeming more fatigued than usual, with dark circles under your eyes, often taking naps during the day and struggling to stay awake in the evenings. You've been eating a lot more than usual, often craving weird food combinations, something you usually hate when he does. You've also been having trouble concentrating and remembering things, which is unusual for you.

Not to mention that your mood seems to be fluctuating, going from being extremely happy to feeling down and irritable within a short span of time. Like your emotions were on a rollercoaster ride.

All your symptoms point to pregnancy, and the likelihood catches him off guard. After all, you both have been careful, using protection. Still, he can feel it.

You're in the kitchen when he decides to approach you.

Preparing a simple dinner. Spagetti Carbonara, his favorite. You look beautiful—the way the apron cinches around your waist, accentuating your curves—curves he's sure weren't there a few weeks ago. And you have a certain glow about you.

As you glide across the kitchen to grab ingredients, Kylian watches you closely, noticing the slight scrunch of your nose as you stir the sauce. As if the smell is suddenly overwhelming. You move more slowly than usual, and every now and then, you take a break to give your lower back a little rub.

Yeah, he's sure now.

He takes a deep breath and approaches you.

His steps are slow and calculated as he tries to find the right words to say, heart pounding in his chest as he tries to predict your reaction.

"Mon amour," he whispers softly in your ear, wrapping his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder.

"Hey. Did you get bored with your game?" You ask, temporarily pausing your chopping as you lean back against him, his warm skin sending shivers down your spine.

"Yes…So I have something to ask you."He asks softly, nuzzling your neck and breathing in your scent. Curiosity piqued, you turn around to face him, looking into his eyes expectantly. His gaze is soft, intense. It makes your heart race.

"What is it?"

He takes a deep breath. "I've been thinking…" He pauses, swallows and releases a shaky breath. You frown slightly, sensing that this conversation is about to take a serious turn.

"Go on, you can tell me anything," you encourage him gently, placing a reassuring hand on his arm. He hesitates for a moment before finally speaking, his voice barely above a whisper. "Are you pregnant?" he asks, his eyes searching yours for any hint of confirmation.

The question catches you off guard, and you stiffen for a moment, trying to process his words. "Um, no, I'm not pregnant," you respond, letting out a confused laugh. "Where did that come from?"

Kylian pauses, his gaze dropping to the floor. "I...I don't know," he stammers, shoulders slumping slightly as he mutters. "It's just that...I noticed you've been acting different lately. You're more tired than usual, and your appetite has changed. Not to mention..." He trails off, leaving the sentence unfinished as he searches for the right words. The last thing he wanted was to make you feel bad about your slight weight gain, knowing how much you've struggled with it in the past.

You roll your eyes, snorting at the simple notion he's hinting at. There's no way. "Kylian, I'm on the pill. There's no way."

He nods, still convinced he's not wrong. "Yeah, I know, but...remember that time you forgot? I just want to make sure."

You shake your head, dismissing him. "That was weeks ago, Kylian. I've had my period since then. I'm sure it's just stress or something." You reassure, turning back to resume stirring the sauce, hand gripping tight on the wooden spoon.

Usually, Kylian would drop the subject at this point, but he's sure about this. Deep in his gut, he knows. And he's never wrong about his instincts.

He takes a step closer, placing a hand on your shoulder, hating the way you tense up under his touch. "Baby, I love you. And I know you, and I know when somethings wrong, trust me." He can tell you're getting irritated by the way your eyebrows furrow and your jaw clenches. But he can't let it go. "Let's just take the test, yeah. Just to be sure."

You pause for a moment, feeling torn. But you trust him. Plus, his intuition has proven right in the past. Reluctantly, you nod, realizing that it wouldn't hurt to get checked out.

"Alright," you concede, giving him a small smile. "If it'll make you feel better."

Your hands shake as you sit on the toilet, nerves fluttering in your stomach. Kylian is standing next to you, gently rubbing your back for support, as you wait for the results.

"Hey, it's going to be okay," he murmurs, squeezing you gently. You steal a glance up at him, chocolate-brown eyes soft as he gazes down at you with concern.

"I'm scared," you admit, your voice barely above a whisper. Kylian's grip tightens. "Hey, I got you. I'm not going anywhere." He reassures you, leaning down to press the gentlest kiss on your lips.

The minutes feel like hours as you wait for the result. And your hands are shaking as your knee bounces in nervousness. The timer beeps, and your world stops.

You hold your breath as you pick up the test and hand it to Kylian, the small lump in your throat now feeling like a boulder. Your heart pounds in your chest as you watch him flip it over with trembling hands.

He stares at the test, jaw dropping at whatever he's reading, before a wide smile spreads across his face. Then he's running toward you.

He scoops you up in his arms, spinning you around as he exclaims, "Je le savais!" before gently setting you down and dropping the test into your hands. You stare at it in disbelief, jaw dropping as your eyes well up. (I knew it!")

Two pink lines—two lines that changes everything.

You sob when it finally hits and it catches Kylian off guard. He wraps his arms around you, holding you tightly as tears stream down your face. He doesn't say anything. Just holds you. Knowing that you don't need words right now. Just him.

He strokes your hair soothingly, whispering soothingly into your ear, his warm breath against your skin. And you cling to him. Cling to him like he's your lifeline- because right now he is.

The only thing grounding you to earth as you process this newfound information. You stand there for what feels like hours, just holding each other before you finally manage to whisper, "We're going to be parents."

Kylian gently wipes away a stray tear, voice filled with awe as he murmurs, "Yeah, you happy." not knowing how you felt based off of your reaction. His heart did backflips as he awaited your response. There's nothing he wanted more than a family with you. You're it for him. But he knows he'll stand beside you no matter what you decide.

So he schools his features, in case you choose a different path, and waits for you to speak, ready to support you in whatever decision you make.

"Yes!" You blumber, barely getting your words out as you choke on your own tears. "Y-Yes." Hiccups and sobs escape from your trembling lips.

His body sags with relief at your words before he's pulling you close once again and laying a hundred kisses all over your face."Thank you, thank you!" Tears fall from his eyes now. And he's bending down to get on his knees to lay kisses on your belly. "I love you so much. Thank you."

He stays like that for a long time, his tears soaking your shirt as he showers your belly with love.

And you know everything will be alright.


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More Posts from Allgoodnamesrgoneee

8 months ago

Heyy could you do a Kylian Mbappé Imagine where they have a argument and don't talk to each other for a few days but with a happy ending?

Together, Always


Heyy Could You Do A Kylian Mbapp Imagine Where They Have A Argument And Don't Talk To Each Other For
Heyy Could You Do A Kylian Mbapp Imagine Where They Have A Argument And Don't Talk To Each Other For
Heyy Could You Do A Kylian Mbapp Imagine Where They Have A Argument And Don't Talk To Each Other For

𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 — Kylian has been neglecting you for a while and you've finally had enough.

𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 — boyfriend!Kylian Mbappé x you

𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 — 2.7k

Warnings! ANGST, relationship problems, fighting, arguments, fluff, soft Kylian, sad Kylian, sad reader

It's been three days.

Three days since you've seen him. Three days since you had last talked. And three days since the huge argument that had resulted in you storming out of the flat, leaving him behind in a flurry of angry tears and broken promises.

You had never really argued with him before, not like this at least. You've had plenty of disagreements before, of course, but they were always just silly little things. This was different, this was about the heart of your relationship and the future of your life together.

When you had first met Kylian, back when he was still playing for Monaco, he had been so into you. He would call you up every day, take you out on romantic dates and hold your hand everywhere. And then he had signed with PSG and everything had changed. He had been too busy to go out on dates, too busy to spend time with you, too busy to do anything other than play football and go home.

And that had been okay for a while, you'd understood. You'd been happy to support him in his career, even if it meant that you didn't get as much time together. You'd tell yourself that it would be worth it in the long run, when he'd get more time off and you could spend it together. But it never happened, he just kept training and playing and going away on tours with the team, and you were been left behind.

You'd tried talking to him, you'd tried being understanding and supportive. But it just felt like he wasn't hearing you, like he was just humouring you until he could get back to his game. And eventually you'd snapped.

You stand in the living room, arms crossed, voice tight with frustration. "I don't understand why you can't see my point of view, Kylian."

Kylian, pacing back and forth, runs a hand down his face. "It's not that I don't see it. I just think you're overreacting. It was just one night out with the guys."

You shake your head, feeling disappointment again. You were so tired. Tired of being the only one to fight for this relationship. Tired of being the only one who cared. "It's not just about the night out. It's about every night. You said we would spend more time together, but you're always busy. I barely see you."

Kylian stops pacing, his eyes meeting yours, swimming in guilt. "I'm doing my best, but my career demands a lot. You knew this when we got together."

"That doesn't mean I should always come second," you reply, voice cracking slightly. "I just want to feel important to you."

