Starter - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

Bailley isn't intimidating. Actually, it feels rather regular American town for Lewin, but none the less he has spotted a few peculiarities going on. Like a Hinobi van racing down the street. Neither does the Hinobi store seem like all that much when Lightning steps through the doors, buckethat and poncho making him stand out.

He has made sure that this is a day when Mitch is working and he's happy to find his intel was right. So he heads to the console section and picks up a handheld Hinobi console and a couple of games. That oughta do it. Making sure there's no one in line or going to pay soon, Lewin marches over to the cashier.

Bailley Isn't Intimidating. Actually, It Feels Rather Regular American Town For Lewin, But None The Less

"Howdy, sir," he greets the 'stranger' by the desk, grin on his face. "Wondering if ya have a converter for this thing, I'm gonna be using it in Japan mostly." His purchases are put on the desk, expecting some sort of reaction.

He's here for more than that reason though. If, say, Hinobi is connected to someone else - be it Illuminati or True Cross or a third entity - they may know of Arc Knight Lewin Light. By showing up here, snooping around, he's painting a nice little target on himself which could help prove some theories.


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5 months ago


The evening sun cast a golden glow over the academy grounds, but Shura hardly noticed. She leaned back in her chair, feet propped up on the desk in her makeshift office, a half-empty bottle of sake clutched loosely in one hand. The day had been long, even by her standards, and she could feel the familiar itch of restlessness creeping in. "Man, paperwork is a pain in the ass," she muttered to no one in particular, eyes flicking toward the scattered piles of unfinished forms that were threatening to spill off her desk. She sighed, taking a swig from the bottle, the burn of alcohol doing little to ease her mood. Just then, she heard the sound of footsteps approaching her door. Instinctively, her hand shifted toward the hilt of her sword, her eyes narrowing slightly. "If this is another lecture from Mephisto, I'm gonna lose it," she grumbled under her breath. The door creaked open, and Shura cocked her head lazily toward the entrance. "Well, come on in, then. Hope yer not here to add to my workload," she called out, her tone somewhere between playful and dangerous, her sharp eyes locking onto whoever dared to disturb her peace.

She would see a familiar bucket hat appearing in the half open door before Lewin poked his head through the opening, looking to her. His ever-observant eyes immediately caught the hand resting on her sword and he gave her a wide grin.

"Ay, don't chop my head off!" he laughed, quickly stepping through the rest of the way. "I come in peace. Just wanted to see if ya wanted to go to the bar." A glance at what was in her hand had him continue. "But I see you already started."

Lightning walked over, plopping down in an empty chair on the other side of the desk and held out his hand in a hope that she'd share the sake. He had come all this way after all!

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3 years ago
 Pump It Up KittyJust Pump It Up Kitty CatWhere You At? There You GoPut Two Paws On The FloorTwo In The

 “ Pump it up kitty Just pump it up kitty cat Where you at? there you go Put two paws on the floor Two in the air and then just go- “

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1 year ago
Appetizers And Snacks - Breaded Zucchini Pizza BitesBreaded Zucchini Pizza Bites Are Good Starter To

Appetizers and Snacks - Breaded Zucchini Pizza Bites Breaded zucchini pizza bites are good starter to any Italian dinner, offering all the good taste of pizza without the gluten.

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1 year ago
Thanksgiving Starter

Thanksgiving Starter

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9 months ago

for a moment, silence fell upon the two. something about the question was unnerving as it was endearing. the samoan allowing himself to be seen as someone whom cared about others— frightening, even. teeth biting cheek, uncertain of what could possibly inquire such question. he didn't seem off, he didn't appear such— yet his mask was always known for slipping underneath the attentive eyes of shadows.

❛ just enough, does that satisfy you father? ❜ well awake enough to answer back in ill sarcasm, but too comfortable in his sitting against the cozy frame of the couch that was clearly too small to hold his frame. the latino knew he'll regret this later, just as many other things.

❛ how long has it been since you've slept? ❜ ╱ @freshestalive

but damian had a terrible habit of over—explaining himself like a guilty child, something drilled into him since he was the ripe age of ten. catholic school truly do ensure to make your children honest, somehow. at the expense of their narrow—minded view of the world. ❛ six hours, it's fine. just enough to keep me running, along with a few naps in—between. ❜

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9 months ago

greenㅤteaㅤwasㅤrelaxing, many ㅤbelievedㅤ thatㅤ teaㅤ based ㅤon ㅤtheㅤ kind ㅤyouㅤ boughtㅤ hasㅤ healingㅤ properties ㅤthat ㅤpeople ㅤcouldㅤ benefitㅤ from. although, itㅤ was ㅤjustㅤ better ㅤthan ㅤcoffee. itㅤ didn'tㅤ give ㅤtheㅤ latinoㅤ the ㅤunnecessary ㅤagitationㅤ that ㅤthe ㅤbitter ㅤsubstanceㅤ gaveㅤ him ㅤafter ㅤtheㅤ first ㅤhour. it ㅤwasㅤ easyㅤ onㅤ the ㅤnerves, easy ㅤonㅤ theㅤ minㅤ— althoughㅤ heㅤ missedㅤ drinkingㅤ coffeeㅤ inㅤ the ㅤmorning ㅤaroundㅤ fiveㅤ withㅤ butter ㅤandㅤ toast ㅤbefore ㅤhisㅤ run ㅤtoㅤ the ㅤnearestㅤ gym. two ㅤteaspoonㅤ of ㅤsugarㅤ with ㅤ⅓ㅤ ofㅤ half ㅤandㅤ half. exactlyㅤ that, never ㅤchanging.

