Wooyoung X Reader - Tumblr Posts

Summary: You weren't really the lonely girl™ of campus, but it does feel like it when you look around, and there's no one by your side when everyone else are talking and whispering between each other. You did have "friends", more like "group projet friends" that you managed to get for yourself, but they were the ones that were real close, you were there only when they had an extra empty seat. But it seems like the gods above took your nonchalant facade as a challenge. Oh, you don't think you need friends to survive through college? Bet.
Pairing: Non! idol OT8 ateez x reader (platonic)
Tags: college! au; hybrid! au; ateez! au; fluff (a whole lot of fluff and wholesomeness); angst; hurt/comfort; mentions of mistreatment and abuse.
WC: 2,2k

Ateez Masterlist

“… project, how come you did not come to see it? Did you know that you’re walking with…”, Wooyoung was talking your ears off about his dance major while the nine of you walked out of the cafeteria, both of his hands around your right elbow as he walked with a skip on his steps.
It was an adorable sight if San was being honest with himself, but he was too afraid of being only a house of cards to enjoy the moment. He could only hear his own nervous heart and anxious thoughts. Usually, walking alongside of a hybrid could only be two things for a human: a burden or a prize, but he never felt like any of those things around you. Which made everything worse.
It’s been almost two hours and the right time never came. San felt his throat closing around the words anytime he brought himself to say it. He felt bad. Yes, he missed you and yes, you did so much for all of them, but if they didn’t have a clear goal in mind, he doubted he’d talk to you again. You reminded him of the old days when he needed you. Once again, he needs you, but he wished he didn’t.
I’m so fucking selfish, his brain kept telling him. He hated that he was there to only ask for a favor without anything to give in return, as if he’d have anything you already don’t.
“San?”, your voice woke him to the conversation again.
The moment he looked around, he noticed how you already were near the entrance of campus. His pack was also expecting an answer from him. They knew why he got so distracted all of a sudden, they could feel how heavy his heart was and could only imagine the thoughts running through his head.
“Sorry”, he forced a genuine smile and you waved it off his apology. “What did you say?”
“What are you thinking about? You seem a little lost in there”. Once again you give them an opportunity to tell you whatever they wanted to.
San’s mind froze. It was the perfect time, he could just ask then and there. What if you said no? What if you hate us for taking your time for nothing? What are we going to do then? Where are we going to go?
It was your turn to force a smile, they changed the topic anytime you got close to ask what they actually wanted. It was cute when they insisted the first time they just wanted to know how you were doing, so you let it go. But they seemed more anxious as the time went on, if Wooyoung’s nails extending and retreating rubbing against your arm was anything to go by.
“Can I help you guys with anything?”, their expressions were the answers that you needed to know. “What it is? Why don’t you just tell me?”
“We don’t want to bother you”, Yeosang said so fast you barely understood it. “We only, w-we…”, he sluttered as everyone eyes fell on him.
“We were going to find a way ourselves, but then we saw you and you are the only human we can trust to ask this”, Jongho interrupted, taking all the attention to himself and Yeosang hid behind him.
You nodded along, getting a little nervous yourself. If it was money it would be fine, but they seemed so tense you thought they got into some serious legal trouble and you were far from being a lawyer.
“Do you happen to know a safe place for us to stay?”, Hongjoong said the final words.
It was a strange sight to see Hongjoong being so indirect, so shy about something that he wanted, that was the last thing you expected from him for something so small to you.
But it wasn’t small for them.
As the seconds passed, the more anxious they seemed to get. Wooyoung couldn’t look at you, although he was still attached to you by the hip. The floor seemed much more interesting to him.
“I think I do, but Mingi mentioned an apartment, did something happen?”, you asked and everyone glared at Mingi in a subtle way.
It was clear Mingi himself didn’t remember to mention it. He had a silence discussion with them through his eyes only. The apartment was a sensitive topic and nobody else was supposed to know.
“It’s nothing you can do”, Seonghwa said after a long sigh. “Some nosy bitch found out that all of us lived there”.
“What’s the problem with that?”
“Only half of us are free hybrids”, Yunho informed as he crossed his arms in front of his body. Out of instinct he shrunk into himself because of those words.
“Oh, fucking stupid law”, you said the words in your mind and that earned you a couple of smiles from them. “A safe place, huh? Like a hybrid facility but better?”
Yunho scoffed at those two words, but agreed nonetheless. “Better would be great”.
But even the facilities were shutting down one by one, thanks to the years and years of protests against the mistreatment and down right abuse from those institutions. To find something better than wouldn’t be easy.
“I have my own place, but I can try to find something better in the meantime”.
They seemed lost in thought, then looked at each other. The silent conversation between them showed you a bit of the true connection they had. It made you a bit uncomfortable all of sudden, like you shouldn’t be witnessing whatever was happening in front of your eyes.
If San seemed uncomfortable in your presence before, now it was clear to you the reason wasn’t because he said he missed you, but because of this whole situation. It also brought you some flashbacks and it made sense that he hadn’t looked your way in the past half hour or so.
“You guys can think, how much time do you have until you have to leave?”
“Not a lot, but can I have your phone number?”, Hongjoong took a step further with his own phone in hand. “I’ll let you know if we took upon that offer”.
“And I’ll let you know if I find something else, so send me a quick message, okay?”, you got another smile out of them and took it as a small victory.
“Thank you so so much”, Wooyoung said as he rubbed the marks he accidentally made on your skin before pulling away from you.
It then downed on you his tail was around your waist this whole time like a warm blanket protecting your skin from the wind and you only noticed it when it left your body. It didn’t cross your mind how strange it was when he got so attentive and clingy the moment he had an opportunity for it.
Did that fox just used his seductive skills to win me over?, you thought as you tried to keep a poker face.
To his credit, Wooyoung didn’t plan to do anything of that sort. He was only being himself, at least 99% of himself with only 1% of boldness he usually hadn’t in him. He felt like he did a walk of shame back to his pack, because, of course, they noticed. Sure, he knew he didn’t need to do that to you, but in the back of his mind he knew that was the only way to get into someone’s good side and they needed to be in your good side.
Wooyoung only took a deep breath when he felt the comforting hands of San rubbing his back. At least San wasn’t judging him.
You thought he was cute. Really, all of them would always be kind of adorable in your head and you weren’t mad at him or anything. But the fact he thought he had to do that with you was disheartening. Now you had another hybrid avoiding your gaze.
“Which side are you guys going to?”, you broke the awkward and full of unspoken emotions silence.
Jongho took that bait as a sign and pointed to his left with his left thumb.
“I’m heading the other way, I hope we see each other soon”.
It was a lie, your home was the same exact direction, but you took the long way around it.
San could say he never had a silent way back home such as this, but there was no home to come back to.
He didn’t need to look at the others to know how they were feeling. There was hope, frustration and anger hanging in the air, still nobody dared to be the one to say those words.
Hongjoong was the most frustrated one. Nothing went as planned, since they didn’t even planned to reach out to you in the first place. At least not now, but time never was on their side just like every other fucking thing. It was Mingi’s idea to go into the cafeteria and if you were there, they would go talk to you. What were the actual fucking chances you were there?
He walked in front of everyone else without a new plan yet, which was pissing him off further. His head was too heavy for his shoulders, but he needed to find a roof for his pack, so he couldn’t complain about it.
Mingi and Yunho were the last ones in line on purpose.
Yunho was a ticking bomb, he could keep the smile on his face as long as he wanted, but Mingi knew better. Yunho always thought this pride thing was kind of ridiculous in this situation. He was the first to agree to Mingi’s plan and the one who encouraged everyone else to at least try to find you, because there was not another alternative. Why was that so hard to understand? This could easier than the mess they created it.
And Yeosang was trying so so hard to conceal the hope that everyone would be ok in your house and would be able to figure it out from there. He understood why the others were hesitant, freedom wasn’t a joke for hybrids like them, who hadn’t any for so long. But at the same time you wouldn’t abuse your powers as owner of the house and only human, he would lose faith in humanity if you were like that after all he went through.
Everything was aligned for a fight to happen at any minute and San was more anxious than ever. It came out in waves off of him, Wooyoung, who was by his side, could actually feel it penetrating his own skin and therefore making himself anxious.
“Stop!”, Wooyoung yelled and all of them paralyzed in the middle of the sidewalk. He took a deep breath as a couple glared at them before bumping into Mingi. Jongho held Yunho’s arm before he could give them a piece of his mind. They can not afford to grab this much attention on the streets. “Fuck, guys, stop , let’s just… there”, Wooyoung pointed to an empty alley.
Wooyoung did little to explain himself as he walked away.
“You can’t just do shit like this in the middle of the road”, Hongjoong angry whispered to Wooyoung, barely able to contain himself as he was the first to follow him.
“I know, I know and I’m sorry”, he whispered back as he disappeared in the shadows and the others followed suit.
“I do no-”
“Does anyone have a better plan?”, Wooyoung interrupts Seonghwa without noticing it. “Because I don’t think anyone does and we’ll be out here until they throw us into jail, is that better than to just accept some help?”
“We can at least try”, among the whispers, San’s voice was the softest. “We did it once, didn’t we?”
“We are trying and where is that taking us, Sannie?”, Wooyoung’s voice sounded as tired of that topic as he felt dirty from the lack of shower for the 2nd day in a row. “We came back to level zero and we even lost all of the progress for Yunho’s case”.
At the mention of that topic, Yunho turned around to face the wall.
“Guys, we have to leave right now”, Seonghwa said as he looked over his shoulders. “Now, come on, we have to go”, Seonghwa pushed Mingi and Jongho to move first.
The two of them started with small steps looking for what Seonghwa saw, then they noticed the weird white dude talking on the phone on the other side of the road. The whispered words reached their twitching hybrid ears. It was something about safety laws and … hybrid security.
They ran.
Jongho didn’t know where he was going, but he found himself guiding them through neighborhood after neighborhood. Unfortunately it was hard to be discreet when there was nine hybrids running in broad daylight and as time passed, they got more and more attention from humans.
Their ears up in their heads, waiting for the first sign of sirens to come, because they always did if any stray hybrid was out in the open by 5.
Then, Jongho suddenly made a turn when he caught a familiar scent. The others were too busy to noticed the change in route. Instead of the nation park, now there were headed to the outskirts of the small residential area.
When they all noticed, it was too late.
They were in front of your house.
And the siren let them know it was well past 5.
Tagslist: @asherthehimbo @katsukis1wife @a1i33a @idfkeddieishot @pyeonghongrie-main @h3arteyes4mingi @huachengsbestie01 @hhoneylix @alxxxnya @queenproxy-blog @staytiny816

Summary: You weren't really the lonely girl™ of campus, but it does feel like it when you look around, and there's no one by your side when everyone else are talking and whispering between each other. You did have "friends", more like "group projet friends" that you managed to get for yourself, but they were the ones that were real close, you were there only when they had an extra empty seat. But it seems like the gods above took your nonchalant facade as a challenge. Oh, you don't think you need friends to survive through college? Bet.
Pairing: Non! idol OT8 ateez x reader (platonic)
Tags: college! au; hybrid! au; ateez! au; fluff (a whole lot of fluff and wholesomeness); angst; hurt/comfort; mentions of mistreatment and abuse.
WC: 2,2k

Ateez Masterlist

“… project, how come you did not come to see it? Did you know that you’re walking with…”, Wooyoung was talking your ears off about his dance major while the nine of you walked out of the cafeteria, both of his hands around your right elbow as he walked with a skip on his steps.
It was an adorable sight if San was being honest with himself, but he was too afraid of being only a house of cards to enjoy the moment. He could only hear his own nervous heart and anxious thoughts. Usually, walking alongside of a hybrid could only be two things for a human: a burden or a prize, but he never felt like any of those things around you. Which made everything worse.
It’s been almost two hours and the right time never came. San felt his throat closing around the words anytime he brought himself to say it. He felt bad. Yes, he missed you and yes, you did so much for all of them, but if they didn’t have a clear goal in mind, he doubted he’d talk to you again. You reminded him of the old days when he needed you. Once again, he needs you, but he wished he didn’t.
I’m so fucking selfish, his brain kept telling him. He hated that he was there to only ask for a favor without anything to give in return, as if he’d have anything you already don’t.
“San?”, your voice woke him to the conversation again.
The moment he looked around, he noticed how you already were near the entrance of campus. His pack was also expecting an answer from him. They knew why he got so distracted all of a sudden, they could feel how heavy his heart was and could only imagine the thoughts running through his head.
“Sorry”, he forced a genuine smile and you waved it off his apology. “What did you say?”
“What are you thinking about? You seem a little lost in there”. Once again you give them an opportunity to tell you whatever they wanted to.
San’s mind froze. It was the perfect time, he could just ask then and there. What if you said no? What if you hate us for taking your time for nothing? What are we going to do then? Where are we going to go?
It was your turn to force a smile, they changed the topic anytime you got close to ask what they actually wanted. It was cute when they insisted the first time they just wanted to know how you were doing, so you let it go. But they seemed more anxious as the time went on, if Wooyoung’s nails extending and retreating rubbing against your arm was anything to go by.
“Can I help you guys with anything?”, their expressions were the answers that you needed to know. “What it is? Why don’t you just tell me?”
“We don’t want to bother you”, Yeosang said so fast you barely understood it. “We only, w-we…”, he sluttered as everyone eyes fell on him.
“We were going to find a way ourselves, but then we saw you and you are the only human we can trust to ask this”, Jongho interrupted, taking all the attention to himself and Yeosang hid behind him.
You nodded along, getting a little nervous yourself. If it was money it would be fine, but they seemed so tense you thought they got into some serious legal trouble and you were far from being a lawyer.
“Do you happen to know a safe place for us to stay?”, Hongjoong said the final words.
It was a strange sight to see Hongjoong being so indirect, so shy about something that he wanted, that was the last thing you expected from him for something so small to you.
But it wasn’t small for them.
As the seconds passed, the more anxious they seemed to get. Wooyoung couldn’t look at you, although he was still attached to you by the hip. The floor seemed much more interesting to him.
“I think I do, but Mingi mentioned an apartment, did something happen?”, you asked and everyone glared at Mingi in a subtle way.
It was clear Mingi himself didn’t remember to mention it. He had a silence discussion with them through his eyes only. The apartment was a sensitive topic and nobody else was supposed to know.
“It’s nothing you can do”, Seonghwa said after a long sigh. “Some nosy bitch found out that all of us lived there”.
“What’s the problem with that?”
“Only half of us are free hybrids”, Yunho informed as he crossed his arms in front of his body. Out of instinct he shrunk into himself because of those words.
“Oh, fucking stupid law”, you said the words in your mind and that earned you a couple of smiles from them. “A safe place, huh? Like a hybrid facility but better?”
Yunho scoffed at those two words, but agreed nonetheless. “Better would be great”.
But even the facilities were shutting down one by one, thanks to the years and years of protests against the mistreatment and down right abuse from those institutions. To find something better than wouldn’t be easy.
“I have my own place, but I can try to find something better in the meantime”.
They seemed lost in thought, then looked at each other. The silent conversation between them showed you a bit of the true connection they had. It made you a bit uncomfortable all of sudden, like you shouldn’t be witnessing whatever was happening in front of your eyes.
If San seemed uncomfortable in your presence before, now it was clear to you the reason wasn’t because he said he missed you, but because of this whole situation. It also brought you some flashbacks and it made sense that he hadn’t looked your way in the past half hour or so.
“You guys can think, how much time do you have until you have to leave?”
“Not a lot, but can I have your phone number?”, Hongjoong took a step further with his own phone in hand. “I’ll let you know if we took upon that offer”.
“And I’ll let you know if I find something else, so send me a quick message, okay?”, you got another smile out of them and took it as a small victory.
“Thank you so so much”, Wooyoung said as he rubbed the marks he accidentally made on your skin before pulling away from you.
It then downed on you his tail was around your waist this whole time like a warm blanket protecting your skin from the wind and you only noticed it when it left your body. It didn’t cross your mind how strange it was when he got so attentive and clingy the moment he had an opportunity for it.
Did that fox just used his seductive skills to win you over?, you thought as you tried to keep a poker face.
To his credit, Wooyoung didn’t plan to do anything of that sort. He was only being himself, at least 99% of himself with only 1% of boldness he usually hadn’t in him. He felt like he did a walk of shame back to his pack, because, of course, they noticed. Sure, he knew he didn’t need to do that to you, but in the back of his mind he knew that was the only way to get into someone’s good side and they needed to be in your good side.
Wooyoung only took a deep breath when he felt the comforting hands of San rubbing his back. At least San wasn’t judging him.
You thought he was cute. Really, all of them would always be kind of adorable in your head and you weren’t mad at him or anything. But the fact he thought he had to do that with you was disheartening. Now you had another hybrid avoiding your gaze.
“Which side are you guys going to?”, you broke the awkward and full of unspoken emotions silence.
Jongho took that bait as a sign and pointed to his left with his left thumb.
“I’m heading the other way, I hope we see each other soon”.
It was a lie, your home was the same exact direction, but you took the long way around it.
San could say he never had a silent way back home such as this, but there was no home to come back to.
He didn’t need to look at the others to know how they were feeling. There was hope, frustration and anger hanging in the air, still nobody dared to be the one to say those words.
Hongjoong was the most frustrated one. Nothing went as planned, since they didn’t even planned to reach out to you in the first place. At least not now, but time never was on their side just like every other fucking thing. It was Mingi’s idea to go into the cafeteria and if you were there, they would go talk to you. What were the actual fucking chances you were there?
He walked in front of everyone else without a new plan yet, which was pissing him off further. His head was too heavy for his shoulders, but he needed to find a roof for his pack, so he couldn’t complain about it.
Mingi and Yunho were the last ones in line on purpose.
Yunho was a ticking bomb, he could keep the smile on his face as long as he wanted, but Mingi knew better. Yunho always thought this pride thing was kind of ridiculous in this situation. He was the first to agree to Mingi’s plan and the one who encouraged everyone else to at least try to find you, because there was not another alternative. Why was that so hard to understand? This could easier than the mess they created it.
And Yeosang was trying so so hard to conceal the hope that everyone would be ok in your house and would be able to figure it out from there. He understood why the others were hesitant, freedom wasn’t a joke for hybrids like them, who hadn’t any for so long. But at the same time you wouldn’t abuse your powers as owner of the house and only human, he would loose faith in humanity if you were like that after all he went through.
Everything was aligned for a fight to happen at any minute and San was more anxious than ever. It came out in ways off of him, Wooyoung, who was by his side, could actually feel it penetrating his own skin and therefore making himself anxious.
“Stop!”, Wooyoung yelled and all of them paralyzed in the middle of the sidewalk. He took a deep breath as a couple glared at them before bumping into Mingi. Jongho held Yunho’s arm before he could give them a piece of his mind. They can not afford to grab this much attention on the streets. “Fuck, guys, stop , let’s just… there”, Wooyoung pointed to an empty alley.
Wooyoung did little to explain himself as he walked away.
“You can’t just do shit like this in the middle of the road”, Hongjoong angry whispered to Wooyoung, barely able to contain himself as he was the first to follow him.
“I know, I know and I’m sorry”, he whispered back as he disappeared in the shadows and the others followed suit.
“I do no-”
“Does anyone have a better plan?”, Wooyoung interrupts Seonghwa without noticing it. “Because I don’t think anyone does and we’ll be out here until they throw us into jail, is that better than to just accept some help?”
“We can at least try”, among the whispers, San’s voice was the softest. “We did it once, didn’t we?”
“We are trying and where is that taking us, Sannie?”, Wooyoung’s voice sounded as tired of that topic as he felt dirty from the lack of shower for the 2nd day in a row. “We came back to level zero and we even lost all of the progress for Yunho’s case”.
At the mention of that topic, Yunho turned around to face the wall.
“Guys, we have to leave right now”, Seonghwa said as he looked over his shoulders. “Now, come on, we have to go”, Seonghwa pushed Mingi and Jongho to move first.
The two of them started with small steps looking for what Seonghwa saw, then they noticed the weird white dude talking on the phone on the other side of the road. The whispered words reached their twitching hybrid ears. It was something about safety laws and … hybrid security.
They ran.
Jongho didn’t know where he was going, but he found himself guiding them through neighborhood after neighborhood. Unfortunately it was hard to be discreet when there was nine hybrids running in broad daylight and as time passed, they got more and more attention from humans.
Their ears up in their heads, waiting for the first sign of sirens to come, because they always did if any stray hybrid was out in the open by 5.
Then, Jongho suddenly made a turn when he caught a familiar scent. The others were too busy to noticed the change in route. Instead of the nation park, now there were headed to the outskirts of the small residential area.
When they all noticed, it was too late.
They were in front of your house.
And the siren let them know it was well past 5.

