animegeek256 - Perlita

23 yr old 🌙

911 posts

Beginning Of The End

Beginning of The End

Beginning Of The End
Beginning Of The End
Beginning Of The End

⇴ pairing: toxic bf!choi jongho x gn!reader

⇴ genre: angst

⇴ words: 1.1k

⇴ warnings: fighting, mentions of alcohol, jongho is drunk

⇴ a/n: feedback is accepted and welcome, I’d love to hear your thoughts on my work! if you’d like to be on my taglist, lmk. if you’d like to see more of my work, check out my masterlist!

This fic does NOT represent my thoughts about Choi Jongho, nor portray his actual character in real life. This is fanfiction only.

⇴ tags: @hyuckilstan @star1117-archives @whatudowhennooneseesyou @jwnghyuns @az-con @noonaishere @rdiamond2727 @ja3hwa @wonwowzers @little-precious-baby

Another party. Another night filled with drunken sorority kids, couples fucking in random rooms, and the occasional sound of throwing up (not always in the bathroom). You didn’t want to be there. To be quite honest… you never wanted to be there. But you always did. For Jongho.

Jongho, your boyfriend of 8 months, asked you almost every week to come to these stupid parties. Or should you say, begged. You always gave in, too much of a people pleaser to say no. And yet each and every time you went to these parties, you were stuck in the same chair by the kitchen island. The one next to the wall, to be precise, knowing that most people won’t bother you there.

So here you are, yet again, sitting on the slightly wobbly chair, nursing your beer that tastes like ass. Jongho is who knows where, probably playing his millionth round of beer pong, promising his buddies the next round will be the time that he wins. He never does. You know he never does cause the entire night he complains about how close he was to winning.

Your entire relationship was… complicated. You loved him, at least you told yourself you did. But it was constant fighting. Mostly about insignificant things, such as him not doing the dishes, him brushing you off in public spaces, or only making dinner for himself. But some of it was larger, like his blatant lack of respect for your boundaries, or the two times you caught him flirting with other girls.

You honestly tried to let it go, especially when he reassures you that he loves you more than anything in this world. You know it’s not healthy to be in this relationship. But you just can’t let go of the person he used to be, back in the beginning of this relationship. He was loving, caring, and respectful. Maybe that was all just a show.

You brush off your heavy thoughts, focusing on your drink. By the time an hour went by, you had to pee. The journey through the house was difficult, squeezing your way around a few make out sessions. By the time you reached the bathroom, it was occupied. Great, you thought. A few knocks went by, nothing. You were about to walk away when it abruptly opened, showing a disheveled girl, and your boyfriend behind her.

It wasn’t hard to guess what they were doing, or about to do. Tears welled up in your eyes, knowing he actually just cheated on you. I mean, yeah he’s flirted with girls, but you believed his excuses. Even when you shouldn’t have. But there’s no excusing his way out of this one. Not this time.

You immediately rush to the door, hoping to just get away. You can hear the sound of him running on the wood floors, spurring you to move faster out the door. You rush towards your car, thanking the heavens you drove tonight. There’s no way he could’ve caught up to you before you opened the door. And yet he did. Before you could even get to the handle, he stepped in front of you, blocking your way.

“Baby please-,” he begged, desperation in his voice. You wouldn’t have it though, “No, Jongho,” you spit back at him, “No more excuses.” His eyes grew wide. He knew. He knew the game was over. That everything was falling apart. That he couldn’t string you along for any longer. Excuses wouldn’t work on you anymore.

“Y/n…”, he tried one last time. “Enough! No more Jongho,” anxiety building up in your chest, confrontation being something you’ve avoided for so long. “I will not let you treat me like trash.” And that was it. You quickly pushed his dejected body out of the way, far enough so you could get in your car. He could find a ride with the girl he was just making out with, or the countless girls he’d probably made out with previously.

The ride back to your place was a mess, eyes blurry from the tears in your eyes. You almost had to pull over a few times. There’s no reason to even be crying over him, you should’ve know it was going to be like this sooner or later. There were warning signs. You were holding onto a person that wasn’t there anymore. The old Jongho was gone.

The old Jongho would’ve said everything is gonna be alright. He would’ve taken you home as soon as you asked. He would’ve been a gentleman. By the time you got home, it was dead silent outside. Your phone read 2:49 am. The thought of not getting enough sleep before work already gave you the beginnings of a headache. It only spurred you to move faster into bed, drowning out the thoughts of Jongho.

When you woke up the next morning, your phone buzzed with texts and missed calls, all from Jongho. You shouldn’t be surprised, he does this every time he needs to reel you back in. But it won’t work this time. You move out of your room with your towel, headed for the shower. There’s always a feeling of stickiness the day after those parties.

You can’t help but think back to all the times Jongho has done you wrong. Small or large, he continuously broke your trust and stepped over your boundaries. Your chest tightened at the thought of him with another girl. You gave him everything. Whether it be your love, time, or even body. He was your first everything. He knew how much you meant to him. You obviously meant nothing to him, you argued in your head.

Never would you have thought that it would end up like this, crying in the shower over a stupid guy who treated you like trash. A couple years ago you would’ve said you’d never put up with someone like him. You’d never let that kind of behavior slide. But once your stuck in it… once you’ve fallen head over heels, it’s over. It took the worst of the worst for you to finally realize how much he didn’t care.

