#MusicIsACommunity >KNJ 💜 I usually become obsessed with anything new I get interested in •1998 •Based in GR, 🇬🇷
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Id Like To Be An Aluminum Can, Thanks

i’d like to be an aluminum can, thanks
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More Posts from Anna-muse
Okay but I'm a sucker for this kind of chemistry/dynamic. They look all enemies & stuff but when they're on a duo-like mission, oh man! 🔥
and this part really got me:
He looks at you for a moment, almost as though he’s forgotten the mission and for a split second, you both actually do.
Then his lips turn up into a smile. “Ready?” He cocks his gun and gets into position.
Cutie & sexy & lovely 😍❤ God, I love these little prompts!
No I def assume jimin for 3 🤣🤣 im so sorry
okay anon, here it is, i hope you like it! :) i’m happier w this one lol.

↠ jimin x reader ↠ secret agent/spy AU | enemies to lovers (implied) ↠ 1170 words
prompt: “it’s pitch black and I can see you blushing.”

“Great,” you huff, unloading your gun out and putting it on the shelf. “We’re stuck in here and it’s all your fault.”
Raising a brow, Jimin gives you a mocking smile. “You’re the one who missed the rendezvous point. If your late ass had been there on time, we would’ve been out of here.”
Seething, you step forward and point your finger at him in an accusatory manner. “I was cleaning up your mess. What kind of idiot leaves the security guard half conscious for him to call for backup?!”
“Well excuse me for being careful not to kill innocent people!” Jimin snaps back, taking a step closer.
“He’s not innocent! None of them are, you fool! God, have you learnt nothing from this mission?” You groan, giving your partner one repulsive look before slumping to the floor yourself.
There’s no point in arguing all night; you know that. Besides you argue with him enough and quite frankly you’re tired of it. Just as tired as your muscles and exhausted mind from the past twelve hours that have ended up with you and Jimin locked in a supply closet in the penthouse of one of Thailand’s most expensive hotels.
You’re grateful it’s a rich family you’re after because if it was anything else, you’d probably be trapped in a drug warehouse or something else of the kind. At least this 10x10 supply closet has pillows, emergency food, water, and better yet, alcohol.
Before you can reach for it yourself, Jimin is already reaching for the most expensive bottle on the top shelf, using any tool he can find to take the top off. Perks of your academy’s intensive training you suppose — you’re both trained agents and have been taught to utilise practically anything in any situation.
Literally anything. There’s a ten out of ten chance that you and Jimin could use any of the items in here to escape this closet. Both of you know it, but neither of you say it.
Jimin slumps to the floor just as wearily as you. He chooses to sit right next to you, and for once you decide not to comment on his lack of personal space.
After taking a long swig himself, he holds the bottle out for you, which you eye up for a moment.
“We’re technically still working,” you say quietly. “What if the Chen men return?”
Jimin shrugs. “Suit yourself.” He takes another swig. “My tolerance is great—“
You snatch the bottle from him and bring it to your mouth, taking less than Jimin.
“I guess that means you’re done working for the night?” Jimin says, an amused smile toying on his lips as he watches you drop your head back to the shelf behind you.
“I guess it does,” you sigh, limbs aching and feeling heavy.
“You know…” Jimin shifts closer to your side to speak quietly into your ear. “I could easily open the door with a coat hanger…”
You lift your head and give him a testy glare. “Yeah, so could I. But we’re not. So shut up and drink.”
You shove the bottle into his chest and he lets out a little grunt, distracting him while your eyes drop to those full lips of his. You always steal a glance every chance you get, especially when you’re this close to him. You don’t think much of it — he has nice lips, that’s all.
“Whatever you say, princess,” he smirks, keeping the close distance between you as he drinks some more.
Just as you’re dazedly watching his Adam’s apple while he swallows, the lights suddenly go out and you’re left in complete darkness.
“What was that?” you whisper loudly, instinctively reaching a hand out for Jimin.
It lands on his thigh… a little too close to his crotch. But you don’t realise.
Jimin shifts closer in an attempt to make you feel safe. As your partner, he knows about the one fear you have — the dark. You appreciate that he never makes you feel any less because of it, unlike your old team who used to taunt you all the time.
“The lights are probably on a timer,” he says quietly. “Also, your hand is almost touching my dick.”
Eyes wide, you tear your hand from his leg and face him. You’re grateful it’s dark in here so he can’t see your flustered appearance. “Sorry, accident.”
Jimin chuckles softly, gently placing an arm around you and you feel his warm breath fanning your face. “It’s cool, I mean, if that’s how you wanna pass time then I’m happy to help.”
You can’t see him, but you can tell he’s smirking.
“You wish,” you hiss.
He laughs a little louder. “It’s pitch black and I can see you blushing, princess.”
“Oh shut up,” you mutter, ignoring the warmth that’s in your cheeks as you throw his arm off of you to get up and look for a torch.
Jimin beats you to it. Pulling one out from beside him, he tugs on your arm to keep you sitting next to him as he presses the button, illuminating the room in white light.
Seeing you visibly relax with the light back on, something in Jimin softens and reaches up to grab a pillow before handing it to you. You frown in confusion.
“Sleep,” he says, putting the pillow in your lap. “I’ll stay up in case anything happens.”
You wait for something, a catch, a snide comment, a flirty comment even… but it doesn’t come.
Jimin just looks at you with what can only be described as concern in those big brown eyes of his. Looking at them now, you realise just how kind they are.
“Thanks,” you mutter, suddenly feeling a bit awkward. “Wake me up in a bit, we’ll swap.”
Jimin nods, giving you the smallest smile before taking his tablet out of the bag to probably do some more work on the case.
You put the pillow down between you, lowering your head and letting your eyes close. Sleep finds you more easily than you thought it would.
When you wake up hours later, it’s an hour past dawn and Jimin is gently shaking you awake with a whisper.
“Y/N, Y/N, you gotta get up. They’re here.”
It takes you a moment to get up and become completely aware of yourself and your surroundings, and when you do, you find yourself staring at the jacket draped on your shoulders. Jimin’s jacket.
You look at it, and then look at him. You also realise he let you sleep for longer, staying awake himself. His cheeks go pink but he says nothing except, “You looked cold.”
“Right, thanks,” you smile awkwardly.
“Don’t mention it,” he nods, just as awkward. But he quickly clears the tension away and hands you your gun while you get yourself up. “They’re in the room to the left, the plan is the same as yesterday,” Jimin whispers, grabbing the coat hanger and swiftly breaking the door lock.
“Okay,” you nod, pressing yourself against the wall as you wait for him to push it open.
He looks at you for a moment, almost as though he’s forgotten the mission and for a split second, you both actually do.
Then his lips turn up into a smile. “Ready?” He cocks his gun and gets into position.
“Ready,” you nod, and Jimin pushes the door open.
Today, you both work stealthily and in unison, feeling more in sync than you ever have before.

