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#100WordHorror Prompts

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#100Word Horror
Write a horror story in 100 words or less based on the prompts below, and post it with #100wordhorror
For an added challenge, don’t use the prompt word in your story but still convey the prompt Ex: Prompt (Cat)- Every hair on its arched back was standing straight up as it hissed, and I leapt back to avoid being bitten, only to discover it was the thing behind me that was causing such terror. As the monster’s teeth tore into my jugular, I could only hope that the little harbinger managed to get away, for I would surely not. Character 1. Werewolf 2. Witch 3. Vampire 4. Ghost 5. Zombie 6. Demon 7. Clown Alternate: Banshee Emotion 8. Infuriated 9. Frightened 10. Excited 11. Revolted 12. Anxious 13. Lonely 14. Confused Alternate Shame Location 15. Field 16. Sewer 17 Warehouse 18 Basemen/Cellar 19. Alley 20. Forest 21 Cave Alternate: Office Action 22. Biting 23. Running 24. Screaming 25. Stabbing 26. Brewing 27. Casting 28. Summoning Alternate: Dying Item 29. Knife 30. Rock 31 Cauldron Alternate: Pumpkin
“imagine caring so much about fiction” imagine being so lame that you scoff at the timeless human practice of falling in love with art and stories
Help Wanted
Hello hello and welcome to this week’s six sentence story based on the word FOIL. I have no idea where this one came from, but follow our narrator Quinn as she attends an interview, where things might be a little bit off… Quinn kept a polite smile on her face as she answered each question in the interview, never quite relaxing even as it became apparent that she was acing it. She knew it didn’t…

On the surface, 100%, this makes sense. At the same time, it really pisses me off. I think the issue I have with this is that it's one of those statements that at face value is true, but it completely disregards the life experiences of people with autism and ADHD. I was really into goosebumps book, I think in grade 4, but I read at an advanced level, and I recall well meaning people trying to get me to read more advanced books. The books I was reading weren't "good enough" for someone with my abilities, and no one understood that if I didn't enjoy it, I could not get through it. This repeated in grade 6 with Babysitters Club, grade 7 with Nancy Drew, grade 8 with Lurlene McDaniel, and then I moved onto romance. Romance books are trash I was told, and in grade 9 when I moved on to Star Trek novels, they weren't "real" books. Then it wasn't good enough later on when I read Da Vinci code, pop trash really. A few years ago, my reading through urban fantasy was a "little immature" because they were fantasy. More recently, I was told listening to audiobooks isn't really reading, and I should actually read books. It doesn't matter that between work, chores, etc. that my main "free" time is in the car. I read fanfiction at night, and I do watch kids shows, but I don't talk about them because I have learned this will result in what was said by OP. I have spent a lifetime reading, and yes I have read classics, Shakespeare, Little Women, Pride and Prejudice. I have read thousands of books including non-fiction, but every step of the way I have had people from the side line giving their unsolicited opinions that what I am reading is "not good enough" "not right" and then framing it as "just saying" or "for my own good" but really, shove off. You have no idea how informed I am, or what else you aren't seeing me read, watch, or experience, and while the initial comment wasn't ableist, that follow up was tone deaf AF. Nobody tells a NT man that he shouldn't limit his interests to sports, because that is a socially acceptable limitation. Limiting exposure is only an issue when the thing you are limiting to is not in fashion for your age, gender, and country. I for one am sick of being told that no matter how many new things I read, watch, or experience, that I am never quite hitting that target, and always need to be trying more. Sometimes I just need a damn break, and to rewatch that show for the ninth time. So no, saying that people should read things other than fanfiction and kids shows isn't ableist, but when you give unsolicited opinions to people who have have spent their entire lives being criticized for every book they read, show they watch, food they eat, and move they make, then you shouldn't be surprised when those people are upset by yet another well meaning person who is only seeing the tip of the iceberg.
i promise its not ableist when people say you should try things that arent kids shows and fanfiction
are you telling me americans have stores that open up SPECIFICALLY for halloween and just. dont exist any other time of the year. you people are insane
Words on White Paper
Hello hello, and welcome to this week’s six sentence story based on the word PUNCH. I took this one as the proverbial punch, and ran with it, as our unnamed narrator gets news that chances everything. Since I missed last weeks, which I only kind of missed, because well, I did actually write six sentences based on FOAM, I just failed to post them, I am actually including that here after this…
imo the best way to interpret those “real people don’t do x” writing advice posts is “most people don’t do x, so if a character does x, it should be a distinguishing trait.” human behavior is infinitely varied; for any x, there are real people who do x. we can’t make absolute statements. we can, however, make probabilistic ones.
for example, most people don’t address each other by name in the middle of a casual conversation. if all your characters do that, your dialogue will sound stilted and unnatural. but if just one character does that, then it tells us something about that character.
The FAQ's Say it All...
So for how Nanowrimo is going, a story can be inferred from the FAQ page

this suuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks. fuck nanowrimo. if you're doing NaNoWriMo this year, let them know how much this sucks and don't give them any of your money.

