Proven Wrong
Proven Wrong
Group : ATEEZ
Pairing : Mingi x Reader
Genre : Highschool!AU. fluff
Word count : 10.2k
Warning : lovestruck Mingi boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I miss him so much ㅠㅠ
a/n : I honestly didn't meant for it to be so long I am sorry. But I just can't help it and I love Mingi so much wtfffffffffffffff I can't goodbye I'm gonna yeet myself

"There he goes again," Yunho said with a smirk on his face.
You look up from your lunch box with a raised eyebrow at him, "who goes what?" you asked after swallowing your food.
Yunho simply pointed behind you with his fork.
Slowly, you turn around only to meet eyes with the subject of Yunho's teasing for the past few months after he transferred in, Song Mingi.
The boy had a dreamy smile on his face, face resting on his palm as his elbows were rested on the lunch table beneath it, and he was looking straight at you. His fingers wiggled in a flirty waving motion at you and if it weren't for his obvious crush, you would've think that he's a little bit mental.
"Oh, come on, (Y/N), give the guy a chance! He's actually really nice!" Yunho said, poking your nose with the back of his fork, making you scrunch it absentmindedly.
Not wanting to respond much, you smiled politely at him before you snap your head back to Yunho who was giggling at the way Mingi is being so whipped for you and how you're kind of not that comfortable with the attention given from a guy such as Mingi because of his disposition as the popular guy, the trope you've had most and worst history with.
"No, see, here's the thing, Nono," you used the nickname you gave him when you're both still in elementary school, "He sees me only as a game, a challenge if you will, because unlike all the other girls in this school who swoon and threw themselves at him the second he stepped into this school, I didn't give him what he want so all he wanna do is bend me to his will and when I finally did, he's gonna throw me to the side"
At your words, Yunho took a peek at Mingi one more time, noticing how even when he's talking to his friends, Wooyoung and San, he was still sneaking glances at you.
He looked back at you, "Dunno' Kiwi," his nickname for you because sometimes you look sour but is actually sweet and soft on the inside, "he looks like a switch to me"
Your eyes widened at his words and you kick him in the shin, but he didn't feel pained whatsoever as he only laughed at you. "sorry, sorry, bad joke," he poked a sausage from his lunch box and fed it to you as an apology, "But I don't think he's like that... We have some classes together and he sits next to me," you nod at him as you chew slowly, "he's really nice, too nice even"
Not believing him, you scoffed. It's not that it's easy for you to judge people right off the bat, but with how Mingi conduct himself (and honestly, the amount of followers and admirers he has), it is just easier and safer to immediately categorize him to the blockheaded basketball jock trope. Not that all jocks are blockheads, your sweet sweet Yunho is also a basketball jock but he is FAR from a blockhead.
Knowing that the bell will ring soon, you and Yunho immediately pack up your finished lunch boxes and head out of the cafeteria. Your hand immediately finding solace in Yunho's big ones naturally, walking out swinging your hands together.
Unbeknownst to you, Mingi was looking at you both with a frown, pure jealousy that Yunho was able to do that and you were comfortable enough with him, not really knowing both of your histories.
When he first saw you, he was smitten by how you address yourself in the public eye and your kindness.
Regretfully to him, he didn't have any classes with you but the first day he came, he actually got into the wrong class and sat himself next to you, he realized this when the teacher didn't call his name during attendance. He was panicking because he realized that he wasn't where he was supposed to be and he couldn't just up and leave when the teacher is in the middle of talking.
"Hey, you okay?" you asked, tapping onto his desk with your fingers. He hesitated for a bit, not really wanting anyone to know how stupid he is. But he also wanna be in the right class.
So he leaned to you and whispered, "I-I think, I-I kinda think, that I'm in the wrong class" he said sheepishly. You furrowed your eyebrows at him, realizing that you kinda have never seen him in this class either, and that he looks unfamiliar, "What do you mean you're kinda in the wrong class? Either you are or you aren't" you giggled.
Damn that giggle sounds so pretty to him.
"S-see, I'm a transfer student, and I was supposed to go to Mrs. Kang's but I think I asked the admission office for Mr. Kang's instead" he explained, kind of rushing as he is still in a panicked state.
You honestly feel pity for the new kid, not at all thinking how stupid it could be for someone to get his classes mixed up. It happens, he's still just a human being.
Without saying anything else to him, you suddenly stood up and go to the front of the class and talked to the teacher. At first, he thought that you were gonna air his stupidity in front of the class, but not once did you spoke too loud or even glance at his position. It wasn't until the teacher nodded to you that you went towards him, "come on, I'll take you to your class" you smiled.
He honestly didn't know what to do first, hug and kiss you, thank you, or run out of the class out of embarrassment over his stupidity. So he opted to silently grab his bag and follow you out.
In the empty hallway, you manage to give him a small tour, asking for his timetable and pointing at the classes or the direction to the class. It was only a short walk because after only pointing where his 5th period is, you stopped in front of a door and knocked twice, making him halt his steps.
You opened the door and smiled at Mrs. Kang, "Hi Mrs. Kang, sorry to barge in on you but the new student's here, he was waiting in the admission's office, not knowing where to go" you looked back at him and winked, making Mingi nervous for some reason.
Mrs. Kang smiled widely and nodded, "Oh, yes! I was wondering where you could be..." she peeked at the attendance paper on her desk briefly, "Mr. Song Mingi?"
Mingi stepped into the classroom and immediately the girls started whispering and blatantly gawk at him. You rolled your eyes at them and immediately spoke up again, "seems like my work here's done, sorry to barge in again Mrs. Kang" "thank you for escorting Mr. Song here, Ms. (Y/L/N)"
Before Mingi could even take a last look at you, you had already closed the door and walk back to your class, leaving him slightly dejected.
After he was ushered to a seat next to a boy with half black-half blonde hair, he took his books out.
"Hey," the boy called, "it was lucky of you to get escorted here by (Y/N), she's hecking nice, I'm Wooyoung by the way" he said brightly. Mingi grinned hearing your name, "hi Wooyoung, I'm Mingi! (Y/N) you said?"
Then for the rest of the lesson, he ended up sneakily ask for intel on you from Wooyoung.
Mingi couldn't help but keep his eyes on you even as your figure disappeared, giggles following and he just know that your hand and Yunho's are still intertwined.
Seeing their friend in such state, Wooyoung and San snickered. The latter, who was seated next to him began poking his arm, breaking Mingi from his trance.
"What?" he asked the two boys.
Wooyoung rolled his eyes, "could you BE any more obvious?" "poor girl had two holes at the back of her head from your excessive intense staring" San added. Mingi furrowed his eyebrows at the two, "are you both really my friends? aren't you supposed to be hyping me up to talk to her or something?"
The two only look at each other briefly and shrugged before going back to eating, Wooyoung delved into his bought lunch and San on his smoothie.
"I don't get it, weren't she nice to you when you first got here?" San asked Mingi. Wooyoung beat Mingi and answered for him instead, "correction, she's always nice to everyone even jumbo dumbo here," he jabbed his fork to Mingi's direction, sending some rice flying, "HE just don't know how to talk to her like a normal human being, he thinks she walks on water, so of course he made himself look stupid in front of her"
Before Mingi could utter his defense, San had spoken up again, "ohh... is this about the bottle cap incident?" "IT WAS SO NOT ABOUT THE BOTTLE CAP INCI-" "probably, who knows? She went from nice to tolerating within .05 seconds, pretty sure his dumbassery has something to do with it"
At this point, the two were talking as if Mingi's not even there. So Mingi kicked both of their legs with his long ones, making them groan and glare at him, "I'm right here, I can hear everything you two said" he huffed.
Both Wooyoung and San only rolled their eyes before Wooyoung spoke up again, "seriously Gi, if you want a girl as sweet as (Y/N) to even remotely look at you, you gotta know how to slither your way in" "okay, but how? I tried everything I could think of to approach her and she still keep a significant distance between us, metaphorically and literally!" he whined.
San nudged Wooyoung with his foot when he thought of something, "could this be because of the Hongjoong hyung thing?" Wooyoung thought for a second before answering back, "I thought it was because of the Seonghwa hyung thing?" San rolled his eyes at his friend, "yeah but you can't have the Seonghwa hyung thing without the Hongjoong hyung thing hence, the Seonghwa hyung thing was implied with the Hongjoong hyung thing"
Again, when both forgot to include Mingi in the conversation, Mingi kicked them both, "okay, you gotta stop that lover boy, or else I won't help you at all" Wooyoung threatened, "help me with what? You both haven't helped me with anything!" feeling slightly unappreciated, San pouted "fine, just for that we won't tell you about the Hongjoong hyung thing" "or the Seonghwa hyung thing" "IT WAS IMPLIED!"
The rest of the day went by smoothly for you both.
That was until you got out of your last class of the day which is math with a big, red 45% written at the front of your last test result. It was horrendous.
You weren't the smartest student but you weren't the dumbest either. You procrastinate, yes, but who doesn't ? And you have Yunho to help motivate you.
But this particular mark seems so unfair considering that you tried but you just can't fully comprehend the formulas and your math teacher is one cocky ass, telling you that it's your fault that you couldn't understand but at the same time he is not willing to help you understand.
So with your teacher's character predicament and inability to teach students, your class was offered a remedial (which make sense considering more than half of the class failed). That should make you feel relieved because now this one grade won't affect your previous. But considering how you understand jack shit, you just wanna get things over with quickly.
With that, you walked towards the indoor basketball court, as per your Friday routine, to wait and watch Yunho during his practice. When you got there, Yunho had just changed to his basketball attire.
He noticed you and your frown so he jogged up to where you usually sit and crouch down in front of you, "why the long face?" he asked with a gentle smile as he rest his hands on your knees.
You didn't bother answering and just lift up the paper.
Yunho sighed, knowing how much you studied for that particular test, studying during your bi-weekly sleepovers and almost didn't sleep the day before the test in favour of studying.
"bad bad Mr. Kim?" "It's like he's trying to make everyone hate him with his shitty teaching job, bad hairdo, and wretched stench" you complained, making Yunho laugh slightly, "so what are you gonna do about it?" "what else other than to study for the upcoming stupid ass remedial?"
The coach passed by as you said that, raising an eyebrow at you making you cringe and smiled sheepishly at him, "sorry coach Park"
Due to that, Yunho snorted which earned him a smack on the arm as you pouted at him. "Aww, I'm sorry Kiwi, both for being stared at like that by coach Park and for your remedial"
He was about to say something when his teammate called him, telling him that it's time for practice.
Sighing, Yunho stood up and pat your head lightly, "we'll talk about this later, okay Kiwi?" you just shrug your shoulders and nod your head at him, not knowing what else to say and feeling very dejected.
When Yunho ran back to the team and you began taking out your pencil case and book to start reviewing your mistakes in the test, a pair of eyes trailed to you and watch as your frown deepened. Surprise, surprise, it's Mingi.
You were usually very upbeat and would cheer Yunho on during the practice. But within the first 30 minutes of practice, all you did was just scribble, scratch your head, look back and forth between your paper and your book, and mutter to yourself.
So when dribbling practice began, he decided to approach Yunho to ask about you.
"Hey man," he called, Yunho smiled at him and replied back, "hey!"
Mingi nodded his head to your direction, "what's up with (Y/N)? She looked stressed"
Being reminded of your predicament made Yunho scrunch his face, "yeah... She's has some problem with math... Her whole class is taught by this teacher who, I'm trying to say this as nice as I can, but can't teach for shit even if it's to safe his own life"
Mingi laughed at that, which made Yunho chuckled as well, "anyway, she failed the last test and she has to do the remedial next week but she can't quite understand what it is she needs to understand"
It was as if there was a huge sign waving in the air with the words 'THIS IS YOUR CHANCE, YOUR TIME TO SHINE' written on it.