Tagslist: @asherthehimbo @katsukis1wife @a1i33a @idfkeddieishot @pyeonghongrie-main @h3arteyes4mingi @huachengsbestie01 @hhoneylix @alxxxnya @queenproxy-blog @staytiny816
This is the reason why I need a rec page for all of my favorites fics. This is so so good, I was having the shitiest day and I found this post again, now I'm smiling like an idiot. The first part is also *chef's kiss*. If I could give you a trophy for Wooyoung's scene in the first part, I would!! It's literally so funny and so adorable and my fav ever ever
i have a little request! what happens with mafia mingi & yn? do they ever meet again? if so, how?
same with wooyoung! do they still meet at the convenience store every night? did he bring the others over to introduce reader to them?
oh im curious yeahhhhh
ateez as mafia members pt 2
original post here
pairing: mafia!mingi x reader, mafia!wooyoung x reader, mentions of ot8!mafia
genre: fluff, crack, a continuation of the mafia tropes brainrot-fest
length: 2.1k
c/w: explicit language, violence, weapons, mentions of alcohol, unedited
a/n: thank you anon for requesting (and special thanks @sorryimananti-romantic for validating my writing 🫶) this was only meant to be like a five dot-point thing explaining what happens, but obviously mafia!ateez has me in their chokehold. mafia!ateez in my brain: it's free real estate

it takes a few days for you to reopen your bar after your fateful meeting with ccg
ccg as in cute coat guy
because quite frankly, that night shook you up a little
mingi most definitely notices your absence
but it's not like he can just check up on how you're doing
not when your bar is closed and he has no real excuse to show up apart from "i was worried about you"
after he reports back to base and rejoins ateez, hongjoong's girlfriend offers to hack into the database and find out what your phone number is
("it'll literally take me like, two seconds")
mingi refuses though because he wants to do things the right way
at least...when it comes to things concerning you
after you reassure yourself that the thugs chasing after cute coat guy aren't going to kill you by association, you feel safe enough to open up the mist again
his leather coat usually sits draped over your chair behind the countertop
originally, you think about washing it before returning it to him
...whenever he shows up you suppose
but then you kind of like the smokey smell of gunpowder with an underlying hint of his cologne that is on the coat
so you leave it as it is
in fact, you might have actually worn it a couple of times
you like how the end of the coat brushes against your calves, how the sleeves fall past your fingertips, how it engulfs your entire frame like an embrace
but mostly, you like how it reminds you of the handsome stranger; who claims he is a good bad guy; who you still do not know the name of
you wonder if he made it back safely that night
you're wearing the coat as you're closing up for the night - it's already well past midnight
you're just about to reach for the last glass on one of the tables when you hear the door to your bar opening
"sorry, i’m closed for the nigh- oh," you pause
it’s ccg
who currently has one leg and arm halfway through the threshold of your door, now frozen mid-step at your words
“if now’s not a good time, i can come back another day?” he starts out hesitantly
“now’s great! good. yes,” you chuckle nervously and try not to be too enthusiastic at his appearance. “now’s good, come in”
you catch his eyes briefly flicker down for a moment before they return to your eyes
then he gives you a soft look and greets you gently, “hi”
“hi,” you return, brain shutting down on you
“you look cute in that,” he jerks his chin down slightly to motion at what he was looking at just moments ago
his leather coat
that you are currently wearing
you squeak in embarrassment, hands fumbling to take it off while you vomit out explanations as to why you’re wearing it
your fingers get caught up in the sleeves
but then he is stepping closer slowly so as not to alarm you, before he grasps the ends of the sleeves and helps tug them off your arms
mingi can’t help but use the opportunity to tenderly hold one of your hands
he’s missed the way your smaller hands fit snugly in his
“did you come back for your coat?” you try to break the silence, because otherwise you are afraid he will hear the heartbeats coming from inside your chest
he nods, “wanted to make sure you were okay, too”
there is a third reason that he does not say
that he just wanted to see you
“i’m okay now,” you reassure him
because he’s back now and he’s safe
he folds the leather coat and places it on the countertop before he says, “i don’t think i ever got your name?”
you tell him then ask him for his
“mingi,” you repeat
he repeats your name in return
“mingi,” you say yet again
you both laugh at the ridiculousness of the whole conversation
“mingi, want to help me close the bar?”
and so you find yourself in his company as you give him easy tasks to do
closing up has always been a tedious job, especially when your body and mind are groggy with fatigue
but with mingi around, an accidental brush whenever you shuffle past each other, a conversation easily flowing between you both, you are awake as ever
even long after all the tables and shot glasses have been cleaned and polished, floors swept, bottles of alcohol reorganised, mingi still has not left
and at some point during the night once you two sit at the countertop to rest your legs, both of you have subconsciously inched closer together in your seats, bodies seeking the warmth and proximity of the other
you are unsure how long you two talk for
but just like that first, fateful meeting with mingi, he stands up to take his leave all too soon
“goodnight, mingi”
mingi buffers for a minute before he decides to do it
he reaches out for your hand, clasping it gently to bring it up to his lips as he presses a light kiss against the back of your hand
and with a goodbye of his own, he turns for the door
except he lingers in the doorway, asking, “will i see you again?”
a smile graces your lips at the irony of the situation and you tell him it's not like you'll be going anywhere; he's free to come visit any time
but you also feel your stomach flutter
because last time, you were the one tugging on mingi’s vest, timidly wondering if that was going to be the last you saw of him
tonight, he is the one unwilling to part ways
not to say that you aren’t either
“i’ll see you around, then,” he says with finality, voice still soft-spoken
and then he leaves
but just mere seconds later you spot it
his leather coat
still folded on your counter where he had placed it earlier
"wait, your coat!" you rush outside with it
mingi is only a few feet away
he could very easily turn around and take it from you
but then he just winks, gives you a tip of his hat and says, "next time," before he's walking away again
you chew on the inside of your cheek to stop the silly grin from blooming across your face
because something tells you that you're going to be hanging on to mingi's coat for him for a while
even after next time


it feels like deja vu
a whole gang of mafia members sauntering into your convenience store like a scene straight out of a movie
admittedly, they are much more pleasing to the eye than the group that was chasing after wooyoung weeks ago
but still
these are several muscular men in tank tops, leather jackets and heavy chained necklaces
your hand itches for the comforting weight of the pepper spray in your purse that wooyoung had gotten you just last week
you haven't had a reason to need it since wooyoung basically lives in your store now
and he always walks you home after your shift
but now seems like a more than good enough time to use it
"you usually work the night shift here?"
a voice causes your eyes to snap up
the man at the head of the group addresses you with a quirk of his brow - it's pierced, you notice
"...yeah," you answer
you wonder if this is your last shift at work and at life
and then just like a repeat of last time, you spot wooyoung's frantic bounce of curls appear from across the street of your store
you pray to the heavens above that he isn't being chased by anyone else this time
because the thought of two gangs crossing paths inside your modest store?
you don't think it's going to look like a store after their fight is through
you see the way wooyoung's eyes widen when he spots the thugs just mere feet away from you and you see a curse form on his lips
you just need to hold out until he gets here
wooyoung will keep you safe
wooyoung will-
"then you must know," the man leans in a little closer to grab your attention, "where i can find-"
wooyoung bursts through the door
"-the super sour gummy worms?" the man finishes
you physically cannot help the words that blurt out of you in disbelief, "the fuck you just say?"
"hongjoong!" wooyoung's piercing shout interrupts you both
wooyoung worms his way through the gang and you stare incredulously at him before you say, "the fuck did you just say?"
he ignores you in favour of pressing his hands against the chest of the man - hongjoong? - and trying to push him towards the doors of your store
quite unsuccessfully, you must add
"the fuck are you guys doing here?" wooyoung yells
"what the fuck is going on?" you demand
"holy fuck, not even hongjoong swears this much"
"fuck yeah, potty mouth!"
"stop swearing you fucktards!"
one of the men who has been lingering on the edge of the group sidles up to the counter, looking at you with an apologetic grimace
"sorry you have to deal with...this," he shakes his head just as another man comes to join you both, "i'm jongho, by the way"
"seonghwa," the other man introduces himself with a gentle voice
these mafia men are surprisingly kind
and normal
except, you suppose, anyone in comparison to wooyoung would be normal
"are you all wooyoung's, uhh, friends?" you don't know whether they know you know
they chuckle, "yeah, we're his friends. his brothers, too, you could say"
you realise the rest of the men have started to settle down and are standing in a rough semi-circle around your counter
wooyoung is currently grumbling and muttering indignantly under his breath with someone's arm thrown over his shoulders, though it looks more like he's a child being scolded by his father than it looks a friendly gesture
"so to what do i owe the pleasure of a visit from all of you?" you ask them, now that there is no swearing being thrown across the room and you realise they aren’t going to shoot you through the head
"had to see for ourselves who was making our wooyoung all smitten. always sneaking out at night like a tween"
"yunho!" wooyoung hisses and elbows said man in the ribs
except with the height difference, it's more like his hips
it's amusing to see how everyone has the upper hand over wooyoung's brattiness
"am i meeting the in-laws already?" you smirk at wooyoung, "you like me or something, jung wooyoung?"
he flushes bright red and you're quite positive that if you made him take his socks off, you would find him blushing straight down to his toes
"that's it!" he hollers, arms flailing and shooing everyone, "out! out! out!"
you know they can easily resist his pushy hands, but they simply snicker and let themselves be herded towards the doors
"bye, darling!" someone jumps up and down to catch your gaze over the heads of everyone else
"shut up, san!"
yunho, you think you recall his name being, flutters his fingers at you cheekily, "we'll be back soon!"
and then he lets out an indignant yelp when wooyoung slaps his back with a screech, "no, you guys won't!"
you're laughing heartily by this point, unrestrained and very much enjoying their antics
"bye, everyone," you wave them off and then blow wooyoung an exaggerated kiss, "see you later, wooyoungie!"
everyone cackles with glee at the sight of him trying to dig himself into the ground
the sound of their ruckus finally dies down as they exit and walk further away from your store
and then you hear a distant wail
"i didn't get my gummy worms!"
you shake your head with a fond smile and take a seat at the register, but not before setting aside a pack of those ‘super sour gummy worms’ for hongjoong
and then, like always, you look at the clock and count the seconds as they tick past
counting down the seconds until wooyoung comes back to see you


Summary: You weren't really the lonely girl™ of campus, but it does feel like it when you look around, and there's no one by your side when everyone else are talking and whispering between each other. You did have "friends", more like "group projet friends" that you managed to get for yourself, but they were the ones that were real close, you were there only when they had an extra empty seat. But it seems like the gods above took your nonchalant facade as a challenge. Oh, you don't think you need friends to survive through college? Bet.
Pairing: Non! idol OT8 ateez x reader (platonic)
Tags: college! au; hybrid! au; ateez! au; fluff (a whole lot of fluff and wholesomeness); angst; hurt/comfort; mentions of loneliness and insecurities; mentions of hybrid mistreatment and abuse
WC: 2,4k
N/A: Do we have some plot? Yes we do!! I'm excited to hear you guys thoughts. If you enjoyed this, don't forget to reblog so my work can reach more people <3

