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|| 18+ || multi-muse || original characters || currently mobile only|| formerly ang3l-mus3s ||

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Ellie knew that nothing good would come from Ronnie showing up at her job. Nothing good ever came from him. So as he grabbed her hand, the tears had begun to sting her eyes, but they didn’t have a chance to spill because soon Alice had him pinned to the counter. As soon as his hands were no longer near her the girl let out a breath of relief. If Alice wasn’t here she would be in his passenger seat as he would’ve given her no choice.

The brunette nodded at the question, eyes moving between Alice and her ex. “I don’t want to see you here again, Ronnie. If you come back I will call the cops.” Her voice was tired and soft, hoping then that he’d finally get the picture. Of course he probably wouldn’t, if he was anything he was persistent.

The man was clearly in pain as he decided to answer the girl, “Yeah, Yeah…whatever you want.” And so at that, Ellie looked back to her favorite customer, “Let him go, he won’t be back.” With a gentle hand in her shoulder to show she was okay, the girl gave Alice a smile.

Midnight Flyer-



Ellie had worked at Donna’s Diner for nearly a year now. Working mostly the graveyard shifts she didn’t have many regulars, except her. Alice, the fiery woman that seemed to visit at least three times a week. She was quiet but she was always kind to El, even tipping generously. It had been three months since Alice began to visit, ordering the same meal every time, and every time the brunette found herself growing more and more excited to see her. Tonight wasn’t any different, it was your typical Wednesday. At least it was, up until Ellie’s ex showed up, the guy never been good to her and now was no exception. He came in to try and manipulate her back into the relationship but she knew better. He’d burned her too many times now for her to even think about going back. “I don’t want to go with you, Ronnie. First of all I’m at work, secondly? Do you not remember why I left you? I still have the scars to show for it.” The day she had left didn’t end well for her, the drug addict went berserk. They were in his car and he’d started freaking out, because she said she didn’t wanna se him anymore, and ultimately the he ran a light and the car was totaled. The pair barely made it out and she had no intentions of going back anytime soon. She made eye contact with Alice as Ronnie seemed to reach over the counter to grab Ellie’s hand. Maybe she’d call the cops, though she seems the type to handle it herself.

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More Posts from Ang3lic-mus3s

2 years ago

She wanted to keep her mind off the fact that they’d be moving to New York. She needed to focus on the fact that she’d be living with her incredibly loving boyfriend. He’d do anything to keep her safe and she knew that. “I wasn’t set on any particular breed or anything, I just thought maybe he’d like a friend.” She shrugged, neatly placing the few things she’d need down into the suitcase.

Im Gonna Say This Plain Since You Know Ive Never Been One To Beat Around The Bush. Im Being Transferred

“I’m gonna say this plain since you know I’ve never been one to beat around the bush. I’m being transferred to New York and I want you to come with me.”


2 years ago

Estella’s face was sure to show the worry she held in her heart. Seeing the men have a standard fight for dominance wasn’t anything new. Except this time she believed someone else would win. Charlie was more of a man than Hayden ever would be and even the redhead could see that. “It’s fine. I think we’ve overstayed our welcome.” The young girl finally butted in, attempting to pull her so called boyfriend out of the room with her.

Estellas Face Was Sure To Show The Worry She Held In Her Heart. Seeing The Men Have A Standard Fight


Hayden chuckled, eying the other. His gaze was cold as he kept a hand wrapped around Estella’s arm. He didn’t plan on letting her go. After all, she was stuck with him. She did that to herself the second she decided to be his. The girl knew too much now, there was no way he’d let her out so easily. “You really think that, huh? You think that because you can kick me off the job that you can tell me how to treat her, too?”

Estella looked to Charlie, clearly pleading with him to let it go. It would be so much worse for her if they kept going on about it. Hayden would jump to conclusions, assume they’re sleeping together or something, then she’d be in for it.


