anneswritingnook - Anne's Writing Nook
Anne's Writing Nook

A place where I share the writing I do on the nook

723 posts

Entitled To Win

Entitled to Win

Hello Hello and welcome to this week’s six sentence story based on the word PLATFORM.  Today we are joining an unnamed male narrator, who has a difference perspective than last week’s narrator, but apparently, I am a little fixated on this strange little world I am creating… Only years of practice holding his expression stopped him from sneering as he watched her walk onto the platform,…

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6 months ago

More of my take on the NaNoWriMo AI bs. This author was reading more in-depth on NaNoWriMo’s excuses for this, and my type of disability was brought up.

6 months ago
NaNoWriMo Shits The Bed On Artificial Intelligence
Chuck Wendig: Terribleminds
So, NaNoWriMo — the organization behind the official implementation of the challenge of National Novel Writing Month — has come out firmly o
6 months ago

this suuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks. fuck nanowrimo. if you're doing NaNoWriMo this year, let them know how much this sucks and don't give them any of your money.

tweet from Stegosaurus Rex (@@DiannetheWriter): "NaNoWriMo posted their new AI policy: (link)

Their official position seems to be that it's ableist and classist to not support AI in writing.
What is NaNoWriMo's position on Artificial Intelligence (AI)?
National Novel Writing Month
NaNoWriMo does not explicitly support any specific approach to writing, nor does it explicitly condemn any approach, including the use of AI

generative AI is not a classism issue it is not an ableism issue tHE WHOLE GOAL OF THE PROJECT IS THAT YOU ARE WRITING AND NOT AN ALGORITHM.

7 months ago

Violet Distractions

Hello hello and welcome to this week’s six sentence story based on the word SWIRL.  It’s… you guessed it, ODD!!! How new and surprising… This is a continuation of the Prism series, featuring another contestant, this one with a completely different view of the finalist panel than our first two narrators.   I won’t add anything else, don’t want to spoil it, but I do hope you enjoy and comment! Just…

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