He sighs, stepping closer but not reaching out. "You are important to me. But this is my dream, and it's not something I can just put on hold."

Your heart aches, and the room feels suffocating. "You know what, I think I'll stay at Sophie's place for a few days." You knew you shouldn't do this. Run away. You should talk about it. Get him to understand. But right now the room felt too small, he was too close, and you felt like you couldn't breathe.

So you're running.

Kylian frowns, reaching out to you, but you take a step back. "Baby, come on, don't do that. We can work through this."

You look up at him, tears streaming down your cheeks. "No, we can't. You don't want to."

You'd never seen him look so crestfallen. And you'd never felt so brokenhearted. But you'd done what you had to do. You'd needed space, needed to think and figure out if you even wanted to continue in this relationship. You knew without a doubt you still love him. Just as much as the first time you said it, if not more. But did he.

With the way he's been acting lately, you weren't so sure.

It feels like you're fighting a losing battle. And that was why you needed to take a step back, and try and figure out what you should do. Even if it felt like your heart was breaking.

He doesn't say another word as you make your way to the bedroom, nothing as you pack up your suitcase, nothing as you grab your car keys.

He doesn't say anything.

He just stands there, arms crossed, looking utterly defeated. You pause for a moment, feeling your resolve slip slightly. But you remind yourself why you're doing this, why you need to do this, and you turn and walk out the door. Closing it firmly behind you.


The days since then had been quiet.

You've barely slept or eaten, and your mind had been a jumbled mess of conflicting thoughts. you can't help but wonder what he's doing. Is he still training? Is he missing you? Is he thinking about you? Do you even matter to him?

You push the thoughts away as best you can, trying to piece everything together, and get yourself under control. And you realised, you had no idea what to do. You wanted Kylian, you loved him so much. But he made it so hard for you to stay, to continue loving him.

You wanted him to be there for you, to care for you, to love you in return. But he made it so hard to feel like you were a priority.

It feels like you're in a nightmare.

How does someone get over the love of their life? Did you even want to.

Kylian is also trying to deal with the absence, though he is hiding his feelings well. He immerses himself in the matches and the training, hoping it will distract him from the void left by your departure. But it doesn't. Your absence is like a gaping hole in his life that he can't seem to fill, no matter how hard he tries.

The time without you feels like a lifetime, and it's the longest time you've been apart since you met. It's been a while since he's felt this lonely , this empty. He misses the way you always made him feel. The way you made him laugh, the way you made him feel so alive.

But more than anything, he misses the warmth of your touch. The softness of your skin. The way he could bury himself in your neck and feel safe. The way you could make everything seem alright. The way you could make all his problems disappear.

And now that's been taken away.

He misses it all so much, it physically hurts. His stomach twists with guilt and regret and longing. He wants you back, he needs you back. He hates that you're gone. Hates that he doesn't get to wake up beside you and fall asleep in your arms.

But he knows why you left, he can't blame you. He's been awful. He's been so focused on the football, on making it to the top, he hasn't made any effort with you. And it's not fair.

You deserve more than he's been giving you. And he wants to change that. Wants to be better for you, wants to try harder.

He wants to make things right. To make it up to you. And he will.

As much as he hates you being away, he knows it's for the best. You need the space and time to figure things out. And he needs to figure it out for himself too. Needs to learn how to be better for you.

He hopes that you'll forgive him, that you'll take him back and that you'll be willing to give him another chance. Because he wants one. He wants to prove himself to you.


It's late evening when you receive his text. The first one in three days.

Your phone buzzes with the message, and your heart skips a beat. You take a deep breath, before opening the text app, and reading his message.

“Hey. I miss you.”

You let out a small gasp, feeling a lump form in your throat. It's such a simple message, but it feels like the most precious thing in the world. Your hands shake slightly as you type out a response.

“I miss you too.”

He sends another text immediately after.

“I'm sorry.”

You swallow hard, your heart jumping slightly at the message. It's the first time he's said it. The first time he's apologised. It's not enough. You want more. You want to feel wanted. You want to tell you that you're his priority.

“I know,” you reply, deciding not to make the first move until he does. You want him groveling for your forgiveness.

There's another pause before he sends another text.

“Do you want to come over? Talk things through?”

You hesitate for a moment, wondering if this is the right time. Wondering if you're ready to go back. To see him. But you need to know where you stand with him. Need to know if there's any hope for your relationship. And maybe, maybe it's time for you to be a bit softer. To make things easier for him. To let him show you he cares.


You watch the three dots appear as he types out a message, before disappearing.

“See you soon.”

Three little words but they make your heart soar. You let out a deep breath, your nerves fluttering in your belly. You've never felt so anxious before. So unsure of the future.

What happens next? Do you stay together, or do you break up. Do you forgive him, or do you move on?

The answer lies with Kylian.

You can't help but wonder what he's going to say, what he's going to do. You're desperate for him to tell you that you're his priority. That he needs you. That he wants to try. That he regrets letting you go.

You want to hear that you're his everything.

And you want him to show it to you. Want him to prove it. Want him to be there for you. To support you. To love you. You hope that he does. Hope that he means it when he says he's sorry. Hope that he's ready to make amends.

Hope that he's ready to try.

You pull up to the flat, your stomach filled with butterflies. You haven't seen him in three days, and you're so nervous. But you know you have to do this. You check yourself in the mirror, making sure you're perfect, and then get out of the car.

The elevator is slow, but you're grateful for it. You need the time to prepare yourself. You take deep breaths, trying to calm your racing heart.

You're ready for this. Ready for anything.

When you step out of the elevator, he's already standing in front of the door. You feel your breath hitch as you see him. He looks different than he did last time. His eyes are red and his skin is paler. He looks tired.

He looks like hell.

You feel the urge to run to him, to jump into his arms and never let go. But you hold yourself back, waiting for him to make the first move.

He steps forward, “Hey.”


The conversation feels strained, the air thick with emotion. You both know what's at stake, and you're both scared. You're scared of losing him. And he's scared of losing you.

He steps closer towards you, and you step back slightly. He pauses, looking at you sadly. “Do you want to come in?”

You nod, following him into the apartment. Your heart pounds in your ears, and your stomach twists with anxiety. You've never felt this nervous before. This scared. But you know you have to do this. You have to talk.

The living room feels small and empty, devoid of life. It feels like a tomb, and you want to run from it. Run from the tension and the pain that hangs in the air. But you know you can't. Not yet.

Kylian gestures for you to sit down, but you shake your head. “No, I'll stand.” Just in case you need to run again.

He nods, stading at a safe distance from you. “So…” he starts. “I don't know where to start.”

You take a deep breath, knowing that this is it. This is the moment you've been waiting for. “Just say whatever you need to say.”

He nods, running a hand down his face, stepping closer to you. “Okay.” He pauses for a moment, trying to gather his thoughts. “First of all, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I haven't been there for you. Sorry that I haven't been making enough effort. I know I've been focusing on my career, and I shouldn't have let it come between us. But it's not because I don't want to be with you. You're everything to me. You're my priority.”

Your heart skips a beat at his words, feeling a lump form in your throat. It's everything you've ever wanted to hear. Everything you've ever dreamed of. But you can't let him off so easily. You have to make him work for it. “How do I know you'll follow through on that? How do I know you'll actually make an effort?”

He smiles sadly at you, reaching out to grab your hands, thumbs caressing the back of them. “I don't expect you to trust me immediately. I've let you down before, and I don't expect you to forget that. But I'll prove it to you, I promise. I'll do everything I can to show you that I want this. That I want us.”

You feel tears prick at the corners of your eyes, your heart softening slightly. You want to believe him, you really do. But you're scared. Scared that he's just saying this to get you back. Scared that he doesn't mean it.

You look up at him, your voice breaking. “I want it too. But I need to know it's real.”

He steps closer, pulling you into his arms. “It is.”

You feel yourself melt against him, your heart beating rapidly. It feels good to be in his arms again. Too good. He holds you close, stroking your hair and back. “I love you.”

You feel tears roll down your cheeks, and you let out a small sob. “I love you too.” You sniffle slightly, looking up at him. He smiles softly at you, cupping your face. You smile back at him. Maybe this will work after all. Maybe he'll actually try. “I missed you,” you admit.

He pulls you closer, kissing your forehead. “I missed you too.”

You stand there for a moment, holding each other tightly. Feeling the love between you. And you know that this isn't over. This is just the beginning.

“Baby, I'm sorry." He apologizes again. "I was selfish and I didn't realize how much my behavior was hurting you. You deserve better than that. These past few days without you were horrible. I don't ever want to experience that again.”

You feel your chest tighten slightly at his words, and you pull back slightly to look up at him. “I do. But I know that you're busy, and that your career is important. It's just hard sometimes when you don't seem to have any time for me.” You smile sadly at him, cupping his face. " And I'm sorry too. I should have communicated my feelings sooner. I was so caught up in being hurt, I forgot to let you in.”