“I know.” He corrected the other, not letting up as he watched Hayden with a stern gaze. He wasn’t about to let him go and hurt her because he was some emasculated little jerk. “Costs you nothing to treat your damn girl right, Hayden, like fucking hell, dude.” He clicks his tongue in annoyance, noting that she seemed to be giving him a look.

“Chill out, man. I won’t ask again.” Charlie warned, keeping a cool gaze as his voice remained smooth as silk despite the weight behind it. He looks to her and gives her a look of reassurance, like he’s silently telling her it’ll all be alright.

2 years ago
Her Eyes Ran Over His Features, Hands Immediately Moving To Keep Him In Place As He Mentioned Leaving.

Her eyes ran over his features, hands immediately moving to keep him in place as he mentioned leaving. She’d patched him up a few times before so she kept a first aid kit stocked in the closet. She gave him a look that she hoped would be enough to make him stay, one of warning and concern. “Let me grab the kit and then we’ll talk, yeah?” She didn’t give him time to answer before she ran off down to her linen closet to grab her kit.

Luca hobbled to her apartment door, not knowing where to go since he had been mugged and beaten up pretty badly. He leaned against the door frame, hoping that she was home.

"Hey, I'm glad you're home.....I need some help."

Luca Hobbled To Her Apartment Door, Not Knowing Where To Go Since He Had Been Mugged And Beaten Up Pretty
Luca Hobbled To Her Apartment Door, Not Knowing Where To Go Since He Had Been Mugged And Beaten Up Pretty

Rowan had just gotten out of the shower and into a matching pajama set when she heard the knock to her door. She looked at the time, nearly midnight. This was strange. She grabbed the gun she kept in her nightstand, moving to answer the incessant knocking. When she opened the door, seeing Luca on the other side with blood on his skin she shook her head. “Yeah, I see that.” She huffed, gently taking his arm and pulling him inside.

“I almost shot you, dumbass!” She tossed the gun back into a drawer before she let her eyes fully wander over him. “You look rough.”


2 years ago

Estie was obviously scared, for not only herself in the moment but even once Charlie would eventually leave. Hayden would come down on her tenfold. She wouldn’t be able to escape him either. She kept her mouth shut, lip quivering as she crossed her arms over her chest.

Hayden looked between Estella and Charlie, raising an eyebrow as he was pulled back from the girl. “You think you can tell me how to treat my girl?” He sneered, looking back at the larger man behind him. “You let go of me or I stop working with you, man. She doesn’t speak unless I speak to her and she doesn’t eat unless I’ve given it to her.”

Estie Was Obviously Scared, For Not Only Herself In The Moment But Even Once Charlie Would Eventually


Her eyes widened as he handed the piece of candy. Cherry flavored. How funny. It was her favorite when she was younger. She smiled at the memory, albeit a sad one. Her eyes moved back over to Hayden, who just so happened to look up at his business partner and girlfriend in this moment. Estella’s already shaky hand suddenly lost its grip. The sugary treat fell to the floor and her boyfriend was grabbing her by the arm in an instant. “How many times do I have to tell you? Sweets aren’t good for you. Especially not the kind he has to offer.” His venomous voice cooed into her ear as if he were helping her but it was obvious. She was scared. The tears in her eyes and the soft scream that escaped her as he had pulled her away from Charlie were evidence of the truth.


Charlie didn’t even bother looking towards the male as he offered her the treat, more focused on her and trying to cheer her up, even if it was just by a little. He looks down to the treat when it falls flat, looking disappointed for a second before he realizes what caused her hand to slip. “The fuck you going on about? Let go of her.” He grumbled, taking Hayden by the arm and tugging him back. No one started shit with him and expected to just walk away. “Don’t be upset because you didn’t get a candy, Hayden. You talk to me about it, you don’t go dragging her off while we’re mid conversation.”

2 years ago

A possible return?

Hey everyone! Sorry to be completely MIA for so long but wow, life really got me. I am getting back into things though and would love to have some asks or messages about plotting!

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