"H-hey, not to sound braggy, but I'm actually pretty good with math," Mingi started, piquing Yunho's interest, "if she wants, I can totally teach her, tutor her for her remedial test" he shrugged, pretending to be nonchalant about it when in reality, his stomach was churning with anticipation.
Immediately, Yunho's eyes brightened and he nodded enthusiastically, "that's a great idea! I mean, yeah with how much you helped me in math, I didn't know why I didn't think of you in the first place" he scoffed at himself, making Mingi chuckle and visibly calmer around the tall boy.
"But are you okay about it though?" Mingi asked. Yunho raised an eyebrow at him, "okay about what?" "another guy tutoring your girlfriend? I know you're a really nice guy and you don't seem like the overprotective kind, but some people are just not that comfortable with another guy teaching their girlfriend one-on-one. Unless you'd be there to join?" he rambled.
Yunho smirked, eyes diverting slightly towards the gym's door where he saw a bunch of girls watching their practice, knowing for sure that at least more than a half of them came just to see Mingi.
His gaze diverted back to Mingi, "what? Because you're such a popular heartthrob?" he joked, tone sneering a little, making Mingi's eyes bulge out, "n-no! God no! I didn't mean it like that nor did I meant to sound cocky! It's just that I don't wanna make things weird between us because I honestly like you dude, a-a-and-"
Before he could continue, Yunho had laughed loudly at his face to the point that the ball that was previously in his hand rolled to the side, "oh God, I was just pulling your leg, man don't worry about it"
At the same time, the coach blew his whistle, indicating a break before they continue with some other drills.
While everyone's taking a break, Yunho nudged Mingi with his elbow and nodded his head to where you're seated, "come on, I'll tell her that you're willing to teach her math"
Mingi just nod and follow Yunho. So when Yunho stopped in his tracks, he did too. He turned his body slightly and put a hand on Mingi's shoulder, "and fyi," he smirked, "she's not my girlfriend" he said before continue walking.
It's not that Mingi is overly obsessed with the thought of you and Yunho possibly dating, but he wanted to make sure that you're a free agent before he even attempt to make his move (not that he hasn't but in a more official way so that he's 100% sure he's not stepping on anyone's toes). So when he heard the confirming information from Yunho, he wanted nothing more than to run around the court in happiness and just scream. And not just scream but SCREAM.
But he played it cool, nodding at Yunho and continue their walk towards you, whom within those 45 minutes had started to look like you're on the verge of a full-blown meltdown.
When you heard footsteps approaching, you just instantly knew that it was Yunho (since honestly no one else had bothered to approach you during practice), so you didn't even need to lift your head to confirm.
"Nono, I swear my head's gonna explode, I-I-I-I just can't- I don't think I'm able to-" then you look up only to see Mingi's smiling face behind Yunho, "oh, hi Mingi" you smiled politely at him, demeanor changed, and meltdown paused, "hey (Y/N)" Mingi chuckled.
"Kiwi, great news!" Yunho excitedly jumped, holding both of your hands in his with a huge grin on his face.
'Nono? Kiwi? Hand holdings? Are they 100% sure that they're not dating?' Mingi thought to himself.
"Mingi here wanted to help tutor you for your math remedial!" he said excitedly.
You widened your eyes and snap your head to Mingi, "what? Really?" Mingi blushed slightly at your gaze but nodded nevertheless, "yeah, Yunho said you might need the help and I'm kinda good at math so why not?" he smiled at you. His smile honestly looked cute to you.
A frown appeared on your face though, not something that Mingi would expect, "thank you Mingi, but I couldn't... I'm just gonna take your time and it's embarrassing enough that I got a 45%, I don't need to show anyone else how dumb I am at this" you said.
Mingi frowned at your words, "hey, you're not dumb, you just don't know what to do yet and that's completely okay, you're trying so hard and needing help is not a sign of weakness"
What he said was 100% true, and you do tend to over-complicate things for your own good just for the sake of pride.
You mull over his words for a bit, biting your bottom lip nervously as you calculate the pros and cons. Obviously the pros won over the cons because one of the pros is that you'd more likely to pass the remedial test with the help of someone smart, another pro is that he is Yunho-approved. But the con is that it's Song Mingi, the guy who has been blatantly trying to awkward-flirt you, which is weird considering his disposition as this popular jock whom everyone just liked so you had assumed that it was a façade and that he has... other intentions with you.
But then the promise of good grades drew you in. So you sighed in defeat and look at Mingi, "you sure it won't bother you? your schedule?" he immediately shook his head, "not at all, I promise"
Looking at Yunho, who was nodding his head, you groaned, "okay, but only because I'm desperate to get a good grade"
And that is how you ended up sitting next to Mingi at a café you frequented with Yunho on Monday, making the barista who knew you raised an eyebrow at you when you entered with Mingi.
"No, you're supposed to do this part first," Mingi said, leaning closer to you and absentmindedly draping an arm on the back of your chair as his other arm rest on the table, his body was so close to you but neither of you realized it.
"Wait, why?" you asked, eyebrows furrowing, "well, because the formula indicate so" he shrugged, leaning back slightly to look at you. You turn towards him and cross your arms, "yeah, I know that but why?"
Mingi pursed his lips for a second before nodding and leaned back to your book to point at what you were working, "okay, see here?" you nodded, "do you remember the basic rule of multiplication?" his question made you roll your eyes at him, "well duh" "okay, so it's basically the same thing, but the difference is that even though you can technically work on the other part first, it would be way easier for you to work on this part first"
Your eyes widened in realization, you began slightly jumping in your seat out of excitement, "oh! oh! oh! I think I get it!" your hand immediately went to work.
Seeing you so excited made Mingi smiled warmly at you. You looked so adorable being excited over something as miniscule as studying.
All of a sudden, you looked up at him, "is this correct?" you asked, biting your bottom lip slightly as you waited for him to check your work.
Mingi looked over it for a second before nodding, "yup, that's 100% correct" he grinned as he looked up to meet your gaze.
It was that moment you both realized how close you both had gotten. You could see how pretty his eyes are, the colors entranced you as you focused on the freckles on his iris.
Him on the other hand wanted nothing more than to cup your face or play with your hair. He couldn't comprehend how a human being could look so beautiful so much so that he feels like it was very much unfair especially for his well-being.
Neither of you realized that you both were slowly inching together, leaning forward...
and further forward...
So close...
You both were centimeters away from having your noses touch...
But the damn coffee grinder's whirs snap you both and instinctively you grab your now empty glass and excused yourself to get more coffee.
The both of your faces are beet red and hearts were beating so fast it threatened to drop out of your chests.
As you approached the counter, you could see, as you claimed, your most favorite barista smirking at you, "how was your date, miss? I should warn you that this is a fairly public place and family-friendly face"
Your eyes widened, "you turned on that damn coffee grinder on purpose, didn't you, Yeosang?" he raised both of his arms mockingly, "guilty"
You groaned at him, "what? Disappointed that you weren't able to kiss pretty boy over there? Didn't peg you as the type of person who'd dump Yunho for a shinier piece" he asked as he grab the glass from your hand and began making your favorite coffee, "what? No! I was just shocked at the sound! And please don't refer Mingi as a 'shinier piece' that's so objectifying"
"Aha! So he HAS a name!" he pointed at you accusingly, in which you only stare at him with an incredulous expression, "a. of course, and b. never said he doesn't" Yeosang thought over your words and nodded in agreement.
"You didn't deny leaving Yunho for him though," he sneered, "for the hundreth time, Yunho and I aren't together and Mingi is just my temporary math tutor until I can pass this stupid ass remedial test" you huffed.
Yeosang nodded knowingly, turning serious for a second, "okay, I believe you... Just remember, if he tries anything funny on you," you nodded and cut him off, "come to you, I get it" Yeosand raised an eyebrow at that, "no, I was gonna say tell Jongho, he's at the back and he'll crack pretty boy's head in a heartbeat"
His words made you laugh wholeheartedly.
Whilst your interaction with Yeosang was going on, Mingi was dealing with a confrontation of his own.
The second you walked away from the table, Mingi received a smack to the back of his head. He was about to throw down at whichever stranger who decided to do that to him. So it was a shocker (not really, everyone could see this coming from a thousand miles away) when he saw none other than his two friends standing behind him. Obviously the culprit to his smacking was Wooyoung.
"What the fuck was that!?" Wooyoung whisper-yelled at Mingi.
"What the fuck WAS that!? You smack the back of my head out of the blue! The heck did I do to you!?" he whisper-yelled back.
Wooyoung sighed and pinch the bridge of his nose dramatically, "you were supposed to KISS her! Not just oggle at her like a dumb puppy!" "Whoah whoah whoah, okay, first of all, puppies are not dumb, and you're going to hell for that," Mingi pointed out, making Wooyoung roll his eyes, "and second, if I did, she would've slapped me and I would've ruined my whole chance with her!" "assuming you had a chance at all" San muttered as he kept a lookout in case you realized that both him and Wooyoung were spying on you both.
Mingi jab his elbow at San's stomach, making the latter groan, "seriously though, just relax, I know what I'm doing" Mingi said.
His two friends looked at each other before sighing and nodding, "okay, okay, fine... We won't meddle but that doesn't mean we're gonna leave, they have great cookies here," San huffed before dragging Wooyoung back to their table.
Mingi shook his head at his two friends but smiled nevertheless. He felt lucky to have them as his first friends in school, he couldn't have asked for better ones to be honest.
Soon enough you returned to the table, no longer blushing and a glass of iced latte in one hand while the other holds a plate of blueberry muffin.
You put the muffin in front of Mingi before returning to try to work on the next equation.
At first Mingi only dumbly stared at the muffin in front of him, but your voice cut his thoughts off, "hey Mingi, I just wanna make sure, does this go to the top or-" "what's this?"
You look up at him and furrowed your eyebrows, "blueberry muffin? I thought it was obvious?" you giggled, "I always have that here, Yeosang swore by it once and I never looked back" "no, yeah, I get that this is a blueberry muffin, but why did you put it in front of me?"
You purse your lips and shrugged, "a sign of gratitude, a thank you for tutoring me" Mingi raised an eyebrow at you, but he couldn't help the big smile that grew on his face, "you don't have to do that," he pushed the plate towards you, "I volunteered to tutor you so you shouldn't even have to thank me," you rolled your eyes and push the plate back at him, "but I insist because even though you volunteered, I'm still taking your time"
"No you're not" he pushed the plate back.
"Yes I am" you pushed it back.
Both you and Mingi snap your heads towards the direction of the voice only to see Wooyoung being smacked in the face by San before getting dragged out of the café.
Seeing that made you laughed loudly and Mingi smacking his forehead in embarassment.
"Okay, but Wooyoung has a point there," you nodded before grabbing the plate and splitting the muffin in half with a fork, "you get halfsies, I get halfsies, we go splitsies" you mumbled to yourself as you make sure you're cutting evenly.
Mingi was damn near exploding at how adorable you are. If he had low self-control he would've hugged you and coo at you and feed you the muffin himself but he knows he can't so he just did his best to suppress the biggest smile on his face.
It was surprising that you found studying with Mingi is actually a lot of fun and a lot of help because that boy can teach you the unteachable (math by Mr. Kim) in one sitting and that is beyond AMAZING.
So you both met up everyday for an hour and a half after school in the same café, in the exact same spot as the first time you both were there. You both altered between ordering for each other, depending on who came in first. But no matter what, you both had always shared the food. Even though you ordered a peach danish for Mingi and a chocolate brownie for yourself, he split his danish in half and put it on your plate. You of course did the same, simply out of politeness at first but the following days you did it instinctively.
It is safe to say that you both had gotten closer over the past 4 days, even having an inside joke (it's literally a joke about ( = 0 ) because you said it looked like a person being surprised and you both laughed about it like kindergarteners for a solid 10 minutes, unable to focus on anything else) to the point that whenever you pass him on the hallway or met eyes with him in the cafeteria, you both simply point at each other and make the face before giggling.
