26 l (in)secure writer I DONT WRITE ANYMORE.. maybe one day ill come back. I
357 posts
Title: Who Would Actually Like Watching Real Housewives Shows With You.
Title: Who would actually like watching Real Housewives shows with you.
Pairing/Characters: Toji, Gojo, Oikawa, Nanami, Bokuto, Noya, Tanaka. PART 1.
Warnings: some gossip, mild judging, cursing, NOT PROOF READ,
Anime shows: Haikyuu and Jujutsu Kaisen.
A/N: What up y'all! Hope you all enjoy, this is loosely based off my mother, whenever I would watch reality TV she would complain but then get VERY invested into it. Enjoy!

I just know one day, you're either home sick, or you had the day off.
Toji was out (surprisedly) not on a mission to kill someone, but instead running some errands. Or at least trying to find the strength and patience to do so.
You were watching Real Housewives of New York. Season 2 Episode 10, and currently what was going on was just some over played drama.
Unnecessary drama
But that's why you liked it, watching other's lives and being envious but happy your life wasn't like their own.
"what.. are you watching?"
You jumped, shocked to hear someone else voice other then the ones on the TV.
"uughh watching TV?" You questioned, "how was running errands?" You questioned back, focusing on LuAnn telling Kelly some gossip.
"Terrible. You watch this trash?" He told you, while questioning your choice in shows. Taking a seat next to you, picking you up gently to set you in his lap.
"ITS NOT TRASH! " You hollard back
Earning a look of amusement from Toji
"yes it is," he said back, focusing on his phone he pulled out. Shaking your head, you turned back to the TV.
30 minutes later
"YOURE JOKING! SHE IS SUCH A BITCH, HOW DO THEY NOT SEE SHE IS SO CONTROLLING!?" Toji shouted, point at the TV while you sat on the couch, nodding your head in agreement.
"I KNOW RIGHT, SHE IS JUST AS BAD AS KELLY!" You agreed back, currently on the 3rd season of Real Housewives of NY.
"Damn, and why does she keep throwing around the whole countess thing? Doesn't make her special, and this whole-" Toji ranted on, now full invested.
"wait... Why are you so invested? I thought you said this was trash."
Shooting you a glare, "I don't like this trash, I'm going to the bedroom."
10 minutes later, "hey babe, do you want- YOUR JOKING!!"
"That dress is nNOT your- OMG!"
There toji was, bag of chips in hand, a blanket wrapped around his shoulders covering his head, and Real Housewives of NY playing on the TV.
"ITS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!!" He shouted while you stalked off.

I just know he loves those, bitchy gossipy shows
I don't think he is vocal about it 🗣️
It's a hidden guilty pleasure
So one day, your in the break room at Jujutsu High, minding your business
Waiting for Gojo to be off or out of one of his meetings with the elders.
You decided to put on Real Housewives of New Jersey
You started off on season 1, the last episode
Teresa was going off on someone about lying and started shouted
You were so invested in the juiciness of it all thaat you didn't notice Gojo
Till he spoke
Cuz this shit is so fucking tall but so silent 🔕😶
"I love Real Housewives of New York, but I favor Real Housewives of Potomac instead."
Jumping and scattering your snacks and drink everywhere
Even on you
And of course this sadist gets kick out of it
Laughing full belly laugh
Even taking pictures and sending them to your close relatives and friends
Cuz he a ✨ bitch✨
"Wh..what!? You watch these shows!?"
"Hell yeah I do, why wouldn't I watch it? The juicy gossip, the over the top parties and the back stabbing, back talking or fights!"
In short, the dude just loves the gossip
And all the drama
Plus the humiliation *sadist #1*
Y'all end up (after you get cleaned up) binge watching Real Housewives of New Jersey
Y'all also end up binge watching 90 day fiance as well
He suggested it
Also asked you if you would go that far to marry him
"ya know.. met each other after a week, and fly to mar-"
"We've been dating for 2 years, so.... No."
"...after two years and still nothing... What makes you think after 90 days I or YOU would?"
Little did you know, there was a ring his grandmother left him.
But don't worry, your words don't bother him.
He knows you love him 💕💕💕😘
All rights reserved to animesllut666
Next will be Oikawa and (my man, the great, ain't no flaws,) Nanami
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More Posts from Animesllut666
i know this is just a website and we’re all basically shouting into the void but when someone
uses my name
sends me a message
says something nice in the tags when reblogging something i made
tags me in something
includes me in a follow forever, mutual appreciation, etc
it literally makes me smile irl and makes me actually happy so i just wanna say thank you to the very sweet people all around me :)

