This is my main blog. I do have a few side blogs for my writing and crafting (and my cat). Originally, this was a sims 2 blog, but now I post about reading and just about anything I’m thinking. I hope you’ll join me! I’m going to try to be more consistent in 2023.
1429 posts
Annegirl13 - Miss Annes Place - Tumblr Blog

The Traveller I’m Surrounded By Idiots Challenge
I don’t think I included these guys in the original Bluewater challenge, but I really like them. I always got the impression from these guys that Trisha is the only one with the brain cell. Therefore, she is the only one with the brain cell in this challenge, and by brain cell I mean plumbob.
I honestly thought this was going to be way harder than it actually has been. These guys are way less chaotic than the Kims. Trisha has managed to: raise Tina well enough and get her grades high enough that she went to college with a scholarship for her A+ grades, keep everybody alive, and have another child named Troy, who is newly a teenager.
The one trick that I learned to do with this family was to have the parent queue up an interaction with their child and then queue up the help with homework interaction. So if I had Trisha hug Tina and then offered to do her homework with her, it worked way better than just clicking help with homework.
Troy is going to become the torch holder for the family once he goes to college and returns. Tina is technically free of the challenge now that she’s in college. I will have to find something else for her to do once she graduates because as a premade, she cannot inherit the family challenge.
I had never played an ISBI challenge before this, but I actually really kind of enjoy it. I’m looking forward to what comes with this family.
@queen-lethargy — Thanks. I opted out all my blogs this morning. Ugh!
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you may opted out already but we don’t take chances with ai around these parts *insert angry cowboy*

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From instructions on how to opt out, look at the official staff post on the topic. It also gives more information on Tumblr's new policies. If you are opting out, remember to opt out each separate blog individually.
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Kim Officially Wacky Boolprop Challenge

Ah, the Kims! An officially wacky chaos family if there ever was one!
Justin doesn’t count and every OWBC family needs 3 pregnancies, so in addition to the eldest Kim kid, we have Barbara and Billie, Osgood, and Oscar. The O boys are not twins, but they’re close in age.
The family also has 3 dogs: Gabby the original, Pongo the one with the black ear, and Winnie, their puppy and the one with pointy ears. they are probably going to be Justin’s once he comes back from college. I don’t know if he’s going to breed more dalmatians, but he’s definitely the one in charge of the dogs.
Robert and Cynthia, of course still have their big personalities. And by big personalities I mean that Robert is a moron and Cynthia and in everybody’s business. they just got the rest of the kids into private school, no, thanks to Robert, who almost burned the house down and killed himself. When I looked over, he was the only thing on fire. I almost didn’t have Justin save him. But we need him to make the army of robots that we require for the challenge.
(I really do like these guys – – they’re just super chaotic and not very smart. Which I guess it’s the definition of Sims.)
The Kat Family (need new challenge)

I tried. I really really really really really really really really tried. I tried to do the cat thing. I was going to be really good. I was going to have her breed the cats and then she owns a pet shop now and she was going to go to the pet shop with the cats and sell them to customers there and somehow raised 20 cats. I think we got to maybe eight total before I finally gave up this past round. All of the cats are in the adoption pool now.
So, yeah, these guys need a new challenge… I will be looking for one. In the meantime, Tara married Alan Cho, a Bluewater townie who knocked her up. they are fine together. I don’t mind them at all. (They’re kind of boring… maybe now all the cats are gone I can find something more interesting for them to do…)
They have twins, because of course they do. Their daughter’s name is Angora. Their son’s name is Bombay. Because Tara the obsessed cat lady would obviously name her children after breeds of cats. they just became children instead of toddlers, so all I know about them right now is they used to both like throwing Pet food in the air. Which might say something more about Tara’s parenting, then about her children.
I need to find just the right challenge for these guys… We’ll see what I come up with.
Gieke Supernatural Collector Challenge

Chester wants to become, build, befriend, or birth all the supernaturals in the game. He currently has an alien spawn named Hubert and he is a vampire.
I’m really starting to think that Hubert is going to take over the challenge, because Chester is really not a very good vampire. and maybe starting with vampire was a bad choice for completing this challenge. I’m really starting to think I should’ve waited to build the servo or befriend Bigfoot before I had him become a vampire or have an alien baby… It’s easier now that Hubert is in school, but still…

