|| 18+ || multi-muse || original characters || currently mobile only|| formerly ang3l-mus3s ||
361 posts
The Apartment Screamed Ellie If You Knew The Girl. It Was Very Obvious That She Enjoyed The Softer Things
The apartment screamed Ellie if you knew the girl. It was very obvious that she enjoyed the softer things in life. The color scheme was very light with notes of pinks of all shades. Pictures on the walls with her friends, some of them from back home, sentimental memories that she’d hold onto forever.
Ellie’s eyes met Alice’s, her own filled with adoration. Her eyes scanned the kitchen, trying to remember what exactly she does have put up in here. “What are you looking for? I’ve got a ton of wine, but you seem like you’d want something stronger.” She looked back at the girl with a mischievous grin.
Midnight Flyer-
Ellie had worked at Donna’s Diner for nearly a year now. Working mostly the graveyard shifts she didn’t have many regulars, except her. Alice, the fiery woman that seemed to visit at least three times a week. She was quiet but she was always kind to El, even tipping generously. It had been three months since Alice began to visit, ordering the same meal every time, and every time the brunette found herself growing more and more excited to see her. Tonight wasn’t any different, it was your typical Wednesday. At least it was, up until Ellie’s ex showed up, the guy never been good to her and now was no exception. He came in to try and manipulate her back into the relationship but she knew better. He’d burned her too many times now for her to even think about going back. “I don’t want to go with you, Ronnie. First of all I’m at work, secondly? Do you not remember why I left you? I still have the scars to show for it.” The day she had left didn’t end well for her, the drug addict went berserk. They were in his car and he’d started freaking out, because she said she didn’t wanna se him anymore, and ultimately the he ran a light and the car was totaled. The pair barely made it out and she had no intentions of going back anytime soon. She made eye contact with Alice as Ronnie seemed to reach over the counter to grab Ellie’s hand. Maybe she’d call the cops, though she seems the type to handle it herself.
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More Posts from Ang3lic-mus3s
El was comfortable with Alice. It felt like they’d known each other forever, which clearly they hadn’t. In the dim light outside her building it was hard to tell hit Ellie was sure Alice was blushing, which caused her to grin. She had the same effect on her.
As she spoke of tomorrow, the girl nodded. “Yeah, I’ll see you tomorrow night.” But it was her next words that had her voice wavering when she spoke up. “H-how do you know? He always, always comes back.” It was true. He’d been in the diner a few other times, simply trying to get under her skin.
Midnight Flyer-
Ellie had worked at Donna’s Diner for nearly a year now. Working mostly the graveyard shifts she didn’t have many regulars, except her. Alice, the fiery woman that seemed to visit at least three times a week. She was quiet but she was always kind to El, even tipping generously. It had been three months since Alice began to visit, ordering the same meal every time, and every time the brunette found herself growing more and more excited to see her. Tonight wasn’t any different, it was your typical Wednesday. At least it was, up until Ellie’s ex showed up, the guy never been good to her and now was no exception. He came in to try and manipulate her back into the relationship but she knew better. He’d burned her too many times now for her to even think about going back. “I don’t want to go with you, Ronnie. First of all I’m at work, secondly? Do you not remember why I left you? I still have the scars to show for it.” The day she had left didn’t end well for her, the drug addict went berserk. They were in his car and he’d started freaking out, because she said she didn’t wanna se him anymore, and ultimately the he ran a light and the car was totaled. The pair barely made it out and she had no intentions of going back anytime soon. She made eye contact with Alice as Ronnie seemed to reach over the counter to grab Ellie’s hand. Maybe she’d call the cops, though she seems the type to handle it herself.
It was perfect. The way Alice seemed to know exactly what Ellie liked as she deepened the kiss shocked the younger girl. A small whine left her lips as she felt the hand around her neck. Alice was perfect, this kiss was perfect. The brunette pulled away slowly, simply because she deemed it time to go inside. “Let’s take it inside, yeah?” A shy smile adorning her lips as she spoke.
Ellie slipped out of Alice’s hood and moved to unlock her door for the two of them. She turned back to the woman, reach for her hand to drag her inside the apartment. She hadn’t had anyone over since Ronnie, so she was definitely nervous. After closing the door behind her, she stood to the side nervously. “Did you want something to drink?” Their actions outside had nearly made her forget the whole point of her coming inside.
Midnight Flyer-
Ellie had worked at Donna’s Diner for nearly a year now. Working mostly the graveyard shifts she didn’t have many regulars, except her. Alice, the fiery woman that seemed to visit at least three times a week. She was quiet but she was always kind to El, even tipping generously. It had been three months since Alice began to visit, ordering the same meal every time, and every time the brunette found herself growing more and more excited to see her. Tonight wasn’t any different, it was your typical Wednesday. At least it was, up until Ellie’s ex showed up, the guy never been good to her and now was no exception. He came in to try and manipulate her back into the relationship but she knew better. He’d burned her too many times now for her to even think about going back. “I don’t want to go with you, Ronnie. First of all I’m at work, secondly? Do you not remember why I left you? I still have the scars to show for it.” The day she had left didn’t end well for her, the drug addict went berserk. They were in his car and he’d started freaking out, because she said she didn’t wanna se him anymore, and ultimately the he ran a light and the car was totaled. The pair barely made it out and she had no intentions of going back anytime soon. She made eye contact with Alice as Ronnie seemed to reach over the counter to grab Ellie’s hand. Maybe she’d call the cops, though she seems the type to handle it herself.
Ellie shivered as she felt the warmth from Alice’s fingers on her collarbone, breath hitching in her throat as she leaned in. Her eyes were bouncing between Alice’s lips and her eyes as she spoke, unsure of how she should feel about the words. “You’re good enough for me.” She murmured before closing the distance between them, eyes slowly closing as her hands wrapped around the taller woman’s shoulders.
Midnight Flyer-
Ellie had worked at Donna’s Diner for nearly a year now. Working mostly the graveyard shifts she didn’t have many regulars, except her. Alice, the fiery woman that seemed to visit at least three times a week. She was quiet but she was always kind to El, even tipping generously. It had been three months since Alice began to visit, ordering the same meal every time, and every time the brunette found herself growing more and more excited to see her. Tonight wasn’t any different, it was your typical Wednesday. At least it was, up until Ellie’s ex showed up, the guy never been good to her and now was no exception. He came in to try and manipulate her back into the relationship but she knew better. He’d burned her too many times now for her to even think about going back. “I don’t want to go with you, Ronnie. First of all I’m at work, secondly? Do you not remember why I left you? I still have the scars to show for it.” The day she had left didn’t end well for her, the drug addict went berserk. They were in his car and he’d started freaking out, because she said she didn’t wanna se him anymore, and ultimately the he ran a light and the car was totaled. The pair barely made it out and she had no intentions of going back anytime soon. She made eye contact with Alice as Ronnie seemed to reach over the counter to grab Ellie’s hand. Maybe she’d call the cops, though she seems the type to handle it herself.