That’s the thing about men like him, they lure you in with promises and love, only to rip it away once you get comfortable. They put on a show, then take off the mask when you least expect it. Once you get out of the shower, you head over to your lit up phone. You were expecting more begging, maybe a half assed apology. But no.

The top message read: You can’t leave me Y/n. I won’t let that happen. You’re mine.

To be continued…

Beginning Of The End

I do not give permission for anyone to repost my work

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More Posts from Animegeek256

2 years ago

Part 3: Screaming Into The Void

Someone Like You

Part 3: Screaming Into The Void
Part 3: Screaming Into The Void
Part 3: Screaming Into The Void
Part 3: Screaming Into The Void
Part 3: Screaming Into The Void
Part 3: Screaming Into The Void

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Part 3: Screaming Into The Void

→ Synopsis: Wooyoung is content with where he is right now, especially considering that ATEEZ’s popularity is still growing. But when he runs into you (literally), he realises that he had been missing out on a significant part of his life.

Pairing: idol!Wooyoung x pro-gamer!reader (fem!reader)

Genre: smau, slice of life au, strangers to lovers au, meet cute, humor, fluff, slight angst

Taglist: @cookiechristie @skittlez-area512 @halesandy @kodzukein @kisaraginami @baguette-atiny @pepperony-7 @hijeongguk @bat-shark-repellant

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2 years ago

best friends… (

Best Friends (

• pairing : song mingi x fem!reader

• genre : fluff, best friends to lovers

• words : 1.5k

•a/n : this had me smiling while i was writing it. very wholesome. feel the fluff. embrace the fluff. bit longer than the previous one so i’m working my way up to longer ones. as per usual, let me know if you like it! thanks so much for the love on the previous, that made me happy!


It was a cold day on campus.  Snow adorned the ground.  You had just finished bundling up with your winter clothing – a thick, wool coat being the centerpiece of the outfit.  A beanie sat perfectly on top of your head while your hands were covered comfortably with mittens.  The cool air hit your face as you exited your dorm building, making your body shiver.  You were off to see your best friend, Mingi.  It had been a while since you have seen him due to both of your schedules being the complete opposite… but you were excited to be able to see him again.  You missed his goofy personality and the way that he would tease you – but not anything more than something platonic.  Your boots crunched in the snow as you made your way to Mingi’s dorm room.

            “It’s so cold out here.  I feel like a popsicle,” you grumbled, rubbing your hands together at a steady pace to gain a sense of warmth.  You begin to feel your stomach fluttering, butterflies.  This confused you as you knew that you didn’t have feelings for this boy.  It was just a close friendship… as far as you knew.  Your hand reached into the deep pocket of your coat to retrieve your phone.  You unlocked your phone screen and swiped to your messages, tapping on Mingi’s name.

            ‘come let me in! i’m freezing my ass off out here…’

            After hitting send, you observed the campus.  It was beautiful covered in all white, it felt calm and quiet.  No one was outside so you were able to enjoy a few seconds of peace before you heard the door to the dorm squeak open.  A wave of heat hit your body and you turned around to see Mingi standing in the doorway.  He greeted you with a bright smile and opened the door wider, so you were able to make your way inside.  Squeezing past his taller frame, you move to the side of the narrow hallway so he could escort you to his room.  He moved at a casual pace, walking to the left side of the hallway – his arms moving slightly at his sides.  You took a moment to see what he was wearing.  He wore gray sweatpants, red socks, and a red tee shirt that you had gotten him when you went out of town on vacation.  The fact that he even wore the shirt made you smile to yourself.

            “You’re in a good mood, I see,” you heard Mingi say.  You looked up from the floor to see his content face looking back at you, making the butterflies come back into the picture.  Your eyebrows furrowed slightly in confusion at the feeling but continue the walk, nonetheless.  The two of you approached his room, which just so happened to be single… only he occupied this space.  No roommate to worry about when coming over for late night study sessions.  His hand gripped onto the door handle and turned it, the door swung open and he stepped back to allow you to enter his space.

            “It’s been a while.  I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever,” you said quietly, taking a seat in the chair beside his desk.  His room was decorated simply.  The comforter on his bed was black… along with his sheets, rug, and most of his desk accessories.  The only color that he enjoyed was in his clothing and he seemed to enjoy representing himself through his style.  That day, he just decided to wear something simple and conformable. 

            “I missed you and your attitude,” he chuckled, jumping up onto his bed to take a seat while you got settled.  Your eyes narrowed at him while a smile curled onto your lips.  You loved the way that he teased you, it was like a love language for you two.

            “You’re not one to talk, Mr. Song.  Your attitude and sarcasm… wow,” you laughed quietly.  He rolled his eyes playfully.  You could tell that he enjoyed the banter as well, at least his facial expressions showed that he did.  His arms crossed over his chest as you de-wintered yourself, taking off your warm clothing and beanie.  You wore a simple outfit that consisted of a tee shirt, leggings, and slip-on sneakers.  His eyes seemed to soften as you got more comfortable, content that you were there.

            “Come join me up here.  I have some things that I want to show you on my phone.”

            You nodded at his request and made your way to his bedside.  Jokingly, you reached your arms up in a fake attempt to get him to pick you up… he took it seriously.  His hands planted firmly on your hips and picked you up, placing you next to him on the bed.  You sat there for a second in awe, turning to him with a soft grin. “What do you have to show me?”