He nods, eyes soft and full of love as he looks down at you. “I promise I'll be the man worth your love. Just promise me if you feel bad you'll tell me right away.”

You nod in agreement, leaning up to kiss him. "I love you." you whisper against his lips.

"I love you too. " He pulls you back into his arms, and you know that things are going to be okay. You'll still fight, you'll still struggle. But it'll be together. And that's all that matters. You lean your head against his chest, holding him tightly. Knowing that this is where you belong.

In his arms. With him. Forever.

You seal your promise with a kiss and know that no matter what comes next, you're ready for it. As long as you're together.


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8 months ago

Kylian Mbappe imagine where you arrive your honeymoon destination, you finally do it for the first time [it's your first time]. Kylian works tirelessly to achieve a new addition to the family. You feel the symptoms while still on the trip, and once you get home, it's positive.



Kylian Mbappe Imagine Where You Arrive Your Honeymoon Destination, You Finally Do It For The First Time
Kylian Mbappe Imagine Where You Arrive Your Honeymoon Destination, You Finally Do It For The First Time
Kylian Mbappe Imagine Where You Arrive Your Honeymoon Destination, You Finally Do It For The First Time

𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 — You get pregnant on your honeymoon

𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 — Husband!Kylian Mbappé x Wife!you

𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 — 3.6k

Warnings! NSFW! SMUT (18+), unprotected vaginal sex, oral sex (f receiving), soft sex, breeding kink, fluff, first time, soft Kylian, unexpected pregnancy,

Bali is a dream.

The weather, the view—everything is perfect.

You and your new husband have been waiting for this moment for what feels like forever, and it finally happened. you're married. It's just the two of you. And you're ready to start our new lives together.

Actually, maybe you weren't ready.

After all, you've never had sex before. And you were so nervous. It was obvious to you that Kylian was dying to be with you since the moment you got together, but you didn't want to rush things. And he never pressured you. Choosing to wait with you. Even if he was not a virgin.

You loved him so much for that. How he always puts you first. Taking care of you. Making sure you're comfortable and safe. The only time he ever seemed impatient was when he talked about having children with you. It made you laugh because it's something he wanted for years before you met. And you wanted it too. But you both agreed on waiting. Until the time was right.

Didn't make you less nervous, though. It was a little bit scary. But at the same time, you wanted this more than anything.

The whole ceremony was a blur. You couldn't stop thinking about tonight. But it was lovely—everything you ever dreamed it would be. Kylian made sure of that. You walked down the aisle to your new husband in your beautiful white gown. You both said your vows in front of a few people who were close to you and then exchanged rings.

You couldn't believe it. You were actually married. To your best friend and soulmate, Kylian. You've known each other since high school, before he left for Monaco. Then, when he came back to Paris for PSG, you guys met up again and fell in love. Have been for two years now.

"Hi," you hear him whisper softly into your ear as he wraps his arms around you from behind, as he places a soft kiss on your neck. "How are you feeling?" he asks you.

You blush a little, turning your head to face him. "I'm feeling great," you answer him, smiling. "I can't believe I'm your wife now." You say, feeling a little shy.

He chuckles a little. "Me neither, it feels good to finally call you mine." He replies, breath tickling your neck. You could hear the smile on his voice. You love him so much. "Do you want to go upstairs? It's getting late." He adds, running his hand down your arm, sending shivers through your body. He knew that was the one spot on your body that made you feel weak in the knees. And he took full advantage of it.

"I think I would like that," you reply quietly, turning your head to look at him. He was looking down at you, his eyes so soft. They always looked that way when he looked at you. So loving and adoring. He always made you feel like the luckiest girl on the planet. And you truly felt like you were.

He kissed you softly, then grabbed your hand. "Let's go then," he says softly, leading you up the stairs.

He led you to your room. It was absolutely beautiful. The balcony had the most amazing view of the ocean, and the moonlight lit everything up beautifully. It was a beautiful night.

You stood there for a minute, just looking out the window. Trying to take everything in. The moment was surreal.

You felt a gentle hand on your back, then he slipped his arm around your waist, pulling you to him. You relaxed into him, your back pressed to his chest. He rested his head on your shoulder, letting out a small sigh.

"I've waited for this moment for so long," he says softly, his lips brushing against your ear. "I can't believe I finally get to have you."

You feel your cheeks flush. "You already have me," you whisper back. "But I can't wait for this part."

He smiled. "Good, because I'm going to give you the best night of your life," he says confidently. "I promise."

You believe him. He never breaks his promises.

He spun you around to face him. His eyes were intense as he looked at you. Then he grabbed your face with both hands, his fingers weaving through your hair. You felt his soft lips press against yours, sending a wave of lust through your body. You've kissed many times before, but this felt different. This felt more passionate, like he was finally letting go. You let him deepen the kiss, your hands coming up to run down his arms. You both moaned into the kiss, the anticipation of what was coming next making you both eager.

He pulled back, his hands moving down your body until they were resting on your waist. "I want you so badly," he whispers against your lips. "I've never wanted anything more."

"I want you too," you reply breathlessly. Eyes locked on his. They were dark, pupils dilated to the max as he looked down at you.

He groans, pulling you into a hug. "I love you so much," he says softly into your ear. You could hear the need in his voice. He wanted you. And he wanted you now.

"I love you too," you reply, wrapping your arms around his waist.

He pulls back, then grabs your hand. "Come on," he says, leading you over to the bed. He sat down on it, looking up at you.

You stood there for a moment, not sure what to do next.

He held out his arms for you. "Come here," he says softly. "Let me help you."

You walk over to him, then climb on the bed, straddling his lap. You could feel his hardness press against you as soon as you did.

"Jesus, baby," he says softly, running his hands down your back. "You feel amazing already."

You could feel your cheeks flush. "Thank you," you reply shyly.

He smiled, then leaned in to kiss you again. He let out a low groan as you started grinding against him. It felt good. Really good. You've done this before with him, but it felt more intense this time.

He pulled back from the kiss, his hands coming up to cup your face. "Are you ready? You know we don't have to do this tonight if you're not ready." He says softly, looking at you intently.

You smile a little. "I'm ready," you say confidently.

He nods, then lays back on the bed, taking you with him. You sit on top of him, his hands coming up to play with your breasts over your dress. It felt amazing, but you were eager to get undressed.

You grab the hem of your dress and pull it up, lifting it off your body. You throw it to the side, then look back at him.

His eyes were wide as he looked at you. You were completely naked. Your pale pink nipples were hard and pointing straight at him. "Damn," he says softly. "You're beautiful."

You blush a little. "Thanks," you reply.

He sat up, pulling you into a kiss. His hands coming up to play with your breasts again. You let out a small moan as he pinched your nipples. He was good at that. He knew exactly how to touch you.

"Take off your clothes," you whisper against his lips.

He smiled, then sat up, taking you with him. He stood up, pulling you into another kiss as he did. Then he broke it, looking down at you. "Sit on the bed," he says softly. You do as he says, sitting on the edge of the bed.

He smiles, then kneels down in front of you. "Spread your legs," he says softly. You spread them apart, watching as he leans in to kiss the inside of your thigh. He kisses up your thigh until he reaches your pussy, then he lets out a soft groan. "Fuck, you're so fucking wet already," he says, running his fingers through your folds. You let out a small moan as you feel him rub your clit.

You've done this before too, but knowing where it would lead made it feel better. He was touching you differently than he usually did. Like he had less control over himself. You've learned over the years that when he eats you out, it takes him a little bit to get warmed up. But not today, he was ready to go. And you were loving it.

He looks at you one more time, then dives in. His tongue flicking over your clit, making you moan loudly. You grip the sheets, trying not to buck your hips. It feels amazing. He holds you still, his hands gripping your hips, keeping them in place as he keeps licking you. It's like he can't get enough of your taste. You've heard him talk about it before. He loves your taste.

He keeps eating you out, sucking on your clit, making you moan even louder. It feels so good. He's so good at this. You can feel yourself building up, it's going to be a big one. "Kylian, I'm gonna cum," you moan out.

He growls against your clit, then sucks harder on it. That's all it takes for you to fall over the edge, cumming on his tongue. He keeps licking you through your orgasm, making you moan even louder. You've never felt anything so good in your life. It's like you're floating.

When you're done, he pulls back, then looks up at you, a soft smile on his face. You're breathing hard. Your whole body relaxed.

He leans in to kiss you softly. "That was amazing," he says softly. You can taste yourself on his tongue.

He gets up then, pulling you up with him. He leads you over to the bed again, then pushes you down onto it. You watch as he pulls off his clothes, revealing his hard cock. He's always been big, but he looks bigger today. Maybe you're just really horny. Or maybe he really does look bigger.

He climbs on the bed, crawling towards you. He stops when he's hovering over you, his cock brushing against your pussy. You can feel his precum dripping onto you.