Spot the difference games are getting harder nowadays
Characters: Gojo Satoru x GNREADER
Type: Headcannon
Anime: jujutsu kaisen
Warnings: none
Rating: G
Summary: Gojo Satoru can warp/teleport. Here would be some pros and cons.

Gojo is the type to use his teleportation abilities to pop in at the best or worst of times.
-While you're taking a shower. ("PUMPKIN!" *Que you having a mini fright and falling. I believe he just stands there, and waits doesn't mean to startle you, it just happens. He forgetful 🙃.)
-DRIVING (if he can time that shit right idk.)
-Doctors appointment ( just chilling and suddenly, "Your sick, Hun? "SATORU WTF?!")
- Business meeting.. (after that one time, you don't really talk about work meetings to him anymore. )
- Getting hit on in public, and the person making you uncomfortable? Que gojo.
-Having trouble carrying all the groceries to your place? Que him taking 10 bags, 5 on each of his long ass arms.
- Waiting somewhere due to rain, or just weather isn't sunshine and lollipops? Ya bet he'd pop in with a warm coat or an umbrella. (Maybe even something warm to drink if it's chilly.)
- Even though he IS the strongest sorcerer, I believe if he knows he has enough time he'll just pop in just too see you.
i only take gojo slander to a certain extent… it’s allowed when it’s funny bc it’s True but i will NOT allow people to say he doesn’t care for his kids i simply Will Not Allow It

✨ Character: Yuta OKKOTSU x Gojo FemaleReader.
✨ Warnings: Mention of violence, and decapitation.
✨ A/N: Yo just stopping in and writing a little something sumpin. Let me know if y'all like it! I LOVE feed back. Also I write everything on my phone so, if the format is off, I do apologize.
"What.. are you doing?"
After a long pause, "Nothing."
"Yeah, you want some of my candy?" You offered to Yuta, discarding the severed head of a curse. Walking over to your bag, croaching down to riffle through it.
"I got sour candy, sweet candy, ya know like me, tart candy, savory," You holler back too him, turning around with a handful of sweets.
"You really are Gojo-Sensi sister, aren't you?" Yuuta mumbled out, glancing to his left to see at least 20 mutilated curses thrown everywhere.
He was just two minutes behind you, being thrown out on a mission at the last minute. Worried about not being there in time to help, and thinking of the worst. But once, he had arrived just a short while later, imagine his shock and disbelief of seeing you.
Standing casually in a field, with a head of a curse in one hand and a candy bar in the other. Finally taking notice of his figure, and just a little wave and another bite of the bar.
"Yeah, but I'm not THAT much of an egotistical maniac with a god complex. Or well... Not all the time, I can admit my faults at times," She chokes out, through the candy in her mouth.
"Are you bad mouthing, your amazing older brother again?" Gojo questioned behind Yuuta, scaring the young boy out of his skin.
"Yep, now come on Yuuta, I'm going to show you this new show," His friend and the younger Gojo spoke, picking up her bag and grabbing his hand. Causing the young boy to blush lightly, admiring his friend as she strutted past her brother.
Not only for her beauty, but for her witt, strength and confidence.
All rights reserved for this work belong to Animesllut666.
The characters besides reader, are that of the work of Gege Akutami.