allthenamestakenwtd - I like toxic fictional men,send help please I beg
I like toxic fictional men,send help please I beg

541 posts

Allthenamestakenwtd - I Like Toxic Fictional Men,send Help Please I Beg - Tumblr Blog

7 months ago

The person I reblogged this from deserves to be happy

I tried to scroll past this. I really did

7 months ago

Batman fucking sucks. Imagine not being able to kill one normal guy dressed as a clown. Your arch nemesis is normal clown guy? You fucking kidding me? Doesn't superman shoot suns out of his cock, and this is the best you can do?

7 months ago

Hi! I just like binge read all of your tvd post and I adore them, I feel like you talk about the Mikaelson the way I feel about them, like I love the characters but they ARE awful and it causes this very push and pull with the way I view them and I'm ngl the fandom doesn't help when I'm trying to acknowledge the pit falls of the characters. that and I can't articulate the way I view characters well and I just really appreciate how multi dimensionally you view them because it really refreshing to see some one put it into words in a way I can't.

I don't know if this is the kind of thing you do or anything but I was wondering if I could ask you your opinion on Kai Parker? I feel like I view him the way I do Klaus and kol in sense. Like obviously he's a bad person but I feel like the level of fucked up he is and why hes that level of fucked up makes him a really interesting and enjoyable character for me, and it's kinda hard for me to say this because I Adore Bonnie Bennett. I personally don't believe liking one character cancels out the liking another but seeing how the fandom acts about it especially how many people will stand by Kia entirely and make Bonnie out to be this monster (because they're racist weirdos point blank.) makes it harder for me to feel comfortable voicing my intrestest in him as a character. Now I do think a lot of factors played into Kai becoming who he is and I can understand why people would empathize with him but I don't think it justifys how weird they are to Bonnie, yk? Idk this wasn't about Bonnie I got carried away but yeah I'd love your option about Kia Parker if you have one. I also understand entirely if you don't like him obviously everyone's entitled to there opinion and he did kill his siblings and stuff, but I'd love to hear your opinion on him regardless if your interested,that is. have a good day/night :)

Hello, love! I'm really glad you do, and I definitely agree. This fandom is very, very strict in which characters you can like and which ones you cannot. It's exhausting, to be honest.

I definitely like Kai, he was the only thing that kept my attention glued to the screen after the Originals left and he made the plot more entertaining. He was funny, downright evil and enjoyable to watch, but he was, at least for me, a very obvious mix between all the main villains/antagonists (Klaus, Damon, Kol, Katherine), and the writers clearly intended for their audience to see him as irredeemable, and this is of course tied to the fact there were no available white women to beacon him into "becoming a better person". Bonnie was around, but for obvious reasons she could never be that woman, though the writers certainly played around bonkai, having Kai have a clear interest in her even after she wasn't the key to make him escape his prison world.

I definitely think Kai had a rough childhood and did not deserve to be isolated, though that obviously doesn't excuse what he did to his siblings, but that's what makes him a good character in my eyes. He was a good antagonist but an awful evil person, the circumstances surrounding why he became that person are tragic and sad, and that's okay, because that's in my opinion exactly what a character like Kai should be. And no, that doesn't excuse what he did to his family either, before anyone thinks that's what I was implying.

Though I do not understand why Kai gets so much hate over the whole "killing children" as if the Mikaelson or the Salvatore had gone through centuries of their lives without harming a single child (Klaus ordered to have his unborn daughter killed, for god's sake), and it's really funny how bonkai is portrayed as this top awful abusive couple when every single ship in tvd is. I definitely get the appeal of Bonnie and Kai, the only thing that prevents me from shipping them is the fact she nearly killed herself because of him, there are a few lines I won't cross when it comes to shipping, sa/rape and suicide are on that list, but people need to stop acting like they're worse than the other more popular couples.

To summarize it, I like Kai a lot, I understand why some other people don't (I do, really!), but nothing justifies what he put his family and Bonnie through.

Thanks for the ask, darling. You have a good day/night too!

7 months ago

I’m fully back in my game of thrones era, and I need to say just one thing

Im Fully Back In My Game Of Thrones Era, And I Need To Say Just One Thing
Im Fully Back In My Game Of Thrones Era, And I Need To Say Just One Thing
Im Fully Back In My Game Of Thrones Era, And I Need To Say Just One Thing
Im Fully Back In My Game Of Thrones Era, And I Need To Say Just One Thing


7 months ago
Obsessed With The Fact That Right After Facing Down The Greatjon Like A Cool Badass And Having Grey Wind

obsessed with the fact that right after facing down the greatjon like a cool badass and having grey wind bite off two of his fingers, robb comes to bran and reveals he was terrified. it emphasises both that robb has no one else he can be vulnerable around but his little brother who knew him before he was "robb the lord" and also the personality split that being in such a high-pressured position of command seems to demand from you. we saw evidence of this in ned's cognitive dissonance surrounding his grief for lyanna - he's constantly pushing down those feelings of weakness in order to be a good lord.