but ㅤitㅤ wasㅤ way ㅤpastㅤ fiveㅤ in ㅤtheㅤ morning ㅤandㅤ half—way ㅤthroughㅤ theㅤ morning, and ㅤas ㅤmuch ㅤasㅤ he ㅤwasㅤ docile ㅤenough ㅤwhenㅤ it ㅤcame ㅤtoㅤ company— his ㅤmanners ㅤweren'tㅤ fullyㅤ developedㅤ toㅤ keepㅤ up the ㅤkind ㅤfaçade.


raised ㅤeyebrowㅤ thrownㅤ inㅤ theㅤ blonde's ㅤdirectionㅤ asㅤ he ㅤplacedㅤ hisㅤ blackㅤ mugㅤ againstㅤ theㅤ coffee ㅤtableㅤ ofㅤ the ㅤinterviewing ㅤroom.

yes, dom ㅤgaveㅤ itㅤ toㅤ himㅤ asㅤ aㅤ gagㅤ gift. best ㅤassholeㅤ around, itㅤ wasㅤ funny. ㅤ oddlyㅤ fitting, ㅤheㅤ feltㅤ like ㅤhe ㅤwasㅤ aㅤ asshole ㅤwhenever ㅤthat ㅤboyㅤ wasㅤ aroundㅤ anyway. ㅤ heㅤ wasn't ㅤexactly ㅤthe ㅤbestㅤ person ㅤtoㅤ beㅤ pairedㅤ upㅤ with, ㅤ andㅤ heㅤ certainlyㅤ wasn't ㅤoverjoyed ㅤbeingㅤ stuckㅤ on babysitting ㅤduty. ㅤenoughㅤ said, ㅤ heㅤ didn't ㅤdisagree ㅤwithㅤ dom's ㅤsentiment ㅤand ㅤeven ㅤfoundㅤ it ㅤintriguingㅤ thatㅤ theㅤ kid ㅤhad ㅤsoㅤ muchㅤ audacity. ㅤhe ㅤwasㅤ quite ㅤtheㅤ dick.

❛ㅤnotㅤ likeㅤ youㅤ ever ㅤaskedㅤmeㅤ toㅤ smile ㅤbefore, ㅤ @sevenbulletsavior. ㅤ❜ㅤㅤheㅤ mumbled, ㅤ bitingㅤ back ㅤa ㅤyawnㅤ asㅤ fingertipsㅤ traced ㅤwhereㅤ lipsㅤ once ㅤpressedㅤ upon.ㅤㅤ❛ㅤnotㅤ thatㅤ iㅤ would've,ㅤreally.ㅤ❜

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7 months ago

betrayal was bittersweet, an unwanted visitor that lingers too long after the party is over. but hers was something expected masquerading as something unseen, unwarranted. but he couldn't help the way he tip of his tongue pressed against the roof of his mouth, humored and intrigued by this falsehood. “ when are you going to take your chance, @itgrcl ? " there was a hint of sour feelings following throughout, bitter from his lost. after all, he always been the emotional one— and he refused to go down like a dog, by a head—lock.

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1 year ago
Seafood - Mexican Mango And White Fish CevicheFresh And Delicious, This Mexican Ceviche With White Fish

Seafood - Mexican Mango and White Fish Ceviche Fresh and delicious, this Mexican ceviche with white fish and mango will add punch to your next party. It's an easy no-cook, make-ahead starter or nibble!

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10 years ago
He Pressed The Knife Further Into The Girl's Chest, Her Bloody Grip On His Face Finally Falling Away.

He pressed the knife further into the girl's chest, her bloody grip on his face finally falling away. It was gruesome at best, but necessary. For every one life he took, three or more he saved. The hulk had slipped out once in New Mexico, causing him to flee to new your. Never could he let that happen again.

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10 years ago
"You're Wearing Thin On My Patience."

"You're wearing thin on my patience."

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6 years ago

Ominous mists || POV Bucky Barnes


Summary: Former Winter Soldier isn't sure who he really is. Struggling with the dark past and the metallic voice in his head, he tries to recoup what he had lost.

Warnings: None at this point.

Words: 548

Authors: Beast

A/N: I've decided to create my first Bucky's POV story, hope y'all enjoy it.


"Who do you think you are?" Asks the voice deep inside his head.

I don't know who am I anymore, he thinks, grinning sadly. He looks down at his metal fingers and how they're glistening in the setting sun as he stretches them slowly.

The wind blows him straight in the face but he doesn't mind it at all. Practically, he likes it.

