this is a character blog for allison reynolds from the breakfast club!i wont make a lot of normal posts, so ill mostly respond to asks in character. nsfw asks are allowed but expect weird answers
17 posts
Perhaps She Just Wants To Stay Warm?
perhaps she just wants to stay warm?
yeah, maybe. i nicknamed her firebug
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No nuance, no gray areas, no justification for your choice, just yes or no. Even if it's under a specific circumstance. Feel free to share why you made your choice in the tags if you want though.
always! Btw,how are you doing rn? Are you working at some place or anything? Heard you worked at a cafe lol
im doing fine. lifes alright, i managed to get away from my parents. they always sort of treated me like a freak, but i got a pretty hefty sum of money because i promised to get out of their hair forever. so i did, i live in chicago now, and im doing better than just talking to walls in alleyways of grochery stores. i work at a cafe, and i have a little programming gig that i got into. it makes me happy, and i hope to go full-time once i get better. it'll allow me to work from home, and that helps with sensory stuff.
yes!!! a black cat, shes a rescue, and shes named olivia. i was planning on naming her oliver, because i thought she was a boy cat at first, but the vet told me
Reblog if you think asexuality is a legitimate sexuality.
I'm trying to prove something.
*rubs her stomach* SHES SO CUTE! What does she like to do with you?
most of the time she just curls up in my lap, but she also likes going outside. sometimes, she'll be out all day, and then when i let her back in, she'll be tired and curl up with me. its adorable :)