They are already selling data to midjourney, and it's very likely your work is already being used to train their models because you have to OPT OUT of this, not opt in. Very scummy of them to roll this out unannounced.
These are the rules I’m using for the Jacquet family! (I had them saved somewhere but didn’t reblog them yet…)
I’m a Lover Challenge for The Sims 2
This is a rework of The Sims 4 I’m a Lover Challenge by DaniiPantiies. She created this a few year back and I love the challenge so much, but I just enjoy playing The Sims 2 more than The Sims 4 so I reworked it here. The Legacy Rules do not have to apply to this challenge. It is up to you whether you want to play with heir rules (i.e. first born, males or females, etc.) You can move lots throughout the generations. Creating the Founder: • Can be Male or Female • Must be an Adult • Must have the Romance Aspiration • Must have Family as second aspiration Generation 1 - “All I wanted was to be a romance writer and find my own true love.” • Join the Writer Career • Write Romance Novels • Date one person for at least two seasons • Marry during the third season (must marry the same person dated before) • Have two kids after your wedding • Have a date night every season (at least one) • Stay with spouse until death do us part Generation 2 - “My parents kept their romance going even with two kids, I want what they had.” • Have the Romance Aspiration • Start dating in High School • Have at least two boy- or girlfriends • Go on five dates with different people • Find true love during your first season as adult • Get married right away • Have at least two kids • Get divorced after maximum three seasons • Never remarry Generation 3 - “My parents couldn’t stay together and they loved each other so I chose to focus on my career.” • Have Fortune Aspiration and Knowledge as second aspiration • Become enemies with one parent • Join the Medicine or Business career • Reach Level 5 of said career • Start looking for a potential spouse • Go on several dates with one person • Get married late in your adult stage • Have 2 kids • Reach to of Career Generation 4 - “My parents didn’t believe in love until they found each other, I think it’s ridiculous.” • Have Romance Aspiration with Pleasure as second aspiration • Have more than one Romantic Interest at a time • Never get married • Move in with one of the Romantic Interests • Have one kid • Let kid find you cheating Generation 5 - “My family was screwed up and I was scarred. I don’t want that for my children.” • Have Family Aspiration • Move out as soon as possible • Never speak to your parents again • Live in a “nice” house (decorated, large enough for a family to grow) • Get best friend forever before dating a Sim • Get married to a nice sim • Have as many kids as possible • Have at least one kid die (as a teenage when you don’t have mods) • Become anti-social Generation 6 - “My parents lost one of my siblings and stopped taking care of us. I had to raise myself.” • Have Family Aspiration with Fortune as second aspiration • Always live with one sibling • Cook and clean every day • Start dating when Sibling is working steadily and seems “okay”. • Get married in the second half of your adult stage. • Have 2 kids Generation 7 - “My life was too perfect growing up and my parents loved each other too much. I refuse to fall into that trap.” • Have Popularity Aspiration • Join the Entertainer or Musician Career • Perform on lots frequently • Have at least 10 best friends • WooHoo with as many Sims as possible • Fall in Love • Get married • Have twins • Die before the children are Teens Generation 8 - “I lost a parent and it was hard on all of us. I swear not to raise a family in this condition” • Have Fortune Aspiration • Live in poverty • Get a high paying job • Move in to a mansion or large house • Adopt a baby • Get married • Adopt another baby • Have two kids of your own flesh and blood Generation 9 - “My parents raised me to be polite. They also arranged me to get married to someone I have never even met before.” • Have Popularity Aspiration • Meet future spouse • Disapprove of them • Go on a date with them • Start liking them • Get married to them • Sleep in separate beds • Have only one child Generation 10 - “I was an only child whose parents barely knew each other. Maybe I can discover the secrets of love through my family’s past.” • Have Knowledge Aspiration • Visit the graveyard frequently and mourn your ancestors • Buy the graveyard • Built a family-tree out of their graves (including spouses and spares) • Get married to a poor Sim • Have kids Also a side note: If a generation doesn’t have specific careers or second aspirations you may choose what you want. The I’m a Lover Challenge was created for The Sims 3 by bestfrienemies14 and reworked for The Sims 4 by DaniiPantiies. I’m referring to the The Sims 4 version, since this is the one I’m playing currently. I would love to see somebody doing this! Please use the tag #ialcts2! Thanks for reading and have fun!
Jacquet I’m a Lover Challenge