i also really appreciate the way in which grrm emphasises the new sexual pressure that's being placed on robb. the vision of the 30 year old daughter of lord cerwyn appearing in 15 year old robb's bed is predatory, especially followed up by robb's admission that he wishes his father were here to protect him from it. robb is still a child but taking on a man's responsibilities and presenting as a man to earn respect means everything that comes with that maturity, including expectations of an advantageous marriage. perhaps there's even the seeds here of robb's sleeping with jeyne westerling: not only does it display his isolation (and this initial unintentional abandonment by his father and mother means i don't think he ever learns to rely on cat the same way again) but it also sets up the conditions in which he sees a recourse to sexual comfort as fitting for him. when he sleeps with jeyne, there's no family to turn to or unburden his heart with - no one with whom he can be simply robb except for jeyne in the only form of vulnerability that's now permissible for him. robb is another example of the tragic consequences of a child forced to grow up too soon.

7 months ago

always stay demure. be mindful of why you were invited to tumblr. that does not include reading smut at 8:30 am. 

7 months ago
Me Trying To Leave A Comment On A Fic I Love But Not Knowing What To Say

Me trying to leave a comment on a fic I love but not knowing what to say

7 months ago

Genuinely what are any of us talking about

7 months ago

I haven't even watched the show yet I'm so ready for the edits when the next season drops

rockstar lestat rockstar lestat rockstar lestat rockstar lestat rock. star. le—

7 months ago
Season One Jacaerys I Have Loved You Even At The Mullet Era
Season One Jacaerys I Have Loved You Even At The Mullet Era
Season One Jacaerys I Have Loved You Even At The Mullet Era

season one jacaerys i have loved you even at the mullet era

7 months ago

The moment I find something that gives me joy, I CONSUME it incessantly until it yields no more joy. like a mosquitor sucking on blood until it pops.

8 months ago

I want more people to know that while the Palestine Olympic team consists of only 8 athletes, at least 69 Palestinian Olympic athletes have been killed since October 2023. This includes athletes who were going to compete in these games and retired athletes such as Majed Abu Maraheel, the first Palestinian Olympian, who died of kidney failure in a refugee camp product of lack of medical treatment.

Remember them during these games.

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8 months ago
Another Armand Piece

Another Armand piece 🩸

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8 months ago
Louis In His Cute Tartan Coat
Louis In His Cute Tartan Coat
Louis In His Cute Tartan Coat
Louis In His Cute Tartan Coat

louis in his cute tartan coat

INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE (2022) | 1.01 in throes of increasing wonder

8 months ago




8 months ago

ARCH angel?? who are you arching for??🤨

8 months ago

He was so hashdhdjejd in this episode bro I can't

Supernatural S1E02 Wendigo
Supernatural S1E02 Wendigo
Supernatural S1E02 Wendigo

Supernatural S1E02 Wendigo

8 months ago

I don't even watch this show but from the few clips I've seen, you can't tell me they're not husbands

I’m watching 911 for the first time AND NO ONE CAN CONVINCE ME THAT EDDIE AND BUCK IS PLATONIC!!!

Spoilers for anyone that hasn’t seen it. But I’m in season 4 and Eddie just got fucking shot, and BUCK IS DESTROYEDDDD.

When you look at it, everyone else has been in a life threatening situation but no one, and I mean no one has the reactions like Buck has. SO YOU CANNOT SIT HERE AND TELL ME “they’re best bros” more like they’re best husbands.

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8 months ago

lord take all of their suffering & give it to criston cole

Lord Take All Of Their Suffering & Give It To Criston Cole
Lord Take All Of Their Suffering & Give It To Criston Cole
Lord Take All Of Their Suffering & Give It To Criston Cole
8 months ago

I adore this man, like he's actually hot me feeling insane

(This was not coherent in the slightest but that's how he makes me feel so..<3)

if jacaerys keeps serving face like that i’m going to have no choice but to write for him

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8 months ago

I am Ahmed Al-Nabih from Gaza, and this is my twin brother Abdul Rahman. I am 30 years old. I used to live a beautiful life with my family and my brother. The idea of ​​marriage was on the table and we were going to continue our lives in our beautiful house, but something happened like a nightmare. The war came and took all our dreams and destroyed our house. Our lives became very difficult and arduous. We lived in tents. In the extreme heat, my mother suffers from chronic diseases, heart disease, blood pressure, and diabetes. Please help me save my family and my elderly mother. I ask for your support and participation. A small donation makes a difference. I have only collected 1,60euros in about five months! Thank you all!❤️🙏

Verified by @palestinegenocide @queerstudiesnatural @90-ghost @el-shab-hussein @northgazaupdates @apollos-olives @riding-with-the-wild-hunt

Donate to Help Ahmed, Abedelrahman, and family Escape war, organized by Ziad Okasha
Hello everyone, My name is Ziad Okasha, and I'm from Gaza,… Ziad Okasha needs your support for Help Ahmed, Abedelrahman, and

I Am Ahmed Al-Nabih From Gaza, And This Is My Twin Brother Abdul Rahman. I Am 30 Years Old. I Used To

Pictures of me and my twin brother before the war!