"I'm going to take it slow, okay?" he says softly, looking at you.

You nod, then lean up to kiss him. "I'll be fine," you say softly. You trust him.

He smiles, then leans in to kiss you again. His cock nudges at your entrance, slowly pushing its way inside of you. It hurts. You wince. He stops.

"Are you okay?" he asks softly, looking down at you. He was holding himself up with one arm, the other resting beside your head.

You nod, then kiss him softly. "Keep going," you say.

He nods, then continues to push inside of you. It feels like a knife is being dragged through your insides as he stretches you open. But at the same time it feels good.

When he's all the way inside of you, he lets out a long moan. "Fuck," he says softly. "You feel amazing. So tight, bébé." He kisses you again.

You smile through the pain, a tear falling down your cheek, then kiss him back. "You feel amazing too," you reply.

He chuckles softly. "I'm going to move now," he says softly.

You nod, then wrap your legs around his waist. "Go ahead," you reply.

He nods, then pulls back slowly. He looks down at your pussy as he does. Watching his cock slide out of you. He lets out a long moan as he does. "Putain, that's amazing," he says softly. "Look at you. Taking my cock so well."

He pulls out completely, then pushes back inside of you. You wince again, but it doesn't hurt as much as it did the first time. It still feels good. Really good. You start to moan as he begins thrusting inside of you slowly. It still hurts a little, but it feels good at the same time. He's so deep inside of you, his cock brushing against your cervix with each thrust.

"Jesus," he says softly. "You're so warm, baby." His thrusts start to speed up a little bit. You're moaning with each one. You've never felt anything like this before. It's so intense.

You start grinding back against him, taking him even deeper. You both moan at the feeling. You're getting closer, you can feel it. He's also getting closer, his thrusts getting faster. You can hear how wet you are. The sound of your pussy taking his cock with each thrust. It's so erotic.

He leans down to kiss you. "you're so beautiful," he says softly against your lips. "I'm going to fuck you full," he says. "I want to fill you up with my cum. Give you a baby, baby."

You blush a little, but it makes you even more turned on. The thought of him filling you up with his seed. Planting a baby inside of you. It feels primal, animalistic. And it makes you feel so good. You're getting even closer now. You're both moaning loudly now.

"I want you too," you reply breathlessly. "Fill me up, please." You plead.

He lets out a loud growl, then picks up speed, fucking you even harder. "Fucking hell, baby. You're so fucking tight," he says breathlessly. "I'm going to cum soon. Are you close?"

You nod, then kiss him again. "Yes," you reply breathlessly. "Please, cum inside me."

He lets out a loud groan, then speeds up even more. His thrusts become erratic as he loses control of himself. You can feel him tense up above you, his cock swelling inside of you. You're almost there too.

You feel him reach down between your legs, his finger finding your clit, rubbing it roughly. That's all it takes to send you over the edge, your orgasm washing over you like a wave. It's so intense that you scream out in pleasure. Your pussy clenching around his cock, squeezing it tightly.

He lets out a loud growl, his hips jerking against you as he fills you up with his cum. You can feel his hot seed flooding your insides. It feels amazing.

You both moan loudly, his body shivering above you as he cums. You feel him fill you up completely, your pussy overflowing with his cum.

When he's done, he collapses on top of you, his breathing hard. You're both sweaty. Your whole body relaxed. You feel amazing.

He looks down at you, then smiles softly. "That was amazing," he says softly."I'm sorry if it hurt." He adds.

You shake your head. "It's fine," you say softly. "I'm fine."

He nods, then leans down to kiss you. "I love you," he says softly against your lips.

"I love you too," you reply.

You lay there for a while, wrapped in each others arms. You both feel so relaxed. He's still inside of you, his cum leaking out of your pussy and onto the bed.

He pulls out after a few minutes, making you both moan at the feeling. He pulls out completely, then rolls off you. He looks down at your pussy, then lets out a low groan. "Putain, bébé," he says softly. "Look at you. You're such a mess." He says, his hand coming up to rub your pussy. "My cum is all over you." He adds.

You blush a little at the feeling. His fingers are covered in his cum as he plays with your pussy. You're so sensitive that you start to moan as soon as he touches your clit.

"Kylian," you moan out.

He chuckles softly, then leans down to kiss your stomach. "I feel like I just got you pregnant," he say softly. "You look so good right now." He says, his voice filled with lust. The way his cum is dripping out of your pussy and onto the bed. He's still hard, his cock still covered in his cum.

You watch as he mounts you again. He looks down at you, his eyes dark with lust. "I want to do it again," he says softly. "I want to fuck you while my cum is still inside of you." He adds.

You nod, then kiss him softly. "Do it," you reply breathlessly.

He moans, then pushes back inside of you.


The next few days are no different. He fucks you every night, sometimes more than once a night. You've lost count of how many times you've gone at it. And you know he wants to keep going. You're both so horny, you can't help yourselves. He's always touching you, and you're always touching him. You're in paradise, and you can't imagine anything better.

You feel the first symptoms when you're halfway through your trip. You wake up in the morning feeling really nauseous. You rush to the bathroom and puke your guts out. He comes in to check on you, and you feel your cheeks flush. You've never puked in front of him before. It's embarrassing. But he just rubs your back, then holds you in his arms while you finish puking. Then he carries you to bed, and makes you breakfast in bed.

The next one, while you're at the beach. Your boobs hurt, like they always do when you're about to get your period. But you've never been regular, and you've never felt this bad before. It makes you feel a little sick.

And then when you're having dinner. You can't stop yawning. You've always been tired, but it's never been this bad. It's like you can't stop sleeping.

You don't say anything, just wanting to enjoy the rest of your trip. You also don't want to jinx it. So you don't say anything. But you can't help but wonder if you might be pregnant.

You get back home, and he's been going at it non-stop. He's so horny. You can't help but think that he's going to make you pregnant. It feels so good every time he does. You're always moaning, your pussy taking his cock so well. He loves it. He's always moaning about how good you feel, how tight your pussy is. You're getting closer, you can feel it. He's going to make you pregnant for sure.

And then your period doesn't come.

You stand in the bathroom, staring at the little white stick in your hands. You're nervous. Even though he talks about having kids when you're having sex, you're not sure if it's something he actually wants. Yes you discussed it before but you don't know how serious he was. Especially with how his career is going right now.

You're scared as you hold the stick in your hands. This is it. This is when you find out. Now all you have to do is pee. That's it. It's that simple. You're a grown adult, but you can't help but feel like a little kid right now. Like you're about to get in trouble.

You take a deep breath, then pull down your pants. You sit down on the toilet, then lift the stick up. It takes two minutes. And then you see it. The second line comes up almost instantly.

Your heart drops as you see it. You're pregnant. Holy shit. You're pregnant. You can't believe it. You thought you would be, but it's still crazy. You're pregnant. With a baby. Oh my god.

You sit there for a minute, staring at the test. You can't believe it. This is real life now. You're a grown up. You have to make adult decisions. This is scary.

Then you hear him calling you from outside the door. "Trésor, you okay?" he says softly. "You've been in there for a while."

You jump up quickly, then pull your pants back up. You open the door, holding the stick behind your back.

"Yeah," you say with a teary smile. "I'm fine."

He steps inside the bathroom, then pulls you into a hug. "Are you okay?" he asks softly.

You nod, then hold up the test. "I'm pregnant," you say softly.

His face goes blank as he looks down at it. You can't tell what he's thinking. He doesn't move for a second. You're worried, you're scared. Does he not want it?

Then you see him break out into a huge smile. "Oh my god," he says softly, his voice full of emotion. "I did it," he says, his voice filled with pride. "I got you pregnant," he adds. "I fucking did it," he repeats. He picks you up, spinning you around in a circle. You can't help but laugh at him.

He puts you back down, then pulls you into a hug. "I'm so happy," he says softly. "I can't believe it." He pulls back, then looks at you with a huge smile. "I'm going to be a dad," he says softly. "And you're going to be a mom," he adds.

You nod, feeling your cheeks flush. "I know," you say softly.

He pulls you into a kiss, picking you up off the ground again. "I love you so much," he says softly against your lips. "You're going to be an amazing mom," he adds.

He picks you up, carrying you to the bed. You lay down next to him, snuggling into his arms. "We're going to be parents," you say softly, breaking the silence that settled over you.

He nods, kissing your forehead. "We are," he replies. "We're going to be parents." He adds.

You both lay there for a minute, just enjoying each other's company. You can't wait for this new chapter in your lives.

He lets out a small groan as he rolls over, pulling you on top of him. "I want to celebrate," he says softly. "I want to make sure you're good and pregnant." He adds, his eyes dark with lust.

Then he takes you.


