I'm using my art blog! Finally! New things are coming soon!
66 posts
Thanks @mathiwrites For Tagging Me! In Fact, It's Actually Fitting That I Got Tagged By You. You're The
Thanks @mathiwrites for tagging me! In fact, it's actually fitting that I got tagged by you. You're the one who’s beta-reading this for me.
I was originally planning on making this a sneak peek on AO3, but it got taken down because they don't really allow WIPs on there. So, here's a sneak peek into My Hero Academia: Rewritten Sparks! Coming soon to AO3 on July 7th. Take a look!
“Young Midoriya!”
As Izuku clutched his chest in pain, he heard All Might call out in a panic. But Izuku already knew that it was too late. He coughed up a familiar metallic taste, which spattered on the hard concrete. The liquid crimson shined like a ruby gem. Some of it drips from his chest and all over his hand. Izuku started to go numb as his knees went slack. He couldn’t feel anything but cold, unforgiving rain pelting his back as if to rub salt into a wound.
“How pathetic. The quirk my younger brother had been accumulating for generations. And this is who All Might entrust it to? A quirkless child with a washed-up dream?”
Izuku looked up at the face of the villain who pierced him in his chest, his vision starting to blur as he tried to piece together the villain’s face. Whenever Izuku saw this villain…he couldn’t help but recognize it. But from where? Izuku knew All for One as the older brother of the first carrier of One for All, but every time he saw him…I saw someone else. Someone familiar.
“Well…you did one thing right. Thank you, Midoriya Izuku. Thank you for returning what is rightfully mine.” With the villain’s last words, everything went black.
Izuku. Can you hear me? Hello?
Izuku opened his eyes and saw nothing and everything. The beginning and ending. Light and dark. Life and Death. Good and evil. And everything in between.
“There you are. My beautiful creation.” The entity cupped the young boy in their hands, making him realize how small he was. “I thought I lost you.”
Izuku looked up at this entity in shock; their presence was imposing yet welcoming at the same time. “Where am I?” He asked in confusion, looking around at the vast empty void that surrounded the two of them. “Am I dead?”
“Yes. And no. You are dead for the time being. Soon, however. you will be reborn.” The entity explained to Izuku. “Time is about to reset itself. So we only have so little time to talk.” “Talk? About what?” Izuku asked in bewilderment.
“About your wish.” “My…what? What do you mean? Who are you?”
“I am Omo. I have watched over many worlds since the dawn of time. And you are…”
WIP Wednesday!
Tagged by @sophiainspace thank you!
Not sure if this will be in the final draft or not... but here's something from Trophy!
Barry opened his eyes “No.” He looked around, taking in his new surroundings with a mounting horror. “No, no, no, no–” The events of earlier were coming back, shattering his entire world all over again, a world that was spinning before his eyes. “No, no, no, please–” He didn’t know who he was begging, the universe, the speedforce maybe– anyone who could undo what he couldn’t.
@negative-speedforce @vexic929 @shrinkthisviolet @i-hate-happy-endings @practically-an-x-man no pressure of course !
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More Posts from Anartisicandautisticstararcher
Yep. This is it. I need to continue rewriting this series from scratch.
The heck you mean your MC is a gag character, Horikoshi!?

Ah yes, the infamous page.
There are many things about this that piss me off. Not that Izuku isn't a pretty boy, idc about that. He's as cute as a button, but I wouldn't call him a "pretty boy." But the AUDACITY to a) call him a gag character when he's literally the protagonist, b) put Bakugou in the same category as Todoroki for looks, c) call Aoyama a gag character and Bakugou a pretty boy. Like, what???
Aoyama is 10x prettier than Bakugou, tyvm. Furthermore, Horikoshi didn't even bother to make Bakugou look pretty. *cough* ugly ass rat *cough*
He should have at the very least switched Bakugou and Aoyama. But seriously, why does Horikoshi hate Izuku?
Bonus if you add DfO in the mix. With this, you could potentially have a brother relationship similar to Rapunzel and Cassandra.
Hi, so I was thinking about and as much I think shig and Izu are underveloped as fuck...I was thinking...what if the saving arc thing was in reverse?
Shig sees how the heroes mistreat Izu, who in his eyes must be the most innocent person in all this mess, and decides to save him?
Sure sure it would need some tweaks as Shig needs to stop being all destruction and be afo's bootlicker.
But imagine the idea
Shiga, a villain, is set to save a hero.
Imagine of the possibilities. And if we want a war...why not Izu and Shig against the hero society and the status quo?
Hi @mikeellee 👋
This is an interesting route to take shigaraki and izukus characters and dynamics in.
While I do perfer the idea that both izuku and shigaraki want to save each other believing that the other needs to be saved and that their method is the best.
This is an equally interesting scenario that would add more development and interest to just izuku wanting to save shigaraki because he saw a crying kid.

For this scenario to occur there will be some adjustments required such as shigaraki coming to the conclusion that he wants to actually save something or someone instead of destroying everything. This can be easily achieved by having izuku and shigaraki interact more with shigaraki coming to know and understand izuku better as a person and vice versa. Shigaraki needs to understand izuku to a deep core level to even understand just how mistreated izuku was in the past and is kind of now.
You can start with shigaraki in the mall going to izuku for advice and have the interactions build up from there. Izuku won't tell anyone due to a variety of factors like not fully trusting adults and believing that its better if he were the one to talk to shigaraki since he isn't being harmed by him.
Ultimately, the closer they grow the more they share to each other and the more they see each others lives in different lenses which has shigaraki helping izuku see that the way he is being treated by bakugo is wrong and that all for one is just manipulating shigaraki.
Obviously, it would take a lot of development to even come to this point and it would be interesting to add obstacles within their paths whether that be the downfall of all for one and all might, the overhaul arc and the rise of the MVA , etc.
Finally, moving back to the first point the series would have an interesting irony in where a villain wants to and is willing to save a hero. Where a villain manipulated for the means of evil breaks that structure because he wants to save a hero, where a villain becomes more humane and heroic than the others, where a villain understands and develops helping change society for the greater good with the resources he has due to the MVA.
The same can apply to izuku but in the opposite way.

This magical boy is Zoltan. I hadn’t made a closed winged cicada in a while, and I figured it was time

Art dump lol

Tw Non sexual nudity