Betrayal - Tumblr Posts

Hope to see you soon, but not really


The music in a dancer's head never stops. Adya's never did, at least. Why would it? Why would she be ashamed of the vibrance that flowed through her like blood?

The dusty record shop on 5th Avenue reminded her of it. The dim lighting, wilted shelves, and ancient cashier were all lessons in the immortality of true passion.

Peace was too harsh of a word for a feeling so tender. Until the store bell rang.

The hair on her arms stood and she tensed instinctively in the silence. His thundering footsteps were hard to mistake.

"Hey, Addy." She turned. He offered a lopsided, quiet grin.

"Salem," she replied. Her heart sank. She wasn't sure which feeling would hurt more, sadness or anger.

"So... You still collect these things?" he asked awkwardly, gesturing to the boxes of discarded vinyls.

"I don't see why else I'd be here," she said pointedly. He flinched. "Unless you think I'd be fond of running into you?"

"I'd hope so?"

"That's unfortunate. I'm afraid you've become delusional."

He sighed, running his hand through his greasy, black hair. "Adya, I'm sorry. I know I messed up."

"Messed up? Is that it?" she laughed bitterly. "I trusted you and you used that trust to hit me where it hurt most."

"I know, I know. I shouldn't have done that but--"

"But what? Salem, just because all your high and mighty friends turned out to be frauds, doesn't mean you get to waltz back into my life like nothing happened!" she snapped. Her voice echoed in the empty shop. The cashier snored louder.

His face fell. "I just miss you. Miss what we had. Our friendship," he murmured pleadingly.

She snorted. "I knew you would eventually. I'm glad you're sorry. And I hope you find yourself good friends again. But you're not going to find it in me."


"No. A sorry is never going to atone for the toll your words took on my life. A sorry isn't going to fix anything, Salem," she spat, jaw clenched.

"I hope to see you around, but I hope I never recognize you when I do."

"Adya, stop! Please!" he cried, reaching for her.

But she already slipped away. She was already out the door. And all he could do was stare as the best part of his life left him alone.

Writing prompt from @arina_writes on tiktok BTW ❤️

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Hope to see you soon, but not really


The music in a dancer's head never stops. Adya's never did, at least. Why would it? Why would she be ashamed of the vibrance that flowed through her like blood?

The dusty record shop on 5th Avenue reminded her of it. The dim lighting, wilted shelves, and ancient cashier were all lessons in the immortality of true passion.

Peace was too harsh of a word for a feeling so tender. Until the store bell rang.

The hair on her arms stood and she tensed instinctively in the silence. His thundering footsteps were hard to mistake.

"Hey, Addy." She turned. He offered a lopsided, quiet grin.

"Salem," she replied. Her heart sank. She wasn't sure which feeling would hurt more, sadness or anger.

"So... You still collect these things?" he asked awkwardly, gesturing to the boxes of discarded vinyls.

"I don't see why else I'd be here," she said pointedly. He flinched. "Unless you think I'd be fond of running into you?"

"I'd hope so?"

"That's unfortunate. I'm afraid you've become delusional."

He sighed, running his hand through his greasy, black hair. "Adya, I'm sorry. I know I messed up."

"Messed up? Is that it?" she laughed bitterly. "I trusted you and you used that trust to hit me where it hurt most."

"I know, I know. I shouldn't have done that but--"

"But what? Salem, just because all your high and mighty friends turned out to be frauds, doesn't mean you get to waltz back into my life like nothing happened!" she snapped. Her voice echoed in the empty shop. The cashier snored louder.

His face fell. "I just miss you. Miss what we had. Our friendship," he murmured pleadingly.

She snorted. "I knew you would eventually. I'm glad you're sorry. And I hope you find yourself good friends again. But you're not going to find it in me."


"No. A sorry is never going to atone for the toll your words took on my life. A sorry isn't going to fix anything, Salem," she spat, jaw clenched.

"I hope to see you around, but I hope I never recognize you when I do."

"Adya, stop! Please!" he cried, reaching for her.

But she already slipped away. She was already out the door. And all he could do was stare as the best part of his life left him alone.

Writing prompt from @arina_writes on tiktok BTW ❤️

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Hope to see you soon, but not really


The music in a dancer's head never stops. Adya's never did, at least. Why would it? Why would she be ashamed of the vibrance that flowed through her like blood?

The dusty record shop on 5th Avenue reminded her of it. The dim lighting, wilted shelves, and ancient cashier were all lessons in the immortality of true passion.

Peace was too harsh of a word for a feeling so tender. Until the store bell rang.

The hair on her arms stood and she tensed instinctively in the silence. His thundering footsteps were hard to mistake.

"Hey, Addy." She turned. He offered a lopsided, quiet grin.

"Salem," she replied. Her heart sank. She wasn't sure which feeling would hurt more, sadness or anger.

"So... You still collect these things?" he asked awkwardly, gesturing to the boxes of discarded vinyls.

"I don't see why else I'd be here," she said pointedly. He flinched. "Unless you think I'd be fond of running into you?"

"I'd hope so?"

"That's unfortunate. I'm afraid you've become delusional."

He sighed, running his hand through his greasy, black hair. "Adya, I'm sorry. I know I messed up."

"Messed up? Is that it?" she laughed bitterly. "I trusted you and you used that trust to hit me where it hurt most."

"I know, I know. I shouldn't have done that but--"

"But what? Salem, just because all your high and mighty friends turned out to be frauds, doesn't mean you get to waltz back into my life like nothing happened!" she snapped. Her voice echoed in the empty shop. The cashier snored louder.

His face fell. "I just miss you. Miss what we had. Our friendship," he murmured pleadingly.

She snorted. "I knew you would eventually. I'm glad you're sorry. And I hope you find yourself good friends again. But you're not going to find it in me."


"No. A sorry is never going to atone for the toll your words took on my life. A sorry isn't going to fix anything, Salem," she spat, jaw clenched.

"I hope to see you around, but I hope I never recognize you when I do."

"Adya, stop! Please!" he cried, reaching for her.

But she already slipped away. She was already out the door. And all he could do was stare as the best part of his life left him alone.

Writing prompt from @arina_writes on tiktok BTW ❤️

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3 years ago

It was you. It was always you.

You were always the one I would've chosen.

And you chose someone else.

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6 months ago

Dear ex-best friend,

I have too much to say to you, but words won't leave my mouth because I'm in a state of shock.

You lied about having romantic feelings for me for SEVEN years despite knowing that some of the worst betrayals I've experienced were due to male "friends" pretending to be actual friends when they really wanted something romantic.

I forgave you for that because I truly love you as a person and that won't ever change. I even forgave you despite your timing. You decided to confess to me while I was sobbing and seeking comforting words from my "best friend" after I was rejected by someone I adored.

I didn't say much when you told me. I just cried harder on the phone and played nice as I slipped into a state of derealization that lasted for weeks.

Then, you texted me, demanding to know when I'd have an answer for you about when I was willing to meet up with you. I didn't answer...because I'm not sure how I feel or what to do. I don't have romantic feelings for you. I never have, and I told you this last time we spoke. That won't change. So, what am I to do? You want to remain friends because I'm your "only friend". But you mentioned something about "if we date", right after I said I don't have feelings for you.

That was what I feared--that you'd remain my "friend" but secretly resent me for not becoming more despite my clearly stated intentions.

If that's the sort of friendship you offer, then I don't want it. I deserve more than that, and so do you. I know what it's like to be where you are. I know what it's like to have that everlasting hope that "maybe they'll change their mind".

Now, you text me again to demand more of me while you hurl insults and start your text with, "Disrespectfully".

I know you're angry. I know you're hurt. But how dare you speak to me like that? If your intention is to push me farther away, then it's working.

I feel like I don't know who you are anymore. Something I love about you is how empathetic you are. Where is your empathy now, for me, your supposed "only friend"?

I should've answered your text from last time. I know that, and I've punished myself because I know it so deeply. I'm sorry that I left you hanging. I won't try to explain why I did anymore. Because *I* still feel empathy toward you.

See what happened here? See what happened AGAIN?

I'm not putting anyone else first anymore. I'm done with that.

Our friendship was based on one big fucking lie, and I feel violated. I wouldn't have let you hang out at my home, wouldn't have shared with you about my relationships, and I wouldn't have dressed up with you on Halloween IF I knew you had feelings for me. You knowingly lied to me and disrespected your own partner and the partners I had throughout our "friendship".

Fuck you. FUCK YOU. Because I was truly fooled by you. You gave me hope that not all men are the same, and then you ripped the hope out of my cold, tired hands.

Fuck. You.

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10 months ago

Lowering Defenses

In the ruins of trust, walls rise tall,

Each betrayal a brick, each one a call.

Layer upon layer, they tower high,

A fortress of pain against the sky.

Each brick laid with sorrow's hand,

A testament to where I stand.

For every trust betrayed, a wound so deep,

Leaving scars that never sleep.

With each betrayal, the walls grow thick,

A shield against love's cruel trick.

But oh, the weight, the burden they bear,

As I hide behind walls of despair.

For in the darkness, I find my solace,

Protected from love's relentless malice.

But with every brick, a piece of me dies,

As I surrender to betrayal's cries.

Yet still, a whisper, a flicker of light,

Beckons me from the depths of night.

For though trust may falter, hope remains,

To tear down walls and break free from chains.

So I'll gather the strength to face the pain,

To tear down walls built in vain.

For though trust may be fragile, it's worth the cost,

To rebuild the bridges that betrayal has lost.

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2 years ago

I think I trusted you too much

When you said you did come back when you left me

I thought you really meant that

So I waited longer and longer

Untill one day I realised that you never meant those words

That you never meant you cared for me

You never meant you loved me


You never meant you'd come back for me

If you just wanted to go away why did you make me feel loved

You were my best friend

Even if you didn't see me as one

I loved you even if you didn't

I cared for you even if you didnt

I meant the words even if you didn't

I waited for you even if you didn't mean to come back to me

I think I trusted you too much~♡

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7 years ago


The worst thing that you could do to someone is not acknowledging their presence. Ignoring their existence, making their life a lie. Years of love and care bestowed upon them, all gone in the blink of an eye. Saying you don’t know them, forgetting the millions of stories shared together. And when their touch reminds you of dark nights, pretending not to shiver. Not looking in their eyes, for you…

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4 years ago

Update.... I have no toes.


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6 years ago

The List

Dear Diary I finally said goodbye to him today. He has asked me to make a list of all the things he needs to collect from my place. So, I am going to make one. When have I ever known how to say no to him? 1. The Hufflepuff scarf that he wore on our first date. Afterwards we had come to my place, and stayed up all night talking about the stars and the universe, and he had said it all fades away…

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7 months ago

I don't know how to deal with the betrayal of my loved one. Don't know what to do or think or feel, I wish someone could understand me.

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7 months ago

7th August, 2024

I'm burning from the inside, I wish I could be numb.

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7 years ago

Never thought i would go to heaven

for some reason i wrote a short story because the quote was good, and this is the product of that

2182 words

“I never thought I would get to go to heaven… my mother, bless her heart, told me soldiers had a place reserved for them up there; like the pope or kings. I never did listen to her though, I had no plans on dying any time soon. I was the best in our Calvary and I’d seen more than my fair share of combat, but something about this venture felt wrong. As we approached the castle with our army there was nothing, no guards, no noises, not even a hoof print for their steeds. I looked at my army and for a moment questioned if our king was wrong in sending us to the reaches of our kingdom for an abandoned. I heard a wave of unease fall across my troops, mail began to tense, handles began to rattle as their hands shook, and ranks began to fade into more of a cluster of shaking squires. I rallied them with a shout, wailing something akin to what a slaver would if his property was working at a subpar pace, whether I scared them straight or empowered them I’ll never know.

 We were gaining on the large wooden gate when I felt a chill rush up my side, and mind you this was no exaggeration. The air around me became heavy, and cold; it was as if winter fell in a single moment. I looked to my troop and noticed no change, they all continued as if it was no colder to them, it was at this point I heard her. I’ve no idea if it were my mind playing tricks on me due to hours of marching…or something more sinister, but a voice echoed in my helm. Her voice was soft, serene, and haunting and she came bearing a warning. She told me to leave, to turn and flee, and did so for what felt like ages but I paid her no mind for I could not leave my men.

 We were a mere stone’s throw away from the castle gate when the voice called once more, angrier than before. She said that I made a mistake, and she was correct as I found mere moments later. No sooner than halting my army did the gates open with enough force to shake my bones. I had to regain my poise before peering to what created such force. The once sturdy gates now hung loosely on their hinges and behind them stood five warriors, each armed with battle scared armors and rusted weapons. They looked of little challenge so I extended a warning to them, requesting they leave and in return they may live. None of them seemed phased, save the knight standing in the middle of the group. They placed their hand on the pommel of their sword and with the other gestured for our approach. I thought they were foolish, I had an army of my best soldiers and I its elite would not stand for such actions. I called to the archer at my side to strike for their head, and I would give them one more chance to surrender. It was then that I made my first, and last mistake.

 As the arrow flew, time felt as if it was unmoving. I heard her voice for the last time, mockingly telling me I was a fool. As time caught up I pondered on what she meant, but before long I realized just why she would mock me in such a way.

 The arrow was fired directly at the soldier in the middle and they were unwavering, until the arrow was about to strike. In a single motion they readied their sword and split the arrow down the center, and as the two sides of the arrow clashed against the ground the other four soldiers charged with enough ferocity to send, even I, into a fearful spiral. It was not long before I heard the screams and cries of my troops being slain without remorse, two, three, even four at a time tried and failed against merely one of them. My brothers, my students, all being brutalized in front of me. The chill no longer crawling up my side, instead a fire igniting in my belly as my eyes met the arrow splitter. The sounds of metal and meat being cleaved around me seemed to deafen as I made my approach, the other knights all either distracting or killing my troops. Closer now I could see the knights’ features, they were with no doubt female and her armor was scared from what looked like hundreds of battles, her longsword was chipped and rusting, and her gauntlets had jagged claws forged to the fingers. As I studied her she I noticed something that I’d rather I never see again. Her armor was embossed with a black butterfly, inlayed with opal. I readied my sword and called to her, asking if she was an apparition, if I was awake, but she steady walked toward me. I began to back step, at first to keep distance, but as she closed it turned to fear. As I backed I stumbled on a soldiers detached arm and landed on my rear, the knight still closing on me and her sword readied. My heart raced as I stammered backwards on my back, before I remembered something that I’d never though would catch up to me…

 Yvonne, I called and the knight ceased. It was as I feared, my men were dying because of my own deeds. I returned to my feet and sheathed my weapon, calling to her once again. I walked toward her asking her if it was true, if she really was the visage of my now dead lover, but she did not answer instead standing almost frozen still. When I reached her, she was unmoving, unbreathing, and very much alive. I stood by her, proclaiming my love and my regret but she remained still, and at this point I noticed my surroundings. The battle field was frozen as well, the once dangerous knights now stood as statues, blood soaked and almost beautiful. It was in this time that I realized what I had to do.

 I gripped the knights helmet. It was cold to the touch and removing it took great force, but once it came crashing to the ground I removed my own. I looked at my once noble partner, her face as soft and gorgeous as it was those many years ago, but no matter how beautiful she was I knew what I had to do. I removed one of my gauntlets and caressed her face before pressing my lips to hers. Without warning a bright flash took hold of my vision as I was forced to relive nearly 2 years of time all detailing our time together. From our first meet, to our first kiss. From our time in the army, to our time in the bedroom. I was nearly in tears reliving these events, but then suddenly the once beautiful moments grew corrupt. I saw the disagreements, the fighting, the cheating, and finally the betrayal. I saw the last fight we ever had, she and I fought for hours. She got angry and punched me in the face, I got so mad… I didn’t mean to… there was so much blood. After she hit me I pulled a dagger, I wasn’t thinking properly. When I came to my senses it was too late, blood was dripping from my knife, the walls, my face some even entering my mouth. I’ve never been able to get the taste out of my mouth. With the vision ending with me weeping into the floor where my once living lover was, just as quickly as the visions came they left and time began to move again. my men were still being slaughtered and my lover was still in front of me. I backed away from her, weeping and stumbling. Once more I stepped on an arm and was sent to the ground, but this time I did not grovel, I did not stammer, instead I accepted my fate. I felt her sword tap the bottom of my chin and I raised my eyes to see her standing above me.

 With tears in my eyes I apologized for what I did, I told her that I would take it all back and that death was the least worrying thing to me, but she pressed a finger to my mouth to silence me. She gripped me by the chest and lifted me to my feet, I was confused until she walked away from me. Every step was an angelic hum, each harmonizing into something I remembered. When she turned to face me each foot print now shown a bright light and played the tune to our war song. I shook my head in brief disbelief, I shouted to her that we would sing this song after we would fight so we could make up, asking what she meant. I begged her to explain but she stood, sword at the ready. The song was reaching its peak as rain began to fall, it was then that I knew what was happening. You and I were meant to be, we made sure of that at our wedding, and as the song goes… Till death do us part. With those words that meant so much to me said, I readied my sword, I remembered my vow I made to her. My vow was the only way we would be apart is if one of us died in combat, and it was clear she intended on making me keep that promise.

 We stood, staring at our once partner, she looked happy. It only now occurred to me that she has been somewhat alive this entire time, our vows holding her in this state all this time like some sick joke. I sighed, gripping my sword tightly and planting my feet for a charge before saying my last words to her… I love you Yvonne, but you and I have one thing in common, we’re both fighters. Though I felt like crying I couldn’t help but smile as I rushed my once wife, the idea that our vows now were the reason for all of this pain.

 As I rushed her she started her charge as well, the rain like arrows against my face. When we met, we met sword first sparks illuminating her face reminding me of her beauty. We clashed on every swing, I couldn’t break her defenses, and worse yet I was beginning to fatigue. With every strike she threw I could feel my self growing weaker, but her power seemed unwavering. I couldn’t hold much longer so with what I had left in me I gripped the blade of her sword and forced it away. It’s blade grinding against the palm of my gauntlet and crushing bones with it, the pain enough to shake me to my core. I felt her push against the sword to no avail, I held her blade to the ground with one hand and with the other I attempted to break her grasp. With all the strength left in my body I threw a punch to her hand to break her hold on the grip but I was halted with a strong pain in my stomach. I looked to see that a dagger was hanging from my torso, I looked up to see her face… she no longer smiled, instead she cried, and a tear landed on my cheek. I tried to speak but she placed a finger on my mouth, shaking her head and weeping softly, but I couldn’t help but smile. I told her that this was the first time I’d heard her in so many years, that it was beautiful. My smile faded slowly as I began to cough, blood forced from my gullet as she laid me softly on the ground. I pulled her toward me and told her that I was sorry, so sorry, and I hoped that I would see her in the heavens above. She nodded and in an angelic voice told me that she forgave me, and with a final kiss, she faded from sight. I looked around the scared lands, my men now laid dead or dying And as I laid there choking on blood and water, the only question I had was how much of the blood was mine, and how much was hers…”

 As the knights’ story came to an end, the angle at the gates nodded and the golden gateway opened. He spoke to the knight, “I am sorry for your demise, Ser Benjamin. I hope your passing was worth it for you.” And with this the knight walked toward the light, and into the heavens above.

     “I never thought I would get to go to heaven, but it’s not what it’s all cracked up to be… my wife didn’t make it up here, so I don’t think its worth it. i miss her very much, even though she cheated.”

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3 years ago

Anyone else loved aphmau old videos and now when you watch her it's just so sad and disappointing.?

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Ink Scratchings Of Pinters Betrayal, With Zawe Ashton, Charlie Cox & Tom Hiddleston. (Red Version Of
Ink Scratchings Of Pinters Betrayal, With Zawe Ashton, Charlie Cox & Tom Hiddleston. (Red Version Of
Ink Scratchings Of Pinters Betrayal, With Zawe Ashton, Charlie Cox & Tom Hiddleston. (Red Version Of

Ink scratchings of Pinter’s “Betrayal”, with Zawe Ashton, Charlie Cox & Tom Hiddleston. (Red version of original miserable sepia)

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Fans Of Dribbly Ink Scratchings Might Be Pleased/titillated/horrified To Hear You Can Have Them In Your

Fans of dribbly ink scratchings might be pleased/titillated/horrified to hear you can have them in your own home. (IN MY OWN HOME?) Yes. Or about your person. Behold the Redbubble Store!

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