Tags :
8 months ago

trent imagine! footballer x footballer!reader where the reader plays for liverpool women’s team (add whatever you want too but would LOVE THIS)

Second Chances


Trent Imagine! Footballer X Footballer!reader Where The Reader Plays For Liverpool Womens Team (add Whatever
Trent Imagine! Footballer X Footballer!reader Where The Reader Plays For Liverpool Womens Team (add Whatever
Trent Imagine! Footballer X Footballer!reader Where The Reader Plays For Liverpool Womens Team (add Whatever

𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 — You and Trent are partnered for the Liverpool's drill day activities.

𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 — Trent Alexander Arnold x you

𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 — 1.9k

Warnings! ANGST, Fluff, swearing, asshole trent, feelings, confused trent, hurt/comfort

Life is not real.

It can't be. Surely the universe wouldn't be cruel enough to pair you up with the only guy on the whole team who you desperately trying to avoid. Surely.

Of all the people that you could've been paired up with, it had to be him.

Trent Alexander-Arnold.

Yep, that's right. After everything that happened at the New Year's party couple weeks ago, all you wanted to do was forget. You wanted to put the whole thing behind you and forget. But apparently, nothing ever wants to go right for you.

Which is why you're awkwardly standing in the middle of a football field, watching everyone else laugh and have fun with their partners while you desperately try to avoid his gaze.

Fuck, today was going to be long.

"So," he hesitantly begins, trying to break the uncomfortable silence between you. But before he can say anything else, you cut in. "Let's go join the others." And walk towards the group without waiting for his response, leaving him momentarily stunned.

"Okay..." You hear him mutter under his breath as you walk away. You feel bad; your stomach is practically twisting at how you're treating him. But the thought of facing him after what happened that night was too much. You knew he wanted to talk about it; you could tell by how he looked at you.

But you were angry.

You were angry and hurt, and the emotions were still raw. What happened that night was still fresh on your mind, leaving wounds that hadn't yet healed.

You remember it so well, even if it's been a few weeks.

Trent had invited you to come with him to a New Year's party. It was his way of trying to make peace with you. Ever since your kiss, things have been tense between you two. Especially after you heard about him seeing someone else. It hurt too much. You were avoiding him.

At first, you refused because you didn't want to face him again after the humiliating rejection. But he insisted, promising that he just wanted to talk and clear the air. It would just be a casual night out with friends. Just like old times. Reluctantly, you agreed and went to the party with him.

You were standing in the middle of the bustling party, the bass thumping in your chest as you scanned the room. You spotted Trent across the crowded space, his eyes locked onto yours. A surge of excitement coursed through you as you made your way through the lively crowd.

You met him five years ago. It was your first day at Liverpool, and you were nervous as hell. It would be your first time debuting for the women's team. He found you having a panic attack, calmed you down, and gave you his water bottle. From then on, you guys became friends.

It was never your plan to fall in love with him, but the guy was just too charming to resist. The way he looked at you with those piercing chocolate brown eyes, the way he always made you laugh with his witty jokes, it was impossible not to develop feelings for him. Not to mention, he was hot as fuck.

Trent grinned as you approached, offering you a plastic cup filled with a strawberry margarita. Your heart fluttered as you realized he remembered you like fruity alcohol. "Hey, glad you made it," he says, his voice drowned out by the pulsating music.

"Yeah, I almost didn't," you reply, taking a sip of the drink. The sweetness masked the bite of the alcohol, making it easy to swallow. "Thanks for inviting me," you added, trying to sound casual.

Trent's smile widened, and for a moment, the tension between you seemed to dissipate. "I meant what I said," he leaned in closer, his breath warm against your ear. "I just want to clear the air. I hate how things have been between us."

You nodded, taking another sip to steady yourself. "Me too," you admitted. "But it’s not that easy, Trent."

"I know," he sighed, running a hand through his hair. "But I want to try. Can we talk somewhere quieter?"

Reluctantly, you followed him outside to a quieter part of the yard. The cold air was a stark contrast to the warmth inside, and you shivered slightly as Trent draped his jacket over your shoulders. "Thanks," you murmured, clutching it around you.

He took a deep breath, looking at you with an intensity that made your heart race. "I never meant to hurt you," he began. "That meant something to me. But I was confused, and I handled it all wrong."

You could feel the tears welling up, but you blinked them back. "Seeing you with someone else hurt, Trent. It made me feel like I was just a game to you."

He shook his head vehemently. "You’re not a game to me. You never were. I was stupid, and I’m sorry. I want to make things right."

Before you could respond, a woman stormed toward you, her eyes ablaze with anger. It took a moment to recognize her as the girl you saw him with.

"What's going on here?" She demanded, her voice sharp and accusing. She glared at you before turning her ire on Trent. "I thought you were busy!"

Trent's face paled, and he stepped back, caught off guard. "Y/N, it's not what you think," he stammered, glancing at you with an apologetic look.

You felt a surge of anger and embarrassment. "I knew it," you spat, stepping away from both of them. "This was a mistake."

"Wait, please," Trent pleaded, reaching out to you. But you were done. You turned and walked away, leaving the chaotic scene behind you. You didn't look back, not wanting to see the hurt in his eyes, or the smugness in Maya's.

The days that followed were a blur. You tried to focus on your training, but the incident at the party played on a loop in your mind. Trent tried to call and text, but you ignored him, too hurt to respond. The memory of that night lingered, a constant reminder of your feelings and the messy reality of your relationship.

Now, standing on the football field with him again, all those emotions came rushing back. You wanted to move on, to forget, but it seemed fate had other plans.

As you join the group, you feel a pang of relief. At least with more people around, you wouldn't have to confront him directly.

The coach starts explaining the drills for the day, and you try to focus, but your mind keeps drifting back to that night.

"Alright, everyone pair up and start with passing drills," the coach commands, his voice booming across the field.

You groan inwardly. Of course, you still have to pair up with Trent. You glance at him, and he gives you a tentative smile. You roll your eyes. You take your positions and start passing the ball back and forth.

"Can we talk?" Trent asks quietly, keeping his eyes on the ball.

"About what?" you reply, your voice sharper than you intended.

"About what happened," he says, his tone pleading. "I know I messed up, but I want to make it right."

You pause for a moment, then kick the ball a little harder than necessary. "There's nothing to talk about. It happened, it's over."

"But it's not over for me," he insists, catching the ball with ease. "I can't stop thinking about it. About you."

You sigh, frustration bubbling up inside you. "Trent, I can't do this right now. Let's just focus on practice, okay." you huff with tears in your eyes, pleading for him to drop the subject. He looks like he wants to say more, but he nods, understanding. You continue the drill in silence, the unspoken words hanging heavily between you.

As the practice progresses, you find yourself getting lost in the rhythm of the game. For a while, you manage to push the memories and the emotions aside. You run, you pass, you play, and for those brief moments, it's just about the sport you love.

But then, during a break, you see Trent talking to one of his friends, his expression serious. You can't help but wonder what they're discussing. Is he talking about you? About that night? The curiosity and anxiety gnaw at you, but you force yourself to stay focused.

Then practice finally ends, and as everyone starts to leave, Trent approaches you again. "Please, can we just talk for a few minutes?"

You hesitate, but then you nod. "Fine. Five minutes."

You both find a quieter spot near the edge of the field. He takes a deep breath before speaking.

"Look, I know I hurt you," Trent begins, his voice softer now, almost vulnerable. "And I know I can’t change what happened. But I need you to understand that I never meant to lead you on or make you feel like you weren’t important to me."

You cross your arms, trying to maintain some semblance of distance. "Then why did you act like that? Why did you kiss me and then go out with someone else?"

He sighs, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "I was scared, Y/N. Scared of ruining our friendship, scared of my own feelings. I thought... I thought I could keep things simple by dating someone else, but it only made everything more complicated."

You bite your lip, the anger simmering just beneath the surface. "Complicated? You broke my heart, Trent. It’s not just complicated. It's... devastating."

"I know," he whispers, looking down. "And I hate myself for it. But I care about you, more than I’ve ever cared about anyone. I was an idiot for not seeing it sooner."

The sincerity in his eyes makes your resolve waver. "You really hurt me," you say, your voice cracking.

"I know," he says again, taking a tentative step closer. "But I want to make it up to you. If you give me a chance, I'll do whatever it takes to earn your trust back."

You take a deep breath, trying to steady the whirlwind of emotions inside you. "I don’t know if I can just forget what happened. It’s not that easy."

"I’m not asking you to forget," he replies earnestly. "I’m asking for a chance to prove that I’m worth your time. That I can be better. That we can be better."

You look into his eyes, searching for any sign of deceit, but all you see is regret and hope. Part of you wants to give in, to believe that things can be different, but another part is still wary, still hurting.

"Okay," you say finally, your voice barely above a whisper. "But it’s going to take time. And you have to be patient with me."

His face lights up with relief. "I will be. I promise." And then, before you can react, he pulls you into a hug. "Thank you," he whispers against your hair. "Thank you for giving me a second chance."