He spent another day by lurking along city streets, without any particular reason. He enjoyed getting lost in the street buzz. And Bucharest was an adorable place to be lost in. The streets were saturated with the remains of communism, although the renewed parts of the city were pulsating with modernized life.

Now, he was sitting at Dâmbovița River, leaning his back against an old linden. Unexpectedly, man shivers when the same voice as before says something loudly inside his mind.

"You're nothing, just a piece of trash that nobody has ever needed," voice is getting louder and louder with every second.

SHUT UP!, he shakes his head. You're not real.

This time, however, the voice doesn't seem to disappear. "Murderer. You've killed so many innocent people. Who do you think you are?

He gets up from the ground and hits the tree's trunk with metal fist several times. I am not a FUCKING MURDERER!, he screams, he doesn't pay any attention to few people that stare at him in disbelief.

But the voice gets only louder, spreading through his mind and reaching every single part of his body. "You're nothing but Winter Soldier, serial killer, piece of trash, the unnecessary system bug which should be removed as soon as possible. But don't ya worry, they're coming for ya."

He turns head around, his hood falls almost on his eyes. He's afraid, like an animal that got into the hunter's trap. Are THEY really coming after him???

"Are you okay, sir?" An old woman comes to him, tilting head aside a bit. "Do you need help?"

He struggles with a will to ran. He gently pushes the woman and goes ahead but sinks onto his knees after few steps.

"MURDERER." The voice keeps humming. "MURDERER, MURDERER, MURDERER!"

He catches his head and with the corner of the eye, he can see how people take steps back as his metal limb is revealed. But he doesn't care of them. Man only cares to get rid of that awful voice that is pounded somewhere to his brain. He wants to be deaf at all the screams he can hear in his mind and soul, the screams of people he has killed. And these metal clang of that fucking bionic arm! It tears his personality apart. He doesn't know anymore if he's a human being whether a machine without emotions.

But there's a silver lining somewhere in his heart. A familiar male voice, he doesn't recognize it but somehow it makes that nice warmth spreads across his flesh.

"... till the end of the line..."

At the same second, the metallic voice in his head tries to be louder to deafen the male voice. But he knows the male voice either way...

Man opens his steel blue eyes widely, the last rays of setting sun make them glisten with a comprehension. He screams.



Pandies🐼: @blue-dragon-ice @calkingwood @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @irai-lauri @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @sebbystan-plantlover @atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan @choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @hidden-secrets69 @side-blog-of-me @purepearls @i-am-margerita @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie  @mikkal-akasaki  @withoutashadowofhope  @radbluebirdeagle @marvel-fan-site  @smutloversblog  @buquete  @super-psycho-love69 @tanglesss @baysidewest @vegemania @philip-stan @chodiusmmm @subwaystunnel @tykorclint @dagger-dragger @kurant @nothing-can-least-forever @oxfordkipem @deliciousbouquet90  @tuptuptup @hellenna80  @karina-marina9 @latimeriaaa  @bratko @wurld89  @scott-evans  @kiss-me-rouge @ovonel-espaniol @dancing-tacco @ratugadhi @white-tiger-shangrila @peter-sommer @axn69  @eternal-life-awaits @mrs-laura-harmon @artsy-inside @gleeeeees @darkllaama @jatut @agawux @fuzzy-tigrrr @jrjohnsson2 @cassandbeast @maaargoshaaa @dontgetmewrongman @einexx @totorosbooty @whatever-thingswillgetbetta @humifiler @nwmtagsb @secretlygrantaire @kyloren-supreme-ben @yessy2012 @infinity-stones-seeker @thehappyspider

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6 years ago


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6 years ago
Melanzane Baby Ripiene Su Purea Di Pomodoro Ciliegino Confit E Cialda Di Caciocavallo Http://

Melanzane baby ripiene su purea di pomodoro ciliegino confit e cialda di caciocavallo 🇮🇹 Baby aubergines on cherry tomatoes confit purée and caciocavallo tuille 🇬🇧

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5 years ago
Buon Pomeriggio Miei Cari! Vi Piacciono Le Zucchine? Secondo Me Sono Alcuni Tra I Migliori Ortaggi Della

🇮🇹Buon pomeriggio miei cari! 😘 Vi piacciono le zucchine? Secondo me sono alcuni tra i migliori ortaggi della stagione ☺️ Una delle loro qualità che adoro è la versatilità! Le potete cucinare da sole o in abbinamento ad altri ingredienti, otterrete comunque una pietanza squisita! Pochi sono gli ingredienti che ho utilizzato per creare questo flan: zucchine appunto, gorgonzola, basilico e noci. Un mix semplice, ma esposivo!😍😋 Provate la mia ricetta e mi darete ragione 😉


🇬🇧 Good afternoon my dears! 😘 Do you like zucchini? In my opinion they are some of the best vegetables of summer! ☺️ One of their qualities that I love is their versatility! You can cook them alone or with other ingredients, you will still create an exquisite dish! I’ve used few ingredients to prepare this flan: zucchini, gorgonzola, basil and walnuts. It’s a simple mix, but explosive! 😍😋 Try my recipe and you will agree with me 😉

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