Ateez Masterlist

In your neighborhood, most residents were 60 something that complained about any noise after 5 p.m. so they heard the sirens miles away and the commotion was set even before you saw 8 guys running straight to your house.
You froze, standing still by the window for a moment or two. You just got into the house, and you were sure you said send a text, which you were waiting for the whole way home, but you got nothing. The moment they stopped to breath was the one where your legs seemed to function again.
You opened the door wide and gestured for them to come in and to do it fast.
In front of all of your nosy neighbors, they got into your house for the first time.
You saw the relief in their faces as each one of them walked in and let their shoes by the door. You noticed the sweat in their foreheads and how much they were hyperventilating, how could you not? They looked like they just ran a marathon, and you didn’t doubt it, considering how fast they reach your house, almost as fast as you did.
“How about a cup of water”, you heard the streams of thank you’s as you went to the kitchen.
You never had to use that many before and would never have bought it if it depended solely on your social circle. For the first time, you thanked your parents for hosting so much when you’re younger and just wanted to watch some TV in the living room.
It was when you took the third glass cup out of the cabinet, you noticed they were silent. There were no footsteps sounds, no voices talking, no nothing.
“Come on, there’s no need for that in here”, you said in the same calm and low voice tone.
Hongjoong cleaned his throat and did his best to pretend he wasn’t that embarrassed by your call-out. He searched the whole space without moving a muscle, he found nothing near threatening as he thought, but out of instinct, he stood there as he looked out for them and out of instinct the rest of them waited for a sign to actually rest and let their guard down in that new environment.
The moment Hongjoong waved lightly with his right hand, it was a domino effect. Mingi sank to the floor as he took a deep breath. Yeosang leaned on the floor to collect his own thoughts. San and Wooyoung, hand-in-hand, slowly roamed through the huge living room, but not as big as the one they once called home and hell in the same breath.
Yunho and Jongho followed you to the kitchen as Seonghwa rubbed Hongjoong’s left shoulder, then made him walk to the others.
“I’ll help you with those”, Yunho said, then took three full cups with both his hands as if that was his second nature. His eyes were gentle as he looked at you for those couple of seconds, the words ‘thank you’ weren’t needed to send the message.
Jongho leaned against the wall as he waited for you to fill the rest. “Thank you for taking us in, and sorry for the trouble”, he said it while his head looked down to your carpet.
“This wasn’t trouble, I should’ve known none of you is the kind to send a ‘hey, help me’ text”, both of you giggled together at that. “Aren’t you tired, too?”, you glanced at him before putting down the last glass cup on the counter.
He was holding himself together well if he was just pretending in front of you.
“I stretched before going to campus, guess it gave me some results today”, he shrugged, a small smile on his face as he took other three cups.
Before you could help with the last two, Yunho swiftly took it off of your hands and lead you the way out back to the living room.
“So”, you said as they chugged down the water and were comfy on the couches and armchairs, at least for that moment. “Is there something I should know for when the police comes?”, the words caused some wide eyes and nervous looks from Mingi and Seonghwa. “I kind of have a plan, I’ll get them off our backs for now, but I need to know I won’t be caught in a lie”.
“Hm, there’s not much to know, we kept our distance from them for years now, beside the thing with the apartment”, Seonghwa said as his tail moved left and right even when he tried to stop it.
“Can they prove all of you lived there?”
“No”, Hongjoong answered it fast.
You smiled because, of course, he destroyed everything before they ran out of there.
“That’s good enough for me”, you took a deep breath. “If any of you ever got questioned, you are under the hybrid protective services of my dad, Mr. Lee, just give them this name and wait for me whatever situation may be and for the record, you’re staying here under law protection, everyone on the same page?”
“Yes, but is that even real? Are they going to leave it alone?”, Jongho asked.
Hongjoong and San were the most unsure ones with this plan, trying to form a backup plan already if shit went down, and they needed to go on the run.
“It is, but I need a lot of paperwork to prove it, lucky us these people are underpaid and understaffed, when did they actually do more than needed of them, right?”
Right there, you made a good point. They could always count with the low effort and incompetent policemen, but usually that made everything worse for them. To make that a benefit would be a welcomed first.
“Any more questions?”, you felt stupid acting like a teacher to those hybrids, but if anyone found a hole in this story, the pleasure of ruining your lives could be bigger than fatigue, there was no doubt in it.
They shook their heads’ no.
“Good, I have four bathrooms so be my guest, all of you can take a shower, and I’ll order some food for us, okay?”
“Oh, thank goodness”, Wooyoung got up as soon as you finished. “So where’s the dir- ow, that hurts”, he whined as he caressed his left forearm up and down.
San gave you an embarrassed yellow smile and then went back to avoiding your gaze once again.
“Basement first door of the corridor, downstairs second door to the right, upstairs second door and the right door on the last bedroom”, you showed with your hands as you gave the directions. “It would be politer to give you all a house tour, but you’re not any common guests so wander as much as you like to, I really don’t think you’re going to be lost with those good noses of yours”.
Now, not even San could hold back a genuine smile.
“That is it, I’ll bring some clothes now go, go”, you gestured for them to hurry.
You seemed pretty confident in yourself and if they noticed the facade, nobody said anything. You did not mention on purpose how much you counted with the respect of your father’s name and reputation, which was quite a lot, but you’re confident on your lying skills, since you spent years of your teenage years polishing it.
As they went their separate ways, filling the empty shell of your house, you felt warmth as a quick thought crossed through your head, but you let it go as fast as it came.
You felt breathless as you rummaged through your father’s closet. You found some peace in that dusty room as your mind started to catch up with everything you did and said and the possible implications of it all. There are 9 hybrids in the house now, and you put your neck in line for them without much thought like always. You have always been the act first, worry next kind of person, but it’s the first time the full responsibility would fall on your lap if the plan went south.
“This would have to do it for now”, you said as you looked at the heavy pile in your arms.
They still didn’t come to the living room when the doorbell rang, not once, not twice.
It occurred to you that you needed to clean this mess at some point, he left too many clothes behind for you to pretend like he cares for them.
You ran to the door, suddenly nervous about the amount of lies you were about to spill.
“Hello, how can I help you?”, you forced a smile as soon as you saw the uniformed man standing there, thank goddess one you didn’t know.
“Well, hello Miss, one of your neighbors told us nine hybrids invaded your home… Is that true? You seem uninjured”, he was calm as someone who was ready to break down a door would be.
Behind the man, you saw other five of them holding guns ready to step in as back up. Since when were they allowed to carry guns? You focused your attention on the man in front of you again.
“They didn’t invade, I’m sure this is a misunderstood, do you know my father chief of the hybrid protection department Mr. Lee?”, the flash of recognition softened his featured and he nodded. “We found them, and we took them over to be under law protection here until we have a good home for them, it’s been tough with the hybrid facilities closing recently”, you said it with an unspoken sadness you didn’t feel over that at all, but he nodded along with you.
“Yeah, I heard they are going to go after the fight clubs too, so no more show for us, I guess”, he said it like it was just a silly comment and his whole demeanor was different all of a sudden. The man was young, but to lean on your door like a love interesting out of a romcom still made you want to throw up.
“Oh”, it was the best you could say, because you couldn’t make yourself agree to that. “Right, so are in the clear? I mean if you want to you can talk to my father bu-”
“No, no, there’s no need, this is not the first time he became the hero for some mut-”
There was no movement in the house.
“Have a good day, mister”, you closed the door onto his face and your smile faded.
Your hands were shaking as you slowly made your way to grab yourself a glass of cold water.
If Hongjoong couldn’t hear their hearts, he would be worried. It was him and Seonghwa at your basement and both weren’t in the mood to talk since they arrived at the house for different reasons. Hongjoong had this habit of being lost on his own worries and what if’s, Seonghwa did his best to pull him out but, still unsuccessful until he smelled the officer scent.
People like that really made Hongjoong’s blood boil, the ones who are there only for the status the position gave, but who also took full advantage of the fuck-up system they were supposed to rebuild. He’d rather a cruel officer than a hypocrite one, at least the cruel one he knew what to expect of.
“Hey, he’s nothing we didn't dealt with already”, Seonghwa grabbed Hongjoong’s arm, and noticed how his nails grew on length, which was never a good sign. “Com’on, it’s your turn, the water is still warm so don’t take too long”, he said as he pushed Hongjoong into the bathroom and closed the door.
Wooyoung sat on the floor of your room as San pretended to take his shower. The words were ringing on their ears. ‘They are going to go after the fight clubs too’, he said. The water kept running, but he knew San was as distraught as he was.
Wooyoung didn’t notice the door opening, but he felt Jongho’s arm taking him off the ground and shielding him from his own thoughts.
“If they do go after him one day, I’ll make sure he doesn’t get to you, to you both”.
San could only feel a sense of gratitude because even if he hated he wasn't the one reassuring Wooyoun, he was thankful that Jongho was.
Yunho and Mingi came to collect Yeosang out of there, it was getting painful to stand outside waiting for the timing to come in, so the three of them inside could have their alone moment for a longer while. They were also the first ones who sat by you on the couch and ate first, since the food had already arrived by then.
You didn’t know what to say and they didn’t feel the need to say anything, but as much as you tried to act natural, they could feel your side eyes.
“It’s ok”, Yunho whispered to you and he wished he could comfort you they way he can with his pack, but you couldn’t feel the waves of serene energy around the room. “Your plan was flawless, wasn’t it? He acted like a piece of shit, there’s no surprise in that”.
But you did felt better, because he implied you weren’t part of that category and to know he still keep you separate of them was enough for you.
“Can you take those to them?”, you asked Yunho while gesturing to the two other closed bags on the coffee table. “Also can you two discuss with them the bedroom arrangements you guys want and let me know, please? Again, look around if you need to, mine is the green one, I’ll be there if you need anything”.
They did as you said, Jongho went downstairs and you followed Yunho upstairs.
The moment your back touched the soft texture of your blanket, you felt asleep.
“We shouldn’t be doing this...”
Tagslist: @asherthehimbo @katsukis1wife @a1i33a @idfkeddieishot @pyeonghongrie-main @h3arteyes4mingi @huachengsbestie01 @hhoneylix @alxxxnya @queenproxy-blog @staytiny816

I feel like 'thanks you' are not enough to express what I'm feeling anymore. We reached and passed 400 followers already. In less than a year this account grew sooo much. I had around 67 followers when I started posting for ateez, just so you guys know.
So, now onto the important part!
Our theme is cozy and warm winter, since that's what the most voted theme was.
So send your asks my way! You guys can choose anything, a scene, a sub theme or just an idea. Send them all! I have some stuff in store for you guys too, like dad!ateez on Christmas Eve and a reaction for your first holiday together

Mingi had a whole date ready for both of you, but things don't go as planned. Still, he couldn't ask for nothing else.
You got another members' photocards as a Christmas gifts and there's a reaction the boys are looking for with this... So did it work?
You've been dating for a while, but because of his idol life style, it's hard to go out and do something different, but now you have the perfect opportunity to do so.

I feel like 'thanks you' are not enough to express what I'm feeling anymore. We reached and passed 400 followers already. In less than a year this account grew sooo much. I had around 67 followers when I started posting for ateez, just so you guys know.
So, now onto the important part!
Our theme is cozy and warm winter, since that's what the most voted theme was.
So send your asks my way! You guys can choose anything, a scene, a sub theme or just an idea. Send them all! I have some stuff in store for you guys too, like dad!ateez on Christmas Eve and a reaction for your first holiday together

Mingi had a whole date ready for both of you, but things don't go as planned. Still, he couldn't ask for nothing else.
STOP I'M 😭😭😭😭😭 *some deep breaths*
I LOVE 🫵🫵🫵🫵🫵
There’s more hybrid stories to come, I promise
The cat and the fox I - PSH & JWY - TCTF SERIES

Pictures aren't mine, credits to the rightful owner

Pairing: hybridcat!seonghwa x reader x hybridfox!wooyoung (non-romantic)
Genre: fluff
Warnings/tags: mentions of blood and injuries; hybrid cat; hybrid fox
N/A: I'm late, but here it is the part 1 of the fic I planned for Seonghwa's birthday!
WC: 2,1 k

Ateez Masterlist
The Cat and The Fox II
The Cat and The Fox III

I never even considered adopting nor fostering a cat in all the 25 years of my life, so why do I have a gray cat laid down on my couch, licking his fur without any worry in the world, as if that was his rightful place since the start?
I just had a simple wish, to get home as fast as possible, take a shower and then sleep for at the very least 3 hours, but that seemed like a lot to ask. My living room was a mess. My rugs out of place, all of my decorations, cushions and photo-frames were on the floor, the latter ones were broken and there was glass all scattered on the floor and… blood? Yes. Drops of blood leaving the living room to the kitchen. I was paralyzed by the door, my jaw on the floor. Then I saw it, the window by my work table was open and all of my notebooks and computer were untouched, but I couldn’t say the same for my papers, the small pile scattered on the floor as the cherry on top.
I let the door open, just in case I’d need to run out. It could be a fox, a raccoon or worse. I walked through the living room, but I couldn’t hear a thing besides my own heart ringing in my ears.
I wasn’t a monster, of course I like most animals and would never wish for something to hurt them on purpose, but if I had to choose, please, can it be gone or dead just this once? Maybe it wasn’t even here anymore, which would be the best I could get out of this, but what are the chances? There was only a single way out, the window.
As I made my way to the kitchen, following the blood, I heard a screech, then a meow? A cat meowing? Then, something gray ran through my legs, while a red thing ran after it, or so I thought, but the red animal ran to the opposite direction, while the gray animal hid itself under the couch. I caught sight of a blurry red fluffy tail leaving through the open door, it was a fox, a bleeding one, as I saw the drops it left on my floor.
I ran to close the door and looked through the peephole, the fox was gone, then I heard another meow, softer and lower this time. The gray cat had only its head out, looking to the door and then to me. I stayed still as he kept staring, judging, something I expect of all cats, but then he hid again as I took a step closer.
Clearly, I didn’t pass the vibe check.
“Yo-”, I took a deep breath. “Ok, I get that you’re scared, just stay there, ok? I’ll clean this mess.”
I tried to be fast, not only because I wanted to be done as soon as possible, but also the cat could get out and hurt itself, if it wasn’t hurt in the first place already. The first step was to clean the glass the best I could - I knew I would find little glass pieces for the rest of the week in the most random places. The second step was way faster, to organize the living room and put the trash outside. The blood was the real nightmare, and I didn’t even consider getting rid of it all at that point. The little stain on the carpet would remind me constantly of what happened that day.
While I rushed to one side of the house to the other, I kept an eye on the couch, yet I didn’t see it or its head at all. Was the cat that scared and overwhelmed? Maybe it was truly hurt, the fox chased it after all.
I looked at the couch and debated being a complete asshole for a moment. I could just take my shower and go to sleep, right? But what if it was true injured, and it gets worse because I wasn’t fast enough? The cat could take its sweet time destroying everything too. I didn’t wait another second to get my first-aid kit.
“Kitty?”, I said as I took a seat, one foot away from the couch.
I laid down on the ground to take a look under it, just to make sure it was still there, and it was. At the very back of the couch, I could barely see anything beside its shape, its head laid on one paw, the other one was hidden, and its brownish eyes looking at me. The cat glued on the wall, and it didn’t seem excited to leave it anytime soon.
“You are hurt, aren’t you? It must hurt a lot, right?”, I whispered as I laid my head on my right arm, still laid on the ground, almost at the same position the cat was.
It meowed as it followed all of my movements.
“Yeah, I’d love to know if that was a yes or a no.”
I pulled the aid kit to my side, in front of the couch. “Look, I want to help you, can you please not bite me?”, I asked as I reached for it under the couch to try and give my hands for him to sniff.
I closed my eyes, ready for the inevitable, yet I didn’t come, but it also didn’t sniff me. “Hey, I’m trying to be friendly here, isn’t that how people do?”, I said as I took my hand away.
I looked under the couch again, the cat was in the same position.
“Okay, this isn’t going to work…”, I reached further under the couch until I could feel his fur.
I heard the scared meows and waited for the worst, but the cat stayed still and let me pull it out without much fight, for my own surprise. I let my hands open and light, so I wouldn’t hurt it. The poor thing was paralyzed in my hand and looked at me with the same fear I looked at him with.
I got up and sat on the floor, slow, to not scare him more than I already did. I didn’t know what to do for a moment as we just look at each other. If this cat was a person, this would classify as one of the most awkward moment of my life. He ended up on my lap.
“It’s okay, kitty. I won’t hurt you”, I said, as I let my right hand in front of him to sniff on his own time.
He was hesitant to even get close to my hand, body stiff while I held him with my left hand, but as soon as he realized I wouldn’t move, he took a step to finally sniff me, and when he was finished, sat on my thighs and I released him, more confident that he wouldn’t immediately run to hide again.
I blinked the sleepiness away and took my time to search for any visible injures without touching him more than necessary. His paws were still hid under his body the whole time, and my best guess was he still was too hesitant of me to be 100% comfortable. He wasn’t wearing a collar, and I couldn’t even imagine what he went through alone in the streets to be this scared, but the weird thing it’s he wasn’t seriously injured as far as I could see.
“Did that fox chased after you and you scared him away, kitty?”, I said as I petted him slowly on his head.
He meowed and purred nonstop, and I didn’t dare to stop for a single moment. I realized he started to lean his head on my hands, his eyes were closed, and his body laid on my stomach.
“A cuddly one, I see”, I smiled as I looked down on him. “I’m almost about to forgive you for that mess you left me earlier”.
I couldn’t help, but think he was adorable. He moved his head constantly to find the exact spot he wanted me to scratch and as soon as I found it, that specific spot behind his ears, I felt his body melt on mine once for all.
I don’t even remember how long I stayed like that, but my wrist already hurt, and my eyes were too heavy to keep them open. The purring sounded calming for some reason, and I felt the stress leaving me as time went by, but I had to stop, and he didn’t like that one bit.
“I can pet you later”, I said as I walked to my bedroom.
I thought he would be happy in the living room, or he would be back to hide under the couch, but he followed me around to my room, to the kitchen, to the bathroom - and he even threw a little tantrum when I closed the door and didn’t let him in, he scratched the door, but stopped as soon as I turn the water on.
Is that even the same cat that hid under my couch? He must have an owner then, because there's no way a cat is this friendly and trusting to strangers and lived on the streets for long. He must have lost his way home being chased by that fox or something like that, but then he had to have a collar. Maybe someone stole it? No, there's no way someone is that cruel and dead inside.
I saw him sitting by the doorstep of my room, right in front of the bathroom, with those big bright brown eyes shining looking up at me. My heart melted as I picked him up, again, with a lot of care, but he snuggled in my arms immediately without a single care in the world. His cold nose hid into my chest and I petted his sweet spot, while I walked downstairs.
"You must be hungry…can cats eat normal food?"
He meowed, and I looked down at him. He was nestled in my arms while looking at my face, then he blinked slowly, then hid again in my chest.
Well, that didn't help much, but it was adorable, so I'll excuse it this time.
I looked up the foods cats could eat, and it turns out, it's much more than I thought, however I would have to boil almost everything I had at home and that would take way more time than to buy cat food in the convenience store nearby.
"Okay, kitty. I have to buy some food for you, so you have to stay here alone for a little bit", I said in a soft tone of voice.
I felt his eyes on me, yet he didn't protest as I put him on the ground, then I verified if the windows were all closed this time. As I walked to the door, I expected some kind of protest or whining, but he only walked to the door with me.
"I see, are you scouting me out of my own house? Is that it?"
As soon as I opened the door, he ran out. I froze by the door as he went straight to the side of the house, and before I could lose sight of him, I ran too. I couldn’t even think at that moment. The corner of the house was narrow and led to the small backward, and there was nothing there besides some old stuff I still had to throw out. I didn’t expect to see the cat snicking in one of the old boxes.
The cat stood beside that red fox inside the box. The fox laid there, and it didn’t move as I got closer, and I wasn’t sure if it was conscious. Only then I noticed the trail of blood on the tiles, coming from the backward. I heard scratches on the box, and focused back on them. The cat looked at me, and it seemed desperate as it meowed louder and louder.
“I know, I know”, I said as I tried to pick up the box, a little bit scared of the fox still, since it could attack me at any point, yet it didn’t move. “Come on, I’ll take care of you”, I whispered.
The fox opened its eyes, and I stopped in my tracks. It was too close of me already, it could attack me or run, maybe I should have run, but I was stunned by the brightness of the yellow on its eyes. He was as still as me, and I felt like the world had stopped breathing for a bit, too.
The cat moved, and the fox cried out, that was what woke me up.