You feel your heart flutter, but you also feel a wave of trepidation. Was it really a second chance? Or was it just another game?

Only time will tell. But for now, you're willing to take a chance. You're willing to give him another shot at earning your heart. And hopefully, this time around, he'll prove that he's worth it.


Tags :
8 months ago

Are you ever still on tumblr?

Hey everyone!

I hope you’re all doing great. I’ve missed you guys so much and missed writing for you. As you’ve probably noticed, I took a long break from writing fanfics, and I owe you an explanation for my sudden and extended absence.

Over the past few months, I’ve been dealing with some intense burnout from nursing school. The program was super demanding, and despite my best efforts, I found myself struggling to keep up. The constant pressure and stress took a toll on my mental and physical health, and I realized I needed to step back and address these issues.

I decided to seek professional help and started working with a therapist, who has been amazing. We’ve been figuring out ways to manage my stress and find a better balance between my studies and personal well-being. This journey has been both eye-opening and healing, but it required all my focus, so I had to step back from Tumblr for a while.

I’m finally starting to feel like myself again and I’ve missed writing so much. I’m excited to get back to it because writing is one of my first loves and I don’t want to give it up.

Thank you all for your patience and understanding. I’m so grateful to each one of you who kept reading and liking my work even while I was away. And welcome to all my new followers! I can’t wait to get to know you. Don’t be afraid to message me or send requests. My inbox is always open and I’ll do my best to get to as many as I can without overdoing it. I’m really looking forward to reconnecting and being more active again.

With love,

Bianca 🌻

Tags :
1 year ago

you should do a fluffy smut with Virgil! with a size difference 🤭



You Should Do A Fluffy Smut With Virgil! With A Size Difference
You Should Do A Fluffy Smut With Virgil! With A Size Difference
You Should Do A Fluffy Smut With Virgil! With A Size Difference

𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 — Virgil finally comes home after going away for matches and you give him a warm welcome.

𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 — Virgil Van Dijk x you

𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 — 5.1k

Warnings! NSFW! SMUT (18+), size kink, unprotected vaginal sex, oral sex (f receiving), rough sex, choking, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, dom!Virgil, sub!reader.

There's nothing you hate more than away games.

The house feels too big, too empty without him. You move through the rooms, trying to fill the silence with the sound of your own footsteps, but it's not the same. It's never the same when he's not here.

Virgil. The love of your life. The center of your universe.

Tonight is different, though, because he's finally coming home.

After nearly two weeks of no contact, except for the occasional brief FaceTime, you were more than ready to have your husband back home.

So you’ve been preparing, setting the stage for a quiet, intimate night. Just the way you know he would like it.

The dining table was set with candles, a bottle of his favorite wine, and two plates filled with rice, butter chicken, and steamed vegetables, perfectly seasoned. His favorite. You were dressed in the short red dress he bought you last month and had sprayed on his favorite perfume.

All that’s left to do is count the minutes until he walks through that front door. Which is exactly what you’ve been doing for the past thirty minutes. 

You hear the distant hum of the car engine, and your heart skips a beat.

You run to the mirror in the hallway to quickly check your appearance, smoothing down any stray hairs and adjusting your dress. Satisfied with your reflection, you take a deep breath and go stand by the door.

Finally, you hear the familiar sound of the key turning in the lock, and the door swings open, and there he is—Virgil.

You don't hesitate as you rush to greet him, jumping into his arms once you're close enough. Giving him barely any time to react as you wrap your legs around his waist and shower him with kisses.

"Hello to you too." Virgil chuckles, stumbling a little from the force of your attack. Without dropping you, he places his bags on the floor and tightens his arms around you as he returns your affectionate kisses, his hands slyly sneaking down to cup your ass, squeezing.

"I missed you," you whisper against his neck, your breath sending shivers down his spine. He responds with a soft laugh, brushing his lips against your cheek. "I missed you more," he confesses, bringing his hand up, cupping your face, and pressing a soft, lingering kiss on your lips.

His stubble grazes your skin, and for a moment, time stands still. You love him. And he loves you.

As you pull away, Virgil's gaze lingers on you, taking you in. "Are you wearing my perfume?" he groans, giving your bum another generous squeeze, causing you to release a soft moan. 

"Mmh," you whisper shyly, gently tugging on his goatee. His eyes sparkle with absolute awe as he leans in closer, nipping teasingly at your neck, hands kneading your ass roughly. You feel a surge of desire course through your body, down to your pussy at his actions.

“Yeah, you miss me that much?”He asks playfully, wrapping his arms around you tighter, letting out a small growl when you giggle at the sensation of his beard tickling your chin. 

You nod, pressing your forehead against his. “Yeah.”

“Then I guess I should make it worth it.” He purrs, pulling you in for another kiss. This one is more passionate, your tongues dueling together as hands roam. They are all over your body, feeling every bump and curve, his fingers leaving goosebumps behind. His lips trail down your neck, leaving wet, sensual kisses. 

Your breath hitches when he reaches your collarbone, sucking on it gently. “Wait.” You whisper, pushing him away.

“What’s wrong?” He asks, brown eyes looking at you with concern. You melt at the sight, falling in love with him all over again. 

“I made dinner.” You smile sheepishly, flushing red as your stomach growls at the reminder. You were so busy getting everything ready today, you hadn’t eaten anything since breakfast. 

He giggles at the sound, and you blush even more. "Alright," he huffs with a playful pout, slowly releasing you, setting you down on your feet, keeping his hands on your hips. 

 You giggle, give him a quick kiss, and go to walk away, but he yanks you back, bending down to place a soft kiss on your neck. "But I’m having you for dessert," he purrs into your ear. You feel his warm breath against your skin and melt in his arms.

"Virg," you whimper, feeling a shiver run down your spine. He smirks, his eyes sparkling with mischief, as he tightens his hold on you, nibbling gently on your earlobe.

“On second thought. Maybe the food can wait; my appetite is craving something else right now.” You almost give in, but then you remember the surprise you have planned for him later and put your foot down. 

“Nope.” You say popping the ‘p’. "Now come on, the food is getting cold.” You lead him into the dining room, where the flickering candles cast a dance of shadows on the walls. The soft glow accentuating the sharp lines of his face, making him look even more captivating. 

“Wow.” He gasps, eyes wide, as he takes in the scene before him. The table is set with care, adorned with coconut scented candles (his favorite) and rose petals everywhere. “Babe, this looks amazing!” He turns towards you and smiles. “Thank you.” 

You’re beaming at his praise, happy that he likes it. “Welcome. Now please sit.” You gesture towards a chair, inviting him to sit, and he complies with his usual charming smile. 

The first bite is a revelation—a burst of flavors that dance on your taste buds. You can't help but moan in delight, and he chuckles. “Hungry?” You can only nod, scoffing down the food in the most unladylike manner. But it doesn’t faze him.

Virgil has other things in mind, barely touching his food and instead finding subtle ways to express his affection—a stolen kiss, a tender touch, a whispered compliment.

As delicious as everything is, he has a different hunger—a hunger for the woman sitting across from him.

He can't help but admire the way the candlelight plays on your features, accentuates the curve of your smile, and the way your eyes light up as you talk about her day and ask about his.

"Virgil, are you even listening?" You tease, breaking him from his thoughts.

Caught off guard, he chuckles, "Of course, love. I'm just appreciating the view."

You blush under his lustful gaze, warmth spreading across your cheeks at his subtle compliment. "Smooth talker."

As the last bite is savored, he rises from the chair, making you look up in confusion. "I believe I was promised dessert." He states, eyes trailing your figure, a hunger of a different kind building within him. 

You raise an eyebrow, at his words, feeling your heartrate spike up at the subtle indication. "Oh? And what might that be?"

He circles the table until he's behind you and bends down to press a gentle kiss to your neck. "You, my love. That's all I want."

Then he's pulling you out of the chair and throwing you over his shoulder, sprinting up the stairs as you shriek and giggle.

The door to your bedroom closes shut and your heart rate skyrockets. You know what’s coming next. You feel him set you down before he’s gripping your waist and pulling you closer. 

Even after five years of marriage, you still can't get over how much of him there is. 

The way you have to crane your neck to look at him, forced to take in the way he towers over you. All broad shoulders and hard lines. Forearms that look like they could be the size of your thighs. Hands that easily encompass your waist, gripping and squeezing until all that’s left are faint bruises. 

The epitome of masculinity.

You want to cower at the way he’s looking at you right now. Hungry and possessive, as if he could devour you whole. 

"Hi,” he whispers, his deep voice resonating through your body. It's a simple word, but it sends shockwaves down your spine, igniting a fire within you that only he can quench with the way his words wash over you like spring rain.

"Hi," your voice trembles, and you watch his pupils blow wide. His gaze holds you captive, as if he can see every secret and hidden desire within you. Every nerve in your body is on high alert, craving his touch.

