Allison Reynolds - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
Here For It!! Currently Working On An Allison/Ichirou Fic!

Here for it!! Currently working on an Allison/Ichirou fic!

@korakos said allichi rights and I may be a renison shipper to my dying breath, but this fic idea caught me:

"It may surprise you to know this," Ichirou says, his words slow and measured, "But I do not endorse the needless slaughter of innocent bystanders." Allison levels him with a cold look, if only to conceal her curiosity. Ichirou's expression is calm, but there is a flicker of feeling in his dark eyes. Something akin to regret. "You can't expect me to believe that," she bites out, "You're the head of the fucking yakuza. Needless slaughter is kind of your whole thing." "Incorrect," Ichirou says mildly, "My business is that of profit and enterprise, not senseless bloodshed." He pauses to sip at his whiskey, a hint of weariness settling around his mouth. "My father's second son did not understand this. It is why I killed him." Allison sniffs, taking a long draught of her own drink. The whiskey is fire down her throat, burning away the aching chill of Seth's absence. It hurts still, to think of him. The wound has never really healed. "I suppose you're expecting gratitude, then." "Far from it," Ichirou murmurs. Glass clinks softly against the marble bar top as he sets aside his drink and turns fully towards her, his knuckles brushing against the back of her wrist, "Though I may be foolish enough to hope for forgiveness." Allison swallows, her traitorous heartbeat picking up at the touch. She downs the rest of her drink all in one and rises to her feet. "You still have your room key?" Ichirou slowly nods, patting his suit pocket where the room key is undoubtedly hidden. Allison holds out her hand and waits until he hands it to her. "I don't need to forgive you," she says curtly, "Just to fuck you." She doesn't linger long enough to register his shocked expression, but the weight of his gaze follows her all the way back to the elevator in the hotel lobby. Soon, he'll follow her back upstairs. Soon, she will lose herself in him, burying her sorrow and her fury where it does not belong; in the arms of a man she should despise.

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1 year ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works


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1 year ago

Ya’ll don’t understand the sheer joy that I have that Allison and Ichirou are becoming a ship that people talk about, it’s something I’ve been thinking about since my 4th read through of the series and now fics are being written and there are posts!! One day there might be art!! It just makes me really happy lol

If I can figure out a plot point that’s causing me trouble I will also be posting a fic with them lol

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1 year ago


Chapter 2 Is Here, Babyyy

Chapter 2 is here, babyyy

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1 year ago

An absolute power couple!! Look at them!!!!

Line Art Is Done

line art is done 🫡

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1 year ago
Got The First Chapter Of My Allison/Ichirou Fic Up!
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Got the first chapter of my Allison/Ichirou fic up!

Working on my Renee/Jean fic collection

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1 year ago



The Lord & Lady Will See You Now.

The Lord & Lady will see you now.

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1 year ago

All the possibilities!!!

I’m really hoping this ship gets more fics!!

So you know how one of Nora’s favorite rare pairs is Ichirou/Allison? My little hamster brain has been turning that over in the background for weeks trying to make a plausible connection between the two outside of, you know, the Neil connection.

Anyway. It’s been a while since I’ve read the books but from what I remember, Allison comes from money. Like, in the billions type of money. And you don’t become a billionaire without blood on your hands. So it’s an easy connection that the Reynolds family may have had dealings with the Moriyama family. It’s simple business, you know? Nothing illegal unless there’s proof.

Think of all the dinner parties where all the important someones attend. It’s an easy way for two heirs of business empires to meet. Shuffled along with their parents to watch and to learn how things are done.

Maybe in one universe they are in an arranged marriage. Maybe in another, they are childhood friends who lose touch when Allison gets disinherited and they connect again finally shortly after Ichirou takes care of Riko.

There are so many possibilities and their dynamic has so much potential.

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1 year ago

Obsessed 😍😍😍😍☹️

taking your word for requests...

how about a kiss... or two or three or however many you wanna give us

*makes pleading face*

Taking Your Word For Requests...

Ichirou is like excited puppy but really can you blame him

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1 year ago
Chapter 2 Of My Allichi Fic Is Up!

Chapter 2 of my Allichi fic is up!
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

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11 months ago
An Excellent Kevin/Allison Fic
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

An excellent Kevin/Allison fic 🥰

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10 months ago

Thinking about this beautiful piece of art again as I work on my Allison/Ichirou fic 😍

The Lord & Lady Will See You Now.