This didn't went unnoticed by Wooyoung, San, and Yunho. While you and Mingi were joking with each other from different tables, the three met eyes and gave each other knowing nods and looks.
So on the day of your test, you decided that you need to cram as much information as you can and getting as much practice as you can.
"(Y/N)- (Y/N), sweetie," Yunho called from across you, when you look up you saw him holding a spoon filled with food in front of your face, "you still need to eat"
You groaned, "Nono, I need to study!" "and you have been doing that for the past four days, you've done so well so we can't have your brain going blank from the lack of food, right?" he pouted, pushing the spoon even closer to your face.
You rolled your eyes but gave in, opening your mouth so he can feed you as you focus on the equation you're trying to work on.
"Shit, I forgot what to do after this," you panicked. Yunho peered at your work and frowned, "wish I could help you Kiwi, but I don't think I'd be much help" he said.
You look towards the table Mingi usually sat on with Wooyoung and San only to find it empty. Which is weird and disheartening, you had hoped you'd be able to ask Mingi for a last minute tutoring.
Out of nowhere, someone plop onto the spot next to you.
"Input the sum of the first part to get the x" Mingi said as he sat down and putting his tray of lunch on the table, catching your attention.
Following behind him are Wooyoung and San with what could only be a tray of chicken nugget mountain in the latter's hands.
Deciding to ignore his... minions (for the lack of better term), you scoot closer to Mingi on the bench, dragging your worksheet to him and began pointing things out, "wait, so then by diminishing the complete value of x, I'd be able to get the y?" you asked, looking up at him.
He smiled brightly at you, "yup, you got it!"
Whilst the two of you were preoccupied with math, Yunho sneakily slid your lunchbox towards you, making sure that the spoon poked you.
Absentmindedly, you began eating whilst listening to Mingi pointing out some of the flaws from your previous works and even offering a quicker alternative.
You abandoned your lunch when you began working on a new equation which was noticed by Mingi.
Safe to say the trio (WooSanHo) almost fell off their bench when all of a sudden Mingi began feeding you, even sharing some of his food which you replied with "try some of mine too, I tried a new recipe this morning". Of course he did what you told.
"T-they realized what they're doing, right?" San, who was seated in the middle, whispered after pulling both Yunho and Wooyoung close to him, acting like as if you and Mingi are two skittish, scared kitten that needed to be approached carefully.
"I'm not sure, but I can't take my eyes off, it's like finally seeing an alien" Wooyoung answered as he pop a piece of nugget in his mouth.
"Do you think they'd realize if we leave?" Yunho asked, right at that moment San lift his phone up to take a video of what is happening in front of them. "No, don't think so, pretty sure that the school could blow up and they'd still be wrapped up in their little lunch/study date, sharing their lunch which, hello? Mingi get to try but we aren't? I call discrimination" Wooyoung scoffed.
San poked at his best friend's cheek with a teasing smile, "I sense someone's a bit jelly".
Wooyoung frowned at his friend, "a bit ? A bit ??? Try a lot and not because of their disgusting couple behaviour but because everyone knows (Y/N) packs the best lunch and last time I tried it I had to had my face smashed by a basketball for her to take pity on me back in middle school" he grumbled.
Soon the three boys fall into their own conversation, leaving you and Mingi wrapped up in your own worlds (leaving the group of his fangirls seething a few tables behind but unable to do anything).
You and Mingi didn't even realize that the boys had really left you two alone.
"Nono, you'll walk me to class ri-" you looked up as the bell rang only to find the bench across you and Mingi to be vacant. You look left and right but couldn't find Yunho, Wooyoung, nor San anywhere near. Their tray of nugget mountain had also disappeared indicating that they've vacated the place.
"Those two asshats and Yunho really left us" Mingi muttered as he cleaned up his now empty tray. You also cleaned up your utensils and lunch box before standing up, trying to grab your book, worksheet, and pencil case.
Mingi, who had returned his tray and came back, took all your belongings easily in one hand, "come on, I'll walk you to class," he said, smiling softly at you.
His gesture was very sweet, it made your heart skipped a beat for a second.
But you shook your thought away, smiling back at him and standing up to walk to your class.
"What class do you have after this ?" Mingi asked, "Mrs. Kang for 2 periods and then Mr. Kim, you ?" "P.E. with coach Park so I can be as late as I wanna be" he joked, making you roll your eyes but chuckle nevertheless, "but it seems that we went 180° today" he added.
You raised an eyebrow at him, "what do you mean ?" "On my first day here you helped me by walking me to Mrs. Kang and covering up my stupidity, now I'm the one who helped you and is walking you to Mrs. Kang's" he grinned.
Your mouth gaped in realization and you smack your forehead, "oh my God, you're right! Funny how things turned out" he nodded at that, "more like amazing, if it weren't for human being's capability of being logical, I think I'd have 20 existential crisis every day for the rest of my life" "you know, you have great proficiency in being hyperbolic, ever think of being a poet ?" "Probably, we'll see as we go"
Soon you both reached your classroom on the 2nd floor. You would've get in right away but you felt hesitant.
Feeling and seeing your hesitance, Mingi grabbed one of your hand with his free one since his other hand was occupied with your stuff, he pulled you to the side so that you both aren't blocking the door, "hey, what's wrong?" Mingi asked, crouching down to be eye-level with you, "what if I forgot the things you taught me? What if I freeze mid-equation? What if I-"
Mingi cut you off by linking your hands together, fingers intertwining as his thumb rub on the back of your hand , "don't worry, you won't," he smiled softly at you, "you've been studying so hard, there's no way you'd forget. And besides," his smile turned into a teasing grin as he swing your hand, "I'm an amazing math tutor and I'm not allowing you to tarnish my reputation,"
His words made you roll your eyes at him but it honestly made you felt better and more confident.
"Okay, fine mr. Amazing tutor," you smirked. You unlink both of your hands, which oddly made you feel slightly disappointed and Mingi almost immediately want to pull you back but he held himself from doing so. As you see Mrs. Kang approaching, you grab your things from his other hand, "thank you for the pep talk though, it helps"
Before Mingi can answer you, you had teasingly turned your back and disappeared into the classroom.
True to what Mingi said, you didn't need to worry at all. Because when the question sheet was given to you, everything suddenly make sense and you were able to ace through at least 90% of the whole thing.
You even managed to finish the whole thing 15 minutes earlier than anyone else, making Mr. Kim very suspicious at you. He even asked who you cheated from and where you put your cheat sheet.
It would've been embarrassing to be asked such if you were anyone else, but you took it as a compliment, a sign of a job well done and effort paid.
Mr. Kim, still not believing that you'd done well, even scored your test on the spot as other students struggle to complete their tests.
So when the bell rang, you dashed out of of the classroom, holding your test that was marked 91.7% (you're sure the .7 was just Mr. Kim's way to spite you, unwilling to give you a 92%) proudly in your hand as you made your way to the indoor basketball court.
When you got to there, you scan your surroundings to see whether or not Mingi was there.
He soon emerged out of the locker room with Yunho on his side, talking and laughing amongst themselves, not realizing nor hearing that they were actually talking about you and how Yunho felt like you both could be a good thing for each other, making Mingi blush.
You let out a high-pitched squeal, drawing attention from some people before you ran full speed towards the two.
Thinking that it was for him, Yunho grinned widely and opened up his arms only for you to crash yourself to Mingi. It was only by the glory of God that he managed to held you and not fall backwards.
When your bodies collide, you could hear gasps coming from the entrance doorway, most likely from his fangirls but you couldn't care less.
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" you squealed, tightening your grip on him as hard as you can.
Mingi chuckled and hugged you back, "I take it the remedial went well?" pulling back slightly, you held up your test for him to see instead of answering him. Now his grin widened to match yours, it was his turn to squeeze you tightly, eliciting another dramatic gasp from the same group of people, "congrats! Congrats! Congrats! Congrats!" he squealed.
"We're so celebrating this!" He said while pulling back, "after practice we'll go to our usual cafe and I'm treating you to that special brownies you said Yeosang had on the secret menu" you all but frown at him, "no, I'M gonna treat YOU for tutoring me, if it wasn't fo-" "no no no no no, you already played the 'thank-you-for-tutoring-me' card with that blueberry muffin-" "which we split" "same thing! bottom line is you already thanked me and I'm not taking any more of your thank yous" "b-but I-"
Suddenly, Yunho clapped his hands once behind you, successfully diverting both of your attentions to him who has a deep frown. "Um, hello?" he raised his arms in frustration, "hi?" Mingi answered, not sure what Yunho really meant.
Yunho scoffed at him and cross his arms, "I was the one who got you knuckleheads to tutor and get tutored, where's MY thank you gift?" he then turned to you, "and you," you gulped at that, "you went past me, ignoring my hug, and now making plans in front of me without asking me!?"
All you could do is smile awkwardly at him, "oops?"
He turned around and began muttering to himself, panicking you a bit as you followed behind him, trying to say sorry and even cling to him like a koala so that he'd eventually melt and forgive you.
Promising that you'd get all the snacks during your bi-weekly sleepovers tomorrow, Yunho gave in and smush you into a very big hug, telling you that he enjoyed getting the attention from you for once considering you spent the whole practice doting on him, buttering him up with your sly yet sweet ways.
The practice ends on the dot, no one, not even coach Park want to spend more time there when they could be spending the start of their weekend at home or out with their friends or loved ones.
As the boys went to take a short shower, you waited on your usual spot, busying yourself with your phone because Wooyoung, who was in your history class, begged for homework answer.
Suddenly someone blocked the light from in front of you.
You had half a mind to smack whoever it was, thinking the most obvious and cliche like being ganged up on by Mingi's fangirls and getting threatened for being close to him all of a sudden.
But when you look up you were met with Mingi's smiling face, clothes changed to a hoodie and his school pants. "Eunseok freaking used my spare pants as a ball and made me monkey in the middle between him and Jisol" he said sheepishly, rubbing at the back of his neck, seemingly embarrassed.
"You? Monkey in the middle?" you teased, grabbing your bag as you stood up, "shouldn't you be the one initiating monkey in the middle with some poor freshman?" he raised an eyebrow at you as you both began walking out, "really? Is that how you see me?" "not really, but kind of? Like don't get me wrong, I don't judge people right off the bat because let's face it, you were kind of a timid nerd when we first met despite being tall as heck," he rolled his eyes at that, "but you just really fit into the stereotypical trope of a hot, popular jock and it just seem like-"
"Wait," he cut you off, "you think I'm hot?" now he has a smirk stretched on his face widely.
"Well duhh, anyone with two pairs of eyes would agree that you are in fact hot" you nudge his arm with yours, grinning when you see a blush bloom on his face, "you're not easily embarrassed, are you?" he asked rethorically.
The walk to the cafe was short but it seemed longer since you both managed to walk really slowly, too immersed in your conversation about practically anything that came up.
When you both finally got there, Mingi was about to head to the counter and order but you stopped him and pushed him away, running to the counter first and immediately saying your usual drink orders, adding peach cobbler and espresso brownies. As you reach into your bag to grab your wallet, Mingi had already sneaked forward and give the cashier his debit card.
Looking up at him, you furrowed your eyebrows, "that wasn't supposed to happen" you pouted at him while crossing your arms. Mingi chuckled and pat your head lightly, "there, there, there's always next time" he said before walking off to your usual table, mentally punching himself for insinuating that you both would be meeting again even after this, because he honestly don't know whether or not there will be.
You run up a couple steps to catch up with him and took a seat next to him, "you think we'll keep doing this even when I no longer need tutoring?" you honestly felt kind of hopeful at his words, for some reason some part of you had grown comfortable with him and gotten so used to having him 'hang out' with you at the cafe on a daily basis. Maybe you're a little unwilling to let things go back to before he offered to lend a hand for you in math.