            He turned his phone around to show a picture of him at a party.  He was dressed as you would suspect, perfectly.  He wore a pair of dark jeans and peacoat, black – looking very entertained by whoever was taking the picture.  Plenty of people in the background but something caught your attention.  There was a group of girls in the back of the picture that seemed to be admiring Mingi.  Your bottom lip positioned into a pout.  You didn’t like the thought of anyone gawking over him… only you could do that.  Wait… you realized something at that moment.  Your hand moved from its previous position to be placed over your mouth in disbelief.  His eyes moved from the phone to you, eyebrows raising in concern.

            “Are you okay?  What’s wrong?” he asked in a concerned tone.  Arm wrapping around you, he pulled you close to his side and looked down to your still melancholy face. “Seriously, are you okay?”

            “I- uh, yeah.  I’m fine, Mingi,” you muttered, plastering a fake smile in front of your disappointment.  You needed to tell him your feelings.  Despite wanting to push them back inside, you couldn’t do that.  “Actually, I need to tell you something important.”

            Mingi simply nodded and leaned his back against the wall behind him.  Listening intently, his gaze was set right on your eyes.  Butterflies…  You weren’t sure about how it was going to go but it had to be said.

            “Mingi… I really like you.  I’ve noticed these feelings when I’m with you and I just can’t ignore them anymore.  The only way that I can explain it is… butterflies.  You make me feel so special and we’ve only known each other for a few semesters but you’re my best friend… and I just wanted you to know that I have loving feelings for you.”            The man sat there and pondered for what seemed like hours.  More realistically, it was maybe a minute.  His fingers ran through his messy hair as he broke the eye contact.  That felt like defeat to you.  You expected the next words out of his mouth to be a rejection.

            “I like you too… well, I like like you…” He began his answer to your statement. “I have to be perfectly honest with you since you did the same.  The day that I met you, I fell madly in love with you.  Something about your personality made me fall head over heels for you.  I’ve been trying to hide it for a long time.  Did I do a good job?” The last question made your jaw drop in disbelief, your hand gently hitting his chest.  You couldn’t believe what he had just said.  And the joking tone at the end?  Classic Mingi.  But he was in love with you.  You loved each other. 

            “You really had to push a joke in there, didn’t you?” you sighed, face softening with a subtle smirk. “Bite me, Mingi.”


            Your jaw dropped once again, this time at his bold answer.  You pushed your hair behind your ear and looked at him.  Your eyes glanced from his lips to his eyes.  You wanted to kiss him.  He seemed to sense it… his hands grabbed onto your face gently and pulled you close to his face.  His lips hovered over yours, your hand resting on his knee as he took in the moment.             “I’ve been wanting to do this for months,” he mumbled against your lips, pressing his soft lips to your own.  The butterflies… Your hands come up to hold the back of his neck, savoring the moment until a sudden knock on the door broke you two apart.  Mingi shook his head in dissatisfaction.  His attention returned to you, his thumb softly running across your cheekbone.

            “Let’s be together.  I think that sounds like a great idea.  You and me.  Me and you.  Together?”

            All you could do was nod your head and embrace him.  His arms wrapped around you protectively.  You felt warm inside.  Your head rested on his chest as he called whoever knocked on the door into the room.  The door opened slowly and… it was Yunho from your third period class.  His eyebrows widened and he flashed an embarrassed smile.

            “Did I interrupt? I’m sorry… I’ll leave you alone. See you later, Mingi… and friend.”

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2 years ago



Requested: [yes]

Prompt: “You won’t take care of yourself so I will” + “Stop worrying about you? Stop worrying about you?! I can barely stop thinking of you!” [with ATEEZ Seonghwa]

Prompt List: [100 followers event]

Warnings: angst. fluffy ending. mentions of not eating food. mentions of fainting.

Pairing: idol!Seonghwa x gn!idol!reader

Word Count: 2791

A/N: Reposted because of a glitch lol


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What happens when you faint backstage after an exhausting year


You stumbled as you walked down the steps after your collaboration stage with The Boyz’s Sunwoo. Your manager’s arm around your waist broke your fall, and soon you found yourself being carried to your group’s dressing room. You tried to catch your breath, gasping air as you tried to stop the ringing in your ears. You should have listened to your body and acted upon the warning signs. But you had ignored it all, overestimating yourself. It wasn’t your fault, though; you had been swamped with schedules in 2022: two comebacks, two world tours, performing at music shows around the world, filming a drama, and releasing your solo album. It seemed that all of it was catching up to you now.

You had just arrived from LA after your last concert and, after a dress change, arrived straight at the awards ceremony. You felt a pang of irritation, wondering why your body couldn’t have held on for a bit longer. Today’s show was the last award show you were supposed to attend before you’d finally get a break from everything. You just hoped you’d last through the two performances you were supposed to do with your group and that fans wouldn’t notice anything amiss. Or at least they’d chalk it up to exhaustion and be lenient. The haze had been terrifying. You’d never felt this way, the feeling of your body not responding to you. You’d heard of it from your friends in the industry, but you were always careful not to reach the point of breakdown. Alas, here you were. The sad part was that you only had ten minutes to change into your performance outfit, fix your makeup, and catch your breath before going back up on stage.

When the haze cleared from your head, you saw your members, Hyunmi and Mina, along with two of your managers and your group’s paramedic looking at you with worry. You noticed that everyone was slightly further away from you except for the paramedic, who was still checking up on you.

