My Operator Has A Name Now So Its Time To Turn This Place Into A Full-time Warframe Doodle Blog

my operator has a name now so its time to turn this place into a full-time warframe doodle blog
More Posts from Amymist

Tonight, in this very town, something strange is going down.
Ghost Trick drawings from tonight’s stream! Thanks for joining, everyone - I love this game so much, and I love sharing it with people even more.
(Last image is of a print idea + 2 charm ideas. Thinkin’ of finishing them up for selling at conventions!)
hm. in the mood to rp a villain or monster desperately seeking acceptance among good people

Green bottle fly

quick sketch of december, don’t know if i’ll take it any further
horrifying concept: the sword DOES restore their free will, they just remain paralyzed

Here’s our confirmation of Nate’s grim fate. He has indeed been roboticized, and the sword only restores the free will of Mobians