Mingi shrugged as he put his bag on the floor and sat down, "I don't see why not? Unless you're suddenly repulsed by me, wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable or anything". You smirked at that, "you actually did when you tried flirting with me every single chance you got before we got this close, you've actually managed to act like a normal human being with me these past week," you poked.
Hearing that from you immediately brought a blush to Mingi's face, "y-you meant to say that y-y-you realized that I was f-flirting with you?" he was a stuttering mess, clearly not expecting you to said what you had just said. "Obviously! I'm not dense, Mingi, I thought you would've known that by now," the smirk didn't melt from your face, "at first it was like just a feeling, something that I had to confirm with Yunho because let's face it, you're kinda nice to literally everyone, and it became even more obvious when you flicked that bottle cap and it hit my eye"
"Hey, that bottlecap thing was 100% an accident! I would never deliberately try to hurt you in any way!" he whined, making you laugh at him, "I know you didn't mean to Mingi-ya, I never accused you of doing it on purpose" you said as you stood up, hearing the cashier called Mingi's name to take your orders that was put on a tray by the pick up point, rushing quick enough so that Mingi wouldn't be able to get up and get there before you.
The both of you spent hours talking about literally anything you both could think of. The conversation was surprisingly flowing very well, Mingi thought that without any academic reason behind your hang outs, he'd be a blubbering mess, trying to impress you while simultaneously make a fool out of himself without having to try much. You were also surprised, with how you treat him before, you actually felt bad for judging him without knowing him first. Sure you were right about your presumption that on one side he's totally the poster boy of a jock, but personality-wise he's just a shy nerd which is hecking adorable to say the least.
"Really? That's what you thought about me?" he laughed, not believing what he had just heard, "I'm serious, I thought you were just an airhead! Like you know, that one jock who got in because of a sport scholarship and only having straight Cs to at least pass so that he could still be in the team? How was I supposed to know that despite your lack of tidy uniform and attention-grabbing tendencies, you're actually a really good student?" you defended.
"See, (Y/N), that's why people shouldn't judge each other based on their looks, and here I thought that you're really the nice girl that everyone like just because, Wooyoung said so himself, could it possibly be that he's wrong?" he's having fun poking fun at you at this point, "hey, that's not fair, mr.'I-might-be-in-the-wrong-class-on-my-first-day'!" you retorted back, sticking your tongue out at him.
"and besides," you continued while poking into the last piece of Mingi's peach cobbler that he had put on your plate, "who the heck listens to Wooyoung? That boy's wrong 78% of the time, if you listen to him, you're just setting yourself up for trouble," "really? And how would you know?" "Because I've known him since elementary school, you know he used to bully me and Yunho, right?"
At your revelation, his eyes widened. Never would he have guessed that Jung Wooyoung would ever bully people, "really? Wooyoung? The kid who's nice to everyone?" that made you rolled your eyes, "he wasn't always nice, he used to be this little asshole, Yunho was first transferred when we were in the 3rd grade and he looked like this scrawny little nerd with a constant blush to his face and shy demeanor," the thought of young Yunho made you smile to yourself, "Wooyoung see him as a prey though and began teasing him. We were all in the same class so one day during arts and crafts, Wooyoung took Yunho's drawings and fold it into a plane, which made Yunho cried because obviously, long story short, I tripped Wooyoung when he was running with the paper plane, took it, and return it to Yunho," by the end, you had a proud smile on your face.
Seeing how proud you look, Mingi chuckled, "Yunho must've been really glad that you're there for him," "oh yeah, totally, stuck by me ever since" Mingi nodded slowly at that, "at first I thought you and Yunho were dating because of how close you two are,"
You almost choked on your latte when you heard him say that, "excuse me, what?" you coughed. Mingi shook his head, grabbing a tissue and began helping dabbing the stray droplets by the side of your mouth, "come on, you both hold hands all the time, he walks you everywhere, you waited for him during basketball practice, heck San even said he saw you both cuddling during a school trip,"
At first you want to defend yourself, saying that it is just how your friendship works, that you're both touchy people and Yunho's just a sweet guy with a talent for cuddling. But then you saw his eyebrows furrow and lips pouting slightly as he talks.
"Song Mingi, are you perhaps... jealous?" a huge grin stretched across your face. You would've thought that he'd blush, deny it, and just make an excuse.
So it shocked you when he slung an arm on the back of your chair and leaned his face close, "so what if I am? You know I like you and seeing Yunho being able to do all that makes me feel like I want to throw a basketball to his face sometimes during practice,"
Now the tables have turned. You stared at him, eyes wide and blush blooming on your face. You could only stare at him, trying to form words, any words to reply to him.
But the way he looked at you, the way his arm feels natural being slung around you and how close he is with you, it would've been dead wrong to say that you don't feel anything. Because over the past 5 days of meeting together after school, you found yourself liking his personality more than before. How he gets serious when he's trying to help you, giving everything he got to make sure you understand what he's explaining, how considerate he is towards your bursts of frustration when you couldn't finish an equation on your own, and how lowkey gentlemanly he is, always making sure you're walking on the inside, opening doors, guiding you gently by having a hand hover on your back. You don't know why you judged him so quickly.
"You're really not like Hongjoong or Seonghwa," you unconsciously muttered.
Mingi blinked twice, tilting his head to the side due to confusion, "I- thanks?"
Realizing what you just said, you groaned to yourself, "sorry, didn't mean to say that out loud, but it's just..." you took a deep breath before continuing, "you're not like how I thought you would be... Hongjoong and Seonghwa were seniors, basketball jocks too, and they played with me around for so long, apparently placing bets with their group of friends on who I'd choose between them so when Yunho tried to get me out before I got in too deep with them, they got pissed because they lost the bet to their friends and they spread rumors that I slept with them behind their backs," the talk of said memory brought a bitter taste to your tongue, and you don't know why you're telling Mingi this, but you somehow felt like you owe him the explanation.
While you were talking, Mingi had subconsciously put his free hand on top of one of yours that was resting on the table, taking it in his own and gently rubbing the back of it with his thumb.
"I'm sorry you had to go through that," he smiled sadly at you, "did people believe them?" "oh yeah, especially their fangirls which ironically is the same people who are your fangirls now, they wouldn't even hear me out, they just shunned me for a whole year until Hongjoong and Seonghwa graduated, but it's okay I'm over it, I used it as a lesson to just not believe in pretty faces and to have a better judgment system,"
"Well what about my pretty face? Do you believe it?" Mingi joked, trying to lighten the mood as he began doing cute pouty faces and poses, making you giggle at him, "stop it you dork, people are watching," you yourself couldn't stop giggling at the sight of him, "well they can stare all they want, I'm don't even care since I was able to make you smile,"
Without realizing, you both stayed there until it was 9.30 pm and your mom called you, asking where you are. So you both immediately pack up and get ready to leave.
For some reason, once you're both stood in front of the cafe, neither of you were willing to move. You both just stood there facing each other, but looking at the ground, slightly dejected that the hangout (or more like date considering how touchy you both were) has to end.
"Uhm..." Mingi started, making you look up to him, "so which way is your house?" you pointed to the right side, "that way, you?" his face immediately brightens, "same way, we can walk together" he said as he took your bag from your shoulder and slinging one of the straps on one of his shoulder before he began walking.
"H-hey!" you called out, rushing to him, "you don't have to do this! I can take my own bag!" you whined while trying to grab your bag from him.
He didn't say anything, he just silently grab one of your hand and pulled you to walk next to him. Thank God for the night sky or else he would've been able to see your tomato red face.
You both walked in silence.
Not that it was awkward, but because it's nicer to just walk without having to say much, bask in the cold night air as both of you connect through your hands.
It's weird that it doesn't feel weird how close you both are getting and how comfortable you both are. Usually people would take more than a week to really get to the hand-holding part. But then again, one of you has been pining over the other for months and judging from how hard your heart is beating right now, it is safe to assume that you've began developing more than just platonic affection to the tall boy.
When your house started to come into view, you felt reluctant to walk quickly, frowning at the thought that the night had to end. Mingi seemed to feel your reluctance, so he slowed down his pace, stretching the 10 minutes walk from the cafe to 30 if he could.
"This is nice," he suddenly said, breaking the silence.
You look up at him and tilted your head slightly, "what is?" you asked, "spending time with you, walking you home, you're just a really great person to be with" again, he made you blush but this time with his words.
"Oh come on, I bet Wooyoung and San would've been more fun to hang with than me," you said, nudging him a little with your shoulder. "That's where you're wrong, more chaotic? yes, considering we were almost kicked out of the McDonalds nearby because Wooyoung tried to score what he called a whole pack of 10 pieces mcnuggets 'extra', but more fun? I don't think so, I'd rather spend time with you," he smiled sweetly.
You almost wanted to roll your eyes at him, but you decided against it, "I'm gonna have to ask you to tell me about the mcnuggets thing, then, sounds like a wild time," you giggled to yourself. "Sure I will, on our next hangout," he said, making you frown slightly. You had thought that he wanted to act all mysterious or playful, but then you realized that you had arrived at the gates to your house.
Looking at your house, you, who would most likely be in your bed any chance you get, seem so reluctant to get in.
But you tore your gaze and moved it to Mingi, staring at him with a look that would've melted him on the spot if it was possible, "hanging with you tonight, might've been the longest time I spent without texting or calling Yunho after school," at your words, Mingi groaned while throwing his head back, "we're having a moment, do you HAVE to mention Yunho when I'm still here?" His protest made you laugh, because what he said was true, "and stop calling our meeting today a hangout, call it what it actually is," he leaned close to your face, "a date,"
Never would you imagine him to say that, but there he goes proving you wrong again. "S-shut up, nerd, you've never asked me out so today was so not a date," you muttered, pretending to be normal despite the blush on your face and your racing heart, betraying your whole exterior demeanor.
Before he could say anything else, you slipped your hand out of his and ran through the gates. When you're mid-way to your doorstep, you stopped and looked back at him. He had a genuine smile on his face, and he was waving at you when he noticed you turning back, "go on, get inside! It's cold! I'll see you Monday at lunch!"
Hearing that gave you somewhat a feeling of relieve that you didn't know you needed right until he said it. But you smiled back at him and nodded, "you better be, or else I'll get a new math tutor, one who's not ashamed to be seen with his student outside of tutoring hours," you stuck your tongue at him. He clutched his left chest with his right hand, pretending to be hurt, "your assumptions hurt me, (Y/N),"
You giggled at that and walk back further.
You stopped when you had a hand to the doorknob, turning back once more to look at Mingi.
Before you could even comprehend what you were doing, you ran back to him, grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and kissed his cheek.
Mingi stood there, dumbfounded at what just happened, not really believing that you had just did that but also doubting whether or not that really did just happen.
When he looked at you, you only smiled at him, "I had a lot of fun on today's... date,"
And with that you quickly ran back and went inside, leaning against the door to calm yourself down.
Curious at what his reaction might be, you peek over the curtain by the side window, to see Mingi still frozen in the same spot, mouth agape, and eyes trained to the door.
It took an extra couple of seconds before he reacted. He held the spot where you kissed him with the biggest smile on his face, he jumped up and down in happiness and his mouth was opened widely to let out a soundless scream.
The sight was adorable. He's adorable.
When he finally left your house after 5 minutes of celebrating in silence, you finally pried yourself off the window to walk to your room.
Now you know for sure that he's not bad at all.
That you're glad he proved you wrong.
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More Posts from Animegeek256

Title: Snake Ship: SnakeHybrid!Mingi , FemHuman!Reader Type: Smut (18+ Content) Sunmary: Things become interesting when you hook up with your brother’s lifelong best friend at a college party. Finally finding out his biggest secret while he is in between your legs.
Mingi stood behind you, hand on your lower back as he glared at the shorter man insisting you go on a date with him. “She would if she didn’t have a boyfriend, right babe?”. You looked up surprised and that’s when you saw the look he gave you, the “just go with it” look. You nodded and smiled “Uhh yeah, he’s my boyfriend”. The other man’s face dropped and he rolled his eyes before walking away. Mingi smiled proudly and looked down at you “god, you can never get yourself out of those situations without me”. You rolled your eyes and hit his chest “shut up, I could have if I wanted to”.
“Wouldn’t you rather fake date me then actually date that asshole?” Mingi asked when a pout and that caused you to snort and laugh. “Yeah, sure” you decided to agree to make him happy. The feelings you had for Mingi…liking him since you were 8 and he was 10 was a little crazy to think about. Now you are 20 and he was 22. Maybe you finally have a chance with him now that you aren’t an annoying little 8 year old. It was about 3 hours later, around 11 pm. You sat on Mingi’s lap, both a bit buzzed. You sat on his lap, your short black dress riding up your thighs as he gripped onto them. He pressed kisses on your jaw, the kisses burnt into your skin as if he was marking you as his. He let out a soft hum against your skin “do you know how long I’ve been wanting to do this” Mingi groaned and let his thumbs rub your inner thighs.
You smiled and pressed your wet heat against the hard bulge. “I bet I’ve been wanting you a lot longer” you whispered to him. Mingi smiled and picked you up, carrying you to the nearest bedroom in the house of a random frat. Mingi sat you on the bed and locked the door before going back to you. You watched him, his eyes flashing dark green for a split second. You had to have been going crazy…maybe it’s the alcohol kicking in. Forcing the worries of what you just saw to go to the back of your clouded mind. You felt the burning kisses trailed down the valley on your now unclothed chest, letting out a soft whine. Mingi hummed happily at your reactions, loving the way your body moved and responded to him.
He hooked his fingers to your black panties and pulled them down, his mouth watering at the sight of your dripping wet pussy right in front of his face. Mingi finally leaned in, pressing a kiss on your clit before letting his tongue run over it. The feeling of his warm tongue on the bundle of your sensitive nerves caused you to let out a moan, fingers gripping onto his hair. He hummed at the taste and sucked softly on your clit, spreading your thighs apart and kept them apart with hands. His animal instincts kicked in suddenly, dipping down and inserted his long tongue into your clenched hole. You moaned out in surprise, thighs trembling as your sweet spot was rubbed. How the hell is that possible? His tongue can’t be that long…
You looked down, his eyes now the dark green you had seen earlier, his black pupils now the shape of sharp almonds like a cat. Soft green scales painted his cheeks like freckles. A soft smile went across his face as his long snake tongue was inside of you and that’s when you saw his sharp fangs now in place of his normal canines. You now you understood why he never wanted to be in the same room as you, he would turn into this…a snake. You let out soft whines “Mingi, I d-didn’t know y-“. Mingi pulled away and rubbed your clit with his slim fingers “and now you know, that’s why I couldn’t be around for long”
You watched him, letting out a moan when his long tongue entered you again. “F-fuck Mingi, I don’t care that you are a s-snake” you managed to get out through the moans. He looked up at you, his almond pupils dilating. “You mean it?”. You nodded quickly and whimpered as his tongue rubbed your sweet spot. Mingi smiled and leaned in, finally going as rough as both of you wanted and needed. You gripped onto his hair as your hips rolled up onto his face. Mingi moaned at the taste of you, his tongue inside of you and his nose rubbing your clit. Occasionally his long fangs would poke you but he kept them out of the way as much as possible. He pulled away and his lips finally went back up to your clit, his tongue flicking against it. Moans poured out of your parted lips.
“Mingi please, I’m about to cum” You begged him, looking down at his dark green eyes. “Cum for me Y/n” he said, his voice like a whisper. His hot breath hit your dripping pussy as he spoke. Mingi leaned back in and completely devoured you, slurping up all the slick that ran out of you, tongue flicking on your clit and then his tongue dove straight into you. Pleasure filled your body, thighs pressing against the sides of Mingi’s head. Cum poured onto his tongue, him instantly letting it fall into his mouth as his tongue scooped it out. You gripped onto his hair, the loud moans filled the room as Mingi helped you ride out your high.
You finally looked down at him again, the scales disappearing, his eyes flickered back to his normal brown ones and as he pulled away, his teeth and tongue went back to normal. Mingi smiled and crawled back up, kissing your lips deeply. “Promise not to tell anyone about me being a hybrid?…” You cupped his cheeks and nodded “promise”
Thank you for reading!
trust me | wooyoung smut

pairing: wooyoung x f!reader
wc: 4973
synopsis: fresh out of a failed relationship, wooyoung’s determined to help you out.
a/n: this was originally supposed to be a drabble but i got carried away! this was requested<3
ALSO THIS IS NOT PROOFREAD! special shout out to @fallinwoozi for forcing me to post this ღ
warnings⚠️: smut, reader is embarrassed about being a virgin, unprotected sex, wooyoung makes a lot of jokes, soft 90% of the time, oral (fem receiving), uhh that’s it? lmk if i missed anything!
tumblr runs off reblogs! please reblog and help me out! 18+ under the cut!
♡。·˚˚· ·˚˚·。♡
“No, I can’t Woo. It’s way to embarrassing.” You whined to your best friend, kicking your legs like a toddler. You threw your head back with a groan, cheeks feeling tight from your dried up tears. He shook you with two hands whining back, “Whyyyy? You can’t come to me out of nowhere saying you broke up with your boyfriend and not tell me what happened! How am I supposed to comfort you? I thought we were friends Y/n! Now you’re keeping secrets from me! Unbelievable.” He was being overly dramatic, as usual.
You smacked his shoulder glaring at Wooyoung. “When it comes to my pride, yes I’d rather keep secrets. You can comfort me by shutting up and having a movie night with me.” He groaned, his body melting into his couch. You’d come over unannounced after the final meeting with your boyfriend. Or ex boyfriend now. If you could even call him that. The relationship not lasting even 2 months.
“She shows up to my apartment unannounced, crying might I add, and then yells at me when I ask what happened.” He speaks to himself in disbelief, getting up off his couch to make some snacks for the impromptu movie night. “Love you too!” You yelled back to his muttering. He turned, sticking a tongue out at you before disappearing into his kitchen.
You let out a deep sigh. Of course you wanted to tell him what happened. It was just too embarrassing to admit out loud. Plus you don’t think he’d let you live it down. It’s not like you weren’t close but you never really spoke about sex with Wooyoung. Telling him your boyfriend broke up with you because you refused to have sex with him due to your lack of experience would be too much to handle. For all he knew, you were a pro at sex. You couldn’t imagine having to face the truth. You were a virgin and it bothered you. You were embarrassed. What was there to be embarrassed of? Nothing at all yet you couldn’t help but feel ashamed. It was all stupid and in your head. But you couldn’t shake that feeling.
It wasn’t long before Wooyoung came back with a bowl of popcorn and some hot drinks to share. He grabbed a blanket to share as well before sitting down next to you.
“Alright, since you won’t tell me what happened we’re just going to move on and pretend everything is okay. Come here” He said gesturing his arms out for you to cuddle into like usual. You blushed at his mentioning of your break up again before moving into his arms. He felt warm and cozy around you. You snuggled as close as physically possible, wanting nothing more than to be fully engulfed with him and his warmth. “Cold? I can get another blanket?” He offered, noticing your closeness.
You shook your head, “It’s just comforting. Thank you for being here for me, even if I don’t feel comfortable saying what happened yet.” Smiling up at him as you spoke. A small smile crept onto his face as well. “No worries love, that’s what friends are for no?” He rubbed the top of your hair as you both giggled, you rolling your eyes at his cheesy words.
He picked out a movie for the two of you to watch since you insisted he chose for the night. It didn’t matter to you because you could feel your eyelids getting heavy. It was mere minutes into the movie before you fell asleep. Wooyoung didn’t really notice until soft snores began to leave your sleeping body. He squeezed the arm that was around you, only pushing yourself close to him. He smiled at you and watched as you softly breathed in and out. His chest tight as he thought about the earlier events. He hated seeing you cry and to not know what happened was killing him.
“I hope you trust me enough to tell me what happened one day. I love you Y/n.” He muttered to your sleeping body, leaving a small peck on the top of your head. Little did he know, you weren’t fully asleep. His cuddling had woken you up only minutes before. You debated whether or not to just suck it up and tell him what happened. What is the worst that could happen? He finds out you are a virgin? So what? No sane person would mock you for that.
“Y/n?” You heard Wooyoung speak, interrupting your thoughts. “Y/n? I can see your eyebrows furrowing, I know you’re awake.” You could hear the amusement in his voice. Your eyes fluttered open to meet his, sitting up now beside him. “Feeling better?” He asked, trying to read your facial expression. “A bit.” You sighed, biting your bottom lip out of nerves.
“I actually was thinking.” You drifted off your words, breaking eye contact with the boy in front of you. He hummed encouraging you to continue with your thoughts. “I trust you with my whole being. As dramatic as that sounds.” You both chuckled at the clear anxiety in your words. Wooyoung was looking at you with the most kind face. It was hard to describe but it made you feel comfortable and warm. This is why he was your best friend. He always made you feel listened to, understood, and encouraged you to speak your mind.
“He broke up with me because I wouldn’t have sex with him.” You blurted out. You froze watching as his eyes shot open wide due to your bluntness. “I-I don't know what I was expecting but it wasn’t that.” He chuckled. “That's it? What a dick.. That is so shallow. You shouldn’t have to sleep with anyone if you don’t want to. What kind of idiot does that? And to break up with you over it too? Y/n don’t cry over douchebags like him. The right man won’t care about sex and will wait until you’re comfortable.”
You felt your cheeks getting hot. You were so beyond embarrassed for an unknown reason. You’d talked about sex with Wooyoung before but you were never the topic. It was always him and his sex life. You being on the receiving end of this conversation was making you so uncomfortable. “T-Thanks Woo. But it wasn’t just that.” You stuttered out, his face contorting in confusion. “What else happened?” He questioned. You felt yourself gulp. You wanted to scream, why was this so hard for you? Society's view on virginity was really taking a toll on you.
“H-He didn’t like the fact that I was a virgin. He made it a big deal. That's why I was so embarrassed to tell you. He made me feel like I was abnormal. I don’t know, this is so stupid.” You sighed, placing your head in your hands. You had made such a big deal out of something that was so insignificant to a majority of people. “Y/n. Was that why you were embarrassed to tell me? You didn’t want me to know you were a virgin?” He questioned, placing one of his hands onto your thigh as a way to comfort you. You kept your head in your hands, nodding a yes to confirm his question. “You really thought I was going to be bothered by that? Or laugh at you?” You felt so embarrassed for the millionth time that night.
You lifted your head looking at him finally, “YES! I’m sorry but yes. You always talk about your sex life and I thought you’d think I’m a loser. Plus that’s so embarrassing! Getting broken up with because you’re a virgin?” You felt a tear sliding down your face. This night couldn’t get any worse.
“Y/n. I love you so much, you’re my best friend. I would never in my life make fun of you for something like that. There is nothing wrong with being a virgin. You’ll be ready when you’re ready. Please don’t cry, there is nothing to be embarrassed about.” He reached his free hand to wipe your tear stained cheeks. His words only made you want to cry more. You leaned into his touch.
“I love you too. Thank you Wooyoung but who wants to have sex with a twenty year old virgin? Most people want someone experienced.” You mumbled out, not trusting your voice enough to speak loudly. Wooyoung chuckled shaking his head, “Well, if you ever want to have sex just call me.” You laughed smacking his arm, “Shut up, I’m being serious!” You rolled your eyes at him. “I am too! I wouldn’t mind. Especially if it made you feel better.” His face was straight. You analyzed it, making sure he wasn’t teasing you like usual. “Wait really? You would do that? Would that not be weird?” You asked, words coming out quickly due to shock. “Why would it be weird? I’ve known you forever. Nothing you could do would make me not want to be your friend anymore. I mean unless maybe you murdered someone. But that would depend on the person because if it was your ex, I think I could let that slid-”
“Wooyoung, please shut up.” You laughed at his rambling, finding it awfully cute. He laughed as well, “Sorry, but my point stands. If you want your first time to be with someone you’re comfortable with. I’ll always be here, legs wide open.” He joked, making your nerves settle.
“I mean. I think I’d be down? I trust you.” Your mouth moving faster than your head. Did you just agree to having sex with Wooyoung? Your best friend? Were you crazy? I mean he was extremely hot, it is not like you’d never had the thought before. But it was just a stupid dream, not something you’d want to act on. At least you didn’t think so until right now. Maybe it was the horniness overtaking you, or the fact that he had comforted you so well. But you were ready to have sex with him if he prompted it.
“Wait actually? I didn’t think you’d agree so fast!” He chuckled, eyes wide open with one of his hands covering his mouth in disbelief. “Think about it! Wouldn’t it be best if my first time was with someone I know and trust? I don’t think I could emotionally handle my first time being a one night stand. Plus what if I do something wrong? Or they do something wrong? At least we can communicate without there being any awkward tension. Well, minimum awkward tension.” You were fully onboard now with his idea. It just made sense especially since he made it clear it wouldn’t ruin your friendship for him.
“Okay so. I didn’t really think it would happen this fast, wow. Uh do you have a time preference? Would now be too soon? Would you like to schedule a date?” You cut him off with a scoff, “I am NOT scheduling a dick appointment.” You both laughed, tension easing at the reminder that you are friends who are comfortable with one another. You trusted him with your whole body and mind. There was no need to be nervous. “S-so now?” He asked shyly.
“Please don’t clam up on me now. You need to be the confident one here. I don’t want to feel like I’m forcing you or anything.” You trailed off, looking down at your hands that were placed on your lap. “No!” He shouted quickly, shocking you. “Oh, uh sorry. I meant you aren’t forcing me. I was the one who made the offer in the first place. I wouldn’t have asked if I wasn’t fully prepared to follow through. I just am a little nervous that I won't meet your standards.” He spoke softly. You smiled at him, “Meet my standards? Woo, be serious. I have no one to compare you to. Plus, I’ve heard those sex stories you tell me.” You winked at him, making him laugh.
This was your dynamic, always encouraging one another. Putting your own feelings aside to make sure the other was feeling good. Of course you were nervous and you had your doubts, but you were trying to be confident to make up for Wooyoung’s timidness.
“Okay so, basic rules.” He started, more confidence in his tone, “If at any point you are uncomfortable and want to stop, tell me immediately. It won’t bother me, your pleasure is my top priority. If you like something or want me to do something tell me as well. Again, your pleasure is my number one right now.”
“We’ll take it slow, uh yeah I think that's pretty much it? Just communicate is what I’m trying to say.” He finished, maintaining eye contact the whole time. You nodded along with his words, taking it all in. You were actually about to have sex with Wooyoung. If you would’ve told your younger self this, she would’ve laughed in your face.
“Are you comfortable with kissing?” He asked, placing a hand on yours which laid on top of your lap. You nodded, feeling your whole face get hot. “I need verbal confirmation please.” He stated in a serious tone making your legs quiver. “Y-es” You managed to get out words, much to your disbelief. “Already speechless and we haven’t even started? You’re going to be fun to play with doll.” He winked. You wanted to punch him for being so snarky but you couldn’t, you just shut your eyes and took a deep breath. “Please Woo, you’re making it hard to take you seriously.”
“Who says you have to take me seriously? I just enjoy seeing how hot and bothered you get when I tease you.” He joked, cupping the right side of your face with his hand. He scooted a little closer to you, now only inches away from your face. “Close your eyes doll.” He whispered, you could feel his breath against your lips. Your eyelids fluttered shut at his command. You anticipated his next move, holding your breath as you waited for him to make the first move.
“You’re so tense.” He cut the tension, your eyes shooting open. “Wooyoung I’m going to murder you.” You joked smacking him on the arm. He winced, holding his bicep, “Ow! What was that for?!” You glared at him, “You know damn well-” He cut you off laughing,
“Okay! Okay! For real this time. Close your eyes.” You hesitated this time, Wooyoung giving you an encouraging head nod. You huffed before closing your eyes again. You waited for what felt like hours but in reality was mere seconds for Wooyoung’s lips to finally graze your own. It was a short and soft peck to start, just getting used to the feeling of kissing one another. He pulled back to look at your reaction, when you didn’t open your eyes he took it as a sign to continue. Moving back in, he reconnected his lips to yours a bit more passionate this time. It was still soft but longer, your mouths moving slowly in sync.
He moved his hands from their previous position in his lap, one cupping your jaw as the other found comfort in your hair. He leaned into it more, pushing you back further into the couch. You let him have full dominance in the kiss, encouraging him to make the next move. He slid his tongue along your bottom lip lightly, testing the grounds. He never wanted to go too far or make you uncomfortable. You opened your mouth slightly wider than before allowing him to slip his tongue between your lips. You continued like this for a while until he pulled back, lips pretty and swollen covered in a thin layer of saliva.
“Do you want to take this to my bedroom?” His voice was calm. Eyes staring intently into your own for permission to take this further. You nodded, muttering a soft ‘yes’. He took your hand in his, pulling you gently behind him as he led you to his bedroom. The room you’d been all too familiar with. This time felt different. For obvious reason of course.
He laid you delicately on his bed allowing you to sink into his comforter, your head resting against his soft pillows. He crawled on top of you starting to kiss you again. This time didn’t last too long, moving his lips down your jaw to your neck where he left wet kisseses. “Can I mark you love?” He asked between kisses. You nodded, muttering in agreement. You felt him smile into your neck as he began sucking light marks that would eventually turn a pretty shade of purple. “N-not too many” You spoke, immediately regretting it as it came out breathy. He could tell how much you were enjoying yourself from that sentence alone. “Babe. I’ve only kissed you and you’re already acting fucked out. Do I affect you that much?” He smirked looking as your face contorted at his words.
You opened your mouth to speak but you didn’t know what to say. Yes he did. Your best friend had left you speechless from kisses alone. “It’s okay doll, I can read your face very well. I know how much you’re enjoying this.” You felt your face heat up at his teasing. You knew Wooyoung was a tease but you’d never think it would translate over into the bedroom as well. You whined covering your face with your hands making him chuckle, “Okay! Okay I’ll try and stop with the teasing.. No promises though” He muttered the last part in the crook of your neck leaving chills down your body.
His hands began to travel down your body, dragging against your clothed torso. Moving until they reached the hem of your shirt which had slightly rode up during the make out session. His finger tips inched under your shirt, his warm hands now rubbing against the bare skin of your stomach. They moved to wrap around your waist pulling you closer to him. They continued caressing your torso as he kissed your neck. This continued until his hand had finally inched up enough to reach your bra.
“May i?” He asked, looking into your clouded eyes. Still in a haze from his kisses. “Yes, please” You almost begged, sitting up to allow him better access to removing your shirt and bra. You felt the cold bitter air against your nipples making you aware of how naked you were now. Moving to cover your chest, you asked Wooyoung, “Can you take off your shirt too? I don’t like being the only one naked.” He pouted at your sweetness pecking your lips, “Of course I can.”
He removed his shirt, tossing it somewhere in his room along with your own. “Better?” He asked looking deeply in your eyes, you only nodded as a reply. He laid you back down, removing your hands slowly from your chest. He analyzed your face to make sure there was no hesitation in your expression. He had your arms by your side, beginning his breast worship. He kitten licked your nipples loving how you gasped from the small spark of pleasure. While busy with one breast, he used his hand to occupy the other. You felt your body on fire. You’d never felt such pleasure before. It was different than anything you’d ever managed to do to yourself. Soft moans left your lips, encouraging Wooyoung to continue.
He switched to the opposite breast now, wanting to hurry this part up. He loved how reactive you were and couldn’t wait to get more moans out of you. You moved your right hand to play in his hair, tugging every time he nibbled your sensitive nipple. He pulled away, sitting up from his previous position, smiling at you. “Good?” He asked.
“Yes. Great actually!” You joked, making him laugh. He nodded, moving his fingers to begin removing your pants. “If you liked that, just you wait.” He winked, this time pulling your pants down in one quick motion. He sat up removing his own sweatpants making it even. He positioned your legs to be bent at the knee, situating himself to lay between your thighs. He made sure to hold eye contact as he pressed a slow kiss to your clothed heat. The contact making you whimper. He began leaving wet kisses on your thighs, with each kiss moving closer and closer to where you wanted him most. He then used one finger, tracing the damp spot in your underwear. “Enjoying yourself?” He joked, removing your panties so he could have direct contact with your cunt. Your legs shut around his head out of reflex but he stopped you, pinning your knees as far down to the bed as he could. “Now how am I supposed to eat you out if I don’t have access to this pretty little pussy?” He wore a shit eating grin on his face that you only wish you could slap off of him. But you didn’t want to take any chances on him stopping.
“Sorry Woo, Continue please.” Your voice was weak and it only drove Wooyoung crazier. He hummed, moving his face back to your dripping heat that was displayed so nicely before him. “I should warn you once I start, it’s hard to stop.” His hot breath teasing your soaked cunt. He licked up your slit collecting your juices on his tongue. “Fuck.” He muttered. “Especially when you taste this sweet.” With that he attached his mouth back on your aching pussy. Starting with bold licks between your folds, wanting to taste all of you. He ate you out like a starved man and you loved it. The moans falling past your lips were uncontrollable, never feeling a sensation so pleasurable in your life.
His lips wrapped around your neglected clit, sucking harshly wanting to hear your gasp. He chuckled against your pussy as he continued, his nose occasionally rubbing over the swollen nub. Your hands found their way into his hair again, this time tugging a lot rougher than before. He groaned against your cunt, sending waves of only pleasure up through your body.
He pulled away, this time using two fingers, collecting your juices on them. He moved up your body towards your mouth, “Open wide baby. You need to know how good you taste.” You obliged, opening your mouth for him. He inserted his two fingers into your mouth. You sucked his long, thin digits clean of all your essence groaning at the flavour. He was right, you did taste nice.
“See? I could eat your pussy all day if you’d let me.” He leaned down mumbling the words against your lips before placing a kiss on your mouth and returning to his position between your legs.
This time he entered those same two fingers into you. Your walls immediately squeezing around him. He smirked as he began thrusting the two fingers in and out of you. His pace was brutal, you could sense how eager he was becoming by the minute. “Holy shit Woo, please don’t stop” You moaned uncontrollably. You no longer had any sense of reality, just pleasure coursing through your body.
You felt a pit growing in your lower tummy, legs squeezing around Wooyoung's hand that was tucked between your thighs. He continued harshly thrusting his two fingers in and out of you, loving how much control he had over your body and your reactions.
You felt your orgasm coming on and so did he. He felt you clenching around his fingers as your high neared. Smirking, Wooyoung swiftly pulled his fingers out of your needy cunt. You whined at the loss of contact, eyebrows furrowed as you glared up at him.
“What the fuck?” Is all you managed to say. Wooyoung bursted into laughter at your reaction, loving how much he could affect you. “I didn’t want you having your first orgasm around my fingers! That’s what my cock is for silly.” He pinched your cheek, a smug look on his face.
You snapped back into reality with his words. You were now fully naked under your best friend, only a thin piece of fabric shielding him from being nude along with you. Wooyoung’s eyes travelled over your expression, trying to read your emotions.
“All good love? Would you like me to continue?” He asked, rubbing your cheek with his finger. Your soft skin against his. You evaluated his face for any signs of hesitation but he stopped you before you could say anything, “I’m beyond ready. Don’t worry about me doll, this is about you.” Leaning down he kissed you softly. It was filled with reassurance and love. He was your best friend for a reason, and you wholeheartedly trusted him.