“Will you be able to perform?” Mina asked you, grabbing an icepack and pressing it against the back of your neck. The cold helped you to get some feeling back into your aching muscles. It only got better once the paramedic started massaging your shoulders.

“I’m sorry, guys,” You whispered softly, but they heard it loud and clear. You really should have taken it a bit easy. But with your schedule packed up, you’d been getting less than four hours of sleep every day and having very light lunches. You sometimes skipped dinner altogether when you had to perform since dancing on a full stomach made you queasy. You usually ate after shows, but with you being so tired, you would crash into your bed even before you could even think of ordering dinner. The jetlag and adjusting to different time zones in such a short period didn’t help either, and you were sure at this point the last time you slept was sometime more than 24 hours ago. This wasn’t all, though, the added stress of your best friend ignoring you was probably what finally did it.

You and Seonghwa had known each other since you moved to Seoul as trainees. He had bumped into you in the subway one day. Both of you had been trying to understand the confusing network, trying to figure out which train you were supposed to board to reach your dorms. With two brains working on the puzzle, you figured it out quickly. Surprisingly, both of you were going the same way as your dorms were within a radius of 500 meters from each other. It was just a cherry on top when you realized you both were from Gyeongsang, and a friendship bloomed between both of you. You’d been good friends for six years now, with your friendship being one of the most well-known and loved idol friendships in the industry. But for some reason, Seonghwa had been ignoring you for the past week, and you had no clue why. He did not respond to your texts or calls, and when you texted Hongjoong, he told you to give him some time to figure stuff out. Then finally, when you saw him before going to perform with Sunwoo, he just turned his back on you, acting as if he hadn’t seen you. Ignoring the tears prickling your eyes, you had simply walked away with a heavy heart.

“Four minutes,” your manager’s voice rang in the dressing room, and everyone sprung to action. She then turned to you, “You sure you can perform?”

You nodded, “Yeah, I’m sure. It’s just two dances, anyways. I’ll be okay.”

“Okay then. Let’s get you into your outfit,” your manager smiled encouragingly at you. “Take it easy, though.”

You nodded, allowing the stylists to dress you up, wipe off your sweat, and touch up your makeup and hair. By the time you were ready, you were happy to note that the black spots that had been dancing in front of you had disappeared, and the lights didn’t hurt your eyes anymore. Your members were close as you walked through the hallways, knowing that you wouldn’t back out of performing even if they begged you not to. So, they stayed close by, scrutinizing your movements to make sure you would be okay.

As you stood on standby, stylists still hovered around you, making final adjustments while the paramedic stayed close. You knew there was a chance that your condition could worsen, but you hoped that you would hold out for eight more minutes since you were feeling okay. Just two dances. You could make it through the performances.

“If you feel worse at any point, I want you to go back. You hear me, Y/N eonnie?” Hyunmi put both her hands on your shoulders and gazed into your eyes seriously. As the youngest and with you being the leader, she never really used this sort of tone with you. But you knew she was worried, so you let it go with a smile and nod.

“Hyunmi is right, Y/N,” Mina quipped, resting her forehead against your shoulder. “You may be our leader, but your health is more important to us and our fans too.”

“I’m fine, I promise,” you smiled, hoping they’d believe you. You sounded convincing enough, after all. From the corner of your eye, you saw the members of ATEEZ, they had just finished their performance, and your members’ words had caught their attention. You also noticed half of the members frowning at Seonghwa while the rest looked at you in worry. Seonghwa, too was watching you intently, a frown marring his features. He looked like he wanted to say something, but at that moment, you were called on stage, so with your group chant, the three of you walked onto the stage amidst the applause and screams of your fans.

You knew the eight minutes were going to test you badly, but you didn’t realize it would be this hard. You managed to keep up with your members, going harder than usual because you knew if you stopped now, your body would shut down. You gave your all to the two dances, and when you finally bowed and leaned into Mina as you descended the stairs, you couldn’t help but mentally pat yourself on your back. But now that the adrenaline was fading, the dark spots were back with full force, and the world seemed to be spinning around you.

Hyunmi encouraged you to keep going, but you suddenly didn’t have it in you anymore. You crouched down, realizing that your body was close to shutting down. You felt hot and sticky, and the choker around your neck wasn’t helping; you were sure you were covered in cold sweat. You took deep breaths, hoping it would help clear the queasy feeling and give you enough energy to make it to your dressing room, but nothing was helping.

“Y/N,” you heard someone call you, as if from far away. You could recognize that voice anywhere, it was your best friend, and you were a bit surprised that he was there. It took all you had to lift your head up when you felt him crouch next to you, holding you carefully to stop you from falling face-first onto the floor. Through your blurry gaze, you were just barely able to see his face and his concerned expression. He turned to someone, barking out orders to get some oxygen and water for you. If you had been alright, you’d probably have been more surprised since you’d never heard him speak in such a sharp tone. You had seen him scold his members once or twice, but his tone right now was enough to give you shivers.

“Oppa?” you managed to whisper, causing him to look back at you, his expression melting into in softer one.

“Hey, stay with me, okay? Just take deep breaths. Can you can do that for me, sweetheart?” There was the Seonghwa you knew and loved, the endearing, sweet man who would look out for you even when you told him to take care of himself first. This was probably one of the few traits of his that had made you fall for him. Though, you never really said anything, not wanting to mess up your friendship. He didn’t like you that way, and even if he did, there was no way you could be with him. You were idols, after all.