The handwriting one
Tagged by: @writtenwhalien 💗
1. say hello
2. write the numbers 1 - 9
3. write the alphabet
4. write: the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
5. write a quote of your choice
I would have reblogged but my handwriting's awful & felt so insecure compared to all these beautiful ones 😭 huh, whatever here's mine:

mini room concert with jungkook 🥺 (trans. cr: miiniyoongs, minimoniT_T, tteokminnie)
+ taehyung on weverse 😂😂😂:

Is it bad to say that I can relate to both of them?! Or maybe I wish I could 🥲 idk, i just loved these two together. Loved how needy oc was for Jimin but he was such a tease (as always, lmao) 😂❤❤
Hey, sweet Amelia! For the prompt game, can I request 2+jimin please? Feel free to choose any au that you like!!! You can definitely ignore this if you do not feel like writing it!! Please go with anything you like. No pressure at all!!! I adore anything you write anyway! <333
hellooo May! 🥰 @lurejoon here it is, I went for an easy established relationship au :) idk why my mind decided to make this smutty but here it is, w a very needy oc and perfect bf jimin 😌❤️

↠ jimin x reader ↠ established relationship AU | fluff + soft (implied) smut ↠ 802 words ↠ warnings: implied smut, oral (f. receiving).
prompts: “it’s midnight, we’re not getting doughnuts.”