Summary: You weren't really the lonely girl™ of campus, but it does feel like it when you look around, and there's no one by your side when everyone else are talking and whispering between each other. You did have "friends", more like "group projet friends" that you managed to get for yourself, but they were the ones that were real close, you were there only when they had an extra empty seat. But it seems like the gods above took your nonchalant facade as a challenge. Oh, you don't think you need friends to survive through college? Bet.
Pairing: Non! idol OT8 ateez x reader (platonic)
Tags: college! au; hybrid! au; ateez! au; fluff (a whole lot of fluff and wholesomeness); angst; hurt/comfort; mentions of loneliness and insecurities; mentions of hybrid mistreatment and abuse
WC: 3,4k
N/A: It's finally here and a thousand words longer than the previous chapter! Please reblog my work and let me know if you want to he tagged in the next chapter <3

You were always an early riser. The sun was breaking its first lights on the horizon as you got ready for the day, but there wasn’t a single bone of excitement in you.
Your room reflected the mask you were trying hard to wear early in the morning, spotless and perfectly organized, that was until anyone noticed how messy your bed still was.
You feel asleep early for any college major, but somehow slept a total of 4 hours only. None of them knocked on your door, and you didn’t hear a single peep or saw any lights on from your own slightly open door. They were capable of managing themselves well, you knew that, so you closed the door and were left to your own thoughts for the rest of the night.
Your brain wouldn’t stop running to all the things you needed to do while waiting for a more appropriate hour of the day to actually do them. It was a suffocating feeling, and you hated to feel so impotent. So you cleaned everything you came across at 12 A.M. trying to be as quiet as possible, too restless and tired of all the toss and turn you did already.
You walked out of your room, and it was almost like every single worry you had all night was just in your head. The cop, the plan, your father, they’re now living with you, the shopping you need to do, the paperwork you have to get, their legal documents you have to find wasn’t splashed on the beige walls and the cold porcelain of the floor, so maybe you could just ignore it before your coffee.
“Good morning”, Seonghwa said as you reached the 3/4 of the stairs, now sure that you could see him on the couch and he wouldn’t scare you. Still, he did notice how you grabbed harder on the handrail and had a hard time trying not to smile, but his ears twitching could give him away. “I’m sorry”.
“It’s ok”, you chuckled. “Have you been up for a while?”, you asked as you reached the bottom of the stairs.
“No”, he looked over to the windows, the sunrise clear on the horizon. “I did not even notice how early it was until I came up here”.
It was partly true, there were no windows on the basement area, instead a huge glass door that lead to the pool on the other end of the corridor. He did not see the sun rising and did not take notice of the time, he just did not sleep at all.
“Want some coffee?”, you said as you went around the living room to the kitchen.
“Sure, thank you”, he said, but made no moves to follow you.
Seonghwa was enjoying the quiet to put his thoughts in order, something he couldn’t do lately. The last week took a toll on the whole pack to the point their scents changed a little due to stress. Nothing was planned and neither him nor Hongjoong wanted to put their trust and safety solely on your words.
Your presence on itself was something he couldn’t decide how he felt about it yet. It was annoying how submissive and fake most of them got in your presence, including Jongho, which was a shocking sight back on campus. It was in Seonghwa’s nature to be attentive and caring towards others, he was aware of it, but he only offers that to his pack and pack only. There were no humans left that are worthy of that, Jongho himself said to him once. Yeah, he saw you before. All of them ended up on the hybrid protection department at least twice until now. You were just a human child bored out of your mind. What’s so special about it?
“Here it is”, you left the mug on top of the coffee table, eye smiled at him and then left.
Seonghwa was paralyzed on his spot. He did not hear your steps nor your closeness to him. Now the only thing he could hear was his own-scared heart.
There was a dark cloud on top of Seonghwa’s head, so you give him his coffee quick and left him alone on the couch.
Now, you had at least a whole hour until you had to leave to take the subway. It was enough time to make a small breakfast for yourself and revise your notes for today, but not to make a decent meal for 9 freaking people.
You went to grab your coat near the entrance, even though in less than an hour it would be boiling hot outside.
“Can you tell the other boys I’m grabbing food for us?”, you raised your voice as you looked over Seonghwa, at least 10 feet away, still on the same spot as you left him starting at the wall.
He winced because of your loud tone, and you signed, now aware of your mistake.
“It won’t take long, sorry”, you just left, it felt like the best thing to do.
Perfect, you said to yourself.
Perfect, Seonghwa said to himself.
He knew some of the others could mess up this new arrangement out of guilt for searching around your father’s office, but he couldn’t let it happen.
Yunho was the first to walk downstairs, the both of them needed to have a little chat.
You could only hear the click and clack of the cutlery hitting the porcelain plates. For a table with 9 people, it was quieter than when you eat on your own.
The house was always just that, a house, a balance between a safe place for you to rest in and someone else’s property that you had no control over, but never you felt so uncomfortable in it.
The night before you noticed how proper Yunho and Jongho were, but now, looking at all of them, it seemed forced. It was, because it was. Of course, they were trained to be.
“You are really serious about food, aren’t you?”, you couldn’t take the silence anymore.
Most of them nodded, a small chuckle giving a little bit of life to the table. It was true, call hybrid instincts or whatever, but they meant business when it came to food, but they knew very well there was more than that to the atmosphere in the room, and it was best for you to stay unaware of it.
“It’s just that good”, Mingi said suddenly, as he took another bite of the fresh croissant. “Melting on my mouth”, he mumbled more to himself than anything, still a little shocked at how good it was.
Your neighbors glaring at you as you left with four filled bags out of the small bakery three blocks away was worth it.
“You should have it as a sandwich later”, you said, more than happy to have an actual conversation.
Mingi wanted to hear all about your best recommendations, while San, Yunho and Hongjoong had a staring contest.
Wooyoung, San and Yeosang, a trio you never imagined would work well together, but somehow it did.
On the way to university, you found out, actually, the three of them were dance majors, not just Wooyoung. To your surprise, Yeosang did most of the talking for them this time.
In all honesty, Yeosang just wanted to hide in a hole and disappear. Never in his life he thought he’d want Wooyoung to talk more or that he would wait for a miracle, but at that moment, he caught himself doing both.
Every single loud noise made him jump out of his skin, from the sound of the rails to the loud people talking on the phone. It was all too much all at once. Your attention on him and him only was new, his face was all red, and he couldn’t look into your eyes. His hands hugged his bag against his own chest, but the weight wasn’t enough. If it wasn’t for two hands on his thighs, a clear sign of protection and sureness, he wouldn’t be talking at all.
Bless your heart, you gave every bit of encouragement and reaction to every thing he said, but it was not helping.
“S-so, we were trai-”, Yeosang already small voice was interrupted by the announcement of the next station. The doors closed, and you held tighter onto the pole as it started to move again.
“Training for what?”, you asked as you did your best to maintain the space between you and San’s body.
“There is a performance at the end of the year”, Wooyoung said it, faster than Yeosang could think.
“That’s so cool, so there’s a date already?”
She thinks am I cool? It was unconscious how all of them perked up at the compliment. Wooyoung tail seemed like it had a mind of his own, swaying left to right. Yeosang turned even more red in the face, his fluffy gray ear covering the sides of his face as he recoiled between the two bodies on each side of him. San cleaned his throat as he looked the other way, he was not comfortable with how much he enjoyed it hearing such a small compliment from you.
Yeosang was a few beats late when he noticed you were still waiting for an answer.
“Oh, hum, no, I d-do not think so, right?”, he looked over to the other boys, who agreed.
“We’ll let you know so you can come see us”, Wooyoung said as he rubbed Yeosang’s back slowly.
“I’d love that, thank you, but are you sure it’s okay for me to come?”, you asked him, then glanced at San, who was already looking at you.
“We want you to come”, San said.
He said a ‘we’, when you were looking for an ‘I’.
It was a painful and awkward silent the rest of the way, until the three of you could breathe again.
“It’s not here”, Seonghwa said a second time since coming back to your father’s office.
He was already tired due to a sleepless night, now he had to spend all his energy to look for papers that weren’t even there.
“Then look again, it has to be here somewhere”, Hongjoong was loosing all his patience as he analyzed every single paper they found left on his desk.
Seonghwa took a deep breath. Hongjoong was being unreasonable, all of them already knew that, including Hongjoong himself.
“You know there’s no reason for why he would leave that behind, and it’s clear he hasn’t been here in a good while, so why are we doing this again?”, Seonghwa put the old box down on the table, all of it was useless anyway.
“This might be the only lead we get, do you just want to give up on him?”, the last two words barely a whisper as Hongjoong took a step closer to Seonghwa, the papers left scarred inside the drawer.
Both of them did not want Yunho, Mingi or Jongho to hear what was going on up there.
Standing so close to each other like this, eye to eye, they could almost touch the emotions swirling in the room. It was frustrating to Hongjoong. They had a goal and a chance, so why would they fail Yunho now? His anger, resentment and fear towards himself more than anything filled the room and suffocated both of them. Seonghwa looked nothing but empathetic and warm and welcoming to Hongjoong’s fears and worries, even when he could only feel the opposite, Hongjoong’s presence almost physically pushing him out.
It took Hongjoong only a moment to give up, which furthered Seonghwa’s worries.
“We’re going to figure it out”, Seonghwa whispered as he kneeled by Hongjoong’s side. He collapsed on the office floor, now holding onto himself. “We always do, don’t we?”
Hongjoong’s eyes seemed unfocused looking down to something on the ground, Seonghwa’s words barely registered in his mind.
When Seonghwa touched his shoulder, Hongjoong looked up to him.
“We always do, don’t we?”
“We do”, he sighed.
Seonghwa wished to say much more at that moment, but Hongjoong in that state would not hear it.
So he only did what he should do, offered a helping hand for Hongjoong to stand once more.
By the end of the day, you did all you could to not go back.
You called Jongho to tell him to get the food delivery when it was close enough to the house. He was surprised, jacket already on hand to buy lunch himself, but it was too late for a polite decline.
The bell rang and you hung up.
You did not come to eat with them, even though you had over two free hours in between classes, but they did not know that and even if they did, would they really call you out on it? It was more comfortable for them that way, so they could be free to behave like they wished to.
You stayed to study on the library after class, which you never did, you rather the comfort and quiet of your room for that, and it was barely 4 p.m.
The list was your salvation to skip dinner. This time, Jongho had time to thank you for the meal in the name of them all.
“It’s not a bother, don’t worry”, you said as you walked out of the second store, bags in hand and the phone tight between your shoulders and left cheek.
“We can cook for ourselves, you know. Don’t you trust us?”, he had that pouting voice through every word, and it took a small smile out of you.
“Of course I do, but you’re my guests and there’s a clear rule, guest don’t do any work around the house, so get used to it”, those words hit him like bricks when you thought it was a string of fresh water.
It was silent on the other side of the line, and you thought the call ended.
“Are you alright?”, his question caught you so off guard, you stopped walking in the middle of the busy street and a woman bumped into you with full force.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”, you smiled to her, but the woman didn’t look back to see your apologetic self.
Your voice was sincere, so Jongho allowed himself to stay calm.
She does not know, she’s not mad at you, he kept repeating to his stupid mind. Of course, you did not know and were not avoiding them on purpose because of it, but he felt his heart heavy still.
“We were just worried, you didn’t say anything so… but you’re safe then?”
“I’m coming soon, alright? Don’t worry about me, I’m just shopping for some stuff I need”, you walked faster, now feeling guilty to left them without a proper warning.
The moment Jongho hung up, the other 7 were waiting for an update. The winter night and the neighborhood made it seem later than it was. It was only 6:28 p.m., but there wasn’t a single soul outside and barely any noticeable noise.
“She’s coming soon”.
Mingi plopped on the couch, relieved. He barely talked to you, yet your presence and actions warmed him, and maybe he was getting too comfortable too fast, but just the thought of you leaving them now made him want to sob.
Yunho sat beside him and Mingi’s gray ears turned to him instinctively, but he had nothing to say. He knew Mingi well enough to know this meant something else to him, it was the possibility of another person abandoning him, and he was ashamed as it was of it. So Yunho did not point it out how that mentality wasn’t good for him at that moment, just offered his arm, that Mingi was elated to accept and cuddle with.
“Do not forget what we talked about today, can you do that Mingi?”, Seonghwa’s toned softened as he talked to him, a bit different from the actual conversation they all had.
Mingi only nodded.
It was a reminder for Yunho and Yeosang as well, no matter how they felt about the topic, they’d do their best to keep the roof on top of their heads.
Before you could grab the keys in your purse, the door suddenly opened.
You watched with your heart on your feet as a yearning Wooyoung took all four bags out of your hands and disappeared inside, too stunned to say anything.
“Uhm, Wooyoung, were you waiting for me?”, you asked as you stepped inside and closed shut the door behind you.
He hummed instead of answering you.
Beside him, there was no one in the living room, and the lack of noises was enough for you to assume they wanted to keep to themselves.
He carefully laid down your bags on the couch, then stood there with a small smile on his face.
“Is there anything else I can do to help you?”, he stood there shy and small in front of you.
The contrast of his behavior from yesterday evening to this gave you whiplash. Is this Wooyoung, or that was Wooyoung? You need to stop trying to figure them out. They carried huge baggage with them, and maybe you’ll never get to see even a small percentage of it, that was clear to you. Still, it is hard to be the one that had to pretend and ignore the elephant in the room.
“Yes, there is actually, but can we talk for a bit first?”
Wooyoung’s tail stopped its course in the air and his smile faltered, he nodded.
Both of you sat slightly turned to each other, but Wooyoung could not hold your stare, so he looked at the painting on the wall instead.
He thought his minds was playing tricks on him, but you seemed much nervous than he was. Your body was screaming to get out of there and run just like his. What could they’ve done for you to be so tense? Surely, you were not scared of him if you weren’t even scared of Hongjoong or San.
You took a deep breath. Your own mind exhausted you the whole evening and night because of this very moment, you were tired of overthinking every single thing they did.
“I just want to make it clear, so we can stop walking on eggshells around each other”, your voice was barely a whisper, still Wooyoung flinched at the reminder of his own confusing behavior towards you, just like San he’s been hot and cold to you for no reason, when you’ve been nothing but nice to him. “I want you and the others to be here, and you do not have to do anything because you feel like you have to please me in return, can you understand that?”
He nodded.
“I am also not mad at you by any means because of yesterday”.
That made him look at you, because you deserved at least that level of respect, even though your face was a bit blurry through his tears. He knew your kindness was undeserving, and he would do anything to compensate for it, no matter what you say.
You wished to hug him, and maybe he read your mind, because a second later, Wooyoung launched himself into your arms.
It was a silent cry at first, you were stunned in place, surprise by the trust and vulnerability he was showing to you, then you heard his sobs and the sound broke your heart, you never heard before and never wanted to hear again.
You held him tight through the soft tears, loud cries and slurred words he muttered under his breath on your shoulder. Even when your arms stared to hurt, he did not let it go, so neither did you.
It was comfortable to be near you like this, for the first time Wooyoung understood why San liked you so much, and that did not leave a bitter taste in his mouth this time. You were warm and kind and really soft, almost better than his favorite blanket.
“Wooyoung”, you broke your little bubble, and he hummed into your neck. “Can you call the others for me, please? I bought some clothes for you all to try on”.
He was perfectly comfortable in that position, leaning into your side and the last thing on his mind was to move away, but the moment he looked at your soft eyes and pretty smile, he got up.
He should not be understanding San in this way.
Tagslist: @asherthehimbo @katsukis1wife @a1i33a @idfkeddieishot @pyeonghongrie-main @h3arteyes4mingi @huachengsbestie01 @hhoneylix @alxxxnya @queenproxy-blog @staytiny816 @loveforred @darlingz99 @sundayysunshine @puppyminnnie @officiallydarkgeek

Summary: You weren't really the lonely girl™ of campus, but it does feel like it when you look around, and there's no one by your side when everyone else are talking and whispering between each other. You did have "friends", more like "group projet friends" that you managed to get for yourself, but they were the ones that were real close, you were there only when they had an extra empty seat. But it seems like the gods above took your nonchalant facade as a challenge. Oh, you don't think you need friends to survive through college? Bet.
Pairing: Non! idol OT8 ateez x reader (platonic)
Tags: college! au; hybrid! au; ateez! au; fluff (a whole lot of fluff and wholesomeness); angst; hurt/comfort; mentions of loneliness and insecurities; mentions of hybrid mistreatment and abuse
WC: 3,4k
N/A: It's finally here and a thousand words longer than the previous chapter! Please reblog my work and let me know if you want to he tagged in the next chapter <3

You were always an early riser. The sun was breaking its first lights on the horizon as you got ready for the day, but there wasn’t a single bone of excitement in you.
Your room reflected the mask you were trying hard to wear early in the morning, spotless and perfectly organized, that was until anyone noticed how messy your bed still was.
You feel asleep early for any college major, but somehow slept a total of 4 hours only. None of them knocked on your door, and you didn’t hear a single peep or saw any lights on from your own slightly open door. They were capable of managing themselves well, you knew that, so you closed the door and were left to your own thoughts for the rest of the night.
Your brain wouldn’t stop running to all the things you needed to do while waiting for a more appropriate hour of the day to actually do them. It was a suffocating feeling, and you hated to feel so impotent. So you cleaned everything you came across at 12 A.M. trying to be as quiet as possible, too restless and tired of all the toss and turn you did already.
You walked out of your room, and it was almost like every single worry you had all night was just in your head. The cop, the plan, your father, they’re now living with you, the shopping you need to do, the paperwork you have to get, their legal documents you have to find wasn’t splashed on the beige walls and the cold porcelain of the floor, so maybe you could just ignore it before your coffee.
“Good morning”, Seonghwa said as you reached the 3/4 of the stairs, now sure that you could see him on the couch and he wouldn’t scare you. Still, he did notice how you grabbed harder on the handrail and had a hard time trying not to smile, but his ears twitching could give him away. “I’m sorry”.
“It’s ok”, you chuckled. “Have you been up for a while?”, you asked as you reached the bottom of the stairs.
“No”, he looked over to the windows, the sunrise clear on the horizon. “I did not even notice how early it was until I came up here”.
It was partly true, there were no windows on the basement area, instead a huge glass door that lead to the pool on the other end of the corridor. He did not see the sun rising and did not take notice of the time, he just did not sleep at all.
“Want some coffee?”, you said as you went around the living room to the kitchen.
“Sure, thank you”, he said but made no moves to follow you.
Seonghwa was enjoying the quiet to put his thoughts in order, something he couldn’t do lately. The last week took a toll on the whole pack to the point their scents changed a little due to stress. Nothing was planned and neither him nor Hongjoong wanted to put their trust and safety solely on your words.
Your presence on itself was something, he couldn’t decide how he felt about it yet. It was annoying how submissive and fake most of them got in your presence, including Jongho, which was a shocking sight back on campus. It was in Seonghwa’s nature to be attentive and caring towards others, he was aware of it, but he only offers that to his pack and pack only. There were no humans left that are worthy of that, Jongho himself said to him once. Yeah, he saw you before. All of them ended up on the hybrid protection department at least twice until now. You were just a human child bored out of your mind. What’s so special about it?
“Here it is”, you left the mug on top of the coffee table, eye smiled at him and then left.
Seonghwa was paralyzed on his spot. He did not hear your steps nor your closeness to him. Now the only thing he could hear was his own-scared heart.
There was a dark cloud on top of Seonghwa’s head, so you give him his coffee quick and left him alone on the couch.
Now, you had the least a whole hour until you had to leave to take the subway. It was enough time to make a small breakfast for yourself and revise your notes for today, but not to make a decent meal for 9 freaking people.
You went to grab your coat near the entrance, even though in less than an hour it would be boiling hot outside.
“Can you tell the other boys I’m grabbing food for us?”, you raised your voice as you looked over Seonghwa, at least 10 feet away, still on the same spot as you left him starting at the wall.
He winced because of your loud tone, and you signed, now aware of your mistake.
“It won’t take long, sorry”, you just left, it felt like the best thing to do.
Perfect, you said to yourself.
Perfect, Seonghwa said to himself.
He knew some of the others could mess up this new arrangement out of guilt for searching around your father’s office, but he couldn’t let it happen.
Yunho was the first to walk downstairs, the both of them needed to have a little chat.
You could only hear the click and clack of the cutlery hitting the porcelain plates. For a table with 9 people, it was quieter than when you eat on your own.
The house was always just that, a house, a balance between a safe place for you to rest in and someone else’s property that you had no control over, but never you felt so uncomfortable in it.
The night before you noticed how proper Yunho and Jongho were, but now, looking at all of them, it seemed forced. It was, because it was. Of course, they were trained to be.
“You are really serious about food, aren’t you?”, you couldn’t take the silence anymore.
Most of them nodded, a small chuckle giving a little bit of life to the table. It was true, call hybrid instincts or whatever, but they meant business when it came to food, but they knew very well there was more than that to the atmosphere in the room, and it was best for you to stay unaware of it.
“It’s just that good”, Mingi said suddenly, as he took another bite of the fresh croissant. “Melting on my mouth”, he mumbled more to himself than anything, still a little shocked at how good it was.
Your neighbors glaring at you as you left with four filled bags out of the small bakery three blocks away was worth it.
“You should have it as a sandwich later”, you said, more than happy to have an actual conversation.
Mingi wanted to hear all about your best recommendations, while San, Yunho and Hongjoong had a staring contest.
Wooyoung, San and Yeosang, a trio you never imagined would work well together, but somehow it did.
On the way to university, you found out, actually, the three of them were dance majors, not just Wooyoung. To your surprise, Yeosang did most of the talking for them this time.
In all honesty, Yeosang just wanted to hide in a hole and disappear. Never in his life he thought he’d want Wooyoung to talk more or that he would wait for a miracle, but at that moment, he caught himself doing both.
Every single loud noise made him jump out of his skin, from the sound of the rails to the loud people talking on the phone. It was all too much all at once. Your attention on him and him only was new, his face was all red, and he couldn’t look into your eyes. His hands hugged his bag against his own chest, but the weight wasn’t enough. If it wasn’t for two hands on his thighs, a clear sign of protection and sureness, he wouldn’t be talking at all.
Bless your heart, you gave every bit of encouragement and reaction to every thing he said, but it was not helping.
“S-so, we were trai-”, Yeosang already small voice was interrupted by the announcement of the next station. The doors closed, and you held tighter onto the pole as it started to move again.
“Training for what?”, you asked as you did your best to maintain the space between you and San’s body.
“There is a performance at the end of the year”, Wooyoung said it, faster than Yeosang could think.
“That’s so cool, so there’s a date already?”
She thinks, am I cool? It was unconscious how all of them perked up at the compliment. Wooyoung tail seemed like it had a mind of his own, swaying left to right. Yeosang turned even more red in the face, his fluffy gray ear covering the sides of his face as he recoiled between the two bodies on each side of him. San cleaned his throat as he looked the other way, he was not comfortable with how much he enjoyed it hearing such a small compliment from you.
Yeosang was a few beats late when he noticed you were still waiting for an answer.
“Oh, hum, no, I d-do not think so, right?”, he looked over to the other boys, who agreed.
“We’ll let you know so you can come see us”, Wooyoung said as he rubbed Yeosang’s back slowly.
“I’d love that, thank you, but are you sure it’s okay for me to come?”, you asked him, then glanced at San, who was already looking at you.
“We want you to come”, San said.
He said a ‘we’, when you were looking for an ‘I’.
It was a painful and awkward silent the rest of the way, until the three of you could breathe again.
“It’s not here”, Seonghwa said a second time since coming back to your father’s office.
He was already tired due to a sleepless night, now he had to spend all his energy to look for papers that weren’t even there.
“Then look again, it has to be here somewhere”, Hongjoong was loosing all his patience as he analyzed every single paper they found left on his desk.
Seonghwa took a deep breath. Hongjoong was being unreasonable, all of them already knew that, including Hongjoong himself.
“You know there’s no reason for why he would leave that behind, and it’s clear he hasn’t been here in a good while, so why are we doing this again?”, Seonghwa put the old box down on the table, all of it was useless anyway.
“This might be the only lead we get, do you just want to give up on him?”, the last two words barely a whisper as Hongjoong took a step closer to Seonghwa, the papers left scarred inside the drawer.
Both of them did not want Yunho, Mingi or Jongho to hear what was going on up there.
Standing so close to each other like this, eye to eye, they could almost touch the emotions swirling in the room. It was frustrating to Hongjoong. They had a goal and a chance, so why would they fail Yunho now? His anger, resentment and fear towards himself more than anything filled the room and suffocated both of them. Seonghwa looked nothing but empathetic and warm and welcoming to Hongjoong’s fears and worries, even when he could only feel the opposite, Hongjoong’s presence almost physically pushing him out.
It took Hongjoong only a moment to give up, which furthered Seonghwa’s worries.
“We’re going to figure it out”, Seonghwa whispered as he kneeled by Hongjoong’s side. He collapsed on the office floor, now holding onto himself. “We always do, don’t we?”
Hongjoong’s eyes seemed unfocused looking down to something on the ground, Seonghwa’s words barely registered in his mind.
When Seonghwa touched his shoulder, Hongjoong looked up to him.
“We always do, don’t we?”
“We do”, he sighed.
Seonghwa wished to say much more at that moment, but Hongjoong in that state would not hear it.
So he only did what he should do, offered a helping hand for Hongjoong to stand once more.
By the end of the day, you did all you could to not go back.
You called Jongho to tell him to get the food delivery when it was close enough to the house. He was surprised, jacket already on hand to buy lunch himself, but it was too late for a polite decline.
The bell rang and you hung up.
You did not come to eat with them, even though you had over two free hours in between classes, but they did not know that and even if they did, would they really call you out on it? It was more comfortable for them that way, so they could be free to behave like they wished to.
You stayed to study on the library after class, which you never did, you rather the comfort and quiet of your room for that, and it was barely 4 p.m.
The list was your salvation to skip dinner. This time, Jongho had time to thank you for the meal in the name of them all.
“It’s not a bother, don’t worry”, you said as you walked out of the second store, bags in hand and the phone tight between your shoulders and cheeks.
“We can cook for ourselves, you know. Don’t you trust us?”, he had that pouting voice through every word, and it took a small smile out of you.
“Of course I do, but you’re my guests and there’s a clear rule, guest don’t do any work around the house, so get used to it”, those words hit him like bricks when you thought it was a string on fresh water.
It was silent on the other side of the line, and you thought the call ended.
“Are you alright?”, his question caught you so off guard, you stopped walking in the middle of the busy street and a woman bumped into you with full force.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”, you smiled to her, but the woman didn’t look back to see your apologetic self.
Your voice was sincere, so Jongho allowed himself to stay calm.
She does not know, she’s not mad at you, he kept repeating to his stupid mind. Of course, you did not know and were not avoiding them on purpose because of it, but he felt his heart heavy still.
“We were just worried, you didn’t say anything so… but you’re safe then?”
“I’m coming soon, alright? Don’t worry about me, I’m just shopping for some stuff I need”, you walked faster, now feeling guilty to left them without a proper warning.
The moment Jongho hung up, the other 7 were waiting for an update. The winter night and the neighborhood made it seem later than it was. It was only 6:28 p.m., but there wasn’t a single soul outside and barely any noticeable noise.
“She’s coming soon”.
Mingi plopped on the couch, relieved. He barely talked to you, yet your presence and actions warmed him, and maybe he was getting too comfortable too fast, but just the thought of you leaving them now made him want to sob.
Yunho sat beside him and Mingi’s gray ears turned to him instinctively, but he had nothing to say. He knew Mingi well enough to know this meant something else to him, it was the possibility of another person abandoning him, and he was ashamed as it was of it. So Yunho did not point it out how that mentality wasn’t good for him at that moment, just offered his arm, that Mingi was elated to accept and cuddle with.
“Do not forget what we talked about today, can you do that Mingi?”, Seonghwa’s toned softened as he talked to him, a bit different from the actual conversation they all had.
Mingi only nodded.
It was a reminder for Yunho and Yeosang as well, no matter how they felt about the topic, they’d do their best to keep the roof on top of their heads.
Before you could grab the keys in your purse, the door suddenly opened.
You watched with your heart on your feet as a yearning Wooyoung took all four bags out of your hands and disappeared inside, too stunned to say anything.
“Uhm, Wooyoung, were you waiting for me?”, you asked as you stepped inside and closed shut the door behind you.
He hummed instead of answering you.
Beside him, there was no one in the living room, and the lack of noises was enough for you to assume they wanted to keep to themselves.
He carefully laid down your bags on the couch, then stood there with a small smile on his face.
“Is there anything else I can do to help you?”, he stood there shy and small in front of you.
The contrast of his behavior from yesterday evening to this gave you whiplash. Is this Wooyoung, or that was Wooyoung? Then, you knew he was trying his best to charm you, and he did. So was he not like that usually, or will he not be like that to you?
They carried huge baggage with them, and maybe you’ll never get to figure out even a small percentage of it, that was clear to you. Still, it is hard to be the one that had to pretend and ignore the elephant in the room.
“Yes, there is actually, but can we talk for a bit first?”
Wooyoung’s tail stopped its course in the air and his smile faltered, he nodded.
Both of you sat slightly turned to each other, but Wooyoung could not hold your stare, so he looked at the painting on the wall instead.
He thought his minds was playing tricks on him, but you seemed much nervous than he was. Your body was screaming to get out of there and run just like his. What could they’ve done for you to be so tense? Surely, you were not scared of him if you weren’t even scared of Hongjoong or San.
You took a deep breath. Your own mind exhausted you the whole evening and night because of this very moment, you were tired of overthinking every single thing they did.
“I just want to make it clear, so we can stop walking on eggshells around each other”, your voice was barely a whisper, still Wooyoung flinched at the reminder of his own confusing behavior towards you, just like the others he’s been hot and cold to you for no reason, when you’ve been nothing but nice to him. “I want you and the others to be here, and you do not have to do anything because you feel like you have to please me in return, can you understand that?”
He nodded.
“I am also not mad at you by any means because of yesterday”.
That made him look at you, because you deserved at least that level of respect, even though your face was a bit blurry through his tears. He knew your kindness was undeserving, and he would do anything to compensate for it, no matter what you say.
You wished to hug him, and maybe he read your mind, because a second later, Wooyoung launched himself into your arms.
It was a silent cry at first, you were stunned in place, surprise by the trust and vulnerability he was showing to you, then you heard his sobs and the sound broke your heart, you never heard before and never wanted to hear again.
You held him tight through the soft tears, loud cries and slurred words he muttered under his breath on your shoulder. Even when your arms stared to hurt, he did not let it go, so neither did you.
It was comfortable to be near you like this, for the first time Wooyoung understood why San liked you so much, and that did not leave a bitter taste in his mouth this time. You were warm and kind and really soft, almost better than his favorite blanket.
“Wooyoung”, you broke your little bubble, and he hummed into your neck. “Can you call the others for me, please? I bought some clothes for you all to try on”.
He was perfectly comfortable in that position, leaning into your side and the last thing on his mind was to move away, but the moment he looked at your soft eyes and pretty smile, he got up.
He should not be understanding San in this way.
Tagslist: @asherthehimbo @katsukis1wife @a1i33a @idfkeddieishot @pyeonghongrie-main @h3arteyes4mingi @huachengsbestie01 @hhoneylix @alxxxnya @queenproxy-blog @staytiny816 @loveforred @darlingz99 @sundayysunshine @puppyminnnie @officiallydarkgeek

Summary: You weren't really the lonely girl™ of campus, but it does feel like it when you look around, and there's no one by your side when everyone else are talking and whispering between each other. You did have "friends", more like "group projet friends" that you managed to get for yourself, but they were the ones that were real close, you were there only when they had an extra empty seat. But it seems like the gods above took your nonchalant facade as a challenge. Oh, you don't think you need friends to survive through college? Bet.
Pairing: Non! idol OT8 ateez x reader (platonic)
Tags: college! au; hybrid! au; ateez! au; fluff (a whole lot of fluff and wholesomeness); angst; hurt/comfort; mentions of loneliness and insecurities; mentions of hybrid mistreatment and abuse
WC: 3,4k
N/A: It's finally here and a thousand words longer than the previous chapter! Please reblog my work and let me know if you want to he tagged in the next chapter <3