You tried to nod when you realized he was still waiting for an answer from you, but having him so close was probably the last straw. You felt safe and cared for around him, which perhaps made your body finally shut down. The last thing you felt was Seonghwa’s arms shifting to accommodate you and lifting you from the ground.

Seonghwa was on edge. When he heard your members ask you to take it slow, he could see you were a bit pale. Your eyes weren’t as bright as they usually were before a performance and the way the paramedic was hovering around you caused his heart to fall. He wanted to ask you what was wrong, but by the time he could, you were on stage.


“Seonghwa?” Hongjoong nodded towards the exit, signaling him to move, but he shook his head.

“I’ll stay. Y/N didn’t look good. I don’t think I’ll be able to sit until I see her come back after performing,” his eyes were trained on the screen, watching through the camera that was following you. You looked okay, but you were putting in more effort than usual. Even though it looked really good, he could tell that you were using your last bit of energy to finish this performance. From his own experience, he knew that you’d crash after you came backstage, and he wanted to be there to help.

He knew you had been extremely busy and that he had just added to your stress because he was jealous that you and Sunwoo were going to do a special collaboration for the award show. He knew the two of you didn’t have any say in this, and he knew he was being petty. But he was just a guy in love, and everything got out of hand when someone told him that the younger idol had a massive crush on you. The two of you were the same age, so maybe Sunwoo would appeal more to you than he did, even if he was just three years older than you.

Hongjoong decided to stay with his friend, knowing that he would appreciate some support. He spotted your company’s staff also watching the performance intently, expecting the worst. They knew you could go down at any moment, and all of them were praying you could hold out until they were in a situation to help you. Everyone breathed a collective sigh of relief when the three of you bowed, and the lights went out.

Seonghwa’s heart nearly stopped beating when he saw how pale you were, you weren’t looking good, and as the adrenaline dissipated, the worse you seemed to look. He had rushed to you when you sunk to your knees and couldn’t help but watch helplessly as you finally succumbed to your body’s needs. Heart beating fast, the boy carried you to your dressing room, allowing the paramedics to take you. He watched nervously, hands trembling as he watched them do their best to revive you. He, your members, and Hongjoong stood to the side, not getting in the way as they gave you oxygen and used icepacks to cool you down.

“Shouldn’t we call an ambulance?” Seonghwa voiced out, but his heart soared when he heard your feeble protest. He stepped forward a bit, watching as your eyes fluttered before opening fully.

You allowed yourself to be helped into a sitting position, you were still dizzy, but it was much better than before. Someone had pressed an energy drink to your lips, and you took small sips, eyes not leaving Seonghwa’s figure who was walking toward you.

Everyone parted to let him through, and when he crouched down, the paramedic murmured a don’t stress her out before leaving the two of you alone in the room.

“How are you feeling?” He whispered softly. You saw his fingers twitch as if he was trying to stop himself from reaching for you.

“Fine,” you replied, tone matching his. But you could tell from the way his brows furrowed even further that he didn’t believe you at all. You sighed, “Hwa, stop worrying about me. I’m b—”

“Stop worrying about you?” Seonghwa parroted incredulously. “Stop worrying about you?! I can barely stop thinking of you!” He stopped short, eyes widening, when he realized what he had said to you. He had basically just confessed to you in the heat of the moment.

You gasped at his words, “W-what?”

He sighed, running his hands through his styled strands of hair and not meeting your eyes as he settled down on the couch next to you. “I’m sorry, I… For acting like an idiot for the past week. Ever since I heard that Sunwoo would do a collab stage with you, I couldn’t stop being jealous. I mean… he has a crush on you, and I heard he was going to make a move on you after the show today. And I just—” Seoghwa sighed, cutting himself off and looking at you with teary eyes. “I never said anything because I didn’t want to destroy our friendship. But I was scared that you’d finally slip away from me. Sunwoo is amazing, he’s younger and so much bette—”

“I’d like to stop you right there,” you brushed out the strands of hair that had fallen over his forehead, effectively shutting him up. You giggled, causing the corner of his lips to lift up as well. “We’re both big idiots, honestly. All this mess could have been avoided if we’d come clean about our feelings.”

“You mean…?”

“That I like you too? Yeah,” you remarked, grasping his warmer hand in yours.

“I’ll hold off asking you out until I can take you out on a proper date, but I think we should get you back home so I can monitor you as you rest,” Seonghwa stated with a smile.

“But…” You started but quickly shut up when he narrowed his eyes at you.

“I know you won’t take care of yourself, so I will,” he teased, earning an eye roll from you. “In all seriousness, I’m part of the reason that you almost collapsed on stage.”

You shrugged, taking his hand when he stood up. Though when you stumbled a bit, he wrapped his arms around you. Seonghwa pursed his lips and bent down a little, wrapping one arm around your knees, the other coming around your back to steady you as he carried you bridal style. A squeak of surprise burst from your lips, and you placed your arms around his shoulders.

“What are you doing?” you hissed, surprised by his sudden move. You glanced at your members, who shrugged, while Hongjoong gave you a cheeky wink, and your staff looked away respectfully.

“Let me do this, please,” he whispered, placing a chaste kiss on your forehead, which made your heart flutter pleasantly.


He shushed you softly, “What kind of a soon-to-be-boyfriend would I be if I cannot even take care of you?”

