anderes-ares-biker-himbo-son - The Bi Biker Boy named Anderes
The Bi Biker Boy named Anderes

21 Year old Hispanic Ares kid who likes to hang out with his siblingsYes you have music privileges when you ride with me

63 posts

Im A Homophobic Gay/j So Doesnt Affect Me

Im a homophobic gay/j so doesnt affect me

English or Spanish?

Español, siguiente

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More Posts from Anderes-ares-biker-himbo-son

...It's probably a Dionysus kid. I mean, comedy and tragedy mask? That has theater written all over it, and you know the god of theater.

On the second morning, the Ares table in the dining pavilion has been vandalized, covered in crude drawings of comedy and tragedy masks. There are words carved into the table as well.

τι χάλι

Over and over.

And of course, the letter M.

Arlo takes a deep breath as the letters shift, as Greek often does for demigods.

What a mess.

He hums, as he raises a hand which ignites with flame. And, with a simple wave of his hand, he sets the entire table alight. Watching without a care as it burns away. If the culprit thought their actions were a mess, then they had yet to experience a true mess at all.

[ Tagging some other cabin 5 kids, lemme know if you don't want to be tagged]

[ @silent-sightless-war




@number-one-ares-kid ]

[ and tagging @blood-knight-of-olympus ]

"Uh, y'all I think someone lost something-" He holds up a small child, the defining features of said child having broken horns, clipped raven like wings, and a dragons tail with fluffy tail fins that look like clouds. "She likes to nom and cries a lot. How she got into camp, I dunno, she was just behind my cabin."

Tags :

He jumps back, stepping to the side. "Just like bull fighting, but much, much more dangerous-"

- Ares Cabin Only Roleplay (rooster man edition)

Maddie was wide awake, laying in his bed and waiting for Collette to come back from their bathroom trip. They had insisted on going alone, so Maddie regrettably broke the rules that Macedon gave them... Macedon said to always stick together. Gods, they were so dumb... something was wrong they could feel it. Maddie got up and began to wake everyone up. "Wake up, wake up! Lettie has been gone for twenty minutes!"










He ducked, throwing his dagger into his shoulder "Gotta be faster than that!"

- Ares Cabin Only Roleplay (rooster man edition)

Maddie was wide awake, laying in his bed and waiting for Collette to come back from their bathroom trip. They had insisted on going alone, so Maddie regrettably broke the rules that Macedon gave them... Macedon said to always stick together. Gods, they were so dumb... something was wrong they could feel it. Maddie got up and began to wake everyone up. "Wake up, wake up! Lettie has been gone for twenty minutes!"










"Lettie... fuck I failed as a big brother I'm stupid- FUCK!" he hit his head repeatedly, "I should've been on patrol, up the security! Denied them to go to the bathroom all together! Soy un hermano mayor tan malo..."

(I am such a bad big brother)

- Ares Cabin Only Roleplay (rooster man edition)

Maddie was wide awake, laying in his bed and waiting for Collette to come back from their bathroom trip. They had insisted on going alone, so Maddie regrettably broke the rules that Macedon gave them... Macedon said to always stick together. Gods, they were so dumb... something was wrong they could feel it. Maddie got up and began to wake everyone up. "Wake up, wake up! Lettie has been gone for twenty minutes!"