The Lord & Lady will see you now.

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10 months ago
I Updated Two Fics In Two Days?? Who Am I???
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

I updated two fics in two days?? Who am I???

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10 months ago

This is why I ship Ichirou and Allison! They are both iconic and would be such a power couple!!

On my aftg reread and why does Ichirou kinda slay? Like he’s in the car with Neil, and obviously he sucks, but also ??? Weirdly an icon

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9 months ago
Thought I'd Try A Different Approach This Time!

thought i'd try a different approach this time!

voting isn't enough, you still have to interact with the post if you want your choice to happen~

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9 months ago


I'll Screenshot And Delete The Poll Once I See The Like And Reblog Threshold Have Been Reached

I'll screenshot and delete the poll once I see the like and reblog threshold have been reached

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9 months ago

More Kevin/Allison?

okokok here's like. this. for you. it's not smutty but just lowkey horny. (a silly situation where they fuck around with the idea of being friends w benefits bc allison wants some on a night out)


Kevin Day tasted like citrus and salt. A wedge of lime in between perfectly shaped teeth, a glossy sheen of warming alcohol coating the lips that his shot had just passed by; Kevin Day tasted like one too many, like a bad idea, like something she'd regret in the morning. Kevin Day tasted like the sharp bite of his favourite tequila mingling with honey flavoured lip balm that spread across his lips.

Allison didn't actually know it to be true; looking up at smiling green eyes that ordered another round for the two of them, eyes that looked back with a mischievous glint - the unsettling thought had found its way into her head like a silently burrowing animal. The taste of his lips should've held no weight at all in her mind, but there they stood, still sweaty after dancing, throats hoarse from the song they'd been yelling on the dancefloor. Waiting at the bar for their drinks, Kevin's upturned lips looked far more uncomfortably soft and enticing than they'd ever looked before.

Too many shots in, and she caught herself wondering what it would feel like to kiss him.

It wasn't that she'd never thought about fucking Kevin before, but a thought was a thought. It was an idea to be kept to herself, something never to be spoken out loud. Dan had jokingly mentioned it more than once, but Allison had shut it down quicker than it had come up. It hadn't been more than six months since he'd started to come out of his shell more often around all of them, no more than three or four months since they'd become each other's best friend under the influence. To think about Kevin's skin on hers was to think of something so reprehensible and disgusting that it felt like a sin. To think about his breath on her neck was to no longer think of him as Kevin Day. It was to picture him as something to find pleasure in, and that simply couldn't happen. Finally they tolerated each other as friends, enjoying their shared company more than they thought they would. Fucking him would only find a way to ruin that.

She'd dreamt about it once - He didn't seem to notice how she avoided him at practice for a week after that.

A thought was just a thought; an unserious idea, an insincere hypothetical, nothing more than that. Kevin Day was an asshole, first and foremost. He was Kevin, for crying out loud. It felt forbidden to even imagine him in any scenario other than on the court. That was his place, his life, his priority. Allison had only recently gotten the low-down on the girlfriend that wasn't really his girlfriend; even then he hadn't seen her for more than a day or two in almost two years. If he were messing around with anyone, it was very well-hidden. Allison couldn't quite picture him having a casual hook-up, let alone a serious relationship. Maybe it was because she'd only seen him for his one-track mind for so long: the only love he needed was exy, and he made that very clear.

But Kevin Day off the court was not the same as he that would be found with a racquet in his hands. Kevin off the court was fun, and comfortable, and far more like her than she cared to admit. They bounced off each other like a pair of childhood friends, and he made her laugh harder than anyone else ever had. They could stand across from each other on the court the day after, half hungover and straight faced, nothing remaining of the knocked back shots and songs sung the night before. Yet, they were a dream team on a night out, the life of the party, far too comfortable with each other. Kevin off the court had once seen Allison in her bra and laughed at the wonky bellybutton piercing she'd gotten at 16. He really was a breath of fresh air, sometimes, when he wasn't in Kevin Day mode.

Kevin off the court was relaxed. Kevin off the court was a little too easy to look at.

I'm due my period, she thought. Her hormones, of course, the only logical explanation as to why she was picturing Kevin's callused and strong hands around her waist, fingers trailing up her back, wet lips on skin, the smell of his cologne and-

"Are you even listening?" Allison blinked herself out of a daydream to look up at him. With one arm leaning on the bar as the barman served up another two golden shots, his smile was dopey with the perfect amount of alcohol. The lights in Eden's were dim enough that he couldn't see the heat that had risen to her cheeks as if she'd been caught doing something she shouldn't have been.