He's magnetic, drawing you in with an irresistible force. The short time apart seems to have made you forget how beautiful he is. How good he smells.

He’s warm water on a cold winter's day, thawing you from the inside out—settling deep in your bones and filling up a space you hadn’t known was empty. You want him.

All those nights spent In the dark, a pillow finding its way between your thighs, the scent of him lingering on each one as your hand muffles your moans. When you're empty and dripping and coming with a cry. It chokes you.

It stuffs its way down your throat, filling your lungs, and blocking your airways. It plunges you underwater, leaving you gasping for breath. It sticks to your clothes, your sheets, reminding you of him even when he’s not there. 

All you can think about is him. The way he consumes your thoughts, leaving no room for anything or anyone else.

It’s hell.

It’s bliss.

You watch his gaze rake down your body, setting on the place where the hem of your dress meets the tops of your thighs. Catching the moment he decides he's going to devour you whole.

The room feels smaller than usual. His presence overwhelming you in the best way. A heat—unbarabely intense—fills the air, making it difficult to breathe as his gaze lingers on your trembling body.

A need—coarsing through your body with vengeance—eats through your bones and settles low in your belly.

You hurt, you ache, you need. 

Fucking need him, to fill you up until you're dripping onto the grey silk sheets. 

He approaches you with a predatory grace, a smug smile on his lips. "Time for dessert." Your heart pounds in your chest, matching the rhythm of his confident steps towards you.

“Virg-” a whine, clawing its way up from deep in your throat. “I need you.”

A look in his eyes that you can’t quite decipher—something soft, something primal, something hungry. “Shh, I know. it’s okay.” Full lips stretched thin—a smile that asks you to stay, to trust, to submit. A smile that tells you to run. “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you.”

A needy whimper drips from your lips like the sticky mess that drips from your core. You want him to lick it. “You will?” Big, soft, doe eyes looking into the stare of a predator that wants to rip you limb from limb.

The grin that spreads across his face tells you everything and nothing, and you know you're not sleeping tonight.

Gently, he walks you both backwards until the edge of the bed presses against the back of your knees, his body trapping yours. You're his for the taking.

Slowly, Virgil trails his fingers along the straps of your dress, teasingly pulling them down your shoulders until they hit the floor, leaving you exposed for his eyes only. 

His breath hitches involuntarily at the sight of you, big brown eyes traveling along your curves, indecisive on which part of you he wants to explore first. “Fuck, baby.” His voice is soft as he takes in the black lace covering your skin. “Look at you.”

You can’t help the way your face lights up at his words and the warmth that floods your veins. “You like it?”

A kiss to your forehead. “I love it. I love you.” His words make your heart swell, knowing that he's still just as enamored with you as the day you first met. "I can't wait to fuck you." His words send an unmistakable ache deep in your chest. An excruciating emptiness in your cunt. The heat is back, and it burns. 

“It hurts.” You sound so small and afraid, and all you want is for him to make it better. “Please fuck me, Virg, please, please, make it stop hurting.”

Soft kisses on hot, itchy skin. The feeling of his beard against the sensitive flesh of your neck leaving you to squeeze your sticky thighs together, hoping for the smallest bit of friction.

A large hand grips your thigh, forcing you to remain still. “None of that.” A tone that leaves no room for argument. He lays you down on the sea of sheets and pillows and big, buttery soft blankets. Taking soft, sweet moments to tell you how perfect you are.

How beautiful. How precious.

He kisses your neck, your collarbone, the tops of your breasts, gently pulling down the clasps of your bra, leaving you topless. His hands explore the curves of your body, tracing every inch with gentle caresses as he licks his way down to your breasts. You are so soft, warm, and sweet—and he wants all of you.

His mouth closes over one nipple, sucking until it becomes hard and you're aching for more, as his large hand comes up to cup the other breast, completely encasing it and massaging softly, making you whine in pleasure.

He nuzzles his face into your chest and breathes in deeply—the scent of you intoxicating him. Pulling back, his hands cradle your face, his gaze searching yours. "I can't get enough of you," he admits, his voice husky with lust.

He moves his way down, planting wet kisses as he goes, over your stomach, across your hips…until he reaches the juncture between your legs and prys them open. An obscene amount of slick rushes out of you, soaking your panties and leaving a wet spot in the center.

He pulls them down with his teeth, exposing your dripping pussy. He inhales deeply, taking in the sweet scent of your arousal. "Oh, fuck, baby. You're so fucking pretty." His voice is deeper than usual, drenched with thirst. "Is this all for me?" He asks as his fingers trace the outline of your labia, and you nod frantically, unable to form words. "Yeah? Good girl."

He plays with you for a little bit longer, teasing you with gentle strokes and flicks, making you squirm and moan in pure pleasure. He pulls away and looks up at you with those chocolate-brown eyes. "Tell me what you want, baby. I need words." His voice is low and husky, chuckling at the wanton moan that escapes your lips.

You look down at him, eyes glazed, as you try to speak, but all that comes out is a garbled mess of sounds. He shakes his head, smiling wickedly. "No. Tell me. Use your words, babygirl."

You swallow hard, taking a moment to gather your thoughts. "I-I want you to, to eat my pussy. Please, please, Virgil." You moan, pleading, your eyes welling up.

"Your wish is my command," he purrs before diving right in.

Not even warning you before you feel a hotwetsogood tongue devouring you. Consuming you like you're the sweetest treat he's ever tasted. Licking and sucking.

Your hips buck up off the bed, and you whimper. He holds your hips down with one hand, his palm covering your lower stomach, while he uses the other to slide two fingers inside you.

Too big and too much for the size of you. Forcing their way in, like the tight entrance of your pussy was made to accommodate them. They curl once, twice, grazing that sweet spot inside you that he knows oh so well.

Stretching you open. Leaving little starbursts behind your eyes. And your mind goes blank. All you know is him.

And God, does it feel good.

Pumping and licking, and it’s too much.

It’s not enough.

You need–

His lips wrap around your clit and sucks and it's over. You cry out his name as your orgasm hits, waves of pleasure washing over you, body shaking, pussy muscles clenching hard around his fingers.

He doesn't stop until your body stops convulsing, and you reach down to push his head away, clit too sensitive to handle any more stimulation, your breath coming in ragged gasps.

You hear his voice.

Somewhere distant, cloudy, and out of reach. Barely making out the way he whispers, “So good. You did so good for me, baby.” against your clit. The sound of his voice leaves you soft, and gooey, and floating.

"That was good, wasn't it?" he asks, stocking your thigh. You nod, still breathless. "Yeah, that was amazing." You whisper, face red as you recover from your high. He grins and rises from his position between your legs, his 6'5 frame towering over your 5'3, before he leans forward and presses his lips to yours, his tongue sliding into your mouth, making you taste your own sweetness.

You feel him against you—all firm and warm—and realize he's still dressed. You tug at his shirt, eager to feel his bare skin against yours. He chuckles and quickly undresses until he's naked, revealing a sculpted body that can only come from years of dedicated fitness.

He reaches down and takes hold of your hand, guiding it to his cock. It's hard and throbbing, ready for you. You wrap your hand around it and squeeze, stocking slowly. He groans, his hips thrusting forward.  "Your hand feels so good, babe. I can't wait to be inside you."

You whimper at his words, stocking faster at the thought. It's been so long, and there's only so much your vibrator can do. You want him, you need him. "Fuck me. Please fuck me, Virgil."

He leans down, supporting himself on his forearms so he doesn't crush you under his weight, to press his cock against your dripping cunt. You moan at the feeling, anticipation runs through you at the sheer size of him against you. "Please put it in. Please!” you beg, hips arching towards him.

He grabs them, forcing you to stay still. “Hey,” he whispers, his voice husky with desire. "Patience, my love," he murmurs, his eyes locked with yours. His hands going down to rub your clit “I got you. I'm gonna give it to you. Always do."

He hovers above you. Bending down and spreading your legs so wide, you feel like he's trying to split you in half. "You ready, baby?" You can only nod.

His cock glides through the sticky mess you've made between your legs, and you gasp when it grazes your clit. The smile on his face when he does it again is enough to make you clench down on nothing. 

You watch him stare down at where his cock disappears inside you. Watching the way his eyes darken and his breath stills. Watching as heavy lids fall over dark eyes as he bottoms out inside of you in one long thrust. 

The moan you let out is pornographic as you feel his firm grip on your hips, his fingers digging into your flesh. "Oh, fuck! You're so fucking tight. It’s been a while, hasn’t it?" he groans, starting with slow, long, deep thrusts.

The feeling of utter fullness never ceases to amaze you, even after all these years. The feeling of him filling you so deeply, so completely, that you can’t help but roll your eyes back and moan.

He carves out a place inside to fit the shape of him and no one else.

Because no one, no one, can ever or has ever come close to how he seems to take up every inch of you. No one can ever compare to the way all of the air in your lungs seems to leave you with a choked gasp.