You’ll notice somebody very important missing from the Jacquet family photo. Denise died at the very last minute of this last round. She was 70 days old. She definitely made an impact.
I changed the challenge for these guys as well. Originally again, I think they were some kind of random occurrence scenario based challenge, but then I found the I’m a lover challenge. It’s perfect for these guys.
Denise counts as the founder. She was married to her husband Yves until his untimely death, which obviously happens before the premade story starts. Yves owned the bakery and, thanks to the challenge, Denise wrote romance novels. I think it became more of a passion for her after he died. I also think she was a little embarrassed, because she definitely wrote bodice rippers.
Gilbert grew up seeing his parents passionately in love and really wanted that for himself. Because he’s a romance, Sim, I imagine he dated a lot in high school in college. He was looking for that spark. He didn’t exactly find the spark he wanted with Brianna (although I absolutely adore her and she’s one of my favorites, and I put them together on purpose) but she ended up getting pregnant and Denise had old-fashioned ideas. They currently have three kids: Roman the teenager and twins Yvette and Nicole.
Technically, the challenge rules just say that Gilbert has to get divorced. They do not say any reason why. However, I’m thinking that the death of his mother is going to send him spiraling, looking for that spark, that he still feels like he doesn’t have, into the arms of another Sim…
Larson Double Random Legacy

(Technically, I’m playing this really fast and loose with the whole random legacy thing, but I started out, intending to make it a random legacy, and just kind of forgot the rules that I set for myself.)
I’m doing Jason and Jodie together because they are following the same challenge. It was just easier to split them into two households once they got married. Especially since they both had twins!
Jason married Adela, who is a bowling shirt wearing downtownie and who looks remarkably like his sister. 🫤 Their daughters are Elinor and Luciana. I don’t remember what either Jason or Adela do for work but their challenge has something to do with toy making. They haven’t done much of that…
Jodie married Pierce the Bluewater townie, who I’ve always liked her with. they are definitely more business driven than Jason and Adela, and that means they also kind of let their kids go a little more wild. Their kids are named Dante and Arlie and they’re pretty cute.
The best thing I did with these guys was make a big Larson family group for outings. I took them all to the diner downtown this past round and had all the kids take pictures of themselves in the photo booth. It was really cute. Everything that happens with his family from here on out is supposed to be random, so I don’t know what I will be doing as far as who inherits what goes. We’ll have to see what happens, I guess.
Ramirez Rainbowcy

The Ramirez family challenge has changed! I think when I originally started playing Bluewater with a bunch of challenges, there’s was kind of a random occurrence thing, but I was never really happy with it. This time I decided to do the Rainbow challenge or the rainbowcy challenge or whatever you wanna call it. I’ll put the link to the one I’m using down below.
Basically, each generation has a color and a challenge associated with that color. Checo and Lisa are the blue generation, which is the just starting out generation. Technically, if I’d been playing them from scratch, they would’ve started out with absolutely nothing, but I am jumping in with premade families so we’re going with, they got started with nothing, they’ve built up this far, now it’s up to the next generation to see what happens. Counting Tessa, who can’t inherit as a premade sim, they have two kids. Their other daughter is Maria, who you can see, has quite a big personality.
Tessa and Maria are the purple generation, which means they get at least one want fulfilled per day and there needs to be some kind of magic in there. I think I’m going to have Maria try to get the voodoo doll and use that for hijinks. Tessa is in college and is currently romantically interested in Justin Kim. They’re probably going to raise dogs together.
Tinker Impossible Wants Challenge

This family is solely responsible for the incredible number of children in this next generation. Not only do they currently have nine children (if you count Melody), but they are also the reason I installed the triplets and quads mod. Yes. Really. And apparently I am far too fond of clicking the random button because you will notice quite a number of twins in this neighborhood this time around.
Currently, Stephen and Wanda have: Melody, Aria, Harmony, Bass, Timpani, Soprano, Tenor, Abby (the redhead and the only adoptee so far), and Rhapsody. Aria and Harmony and Soprano and Tenor are two sets of twins. Abby was adopted when Soprano and Tenor were just babies, right before Rhapsody was born. (I think Wanda panicked a little bit about not making her goal before she became an elder.)
Stephen just became an elder this past round. melody went to college after around two and is currently in her junior year. I’ll do more about her later.
The challenge, by the way, is no longer just to have 10 kids. Whoever inherit the challenge will then have to do an impossible want for their aspiration. We’ll see where this all takes us.
Delarosa DITFT Challenge