You nodded, “I’m ready too. Just a bit nervous.” He nodded at your words.
“I’ll take it slow at first. Whatever you say goes.” He smiled before moving to remove his underwear. You sucked in a deep breath as he revealed his hard on to you. It was prettier than you imagined, not too intimidating. You let out a shaky breath making eye contact with him. He gave you a playful wink, positioning himself between your legs.
You placed your hands on his shoulders giving him a soft squeeze as a sign to continue. He lined himself up with your heat, slowly pushing himself inside you. He maintained eye contact the whole time, ensuring you were comfortable.
He noticed a furrow in your eyebrows as he was almost fully inside, stretching you in a way you’d never felt before. “Y/n? You’ve got to tell me how you’re feeling love.” His voice sounding weak. You nodded at him, “Good. Too good.” Was all you managed to say, too caught up with the delicious feeling of his cock stretching you open.
He smiled, “This is just the tip of the iceberg baby” he smirked bottoming out inside you. Your jaw dropped at the feeling, your head now thrown back onto the pillow behind you head. Your knuckles white from gripping Wooyoung’s shoulders. You heard his high pitched chuckle at your reaction. “I told you so” he wiggled his eyebrows, continuing his motions now pulling out fully before swiftly pushing himself back inside you.
He continued this watching as your face contorted in different ways. Your hands grabbing onto different parts of his body for support. Wooyoung leaned down leaving sloppy kisses all down your neck and jaw.
“Such a pretty girl for me. Letting me take your virginity? Fuck.” He kept muttering words to you, edging you on even more. “You’re doing such a good job baby. I’m so proud of you, I’m so fucking happy right now.” He continued, his thrusts picking up in speed and aggressiveness.
He was now snapping his hips into you wildly, only choked out moans leaving your mouth. “W-oo, go-d. So goo-d” Your words barely coherent to the man on top of you. But that didn’t matter, he knew exactly what you meant and that you were coming close to your orgasm.
“It’s okay pretty girl, cum for me. I want to feel your tight pussy around my cock, can you cum for me? Be a good girl for Wooyoung.” Your eyes now glued shut as you took everything in. His thrusts, his words, the pleasure building in your stomach. It was becoming too much for you to handle.
You came hard with a loud cry, pulling him down towards you. He continued fucking you through your orgasm, quickly following with his own. You felt your throbbing walls milking him of his warm cum, filling you in a way you couldn’t describe. It was addicting.
He struggled to hold himself above you as he caught his breath. You tugged on his shoulders and he lightly collapsed on top of your body. Your sweaty bodies getting stuck together.
You too struggled to catch your breath, feeling overwhelmed by everything that just happened.
After a minute of silent breathing, Wooyoung was the first to speak. “How are you? Do you need anything?” He lifted his head, eyes racking over your face and expression. You nodded softly, “water” you mumbled out. Your voice now raspy. He nodded, kissing your cheek before hoisting himself from bed. He threw on his boxers and disappeared into his kitchen.
He returned minutes later with a wet cloth and a glass of water. Handing you the water to drink as he cleaned you and himself up. He then tossed you one of his sleeping shirts before throwing himself into bed again. He pulled you down by the waist forcing you to lay facing him.
He spent a couple of seconds looking into your eyes before speaking, “So.. How was it? Did I live up to your expectations?”
You smiled at the man in front of you, “Yes. I had a very good time” you said with a giggle. You could feel your face. burning up. “Good,” he said with a smile, “I’m glad.”
“Can I ask you a question Woo?” You watched as his face contorted into confusion, “Of course. Shoot,” He waited.
“Well two questions actually.. One could we maybe, idk. Do this again sometime? Without it being all weird?” You whinced while asking, not wanting to make things awkward.
He smiled cockily, “Can’t get enough of me huh?” He joked before answering seriously, “We can do this as much as you’d like. That’s what friends are for, right?” he winked making you giggle.
“Okay. Now two.” You smiled.
He nodded in anticipation,
“Can we snuggle now? I’m sleepy.” You pouted, making him laugh. You felt your chest warm up at the sound.
“Come here dummy,” He joked pulling you into his chest.
♡。·˚˚· ·˚˚·。♡
requests are open! lmk your thoughts, feedback is VERY much appreciated and welcomed!
Lavender haze
8. deez nuts are in your face
synopsis: a barista who doesn’t know how to fully express his feelings learn how through the language of flower from the person next door, it’s a shame that they never realised what he was trying to say though.
it’s not a wednesday were i’m from but i can upload whenever i want hehe 💪💪

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Blanket (Seonghwa x Reader) (SFW)

Summary: You give your blanket to your bias in Ateez
Word Count: 1,944
a/n: I had this cute idea and it could potentially be turned into a full fic, if you want it to be. I just had this cute little blurb to share to see if anyone would actually be interested! Thank you for reading!
A cold breeze blew through the streets, causing everyone around you to shiver, and you swore you could hear teeth chattering from your friend group.
“Why did you bring that god forsaken blanket?” Your best friend looked at you in embarrassment. Her arms crossed in front of herself to help the cold that was seeping in.
You had the blanket wrapped around you, shielding you from the chilly air. You clutched it closer to you and pouted.
“I’m sorry, but it seems to me as though I’m nice and warm while you’re over there shivering.” Your friend stood there in her skimpy Deja Vu inspired outfit.
“Hey man. Tits out for San.”
You snorted. “It’s not my fault you want San to look at your tits.”
“Okay but you’re in Hala Hala. You have pants and a jacket!”
You raised your eyebrow at her. “Your point being?”
“Give me your jacket.”
She pouted at you. “Please? You have your cursed Seonghwa blanket already!”
You rolled your eyes as cheering came from the line in front of you. They had started the scanning of bags and metal detectors to finally let you into the venue.
“Look. We’re about to be inside. Stop complaining. I’ll leave the blanket with Jisu since she has seats since it’s that embarrassing.”
“Oh.” Jisu turned to look at you. “Yeah. I don’t have seated tickets today. That’s tomorrow.” She gave you a small smile.
“Looks like you’re stuck with me and it then Brynn.”
You turned around and moved in the line, Brynn sticking her tongue out at your back.
The beginning of the concert was hype, and you found yourself holding the blanket out while screaming for Seonghwa, hoping he would see it and you could make him smile.
Towards the end of the show, when Ateez was about to do their last few songs, he finally saw you. He gestured to your hands and you held up the blanket to show the man on stage. He leaned down to get a better look. It was a photo of him, wearing glasses and peeking around a beige door, just his face and neck visible. He laughed, the smile making his eyes sparkle. You gestured towards him, holding out the blanket to him, telling him to take it.
His eyes widened as he moved, his eyebrows going into his hairline as if to say “are you sure?”
You nodded again and bunched it up, and then threw it at him. He caught it, and immediately wrapped it around his neck, acting like a superhero. He ran around the stage and catwalk, one arm outstretched like Superman. It was his favorite thing in the world now. The smile on his face was one of pure, genuine happiness, and his eyes were filled with excitement.
The other members watched him in confusion at first during the interaction, and when they realized what had happened and what picture was on the blanket, they interrupted their ments to comment on it. Wooyoung was laughing so hard, San had to hold him up.
“Hyung” San said through his fits of giggles. “What is that?”
The cameras panned over to Seonghwa, who held his mic up. “Atiny gave it to me!” He was so giddy. Almost like a child on Christmas morning.
“I want one!” Wooyoung screamed from his spot on the floor, where San had dropped him. “Which Atiny?”
Seonghwa shook his head and wiggled his finger with a smirk towards Wooyoung. “Not telling. They’re my Atiny now.”
This caused a riot as Wooyoung stood up to rush at Seonghwa, but a staff member ran onto the stage to stop the chaos and get the concert back on track. You couldn’t hear it, but you could tell by the body movements that Seonghwa was getting scolded. You saw him pout and reach to his neck to untie the blanket. Before handing it to the staff member, he held it up, showing off the slightly terrifying photo of himself. The crowd cheered as the cameras panNed to it.
He held it proudly for a moment before handing it to the staff member and bowing as they ran off.
“Alright Atiny! Let’s get back to it!” Hongjoong said into his mic, distracting the crowd once again and he started the concert back up.
You looked over at your friend. Her mouth was open in shock and you sent her a smirk. Knowing full well that only a few hours ago she was making fun of you for it.
“Did that actually happen?” She yelled into your ear as Guerilla started to play and Hongjoong started his rap.
You smiled at her, a slight blush on your cheeks. “Yeah” you smiled, giddy at what just happened. “Yeah I guess it did.”
The rest of the concert went by in a blur. You were pretty sure you blacked out during most of it. The thought of Seonghwa taking your blanket from you still on your mind as you made your way back to your hotel with your friends.
A notification popped up on your phone as you entered the modest hotel lobby. Ateez had gone live in their hotel room, all eight of them crowded on a bed and tiny couch. Wooyoung sitting almost on Sans lap showed in the video preview as you sleepily walked to your room.
Your friends followed you into the room, and one pulled out their laptop. “I saw Ateez was live. Do we wanna watch?”
A chorus of sleepy yeses sounded through the room as people started to get out of their clothes and makeup, listening to the chaos of eight men in the background.
“Hey, Y/N” your friend with the laptop said. “Hwa still has your blanket.” They turned the screen towards you, and your sleepy eyes shot open and you rushed to get a closer look.
There he was. The beautiful blonde man who took your blanket of him today, sitting with it securely wrapped around him.
“I figured that he or the staff would’ve throw it away.” Your eyes wide as Seonghwa faced the camera. You felt like he was looking into your soul.
“To the Atiny who gave me this blanket, thank you. It will always be with me.” He smiled softly and stroked the soft fabric. A blush crept up your neck at his admission.
Wooyoung decided then to be a menace and he yanked the blanket away from Seonghwa and yelled something in Korean. Based on his tone, he was teasing his elder, and by the look Seonghwa had, he was annoyed.
Seonghwa reached for the blanket and Wooyoung threw it to the other side of the room. San, never one to say no to teasing his hyungs, caught it and tied it around his neck.
The live turned into chaos.
Seonghwa stood, directly in the middle between Wooyoung and San. He turned his head and leveled both men with a glare as he held his hand out, gesturing to give him back the blanket.
Seonghwa took a few step towards San, who then threw the blanket back to Wooyoung. Playing keep-away was their favorite things to do.
“Wooyoung. Give. Me. The. Blanket.”
Wooyoung gave Seonghwa a cheeky smile and stuck out his tongue. “No.”
Seonghwa rolled his eyes and stood there, just staring at Wooyoung, annoyance in his eyes. “Please can I have my blanket back?”
“Aww hyung, you even asked nicely!” Wooyoung mocked him. “Fine.” He pouted, and held his arm out with the bundled up blanket.
“Thank you,” Seonghwa said sarcastically, and started walking towards his younger. Once he got a few steps away, Wooyoung threw the blanket back to San, who hopped and caught it. Giggling the whole time.
“I’m going to kill you,” Seonghwa playfully said, lunging towards Wooyoung. He tackled Woo onto the couch, San now pouting that he wasn’t being given attention.
“Damn,” Brynn said, watching it all unfold. “He’s really serious about that blanket.” She sounded slightly envious.
“Looks like it,” you giggle. Inside you were giddy that your bias was so protective over something you gave him.
San had successfully evaded his elder and tied the blanket around his neck, like Seonghwa had done when you gave it to him. Seonghwa just watched him, looking slightly defeated. He ran his hand through his hair and looked at Hongjoong.
Words were exchanged and you saw Hongjoong stand up and try to stop Woosan from teasing Seonghwa any more. Voices who seemed like it belonged to the staff could be heard from behind the camera as well.