You were always an early riser. The sun was breaking its first lights on the horizon as you got ready for the day, but there wasn’t a single bone of excitement in you.
Your room reflected the mask you were trying hard to wear early in the morning, spotless and perfectly organized, that was until anyone noticed how messy your bed still was.
You feel asleep early for any college major, but somehow slept a total of 4 hours only. None of them knocked on your door, and you didn’t hear a single peep or saw any lights on from your own slightly open door. They were capable of managing themselves well, you knew that, so you closed the door and were left to your own thoughts for the rest of the night.
Your brain wouldn’t stop running to all the things you needed to do while waiting for a more appropriate hour of the day to actually do them. It was a suffocating feeling, and you hated to feel so impotent. So you cleaned everything you came across at 12 A.M. trying to be as quiet as possible, too restless and tired of all the toss and turn you did already.
You walked out of your room, and it was almost like every single worry you had all night was just in your head. The cop, the plan, your father, they’re now living with you, the shopping you need to do, the paperwork you have to get, their legal documents you have to find wasn’t splashed on the beige walls and the cold porcelain of the floor, so maybe you could just ignore it before your coffee.
“Good morning”, Seonghwa said as you reached the 3/4 of the stairs, now sure that you could see him on the couch and he wouldn’t scare you. Still, he did notice how you grabbed harder on the handrail and had a hard time trying not to smile, but his ears twitching could give him away. “I’m sorry”.
“It’s ok”, you chuckled. “Have you been up for a while?”, you asked as you reached the bottom of the stairs.
“No”, he looked over to the windows, the sunrise clear on the horizon. “I did not even notice how early it was until I came up here”.
It was partly true, there were no windows on the basement area, instead a huge glass door that lead to the pool on the other end of the corridor. He did not see the sun rising and did not take notice of the time, he just did not sleep at all.
“Want some coffee?”, you said as you went around the living room to the kitchen.
“Sure, thank you”, he said but made no moves to follow you.
Seonghwa was enjoying the quiet to put his thoughts in order, something he couldn’t do lately. The last week took a toll on the whole pack to the point their scents changed a little due to stress. Nothing was planned and neither him nor Hongjoong wanted to put their trust and safety solely on your words.
Your presence on itself was something, he couldn’t decide how he felt about it yet. It was annoying how submissive and fake most of them got in your presence, including Jongho, which was a shocking sight back on campus. It was in Seonghwa’s nature to be attentive and caring towards others, he was aware of it, but he only offers that to his pack and pack only. There were no humans left that are worthy of that, Jongho himself said to him once. Yeah, he saw you before. All of them ended up on the hybrid protection department at least twice until now. You were just a human child bored out of your mind. What’s so special about it?
“Here it is”, you left the mug on top of the coffee table, eye smiled at him and then left.
Seonghwa was paralyzed on his spot. He did not hear your steps nor your closeness to him. Now the only thing he could hear was his own-scared heart.
There was a dark cloud on top of Seonghwa’s head, so you give him his coffee quick and left him alone on the couch.
Now, you had the least a whole hour until you had to leave to take the subway. It was enough time to make a small breakfast for yourself and revise your notes for today, but not to make a decent meal for 9 freaking people.
You went to grab your coat near the entrance, even though in less than an hour it would be boiling hot outside.
“Can you tell the other boys I’m grabbing food for us?”, you raised your voice as you looked over Seonghwa, at least 10 feet away, still on the same spot as you left him starting at the wall.
He winced because of your loud tone, and you signed, now aware of your mistake.
“It won’t take long, sorry”, you just left, it felt like the best thing to do.
Perfect, you said to yourself.
Perfect, Seonghwa said to himself.
He knew some of the others could mess up this new arrangement out of guilt for searching around your father’s office, but he couldn’t let it happen.
Yunho was the first to walk downstairs, the both of them needed to have a little chat.
You could only hear the click and clack of the cutlery hitting the porcelain plates. For a table with 9 people, it was quieter than when you eat on your own.
The house was always just that, a house, a balance between a safe place for you to rest in and someone else’s property that you had no control over, but never you felt so uncomfortable in it.
The night before you noticed how proper Yunho and Jongho were, but now, looking at all of them, it seemed forced. It was, because it was. Of course, they were trained to be.
“You are really serious about food, aren’t you?”, you couldn’t take the silence anymore.
Most of them nodded, a small chuckle giving a little bit of life to the table. It was true, call hybrid instincts or whatever, but they meant business when it came to food, but they knew very well there was more than that to the atmosphere in the room, and it was best for you to stay unaware of it.
“It’s just that good”, Mingi said suddenly, as he took another bite of the fresh croissant. “Melting on my mouth”, he mumbled more to himself than anything, still a little shocked at how good it was.
Your neighbors glaring at you as you left with four filled bags out of the small bakery three blocks away was worth it.
“You should have it as a sandwich later”, you said, more than happy to have an actual conversation.
Mingi wanted to hear all about your best recommendations, while San, Yunho and Hongjoong had a staring contest.
Wooyoung, San and Yeosang, a trio you never imagined would work well together, but somehow it did.
On the way to university, you found out, actually, the three of them were dance majors, not just Wooyoung. To your surprise, Yeosang did most of the talking for them this time.
In all honesty, Yeosang just wanted to hide in a hole and disappear. Never in his life he thought he’d want Wooyoung to talk more or that he would wait for a miracle, but at that moment, he caught himself doing both.
Every single loud noise made him jump out of his skin, from the sound of the rails to the loud people talking on the phone. It was all too much all at once. Your attention on him and him only was new, his face was all red, and he couldn’t look into your eyes. His hands hugged his bag against his own chest, but the weight wasn’t enough. If it wasn’t for two hands on his thighs, a clear sign of protection and sureness, he wouldn’t be talking at all.
Bless your heart, you gave every bit of encouragement and reaction to every thing he said, but it was not helping.
“S-so, we were trai-”, Yeosang already small voice was interrupted by the announcement of the next station. The doors closed, and you held tighter onto the pole as it started to move again.
“Training for what?”, you asked as you did your best to maintain the space between you and San’s body.
“There is a performance at the end of the year”, Wooyoung said it, faster than Yeosang could think.
“That’s so cool, so there’s a date already?”
She thinks, am I cool? It was unconscious how all of them perked up at the compliment. Wooyoung tail seemed like it had a mind of his own, swaying left to right. Yeosang turned even more red in the face, his fluffy gray ear covering the sides of his face as he recoiled between the two bodies on each side of him. San cleaned his throat as he looked the other way, he was not comfortable with how much he enjoyed it hearing such a small compliment from you.
Yeosang was a few beats late when he noticed you were still waiting for an answer.
“Oh, hum, no, I d-do not think so, right?”, he looked over to the other boys, who agreed.
“We’ll let you know so you can come see us”, Wooyoung said as he rubbed Yeosang’s back slowly.
“I’d love that, thank you, but are you sure it’s okay for me to come?”, you asked him, then glanced at San, who was already looking at you.
“We want you to come”, San said.
He said a ‘we’, when you were looking for an ‘I’.
It was a painful and awkward silent the rest of the way, until the three of you could breathe again.
“It’s not here”, Seonghwa said a second time since coming back to your father’s office.
He was already tired due to a sleepless night, now he had to spend all his energy to look for papers that weren’t even there.
“Then look again, it has to be here somewhere”, Hongjoong was loosing all his patience as he analyzed every single paper they found left on his desk.
Seonghwa took a deep breath. Hongjoong was being unreasonable, all of them already knew that, including Hongjoong himself.
“You know there’s no reason for why he would leave that behind, and it’s clear he hasn’t been here in a good while, so why are we doing this again?”, Seonghwa put the old box down on the table, all of it was useless anyway.
“This might be the only lead we get, do you just want to give up on him?”, the last two words barely a whisper as Hongjoong took a step closer to Seonghwa, the papers left scarred inside the drawer.
Both of them did not want Yunho, Mingi or Jongho to hear what was going on up there.
Standing so close to each other like this, eye to eye, they could almost touch the emotions swirling in the room. It was frustrating to Hongjoong. They had a goal and a chance, so why would they fail Yunho now? His anger, resentment and fear towards himself more than anything filled the room and suffocated both of them. Seonghwa looked nothing but empathetic and warm and welcoming to Hongjoong’s fears and worries, even when he could only feel the opposite, Hongjoong’s presence almost physically pushing him out.
It took Hongjoong only a moment to give up, which furthered Seonghwa’s worries.
“We’re going to figure it out”, Seonghwa whispered as he kneeled by Hongjoong’s side. He collapsed on the office floor, now holding onto himself. “We always do, don’t we?”
Hongjoong’s eyes seemed unfocused looking down to something on the ground, Seonghwa’s words barely registered in his mind.
When Seonghwa touched his shoulder, Hongjoong looked up to him.
“We always do, don’t we?”
“We do”, he sighed.
Seonghwa wished to say much more at that moment, but Hongjoong in that state would not hear it.
So he only did what he should do, offered a helping hand for Hongjoong to stand once more.
By the end of the day, you did all you could to not go back.
You called Jongho to tell him to get the food delivery when it was close enough to the house. He was surprised, jacket already on hand to buy lunch himself, but it was too late for a polite decline.
The bell rang and you hung up.
You did not come to eat with them, even though you had over two free hours in between classes, but they did not know that and even if they did, would they really call you out on it? It was more comfortable for them that way, so they could be free to behave like they wished to.
You stayed to study on the library after class, which you never did, you rather the comfort and quiet of your room for that, and it was barely 4 p.m.
The list was your salvation to skip dinner. This time, Jongho had time to thank you for the meal in the name of them all.
“It’s not a bother, don’t worry”, you said as you walked out of the second store, bags in hand and the phone tight between your shoulders and cheeks.
“We can cook for ourselves, you know. Don’t you trust us?”, he had that pouting voice through every word, and it took a small smile out of you.
“Of course I do, but you’re my guests and there’s a clear rule, guest don’t do any work around the house, so get used to it”, those words hit him like bricks when you thought it was a string on fresh water.
It was silent on the other side of the line, and you thought the call ended.
“Are you alright?”, his question caught you so off guard, you stopped walking in the middle of the busy street and a woman bumped into you with full force.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”, you smiled to her, but the woman didn’t look back to see your apologetic self.
Your voice was sincere, so Jongho allowed himself to stay calm.
She does not know, she’s not mad at you, he kept repeating to his stupid mind. Of course, you did not know and were not avoiding them on purpose because of it, but he felt his heart heavy still.
“We were just worried, you didn’t say anything so… but you’re safe then?”
“I’m coming soon, alright? Don’t worry about me, I’m just shopping for some stuff I need”, you walked faster, now feeling guilty to left them without a proper warning.
The moment Jongho hung up, the other 7 were waiting for an update. The winter night and the neighborhood made it seem later than it was. It was only 6:28 p.m., but there wasn’t a single soul outside and barely any noticeable noise.
“She’s coming soon”.
Mingi plopped on the couch, relieved. He barely talked to you, yet your presence and actions warmed him, and maybe he was getting too comfortable too fast, but just the thought of you leaving them now made him want to sob.
Yunho sat beside him and Mingi’s gray ears turned to him instinctively, but he had nothing to say. He knew Mingi well enough to know this meant something else to him, it was the possibility of another person abandoning him, and he was ashamed as it was of it. So Yunho did not point it out how that mentality wasn’t good for him at that moment, just offered his arm, that Mingi was elated to accept and cuddle with.
“Do not forget what we talked about today, can you do that Mingi?”, Seonghwa’s toned softened as he talked to him, a bit different from the actual conversation they all had.
Mingi only nodded.
It was a reminder for Yunho and Yeosang as well, no matter how they felt about the topic, they’d do their best to keep the roof on top of their heads.
Before you could grab the keys in your purse, the door suddenly opened.
You watched with your heart on your feet as a yearning Wooyoung took all four bags out of your hands and disappeared inside, too stunned to say anything.
“Uhm, Wooyoung, were you waiting for me?”, you asked as you stepped inside and closed shut the door behind you.
He hummed instead of answering you.
Beside him, there was no one in the living room, and the lack of noises was enough for you to assume they wanted to keep to themselves.
He carefully laid down your bags on the couch, then stood there with a small smile on his face.
“Is there anything else I can do to help you?”, he stood there shy and small in front of you.
The contrast of his behavior from yesterday evening to this gave you whiplash. Is this Wooyoung, or that was Wooyoung? Then, you knew he was trying his best to charm you, and he did. So was he not like that usually, or will he not be like that to you?
They carried huge baggage with them, and maybe you’ll never get to figure out even a small percentage of it, that was clear to you. Still, it is hard to be the one that had to pretend and ignore the elephant in the room.
“Yes, there is actually, but can we talk for a bit first?”
Wooyoung’s tail stopped its course in the air and his smile faltered, he nodded.
Both of you sat slightly turned to each other, but Wooyoung could not hold your stare, so he looked at the painting on the wall instead.
He thought his minds was playing tricks on him, but you seemed much nervous than he was. Your body was screaming to get out of there and run just like his. What could they’ve done for you to be so tense? Surely, you were not scared of him if you weren’t even scared of Hongjoong or San.
You took a deep breath. Your own mind exhausted you the whole evening and night because of this very moment, you were tired of overthinking every single thing they did.
“I just want to make it clear, so we can stop walking on eggshells around each other”, your voice was barely a whisper, still Wooyoung flinched at the reminder of his own confusing behavior towards you, just like the others he’s been hot and cold to you for no reason, when you’ve been nothing but nice to him. “I want you and the others to be here, and you do not have to do anything because you feel like you have to please me in return, can you understand that?”
He nodded.
“I am also not mad at you by any means because of yesterday”.
That made him look at you, because you deserved at least that level of respect, even though your face was a bit blurry through his tears. He knew your kindness was undeserving, and he would do anything to compensate for it, no matter what you say.
You wished to hug him, and maybe he read your mind, because a second later, Wooyoung launched himself into your arms.
It was a silent cry at first, you were stunned in place, surprise by the trust and vulnerability he was showing to you, then you heard his sobs and the sound broke your heart, you never heard before and never wanted to hear again.
You held him tight through the soft tears, loud cries and slurred words he muttered under his breath on your shoulder. Even when your arms stared to hurt, he did not let it go, so neither did you.
It was comfortable to be near you like this, for the first time Wooyoung understood why San liked you so much, and that did not leave a bitter taste in his mouth this time. You were warm and kind and really soft, almost better than his favorite blanket.
“Wooyoung”, you broke your little bubble, and he hummed into your neck. “Can you call the others for me, please? I bought some clothes for you all to try on”.
He was perfectly comfortable in that position, leaning into your side and the last thing on his mind was to move away, but the moment he looked at your soft eyes and pretty smile, he got up.
He should not be understanding San in this way.
Tagslist: @asherthehimbo @katsukis1wife @a1i33a @idfkeddieishot @pyeonghongrie-main @h3arteyes4mingi @huachengsbestie01 @hhoneylix @alxxxnya @queenproxy-blog @staytiny816 @loveforred @darlingz99 @sundayysunshine @puppyminnnie @officiallydarkgeek
-> When they reject you…
... but it wasn't a confession (WOOSAN version)

Genre: angst-ish, bittersweet endings, unrequited love (hard to say from each side tho)
Tags/ Warnings: angsty; bittersweet endings; implied bullying in San's part not done by him; implied body shame in San's part not done by him; San's a coward and don't do anything about it; i don't even now what to say about wooyoung's part, that's a warning?
WC: 1,4 k
N/A: I said that I'd make more of these and here they are (after 8 whole months, I'm so sorry). I didn't forget about the lovely people that loved the MATZ version, this is for you guys!
Please reblog my work if you enjoyed it, it helps to reach other people <3

MATZ Version
Ateez Masterlist

You heard the soft buzz of your phone on your beside table, yet the only thing you did was turn around and adjust the thick blanket under your chin. It was getting cold by the minute and a simple thought crossed your mind before you closed your eyes once again, maybe you should see him one last time.
If anyone told you a week ago that you’d be ignoring Wooyoung’s calls, you wouldn’t believe it, but here you are. You could’ve just block him for once and for all, but a little sick part within you liked to hear the proof of his neediness and desperation. Every call were the solid evidence that it wasn’t all in your head, in fact, he was the once who always seemed to cling to you.
The silence filled the room for barely five seconds, then the phone started ringing again.
You wish you could say you slept well that night, knowing that he wouldn’t leave any voicemails, that little prideful jerk. Instead, the same scene appeared over and over in your mind.
You still could feel his hands around your waist. He made it all so casual, natural and comfortable, like it was supposed to be that way between friends. However, you knew he only ever called you late at night, sometimes just to talk when he couldn’t fall asleep, others to beg you to come pick him up and somewhere in between those moments, he made you believe you were special to him. How special or in what way was a work in progress, you were unsure if his actions should worry you, if maybe it was more than friendly, until he made it all clear a week ago.
It was his birthday, so you did everything you could to make a memorable night, even baked the giant birthday cake yourself. Sometime after the loud music turned into background noise, he found you by the kitchen, then asked you to wait upstairs for him. His room was the only one locked in the entire house, so he left you with the key after sending one of his cheeky little winks your way. You still remember how giddy you felt, because you just received the perfect opportunity to give him that one watch he was thinking about buying it for months now.
The whole day you couldn’t really get a hold of him, something you can not blame Wooyoung of all people for, still, it was dangerously close to midnight. Was it too much to ask for some time with you best friend on his birthday? No, no it wasn’t. You weren’t asking for anything much than a simple conversation and a little bit of appreciation, something you were yet to hear from him. So you waited as much as your patience allowed.
Bu he didn’t show up.
And you knew exactly where he was, most likely having the time of his life surrounded by all your mutual friends, and you did love that about him. You’d always say that he was like your personal ray of sunshine, people like him would always have the spotlight and you also knew he enjoyed that very much. How can you wish something else for him on his day? You wish he had all the fun in the world and maybe share a bit with you as well.
So after waiting for fifteen minutes, you decided that you gave him enough grace already. Wooyoung could get lost in the moment sometimes, so you decided you were going to remind him in the pettiest way you could think of.
But none of that mattered when you laid eyes on him, standing at the bottom of the stairs. He held close one of your mutual closest friend, closer then you remembered them together before. They both were in a small circle by the wall, laughing at something he whispered. Were they a thing now? How did you not know? But there was a larger question taking all the space in your head. Is this how you look like beside him? You were used to the closeness, you enjoyed the intimacy, it could easily be you there right now.
Yet, it wasn’t you and it won’t be.
So why the hell can’t he accept that and deal with the consequences of his own actions? You were giving him what he asked for, space.
Still, he’s calling again.
The moment your existence intertwined with San’s back in college, it felt like people’s perception of you changed all of a sudden. You were nobody to most, then became somebody to him and as a consequence, someone to his friends and acquaintances. It would be fascinating to watch if it wasn’t your own life and if it wasn’t so freaking depressing. A frequent comment you’d hear was ‘how odd the two of you look next to each other’, and there was nothing you could do against a sly remark like that, specially when it comes from his so called friends, and you knew San always took that as a light joke about your differences in personalities.
You don’t remember how it happened, one day you sat beside him at the very back of a class you, so desperately, wanted to skip but couldn’t, the other day you both were attached to the hip. And how could you not? Never in you life you thought you’d describe a man as sweet, not with you at least, but there he was, every day, proving you wrong.
To be in the vicinity as someone like him was a once in a lifetime kind of experience, but to be his friend was another thing entirely. San was one of those people that can make you feel at the top of the world when he pays attention to you, the kind of person that truly seeks connection with those around him and when someone talks, he listens with all his body.
You tried to keep those pros in your mind, but more often than not you caught yourself pondering if it was still worth the headache after all those years, like right now.
You promised yourself you’d come to this stupid five-year college reunion, because otherwise San’d whine about it for a whole month, like you not coming would make him lonely somehow, like that was even a possibility.
Then, it started.
It always does one way or another.
This time was a “innocent joke” about how you glued yourself to San back in the day. They all laughed including yourself, you did not want to make a scene, you never do.
Then there was the stares at the two of you sitting beside each other. That was the funniest part for them, the simple thought that you could still have some hope for something to happen between the two of you to this day and age was hysterical. You could tell since the very start of your friendship what those people thought about you and what your place should be.
Maybe if you ever felt anything towards San in that way, it’d hurt you deeply, but you didn’t and still don’t, so it just pisses you off to no end. However, you don’t have the courage to bring it up and perhaps you should’ve done then, but now you barely see any of them, so what is it one more day?
“You’re good?”, he leaned towards you and his hands caressed your lower arm like it was second nature to him.
You nodded, then whispered as you grabbed your purse, “I’ll be back in a minute”.
It was a long walk to the nearest bathroom, outside of the gymnasium, long enough to calm yourself down and to think clearly.
All the while San was downing a drink after the other, laughing at something he barely heard from across the big table of 9 he was in. Red in the face, coughing like crazy in the middle of the chaos, he did not see you walking up to him.
“What?”, he asked the third time, leaning in to hear his friend better.
“Just admit it already, do you like her, don’t you?”
It took him a few seconds to figure it out what that was about, then a flash of you came into his mind and the recognition on his face was clear to them all. He sobered up quick and sat upright, putting his body weight on top of the table.
You don’t hear what the answer was and you don’t need to. Their laughter, his laughter, echoed in between the song change.
So maybe he wasn’t that innocent after all.
Taglist: @h3arteyes4mingi
-> When they reject you…
... but it wasn't a confession (WOOSAN version)

Genre: angst-ish, bittersweet endings, unrequited love (hard to say from each side tho)
Tags/ Warnings: angsty; bittersweet endings; implied bullying in San's part not done by him; implied body shame in San's part not done by him; San's a coward and don't do anything about it; i don't even now what to say about wooyoung's part, that's a warning?
WC: 1,4 k
N/A: I said that I'd make more of these and here they are (after 8 whole months, I'm so sorry). I didn't forget about the lovely people that loved the MATZ version, this is for you guys!
Please reblog my work if you enjoyed it, it helps to reach other people <3