Florence Delarosa married Robi Monif, a Bluewater townie. technically my rules for the differences in the family tree challenge recommend that she marry a garden club member, but they have a lot of chemistry. He became a garden club member quite soon after they married.
The two of them have been very, very very focused on their garden, almost to the exclusion of everything else. That’s why their kids are a little younger than some of the others. Their daughter, Heather, and their son Moss are kind of being left to their own devices.
I don’t know yet which one of them is going to inherit. I think it’s going to be whichever one has the lower relationship with their parents, because the point of this challenge is kind of for each generation to be the opposite of the one before.
The Landgraab Legacy

I didn't feel like doing a big dramatic story with Malcolm this time (as fun as that was in the past...) Instead, with a little help from the matchmaker, Malcolm married Gwen the downtownie (usually she's in a blue sweater with a hat). They currently have two kids: Mimi and Malcolm V. They also have another baby on the way, because Gwen wanted one and I want to keep playing with their genetics (even though there are already WAAAAY too many kids in this neighborhood!)
The Landgraab legacy rules are pretty much the same as they were in 2016. The firstborn male inherits (which means Mimi is out of luck). The heir must go to college and join the secret society. When they graduate, they have to keep both the family businesses (Club Dante and the Electronics Super Center). They can change what those businesses sell, but they have to keep both lots.
Mimi is going to be a teenager in this next round, and I’m interested in seeing what she gets up to. I also need to figure out who all little Malcolm is friends with, because I’ve been trying to get all the kids to be friends, but I’m not sure how well it’s taken.
Individual family posts will go up through the queue this week. 😊 Feel free to ask questions!
Bluewater Village 2024

I'm not going to be documenting every detail this time, but I am back in Bluewater! (I finally found a work/life balance that lets me play sims every once in a while!) I've played four rounds now, so maybe 15-20 years? Let's call it 20 because it's a nicer number.
I'm still playing with the basic rules I had all those years ago (2016!) but I focused more on gameplay than on storytelling and I've changed some of the challenges. I'll share more about each family and their challenges in individual posts. (Otherwise this one would get way too big!)
Bluewater Village 2024

I'm not going to be documenting every detail this time, but I am back in Bluewater! (I finally found a work/life balance that lets me play sims every once in a while!) I've played four rounds now, so maybe 15-20 years? Let's call it 20 because it's a nicer number.
I'm still playing with the basic rules I had all those years ago (2016!) but I focused more on gameplay than on storytelling and I've changed some of the challenges. I'll share more about each family and their challenges in individual posts. (Otherwise this one would get way too big!)
This is gorgeous! I love it!

Eu fiz essas ilustrações durante o Dia dos Namorados de 2022, eu amo demais esse projeto!
"Uma moça inteligente e determinada, que para salvar seu pai de uma dívida, vai trabalhar na mansão de um jovem veterano da Segunda Guerra, recluso e amargurado pelas cicatrizes em seu rosto devido ao campo de batalha."
I made these during brazilian's Valentine's Day 2022, and I love it so much!
"An intelligent and determined lady, to save her father from a debt, decides to work on a manor of a young, World War II vet, recluse and bitter due to the scars in his face caused by the battlefield."

Here's my favorite drawings of 2023, wooooo! It's so fun to see all the different seasons represented. I'm curious, which of these do you like most?
Thank you for following along with my art this year! I feel so lucky that anyone connects with my weird little drawings. Your attention and kindness is very much appreciated. ♥
Here's to more growth in 2024!

2022 Faves ♥ It’s fun to look back and see all the seasons represented. Which one is your favorite?

Has anybody else seen this before? My sims couldn't pay their nanny, so she left in a huff (and took their couch) and then when they tried to rehire her, this popped up. I don't know that I've ever been in that situation in game before, so maybe that's why I haven't seen this.
You learn something never every day, even from a really old game like Sims 2!

The holidays can be stressful
Current Status

Please implement a permanent off switch for Tumblr live, I don’t want to see porn banner ads on top of my dash because that’s essentially what Tumblr Live is. Some of them just AI generate their thumbnails too
Me trying to get all my third graders seated. Or in line. Or to work with partners.