anka-dm - Doodle Pile
Doodle Pile

Anka's D&D doodles and other such things Comm details here:

167 posts

Anka-dm - Doodle Pile

anka-dm - Doodle Pile
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More Posts from Anka-dm

2 years ago

DnD couples <3

(art by me, characters belong to commissioning people, do not use, please)

DnD Couples
DnD Couples
DnD Couples

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2 years ago

One of my older DnD OCs: Oona!

She was an air genasi sorcerer, a bodice ripper writer (in her books ladies ripped off their uncomfortable bodices to go on adventures), a bit of a pirate, trouble incarnate, a little bit hero. By the end of the campaign she accidentally became the moon!

In couple pictures you can see her beloved Gayleia, they met during an adventure and married before it was over 💙

She is the gayest moon you ever will meet XD

One Of My Older DnD OCs: Oona!
One Of My Older DnD OCs: Oona!
One Of My Older DnD OCs: Oona!
One Of My Older DnD OCs: Oona!
One Of My Older DnD OCs: Oona!

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2 years ago

Charm, games, betrayal

(Backstory commission for a DND character)

Charm, Games, Betrayal
Charm, Games, Betrayal

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2 years ago

Like everyone else I've gazed into the Spotify void and it winked back XD

Like Everyone Else I've Gazed Into The Spotify Void And It Winked Back XD

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