"I can't even hear you," A lie yelled over booming music to cover for the fact she really hadn't been listening at all. "Go again."

An inch or two more, he bent down to get closer to her. His breath was hot next to her ear, and she cursed herself for not hearing him the first time. She sucked her lip in, a stifled smile hurting her cheeks. What was she doing? What was she thinking?

"I asked if you're planning on staying late," He repeated himself. "I know Dan said that she's leaving in a little while, and I think Matt's going to get them a ride home. Are you going with them?"

When her first thought was to run her fingers up his bare arms and tell him what she really wanted to do for the evening, it was set in stone; she was a lost cause. Her mind has lost control of the vehicle. The heart that pounded in her chest couldn't be driving either. Her arousal had taken the wheel, and oh, it was driving her head-first, full-speed into a red brick wall.

Kevin handed over his bank card to the barman that served them, and returned his attention to their first-next bad decision. The shot glass slid across the damp wooden bar, and he gestured for Allison to put her hand out. She was mentally beating the thoughts out of her head, but tequila and a dull sensation in the pit of her stomach wouldn't let them go. Kevin held her hand gently in his as he poured the salt onto her hand before his own. The shot glass looked tiny tucked in-between his pointer finger and his thumb.

"No, I don't think so," Allison peeled her eyes away from his hands and held the glass the same way. "Unless you're thinking about going."

Kevin paused for just a second and hummed some sort of answer before bringing his hand up close to his lips. It wasn't lost on Allison how he kept his eyes on her, white salt licked up onto his tongue, burning alcohol hitting the back of his throat before he looked away to grab a lime. Perhaps it was coincidence that he licked his lips with a cheeky smile as his eyes found their way back to the fruit in between Allison's lips. His thumb wiped away juice that had dripped down her chin. She just tried not to think about putting it into her mouth.

"I'm not," He pouted, tucking his card back into his wallet, and looked in the direction of the table that they'd been sitting at. "I have nothing better to be doing than getting black-out drunk with you."

Allison lifted her foot up to rest it on the railing at the bottom of the bar. Kevin had outstretched the arm that rested on the surface next to them, and by Allison's shoulder, he was flipping a coaster between his fingers. The song changed, a perfect cue for them to move, but instead they stayed. Allison hated herself for it, but she would blame the alcohol in the morning; she rested her own arm next to his, and reached out to roll the edge of his short sleeved t-shirt in between her fingers.

"It's better than watching another one of Matt's stupid fucking movies," She tried to ignore the internal screaming, louder and louder as Kevin glanced down at his bicep, and slowly back up to her face. The slightest crease formed between his eyebrows, but he didn't pull away. Instead it was accompanied by a subtly growing grin. "I'll go crazy if I have to watch King Kong one more time."

Kevin laughed, and for just a moment, it felt like they were in some sort of alternate universe.

Kevin's had pressed his thumb to her skin, at the back of her elbow, a look in his eyes, words hiding behind his lips that she could read through his transparent skin. Perhaps she was thinking about herself instead - her cheeks flushed and hot with her fuck me eyes out of control.

Projecting onto him was easier than admitting she was prepared to blow him in the toilets if he wanted her to.

It was an impossible suggestion that shouldn't have been entertained at all. There were so many things that could go wrong, so many car crash scenarios that could be avoided by walking away right then and there. Her inhibitions were lost, and it didn't matter that it was a self serving desire and a really fucking terrible idea.

Instead she wondered what Kevin Day tasted like, with all logical thinking long throw out the window.

"What?" He asked, then, a knowing tone to his voice, his words wet with alcohol.

"Nothing," Allison pulled her eyes away from his face and down to the fabric in between her fingers. "What do you mean, what?"

Kevin opened his mouth, but closed it with a grin, and took his hand away from her arm to place it flat on the bar. Like she'd been shook out of a daze, Allison did the same, but the twisting of her stomach was an inconvenient and intrusive reminder of what she was really thinking about.

"What?" She pushed him instead, tilting her head to be better in his view, but he was quick to move himself and look away.

"Oh, don't do that," There was teasing to his words, as he threw his head back and tried to wipe the smile off his face. "What are you doing?"