I Am Ahmed Al-Nabih From Gaza, And This Is My Twin Brother Abdul Rahman. I Am 30 Years Old. I Used To
I Am Ahmed Al-Nabih From Gaza, And This Is My Twin Brother Abdul Rahman. I Am 30 Years Old. I Used To

Pictures of us with my mother before the war, when our lives were beautiful and stable!☹️

I Am Ahmed Al-Nabih From Gaza, And This Is My Twin Brother Abdul Rahman. I Am 30 Years Old. I Used To
I Am Ahmed Al-Nabih From Gaza, And This Is My Twin Brother Abdul Rahman. I Am 30 Years Old. I Used To

A picture in the war of my mother, who is 62 years old, due to the lack of medicine because she suffers from chronic diseases, blood pressure, heart, and diabetes. Her health condition deteriorated due to the difficult life in Gaza and famine, and because we live in tents in the extreme heat.!🥹

I Am Ahmed Al-Nabih From Gaza, And This Is My Twin Brother Abdul Rahman. I Am 30 Years Old. I Used To

I am during the war and my life has become arduous and tiring!😌

I Am Ahmed Al-Nabih From Gaza, And This Is My Twin Brother Abdul Rahman. I Am 30 Years Old. I Used To

Now we live here, it is a terrifying life, more like a nightmare!☹️

I Am Ahmed Al-Nabih From Gaza, And This Is My Twin Brother Abdul Rahman. I Am 30 Years Old. I Used To
I Am Ahmed Al-Nabih From Gaza, And This Is My Twin Brother Abdul Rahman. I Am 30 Years Old. I Used To

Our beautiful house has become rubble!😢

I Am Ahmed Al-Nabih From Gaza, And This Is My Twin Brother Abdul Rahman. I Am 30 Years Old. I Used To

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8 months ago

I'm Abdelrahman, 22 years old. My journey has been marked by loss and resilience. When I was 18, my father passed away from COVID-19. Determined to build my own future, I pursued an education in multimedia technology, balancing my studies with work to cover my expenses. I was preparing to establish my home and life.

I'm Abdelrahman, 22 Years Old. My Journey Has Been Marked By Loss And Resilience. When I Was 18,my Father
I'm Abdelrahman, 22 Years Old. My Journey Has Been Marked By Loss And Resilience. When I Was 18,my Father

My mother: the princess whom we strive to make happy and satisfy. ❤️️

I'm Abdelrahman, 22 Years Old. My Journey Has Been Marked By Loss And Resilience. When I Was 18,my Father

However, the war in Gaza, especially in the north, brought devastating tragedy. My home, university, job, and family were all destroyed in the conflict. While my family moved to the south, I was in the north, facing famine and moving from place to place, trying to survive.

I'm Abdelrahman, 22 Years Old. My Journey Has Been Marked By Loss And Resilience. When I Was 18,my Father

Our street used to be lively and full of people, but it is no longer like that.

I'm Abdelrahman, 22 Years Old. My Journey Has Been Marked By Loss And Resilience. When I Was 18,my Father

I have witnessed countless difficult and painful scenes while escaping death multiple times. In northern Gaza, life is reduced to a cycle of fleeing from danger and searching for food amidst the rubble of destroyed homes.

I have survived many times,I was hit by a missile in previously destroyed house

This picture is enough to show our suffering in getting flour to survive.

I'm Abdelrahman, 22 Years Old. My Journey Has Been Marked By Loss And Resilience. When I Was 18,my Father

My dream is to travel abroad with my mother and sister to continue my education and develop my practical skills. For the past eight months, I have been unemployed, focusing on self-improvement and hoping for a better future.

Your help can save a family from death, it can save a dream, an ambition, or a success, so please help me by donating or publishing my story so that I can save my family.

Donate to From War to Education: Abdelrahman Resilient Journey, organized by Abdallah Alanqar
Hello, I'm Abdelrahman, 22 years old. My journey has been ma… Abdallah Alanqar needs your support for From War to Education: Abdelrahman
8 months ago
allthenamestakenwtd - I like toxic fictional men,send help please I beg
allthenamestakenwtd - I like toxic fictional men,send help please I beg
allthenamestakenwtd - I like toxic fictional men,send help please I beg
allthenamestakenwtd - I like toxic fictional men,send help please I beg

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8 months ago

this video has been going around for a while but the English subtitles didn't match the energy of the spoken French at all. i had to fix it.

reblog to spread this version