You blushed, hiding your face in the crook of his neck, when you heard Hongjoong and Mina’s laugh from behind you. This man was going to give you a heart attack one day.

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2 years ago

rumour - j.wy 18+

Rumour - J.wy 18+

🍬 pairing - wooyoung x afab reader

🍬 genre - smut and fluff, lil angst idk

🍬 word count - 3.2k

🍬 synopsis - wooyoung was tired of pretending he didn't want you

🍬 warnings - 18+ mdni, mean woo, like asshole woo at the start, reader also kinda mean, lil slut shaming but they don't mean it, unprotected sex, like no foreplay sorry they're horny, not super dirty just a lot of dirty talk

ateez m.list | old m.list


“Please Y/N, I want to go so bad.” 

“That pout doesn’t work on me Woo,” you rolled your eyes. That was a lie, you had already caved before he bought out the puppy dog eyes but you didn’t want to seem weak.

“I’ll do anything! I can’t turn up to Hongjoong’s birthday party without you, he’d kill me.” Wooyoung whined, he was wrapped around your arm like a little kid as he begged you to agree to come.

It wasn’t that you didn’t want to, in fact you really did. But seeing your best friend walk into your apartment wearing tight leather trousers and a button up that was far too revealing was sending you insane. You’d always been attracted to him, it was hard not to be, but recently those feelings were getting harder to ignore. One drop of alcohol and you knew you’d be ready to pounce on him.

“I’m sure you can survive one night,” you replied, trying to shake him off you. “C’mon Woo, I don’t know why you want me to go so badly.”

“Because,” he drawled, “it’s always you and me. Y/N and Woo. I can’t turn up anywhere without you on my arm.”

“You make it sound like we’re a couple,” you rolled your eyes. His words were affecting you though, knowing he thought that way was enough to send your delusions going crazy. It was enough to fuel your daydreams about finally having him to yourself.

Wooyoung just looked at you as you fiddled with the hem of your shirt, the corner of his mouth tugging up into a smirk that he quickly pushed away, “well, that’s what everyone else thinks.”

He shrugged nonchalantly as if it was nothing, but his heart was racing so fast that he swore you could hear it. Your eyes snapped up to meet his, one brow raised in question.

“And you just let them? You know how much I hate rumours Wooyoung,” you said with a sigh.

“It doesn’t have to be a rumour,” he muttered under his breath.

“What was that?” You said, tugging on his arm and leaning closer to hear him. Wooyoung sighed and looked at you.

“I said, it doesn’t have to be a rumour. I don’t know how much more obvious I have to be Y/N,” he whined dramatically, his childish tone was wearing you down slowly, but you felt irritated. “I’ve literally given you so many hints, how haven’t you realised yet.”

You froze up, he had to be fucking with you. Wooyoung was a known flirt, his body count was higher than you could even count to, since when was he interested in you? But in that moment, his eyes wide as he gauged your reaction, it didn’t seem like he was joking. In fact, he had never looked so serious in his life.

“What are you talking about Woo? This isn’t funny.” You replied, frowning a little at him.

“I’m being serious Y/N, fucking hell how dumb can you be?” He said angrily, one hand coming up to grip your chin between his thumb and forefinger. He wasn’t angry with you, not really, he was just mad it had taken him so long to confess this to you that he needed you to believe him.

“Dumb? You’re such an asshole sometimes Wooyoung, don’t fuck with me about shit like this,” you tried to jerk your head out of his grip, but he just held tighter, forcing you to look at him as his eyes flashed with anger once more.

“I’m not fucking with you, you’re just too blind to notice,” he replied slightly softer this time, his thumb brushed over your bottom lip and pulled in down gently. The rough pad of his fingertip pushed past your lips before retracting slowly.

“Fuck off, if you really liked me you wouldn’t be whoring about every weekend, explain that.” You spat, a little droplet of saliva falling onto his cheek from how close he was to you. Wooyoung only smirked at this, he had to stop himself from laughing.

“God just shut up, put that pretty mouth to better use,” he said, pushing his thumb into your mouth so that it could rest heavily on your tongue. You had to admit that his touch was doing something to you, but you couldn’t let him know it had an effect on you. You bit down slightly on his thumb, prompting him to withdraw it from your mouth with a hiss.

Wooyoung didn’t waste any time, he tugged you forward and pressed his lips against yours in a bruising kiss. Your hands automatically found their way around his neck, pulling him close to you as he took charge of the kiss. His tongue pushed past your lips and into your mouth, messily clashing with your own. A trail of spit dripped from your mouths, in any other situation and with any other person you would’ve found it gross, but with Wooyoung it was hot, you couldn’t get enough. You were entirely compliant in his hands, seeing this mean and harsh side of him was making you crazy.

He pulled back, gripping your cheeks in his hands as you panted out harshly, “do you believe me now? Or do I need to fuck some sense into you?”

Your eyes widened, only prompting him to smirk once again at you. He dipped his head down, mouthing against your neck and pressing his lips to the sensitive skin there. Before you knew it, he had sucked a dark red mark onto your skin, claiming you as his for the night. You bit back a moan as his teeth sunk into the bruised skin before he pulled back and kissed over the mark he’d made.

“You really are something Wooyoung,” you said with a breathy laugh. “Fuck, how am I going to cover this up tonight?”