"What am I doing?" She teased back, gazing at him through her false lashes, while his jaw flexed in frustrated acknowledgement that what she was doing was working. "What are you doing?"

Kevin looked down at her, with that fucking look in his eyes, that insufferable glimmer, that knowing shine. He tilted his head and inched himself closer to her. "Are you bored?"

"Bored?" Allison scoffed. "You're out of options, superstar. Take it or leave it."

Kevin nodded then, and slapped his palm on the bar, before replacing the gentlest, electrifying touch on the exposed skin of Allison’s arm. "See, that's what I thought you were doing, but I figured I was just going crazy. Because there's just no way you'd even consider it. Surely. But you are."

She rested her head in her hand, and bat her eyelashes up at him, only half in jest. "And you're not?"

"Oh, never." The pressure beneath his fingers told her the opposite. Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck. She'd never seen this look in his eyes before; playful but serious, looking her up and down like it was their first time meeting. "Never in a million years."

"Oh God," Allison hid her face in her hands. This couldn't be happening - even if she really, really wanted it to, in that moment. "I really hope you're talking about what I'm talking about. Oh, please tell me you are, so I don't have to smother you in your sleep and pretend this never happened."

"I don't mind," Kevin grinned, but looked up as if to make sure that nobody was watching. "If you're serious, I'd do it."

Salt, and tequila, and lime. Cologne, and sweat, and breath and- "I'll kill you if you're joking."

He laughed again, a hearty and charming sound, and rubbed a hand down his face. Fingers holding his chin he shrugged and shut his eyes. “Unless you’re joking, then no, I’m not.”

They looked at each other for a moment too long. Kevin lifted his foot to rest it on the railing next to her, their knees grazing off each other. He'd given her the perfect vantage point to look where she really wanted to look, but she worked against the spirits in her veins to keep her eyes on his.

"It doesn't have to mean anything," Kevin took the words right out of her mouth. "I actually really don't want it to. But if you're bored," She slapped his chest as he laughed his way through the rest of his words. He pushed a strand of her hair back behind her shoulder, running a finger down the side of her neck and teased, "And I'm bored..."

Around them, Allison’s giggle turned heads as she knocked on his chest, tucking her ear to her shoulder to push his hand away. Her search for an inkling in his demeanor that he was truly joking came up empty. Allison's thoughts were much less coherent than this, of course, less so 'I can’t believe I’m kind of agreeing to fuck Kevin and he’s kind of agreeing with me too', and more so 'tonight’s dick, tomorrow’s problem'. She was giddy at the whole situation, how drunk they both were, how she didn’t really care at all that it was Kevin on the other end of a pair of hands and working tongue.

A patron pushed the way in between them, asking if they were finished so they could order a drink, and Allison skipped backwards through the crowd before turning when she saw him stepping away from the bar. She only turned to look at him once, smirking as he followed her like a puppy on a leash. Oh, it felt powerful, in some ways, the two of them only starting the growth of their surprising friendship. Maybe it was inevitable, one of them single and the other kind-of-single, that they would find themselves in this position. All it took was one simple, lingering look, and one sentence loaded with insinuation and heat; Kevin was handsome putty in her hands.

Allison didn't stop until they'd turned a quiet corner, close to a staff-only entrance and a fire door, where Kevin reached out first to put a steady hand on her waist as she playfully pulled him in closer.

"Tell me this is a bad idea." Allison whispered while hooking a finger through one of the belt loops on the front of his jeans. The same hand hung loosely over his waist, in between their bodies, as his hips brushed against her stomach.

The hair on the back of her neck stood up when Kevin took his free hand and rested his fingers in her hair, a thumb just behind her ear. Kevin sighed, just a millisecond of hesitation before his easily read eyes said fuck it.

"This is a bad idea." He looked from her eyes to her lips as he mumbled, pausing inches away from her face. She knew he was waiting for her to change her mind, but they'd gotten this far - why waste it? "Oh, a really fucking bad one."

(Kevin Day tasted like citrus and salt. Kevin Day tasted like a freshly cut lime wedge and vodka that he'd been drinking earlier; Kevin Day tasted like one too many, like a bad idea, like something she'd regret in the morning.)

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9 months ago

*swallows tongue*

The Goals Will Be Going Up After This One!

The goals will be going up after this one!

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9 months ago


I Gotta Start Looking For Some More Pose Ideas LMAO

I gotta start looking for some more pose ideas LMAO

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