There’s nothing like it. There will never be anything like him.

You want more, so you ask– "Please, please-”

He thrusts hard, and your head falls back against soft pillows. Silk wrapped around your head, leaving you with nothing but the feeling of featherdown clouds and the sounds of fabric rustling with his every move. 

“Look at you.” He fucks in deep, leaving you a puddle of tears and slick. “Crying so pretty for me,” his cock reaches places in you that you never knew existed until him—places that you're sure he’s created just for him. “Letting me in like a good girl. Taking me so well."

Your cunt clenches down on his cock, gripping him tighter at every word that falls from his lips. “Oh? You like that, baby? You like letting your husband fuck you like the little slut that you are?” You can do nothing but cry, nod, and hold on tight. “Use your words, my love. Tell me how much you love it. Look at the way you’re dripping on my cock, and tell your husband you love how he fucks you.”

You can’t—can’t make your mouth form the words. Can’t tell your body to do anything other than take what he gives you and pray he decides to give you more.

He doesn't like that.

His hand leaves your waist to wrap around your throat. Adding pressure and forcing your head up until you can do nothing but look at him.

“Tell me, darling. C'mon, be a good girl.” He grits through his teeth, his eyes fluttering in pleasure at the tight clench of your pussy around his cock. Fuck, she feels so good. He thinks.

The tone of his voice fills your head, and you go slack against him, left with nothing but the need to take what he gives and give him anything he asks for 

"I love it.” You're sobbing now. Salty tears falling from your eyes and leaving trails down your cheeks. "I love it, I love it, I love it.”

“Look at it. Look at how good that tight little pussy is taking me—fuck!" His grip on her throat tightens, and he gently pulls until you're forced to watch the way he pumps in and out of you and the mess you've made on his cock. "You're so fucking wet, baby."

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!" You scream, your body shaking with pleasure. “It’s– I’m–”

His fingers find your clit, rubbing hard circles on it until you're a sobbing, blubbering mess under him. “Go ahead." He fucks you hard, the sound of his balls slapping your pussy echoing through the room, drowned out by your loud moans. “Come for me, pretty girl. Show me how good you are.”

A guttural moan rips from your chest and forces its way into his mouth, where he crushes his lips against yours. He’s everything. you're everything. And it’s so fucking blissful and hot, you sob at how much you love him.

It took a few minutes for your fuzzy head to clear to realize that his hips were still moving. “No, no, I can’t- I cant-” You shake your head, desperately trying to crawl away from him but finding nowhere to go but deeper into the pillows. “It’s too much.”  

He grabs your hips and drags you back to him, massaging your hips. “Shh, it’s okay.” Soft, soothing circles traced onto your skin. A half-teasing smirk on pink lips. “You can take it.”

Your head shakes again, hiccuping a little as you twist and turn in his arms. “I can’t.” But deep down, you know you can—you always do.

"You will,” he moves you. His grip tightens as he lifts you effortlessly, flipping you over and adjusting you in a way that’s to his liking until he’s settled under you—griping your waist. "Trust me," he whispers, his voice filled with confidence. "I got you."

With a gentle yet firm grip, he starts to guide your movements, slowly easing you into the rhythm. "There we go. I told you you could take it." He speeds up your movement, each thrust more powerful than the last. "So tight." Groans and moans escape his lips in perfect harmony with his movements.

"You're mine," he growls, emphasizing the word with a deep, hard thrust, bucking his hips up. He brings his hand up to your throat, lightly applying pressure as he continues to thrust. "Tell me you're mine, baby." No answer.

He tightens his grip on your throat, his voice growing more demanding. "I said, Tell me you're mine." This time, he pulls you down, forcing you to look into his eyes. "Y/N,” he presses, gently demanding his answer as his thrust becomes faster and deeper. You feel him in your stomach.

"Oh, FUCK!" you shout, the intensity of his thrusts becoming too much, and you finally manage to gasp out, "I'm yours." His grip loosens slightly, a satisfied smirk plays on his lips. "Good girl."

He releases his grip on your throat and in one sudden movement, flips you over onto your back, continuing his relentless pace. The room fills with the sound of your moans and the rhythmic slapping of skin against skin. “Feels… fuck, your cock,” you babble, unable to form a coherent sentence. “So… so big.”

It doesn't take long for you to cum, vision turning white with pleasure. "Fuck, baby. That's right, squirt for me." He pulls you up, holding you tight in his grip, until your back bows and you're flush against his chest. Your other knee drops as he wraps an arm around your waist—moving you until you're wrapped up in his arms and he’s settled back on his heels. Your legs around his waist, his nails digging into your soft skin—his lips at your neck.

You collapse into him, your body limp and spent. He holds you close, whispering sweet words of affection as you both catch your breath. “Mmmm, yeah. That's right, you're mine.”

His pace slows down, but he doesn't stop. And it's not long before you're clenching down on him again, pussy so sensitive that the slightest movement sends you closer to the edge.

“You gonna come for me again?” He whispers in your ear. "Yeah," you whimper. "Fuck, yeah." He grunts. "Give it to me." He orders, and you obey.

"Fuck! Fuck! FUCK!" You sob as you come a fourth time that night, clenching around him in a vice grip, milking him for all he's worth. He growls, and then you feel his hot cum shoot deep into your pussy, triggering a mini orgasm from you. "Oh! God!" You feel it coating your insides. "fuck baby! I love you." He moans as he thrusts harder and harder, until there's nothing left.

"Goddam, woman," he rasps, collapsing completely on top of you with a huff.  "What a welcome. That was amazing." He kisses your neck, and you feel his cock twitching inside you.

“Virg! I can’t breathe!” you exclaimed with a breathy laugh that instantly turned into a wince when he shifted, his pelvis dragging along your sore, throbbing clit.  

“Sorry,” he apologizes, gently easing up onto his forearms, panting.

“Don’t go away,” you whine, locking your legs around his waist and pulling him down, loving the intimacy of him still fully sheathed inside of you as his eyes bore into your soul. 

“How do you feel?” Virgil asked, his gaze soft on you as he caresses your thigh, trying to soothe the remnants of a dull twinging ache he knows you usually feel after, but the bliss you were feeling at the moment countered it all. 

"Great," you respond, a contented smile spreading across your face. "I missed you," you whisper, tracing circles on his back with your fingertips. 

"I missed you too," Virgil murmurs, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. "I love you." He whispers, so low you barely hear him.

"I love you." You murmur, wincing as he gently pulls out, making him whisper a string of apologies into your skin. Virgil kneels between your legs, your pussy red, raw, and gaping, and plunges his fingers in, stuffing his cum back inside.

"Fuck, that's hot." He says, watching his fingers slowly move in and out of you, as you tremble beneath him. "You okay?" Virgil's voice rumbles against your thigh, the warmth of his breath sending shivers down your spine.

You nod, a content smile playing on your lips. His fingers trace lazy circles on your clit, a soothing gesture that lulls the ache.

"Never been better," you murmur, your voice barely above a whisper. Virgil chuckles softly, his chest vibrating against your calf. He presses a gentle kiss on your mound, his lips warm against your skin, and pulls his fingers out. 

“Stay here, my love. I’m gonna grab something to clean you up.” Virgil said, kissing your inner thigh. "Okay,” you reply, watching him walk to the bathroom, his naked ass bouncing slightly with each step. Your eyes follow him until he disappears from view, and then you melt into the sheets, a soft smile tugging at the corners of your mouth.

You hear the sound of rummaging, then water running, before he finally emerges, damp washcloth in hand. 

He crawls back onto the bed, kneeling between your legs. He wipes your inner thighs first, gently cleaning away the evidence of your pleasure. You squirm a little as he gets closer to your pussy, but he’s gentle and careful, wiping away any remnants of cum that may have escaped. 

“All done.” He booms and tosses the rag aside, his attention fully on you. He lay down beside you, his arm wrapping around you protectively. The warmth of his body against yours.

You shift slightly, snuggling into his chest, finding the perfect nook to rest your head. His arms wrap around you protectively, the soft thud of his heartbeat comforting, and you listen, lulled into a sense of peace.

Virgil presses a tender kiss to the crown of your head, his fingers tracing soothing patterns on your skin.

Virgil tilts your chin up, his dark eyes locking onto yours. There's a softness in his gaze, a vulnerability that mirrors your own. "You mean everything to me, you know that?" he says, his voice carrying a weight of sincerity that sends you spiraling.

You nod, a lump forming in your throat as you absorb the depth of his words. "I know," 

Virgil leans down, capturing your lips in a tender kiss. It's slow, unhurried, a sweet exploration of each other's mouths. You taste the remnants of the passion you shared moments ago, mingled with the sweetness that is uniquely Virgil.

When he pulls away, a soft smile plays on his lips. "I'm the luckiest man in the world,"


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