MATZ Version
Ateez Masterlist

You heard the soft buzz of your phone on your beside table, yet the only thing you did was turn around and adjust the thick blanket under your chin. It was getting cold by the minute and a simple thought crossed your mind before you closed your eyes once again, maybe you should see him one last time.
If anyone told you a week ago that you’d be ignoring Wooyoung’s calls, you wouldn’t believe it, but here you are. You could’ve just block him for once and for all, but a little sick part within you liked to hear the proof of his neediness and desperation. Every call were the solid evidence that it wasn’t all in your head, in fact, he was the once who always seemed to cling to you.
The silence filled the room for barely five seconds, then the phone started ringing again.
You wish you could say you slept well that night, knowing that he wouldn’t leave any voicemails, that little prideful jerk. Instead, the same scene appeared over and over in your mind.
You still could feel his hands around your waist. He made it all so casual, natural and comfortable, like it was supposed to be that way between friends. However, you knew he only ever called you late at night, sometimes just to talk when he couldn’t fall asleep, others to beg you to come pick him up and somewhere in between those moments, he made you believe you were special to him. How special or in what way was a work in progress, you were unsure if his actions should worry you, if maybe it was more than friendly, until he made it all clear a week ago.
It was his birthday, so you did everything you could to make a memorable night, even baked the giant birthday cake yourself. Sometime after the loud music turned into background noise, he found you by the kitchen, then asked you to wait upstairs for him. His room was the only one locked in the entire house, so he left you with the key after sending one of his cheeky little winks your way. You still remember how giddy you felt, because you just received the perfect opportunity to give him that one watch he was thinking about buying it for months now.
The whole day you couldn’t really get a hold of him, something you can not blame Wooyoung of all people for, still, it was dangerously close to midnight. Was it too much to ask for some time with you best friend on his birthday? No, no it wasn’t. You weren’t asking for anything much than a simple conversation and a little bit of appreciation, something you were yet to hear from him. So you waited as much as your patience allowed.
Bu he didn’t show up.
And you knew exactly where he was, most likely having the time of his life surrounded by all your mutual friends, and you did love that about him. You’d always say that he was like your personal ray of sunshine, people like him would always have the spotlight and you also knew he enjoyed that very much. How can you wish something else for him on his day? You wish he had all the fun in the world and maybe share a bit with you as well.
So after waiting for fifteen minutes, you decided that you gave him enough grace already. Wooyoung could get lost in the moment sometimes, so you decided you were going to remind him in the pettiest way you could think of.
But none of that mattered when you laid eyes on him, standing at the bottom of the stairs. He held close one of your mutual closest friend, closer then you remembered them together before. They both were in a small circle by the wall, laughing at something he whispered. Were they a thing now? How did you not know? But there was a larger question taking all the space in your head. Is this how you look like beside him? You were used to the closeness, you enjoyed the intimacy, it could easily be you there right now.
Yet, it wasn’t you and it won’t be.
So why the hell can’t he accept that and deal with the consequences of his own actions? You were giving him what he asked for, space.
Still, he’s calling again.
The moment your existence intertwined with San’s back in college, it felt like people’s perception of you changed all of a sudden. You were nobody to most, then became somebody to him and as a consequence, someone to his friends and acquaintances. It would be fascinating to watch if it wasn’t your own life and if it wasn’t so freaking depressing. A frequent comment you’d hear was ‘how odd the two of you look next to each other’, and there was nothing you could do against a sly remark like that, specially when it comes from his so called friends, and you knew San always took that as a light joke about your differences in personalities.
You don’t remember how it happened, one day you sat beside him at the very back of a class you, so desperately, wanted to skip but couldn’t, the other day you both were attached to the hip. And how could you not? Never in you life you thought you’d describe a man as sweet, not with you at least, but there he was, every day, proving you wrong.
To be in the vicinity as someone like him was a once in a lifetime kind of experience, but to be his friend was another thing entirely. San was one of those people that can make you feel at the top of the world when he pays attention to you, the kind of person that truly seeks connection with those around him and when someone talks, he listens with all his body.
You tried to keep those pros in your mind, but more often than not you caught yourself pondering if it was still worth the headache after all those years, like right now.
You promised yourself you’d come to this stupid five-year college reunion, because otherwise San’d whine about it for a whole month, like you not coming would make him lonely somehow, like that was even a possibility.
Then, it started.
It always does one way or another.
This time was a “innocent joke” about how you glued yourself to San back in the day. They all laughed including yourself, you did not want to make a scene, you never do.
Then there was the stares at the two of you sitting beside each other. That was the funniest part for them, the simple thought that you could still have some hope for something to happen between the two of you to this day and age was hysterical. You could tell since the very start of your friendship what those people thought about you and what your place should be.
Maybe if you ever felt anything towards San in that way, it’d hurt you deeply, but you didn’t and still don’t, so it just pisses you off to no end. However, you don’t have the courage to bring it up and perhaps you should’ve done then, but now you barely see any of them, so what is it one more day?
“You’re good?”, he leaned towards you and his hands caressed your lower arm like it was second nature to him.
You nodded, then whispered as you grabbed your purse, “I’ll be back in a minute”.
It was a long walk to the nearest bathroom, outside of the gymnasium, long enough to calm yourself down and to think clearly.
All the while San was downing a drink after the other, laughing at something he barely heard from across the big table of 9 he was in. Red in the face, coughing like crazy in the middle of the chaos, he did not see you walking up to him.
“What?”, he asked the third time, leaning in to hear his friend better.
“Just admit it already, do you like her, don’t you?”
It took him a few seconds to figure it out what that was about, then a flash of you came into his mind and the recognition on his face was clear to them all. He sobered up quick and sat upright, putting his body weight on top of the table.
You don’t hear what the answer was and you don’t need to. Their laughter, his laughter, echoed in between the song change.
So maybe he wasn’t that innocent after all.
Taglist: @h3arteyes4mingi
11:46 PM
Member: Wooyoung (ATEEZ)
Pairing: Wooyoung x gender neutral reader
Summary: A couple celebrating their anniversary
Warnings: None
WC: 168 (timestamp/drabble)
AU: non-idol au
Genre: fluff
There wasn’t a single cloud in the sky tonight. The stars looked especially bright, twinkling down at the two silhouettes on the hill. It was almost as if the night was as happy as they were.
Wooyoung pressed a kiss to yn’s forehead, then put his arm around their shoulders. They leaned in closer to him, closing their eyes and smiling.
“Happy anniversary, Woo.”
“Happy anniversary, yn.”
The cupcake between them had a single candle in it, which had blown out a long time ago. They had time to eat it. They had all the time in the world to celebrate their relationship. It had been three years since they began seeing each other, and there were many more to come. So the cupcake stayed on the plate for now, with the candle flickering under the moonlight.
The pair looked up at the stars and admired how pretty the sky looked. And the sky looked back down at them, admiring their love.
All felt right with the world.
Seonghwa Hongjoong Yunho Yeosang San Mingi Wooyoung Jongho
I also have to recommend this series, it's so good. Can you see that I'm obsessed with this author's work? 🤭
The way they wrote it, it's: San, Seonghwa, Hongjoong, Yunho, Jongho, Yeosang, Wooyoung and Mingi. But can also be read in whatever order you want.
My favorites were Mingi and Seonghwa 🧡
Literally, anything in this author's masterlist is *chef kiss* you won't be disappointed.
The Chosen One

Pairing: prince!San x palace maid!reader
Word Count: 0.9k
'Crazy Form' Comeback Special Series | Hongjoong | Seonghwa | Yunho | Yeosang | San | Mingi | Wooyoung | Jongho |
ATEEZ Masterlist

Your hands trembled as you worked to remove the layers of clothing that adorned his highness. Cursing under your breath, you struggled to suppress the trembling, but the intensity of his gaze only added to the challenge.
It was the first time you were tasked with undressing the prince, the first time you'd ever been this close to him.
Previously, your responsibilities revolved around tasks that kept you at a safe distance, such as tidying his chambers or caring for his gardens – all performed in his absence.
So, can anyone really blame you for shaking like a leaf right now?
Sure, the prince was not exactly someone you were unfamiliar with. He was only the Crown Prince Choi San of Wonderland, the most sought-after bachelor across all realms. Despite being of marriageable age for several years, he remained elusive in choosing a bride, leaving the entire kingdom in suspense and speculation.
Like countless other girls in the palace and throughout the country, you have imagined what it would be like to capture the crown prince's heart. In the quiet corners of your mind, you often allowed yourself to daydream about being the one he would choose as his consort.
It was a shared fantasy among the palace staff and citizens alike, fueled by the allure of the prince's unparalleled charm.
However, reality would quickly shatter those dreams every time.
Or so you thought.
Earlier that day, you nearly dropped an expensive vase when the palace messenger delivered the startling news. The prince himself had requested your presence to prepare him for his bath tonight. The words hung in the air, causing your heart to skip a beat. It seemed like an absurd jest, a cruel prank orchestrated by the fates.
The other maids in the vicinity exchanged puzzled glances, mirroring your own disbelief.
Why would Prince San single you out for such an intimate task? There was a fixed group of maids responsible for attending to his bedtime rituals, a routine they'd executed diligently for as long as anyone could remember.
Tonight, however, the prince had dismissed them all, demanding only your presence.
The shock reverberated through your being.
All this time, you'd believed yourself to be a mere speck in the grand tapestry of the palace, convinced that the prince probably didn't even know you existed. Yet, here you were, faced with an inexplicable summons that defied all reason.
Unbeknownst to you, Prince San had noticed you from the very beginning, weaving himself into the fabric of your everyday life. In quiet moments of solitude, he observed you with an attentive gaze, drawn to the kindness that radiated from your every action. Your grace and compassion set you apart, creating a magnetic pull that transcended the boundaries of nobility.
He's had his sights set on you for quite some time now, patiently waiting for the right moment to make his move. To him, you were unlike anyone he had ever encountered – pure, innocent, and delicate, akin to a beautiful flower.
Despite the societal pressures urging him to consider matches with noble backgrounds, the prince had been quietly searching for loopholes that would allow him to break free from tradition.
All he wanted was you.
Now here you were, right in front of him.
The air in the prince's chamber felt charged with a peculiar tension as you carefully worked on removing the final layer of his clothing. Each article brought you closer to an intimacy that seemed surreal, given the disparity in your stations.
When the last garment slipped away, revealing the bare expanse of the prince's skin, you hesitated, your fingers hovering momentarily above him. It was an intimate act that felt like a crossing of boundaries, leaving you momentarily paralysed by the realisation of the closeness.
Noticing your nervous demeanour, Prince San reached out with a gentle touch. His warm hand enveloped yours, steadying the tremors that ran through your fingers. A soft gasp escaped your lips, and you froze, feeling the warmth of his touch travel through your entire being. Blinking rapidly, you tried to compose yourself, but the intensity of his gaze held you captive.
Shaken, you took a steadying breath, grateful for the grounding touch of his hand. The prince, still holding onto your trembling hands, offered a gentle smile that melted away the tension.
"Do I scare you?" He asked, his tone soft and caring. Overwhelmed, you shook your head, words momentarily escaping you, "N-no, my prince. Of course not!" You stammered, your voice betraying a blend of awe and nervousness.
With your hands still cradled in his, he sensed your vulnerability. His eyes, filled with understanding, bore into yours as he tilted your head upward, guiding you to meet his gaze.
"Are you sure?" He inquired, a soft smile playing on his lips. You nodded, feeling your heart pound at the proximity.
Curling a loose strand of hair behind your ear, he spoke in a hushed tone, "Don't be afraid. I'll never hurt you. You're my chosen one." The weight of his declaration hung in the air, and your mind struggled to comprehend the gravity of those words.
Were you hearing him correctly?
The prince's chosen one – a title that held promises of a future you'd only dared to dream about.
"M-me? But your highness—"
Before you could say more, he closed the distance between you, bridging the gap with a soft, lingering kiss. The world seemed to stand still as your whole being surrendered to the intimacy of the moment. The taste of the unforeseen, the forbidden, lingered on your lips, leaving you breathless and bewildered.
Fluttering your eyes shut, you kissed him back. Perhaps the dreams of being his princess might not be such a distant mirage after all.

Surprise! Hope this was decent lmao.
I'm not exactly back from my hiatus yet, just felt inspired while admiring the recent concept photos. Had this drafted immediately and thought I'd just put it out.
Tag list: @aurasblue @marievllr-abg @itsvxlentine @minghaoslatina

This series is so good 🔥
A little bit angsty the first few chapters, but we've been starting to see the fluffness it has.
I don't know where the author is right now, they did say on the last chapters something was going on at their house, so we just have to wait.
Trust me the chapters available are amazing, they're long and full of an incredible story until we can see the author again.
I really like the way it's written since it allows to know the depth each character has, along with turns and twists that have you hooked til you want to know immediately what's going to happen next.
Misfits Masterlist

