This is my main blog. I do have a few side blogs for my writing and crafting (and my cat). Originally, this was a sims 2 blog, but now I post about reading and just about anything I’m thinking. I hope you’ll join me! I’m going to try to be more consistent in 2023.
1429 posts
Has Anybody Else Seen This Before? My Sims Couldn't Pay Their Nanny, So She Left In A Huff (and Took

Has anybody else seen this before? My sims couldn't pay their nanny, so she left in a huff (and took their couch) and then when they tried to rehire her, this popped up. I don't know that I've ever been in that situation in game before, so maybe that's why I haven't seen this.
You learn something never every day, even from a really old game like Sims 2!
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The Kat Family (need new challenge)

I tried. I really really really really really really really really tried. I tried to do the cat thing. I was going to be really good. I was going to have her breed the cats and then she owns a pet shop now and she was going to go to the pet shop with the cats and sell them to customers there and somehow raised 20 cats. I think we got to maybe eight total before I finally gave up this past round. All of the cats are in the adoption pool now.
So, yeah, these guys need a new challenge… I will be looking for one. In the meantime, Tara married Alan Cho, a Bluewater townie who knocked her up. they are fine together. I don’t mind them at all. (They’re kind of boring… maybe now all the cats are gone I can find something more interesting for them to do…)
They have twins, because of course they do. Their daughter’s name is Angora. Their son’s name is Bombay. Because Tara the obsessed cat lady would obviously name her children after breeds of cats. they just became children instead of toddlers, so all I know about them right now is they used to both like throwing Pet food in the air. Which might say something more about Tara’s parenting, then about her children.
I need to find just the right challenge for these guys… We’ll see what I come up with.
Delarosa DITFT Challenge

Florence Delarosa married Robi Monif, a Bluewater townie. technically my rules for the differences in the family tree challenge recommend that she marry a garden club member, but they have a lot of chemistry. He became a garden club member quite soon after they married.
The two of them have been very, very very focused on their garden, almost to the exclusion of everything else. That’s why their kids are a little younger than some of the others. Their daughter, Heather, and their son Moss are kind of being left to their own devices.
I don’t know yet which one of them is going to inherit. I think it’s going to be whichever one has the lower relationship with their parents, because the point of this challenge is kind of for each generation to be the opposite of the one before.

2022 Faves ♥ It’s fun to look back and see all the seasons represented. Which one is your favorite?
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Here's my favorite drawings of 2023, wooooo! It's so fun to see all the different seasons represented. I'm curious, which of these do you like most?
Thank you for following along with my art this year! I feel so lucky that anyone connects with my weird little drawings. Your attention and kindness is very much appreciated. ♥
Here's to more growth in 2024!