You ran your fingers over the tender mark as you looked in the mirror, Wooyoung just grinned next to you looking very pleased with himself.

“So that means you’re coming, right?” He said, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you close to him. 

“You think I’d let you go to a party dressed like that alone? How do I know you’re not going to throw yourself on the next person who gives you attention?” You teased light heartedly, but Wooyoung didn’t take it that way, his eyes once again narrowing at your words.

“Were my previous actions not enough? Do I need to bend you over and stuff you full of cock for you to realise it’s you that I want?” His fingertips dug into your waist but not enough to hurt, he was teasing you, “you’re mine Y/N, and that means I’m yours too. I don’t want anyone else.”

He was gentler now, becoming more sentimental as his words turned less dirty. You had never imagined that your feelings would be reciprocated and so when he confessed to you it took a while for it to sink in. 

“I could listen to you say that all day,” you smiled, reaching up to tame a few stray pieces of his hair. “Sorry I called you a whore.”

“Sorry I was mean and called you dumb,” he replied. “But the offer of fucking some sense into you still stands.”

You laughed, bumping shoulders with him. You would never tell him, but you enjoyed mean Wooyoung, it was exciting to see him riled up like that because it was so different to how he was usually, the vulgar words he let spill from his lips was a side you wanted to see more. The atmosphere was lighter now, the two of you basking in the aftereffects of finally confessing your feelings to each other even if it was a little unconventional.

“Maybe later, yeah? First I need to find an outfit for this party.” You said, standing up and out of his grasp.

“You’re actually coming?” He got up excitedly, following you like a lost puppy.

“Of course, I don’t think I can keep my hands off you long enough to let you go alone,” you held out a hand to him and dragged him over to you closet. “Now can you pick me something whilst I shower?”

Less than an hour later you were at Hongjoong’s, fashionably late and hanging off Wooyoung’s arm. It was no different than usual, the two of you had always been touchy. But the large hickey you were sporting was a tell-tale sign that something had changed between you two. Wooyoung refused to let you cover up the mark, stating that he wanted everyone to know you were taken and the cocky smirk that covered his lips showed just how smug he was.

“There they are, finally- Woah Y/N, that’s some love bite you have there,” Seonghwa said as you approached your friends. They were all sat around drinking in the garden and Yunho offered you a cup as soon as you sat down, which you gratefully took to ease some of the nerves you felt.

Wooyoung pulled you close to him, his arm resting around your waist as he eyed the group. San was the first to speak up, clearing his throat dramatically to gain everyone’s attention.

“So, I’m guessing you finally told her?” He said, his words directed at Wooyoung.

“You could say that,” he replied with a small laugh, squeezing your waist tightly. You could see a look of confusion wash over the rest of the group.

“Is anyone going to fill us in?” Mingi said, glancing at the others for answers but they were all as confused as he was. 

Wooyoung shrugged, downing his drink quickly before pouring another, “I thought I’d made it pretty obvious I was into Y/N, but apparently not. Anyway, I finally grew the balls to tell her.”

“Grew the balls? You mean you called me stupid and attacked my neck?” You said, one eyebrow raised at him as a collective laugh circled the group. Wooyoung just rolled his eyes, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth as he leant in to press a kiss to your temple.

You fell into easy conversation, letting the alcohol settle in your system and leaning into Wooyoung more. He had been talking to Jongho next to him but quickly turned his attention back to you once he felt you slump a little in his hold, wrapping his arm around you and shifting you so you were half on his lap. You glanced up at him, your eyes meeting his soft gaze as he leant down to kiss your forehead softly.

“You ok baby?” He asked, any trace of the mean Wooyoung from earlier was gone. You would never admit it, but you missed that side of him a little bit. However, you loved the soft caring side of him just as much.

You hummed, “yeah I’m good, you’re just so comfy and warm.” Pushing your head closer to his neck you kissed over the fabric of his shirt, pulling a smile from him at the gesture. 

“Did I tell you how good you look tonight?” He replied, kissing the top of your head since it was the only part he could reach now.

“Mmm, like four times now, but it’s nice to hear still,” you looked up, resting your chin on his chest. Wooyoung laughed, leaning down to kiss you properly. He could taste your strawberry lip gloss and the vodka mix that Yunho had made you. He went to pull away but you chased his lips, pushing harder against him as your tongue darted out to lick into his mouth. Wooyoung moaned softly, his hands grabbing onto your thighs to pull you onto his lap fully.

You pulled away briefly, tugging his bottom lip gently before going back in to kiss him again. His palms spread over your thighs, the warmth of his skin on yours felt incredible against the cold air outdoors. You understood you were out in public surrounded by your friends, but at that moment all you could think about was Wooyoung and how good he tasted.

“Get a room,” Yeosang complained, pulling the two of you out of your little bubble. “I don’t want to watch two of my best friends getting it on in the garden.”

Wooyoung groaned in annoyance at being interrupted, he pulled back and pouted at you before standing up with you still wrapped around his waist. You gasped, clinging onto him as he held you in his arms. 

“Fine, if you need us, we’ll be in the guest room,” he said, turning and carrying you into the house. You giggled, hiding your face in his neck away from the eyes of nosy partygoers. You could hear your friends cheering you on as you made your way up the stairs, legs tightly wrapped around Wooyoung’s waist until he dropped you down onto the soft mattress of Hongjoong’s guest bedroom. You had slept in this bed before with Wooyoung, but now it was different, and you could feel the butterflies filling your stomach.