You saw a hand come out from behind the camera and point to Yeosang, who had curled up more on the couch to stay away from the chaos that is WooSanHwa.
Yeosang sighed and stood up next to Hongjoong. One went for San and the other went for Wooyoung, trying to get them to calm down. San and Wooyoung exchanged looks, and ran out of the room. Screaming could be heard from down the hall. A loud crash had you wincing.
Everything went quiet. Yunho and Mingi looked at each other, then the staff, and the live suddenly cut off. You and your friend looked at each other in disbelief, before erupting into giggles.
“What did I just do?” You struggled to get out before being overcome with laughter once again.
“Cause Seonghwa to deal with the menace that is WooSan.” Jisu said, peeking over your shoulder at the screen.
“I guess you’re right,” you giggled again, and ran your makeup wipe over your face. “I wonder if he’ll remember me tomorrow. We do have soundcheck.”
“If he does, I’ll eat my San collection.”
You gasped, “Noooo Brynn, not your precious San collection!”
“Yeah yeah yeah. Shut up. You look like a raccoon.” She shoved her pillow in your face and you just laughed.
“Be prepared to eat your collection tomorrow. I hear photocards go well with milk.”
She laughed again. “Go get ready for bed. We have a long day tomorrow.”
“Yes, your highness.” You bowed to her, and she threw another pillow at you. You laughed again as you easily dodged it and went to lock yourself in the bathroom.
Running your makeup wipe over your face, you started to daydream about Seonghwa and what will happen at soundcheck. If he’ll remember you. Maybe you can even find out what happened after the live ended. You hoped WooSan won’t know that it was you who gave Seonghwa the blanket. You know you’d get harassed with teasing looks and movements in your direction.
You sighed and turned the faucet on, splashing water on your face to wash away your delusional thoughts for the night. Drying your face, you unlocked the door and walked into a pitch black room. Jisu and Brynn both already passed out, one of them snoring loudly.
You giggled and crawled into bed between the two girls. Your phone buzzing on the nightstand, showing a Universe notification. Seonghwa had messaged, and you waited a second for the translation.
Seonghwa: the blanket is okay.
You giggled, watching as more messages popped into chat.
Seonghwa: thank you atiny for coming out tonight.
Seonghwa: I love you. Let’s have a good show tomorrow.
Seonghwa: have a good night ❤️
Seonghwa: I’ll see you tomorrow
You giggled and sighed in happiness. Typing out a quick reply before turning your phone on sleep mode. You smiled, cuddling into the warmth of Brynn and closed your eyes. Your message still on your mind. You hope he saw it and knew it was you.
I’ll see you tomorrow Hwa. Hopefully the blanket is safe.
8 Makes 1 Team

No matter how different, without one of us there is no 8 makes 1 Team
Synopsis : In which 8 boys build a friendship despise of their differences with the help of a psychiatrist
Pairing : psychiatrist! Reader x Ateez (for now )
Themes : angst , mental struggles, fears , Disorders etc
Warnings : this chapter includes mentions of ,slight abuse , toxicity ,mentions of toxic friendship ,crying , aggressive staff , deep talk , boundary crossing , yunho being a little oblivious , please tell me if I forgot something , and I’m not romanticizing disorders in anyway and this is pure fiction meaning this doesn’t represent Ateez in any type of way
And I would like to apologize and just like to explain that after I post the chapters of you guys getting to meet the patients (Ateez ) there will be back stories as to why they are where they are and etc , besides I do my research before writing about these disorders and other things
Tag list : @veneziamadness , @hcyaa , @sadcoffeecritic , @aapplepii , @lavishloving , @dogsongy
Also if you want to be added to the tagging list for the next chapter comment so I can add you
Word count : 1,6k


𝗣𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝟬𝟱𝟳𝟲
𝙉𝙖𝙢𝙚: 𝙅𝙚𝙤𝙣𝙜 𝙔𝙪𝙣𝙝𝙤
𝗕𝗶𝗿𝘁𝗵𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗲: 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗰𝗵 𝟮𝟯,𝟭𝟵𝟵𝟵
𝗛𝗲𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 : 𝟭.𝟴𝟱 𝗺
𝗗𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗲𝗿𝘀 : 𝘽𝙤𝙧𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙚 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘆 𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗲𝗿
𝘋𝘪𝘴𝘤𝘭𝘢𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘳𝘴 : 𝘋𝘰 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘺𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮 , 𝘙𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘰 𝘦𝘹𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮 𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘮𝘭𝘺 , 𝘚𝘦𝘵 𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮

Giggles where heard as the teens sat on the couch of the quality time room
" What is your super favorite color of all times ? "
" Me and Duri like the color red "
The boy smiled and nudged his friend
" What do you think about marvel ? "
" Duri and I prefer Harry Potter actually "
The boy smiled again looking at the other kid across of them
" Mhm why do you always respond everything for him ? can't he talk ? "
" Because we are best friends an-"
" I don't think he's enjoying it at all "
" Well you don't know Duri more than I do "
" It seems like you don't know him as well as you think you do Yunho "
The boy snickered before continuing the puzzle
" I know everything about him , and we've been best friends for 2 years since we met here "
" Yunho stop it "
" No he's trying to question me on our friendship ! "
He yelped in anger and threw the puzzle down
" Bro are you nuts ?! It took me an eternity to build this now it's ruined "
" I am not crazy , and you where questioning me on my friendship with my best friend "
" Yunho please stop this nonsense"
Duri whispered to his friend as embarrassment rose up his face
" Your weird if you are letting yourself get bossed around by this crazy ass "
" I-I am not letting myself get bossed by him it's just that he doesn't have anyone else "
" Well that's ok , I have you and that's enough "
The boy smiled softly and snuggled himself on his best friend who sighed
" Are you that oblivious? Dude he doesn't enjoy you leeching onto him all the time let him breathe "
The kid yelped getting frustrated at the scene
" Yunho please let go of me "
" But you like when we cuddle "
" Yunho please "
The boy let go of his friends arm as anger took over his face
" Are you choosing him over our friendship ? "
" That's not what he sai-"
A loud thud was hear and a scream
" Don't you interfere!"
" Look what you have done Yunho "
" Duri I-I "
" Enough ! You make me insane ! Why do you always scare away people that try to befriend me ?! "
The boy yelled at his friend who started shedding tears
" D-Duri I-I'm so-orry but- "
" I don't care about any buts , you can't get violent with people because their opinions don't sit right with you ! "
" But he was making me look bad ! "
" He's not making you look bad ! It's just what you are and you just don't want to realize it "
Duri helped the other boy up who sobbed over his painful throbbing arm
" I-I'm not bad "
" Yes you are ! Not only that but your toxic and annoying! I don't even know how I held out two whole years with you ! , just being with you makes me want to jump from a bridge! "
Yunho gasped as he looked up to eye his best friend
" Gosh this felt good to say , it's just that you keep making me feel like I'm an object "
" What do you me-ean ? I thought you liked my cuddl-"
" That's the thing ! I don't , just like I hate the color red and Harry Potter! you keep assuming things and making up fantasies about us "
" Your crazy and weird a-and-"
" Why are you acting like everyone else when you kno-"
" I've had enough of playing your friend , I felt bad for you but now you just get on my nerves "
Duri sighed and shook his head
" You don't know what boundaries are and how to accept a no , so please find someone else to boss around and that will cope up with you "
" N-No don't leave I’ll stop the cuddling ! "
He fell onto his knees with tears as he watched the boy walk out the door
" I-I have no one else "
The boy looked at the door with hope to see his friend walk back in and hug him and that everything was just a huge misunderstanding
" Go to your room , you know your not allowed to be alone here "
" M-My friend will come back "
" Than wait for him outside "
The guard sighed annoyed as he approached the kid
" I can't leave he won't know where I am so I need to stay here "
" Listen, your making my job harder than it already is so please leave befor- "
" I told you my friend Duri will be back ! "
" Well I don't give a damn about your friend Dumi or whatever his name is now go out ! "
The guard yelled back and tried holding the boy to drag him out but was suddenly bit
" Stop ! "
The boy yelled when he was yanked up and gripped by the shirt
" Now listen here you little freak ! i'm not gonna repeat myself anymore , it's either you go out while I'm being nice or you'l-"
" Or he'll what ? "
Y/n stormed towards the guard and freed his hands from the boys hair that immediately hid himself behind her
" Is this what they pay you for ?! "
" Miss I was telling him that- "
" It doesn't matter if you where telling him something this isn't a justification to use force on these kids ".
“ But he bit me ! ”
" I know it’s not right but you out of all people know that your not supposed to use violence against them "
She sighed and took the boy by his hand and walked back towards his room after the guard assigned to his door let them inside
" May I know why you bit him ? "
" H-He was being mean ! "
" And why was he being mean? "
" I was waiting for my friend Duri to be back a-and "
He suddenly looked up to her and sobbed loudly while hitting his bedsheets
" H-He doesn't want to be friends anymore "
" What happened between you both ? "
" This boy ruined our friendship it's all his fault ! Now he is Duri's best friend ! "
" Calm down first and than tell me everything "
He nodded and fiddled with his fingers
" Duri said that I-I'm toxic and that he doesn't want to be friends anymore because I don't let him breath but he's not dead he breathes just fine and I don't understand why he said that "
The boy hiccuped
" Did he tell you what you did that made him upset ? "
" He said tha-at I'm annoying and that I am always making him feel like he's an object "
Y/n sighed and extended her hands for him to hold
" What is your name ? "
" Y-Yunho "
" Yunho do you know what boundaries are ? "
He shook his head and wiped his nose
" Boundaries is something that points out or shows a limit or end "
" I don't really understand "
He sniffed and looked at her with curiosity
“For example ,what are some ways you could let me know you don't like it when i hug you without asking ?"
She looked at him and waited patiently as he looked puzzled with his own thoughts
" I can say stop ? "
" Exactly, now what do you do if someone continues doing it ? how would you feel ? "
" I would feel sad that they don't stop or push them away and say it "
" See , what if I bought you a present and said you shouldn't open it until I'm back but you do it anyways how would I feel ? "
" Sad and angry at me "
He answered lowering his head down ashamed
" Hey don't lower you head , did you open a present without my permission? "
Yunho shook his head and looked up again
" So why did you lower your head than if you didn't do anything wrong ? "
" I don't want to upset you "
" Yunho it's ok , did you realize how your friend must have felt because you didn't respect his boundaries ? " I think he was really upset because I didn't listen
" I think he was really upset because I didn't listen when he said stop to hugging or alone time "
" People are in charge of their own bodies, and it's not okay to touch them if they don't want you to, just like it's not okay for someone to touch you in a way you don't like ok ? "
He nodded
" Just like if I touch your hair or open something without your permission? "
" There you go I hope you learned something from this small talk we had
She smiled and held her hands up for a high five
" Do you promise me you'll try to respect other peoples boundaries ? "
He nodded clapping her hands with a smile
“ Who are you ? ”
“ I’m your new psychiatrist Y/n , I’m here to help you now ”
“ Do you want to play cars with me ? ”
“ I’m afraid our time will be over soon ”
He nodded and took out some plastic toy cars from his pockets
“ You can be the color yellow ”
He gave her the car
“ This is the car that my brother Gunho gave me before coming here , it’s beautiful right ? ”
“ It indeed is , well Yunho i need to be on my way now but I’ll see you tomorrow ”
“ Do you have to leave already? ”
He looked at her sadly before gripping her hands in order for her not to go
“Don’t worry I’ll pick you up tomorrow for breakfast , is there anything you want to eat ? ”
“ Are you really going to be there ? ”
“ Dont worry sweetheart I’ll be there I promise you that ”
She ruffled his hair softly
“ I want to try apple jam on my bread ”
His eyes lit up as he clapped loudly
“ Ok buddy I’ll try to find apple jam for you ”
She chuckled and waved goodbye before leaving
Getting to know patient number 0576