this blog posts tons of flags with their meanings. | not all flags are mine. | "the freak flag archivist." | pronouns you can use for me are it/meow/burn/đź›´. | requests are always open.
159 posts
Witch Pride Flag
Witch Pride Flag
nice-try-antis liked this · 1 year ago
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DeepPurplegender Pride Flags “deeppurplegender is a xenogender and musicgender connected to the 1968 rock band "deep purple"”
Blasian Pride Flag “the tans and browns represent the many varying skin tones of blasian people. the reds represent beauty, the blessing of being blasian.“
Xenofluid Pride Flags + Symbol “Xenofluid is a form of genderfluid that experiences fluidity exclusively or majority between xenogenders or xenic adjacent (or aligned) genders.”
MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder) Pride Flag ”for people who have MPD (now called DID) and use this label or was diagnosed in the time DID was still called MPD. the label MPD can be reclaimed by anyone with DID who feels comfortable doing so.”
Transneutral Pride Flag "Transneutral is a term used to describe a transgender individual who identifies fully or partially as a neutral, abinary, or any unaligned gender. It can be considered umbrella term for individuals who transition to a neutral identity."