“Jimin,” you whine, throwing your leg over his waist as you try to grab your boyfriend’s attention.
“Yes, baby,” he answers, eyes still glued to the big screen in the bedroom.
Nuzzling your face into his neck, you give him a playful nip. “I’m bored.”
He smiles, briefly turning his head to kiss your forehead before returning to his game. “Wanna watch a movie?”
“No,” you whine again, climbing on top of him and resting your chin on his chest to look up at him. “Can you cuddle me?”
“I am cuddling you,” he chuckles, squeezing you in his arms. It’s true, he’s already cuddling you but you still want more. Groaning quietly, you drop your head to his chest and begin complaining about how you’re not close enough to him.
Jimin finally pauses his game, laughing as sinks into the cushions and pulls you up. “Have I ever told you how cute you are when you’re needy?” he murmurs, pressing a kiss to your nose and then your lips.
“No,” you grin. “You should tell me more often.” You kiss him again, this time holding it a little longer.
“I’ll tell you all the time,” Jimin smiles, wrapping his legs around your waist and bringing you in for another deeper kiss, and you begin to feel very satisfied with his touch — this is what your needy ass wanted.
One of Jimin’s hands trails down from your back to your ass and he squeezes your flesh.
Moaning, you dart your tongue forward and swipe against his teeth, eagerly finding his tongue when he parts for you. Jimin kisses you back for a moment, keeping his movements gentle and slow as he savours every second of your taste, completely unaware of how horny you’re getting with every second that passes.
So when he pulls away, you literally mewl in annoyance. “Why did you stop?”
“I have an idea,” Jimin smiles, sitting up with you. “Let’s go get doughnuts and we’ll go to that late drive thru cinema, hm?”
You frown. “What? Why?”
He shrugs. “Let’s do something fun, we haven’t done anything spontaneous in ages.”
“I kinda wanna stay at home,” you tell him, batting your lashes and leaning closer to him.
“Oh… I’m kinda craving doughnuts,” Jimin says, pouting his lips.
“Jimin,” you giggle, kissing him. “It’s midnight, we are not getting doughnuts.”
“But you’ve got me craving something sweet now,” he exclaims, bouncing on the bed. “C’mon it’ll be fun.”
“How have I got you craving something sweet?”
Jimin smirks, leaning forward and kissing you with his tongue. “Because you taste so sweet,” he whispers teasingly, darting his tongue out once more before pulling back.
If he wasn’t aware of how horny you were before, all it takes is one look at your face for him to tell now. Three years of dating means Jimin knows every look of yours and right now, you look like you want to devour him whole.
Taking advantage of it, Jimin gently pushes you back to the bed and hovers over you. “Princess,” he murmurs, kissing your lips so sensually. “If you want something, all you have to do is ask.”
“I want you,” you breathe heavily, tugging on the hem of his top. Jimin smiles, giving in to your request and baring his chest to you, but when you try to push him back and straddle your waist he doesn’t let you.
“Nu-uh,” he says soothingly, kissing your cheek all the way down to the sensitive spot below your ear. “I wanted something sweet, remember?…” he slips his hand beneath your tee and immediately tweaks your bare nipple.
“Jimin, please,” you whimper, rocking beneath him. “We can buy doughnuts tomorrow, just fuck me now, please.”
“Hmm,” Jimin smirks, nuzzling his nose into your neck before opening his lips and sucking harshly. “I think,” he whispers, pulling back and sitting between your legs. “I’ll just have to satisfy my sweet tooth with something else, hm?”
“Oh…” you breathe, feeling your excitement grow as Jimin pulls down the hem of shorts and underwear together. If it was anyone else, you’d be embarrassed by the arousal that already coats your lips, but not with Jimin. He could do the bare minimum and you’d be soaking.
“That looks good to me,” Jimin grins, pressing a kiss to your inner thigh as he lowers himself between your legs, licking his lips.
The sight of him between you has your hips jutting towards his mouth, and Jimin chuckles, taking one of your hands and intertwining his fingers with yours.
“Can I?” he asks, looking up at you.
You nod dazedly. “Yes, please,” you exhale, letting out a quiet moan as Jimin leans forward and takes the smallest lick.
“Mm,” he whispers, going in again. “Better than doughnuts, my sweet.”

And when our beloved art geeks finally do a collab, it’s over for everyone. // for @noninultuspremor
+ bonus because we take every smol crumb (sadly, it’s now deleted)

(source: 1 2 3)