anexthetxc - anexthetxc

Indi multi muse RP. Mun + muses all 18+. Semi selective. This blog will not work with anyone under the age of 18.

216 posts

"Has It Really Been That Long?" Doyun Hadn't Seen Them In Five Years? Things Had Changed So Much In That

"Has It Really Been That Long?" Doyun Hadn't Seen Them In Five Years? Things Had Changed So Much In That

"Has it really been that long?" Doyun hadn't seen them in five years? Things had changed so much in that time, and real life had taken over that she'd lost track with a lot of her friends back home. Suddenly it felt like all those memories came flooding back and they were almost overwhelming.

"...I, um, have...some time," she said, looking behind her to make sure none of her managers were behind. "If you wanted to catch up."

@confusedfm // starter from Doyun

More Posts from Anexthetxc

6 months ago
"Not Elegant? What Do I Do?" What Else Could She Do? Sorom Was Beginning To Panic, But The Assurance

"Not elegant? What do I do?" What else could she do? Sorom was beginning to panic, but the assurance from the stranger was about the last push she needed. She'd been about to resume her walk towards work, determined to make the look fit, but the awkward shape of the shoes meant to be heels without the back support made it awkward.

So not only did Sorom fall, but she collapsed and dropped everything with her. Her binders containing her designs, purse, and the two heel pieces hilariously flying across the sidewalk. The shoes also somehow came off from the momentum of her fall.

"...I must -- I have to go home," she whispered, looking around and wide eyes searching for a cab. She'd call them from the ground at this point. Getting up seemed to be too much work for her.

she gets the nagging suspicion that the other might be flustered, though songyi is sensible enough not to point it out. there is nothing more humbling than stumbling (in this case, it seems to be literally stumbling) as you make your way.

athlete is a tad more concentrated on the imbalanced distribution of her shoes, than the over all look, so she only steps back until stranger snaps the other heel off. that does startle songyi a bit, though, eyes following actions as she laments the loss this little incident has caused.

"not wrong but not elegant like before, either," quiet tone tries to come out tender, softening what she considers a harsh fact. the shoes don't look nearly as pretty any longer, though they don't look necessarily wrong. they're just... different, "i think you can make it work, though,"

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6 months ago
"I Don't Know If I Should Be Hitting You Or Hugging You Right Now," Kai Said With Her Hands On Her Hips,

"I don't know if I should be hitting you or hugging you right now," Kai said with her hands on her hips, clearly irritated, though relieved to see them. "So tell me which one it's supposed to be before I decide."

@lunarpoem // starter from kai

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6 months ago
"It's Nice Out Here." It Really Was. Ari Was Enjoying The Cool Breeze And The Warm Sun. She Liked How

"It's nice out here." It really was. Ari was enjoying the cool breeze and the warm sun. She liked how peaceful it was watching the water, though one glance behind her at the two guards storming out of the car and walking towards her with purpose was quickly about to ruin whatever peace she was feeling.

"The runaway escaped."

Ari rolled her eyes. Of course her idiot team couldn't hold on to one man. She kept her face blank, vaguely directing her gauze towards Hyunwoo and back to her guards to make sure they wouldn't say anything else in front of him.

"Well...go catch him," she said simply, turning her attention back to the water. "Work can wait a little longer."

It Seemed Like He Had To Stop Dreaming About The Motorcycle, Well In All Honesty He Didn't Even Have

 it  seemed  like  he  had  to  stop  dreaming  about  the  motorcycle,  well  in  all  honesty  he  didn't  even  have  place  to  put  it  ;  too  many  cars  and  more  coming  his  way.  it  was  then  when  his  head  turns  when  being  patted  on  the  arm.  ❛  i  know  you  will  be  there,  we  should  have  tons  of  fun  and  ruin  something  too.  ❜  oh,  hyunwoo  was  young  and  always  coming  up  with  something,  even  to  lie  to  some  of  his  father's  clients  just  to  keep  his  life  exciting  and  keep  himself  entertained.  ❛  how  do  you  feel  though,  just  sitting  here  -  do  you  feel  like  you  can  forget  your  worried  for  a  moment  ?  ❜

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6 months ago
If He Was Teasing, She Didn't Notice It. Harper Threw Away The Sweaty Napkin, Bowed To The Worker As

If he was teasing, she didn't notice it. Harper threw away the sweaty napkin, bowed to the worker as an apology for the mess (which she cleaned up the best she could), and was then looking around for the most expensive ice cream. She found it proudly and paid for it, handing the treat over to Hyunwoo with the brightest, most proud smile.

It was one of the few times she acted older was making sure she paid for most meals whenever they went out. Harper liked taking care of him that way. "Here," she proudly presented. "For your hard work running over to me. And walking me back after my break. To my favorite person."

Offering His Face Towards Her So She Could Clean Off The Sweat Of His Skin. Then Sighing Out When Breath

 offering  his  face  towards  her  so  she  could  clean  off  the  sweat  of  his  skin.  then  sighing  out  when  breath  comes  to  calm  down.  he  sees  the  ice  creams  fall,  his  gaze  following  and  brows  raise  in  surprise.  ❛  what  even  happened  ?  how  did  you  manage  to  even  do  that  ?  ❜  he  laughs  a  little  and  looks  back  up  at  her.  ❛  hmm  i  want  the  most  pricey  one.  ❜  obviously  just  teasing  harper  with  his  words.v

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6 months ago
Every Namjoon Closeup - Rolling Stone Interview
Every Namjoon Closeup - Rolling Stone Interview
Every Namjoon Closeup - Rolling Stone Interview
Every Namjoon Closeup - Rolling Stone Interview
Every Namjoon Closeup - Rolling Stone Interview
Every Namjoon Closeup - Rolling Stone Interview
Every Namjoon Closeup - Rolling Stone Interview

Every Namjoon closeup - Rolling Stone Interview

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