“Fuck Y/N, you look way too good to not be wrapped around me,” he said, staring down at you as you laid spread on the bed below him. “I can’t keep my hands off you baby.”

You reached up to tug on the beltloops of his trousers, bringing him closer as he hovered over you, “then don’t.”

Wooyoung whined low in his throat, crashing his lips down onto yours as he yanked the material of your dress down your arms quickly. He was needy, the years of pining over you made him pent up with frustration that was now spilling over since he could finally touch you. You reciprocated this, unbuttoning his jeans and tugging them down so he could kick them off into a pile on the floor.

Soon enough you were left in your underwear, Wooyoung with his shirt unbuttoned the whole way as it hung off his shoulders to expose his chest. You couldn’t help yourself from running your fingertips over his skin, tracing the lines of his muscles.

“I want to fuck you so bad,” he groaned as your hand inched to rest over the bulge in his boxers. “I want to feel your mouth too but that’s going to have to wait for another time.” 

You were secretly glad, as much as you wanted to do everything under the sun with him, you were sure you would explode if he didn’t fuck you now. You’d been turned on the moment he stepped into your apartment in those leather trousers, your underwear already dripping with arousal as he tugged them off your body to toss into the pile with the rest of your clothes.

Wooyoung ran his hand up your pussy slowly, dipping in a fingertip to tease you. That alone was enough to send your mind spinning, he pushed a finger into you to ease you open, adding another when you became restless. Once he had you writhing on three fingers he knew you were ready, you needed him fully.

“Please Woo, need you,” you whined as he withdrew from you to tug his own boxers down. “Want to feel you raw, please.”

“Fuck, are you sure Y/N?” He groaned, his hips pressing down onto yours so you could feel him. He was big, bigger than you anticipated, and your thighs clenched together at the thought of taking him.

“Yes Woo, I need you so bad,” you didn’t even care about the risks, Wooyoung was worth it. You hooked your legs around his back, pulling him impossibly closer as you rutted up against him, “make me yours.”

That’s all it took for Wooyoung to push into you, his cock stretching you out as he pinned you to the bed. Once he was halfway inside he pulled back, easing you onto his cock little by little until you were a panting and babbling mess beneath him.

“Feel good baby? Does it feel good to be wrapped around my cock?” He breathed out, leaning down on his forearms so his face was close to yours. You could feel the slow drag of his cock inside you until he was flush against your body, completely connected.

“God Woo, please I’m not going to last long,” you whined, wrapping your arms around his neck to hold him close. He honoured your wishes, grinding his hips against you in a pattern that had you seeing stars.

“I’m not going to last long either sweetheart, you feel so good around me I don’t want to stop,” he gasped, hips stuttering a little each time you clenched down on him. You were both close, teetering over the edge of an orgasm you didn’t want to stop.

Wooyoung leant up a little, eyes catching yours as he took in the way your hair was sticking to your forehead and the way your eyebrows furrowed each time he hit that sensitive part right where you needed him. He was undeniably in love with you.

“Want you to cum first baby, cum on my cock for me,” Wooyoung said, punctuating his words with kisses along your neck and chest. “Cum for me and I’ll make you mine.”

That’s all it took for you to be pushed over the edge, crying out his name loudly over the sound of the thumping music below. He held you close, coaxing you through your orgasm as you grabbed on to whatever part of him you could, lips finding their way to his. Wooyoung pushed his tongue into your mouth, silencing your moans as he thrusted his hips harder against you to chase his own release.

“Fuck Y/N, you’re so good for me, making me feel so good,” he whined, forehead coming down to lean against yours. “Going to cum in your cunt, fuck, going to make you mine yeah?”

He was babbling out incoherent sentences as he desperately chased his release, “cum for me Woo, please. Want it so bad.” 

He didn’t need much more convincing than that, coming with a shout of your name as he held you close to him. You felt a sudden warmth fill you, your bodies becoming a tangle of limbs whilst you coaxed him through his own orgasm, shaky breathes brushing against your face. 

Wooyoung slumped over you, holding himself close but never once putting too much pressure on top of you. It was those little things that made you realise you were in love with him too. 

“I don’t think I’ve ever had sex that fucking amazing,” he said, slowly pulling out and lying down next to you. You whined at the emptiness, wishing to feel him for longer still. Wooyoung laughed softly at this gathering you into his arms and kissing your temple once again, “as much as I want to stay like that forever, this door doesn’t have a lock and I don’t fancy drunken men walking in and seeing my girlfriend butt-ass naked underneath me.”

“Girlfriend?” You asked, turning to look at him with a small smile.

“Baby I just came inside you raw and you think you’re not my girlfriend?” He asked, rolling his eyes at you. You whined, hitting his chest lightly.

“Be nice to your girlfriend,” you said, smiling at him properly now. He laughed, rolling over until he was leant above you, his breath tickling your lips from the proximity. 

“I’ll make it up to you,” he said, lips once again finding yours.

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2 years ago

Lavender haze

9. you and *****

synopsis: a barista who doesn’t know how to fully express his feelings learn how through the language of flower from the person next door, it’s a shame that they never realised what he was trying to say though.

double updates as promised!!

Lavender Haze
Lavender Haze
Lavender Haze
Lavender Haze
Lavender Haze
Lavender Haze
Lavender Haze
Lavender Haze
Lavender Haze

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