When your world comes crashing down, the only people who are able to comfort you are the notorious group, Ateez. You’ve heard rumours after rumours about the eight males who are as cold as ice, yet for some reason, they are the warmest people you know. When they offer you a place to live after your housing is destroyed by a fire, you end up finding out dark secrets that have been hidden for years.
⇥ pairing: college!ot8 ateez x college!(f)reader
⇥ rating: 18+
⇥ genre: Ateez, alternate universe, enemies to lovers, severe angst, eventual smut and eventual fluff
⇥ total word count so far: 89.3k
⇥ warnings: death, suicide, violence, negligence, mental health, alcohol use, abusive family, explicit smut, swearing, heavy heavy emotions {each individual chapter will have the warnings listed before it starts.}
⇥ author note: I suggest those who are sensitive to certain topics listed in the warnings should read with caution or avoid reading in order to take care of yourself. there are scenes in this story that could be incredibly triggering to some. always take care of yourself first and do what makes you happy
⇥ taglist/rules: to request to be in my taglist, reply to one of the posts, send me a message to my inbox, or dm me privately. some people aren’t able to be tagged due to a glitch in tumblr so if you ask to be tagged and do not see your name, it doesn’t mean I am ignoring or didn’t see your request, it simply means you cannot be tagged and for that I am incredibly sorry and I wish I were able to tag you :(.
Main Masterlist:
Chapter one: Misfits I
Chapter two: Misfits II
Chapter three: Misfits III
Chapter four: Misfits IV
Chapter five: Misfits V
Chapter six: Misfits VI
Chapter seven: Misfits VII
Chapter eight: Misfits VIII
Chapter nine: Misfits IX
Chapter ten: Misfits X
Chapter eleven: Misfits XI
Chapter twelve: Misfits XII
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Paring: Wooyoung x afab reader (she/her pronouns)
Summary: You and Wooyoung have been best friends every since you could remember, however, when that friendship is trialed by the temptation of lust, desire, and seduction, how will it play out?
Genre: +18 content so MDNI, friends to lovers, friends to fwb!, crack, heavy smut!, tooth-rotting fluff at the end
Word Count: 2k+
Warnings: mean!dom!Woo, switch(?)brat!reader, unprotected!sex! (Woo uses pull out method; wrap it before you tap it), brat!taming!, spanking!, hair!pulling!, heavy degrading!, praising!, manhandling!, orgasm!denial!, pet!names! (baby, sugar, kitten, pretty, princess, slut!, whore!, sir!, good!girl!, sweet!girl!, etc.), mentions of breeding!, sub!space!, possession!, dumbification!, dacryphilia! and free!use!
Please let me know if I’ve missed anything <33
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“YAH YOU BITCH GIVE ME BACK MY CHIPS,” Wooyoung screeched from across the room, clambering up from the makeshift pillow fort he created for tonight’s movie marathon as he stampeded after you in a seething, determined rage. “NEVER,” you hollered back, clutching the fluorescent green packet closer to your chest as you ducked and evaded his attacks, leaping behind the kitchen island and situating it between the two of you, adrenaline pumping through your veins. “I SWEAR TO GOD Y/N, I WILL BEAT YOUR ASS IF YOU DON’T GIVE IT BACK,” he lunged forward in an attempt to grab the snacks. You twisted it out of reach, causing him narrowly miss it by a centimetre. You snickered at his pitiful effort as you turned your back to make your grand escape, already basking in your victorious thievery.
Suddenly, you felt a strong grip reef you back, forcing a gasped cry to escape your lips and causing you to collide against the kitchen bench as muscular arms imprisoned you between the counter and Wooyoung’s clothed abdomen. At your disoriented state, he seized the opportunity to snatch his snack back and, to your despite, dangled them in the air with his left hand as a winning smirk graced his face. Well shit, you grimaced, thrashing and wriggling around in a miserable attempt to escape. “Naw.. poor baby can’t free herself?” Wooyoung cooed as a sadistic chuckle erupted from his throat at your pathetic endeavour.
“Shut up,” you hiss as a venomous stare morphed your face, a searing rouge blooming across your neck and cheeks. Eventually, you managed to wrangle your arm free, rising on your tippy toes to reach the chip packet, only for him to raise it higher, acquiring a pleasurable delight at your humiliating suffering. “Hmph,” you huffed as you crossed your arms at your inevitable defeat, a pout forming upon your lips. You had to think of a way to obtain the snacks without further embarrassing yourself. You had to think of something smart… something clever… something unexpected…
A sly grin spread across your face as you gazed up at him with a sultry glance, a hint of deviance and mischief within your eyes. Wooyoung quirked an eyebrow, already suspicious of your sudden mood change. Gingerly, you delicately placed your hands across his chest, pressing yourself against his shirt as you leant upward towards his face, eyes flickering down at his lips momentarily. “W-what are you doing?” he stammered, unsure how to respond. You let out a soft giggle, reaching up to caress his face. “I don’t know what you mean Woo,” you murmured sensually in his ear, leaving a peck against his lobe and peering at the lowering chip packet as he slowly began to let his guard down. This may have been one of the stupidest ideas I’ve ever had yet, you thought as he further lulled into your teasing actions. But hey, it’s working.
His right arm snaked around your waist, tightening his grip like a vice as he pressed you closer to his chest. A smirk adorned your face as you continued to trail soft kisses down along his nape and collarbone. Wooyoung’s breath hitched at a particular spot, closing his eyes and automatically tilting his head, allowing more mobility to your antics. You began to snuck and nip on that area, earning a choked gasp from his parted lips, the snack almost within reach. C’mon… just a little closer. “Does it feel good?” you whispered, further maintaining your facade as you received an eager nod, the chip packet lowering further. A smirk adorned your face. Gotcha.
Instantly, you lurched forward, the packet almost within reach, when suddenly, you were spun around, your face smushing against the cool marble countertop as the snack was flung to the side. Your wrists were pinned by Wooyoung’s hand, his hips pressing against your ass and your eyes widening in surprise as you took note of the very evident boner protruding between your upper thighs. He leant down, using his free hand to brush aside your hair, his hot breath tickling the side of your neck, sending shivers down your spin. “Did you really think I wouldn’t notice your stupid plan, sugar?” He let out a breathy chuckle. “Such a needy, little slut, willing to throw herself at me to get what she wants.”
He bucked his hips, a sharp gasp escaping from you. You began to struggle against his grasp in an attempt to set yourself free when a searing crack whipped against your ass. A startled cry echoed the room as you subconsciously rubbed your legs together to ease the lapping arousal. “Tut, tut, tut,” he scorned. “Don’t be a brat now, you’re already in deep shit for teasing me before.” You scoffed, feeling your defiant inner whore emerging from within. “Look at you, acting so prestigious and authoritative. What happened to the whiny, submissive, breedable, little bitch that was being so obedient earlier?”
Your hair was reefed back, a stinging pain sizzling across your skull. “Watch your tongue, kitten. Unless you want to be punished right here, right now, I suggest you keep that pretty little mouth shut,” Wooyoung seethed, twisting his grip in your hair, causing you to shut your eyes at the discomfort. You gritted your teeth as you knuckled the countertop. “I’d like to see you try, sub,” you spat, snapping your eyes open as you stared directly into his, a brewing sinister lust swirling within them at your snarky comment. A dark snigger rumbled within his throat as he yanked you closer. “You asked for it, slut,” he whispered.
You were thrusted to the ground as Wooyoung manhandled your limbs on all fours in doggy-style, tightening his hold on your hair. “Now listen here, slut,” he tugged for emphasis as he forced your legs apart, pressing his hard cock against your throbbing heat. “We are going to use the traffic light system; green for go, yellow for slow down, red for stop. You can say these words at any time, but if I determine you are only saying them to be a brat,” he smacked your ass once again as you bit your lip at the sting. “your punishment will be worse. Am I understood?” You gave no response, a rebellious grin gracing your lips as you took pleasure in challenging his authority.
Wooyoung poked the inside of his cheek, displeased with you disobedient behaviour. Suddenly, your pyjama pants were yanked down to your knees. His hand whipped against your ass in one swift motion. You gasped, mouth agape as tears prickled your eyes. You rocked your hips against his before he stilled your antics with another slap. “I said am I understood, kitten?” His words were venom, his grip tightening against your hair as his other dug his fingers into the side of your hip. You winced slightly as you nodded, bitting your tongue to resist the urge of snapping back. “Words please princess,” Wooyoung pulled against you hair once more. “Yes. Sir,” you forced out.
A sly grin twisted across his face at the nickname, releasing your hair and brushing it to the side in an affectionate manner. “See that wasn’t so hard, was it?” He cooed, earning a sarcastic eye roll from you. “Now when I ask for your colour, you’re going to respond to me loud and clear. Am I understood?” “Yes Woo,” you spoke disinterestedly, beginning to admire your nails in boredom to further rile him up. He clicked his tongue. He gave you one last chance. “Now what colour are you princess?” “What does it matter if you’re too much of a pussy to fuck me?” You snarled. His grip tightened against your hip. So much for being able to walk tomorrow.
Wooyoung sighed, faux disappointment smothering his face. “And here I thought you would be my good girl..,” his voice deepened an octave, the atmosphere becoming dark and thick with lust. Suddenly, you didn’t feel as confident anymore. Your arms began to quiver, your heartbeat racing. “I guess you’ll just always be a filthy,“ *spank* “no-good,” *spank* “bratty whore who just wants her dirty cunt to be filled,” *spank* “used,” *spank* “and abused,” he degraded as he gave your ass a final crack, forcing a choked moan from your throat. Oh, you were in deep shit. “I bet you’re already soaking, kitten. I can smell your pungent arousal from here,” he seethed, tugging down your damp panties and taking a deep inhale of your scent. Quickly, he plunged two fingers into your wet cunt, pumping in and out at a fast pace. “WOO,” you yelped in surprise. “You’re dripping like a fucking bitch in heat,” he spat.
“Such a dirty, needy, little slut, acting naughty just so she can be disciplined and get her fucking cunt used and filled with my seed,” he mocked, already probing your entrance with a third finger. “You’d like that wouldn’t you? Just to be my personal fuck toy; too dumb and stupid to think of anything else other than beg for my cock and to be bred.” Your legs began to tremble as your desperate whines increased, reverberating across the room. Your inner brat was finally beginning to conform. “P-please s-sir,” you begged, “s-slow d-down.” “Hmm…” he pondered tauntingly, gradually increasing his pace just to spite you. You cried out, bucking your hips to synchronise with his antics as a dirty smile graced his lips. “I don’t think I will,” he snickered. “Filthy whores like you are only here to be used as a set of holes; ready for anyone to slip their cock in and milk them dry.”
Your walls clamped around his fingers, his vile degrading further fuelling your humiliation and arousal, the approach of your orgasm becoming evident. “Pretty thing‘s gonna come?” He teasingly cooed, his thumb snaking his way to your clit, rubbing it in harsh circular motions as your pussy twitched at his rough antics. You frantically nodded, biting your bottom lip in anticipation of the euphoric feeling. “A-almost th-ere!!” you cried out. You were teetering on the edge of your peak, a dazed sheen glossing over your eyes. Just as you were teetering on the edge of tranquility, he pulled out and wiped his fingers against your reddened ass in mock disgust, taking satisfaction in your displeasure.
“WOOOO,” you whined as hot tears began to prickle the corners of your eyes. “W-why’d you do t-that?” you sniffled, your mind beginning to fog. “Poor baby,” he taunted. “This was your punishment, remember? Disobedient brats don’t get to cum.” You hit the ground with your fists in frustration as searing streams of tears raced down your cheeks. You felt cheated. How could he be this cruel? He softly cupped your chin, catching the stray droplets as he cooed at your anger. “Naw.. sweet girl’s having a tanty because she didn’t get to cum?” Faux sympathy crossed his features as he formed a fake pout, taunting you further. “S-sir,” You whimpered in desperation, your eyes glassing over at his condescending words as your mind began to cloud further.
“Are you ready to be a good girl now?” He softly asked, becoming conscious of your emerging sub space. “Y-ye-yes sir, p-please. Just wa-nna make you feel good. U-use me please,” you begged, willing to do anything to relieve your aching cunt. He smiled amorously, gently caressing your damp cheek with his thumb, his demeanour flipping. “Only because you asked so nicely,” he lightly teased, undoing the string of his pyjama pants before slowly tugging them down. His hard member sprung free, knocking against your weeping pussy and causing you to release a jolted whimper.
Carefully, he guided himself in, your mouths hanging agape at the sensation. Inch by inch, he sunk further in, resisting the urge to cum from the way your walls were squeezing him like a vice. Finally, he bottomed out inside, a breath of relief escaping both your lips. “O-oh my god,” he whined, never imagining you felt this good. He stayed still so you could adjust to his size, despite the primal yearn to rail you senseless. After a moment, he began to slowly buck his hips, your walls clamping around his dick as you felt every vein that etched his pretty length through his languid and sensual motions. Quiet moans escaped your throat as you dug your nails into your palms, your body rocking back and forth at his gentle thrusts. “F-faster,” you pleaded, sensing the quick approach of your orgasm. At your command, he began to piston his hips as the sudden sound of skin slapping echoed across the room. Your head flung back as a loud whine erupted from your throat, your back arching and your limbs quivering as he continued to pound inside of you.
“Does my pretty feel good?” He cooed, placing gentle kisses across your bare shoulders. “Y-YES SIR,” you cried, the edges of your eyes becoming a searing white as his hand snaked underneath to rub your clit. “Who does this pussy belong to?” he smacked your ass as a carnal possessiveness pooled in his lustful eyes, taking great delight at the sight of you falling apart on his hard cock. “Y-YOU,” you howled. Your sopping cunt began to rapidly pulsate as you felt the oncoming arrival of your orgasm. “Hold it,” he hissed, thrusting into you faster as he chased his own high, desperate to cum with you. You whined loudly, straining every muscle in your body to try and fulfil his demand. “C-can’t hold it for much l-longer, sir,” you gasped as your ears began to ring and your body ached in need of release. “Okay pretty, cum for me.”
That was all you needed before a high pitched moan resonated around the room as you squirted on him, your juices seeping into your discarded clothes and swamping across the kitchen floor. Swiftly, Wooyoung pulled out, hurriedly jacking himself off before spilling his seed across the expanse of your back as the warm substance pooled against your sweaty skin. You collapsed, your body shaking from exhaustion and your mind on the verge of passing out. The room stood still, only the sounds of your heavy pants and palpitating hearts could be heard as you both slowly ebbed away from your tranquil bliss.
After he composed himself, Wooyoung clambered up, retrieving a couple of tissues and a cool bottle of water from the fridge. He sat back down, carefully dabbing away both your cum, being cautious as to not drip anymore onto the floor. He threw them aside once he was done and gently manoeuvred you onto his lap, cracking the bottle open and tilting your head upwards. You swallowed the soothing liquid in hasty gulps as he patiently waited for you to finish. “T-thanks-s” you croaked, wincing as you spoke, your throat feeling coarse like sand paper. He let out a quiet giggle before taking a swig himself. “Do you wanna have a bath?” He queried, screwing the cap back on and setting the bottle on the counter. You frantically nodded, in desperate need for a calming, relaxing soak after the wild abuse your limbs experienced. He picked you up bridal-style, making his way to the bathroom as he affectionately pecked the bridge of your nose.
When the temperature was right, he placed you into the warm tub, joining you soon after. Grabbing a loofah, he gently scrubbed your back, his demeanour now attentive and loving. You guys basked in comfortable silence, sharing endearing pecks here and there and playfully splashing one another as you both bathed in the lulling water. Once you were done, Wooyoung carefully placed you on the counter, taking his sweet time to dry you off, a tender affection invading his presence. After you were dried, he carried you back to the abandoned pillow fort, placing you on top of his chest as you both shared a passionate kiss, taking in the sweet bliss of the pure love for one another. Gently, he pulled back as an adoring smile graced his lips. “I love you,” he whispered as he caressed your face, his eyes swirling with fondness and love. “I know,” you teased as your received a jesting eye roll in response. You leant back down to peck his lips. “I love you too.” An amorous warmth kindled within both your chests as you snuggled into one another, slipping into a peaceful sleep.
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A/N: Hi guys, thank you so much for reading my fic :)) Please feel free to reblog on tumblr, give me any feedback (all is welcome), and if you have any fic ideas/thoughts please comment them and I’ll make sure to tag you in the post. Have a wonderful day/night and I hope to see y’all soon <33
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Hotel California Mini Masterlist

“You can check out any time you’d like, but you can never leave.”
➢ Hotel California {H/A/M}
➢ Part Two
➢ Part Three
➢ Part Four
➢ Part Five
➢ Part Six
➢ Part Seven {S}
➢ Part Eight
➢ Part Nine
➢ Part Ten
➢ Part Eleven
➢ Part Twelve
➢ Part Thirteen {S}
➢ Part Fourteen
➢ Part Fifteen
➢ Part Sixteen {S}
➢ Part Seventeen
➢ Part Eighteen
➢ Part Nineteen
➢ Part Twenty
➢ Part Twenty-One {S}
➢ Part Twenty-Two
➢ Part Twenty-Three
➢ Part Twenty-Four
➢ Part Twenty-Five
➢ Part Twenty-Six
➢ Part Twenty-Seven - Final
End of Book One

❥Their Gf Has Superpowers
❥They Think You Forgot Their Birthday
❥ They Get Jealous When You're Close With Another Member
❥Their S/O Eats A Lot Of Junk Food
❥Their Crush Confesses While Drunk
❥Comforting Their S/O
❥Getting Walked In On By Another Member 🅡
❥Going On We Got Married
❥Pranking Their S/O
❥S/O Brings Them And Members Food
❥Teasing Them In Front Of The Members 🅡
❥Seeing Their Crush Half Dressed
❥Another Member Doesn't Like You
❥Their Little Sister Is A Popular Idol
❥Seeing Their Crush In A Sexy Dress
❥S/O Gets Liberty Spikes
❥Having Baby Fever
❥Breaking The Bed During Sex 🅡
❥GF Having PMS
❥Your Relationship Being Outed
❥Others Disapprove Of Their S/O
❥They Realize They Love Their S/O
❥Mafia! Someone Hits On Their Girlfriend
❥Mafia! Being Soft For You And Your Child
❥Mafia! Their Daughter Starts Dating
❥Finding Out Jongho Is Active 🅡
❥Mafia! Their Fiancee Runs Away
❥Mafia! Their Wife Dies Protecting Their Child
❥Mafia! Finding Out Their S/O Was An Undercover Spy For A Rival Gang 🅡
❥Mafia! Someone Breaks Into Their House With Their Pregnant Wife Inside
❥Mafia! S/O Being Petty After An Argument🅡
❥Mafia! S/O Jealous Of Girls He Meets
❥Reacting To Girlfriend's Wap Challenge
❥Mafia! You Get Kidnapped
❥Mafia! Their S/O Gets Drunk
❥Mafia! S/O Panicking Over A Spider
❥S/O Wants A Threesome With A Girl 🅡
❥Getting Caught/Catching Their Crush Touching Themselves 🅡
❥S/O Gets Nipple Piercings
❥Mafia! Losing A Game To Their/ S/O's Child
❥Mafia! They Have An Innocent S/O 🅡
❥Mafia! The Others Make Fun Of Him For Being Soft
❥Yandere! Falling For You
❥Confessing Their Feelings
❥First Kiss With S/O
❥Yandere! You Try To Poison Them
❥Their S/O Is Threatened To Break Up With Them
❥Mafia! Their Wife Is Insecure About Her Pregnancy
❥Yandere! You Slap Them During An Argument
❥S/O Limping The Day After
❥Mafia! S/O Wants To Give Them Head 🅡
❥Accidentally Going Too Far In An MV 🅡
❥Mafia! You Know One Of Their Rivals
❥Mafia! They Realize They Can't Live Without You.
❥Mafia-Yandere! Their Wife Wants A Divorce
❥Actress GF Has A Kissing Scene
❥Cute Moments With Their Kids
❥S/O's Child Calls Them Dad
❥S/O's Can't Stop Kissing You Challenge
❥Letting You Know They're In The Mood 🅡
❥Christmas Activities With S/O
❥Finding Out S/O Is An Artist
❥Dispatch Says You/They Are Dating Another Idol
❥Mafia! S/O Tries To Dom Them 🅡
❥Dad AU! Their Baby Is Born
❥You Have Baby Fever
❥Asking Them To Fuck You Raw 🅡
❥Dad AU! Christmas With Their Kids
❥Mafia! Helping Take Care Of Their Baby
❥Mafia! Finding Out They Have A Baby
❥Dad AU! Their Baby Won't Stop Crying
❥Mafia! Their Child Learns To Walk
❥Dad AU! Their Baby's First Words
❥Dad AU! Revealing/Finding Out Their Baby's Gender
❥Trying To Get Their Attention 🅡
❥Mafia! Arranged Marriage
❥Doing It In Public 🅡
❥Rough/Angry Sex 🅡
❥Their Hybrid Pet Goes Into Heat 🅡
❥Call/Video Sex 🅡
❥Watching An Explicit/Erotic Movie With You🅡
❥Seducing Dilf!Ateez 🅡
❥Dilf!Ateez: A Younger Male Gets Close To You🅡
❥Dilf! Ateez Knocking You Up
❥Dilf! Ateez During Pregnancy 🅡
❥Dilf! Ateez: S/O Gets Bullied For Their Relationship
❥Dilf! Ateez: Going For Round Two The Morning After 🅡
❥Dilf! Ateez: You Try To Seduce Another Dilf! Ateez Member 🅡
❥Dilf! Ateez: Sex Tape Gets Leaked 🅡
❥Dilf! Ateez: Finding You Asleep With Sex Toys 🅡
❥Dilf! Ateez: Wanting Another Baby
❥Dilf! Ateez: Calling Them Old
❥Dilf! Ateez: You Go On A Girl's Night Out
❥Seducing Milf! Reader 🅡
❥Being In Sub! Mood For Milf! Reader 🅡
❥Teaching Innocent S/O To Give Them Head 🅡
❥Wanting To Eat You Out 🅡
❥You Squirting On Them 🅡
❥Wolf! Ateez: Finding Their Mate
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*Those marked with 🅡 are for mature/rated content*
*Let me know if a link doesn’t work*
title; project omen

pairing; hongjoong x f!reader x wooyoung genre/wc; fantasy, hybrid!au, smut; 40.5K… ಥ_ಥ summary; you’ve never been close to your father, so when he passes it doesn’t affect, aside from the residual business that you have to take care of in his absence. exploring his basement uncovers a sealed chamber in a hidden room, a man with what looks like a tail staring back at you. contains; blood, injuries, age gap (100s, if it aint your thing skip thnx), miscommunication, lying, fighting, death mentions, starvation mentions (briefly), funeral, homophobia (in a flashback), mxm, angst, plot heavy, smut: fingering, soft sex, bruising, mc is slightly dominant with Woo, subspace a/n; this is for my bestie @hongism whom is getting old so i must celebrate that by creating a fic for her ofc ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ LOVE U BESTIEEE terms: Mul- water | Jigu- earth | Bul- fire | Bohoja- protector/guardian | Hae- sun | Dal- moon

You hated entering your father’s room.
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