generative AI is not a classism issue it is not an ableism issue tHE WHOLE GOAL OF THE PROJECT IS THAT YOU ARE WRITING AND NOT AN ALGORITHM.
NaNoWriMo official statement: We want to be clear in our belief that the categorical condemnation of Artificial Intelligence has classist and ableist undertones, and that questions around the use of AI tie to questions around privilege.
Translation: Disabled people and poor people can't write and they need the Theft Machines to actually be good writers, and disagreeing with us is means you're a fundamentally bad person.
Meanwhile, Ted Chiang: "Believing that inspiration outweighs everything else is, I suspect, a sign that someone is unfamiliar with the medium."
"Many novelists have had the experience of being approached by someone convinced that they have a great idea for a novel, which they are willing to share in exchange for a fifty-fifty split of the proceeds. Such a person inadvertently reveals that they think formulating sentences is a nuisance rather than a fundamental part of storytelling in prose. Generative A.I. appeals to people who think they can express themselves in a medium without actually working in that medium. But the creators of traditional novels, paintings, and films are drawn to those art forms because they see the unique expressive potential that each medium affords. It is their eagerness to take full advantage of those potentialities that makes their work satisfying, whether as entertainment or as art."
"The programmer Simon Willison has described the training for large language models as “money laundering for copyrighted data,” which I find a useful way to think about the appeal of generative-A.I. programs: they let you engage in something like plagiarism, but there’s no guilt associated with it because it’s not clear even to you that you’re copying."
"Is the world better off with more documents that have had minimal effort expended on them? ... Can anyone seriously argue that this is an improvement?"
"The task that generative A.I. has been most successful at is lowering our expectations, both of the things we read and of ourselves when we write anything for others to read. It is a fundamentally dehumanizing technology because it treats us as less than what we are: creators and apprehenders of meaning. It reduces the amount of intention in the world."
I'm with Ted on this one. What the actual fuck, NaNoWriMo? Makes me wonder what the purpose behind the 'doublecheck your wordcount' box has been used for all these years, if not stealing for the Theft Machines.
NaNo's original statement
NaNo's attempt at backtracking
Ted Chiang's New Yorker article (paywalled, but i hit refresh until it gave up)
Techcrunch article

More of my take on the NaNoWriMo AI bs. This author was reading more in-depth on NaNoWriMo’s excuses for this, and my type of disability was brought up.

So it looks like NaNoWriMo are happy to have AI as part of their community. Miss me with that bullshit. Generative artificial intelligence is an active threat to creativity and the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of people in creative fields.
Please signal boost this so writers can make an informed choice about whether to continue to take part in such a community.
And the Winner Is...
Hello Hello and Welcome to this week’s six sentence story based on the word RELIC. I wrote last week’s prompt, but it didn’t really fit, so I didn’t end up posting it. Follow our narrator from purple as the competition draws to a close. There are one, maybe two more posts for this serial six, and I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have. She watched as the girl from red passed the last…
Justified Masquerade Ball 2024

Sign up on the Justified Discord as a creator, or just join for the guessing games as we try to figure out who the creators are!
Choose a prompt and produce a fic of at least 1000 words (no max), or an equivalent piece of fanart, gifset, fanvid, etc. Keep it secret! Any flavours, pairings, etc. Works will be posted to an AO3 collection.
Works due: October 17th Works revealed and guessing begins: From October 19th Creators unmasked: November 1st
(Running late? Last Chance Dance works due Oct 30th)
Anyone But Him
Hello Hello and welcome to this week’s six sentence story based on the word HATCH. Today I return to my serial six, the prism series, where we check back in with our girl from purple as she gives an update on how things have been proceeding for another point of view. Make sure to go back to Part One if you haven’t read the rest of this! She watched the buy from blue being escorted through the…
Dial Tone...
Hello hello and welcome to this week’s six sentence story based on the word DIAL. This a continuation of prism, and the first one that won’t make any sense without reading part one, thought I would recommend reading part two and three for context. Follow our narrator, the girl from red, as you get an update on how things are going AFTER the panel from the previous parts. It was one thing to…
Violet Distractions
Hello hello and welcome to this week’s six sentence story based on the word SWIRL. It’s… you guessed it, ODD!!! How new and surprising… This is a continuation of the Prism series, featuring another contestant, this one with a completely different view of the finalist panel than our first two narrators. I won’t add anything else, don’t want to spoil it, but I do hope you enjoy and comment! Just…
Entitled to Win
Hello Hello and welcome to this week’s six sentence story based on the word PLATFORM. Today we are joining an unnamed male narrator, who has a difference perspective than last week’s narrator, but apparently, I am a little fixated on this strange little world I am creating… Only years of practice holding his expression stopped him from sneering as he watched her walk onto the platform,…

The comments on this all mention Carbon Monoxide and that is SO reasonable. I think what weirds me out the most about watching like popular media is how many people have conversations with full blown hallucinations, auditory and visual and it's play off as completely normal. Don't try and resolve your inner guilt to get rid of that hallucination, go to the doctor, there is something seriously wrong!
Now in your mid teens, you forgot all about the monster under your bed. One night though, it wakes you up saying “You’re not safe. You need to get out of here”
And the Finalists Are...
Hello hello and welcome to this week’s six sentence story based on the word WIRE. I realized about an hour ago that I didn’t post last week’s story based on the word GRACE, so that will be popping up as a Microfiction piece in a few weeks… So, join me today and follow the story of our unnamed narrator, as she tries to reconcile what she has accomplished and how far she has come. It was a…
Because I remember disinformation being spread around the last few elections and I’m sure assholes will bring it back: